Should she be more offended at the obscenity of ganger scum aspiring to the blessed bolter in such heavy caliber, or the presumption that their crude mockery of divinely ordained pattern would pass muster for even a moment.

The reflective red glare stayed on the faux bolter operator. Glittering, calculating, while reinforced gloves toyed with the weapon nestled so lightly in their grasp. There was no question who would win, and who was already broken.

"Sister Maria, Sister Pia," Ilana voxed, "I regret to ask you this but can either of you please take my place in confirming the enforcer weaponry was truly heretical? I cannot in good conscience ignore the possibility of witchcraft being conducted nearby."

Pia's voice crackles in Ilana's ears. "If you want to play hot-and-cold with a witch, Sister Ilana, I should be there with you so they can choose between the flamer and cryostasis on a Black Ship. Hot and cold, you see?"

She's still turned towards the priest. "And indeed, I am still talking to this priest of theirs. Perchance see about coming my way... after you prod our prisoner with that crystal? I would hate having to wash out the inside of our noble steed with flame if the traitor filth turns out to be a witch."

"I will manage sisters. Gangers, some muck, and swamped weapons are the lesser threat if there's a witch about. The prisoner could do with a check anyway, though I doubt it's that one. More likely some malignant creature hiding among the rabble."

Maria approached the unlucky guides, the thick, battle-seasoned armor of her breastplate clanging as the heavy bolter glanced against it.

"Let's be off."
A few new vehicles arrive at both sides of the highway, offloading more civilians into the crowds, and more stream in on foot, eager to make their way through the suddenly opening checkpoint. Voices cry out the praises of the Sororitas. Not all of the bodies are going for the checkpoint though. Some head toward the guild supply transports, crowding around them in every increasing numbers.

"So many bodies. Heretics could be anywhere among them." Palais breathes over the vox. "Remain alert Sisters.

Squad Selveria reports that she's sending a few Sisters over to speak to the Guildsmen, see if they can help get the transports moving. There's more bodies flocking to the cargo transports, and the mercenaries are getting distinctly agitated.

She turns to the priest and gives quite a good facsimile of sympathy. "Then we shall begin now, Ollanius... your family name? Open the blockade for the people, in orderly lines and search each person for heresyor the affliction of Black Rot."
Ollanius shrugs. "Black. Bastard's name, like me."

The man sighs, motioning the gangers to follow through. The crowd begins to cheer and holler, but it'll take some time before the undisciplined gangers can get the crowds to line up.

"Nicely done, Sister." Palais states, nodding at you.

She gestures towards the Lumenator's marks. "Your Lumenator. Kristold Lumenator."

Then she turned to the priest and led him away from Ollanius, then gave the priest a channel that the three Sister squads were not using but could tune into. "Do you have a vox? Call us here if the gang proves false and we may rescind our words to the Arbites."

(OOC: Scrutiny on both Ollanius and the priest's motives.)
The man stares in confusion for several long moments. "Wait, Kristold? Like, Kristold the Half-Cogged? What do ye want with him? I know he can get rabble-rousing when the rotgut's been flowing, 'specially against the Red-Priests, but you?" The man narrows his eyes in confusion and worry. "Kristold's a good lad-"
"Kristold's a drunkard criminal who speaks of dissent against the most holy law of the Imperium!" The priest snarls.
"-And he knows bionics and other tech better than anyone not wearing the red. The Machine-Spirits sing to him. He's a true disciple of the Omnissiah, even if the Tech-Priests don't want 'im."
The priest's jaw twitches erratically. "True Disciple? The man once urinated on an enforcer patrol car! Last week I saw him throw a molotov at a riot shield line!"
"...Okay, he's too deep in the rotgut I'll admit." Ollanius mumbles before looking back at you. "I could maybe arrange a meeting, but Kristold's a very private man. He meets by appointment only. And he's very paranoid. He's had people on his tail for years. He'll run at the first sign of trouble."

It's clear that Ollanius and the priest are not particularly hiding anything. The priest wishes to smite the sinners before him and is annoyed and disappointed you aren't smiting-though he is gladdened they are being allowed through, at least. Ollanius likes living and likes money in that order. Still, he has a calculating look in his eye. He's considering how to turn things to his advantage.

"I have no vox." The priest says. "I have only what I have on me. For as it says in the Canticles of Saint Leanna, "Pray for pain, not comfort. Pray for suffering, not ease. Pray for war, not peace. From all things easy comes corruption, but the armor of contempt is born of struggle." These dark times have shown me the folly of my greedy ways. I have abandoned all but the clothes I carry and the tool of my holy work, so that I may better serve the God-Emperor." He brandishes his chainsword, giving it a slow throttle.
The helmet of Thorian warplate is not a merciful visage, even when painstakingly painted in teh colours of Saint Leanna's order.

