Maria shifted, jerkily, unused to such a light load. They could not afford trying, or failure in this. She did not doubt for an instant that her solution was inelegant, elegance simply wasn't in her wheelhouse.

"Calm would be good, but cowed is better. There seems to be so much...misplaced hatred in the air. These secular arguments are weighty. And divisive. What can unify the fractious but a demonstration of faith, and hate turned to its holy purpose? We have targets slated for execution already, human, witch, and otherwise."

"The blood of the wicked will wash the streets clean of misspent effort, and remind the citizens considering violence upon their neighbors that the Imperium's grip remains strong and unremitting."
"Your ceaseless zeal is ever-inspiring Maria," Ilana relutantly shook her head, she was never pleased to be put in a position where she had to refuse one of her Sisters. "But hatred once aflame, is difficult to put out. I urge that any such displays of zeal to be held as a last resort. Fear not Sister, as it was said in Canticle XXV of Insights of St. Barquiel, 'the blood of the heretic shall ever flow under the Emperor's gaze.'"
She smiles tiredly at that. "Guess it'd be hard to argue with boltguns. But feth, it's not like we're the only ones making trouble." She nods her head in the direction of the augmented rioters across the street. You can hear chants of 'witch' and 'mutant', cursing the pelagers for having spread of the plague. Then, she gestures toward the gates of the facility, littered with bodies. "There's blood on the streets, and people are scared and angry. I can try to calm people down. But it's right mess right now."
Ilana's shining helm turned to look down at the pelager sharply, the distortion induced by the autolocutor failing to hide the cold undercurrent in her words. "That would be appreciated... Pelager. Now if you could further direct us to where you believe the other leaders to be, we shall see to pacifying the rest of the rioters."
"No," Eriko shakes her head resolutely. "They know but not enough. They need a guiding hand to achieve the greatest results. Soldiers to live and fight now or tomorrow if need be, not dead men and women or soldiers crippled out of inaction."

She climbs to her feet, leaning heavily on Palais. She teeters on the edge of blacking out but she grits her teeth and pushes past the sweet promise of unconsciousness into painful wakefulness. A second's pause allows her to sweep her eyes over her helmet's runes, reading and taking meaning from them as quickly as she would a children's book.

She could take her last dose but Palais is right. It would be too risky.

If she was to continue her duties it would be through the strength of will alone.

"I can do this. This is what I can do." She grits her teeth as she releases her grip from Palais. "Let me do this."
Palais sighs, then pulls her hand away. "Fine. If you insist, Sister. I'm not going to stop you." Still, she remains right behind you as you limp forward. Then, with a groan, Storm of Summer's motive systems shut down.
Free from Palais' support she attempts to take a step towards the manufactorum, now a field hospital. She had spent what seemed to be her whole life in field hospitals much like what the manufactorum was now, sheltering her and her Sisters and their patients from bombs that dropped like rain around them.

There were no bombs now, just the dying and the battle ending. Perfect conditions, but even then her legs would not move. She tried again, pushing, but still her feet were planted on the ground.

She checked her helmet readings and saw that the servo-joints of Storm of Summer's legs had shut down of their own accord. She would stay put in her position short of being carried like a sack of rice.

Realizing the futility of fighting her armour in this, Eriko closed her eyes and rested her chin on the upper lip of her breastplate. There was little to do but wait and pray to the Emperor for forgiveness.

"I believe I shall rest, Sister-Superior."
"Eriko?" Palais asks, jostling your shoulder. Storm of Summer hardly shifts at the movement. "Is something wrong? I mean, besides the broken-Ah." Her helmet glances you up and down. Slowly, she shakes her head, then taps her vox. "Sister Derosa, could you send Sister Arina? Storm of Summer seems to have grown disquieted."

"Rest sounds like a good idea. Let's get you inside, Sister." Palais says as Arina arrives. The woman has removed her helm. Her bowl cut is peeled away on the right side to make room for the expansive plating that surrounds her bionic eye. The tawny-skinned woman pulls her lips back in a grimace as she runs a hand along your cuirass.

"Ceramite shell is intact, but dented pretty badly. Some of its sacred systems could be misaligned, I suppose? I can try to relieve the Machine's pain, but I'm no tech-priest." Arina says as she stands. "I think it would be best if we remove our Sister from her armor. I can perform the rituals for that, at least."

"Either way, let's get her inside." Palais says, wrapping her arms around you.

With Storm of Summer not cooperating, the two Sisters drag you inside the manufactorum. There amidst the rockcrete floors and rusted catwalks, the groans of the wounded greet you. There are nine in total laid out upon padded bedrolls, their flak armor laid out in neat stacks nearby. A pair of PDF medics watch over the wounded men and women, moving between the wounded to change out bandages or examine IV tubes. One soldier in particular is restrained, their eyes showing the vacant horror of shell-shock. Another's chest is a blanket of blood-soaked bandages though, at least for the moment, he seems stable.

"I think I want to try a second dose of the disinectants. The claws on those things can't be clean-" You hear through the haze of pain as Palais and Arina lay you down. Palais turns away as Arina mutters soothing psalms to Storm of Summer, anointing the wounds upon its cuirass with holy oils. Over her words, you hear Palais speaking into the vox.

"Sister Legatine? Yes, Sister Eriko is wounded but stable. You have Sister Hospitaller, with you? My thanks." She turns back, kneeling down beside you. "You'll be fine, Sister. The PDF medics have their injured under control, and there's another Hospitaller of your Order coming with the Legatine Lethicia. She'll have a look at your chest. We're going to get Storm of Summer off of you, or at least the cuirass. Your fighting's done for today, Sister."

There's a hiss of air as she removes her helmet, revealing her burn-scarred face. "You did well, Sister. To stand against two of those beasts on your own, and to cut one of them down. Leanna was standing with you, today, I don't doubt it."
Caelia nods. She was still exhausted, but the triumph of victory and purging the remnants of the enemy lent a certain energy, burning like dark coals deep inside. "Of course, Sister-Superior." She grabs her boltgun, and falls in with Sister Superior Derosa. There was still work to be done.

(Join the Sister Superior)
"It is your choice, Sister. I am not your direct superior." Derosa says. "My thanks for your assistance, Sister." She turns on her heel, waving her chainsword forward. But then, Palais' voice crackles over the vox.

"Sister Derosa, could you send Sister Arina? Storm of Summer seems to have grown disquieted." Palais says, stating the name of Eriko's blessed warplate. The other Sororitas glance at one another, but with a tilt of Derosa's head, Arina shrugs and stomps her way toward your battle-sister.

"Arina? She may have served with the Mechanicus a fair amount, but she isn't a Tech-priest." Sister Katherine says. "Emperor grace them. They'll need it."

"Regardless, there are heretics in dire need of Leanna's mercy," Derosa says. "Come, Sisters."

Under the watchful eyes of Sister Greiland and Pia as well as some of the PDF troopers, you make your way across the plaza. In the distance, you see the PDF lieutenant bellowing and gesturing at those men who had earlier fled, but you pay them no heed. The dead are piled high, but the wounded are everywhere. Some are obvious, writhing and groaning as they claw at their bleeding wounds, or crawling toward safety. These die swiftly, slain by gladius blade or crushed beneath your boot. Many others are not so easy to pick out. Many of the heretics are unconscious, and barely distinguishable from the dead. Only a careful eye can distinguish the rise and fall of their chests or note their bodies are somewhat warmer than the slain who have begun to chill. Still others are playing dead.

One heretic rolls out of the way just as you bring your boot down on where his head would've been, drawing a stub pistol from his belt-Only to find Derosa and her growling chainsword looming above him. Another heretic you spot lying beneath a pair of bodies, pin pulled on the fragmentation grenade in her hands. A bolt round from Slayer of Ten Thousand detonates it from a safe distance.

It is not long until the PDF and even some of the civilians join you in your hunt. There is something of a joy in the former's killing, a way to regain control after the horrors they had witnessed. For every clean kill with a lasgun or bayonet, another heretic is made to suffer for their crimes. A PDF flame trooper even uses up some of her promethium to help set up an impromptu pyre for some of the heretics. The civilians, for their part, are a ragged bunch. Many are sick, some only bearing the few early signs of the Black Rot. Others look half dead, the meat on their bones blackened and falling away in festering pieces. Some even bear signs of other illnesses, such as one poor lass whose constant coughs leave blood on her lips. The PDF keep their distance from the sick, constantly checking their gasmasks, whispers of 'plague god touched' audible over your auto-senses.

Yet, these sickly men and women prove invaluable. When they drag the first shaking, howling heretic from where they'd been cowering in a dumpster, you hear Sister Katherine chuckle. "From the most grandiose spires to the most meek of men, everything the Emperor protects has a purpose." She says. "It reminds me in a way of the oaths we took before the Wreath of Casita, on Leanna's Rest."

As Derosa's blade deals out judgement to the heretic, you hear the thrum of an engine.

"One of ours." Derosa calls out as the Rhino emerges into sight, its scarlet armor dazzling bright in the evening light. The Solemn Penace rolls to a halt not far from the western side of the courtyard, its heavy bolter scanning the terrain for a few moments. Then, the ramp lowers with a hiss of its hydraulics, and several Battle Sisters bearing the icons of Squad Lethicia make their way out, making the aquila at you in greeting. Like you they have seen combat, small pock-marks and scratches indicating impact marks and many of their ammo satchels emptied. Alongside them are a pair of servitors clad in scarlet robes, and a woman in the blue carapace and robes of the Order of Pure Water. Following with stiff steps behind them comes Legatine Lethicia. Her armor is wreathed in honor markings, and a refractor shield bearing the coat of arms of the House of Emedus is sat into her gorget. Her helm is off, showing freckled skin with an unhealthy pallor and thin scarlet hair. A brass augmetic juts from her throat, and cables that run from the back of her skull down her spine. She is young, you can see, even ignoring rejuvenat. Perhaps only a few decades older than you.

"Good evening, Sisters." The pleasant words are left with a harsh, electric ring to them. Still, the warmth in her smile is obvious as she looks over each of you in turn. "Emperor be praised, but it looks like you handled yourself alright. When I heard what you were fighting, I feared for you, but the Emperor was watching over you. Blessed be those who reap the sinners from the Emperor's sight," She says. "You have my leave to take a rest, my Sisters. Get some dinner. You deserve it. My squad can take over the clean-up duty."