There's a faintly incredulous note in her voice when she replies to the priest. "We are not the Sisters of Peaceful Handholding, Brother Priest, we are Sisters of Battle."

Now, she turns fully towards the man, servo-motors snarling hungrily, her flamer pointing at the ground to make it clear she means him no harm.

"Know this, Brother, if you have charges of heresy to lay against the man my Sister-Superior is talking to, present your evidence. Give your proofs and render yourself into our hands fortwith that we may use you as an instrument of His will."

After all, if someone laying charges of heresy isn't willing to get at least a bit tortured to prove they are serious, what are their accusations but baseless slander?
The man holds up his hands in apology. "The proof is before you, Sister. These men are criminals! To turn against the law is to turn against the God-Emperor Himself. If I must suffer for the proof of my words to be taken as truth, than I will gladly suffer! But if these filth are true to their word and allow us safe travels through...I suppose you know the words of the Saint of Mercy better than I, holy Sister." He says. "I must beg my forgiveness. I am but a humble member of the common citizens who has taken on the trappings of the faith, but you are the faith made manifest. And yet for a moment, my anger made me question your choices."

"A blessing, please, holy one. So that I may better follow Leanna's example, and better bring the God-Emperor's wrath to the corrupt that surround us!"
Ilana nodded, "Very well then, lead the way-" She stopped, noticing a fey light burning out of the corner of her eye. Much was still unknown about psycrystals, and the Mechanicus still had yet to pry its secrets from its depths. But it was generally accepted that when it started glowing then there was a strong likelihood that some accursed witchery was afoot.

She could see see the group pause along his hesitation, the gangers especially torn between looking nervously at her and being drawn into the mesmerising light. Ilana frowned, while the matter of the enforcer weaponry was still pressing, she could not allow herself to ignore the possibility of foul warpcraft being present. Especially since her Angel-pattern plate was best disposed to deal with any such warpcraft, protected as it was by layers of hexagrammic warding. "Sister Maria, Sister Pia," Ilana voxed, "I regret to ask you this but can either of you please take my place in confirming the enforcer weaponry was truly heretical? I cannot in good conscience ignore the possibility of witchcraft being conducted nearby."

As she spoke she noted how the psycrystal grew a few lumens brighter in the direction of the Viatorem. The prisoner perhaps? Maria did mention that something had briefly possessed the prisoner to deliver some false prophecy. The thought of doing battle with the unmatched foulness of daemonkind brought both anticipation and concern. To cast down the daemon were among the highest callings of the Adepta Sororitas, yet she dreaded the inevitable massacre such an engagement would cause in the middle of a crowd. With luck, it would be a mere false positive, a malaise brought by Dreverarch's proximity to the Damned Sector.
You stride into the Rhino, the psy-crystal dimming as you stamp up the Viatorem's ramp. Pressing it against the two prisoners draws no reaction. The light brightens once more when you venture out among the crowd. Some of the civilians shy away from you as you pass by, others reaching out to touch you or beg your blessing. Some even dare to question why you have not smited the gangers, their humors running hot. Many a civilian is armed, you note.

A curious sensation, like a haze, passes over your mind, a shadow that you shrug off with a prayer to the Saints. You go on alert all the more intently, scanning for a target amidst the crowd, noting the psy-crystal is brighter. Still no target. Civilians shy away from you, as though fearful of your presence. The thought begins to form on your mind, that the reason they fear you is because of their heresies. For a moment, you see it: Chaos sigils hidden beneath civilian robes, their weapons posed to strike against you and your Sisters. Open fire, the word curls around in your thoughts.

But these are lies. Phantasms that you dispel with a moment's focus. You feel the burn of the Hexagrammic Wards, your Sabbat Pattern helm initiating automated litanies. Your armor refuses to paint target runes across the crowd, continuing scans for a target. Something is attacking your mind. Something-

I tire of this. You. Are. Mine. The words claw at you, filling you. Your muscles twitch, some infernal malaise piercing into them. You are nothing. A broken child, playing at Saint. Raise your boltgun. Fire upon your Sisters.

The words pulse through you. But you do not move. Pain flashes through your muscles, a piercing agony like thorns at the center of your heart, but you do not move. Fury fills you. Zeal pulses through you, and the malaise lifts, burning away like shadows before the light. Stop this. I am in control! I have gazed through the ten million eyes of the coming shadow! I have danced where the breath of the gods swells! You are nothing! Stop-Gragh!

A figure in the crowd twitches back, pale skinned and shadow eyed, blood trickling from his nose. He looks at you, as though in shock, and begins to back deeper into the crowd in an attempt to put bodies in between you and him. A bearded man steps up to you before you can react, raising a hand toward you and obscuring a clean shot.

"Holy Sister? Are you alright? You stumbled for a moment there." He says. Your vox crackles, Sister Liandra's voice.
"Sister Ilana. You stalled there. Is something wrong?"
Should she be more offended at the obscenity of ganger scum aspiring to the blessed bolter in such heavy caliber, or the presumption that their crude mockery of divinely ordained pattern would pass muster for even a moment.

The reflective red glare stayed on the faux bolter operator. Glittering, calculating, while reinforced gloves toyed with the weapon nestled so lightly in their grasp. There was no question who would win, and who was already broken.

"I will manage sisters. Gangers, some muck, and swamped weapons are the lesser threat if there's a witch about. The prisoner could do with a check anyway, though I doubt it's that one. More likely some malignant creature hiding among the rabble."

Maria approached the unlucky guides, the thick, battle-seasoned armor of her breastplate clanging as the heavy bolter glanced against it.

"Let's be off."
The "heavy bolter" gunner slowly but surely tilts the heavy weapon in the direction of the sky. Then starts whistling a nonchalant tune and trying not to look in your direction.

The gang lord gathers up some of his men and takes you on a journey across the flak board walkways. They creak precariously beneath your weight, but hold strong. The gang lord laughs, uneasily. "Love the stuff. Great for building."

Eventually you reach solid ground, your ceramite boots stomping hard against the moldy rockcrete. The gang lord stops by an indeterminate patch of marsh land, a small crowd of filth ridden civilians staring out from the surrounding shanties with curious and fearful eyes.

"Right here. Ladies and gents, get to work." He says, motioning at several of the common gangers. The men and women look dubiously at the murk, one of them poking the filthy water with a stick.
"I-I can't swim boss." One stammers.
"It's only waist deep. Get in there." Ollanius snarls. "Or are you going to make the holy Sister do it?"

The hulking man crosses his bulky arms, and with some trepidation the gangers begin to wade into the swamp water. He glances toward you. "Should just take a few minutes. They'll be down there somewhere." He says, confidently.
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Ollanius shrugs. "Black. Bastard's name, like me."

The man sighs, motioning the gangers to follow through. The crowd begins to cheer and holler, but it'll take some time before the undisciplined gangers can get the crowds to line up.

"Nicely done, Sister." Palais states, nodding at you.
Eriko gives an appreciative purr at the compliment, speaking in the vox as she walked the 'priest' away from the gangers.

"When I was a child my eldest brother Haenrik would hold court in many different palaces throughout our demesne. I would hide behind the curtains that covered the back areas from the main court, listening for hours at all the disputes he had to mediate. It seems those days did not go to waste," she says with good humor as if that was the only reason for her dispute-handling skills.
The man stares in confusion for several long moments. "Wait, Kristold? Like, Kristold the Half-Cogged? What do ye want with him? I know he can get rabble-rousing when the rotgut's been flowing, 'specially against the Red-Priests, but you?" The man narrows his eyes in confusion and worry. "Kristold's a good lad-"
"Kristold's a drunkard criminal who speaks of dissent against the most holy law of the Imperium!" The priest snarls.
"-And he knows bionics and other tech better than anyone not wearing the red. The Machine-Spirits sing to him. He's a true disciple of the Omnissiah, even if the Tech-Priests don't want 'im."
The priest's jaw twitches erratically. "True Disciple? The man once urinated on an enforcer patrol car! Last week I saw him throw a molotov at a riot shield line!"
"...Okay, he's too deep in the rotgut I'll admit." Ollanius mumbles before looking back at you. "I could maybe arrange a meeting, but Kristold's a very private man. He meets by appointment only. And he's very paranoid. He's had people on his tail for years. He'll run at the first sign of trouble."

It's clear that Ollanius and the priest are not particularly hiding anything. The priest wishes to smite the sinners before him and is annoyed and disappointed you aren't smiting-though he is gladdened they are being allowed through, at least. Ollanius likes living and likes money in that order. Still, he has a calculating look in his eye. He's considering how to turn things to his advantage.
"I assure you Ollanius Black, we pose as much trouble as a house pet." Eriko smiles, aware how her words did not match reality. She turned serious once more, this time to actually assure the gang lord and to quiet the priest's protestations. "I will say this again, we care not for the petty crimes of this Kristold Half-Cog. So long as he is clean of heresy than he has nothing to fear from the Adepta Sororitas."