Maria shifted, jerkily, unused to such a light load. They could not afford trying, or failure in this. She did not doubt for an instant that her solution was inelegant, elegance simply wasn't in her wheelhouse.

"Calm would be good, but cowed is better. There seems to be so much...misplaced hatred in the air. These secular arguments are weighty. And divisive. What can unify the fractious but a demonstration of faith, and hate turned to its holy purpose? We have targets slated for execution already, human, witch, and otherwise."

"The blood of the wicked will wash the streets clean of misspent effort, and remind the citizens considering violence upon their neighbors that the Imperium's grip remains strong and unremitting."
"Your ceaseless zeal is ever-inspiring Maria," Ilana relutantly shook her head, she was never pleased to be put in a position where she had to refuse one of her Sisters. "But hatred once aflame, is difficult to put out. I urge that any such displays of zeal to be held as a last resort. Fear not Sister, as it was said in Canticle XXV of Insights of St. Barquiel, 'the blood of the heretic shall ever flow under the Emperor's gaze.'"
"I mean, we've strung up more than a few of these bloody cultists already. But far as the lot o'er there are concerned, we Pelagers ain't any different." The woman says, shrugging her brawny shoulders. "I mean, we can burn more, I guess. But I ain't sure that it wouldn't be as you-" She wiggles a finger as Illana. "-Says."

Father Tibim, however, seems wrapped in thought at the idea. "As Eriente says, we have performed some purges of our own. But perhaps not enough. Each pyre lit is a demonstration of faith and a reassurance of purpose. More than that, perhaps the God-Emperor will smile upon our work. It risks getting out of control, but perhaps if I was to take the responsibility for all the executions, it would prevent the risk of spreading beyond control. Make it official, rather than controlled by the mob."

Eriente tilts her head. "Or another priest. One who isn't associated with the ghetto might be an easier sell."

Tibim frowns, but is forced to nod. "Her suggestion has...Merit. Though I feel more than up to such a task."
Ilana's shining helm turned to look down at the pelager sharply, the distortion induced by the autolocutor failing to hide the cold undercurrent in her words. "That would be appreciated... Pelager. Now if you could further direct us to where you believe the other leaders to be, we shall see to pacifying the rest of the rioters."
"We ain't exactly on speaking terms, ma'am." Eriente says, an ugly smile crossing her face. "Not for lack of trying, but Tibim's the only one I got to listen. But I might be able to give some advice. Selveria ain't here, but one of her officers is leading that mob across the square. I'm sure they'll be willing to give you directions if you have a pleasant talk with 'em. If not, I can give you a map with a few likely locations. If you can have a talk with Collier, I doubt she'd offer much more trouble. From what I know she's a sweet lass, honestly, but a lot of people she knows are sick and she's just desperate. I doubt she wanted to lead people any more than I did, honestly."

Tibim speaks up. "Vennedes and her followers fled sometime ago. They suffered horribly, both from trying to force the Merud facility and from losses taken in the cult raid, and routed in the face of the losses they took. But I imagine some of their number may be in the Hospitaller post, and Eriente believes the woman may be staying somewhere along the dockside. Vennedes...I'm not sure I believe she follows the Dark Powers, but she is a violent individual nonetheless, with no respect for life or law. I have seen her lot fight the cult, but I believe I may have also seen a witch among their number. She looked wrong to my eye, and some of the fires that burned during the riot seemed of unnatural make to my eye. But I am no witch-finder, and cannot say for sure."

Eriente takes a breath. "The Lumenator, I ain't got a clue, and that's probably the way he likes it. He's always been a cowardly little shit. He can talk a mean game and he's smart, but he only ever turns up behind a solid wall of muscle. Warp, last I heard he's got himself servitor bodyguards. Worried the Arbites or Mechanicus are after him or such." The abhuman freak shrugs her shoulders. "He's friendly with a lot of the better equipped gangs, though. Some of them might be able to arrange a meeting, or at least a talk on the vox."
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Palais sighs, then pulls her hand away. "Fine. If you insist, Sister. I'm not going to stop you." Still, she remains right behind you as you limp forward. Then, with a groan, Storm of Summer's motive systems shut down.
"Eriko?" Palais asks, jostling your shoulder. Storm of Summer hardly shifts at the movement. "Is something wrong? I mean, besides the broken-Ah." Her helmet glances you up and down. Slowly, she shakes her head, then taps her vox. "Sister Derosa, could you send Sister Arina? Storm of Summer seems to have grown disquieted."

"Rest sounds like a good idea. Let's get you inside, Sister." Palais says as Arina arrives. The woman has removed her helm. Her bowl cut is peeled away on the right side to make room for the expansive plating that surrounds her bionic eye. The tawny-skinned woman pulls her lips back in a grimace as she runs a hand along your cuirass.

"Ceramite shell is intact, but dented pretty badly. Some of its sacred systems could be misaligned, I suppose? I can try to relieve the Machine's pain, but I'm no tech-priest." Arina says as she stands. "I think it would be best if we remove our Sister from her armor. I can perform the rituals for that, at least."

"Either way, let's get her inside." Palais says, wrapping her arms around you.

With Storm of Summer not cooperating, the two Sisters drag you inside the manufactorum. There amidst the rockcrete floors and rusted catwalks, the groans of the wounded greet you. There are nine in total laid out upon padded bedrolls, their flak armor laid out in neat stacks nearby. A pair of PDF medics watch over the wounded men and women, moving between the wounded to change out bandages or examine IV tubes. One soldier in particular is restrained, their eyes showing the vacant horror of shell-shock. Another's chest is a blanket of blood-soaked bandages though, at least for the moment, he seems stable.

"I think I want to try a second dose of the disinectants. The claws on those things can't be clean-" You hear through the haze of pain as Palais and Arina lay you down. Palais turns away as Arina mutters soothing psalms to Storm of Summer, anointing the wounds upon its cuirass with holy oils. Over her words, you hear Palais speaking into the vox.

"Sister Legatine? Yes, Sister Eriko is wounded but stable. You have Sister Hospitaller, with you? My thanks." She turns back, kneeling down beside you. "You'll be fine, Sister. The PDF medics have their injured under control, and there's another Hospitaller of your Order coming with the Legatine Lethicia. She'll have a look at your chest. We're going to get Storm of Summer off of you, or at least the cuirass. Your fighting's done for today, Sister."

There's a hiss of air as she removes her helmet, revealing her burn-scarred face. "You did well, Sister. To stand against two of those beasts on your own, and to cut one of them down. Leanna was standing with you, today, I don't doubt it."
Eriko gives Palais a wan smile, wincing slightly as Arina's work on Storm of Summers had inadvertently shifted her arm at an awkward angle. Slowly, her armour began to respond once again to her movements but she laid still, accepting of Arina's assistance.

"Those are kind words, Sister-Superior," she said as healing psalms rose and fell in the background. "I'd like to imagine she did with all of us today, routing the cultists and disrupting their work like we just did. A pity the apostate fled but I take my victories where I can."

Arina begins the process of freeing her from the cuirass and for a few seconds there is silence. Then Eriko snorts suddenly, a small chuckle following.

"My apologies for my stubborness. Even the Storm of Summer disagreed with my course. Adrenaline and nerve-suppressants have a interesting relationship with one's decisions, but now I trust your judgement enough to lie here, still." Her eyes close as she listens to the sounds of the field hospital and in that moment she seemed the most at peace as Palais had ever seen her. Not even the wounds she had sustained could seem to bother her. "Yes, they do seem to have it all in hand. Perhaps this is a sign for me to reflect post-battle but I stand ready if you have need of me, Sister."


"My gratitude for your assistance," she says to Arina before turning her eyes back to Palais. "How are the Sisters Caelia and Pia? They were enamoured with the promise of cutting down peasants last I was with them, perhaps too much considering the Apostate was within our grasp if only--"

She flexes her hand, clearly agitated but it fades almost immediately and she shakes her head. "There will be other opportunities to catch her. But please, do not let me keep you. My thoughts and prayers are company enough for me."
"One of ours." Derosa calls out as the Rhino emerges into sight, its scarlet armor dazzling bright in the evening light. The Solemn Penace rolls to a halt not far from the western side of the courtyard, its heavy bolter scanning the terrain for a few moments. Then, the ramp lowers with a hiss of its hydraulics, and several Battle Sisters bearing the icons of Squad Lethicia make their way out, making the aquila at you in greeting. Like you they have seen combat, small pock-marks and scratches indicating impact marks and many of their ammo satchels emptied. Alongside them are a pair of servitors clad in scarlet robes, and a woman in the blue carapace and robes of the Order of Pure Water. Following with stiff steps behind them comes Legatine Lethicia. Her armor is wreathed in honor markings, and a refractor shield bearing the coat of arms of the House of Emedus is sat into her gorget. Her helm is off, showing freckled skin with an unhealthy pallor and thin scarlet hair. A brass augmetic juts from her throat, and cables that run from the back of her skull down her spine. She is young, you can see, even ignoring rejuvenat. Perhaps only a few decades older than you.

"Good evening, Sisters." The pleasant words are left with a harsh, electric ring to them. Still, the warmth in her smile is obvious as she looks over each of you in turn. "Emperor be praised, but it looks like you handled yourself alright. When I heard what you were fighting, I feared for you, but the Emperor was watching over you. Blessed be those who reap the sinners from the Emperor's sight," She says. "You have my leave to take a rest, my Sisters. Get some dinner. You deserve it. My squad can take over the clean-up duty."

Caelia was so exhausted she could barely feel the excitement of a superior praising her for her conduct in battle. There was only relief for it to be over-she had done her duty. She found somewhere to sit as close as possible-a chunk of broken rubble heavy enough to accept her armored form. Her Warhelm came off next, exposing her died red hair and sweat sodden features to the open air.

She barely reacted to the stench-her own helmet had become a miasma of sweat and fear. She found a ration bar at her belt, and begin eating it-the bland taste was perhaps even a blessing in these conditions. She did not try to ignore what she had seen, but she certainly did not ruminate on it either. She didn't think much anything at all, concentrating only on resting and eating.

She rested for some time.
Eriente tilts her head. "Or another priest. One who isn't associated with the ghetto might be an easier sell."