As the guild transports come, Eriko turns to glance at them then turns back to Ollanius, a calculating glint in her eye. "There are your partners in this endeavor, Black. The Merud guild would like to see its workers safe in their homes so that they may work in the factories the next day, but they are oft overstretched and cannot guard everything. You would like supplies to keep you company and a bit of pay for the trouble and your men."

"I cannot make this anymore clearer."

"I have no vox." The priest says. "I have only what I have on me. For as it says in the Canticles of Saint Leanna, "Pray for pain, not comfort. Pray for suffering, not ease. Pray for war, not peace. From all things easy comes corruption, but the armor of contempt is born of struggle." These dark times have shown me the folly of my greedy ways. I have abandoned all but the clothes I carry and the tool of my holy work, so that I may better serve the God-Emperor." He brandishes his chainsword, giving it a slow throttle.
"Then I commend you your strength," Eriko says solemnly. She would place her hand on the man's shoulder but she doubted he could withstand a pat from her power armour. "But sometimes we best serve the Emperor by moving beyond which we find most comfortable in the present. I personally would have been quite content behind the battle-lines, caring for the brave soldiers who would give their lives to the Imperium. Yet here I am, a Sister of Battle."

"Like the rays of dawn streaming through the fog, He works in ways not clear to many of us." Eriko gestures to the newly arrived guild transports. "Go to the guildmembers then and use their equipment to keep in touch with the authorities, the Guild, and us. Your are suspicious of those who would prey on the weak and that is not a weakness. Use it but realize too that the vultures can be turned to the betterment of others."

She flicks her chin at the guild transports. "Go and tell them Sister Eriko Keontamo of Squad Palais sends you."
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Eventually you reach solid ground, your ceramite boots stomping hard against the moldy rockcrete. The gang lord stops by an indeterminate patch of marsh land, a small crowd of filth ridden civilians staring out from the surrounding shanties with curious and fearful eyes.

"Right here. Ladies and gents, get to work." He says, motioning at several of the common gangers. The men and women look dubiously at the murk, one of them poking the filthy water with a stick.
"I-I can't swim boss." One stammers.
"It's only waist deep. Get in there." Ollanius snarls. "Or are you going to make the holy Sister do it?"

The hulking man crosses his bulky arms, and with some trepidation the gangers begin to wade into the swamp water. He glances toward you. "Should just take a few minutes. They'll be down there somewhere." He says, confidently.

"Let us pray they are." Maria watched the movement of brackish blackwater around the ganger's legs as they probed the muck. "If your men and women find nothing I will not hesitate to go in myself. If I find nothing...there will be questions brother Ollanius."

She gave the nearby gaggle of civilians a perfunctory nod. It was an excuse to mark their number and position mostly, but it was hard not to also see the hollow cheeks and desperation grimed over with the filth of the swamp. If only the malcontents of this district kept to their stations, this would all have gone much better had the heretic not had their cover. It was always the innocent that suffered, and the weak would falter. Without ever uttering a prayer to the darkness the rioters, thugs, profiteers did the Adversary's work.

Maria got on the squad vox. "Sister-Superior, this location is in the open and there are too many eyes on it to be a long-term dump site. If the weaponry does appear to be tainted, permission to relocate it to our convoy for proper containment?"

"Holy Sister? Are you alright? You stumbled for a moment there." He says. Your vox crackles, Sister Liandra's voice.
"Sister Ilana. You stalled there. Is something wrong?"

There was nothing she could do now, but Maria kept her head on a swivel, and her bolter at the ready. And ambush? This would be the time to do so, and if it was the gangers... The retributor calmly checked her ammo count and the highest priority targets in her vicinity. Vigilance was its own reward.
You stride into the Rhino, the psy-crystal dimming as you stamp up the Viatorem's ramp. Pressing it against the two prisoners draws no reaction. The light brightens once more when you venture out among the crowd. Some of the civilians shy away from you as you pass by, others reaching out to touch you or beg your blessing. Some even dare to question why you have not smited the gangers, their humors running hot. Many a civilian is armed, you note.

A curious sensation, like a haze, passes over your mind, a shadow that you shrug off with a prayer to the Saints. You go on alert all the more intently, scanning for a target amidst the crowd, noting the psy-crystal is brighter. Still no target. Civilians shy away from you, as though fearful of your presence. The thought begins to form on your mind, that the reason they fear you is because of their heresies. For a moment, you see it: Chaos sigils hidden beneath civilian robes, their weapons posed to strike against you and your Sisters. Open fire, the word curls around in your thoughts.