Tibim frowns, but is forced to nod. "Her suggestion has...Merit. Though I feel more than up to such a task."
"We ain't exactly on speaking terms, ma'am." Eriente says, an ugly smile crossing her face. "Not for lack of trying, but Tibim's the only one I got to listen. But I might be able to give some advice. Selveria ain't here, but one of her officers is leading that mob across the square. I'm sure they'll be willing to give you directions if you have a pleasant talk with 'em. If not, I can give you a map with a few likely locations. If you can have a talk with Collier, I doubt she'd offer much more trouble. From what I know she's a sweet lass, honestly, but a lot of people she knows are sick and she's just desperate. I doubt she wanted to lead people any more than I did, honestly."

Tibim speaks up. "Vennedes and her followers fled sometime ago. They suffered horribly, both from trying to force the Merud facility and from losses taken in the cult raid, and routed in the face of the losses they took. But I imagine some of their number may be in the Hospitaller post, and Eriente believes the woman may be staying somewhere along the dockside. Vennedes...I'm not sure I believe she follows the Dark Powers, but she is a violent individual nonetheless, with no respect for life or law. I have seen her lot fight the cult, but I believe I may have also seen a witch among their number. She looked wrong to my eye, and some of the fires that burned during the riot seemed of unnatural make to my eye. But I am no witch-finder, and cannot say for sure."

"We have made contact with associates of the Lumenator. While rough around the edges..." Maria trailed off. The sight of that faux bolter blazed angrily in the sister's mind, but she suppressed the bile. Now was the time for peace where it could be made. "They have stood against the heretic and servants of this darkness well enough. If brother Ollanius can bend Kristold's ear that leaves Collier to placate, and only her."

"The reports of Vennedes consorting with the witch cannot be ignored." She was loathe to speak the name, too many ears, and too much uncertainty to the depths of the creature's power. The insidious nature of the incursions they'd seen so far made caution seem wise. Maria continued. "The heretic has no loyalty and no self-control. They turn upon one another, fighting, hunting, abandoning their brethren to the foul beasts that swell their ranks. You have your complaints: but hers is anathema, as is the company she keeps. It must be purged."

Maria lapsed in to silence, the final word just a low growl. Too much talking, and too many strangers. She looked to Ilana for guidance, Liandra for orders. Either would do.
Eriko gives Palais a wan smile, wincing slightly as Arina's work on Storm of Summers had inadvertently shifted her arm at an awkward angle. Slowly, her armour began to respond once again to her movements but she laid still, accepting of Arina's assistance.

"Those are kind words, Sister-Superior," she said as healing psalms rose and fell in the background. "I'd like to imagine she did with all of us today, routing the cultists and disrupting their work like we just did. A pity the apostate fled but I take my victories where I can."

Arina begins the process of freeing her from the cuirass and for a few seconds there is silence. Then Eriko snorts suddenly, a small chuckle following.

"My apologies for my stubborness. Even the Storm of Summer disagreed with my course. Adrenaline and nerve-suppressants have a interesting relationship with one's decisions, but now I trust your judgement enough to lie here, still." Her eyes close as she listens to the sounds of the field hospital and in that moment she seemed the most at peace as Palais had ever seen her. Not even the wounds she had sustained could seem to bother her. "Yes, they do seem to have it all in hand. Perhaps this is a sign for me to reflect post-battle but I stand ready if you have need of me, Sister."


"My gratitude for your assistance," she says to Arina before turning her eyes back to Palais. "How are the Sisters Caelia and Pia? They were enamoured with the promise of cutting down peasants last I was with them, perhaps too much considering the Apostate was within our grasp if only--"

She flexes her hand, clearly agitated but it fades almost immediately and she shakes her head. "There will be other opportunities to catch her. But please, do not let me keep you. My thoughts and prayers are company enough for me."
Palais smiles softly at you. "No need to apologize, Sister. Stubborness is a trait every Sororitas should possess-Even if it can frustrate Sister-Superior Derosa." She chuckles at your 'metaphorically' statement as Sister Arina begins the rites to remove you from your armor. Though you are trained in the rituals to remove and equip armor as necessary, it is not a swift process even with an experienced tech-priest. It is a slow, painstaking process in Arina and Palais' hands, removing each piece of plate with the utmost care.

"Sister Caelia and Pia are fine. Better than you're doing, for sure." She says, grimacing at the mention of the heretic. "The heretics turned and fled with their tails between their legs. They may have lived today, but they'll have to remember their cowardice for the rest of their very short lives."

The minutes continue on as you are removed from the Storm of Summer. Finally, Palais rises, making the sign of the aquila in parting. "Rest well, Sister."

Arina, for her part, remains at your side, examining the removed warplate.

It is not long after that a Sister in the aqua blue carapace of your former order makes her way in through the door. A younger woman whose face and body are unmarred by the horrors of age or war, but the solemness in her expression and silver eyes denies inexperience. She stops a moment to slap something that's landed on the black skin of her neck then glances over the Astra Militarum medicae. She says something to them, about 'nets on the windows', then strides across the rockcrete floor toward you.

"Sister Eriko, I presume?" She asks.

"This is her." Arina comments. "Rib fracture, if the Machine Spirit spake true."

The Hospitaller nods, kneeling down beside you in a rasp of armor plates and cloth robe. "Remain still, Sister. This will be but a moment." A diagnosticator runs over your chest, even as the woman examines your bruised and scraped chest. "Seems the Machine Spirit was correct. There's also severe bruising and swelling, moderate blood loss-though it seems to have stopped on its own, Emperor be praised." As she taps at her scanner, she glances down at you. "How's the pain, Sister? Judging by the dilation in your eyes, you've already taken painkillers. They holding steady?" She asks. "I believe your Legatine mentioned that you were a formerly a Sister of the Order of Pure Water?" She asks. It's a casual question, the sort medics ask to keep their patients awake and focused. You've done it many a time, though there is a note of earnest curiosity in her voice.
Caelia was so exhausted she could barely feel the excitement of a superior praising her for her conduct in battle. There was only relief for it to be over-she had done her duty. She found somewhere to sit as close as possible-a chunk of broken rubble heavy enough to accept her armored form. Her Warhelm came off next, exposing her died red hair and sweat sodden features to the open air.

She barely reacted to the stench-her own helmet had become a miasma of sweat and fear. She found a ration bar at her belt, and begin eating it-the bland taste was perhaps even a blessing in these conditions. She did not try to ignore what she had seen, but she certainly did not ruminate on it either. She didn't think much anything at all, concentrating only on resting and eating.

She rested for some time.
Where some Orders of the Sororitas and many of the Astartes may subsist solely on bland meals, the Order of the Burning Rose has always been content to feel its meal-halls with heartier fare. Nothing to match the courts of the nobility, where fruit from distant sectors or exotic meat may line their tables, but you have known the pleasure of a well cooked side of grox or a glass of amasec. In times of war, however, those luxuries seem a distant thing indeed.

A corpse-starch bar is bland, with an odd texture that is simultaneously too crunchy and too soft. The nickname itself bodes ill, and yet, as exhaustion tugs at your bones and your body aches all over, it seems like a welcome treat. Its bland taste helps settle your stomach after the horrors you have witnessed, and the nutrient packed bar helps revitalize your weary muscles. (Remove 1 fatigue). Eventually, you hear the rubble shift, and turn to see Sister Palais slide down onto the ground beside you, her helmet mag-locked to her side. You eat in companionable silence for a minute, though your Sister-Superior eats with much more energy than you do. Then, you hear her curse something under her breath.

"This planet." She sighs.

It is only as you begin to grow more awake that you become aware of the sound of buzzing in your ear. It isn't long until you're swatting an insect that's landed on your neck. Then another on your forehead and a third above your ear.

They're bizarre things, two-headed with twin proboscises like two insects merged crudely into one. They swarm around you, an incessant cloud of biting, stinging bugs. Palais hurries through the psalms as she rettaches her helmet.

"Isn't Dreverarch lovely, Sister?"

"We have made contact with associates of the Lumenator. While rough around the edges..." Maria trailed off. The sight of that faux bolter blazed angrily in the sister's mind, but she suppressed the bile. Now was the time for peace where it could be made. "They have stood against the heretic and servants of this darkness well enough. If brother Ollanius can bend Kristold's ear that leaves Collier to placate, and only her."

"The reports of Vennedes consorting with the witch cannot be ignored." She was loathe to speak the name, too many ears, and too much uncertainty to the depths of the creature's power. The insidious nature of the incursions they'd seen so far made caution seem wise. Maria continued. "The heretic has no loyalty and no self-control. They turn upon one another, fighting, hunting, abandoning their brethren to the foul beasts that swell their ranks. You have your complaints: but hers is anathema, as is the company she keeps. It must be purged."

Maria lapsed in to silence, the final word just a low growl. Too much talking, and too many strangers. She looked to Ilana for guidance, Liandra for orders. Either would do.
The priest nods at your words. "You are true. That Vennedes has fought the cultists need not speak to anything except the innate treachery of their ilk."

The abhuman opens her mouth to say something, but then thinks better of it and shrugs. "Heretic or not, Vennedes has been a pain in the arse. I won't be sorry to see her go." She smiles at the father's look. "'Pologies for my crude words."

"The Witch Eneresh was said to consort with Vennedes." Liandra states, refusing to even look at Eriente. "If this is true, then we may be able to find the witch-spawn through her."

"Suffer not the witch to live." Sister Anna says, making a point to check her boltgun.

Liandra growls low. "Suffer not the witch." She agrees. "But we must not forget the Merud facility either." She turns around, motioning at you and Sister Ilana. "See if you can find any Vennedes men in the Hospitaller station. I'm sure the Hospitaller would be glad to aid in any interrogation. When you're done, fetch the witch-hunter. Sister Anna and I will speak with the Merud men."
It is not long after that a Sister in the aqua blue carapace of your former order makes her way in through the door. A younger woman whose face and body are unmarred by the horrors of age or war, but the solemness in her expression and silver eyes denies inexperience. She stops a moment to slap something that's landed on the black skin of her neck then glances over the Astra Militarum medicae. She says something to them, about 'nets on the windows', then strides across the rockcrete floor toward you.

"Sister Eriko, I presume?" She asks.

"This is her." Arina comments. "Rib fracture, if the Machine Spirit spake true."

The Hospitaller nods, kneeling down beside you in a rasp of armor plates and cloth robe. "Remain still, Sister. This will be but a moment." A diagnosticator runs over your chest, even as the woman examines your bruised and scraped chest. "Seems the Machine Spirit was correct. There's also severe bruising and swelling, moderate blood loss-though it seems to have stopped on its own, Emperor be praised." As she taps at her scanner, she glances down at you. "How's the pain, Sister? Judging by the dilation in your eyes, you've already taken painkillers. They holding steady?" She asks. "I believe your Legatine mentioned that you were a formerly a Sister of the Order of Pure Water?" She asks. It's a casual question, the sort medics ask to keep their patients awake and focused. You've done it many a time, though there is a note of earnest curiosity in her voice.
Eriko's eyes widen a fraction in surprise as the Hospitaller appears, but at the mention of her name she inclines her head.

"You have my name but I am at a disadvantage, Sister?" she asks the Hospitaller. Eriko lies her head down, eyes turning up to stare at the ceiling as the Hospitaller kneels down and begins her holy work. She could feel insects land on her exposed chest, tiny legs and dual proboscises stinging where they can. She could barely feel them, dosed on pain killers as she is, and it is easy to ignore them but Arina's arm sweeps over and swats most them away.

"Yes, somewhat," Eriko replies calmly, blinking slowly as a fresh wave of aches courses through her chest. "Three doses, one after the other. The effect's duration is lengthened by the mixture but I suspect it is not long now before the effects dissipate fully."

"I was once of the Pure Water but I am only recently became a fully-fledged Battle-Sister here. My transfer was approved several years ago and I began training to learn the way of the Burning Rose." She sighs through her nostrils as she recalls the training. Not as grueling as that she had experienced in the Schola as a Sororitas hopeful nor as a Hospitaller-novice. "The way of life, the codes one lives by, and the work between two Missions is so disparate as to be almost contrary to one another, much less different Orders. Theirs... Ours is the calling of the warrior."

Eriko glances at the Hospitaller then at Arina, before returning to stare at the ceiling. "Yet there are many similarities as well, both in fundamentals and the details. Such as, what brings your Mission here to Dreverarch? You were noted in the briefing but are your reasons similar to the 6th's?"
"This planet." She sighs.

It is only as you begin to grow more awake that you become aware of the sound of buzzing in your ear. It isn't long until you're swatting an insect that's landed on your neck. Then another on your forehead and a third above your ear.

They're bizarre things, two-headed with twin proboscises like two insects merged crudely into one. They swarm around you, an incessant cloud of biting, stinging bugs. Palais hurries through the psalms as she rettaches her helmet.

"Isn't Dreverarch lovely, Sister?"

Caelia quickly finishes her ration bar, then puts her helmet back on as fast as humanly possible. "No wonder the PDF wear gasmasks." She voices as her helmet reconnects to her armor, and her holovisor spirit restored itself. "No wonder the inhabitants are driven to such disorder and poverty. You have to be insane or desperate to live here."

She laughs for a moment, uncharacteristic and a little crazed, and she recalled her own Velorum-"Or impressively stubborn."
Eriko's eyes widen a fraction in surprise as the Hospitaller appears, but at the mention of her name she inclines her head.

"You have my name but I am at a disadvantage, Sister?" she asks the Hospitaller. Eriko lies her head down, eyes turning up to stare at the ceiling as the Hospitaller kneels down and begins her holy work. She could feel insects land on her exposed chest, tiny legs and dual proboscises stinging where they can. She could barely feel them, dosed on pain killers as she is, and it is easy to ignore them but Arina's arm sweeps over and swats most them away.

"Yes, somewhat," Eriko replies calmly, blinking slowly as a fresh wave of aches courses through her chest. "Three doses, one after the other. The effect's duration is lengthened by the mixture but I suspect it is not long now before the effects dissipate fully."

"I was once of the Pure Water but I am only recently became a fully-fledged Battle-Sister here. My transfer was approved several years ago and I began training to learn the way of the Burning Rose." She sighs through her nostrils as she recalls the training. Not as grueling as that she had experienced in the Schola as a Sororitas hopeful nor as a Hospitaller-novice. "The way of life, the codes one lives by, and the work between two Missions is so disparate as to be almost contrary to one another, much less different Orders. Theirs... Ours is the calling of the warrior."

Eriko glances at the Hospitaller then at Arina, before returning to stare at the ceiling. "Yet there are many similarities as well, both in fundamentals and the details. Such as, what brings your Mission here to Dreverarch? You were noted in the briefing but are your reasons similar to the 6th's?"
"My name is Meria Theodosius, Sister." She replies, stopping a moment to set an incense candle besides your impromptu bed-stand. The thick, cloying smoke soon discourages the insects from harassing you, and behind you see the two medicae starting to cover up the windows.

As you speak, she pokes and murmurs at her diagnosticator tool. She pauses at your query, a flash of confusion crossing her face. "The 6th?" She asks, before her eyes widen with recognition. "Ah. The Reformed Mission of the Wreath of Casita, right. No, we've been on station for some time. From my understanding, the Order's always had a presence on the world to help with the disease and conflict with the tribes, but it was expanded in the wake of the war of the Choir. That was before my time-I arrived about a year ago, from Treyin? Not my first time as a field medicae though-I've done it for Cannoness Jessira, and earlier during a Greenskin incursion at Castyr IV." She says. "Technically speaking, we weren't actually given permission to enter the district. But the Order of Pure Water isn't one to sit idly by. The PDF weren't in the mood to deny us entry. I believe if anyone asks, we're supposed to tell them we're here to support you."

She clicks her tongue. "Your rib will take several days to heal, barring the intervention of a vitae reparative unit." She says. Those life-saving systems of the Hospitaller were invaluable, but also unreliable and not easily replaced in the field. "In the former case, you should be able to remain somewhat active, but It'd be some days before you're able to move faster than a limp."
Caelia quickly finishes her ration bar, then puts her helmet back on as fast as humanly possible. "No wonder the PDF wear gasmasks." She voices as her helmet reconnects to her armor, and her holovisor spirit restored itself. "No wonder the inhabitants are driven to such disorder and poverty. You have to be insane or desperate to live here."

She laughs for a moment, uncharacteristic and a little crazed, and she recalled her own Velorum-"Or impressively stubborn."
Palais snorts. "I was born aboard the cruiser Legacy of Piety: If you ask me, all you landlubbers are insane or desperate." She says, laughter in her voice. After a moment, she sobers up, leaning back against the rubble. "'So is Humanity's seed cast far and wide beyond the knowledge of Man, to thrive bitterly in the darkness, to take root and cling with robust and savage determination.' It doesn't seem to matter how harsh or awful the planet is: Humanity will subjugate it, as is our divine right." She tilts her helmet toward the civilians scattered about the plaza. Many sick, both from the Schechin plague as well as other diseases, their frames wasted and skin blackened and peeling away, others coughing or struggling to stand. Yet, stand they do, helping move the remnants of slain cultists under the leery eyes of the PDF troopers.

She snorts. "Honestly, I've been to much worse worlds than this. Harsher or deadlier ones: Hiveworlds, Deathworlds. But Dreverarch is just..." She slaps a bug crawling across her right pauldron, leaving a brown smear on the scarlet plate. "...Annoying. I just hate this planet, more than any Oasis murder-jungle."
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"'So is Humanity's seed cast far and wide beyond the knowledge of Man, to thrive bitterly in the darkness, to take root and cling with robust and savage determination.' It doesn't seem to matter how harsh or awful the planet is: Humanity will subjugate it, as is our divine right." She tilts her helmet toward the civilians scattered about the plaza. Many sick, both from the Schechin plague as well as other diseases, their frames wasted and skin blackened and peeling away, others coughing or struggling to stand. Yet, stand they do, helping move the remnants of slain cultists under the leery eyes of the PDF troopers.

"And hold it against all who would take it from us. Dark Gods and Foreign heretics may claw at our domains, but by the God Emperor, they'll never have it." Caelia speaks, with another interpretation. "It may be awful, but at least it's faithful to the Emperor. A comfort, at the very least."

She snorts. "Honestly, I've been to much worse worlds than this. Harsher or deadlier ones: Hiveworlds, Deathworlds. But Dreverarch is just..." She slaps a bug crawling across her right pauldron, leaving a brown smear on the scarlet plate. "...Annoying. I just hate this planet, more than any Oasis murder-jungle."

"...I've...only been to a few worlds" Caelia says, reluctantly. "But I've been through the environment simulations, the training. It couldn't train me for the real thing." She pauses to slap another fly. "it's not the stink, or the heat, or the blood, or any of those clichés-those you get used to in the first month of training, especially on Velorum."

"It's something about Dreverarch, something different than all that. It's miserable here-and I can't tell why. You were right to warn us, Sister Superior."
The priest nods at your words. "You are true. That Vennedes has fought the cultists need not speak to anything except the innate treachery of their ilk."

The abhuman opens her mouth to say something, but then thinks better of it and shrugs. "Heretic or not, Vennedes has been a pain in the arse. I won't be sorry to see her go." She smiles at the father's look. "'Pologies for my crude words."

"The Witch Eneresh was said to consort with Vennedes." Liandra states, refusing to even look at Eriente. "If this is true, then we may be able to find the witch-spawn through her."

"Suffer not the witch to live." Sister Anna says, making a point to check her boltgun.

Liandra growls low. "Suffer not the witch." She agrees. "But we must not forget the Merud facility either." She turns around, motioning at you and Sister Ilana. "See if you can find any Vennedes men in the Hospitaller station. I'm sure the Hospitaller would be glad to aid in any interrogation. When you're done, fetch the witch-hunter. Sister Anna and I will speak with the Merud men."
Illana nodded, "As the Emperor wills." She said carefully, fighting down the instinctive hatred of those would would willingly consort with the witch. The mutant at least had enough grace to know her place in the Emperor's galaxy, Vennedes' defiance of the natural order of the galaxy however went beyond the forgiveness of any but the Emperor. Even outside of her spiritual failings, it was likely that Vennedes would need to be dealt with at some point anyway. Her file indicated a rabid hatred of the Merud Guild, and if this planet were to return its Tithe in full then a reconciliation was necessary between the citizenry and the Guild. She was not fond of the actions of the latter, from what little she'd seen in the field so far, but it was the nature of pragmatism for its solutions to incite distaste.