But these are lies. Phantasms that you dispel with a moment's focus. You feel the burn of the Hexagrammic Wards, your Sabbat Pattern helm initiating automated litanies. Your armor refuses to paint target runes across the crowd, continuing scans for a target. Something is attacking your mind. Something-

I tire of this. You. Are. Mine. The words claw at you, filling you. Your muscles twitch, some infernal malaise piercing into them. You are nothing. A broken child, playing at Saint. Raise your boltgun. Fire upon your Sisters.

The words pulse through you. But you do not move. Pain flashes through your muscles, a piercing agony like thorns at the center of your heart, but you do not move. Fury fills you. Zeal pulses through you, and the malaise lifts, burning away like shadows before the light. Stop this. I am in control! I have gazed through the ten million eyes of the coming shadow! I have danced where the breath of the gods swells! You are nothing! Stop-Gragh!

A figure in the crowd twitches back, pale skinned and shadow eyed, blood trickling from his nose. He looks at you, as though in shock, and begins to back deeper into the crowd in an attempt to put bodies in between you and him. A bearded man steps up to you before you can react, raising a hand toward you and obscuring a clean shot.

"Holy Sister? Are you alright? You stumbled for a moment there." He says. Your vox crackles, Sister Liandra's voice.
"Sister Ilana. You stalled there. Is something wrong?"

Sweat beaded down Ilana's forehead, muscles tensed and bucked within the restraints of her armour as hatred burned at the violation to her mind.

Witch. She hissed in the recesses of her soul, finding grim vindication at how the abomination recoiled from her presence. She clawed back at the hateful thing, the flames of zeal burning and beating it back. Your heresies may be manyfold, but that will only make your pyre all the brighter.

And then she was back, heaving into the rebreather of her helmet as the tainted touch of the witch faded from her mind. She cast her gaze around almost wildly around the crowd, an almost physical need to execute the Emperor's will driving her. Her cuirass, blessed as it was, agreed with her, and targeting runes settled on a figure within the bustle of the crowd. She contemplated her jump pack for a moment, to kiss the acid-tinged skies of the Emperor's realm before the descent to dispense holy wrath.

It was that thought that shook her from her maddened rage, as conscience forced her to consider the consequences to the people around her. The descent was more likely to kill an innocent than dispense justice, and how many innocents would the exhaust of her initial leap injure? Ilana could only chastise herself in her head for her brief lack of care, for religious furor, no matter how righteous, would only serve to hurt these people. Leanna would not stand to serve as such an example, and neither could she to tolerate to serve the same.

"Sisters," Ilana settled for merely snarling into the vox, her helmet's auspex tracking to the now fleeing form of the witch. "A witch has just attempted to invade my mind. Look to my immediate 9 o'clock, male, dark haired, green jacket, red shirt, pale trousers. He flees like the craven thing he is."

She returned her attention to the civilians. "Faithful of the Emperor kneel at the ground! Heresy rots within your midst! I will require your complete cooperation until we bring the heretic to justice!"
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"Sisters," Ilana settled for merely snarling into the vox, her helmet's auspex tracking to the now fleeing form of the witch. "A witch has just attempted to invade my mind. Look to my immediate 9 o'clock, male, dark haired, green jacket, red shirt, pale trousers. He flees sister."

She returned her attention to the civilians. "Faithful of the Emperor kneel at the ground! Heresy rots within your midst! I will require your complete cooperation until we bring the heretic to justice!"

Caelia immediately turns from her position, keeping over-watch over the now cooperating Gangers. "Acknowledged Sister-assisting." She growls out-finally a challenge on this miserable world.

Her hand snaps to the whip at her side, the other holstering her boltgun. She let the ends of the whip drag along the ground as she turns from the Gangers without a word.

"Faithful, listen to her words! A dreadful heretic is amongst you-kneel, and know only the guilty shall be judged!" She boomed out, her warhelm looking out over the crowd, her own eyes and autosenses searching for the Witch...

(OOC: Intimidate, or if Ilanna is trying a social test of her own, assist and add my inspiration bonus from Air of Authority. Try to track down the Witch, and if spotted, disable it with Neural Whip strikes)
"Sisters," Ilana settled for merely snarling into the vox, her helmet's auspex tracking to the now fleeing form of the witch. "A witch has just attempted to invade my mind. Look to my immediate 9 o'clock, male, dark haired, green jacket, red shirt, pale trousers. He flees sister."

She returned her attention to the civilians. "Faithful of the Emperor kneel at the ground! Heresy rots within your midst! I will require your complete cooperation until we bring the heretic to justice!"
Eriko's response is as sudden as it is well-trained. Squad Palais was a Sororitas unit after all, composed of the best, brightest, and most faithful of women in the Imperium. Her faceplate snaps shut as Ilana rattled off the sitrep, and Eriko was striding with a purpose to the gangers.