"Come Sister, behind the Confessor's booth we go then." Ilana chuckled idly.
The abhuman opens her mouth to say something, but then thinks better of it and shrugs. "Heretic or not, Vennedes has been a pain in the arse. I won't be sorry to see her go." She smiles at the father's look. "'Pologies for my crude words."

"The Witch Eneresh was said to consort with Vennedes." Liandra states, refusing to even look at Eriente. "If this is true, then we may be able to find the witch-spawn through her."

"Suffer not the witch to live." Sister Anna says, making a point to check her boltgun.

Liandra growls low. "Suffer not the witch." She agrees. "But we must not forget the Merud facility either." She turns around, motioning at you and Sister Ilana. "See if you can find any Vennedes men in the Hospitaller station. I'm sure the Hospitaller would be glad to aid in any interrogation. When you're done, fetch the witch-hunter. Sister Anna and I will speak with the Merud men."
"Come Sister, behind the Confessor's booth we go then." Ilana chuckled idly.

"Suffer not the witch."

Maria added her voice to the chorus. She was glad for the shift in their responsibility, a pure, uncomplicated mission free of lay conflict suited her far better. So long as Ilana didn't seek to inject any more levity in to matters it would be blessed.

"By all means Sister. Unburdening his soul is the least a dying man can do."
"My name is Meria Theodosius, Sister." She replies, stopping a moment to set an incense candle besides your impromptu bed-stand. The thick, cloying smoke soon discourages the insects from harassing you, and behind you see the two medicae starting to cover up the windows.

As you speak, she pokes and murmurs at her diagnosticator tool. She pauses at your query, a flash of confusion crossing her face. "The 6th?" She asks, before her eyes widen with recognition. "Ah. The Reformed Mission of the Wreath of Casita, right. No, we've been on station for some time. From my understanding, the Order's always had a presence on the world to help with the disease and conflict with the tribes, but it was expanded in the wake of the war of the Choir. That was before my time-I arrived about a year ago, from Treyin? Not my first time as a field medicae though-I've done it for Cannoness Jessira, and earlier during a Greenskin incursion at Castyr IV." She says. "Technically speaking, we weren't actually given permission to enter the district. But the Order of Pure Water isn't one to sit idly by. The PDF weren't in the mood to deny us entry. I believe if anyone asks, we're supposed to tell them we're here to support you."

She clicks her tongue. "Your rib will take several days to heal, barring the intervention of a vitae respirator." She says. Those life-saving systems of the Hospitaller were invaluable, but also unreliable and not easily replaced in the field. "In the former case, you should be able to remain somewhat active, but It'd be some days before you're able to move faster than a limp."
Eriko nods as Sister Meria tells of her own Order and again as the Hospitaller concludes Eriko's physical state.

"Very well." Eriko sighs, relaxing further into her cot. "Then I shall be too much of a liability when we continue pursuit of the remaining heretics. I wager I shall stay with these soldiers when they return to their headquarters or accompany you back to your own until my squad returns from their mission. It would be refreshing to immerse myself in the Order of Pure Water for a short while."

She inclines her head towards Sister Meria. "But where are my manners? My thanks for your healing, Sister. Now is there more you seek to do here or was I your only intent? I would not know whether to be flattered or disappointed in such a case." The edges of Eriko's lips quirk up to remove the sting of her question.
Eriko nods as Sister Meria tells of her own Order and again as the Hospitaller concludes Eriko's physical state.

"Very well." Eriko sighs, relaxing further into her cot. "Then I shall be too much of a liability when we continue pursuit of the remaining heretics. I wager I shall stay with these soldiers when they return to their headquarters or accompany you back to your own until my squad returns from their mission. It would be refreshing to immerse myself in the Order of Pure Water for a short while."

She inclines her head towards Sister Meria. "But where are my manners? My thanks for your healing, Sister. Now is there more you seek to do here or was I your only intent? I would not know whether to be flattered or disappointed in such a case." The edges of Eriko's lips quirk up to remove the sting of her question.
Meria shakes her head gently. "I've been temporarily seconded to the Legatine Lethicia's command squad, Sister. I'll be checking up on the rest of the Sisters here. In my experience Battle-Sisters sometimes forget to get proper treatment for their wounds-Especially your Order." She says, though there is no judgement in her voice.

"I could attempt use of a Vitae reparative unit. I have one spare, and I think you may as well?" She asks. "But barring that, it is up to your Legatine. I would advise transport to the nearby Hospitaller post, personally."
Illana nodded, "As the Emperor wills." She said carefully, fighting down the instinctive hatred of those would would willingly consort with the witch. The mutant at least had enough grace to know her place in the Emperor's galaxy, Vennedes' defiance of the natural order of the galaxy however went beyond the forgiveness of any but the Emperor. Even outside of her spiritual failings, it was likely that Vennedes would need to be dealt with at some point anyway. Her file indicated a rabid hatred of the Merud Guild, and if this planet were to return its Tithe in full then a reconciliation was necessary between the citizenry and the Guild. She was not fond of the actions of the latter, from what little she'd seen in the field so far, but it was the nature of pragmatism for its solutions to incite distaste.

"Come Sister, behind the Confessor's booth we go then." Ilana chuckled idly.
"Suffer not the witch."

Maria added her voice to the chorus. She was glad for the shift in their responsibility, a pure, uncomplicated mission free of lay conflict suited her far better. So long as Ilana didn't seek to inject any more levity in to matters it would be blessed.

"By all means Sister. Unburdening his soul is the least a dying man can do."
It takes you a little over ten minutes to push your way through the crowds and back up the hill toward the Hospitaller station. The sun is setting in the distance as you climb the hill, bathing the rooftops flooded roads scarlet and highlighting the streams of smoke rising into the sky. Some of the Sisters of Pure Water nod at you as you pass into the orderly rows of medical stations. You find the Witch Hunter's escort outside a tent, Vahn Zayneth himself idly cleaning bits of gristle from his chainsword, having secured a chair from somewhere. He glances up as you near and opens his mouth to say something but one of the mercenaries is swifter.

"Emperor's smiling on us. Hospitaller stabilized our man, praise the Throne. We wouldn't have made it without you." One of the guns for hire says, clapping her fist against her flak vest in a gesture you recognize as a Velorumite salute.

"I've been in worse spots." The Bounty hunter mutters from her spot leaned against a nearby supply crate.

"Are you hear to escort me, Sisters?" The Witch Hunter asks, squinting his eyes against the shine of your armor.

OOC: Okay, so. You're going to try and find someone loyal to Vennedes and interrogate them. How do you plan to do that?
"...I've...only been to a few worlds" Caelia says, reluctantly. "But I've been through the environment simulations, the training. It couldn't train me for the real thing." She pauses to slap another fly. "it's not the stink, or the heat, or the blood, or any of those clichés-those you get used to in the first month of training, especially on Velorum."

"It's something about Dreverarch, something different than all that. It's miserable here-and I can't tell why. You were right to warn us, Sister Superior."
"Maybe it's the humidity." Palais dryly comments, staring at the horizon as the sun begins to set, leaving flooded streets blooming red. "Or the bugs."

A commotion rouses you from your rest, the clicking of firing bolts and the growl of vox chatter in your ear. You sit up to see several Battle-Sisters of Legatine Lethicia's squad as well as some of the PDF troopers unfolding out, raising arms at a shambling figure encroaching down the street. The Legatine turns from a conversation with the PDF lieutenant, one hand on the weapons at her hilt.

After a moment, the autosenses of your helmet resolve the figure. Deathly pale, rotting flesh, a shambling gait, a cold dead eye...And the vox caster implanted in its mouth, the cybernetics making up much of its body, twitching and jerking erratically. A servitor, and one in poor repair at that. It stops some meters away from the plaza proper.

The Legatine moves on over, flanked by two her Sisters, and a very confused PDF officer. From this distance you make out the electric crackle of its vox-caster, but the words are too indistinct even for your armor's spirits to make comprehensible.

Palais glances at you, shakes her head, and with a groan sits up. "The Emperor's work is never done. Come on, Caelia."

The Servitor's head jerks toward you as you approach. "Are you the ones that saved Ollanius' little outpost? Step closer, the spirit of the receiver is crotchety on the best days." The voice that groans from the vox-engine is a low, male voice. You note with some curiosity a dataslate in the Servitor's right hand.

Lethicia's voice, nearly as mechanical, rings out. "This Servitors says its from Kristold, the anarchist. Apparently he wants to speak to you after you saved from his ganger friends." She says, a meaningful pause filling the air. "I can't say I wholly approve of dealing with such redicivsts, Sisters. But I trust your judgement. Some of the Imperium's greatest heroes were once those who failed the Lex Imperialis." She says, her tone warm.

The Servitor interrupts. "Yes, yes. You wanted to speak with me, and speak I will. But not over an open vox. There are coordinates in my Servitor's right hand. Take it. You will send no more than three Battle-Sisters with standard armament to meet at this point in exactly three hours. Any more, or if you come early or late, I leave."

"And who are you to make demands of the Holy Order of the Burning Rose?" Lethicia asks. The Servitor does not reply, merely raising the hand with the dataslate.
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Palais glances at you, shakes her head, and with a groan sits up. "The Emperor's work is never done. Come on, Caelia."

The Servitor's head jerks toward you as you approach. "Are you the ones that saved Ollanius' little outpost? Step closer, the spirit of the receiver is crotchety on the best days." The voice that groans from the vox-engine is a low, male voice. You note with some curiosity a dataslate in the Servitor's right hand.

Lethicia's voice, nearly as mechanical, rings out. "This Servitors says its from Kristold, the anarchist. Apparently he wants to speak to you after you saved from his ganger friends." She says, a meaningful pause filling the air. "I can't say I wholly approve of dealing with such redicivsts, Sisters. But I trust your judgement. Some of the Imperium's greatest heroes were once those who failed the Lex Imperialis." She says, her tone warm.

The Servitor interrupts. "Yes, yes. You wanted to speak with me, and speak I will. But not over an open vox. There are coordinates in my Servitor's right hand. Take it. You will send no more than three Battle-Sisters with standard armament to meet at this point in exactly three hours. Any more, or if you come early or late, I leave."

"And who are you to make demands of the Holy Order of the Burning Rose?" Lethicia asks. The Servitor does not reply, merely raising the hand with the dataslate.

Caelia approaches, her boltgun half raised-ready to snap up at any time. She stays beside the Sister Superior, covering the Servitor. It didn't look dangerous, but after the Dybukks, one could not be too careful.

She listens to it's recidivist's explanation-it sounded innocuous enough to her. Still, she did not trust this man-he was a criminal of the most base sort and steeped in the ways of the Mechanicus. Suspicious. Still ,it could hardly be that dangerous-the man was former guildsman, not any form of soldier or sorcerer (She hoped).

She let her boltgun lower, then flicked to the private comn line. "Sister Superior, I would respectfully suggest we take him up on the offer. I don't trust this...Luminator at all, but if it will help us finish the mission faster, than we should risk it. It can hardly be worse than dealing with the gangers before."
Meria shakes her head gently. "I've been temporarily seconded to the Legatine Lethicia's command squad, Sister. I'll be checking up on the rest of the Sisters here. In my experience Battle-Sisters sometimes forget to get proper treatment for their wounds-Especially your Order." She says, though there is no judgement in her voice.

"I could attempt use of a Vitae reparative unit. I have one spare, and I think you may as well?" She asks. "But barring that, it is up to your Legatine. I would advise transport to the nearby Hospitaller post, personally."
Eriko nodded as Meria explained her tasks and when she gave her suggestion to use the Vitae unit Eriko's fingers lightly tapped Meria on the Sister's wrist.

"No," she shook her head. "My Sisters still have a mission to accomplish, an Apostate to chase. If you believe the Vitae reparative unit to be sufficient here then apply yours on me. I need to be standing and inside my armour before long."

It was a chance to continue and even the restful position of laying down in the middle of a field hospital would not stop her from getting up if she could. She glanced at Arina then at Storm of Summers. It would need to be primed again for her entrance and she could only hope that it would be more amenable to cooperating with her now that she had received treatment.
It takes you a little over ten minutes to push your way through the crowds and back up the hill toward the Hospitaller station. The sun is setting in the distance as you climb the hill, bathing the rooftops flooded roads scarlet and highlighting the streams of smoke rising into the sky. Some of the Sisters of Pure Water nod at you as you pass into the orderly rows of medical stations. You find the Witch Hunter's escort outside a tent, Vahn Zayneth himself idly cleaning bits of gristle from his chainsword, having secured a chair from somewhere. He glances up as you near and opens his mouth to say something but one of the mercenaries is swifter.

"Emperor's smiling on us. Hospitaller stabilized our man, praise the Throne. We wouldn't have made it without you." One of the guns for hire says, clapping her fist against her flak vest in a gesture you recognize as a Velorumite salute.
Ilana inclined her head at the Witch Hunter and his entourage in greeting. Though she disagreed with the callousness he treated the men under him with, she could hardly deny that he served the Emperor with faith blazing in his breast. Still the news that the wounded had survived the heretic assault lifted her spirits, that another man was pulled from an premature end from the clutches of the Archenemy to further serve His Will was always something to give thanks for. "Praise be the Throne," Ilana echoed back the Velorumite mercenary. "The Emperor deemed that your man should still serve, I was merely the emissary of His wishes. It is good news to hear regardless however."

"Are you hear to escort me, Sisters?" The Witch Hunter asks, squinting his eyes against the shine of your armor.
"Hunter Zayneth," She returned her attention to the Witch Hunter. "Our current objective is to interrogate anyone associated with the rebel Vennedes, who stands accused of the crimes against the faith by association with the witch known as Eneresh." The last part came out in something of a snarl, leading to a pause as she composed herself. "However, if you wish to accompany us back to the Merud facility then I have no objections. If you happen aware of anyone in the encampment known to be loyal to Vennedes then that would be of immense aid, and would allow us to depart sooner back to the facility."

OOC: If Zayneth doesn't have a clue then we'll go to ask a Sister of Pure Water. We might also need to ask them to break out the Excruciator in case the rebel proves... Uncooperative.
Eriko nodded as Meria explained her tasks and when she gave her suggestion to use the Vitae unit Eriko's fingers lightly tapped Meria on the Sister's wrist.

"No," she shook her head. "My Sisters still have a mission to accomplish, an Apostate to chase. If you believe the Vitae reparative unit to be sufficient here then apply yours on me. I need to be standing and inside my armour before long."

It was a chance to continue and even the restful position of laying down in the middle of a field hospital would not stop her from getting up if she could. She glanced at Arina then at Storm of Summers. It would need to be primed again for her entrance and she could only hope that it would be more amenable to cooperating with her now that she had received treatment.
"Apostate? You mean that ran off earlier?" Arina asks, cocking her head to the side.

The Hospitaller simply begins to unpack her medical kit. "I'll see about getting you up, then. This will hurt, Sister." Meria says, gently. "I will be applying morphia, and I will be required to restrain you." She says, her voice brooking no argument. Morphia injections dim your sense of feeling, as Arina and Meria apply leather restraints across your body. Then the Hospitaller begins applying the reparatory unit. The next few minutes are a haze of applied cables and injections, a respirator unit finding its place over your mouth and nose, strange devices planted across the most injured part of your body. As the Hospitaller says she is beginning the procedure, you find the haze of unconsciousness wrapping itself around you.

You find yourself waking minutes later with a cough, feeling strange, shuddering movements beneath your bare torso. Rising to full awareness again, you see Meria beginning to remove the spent reparatory unit. Your chest aches, but it is a dull ache of bruised flesh, rather than the sharpness of a broken bone.

"Your chest is doing better. The bones knitted together, and the bruising to your internal muscles seems to have receded. You'll still feel tender for some time, until natural courses take their path. I would advise taking it easy, but you should be able to go around boltering people, I suppose." The Hospitaller says.

Arina spares a glance toward Storm of Summer, reverentially laid out. "I really wish I had some tech-priests down here."

You are learned in the ways of removing and donning power armor for situations such as this, but it is still a slow, unwieldy process without a tech-priest. It takes most of an hour before your armor is mounted once more. The armor's chestplate is bent inward slightly from the blows it has received, and its presses painfully against the bruises across your chest. Still, you can fight.

OOC: You no longer have crippled torso. However, you still at 5/6 fatigue.
Caelia approaches, her boltgun half raised-ready to snap up at any time. She stays beside the Sister Superior, covering the Servitor. It didn't look dangerous, but after the Dybukks, one could not be too careful.

She listens to it's recidivist's explanation-it sounded innocuous enough to her. Still, she did not trust this man-he was a criminal of the most base sort and steeped in the ways of the Mechanicus. Suspicious. Still ,it could hardly be that dangerous-the man was former guildsman, not any form of soldier or sorcerer (She hoped).

She let her boltgun lower, then flicked to the private comn line. "Sister Superior, I would respectfully suggest we take him up on the offer. I don't trust this...Luminator at all, but if it will help us finish the mission faster, than we should risk it. It can hardly be worse than dealing with the gangers before."
Palais' head lowers slightly in acknowledgement of your words. She speaks up. "Legatine, I would be willing to lead my Sisters to meet this Kristold. I have no fear of whatever some mad lay-tech has cobbled together."

You hear a harsh, metallic crackle from the Legatine. Laughter, you realize after a moment. "Tired of resting already, Sister Palais?" Legatine Lethicia says, but her gaze remains locked on the servitors. "Will you not answer me, Lumenator? You are a recidivist. Why should you entertain your demands?"

Nothing but silence from the servitor.

One of the Battle-Sisters levels her bolter at the Servitor's head. "Permission to destroy this servitor for its master's disrespect, Legatine." Sister Katherine's voice rings out. But Lethicia shakes her head, taking the dataslate from the servitor's grip. She scans them for a moment, before shaking her head.

"Just coordinates. A warehouse near the docks, from my understanding." Lethicia says, pushing it into Palais' grip. "Sister-Superior Palais, take these and take what Sisters you wish. Deal with this Lumenator you deem best. I trust your judgement."

"My thanks, Legatine Lethicia." Palais says, scanning the dataslate. The servitor for its part, turns and leaves, creaking and stumbling as it disappears down the red-lit streets. Palais glances back at you. "Three hours hence."

Lethicia sweeps her eyes across both you and Palais, one hand rising to her throat-or at least, the augmetic implanted in it. "Get some rest, or head out early. Your choice. Or...Perhaps a few hail Leannas to the shrines aboard our Rhinos. It might do your souls some good, being around low-lives as much as you have been today, Sisters."
Ilana inclined her head at the Witch Hunter and his entourage in greeting. Though she disagreed with the callousness he treated the men under him with, she could hardly deny that he served the Emperor with faith blazing in his breast. Still the news that the wounded had survived the heretic assault lifted her spirits, that another man was pulled from an premature end from the clutches of the Archenemy to further serve His Will was always something to give thanks for. "Praise be the Throne," Ilana echoed back the Velorumite mercenary. "The Emperor deemed that your man should still serve, I was merely the emissary of His wishes. It is good news to hear regardless however."

"Hunter Zayneth," She returned her attention to the Witch Hunter. "Our current objective is to interrogate anyone associated with the rebel Vennedes, who stands accused of the crimes against the faith by association with the witch known as Eneresh." The last part came out in something of a snarl, leading to a pause as she composed herself. "However, if you wish to accompany us back to the Merud facility then I have no objections. If you happen aware of anyone in the encampment known to be loyal to Vennedes then that would be of immense aid, and would allow us to depart sooner back to the facility."

OOC: If Zayneth doesn't have a clue then we'll go to ask a Sister of Pure Water. We might also need to ask them to break out the Excruciator in case the rebel proves... Uncooperative.
The Witch-Finder tilts his head upward as you speak, a glint in his eyes. "Eneresh. Eneresh...That does sound familiar." He motions at one of the sell-swords, who after a moment of hesitation, undoes his pack and pulls out a thin binder and hands it over to the Vahn Zayneth.

"Eneresh. One of the psykers that escaped the jail they have set up? May be associated with Chaos Heretics. Mrm." He mutters, running a hand along the warrant. "Still listed as a kill or capture warrant, surprisingly but I guess they're hoping she's still usable for the tithe. I'd have written her off entirely, personally, but I'm not one to argue with the Arbites, Ministorum or even the Astra Telepathica. Dreverarch has more than its fair share of witches, this close to the Damned Sector, but I suppose there's still worried about making up the numbers."