She and Caelia brushed past each other and while the younger sister was readying her weapons, Eriko was raising her arms in placating gestures, her back turned as she trusted her Sisters to carry their tasks perfectly.

"Peace. Lower your weapons and trust the Sisters of Battle to resolve this matter cleanly."

No one outside the Adepta Sororitas' ranks yet knew they faced a Witch. But if it were to reveal itself, then there was no telling what the untrained and twitchy of fingers would do. So she stalked back and forth, keeping an eye on the gangers as her Sisters searched for the Witch, though the Storm of Summer servo-muscles groaned in anticipation. Targeting runes flickered through the ranks of gangers, searching for a hint of the Warp but finding none. For her part, Eriko kept the armour corralled and looking away from the Witch's direction in much the same way she did the gangers.
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The man holds up his hands in apology. "The proof is before you, Sister. These men are criminals! To turn against the law is to turn against the God-Emperor Himself. If I must suffer for the proof of my words to be taken as truth, than I will gladly suffer! But if these filth are true to their word and allow us safe travels through...I suppose you know the words of the Saint of Mercy better than I, holy Sister." He says. "I must beg my forgiveness. I am but a humble member of the common citizens who has taken on the trappings of the faith, but you are the faith made manifest. And yet for a moment, my anger made me question your choices."

"A blessing, please, holy one. So that I may better follow Leanna's example, and better bring the God-Emperor's wrath to the corrupt that surround us!"
"Blessed are those who do the God-Emperor's work," Pia says as her red oculars light up with target-index runes highlighting the man. "What have you done, other than point and rage? You have the moral fortitude to let yourself be put to the question -" and it is good that the man is willing to undergo torture and interrogation in the name of his faith "- but He deserves his blessings for those who do His work."

Pia does a half-step back, sweeping an armored hand at the thronged masses to the left of Viatorem. "Thus said Leanna: Joyful are the hearts and blessed are the souls of those who bleed readil from breaking a path through thornbush, for through their hardship they lead the faithful towards His light."

She returns to put one gauntlet on the "priest's" shoulder. "In time of tragedy the God-Emperor requires from all His servants that they do their utmost. That you are not ordained does not mean that you shoould not comport yourself with the piety and dignity of those who are. Live up to His expectations and his demands. Bear that burden for them. Strengthen their spirits by example, and carry the light." Her armored gauntlets squeeze very slightly - just as if she were almost-tightly grabbing his shoulder bare-handed.

Sweat beaded down Ilana's forehead, muscles tensed and bucked within the restraints of her armour as hatred burned at the violation to her mind.

Witch. She hissed in the recesses of her soul, finding grim vindication at how the abomination recoiled from her presence. She clawed back at the hateful thing, the flames of zeal burning and beating it back. Your heresies may be manyfold, but that will only make your pyre all the brighter.

And then she was back, heaving into the rebreather of her helmet as the tainted touch of the witch faded from her mind. She cast her gaze around almost wildly around the crowd, an almost physical need to execute the Emperor's will driving her. Her cuirass, blessed as it was, agreed with her, and targeting runes settled on a figure within the bustle of the crowd. She contemplated her jump pack for a moment, to kiss the acid-tinged skies of the Emperor's realm before the descent to dispense holy wrath.

It was that thought that shook her from her maddened rage, as conscience forced her to consider the consequences to the people around her. The descent was more likely to kill an innocent than dispense justice, and how many innocents would the exhaust of her initial leap injure? Ilana could only chastise herself in her head for her brief lack of care, for religious furor, no matter how righteous, would only serve to hurt these people. Leanna would not stand to serve as such an example, and neither could she to tolerate to serve the same.

"Sisters," Ilana settled for merely snarling into the vox, her helmet's auspex tracking to the now fleeing form of the witch. "A witch has just attempted to invade my mind. Look to my immediate 9 o'clock, male, dark haired, green jacket, red shirt, pale trousers. He flees sisters."

She returned her attention to the civilians. "Faithful of the Emperor kneel at the ground! Heresy rots within your midst! I will require your complete cooperation until we bring the heretic to justice!"

Closest to the happenings amongst the other sisters, Pia's head snaps around. Servos snarl as she throws herself forwards two steps to get between the priest and the target-rune indicators from Sister Ilana, to shield the man from Witchcraft - and to have an opportunity to burn the Witch. But she, too, adds her voice to the chorus of order.

"Kneel, as Leanna knelt, and pray, as Leanna prayed!"
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"I assure you Ollanius Black, we pose as much trouble as a house pet." Eriko smiles, aware how her words did not match reality. She turned serious once more, this time to actually assure the gang lord and to quiet the priest's protestations. "I will say this again, we care not for the petty crimes of this Kristold Half-Cog. So long as he is clean of heresy than he has nothing to fear from the Adepta Sororitas."

As the guild transports come, Eriko turns to glance at them then turns back to Ollanius, a calculating glint in her eye. "There are your partners in this endeavor, Black. The Merud guild would like to see its workers safe in their homes so that they may work in the factories the next day, but they are oft overstretched and cannot guard everything. You would like supplies to keep you company and a bit of pay for the trouble and your men."

"I cannot make this anymore clearer."
The man shakes his head slowly. "Not me you need to convince, Sister."

He glances back at the Merud Guild trucks, then back at you. "...The trucks? Ah, of course. I'll make arrangements with them."

The priest rubs the bridge of his nose. "We both know you already have, Ollanius." He motions toward you. "The Merud Guild have been paying Ollanius and his ilk for safe transport of their supply trucks. They didn't care enough to negotiate on our behalf. Man's lust for greed knows no bounds!"

Ollanius shrugs his shoulders. "Hey, I offered them a fair price. They just didn't think you lot were worth it. 'Statistically irrelevant personnel lossage' I think they said. But I'll talk to them again, on your behalf. Swear on my mother's grave."
"Blessed are those who do the God-Emperor's work," Pia says as her red oculars light up with target-index runes highlighting the man. "What have you done, other than point and rage? You have the moral fortitude to let yourself be put to the question -" and it is good that the man is willing to undergo torture and interrogation in the name of his faith "- but He deserves his blessings for those who do His work."

Pia does a half-step back, sweeping an armored hand at the thronged masses to the left of Viatorem. "Thus said Leanna: Joyful are the hearts and blessed are the souls of those who bleed readil from breaking a path through thornbush, for through their hardship they lead the faithful towards His light."

She returns to put one gauntlet on the "priest's" shoulder. "In time of tragedy the God-Emperor requires from all His servants that they do their utmost. That you are not ordained does not mean that you shoould not comport yourself with the piety and dignity of those who are. Live up to His expectations and his demands. Bear that burden for them. Strengthen their spirits by example, and carry the light." Her armored gauntlets squeeze very slightly - just as if she were almost-tightly grabbing his shoulder bare-handed.
The man stares at you as you speak, his features slowly growing ever more horrified. "Wha-What? No, no. I do His work! I tell you true, I do the God-Emperor's work!" The priest protests, his eyes wet with tears. "I have not been idle! I led the capture of a witch, her burning at the stake! I met a heretic, marked and damned, and laid his unholy corpse before the altar of the Emperor! But I heard the suffering of these people at the hands of these criminals, these recidivists! I came to put an end to it!"

"What would you have me do?" He asks, falling to his knees. "I came to be an example to these people. To encourage them to rise up against those that betray the Emperor's law. To lead them in holy battle! But...If I have erred, if I have strayed, tell me, how may I repent? How may I serve the God-Emperor, oh Sister of Battle? Daughter of Him upon the Throne!"
"Then I commend you your strength," Eriko says solemnly. She would place her hand on the man's shoulder but she doubted he could withstand a pat from her power armour. "But sometimes we best serve the Emperor by moving beyond which we find most comfortable in the present. I personally would have been quite content behind the battle-lines, caring for the brave soldiers who would give their lives to the Imperium. Yet here I am, a Sister of Battle."

"Like the rays of dawn streaming through the fog, He works in ways not clear to many of us." Eriko gestures to the newly arrived guild transports. "Go to the guildmembers then and use their equipment to keep in touch with the authorities, the Guild, and us. Your are suspicious of those who would prey on the weak and that is not a weakness. Use it but realize too that the vultures can be turned to the betterment of others."

She flicks her chin at the guild transports. "Go and tell them Sister Eriko Keontamo of Squad Palais sends you."
"I-Yes! Yes! I see now!" He says, taking grasp of the offer with all the desperation of a drowning man. "Of course. I can be-be an in between. The authorities, the lords, they do not truly know what is happening here on the streets. There is more than the holy war, I see this now. There must be a-a rebuilding. A cooperation if we are to defeat the plagues of the Dark Gods! I will go now. Thank you, thank you Daughters of the Emperor, for showing me the error of my ways."

He turns, rushing toward the guild transports with what can only be described as a spring in his step.
"Let us pray they are." Maria watched the movement of brackish blackwater around the ganger's legs as they probed the muck. "If your men and women find nothing I will not hesitate to go in myself. If I find nothing...there will be questions brother Ollanius."