He shrugs his shoulders as he stands up. "I am willing to assist you, most noble Sororitas. But I would request to accompany you on this hunt. It would be an honor to bring a Witch to justice alongside the holy Sororitas...And the witch's bounty is not insubstantial."
"Apostate? You mean that ran off earlier?" Arina asks, cocking her head to the side.

The Hospitaller simply begins to unpack her medical kit. "I'll see about getting you up, then. This will hurt, Sister." Meria says, gently. "I will be applying morphia, and I will be required to restrain you." She says, her voice brooking no argument. Morphia injections dim your sense of feeling, as Arina and Meria apply leather restraints across your body. Then the Hospitaller begins applying the reparatory unit. The next few minutes are a haze of applied cables and injections, a respirator unit finding its place over your mouth and nose, strange devices planted across the most injured part of your body. As the Hospitaller says she is beginning the procedure, you find the haze of unconsciousness wrapping itself around you.

You find yourself waking minutes later with a cough, feeling strange, shuddering movements beneath your bare torso. Rising to full awareness again, you see Meria beginning to remove the spent reparatory unit. Your chest aches, but it is a dull ache of bruised flesh, rather than the sharpness of a broken bone.

"Your chest is doing better. The bones knitted together, and the bruising to your internal muscles seems to have receded. You'll still feel tender for some time, until natural courses take their path. I would advise taking it easy, but you should be able to go around boltering people, I suppose." The Hospitaller says.
It takes only a few moments to take her bearings on her surroundings, Meria disassembling the reparatory unit and Arina standing watch, and almost immediately Eriko pushes up from laying supine on the cot so that she could sit at the cot's edge. Her boots crunch against the ground and with one ear she listens to Meria's diagnostic. She nods along to the Hospitaller's every word, feeling the bruising as she rubs a hand across her chest.

"Of course," Eriko responds, wincing. "I did not expect anything less but the pain will serve as a way for me to focus, I believe. To keep me awake instead of falling asleep. Thank you again, Sister. The healing art is valuable work but one cannot fully appreciate it until one serves as a patient as well."

Sweat plastered red-dyed bangs across her forehead and eyes, obscuring her sight, and she brushes them aside. Then she raises herself up and walks around the cot to get to the Storm of Summer. "You have allowed me to return to the business of a soldier. Waging war against enemies of everything good, which in this case means that stubborn heretical witch-associator."

Arina spares a glance toward Storm of Summer, reverentially laid out. "I really wish I had some tech-priests down here."
Eriko looks down at the breastplate of the reverend armour and cautiously places a hand on the dent that so mars its martial beauty. She sighs then looks askance at Arina before replying. "Yes. So do I, one's considerably less rude and patronizing but all the help would be appreciated in donning the machine in any case."

And with that her hands move to the first piece of the puzzle.
You are learned in the ways of removing and donning power armor for situations such as this, but it is still a slow, unwieldy process without a tech-priest. It takes most of an hour before your armor is mounted once more. The armor's chestplate is bent inward slightly from the blows it has received, and its presses painfully against the bruises across your chest. Still, you can fight.

OOC: You no longer have crippled torso. However, you still at 5/6 fatigue.
Another quarter hour passes by as Eriko orients herself with the movements of Storm of Summer, assessing whether everything was put into order and when she was satisfied she did not yet make a beeline for Palais. Instead, upon seeing the presence of the Legatine's squad, she had asked the nearest Battle-Sister she had come across on what had transpired. Only then did she make her way to Palais and Caelia once she had their locations.


"Hail," she greeted them as she approached, her helmet mag-locked to her belt. "Sister-Superior, I have heard of Kristold's demands and that you mean to leave in the hour. I am well enough to walk the field and fight if need be thanks to our Sister Hospitaller and I can only ask that you bring me with you. As uncouth as his methods show his character to be I believe I can speak his language best, as it were."
"Just coordinates. A warehouse near the docks, from my understanding." Lethicia says, pushing it into Palais' grip. "Sister-Superior Palais, take these and take what Sisters you wish. Deal with this Lumenator you deem best. I trust your judgement."

"My thanks, Legatine Lethicia." Palais says, scanning the dataslate. The servitor for its part, turns and leaves, creaking and stumbling as it disappears down the red-lit streets. Palais glances back at you. "Three hours hence."

Lethicia sweeps her eyes across both you and Palais, one hand rising to her throat-or at least, the augmetic implanted in it. "Get some rest, or head out early. Your choice. Or...Perhaps a few hail Leannas to the shrines aboard our Rhinos. It might do your souls some good, being around low-lives as much as you have been today, Sisters."

"I would not mind a few prayers and some more rest, Sister Superior..." Caelia thinks-reconnaissance never hurt. "But it was within this Luminator's terms that we do not visit the Warehouse earlier-I heard nothing about scouting it from a far however. Just in case?"

"Hail," she greeted them as she approached, her helmet mag-locked to her belt. "Sister-Superior, I have heard of Kristold's demands and that you mean to leave in the hour. I am well enough to walk the field and fight if need be thanks to our Sister Hospitaller and I can only ask that you bring me with you. As uncouth as his methods show his character to be I believe I can speak his language best, as it were."

"That of a criminal and a common guildsman?" Caelia asks testily-her patience had been worn out by the earlier battle. "That sounds like an interesting story, Sister Eriko."
"That of a criminal and a common guildsman?" Caelia asks testily-her patience had been worn out by the earlier battle. "That sounds like an interesting story, Sister Eriko."
Eriko's gaze slowly turns towards the younger Sister and, as if humoring a student asking a question with an obvious answer, she gives a reply.

"Hardly, Sister Caelia. When not stationed behind battle lines I have most often been employed in the court of lords and ladies. A court, a proper one, is the most common venue for those of the genteel blood to settle their people's greivances. It so happens that I was taken into confidence in most courts."

She paused, taken aback by the bite in her words, and right in front of the Sister-Superior. So slowly she asked a question, an olive branch. "Surely you were given the chance to sit in one as well?"
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"Eneresh. One of the psykers that escaped the jail they have set up? May be associated with Chaos Heretics. Mrm." He mutters, running a hand along the warrant. "Still listed as a kill or capture warrant, surprisingly but I guess they're hoping she's still usable for the tithe. I'd have written her off entirely, personally, but I'm not one to argue with the Arbites, Ministorum or even the Astra Telepathica. Dreverarch has more than its fair share of witches, this close to the Damned Sector, but I suppose there's still worried about making up the numbers."

He shrugs his shoulders as he stands up. "I am willing to assist you, most noble Sororitas. But I would request to accompany you on this hunt. It would be an honor to bring a Witch to justice alongside the holy Sororitas...And the witch's bounty is not insubstantial."

"By all means witch hunter, your expertise and the assistance of our sisters hospitaller will speed the work. She may be associated with Chaos heretics, but she is almost certainly associated with the anarchist militias of Vennedes." Maria jerked her heads to the tents and stretchers of the station. "Their wounded may know more, if we can ferret them out."
"Of course," Eriko responds, wincing. "I did not expect anything less but the pain will serve as a way for me to focus, I believe. To keep me awake instead of falling asleep. Thank you again, Sister. The healing art is valuable work but one cannot fully appreciate it until one serves as a patient as well."

Sweat plastered red-dyed bangs across her forehead and eyes, obscuring her sight, and she brushes them aside. Then she raises herself up and walks around the cot to get to the Storm of Summer. "You have allowed me to return to the business of a soldier. Waging war against enemies of everything good, which in this case means that stubborn heretical witch-associator."
"I suppose there is a certain truth to that," Meria says. "But try not to return to my care too soon, Sister. I will be most frustrated if you undo the work I've done."

The hiss of pneumatics draws your attention to Sister Arina. "Which stubborn heretical witch-associator is this, again? There's a lot of those running around these days."

Eriko looks down at the breastplate of the reverend armour and cautiously places a hand on the dent that so mars its martial beauty. She sighs then looks askance at Arina before replying. "Yes. So do I, one's considerably less rude and patronizing but all the help would be appreciated in donning the machine in any case."

And with that her hands move to the first piece of the puzzle.

Another quarter hour passes by as Eriko orients herself with the movements of Storm of Summer, assessing whether everything was put into order and when she was satisfied she did not yet make a beeline for Palais. Instead, upon seeing the presence of the Legatine's squad, she had asked the nearest Battle-Sister she had come across on what had transpired. Only then did she make her way to Palais and Caelia once she had their locations.
Arina grunts as she helps you don your armor. "Magos-Minoris Tundrish is an upstanding servant of the Emperor, Sister, even if he can be crude. And he has been nothing less than respectful of the Adepta Sororitas. His staff, likewise."

"There." She breathes as the last piece falls into place. "Storm of Summer is now whole once more."

Your visor displays warning runes across the damaged segments of your cuirass, and you can feel something of a pressure against your bodysuit near that location. Still, it is hardly noticeable. Your painkiller stock is almost empty as well. Nonetheless, you stand.

The Sisters from the Legatine's squad nod at you as you approach. "You're the transfer from the Hospitaller?" One asks, before explaining the arrival of the servitor and its message, with no small distaste in her tone.

"Hail," she greeted them as she approached, her helmet mag-locked to her belt. "Sister-Superior, I have heard of Kristold's demands and that you mean to leave in the hour. I am well enough to walk the field and fight if need be thanks to our Sister Hospitaller and I can only ask that you bring me with you. As uncouth as his methods show his character to be I believe I can speak his language best, as it were."
"I would not mind a few prayers and some more rest, Sister Superior..." Caelia thinks-reconnaissance never hurt. "But it was within this Luminator's terms that we do not visit the Warehouse earlier-I heard nothing about scouting it from a far however. Just in case?"

"That of a criminal and a common guildsman?" Caelia asks testily-her patience had been worn out by the earlier battle. "That sounds like an interesting story, Sister Eriko."
Eriko's gaze slowly turns towards the younger Sister and, as if humoring a student asking a question with an obvious answer, she gives a reply.

"Hardly, Sister Caelia. When not stationed behind battle lines I have most often been employed in the court of lords and ladies. A court, a proper one, is the most common venue for those of the genteel blood to settle their people's greivances. It so happens that I was taken into confidence in most courts."

She paused, taken aback by the bite in her words, and right in front of the Sister-Superior. So slowly she asked a question, an olive branch. "Surely you were given the chance to sit in one as well?"
Palais' gaze shifts to the watching Legatine, then back to the two of you, expression invisible beneath her impassive helmet. Finally she speaks.

"Both of you, stop this. Are you Sisters of Holy Leanna, or squabbling teenagers straight out of the schola?" Palais' voice bites out, rendered terribly harsh by her helmet vox. "I expect better from the both of you. Understood, Sisters?"

"Eriko, I see you're too stubborn to remain resting. But if your Sister in the Blue Water has cleared you, you're welcome to join us." She says, reaching out her hand to grasp yours. "Caelia has the right of it. We'll rest an hour then head out for long range recon. We'll take it slow, for Eriko's sake."

"Take a seat. Get some rest, and set your chronometers for an hour from now."

The opportunity for rest is well used. Caelia feels fresh and alert by the time she rises, perhaps aided by a short visit by a young, dark skinned Hospitaller (Recover 6 wounds, 1 fatigue). Eriko, despite her wounds, does well from the rest as well, as well as a brief lookover by the Hospitaller (recover 1 wound, 1 fatigue). Neither other Battle-Sisters nor the PDF disturb your rest, even as they work to clear out the bodies and fortify the courtyard. It is all too soon before your helm chronometers ring.

"Up and at them, Sisters. Duty awaits no woman." Palais says, chainsword resting against her pauldron.

Proceeding on foot rather than within a Rhino allows you see more of the city. The detritus in the decaying, pothole riven holes. The rust and mold growing across the metal shanties, or spreading across the sunken tenement houses. Palais sets an easy pace, moving around rather than through the barricades or flooded streets common throughout the Little Cog district. In the distance, you can hear your Sisters at work-The double boom of boltguns, the detonations of explosions. The vox chatter has stopped speaking of true engagements or battles, but rather of slow and measured hunts for scattering heretics through the slums. At one point you spot a squad of Sisters the Cannonesses' unit kicking down the doors of shanty buildings, one at a time. As you stroll away, you hear the single howl of a chainsword, and then silence.

The falling sun paints the district red, the way the light catches the rooftops almost making them look like they are burning. There are less people on the streets now-either due to the violence or the coming nightfall-but you still see wretches making their way through the streets, scavenging the aftermath of fights, or staring from windows. You see a merchant brush a corpse off the front of his storefront, a pair of women brawling over a mislaid food tin. One poor man, bones visible beneath his starved frame and his weather worn face showing the slow necrosis that comes with Black Rot, staggers toward you.

"Please! A few denars, please!"

The Sister-Superior can only give a sad shake of the head and mutter a few words of blessing as you pass by.

Eventually, you force your way into a half flooded warehouse near the docks. The docks themselves are a sprawling warren and perhaps undeserving of the name. Certainly, you see everything from single person fishing boats to hulking promethium tankers and shanty covered house boats pulled into the vast web of piers and docking stations, most laid out at anchor. But towering above it all are a pair of promethium harvesting plants built into the marshes that spread out from the docks, their wells dug deep into the weeping earth, as well as vast networks of pipelines and storage tanks for the receiving of promethium from locations farther away, and within these facilities you make out the cog sigils of small Mechanicus shrines. Warehouses and tenements and stores crawl along the piers and docks with little rhyme or reason, and massive stretches of boardwalk are covered in incredibly dense slums that rise up to rest against the walls of the promethium plants. These, you see, are cut off from most of the rest of the docks, many even lacking any land connection to the surrounding docks.

"The Pelager ghettos." Palais notes with distaste.

It is Caelia who spots the warehouse first. It is not located far at all from one of the promethium receiving facilities-surprisingly close to the Mechanicus shrines, in truth. It is a small complex of interlocking structures, with the one on the left partially caved in, perhaps from age or a shell from the war that was never truly repaired. Surrounded by walls on three sides, the obvious way in leads into the courtyard between the structures, though there's a rusted gate in the back. It's difficult to make out many details without scopes but you do the best. You make out a pair of old cargo-8 trucks lined up against the back of the warehouses, perhaps as an escape route, and at least a few individuals patrolling the rooftops. Palais believes she sees at least a few long-rifles among them.

As you watch, two more trucks, both civilian junkers arrive, bringing with them a swarm of figures as well as several lumbering shapes you believe may be servitors of some description. They certainly bulkier than the one you saw at the courtyard. You see the figures shifting around something down there, but you can't make many details. You do see a cargo sentinel lumber out to help move some of the boxes they're shifting, before retreating back into the warehouse. It looked like it may have had some additional plating to protect the pilot, though it appeared unarmed, it might still be able to hurt you badly with its legs and hauler arms.

"Wait. There." Palais notes, pointing out a group of figures moving to a hole in the second floor of the middle structure. It takes a long minute to tell they seem to be moving around some sort of large, multi-man device, with what looks like power conduits leading to a civilian generator. Shortly after, they cover up the hole with a tarp to obscure the position. One limping figure in particular seems to be organizing the effort. "Not quite sure what that was. I think I saw what looked like Merud Guild markings on it, though. Mining equipment of some sort, I think?"

As night falls, the figure who'd been directing the efforts departs, flanked by several figures, including a few of the lumbering shapes from earlier. If those are servitors, they seem armored in some fashion. Some of the lamp poles flicker to life dimly, and the the figure stops by several that don't for a few minutes. Eventually, some of the lamp poles blaze to life. After some time, the figure returns to the warehouse complex, where the other groups of individuals are setting up lumen globes or donning stab-lights. A few of these the apparent overseer stops by, leaving only after the lights turn on. The figure disappears inside the middle structure, nearest the cars in the back..

"We're nearing the meeting time." Palais says.

"By all means witch hunter, your expertise and the assistance of our sisters hospitaller will speed the work. She may be associated with Chaos heretics, but she is almost certainly associated with the anarchist militias of Vennedes." Maria jerked her heads to the tents and stretchers of the station. "Their wounded may know more, if we can ferret them out."
The witch-hunter gives a little bow, a smirk spreading across his face. "It is my honor then, Sister of the Burning Rose."

He straightens up, adjusting his hat. "Allow me to take the lead, please."

Vahn Zayneth proves accomplished at his duties. With the help of several of the Hospitallers in the moments they aren't busy saving peoples' lives, he rapidly tracks down several people who'd followed Vennedes. They're a mixed group, with tattoos identifying some as redicivists but others as members of minor guilds, or even civilian watch organizations. One, apparently, was a roadsweeper, and most have lost people to the plague. Ilana swiftly convinces the Hospitaller to split them from the general population into a supply tent, and one of the Hospitallers agrees to assist Vahn Zayneth in his interrogation.

Interrogation proves to not be a swift process. You're left cooling your heels for several hours, as Vahn and the Hospitaller work over the prisoners. The Witch-Finder, it seems, prefers a soft handed approach, relying more on threats than actual violence. He uses his excruciator but occasionally, the screams of pain and fear lost amidst the general tumult of the Hospitaller camp. The mercenaries for their part mostly catch up on sleep or take the moment for a lho-break. One of them you see pull out a pack of cards, though to your surprise they appear to be a cheap set of the Emperor's Tarot rather than playing cards.

So you wait. The sun dips down over the horizon, the moon rises up. Still, you wait, watching Hospitaller and medics and wounded alike pass by. Even fellow Battle-Sisters, mostly from the Commandery under Cannoness-Commander Jessira, but some from your own Mission. Squad Ophania passes by, their scarlet armor blackened but what looks like a close range explosive blast and one of their members limping. Their Sister-Superior pauses as she spies your markings, studying them for a moment. Her Sisters halt beside her, the limping one waving her hand with surprising cheer.

"Squad Palais. Any casualties?" Ophania asks, her tone clipped.

From within the tent, you can hear one of the prisoners beginning to talk. It seems the Witch-Finder has made a breakthrough.

OOC: Vahn successfully extracted three questions from the prisoners. Maria heals her 1 fatigue.

"Yes Sister Superior." Caelia automatically states, bracing to attention despite her exhaustion.

She was right-they didn't have time for Eriko's juvenile antics.


"Whatever it was, it appears to be operated from that position. We simply must avoid getting in front of it." Caelia says, wearily. "Assuming it's a weapon of some sort. Could be....whatever they use for mining?" She shrugs. She thinks for a moment.

"The Luminator certainly Is working hard to prepare for us. Mayhaps he fears us, or is properly wary at least? Something we can use Sister Superior?

(OOC: Proceed)
Interrogation proves to not be a swift process. You're left cooling your heels for several hours, as Vahn and the Hospitaller work over the prisoners. The Witch-Finder, it seems, prefers a soft handed approach, relying more on threats than actual violence. He uses his excruciator but occasionally, the screams of pain and fear lost amidst the general tumult of the Hospitaller camp. The mercenaries for their part mostly catch up on sleep or take the moment for a lho-break. One of them you see pull out a pack of cards, though to your surprise they appear to be a cheap set of the Emperor's Tarot rather than playing cards.

Maria went back to the Viatorem for a few supplies and returned with a creature comforts for the wait. Ration packs warm from the Rhino's hull, and a cup of boiling water for both herself and Ilana. She sank to the ground opposite the mercenary with the tarot, stretching her leg out to relieve all pressure on the cilice. A little ignoble, but necessary. She tore open a little foil pouch and muttered a prayer as the brown crystals within hit hot water and dissolved.

Content to eat and refresh she watched the cards with somber quiet.

So you wait. The sun dips down over the horizon, the moon rises up. Still, you wait, watching Hospitaller and medics and wounded alike pass by. Even fellow Battle-Sisters, mostly from the Commandery under Cannoness-Commander Jessira, but some from your own Mission. Squad Ophania passes by, their scarlet armor blackened but what looks like a close range explosive blast and one of their members limping. Their Sister-Superior pauses as she spies your markings, studying them for a moment. Her Sisters halt beside her, the limping one waving her hand with surprising cheer.

"Squad Palais. Any casualties?" Ophania asks, her tone clipped.

The food gone, cups emptied and cleaned, Maria was back in fighting form. She saluted the sister-superior.

"None from our demi-squad Sister-Superior. Squads Palais and Derosa proper found more trouble at the square, but nothing the sisters of Pure Water could not mend."
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