She gave the nearby gaggle of civilians a perfunctory nod. It was an excuse to mark their number and position mostly, but it was hard not to also see the hollow cheeks and desperation grimed over with the filth of the swamp. If only the malcontents of this district kept to their stations, this would all have gone much better had the heretic not had their cover. It was always the innocent that suffered, and the weak would falter. Without ever uttering a prayer to the darkness the rioters, thugs, profiteers did the Adversary's work.

Maria got on the squad vox. "Sister-Superior, this location is in the open and there are too many eyes on it to be a long-term dump site. If the weaponry does appear to be tainted, permission to relocate it to our convoy for proper containment?"
Ollanius flinches at that. "They'll be there. I swear. We dumped 'em at night, so nobody ought to know they're there. Unless one of these blighters got greedy." He says, glaring down the gangers near him, tapping his fingers against the hilt of his chainsword. The gangers mutter their placations and slowly, three begin to wade into the swamp, the water swiftly rising up to their waists-even those of the hulking heavy, who grumbles under his breath as he looks through the water.

"Ugh. I knew I should have bought those waders." One mutters, shifting through the swamp water.
"Throne!" One curses. "Something touched my leg!"
"Jus' a fish, mate." Another replies. "Unless it's a bog-mite, and it's already sucking your blood."
"Skek you, Amily! That's not funny!"

Ollanius sighs, rolling his eyes. "Move faster, you luggards! Or do you wanna burn at the stake?" He paces back and forth, clearly agitated. "I swear to the Throne, find those lasguns or you'll have more than bog-mites to worry about!"

Palais' voice hisses over the vox. "Wait one, Sister." A moment passes. "Negative on that, Sister. I'll not sully our holy armor with the presence of tainted wargear. Squad Selveria has brought melta-gel. We'll redeem the rifles' spirits in flame."

One ganger suddenly utters a curse. "Shite, I think I just kicked it." She reached down, a disgusted look on her face. "Feels like one of the weapon cases. Stuck 'ard though. This muck!"
The heavy begins the slow process of wading over, still grumbling under his breath.
"Sisters," Ilana settled for merely snarling into the vox, her helmet's auspex tracking to the now fleeing form of the witch. "A witch has just attempted to invade my mind. Look to my immediate 9 o'clock, male, dark haired, green jacket, red shirt, pale trousers. He flees like the craven thing he is."

She returned her attention to the civilians. "Faithful of the Emperor kneel at the ground! Heresy rots within your midst! I will require your complete cooperation until we bring the heretic to justice!"

Caelia immediately turns from her position, keeping over-watch over the now cooperating Gangers. "Acknowledged Sister-assisting." She growls out-finally a challenge on this miserable world.

Her hand snaps to the whip at her side, the other holstering her boltgun. She let the ends of the whip drag along the ground as she turns from the Gangers without a word.

"Faithful, listen to her words! A dreadful heretic is amongst you-kneel, and know only the guilty shall be judged!" She boomed out, her warhelm looking out over the crowd, her own eyes and autosenses searching for the Witch...

(OOC: Intimidate, or if Ilanna is trying a social test of her own, assist and add my inspiration bonus from Air of Authority. Try to track down the Witch, and if spotted, disable it with Neural Whip strikes)

Eriko's response is as sudden as it is well-trained. Squad Palais was a Sororitas unit after all, composed of the best, brightest, and most faithful of women in the Imperium. Her faceplate snaps shut as Ilana rattled off the sitrep, and Eriko was striding with a purpose to the gangers.

She and Caelia brushed past each other and while the younger sister was readying her weapons, Eriko was raising her arms in placating gestures, her back turned as she trusted her Sisters to carry their tasks perfectly.

"Peace. Lower your weapons and trust the Sisters of Battle to resolve this matter cleanly."

No one outside the Adepta Sororitas' ranks yet knew they faced a Witch. But if it were to reveal itself, then there was no telling what the untrained and twitchy of fingers would do. So she stalked back and forth, keeping an eye on the gangers as her Sisters searched for the Witch, though the Storm of Summer servo-muscles groaned in anticipation. Targeting runes flickered through the ranks of gangers, searching for a hint of the Warp but finding none. For her part, Eriko kept the armour corralled and looking away from the Witch's direction in much the same way she did the gangers.
Closest to the happenings amongst the other sisters, Pia's head snaps around. Servos snarl as she throws herself forwards two steps to get between the priest and the target-rune indicators from Sister Ilana, to shield the man from Witchcraft - and to have an opportunity to burn the Witch. But she, too, adds her voice to the chorus of order.

"Kneel, as Leanna knelt, and pray, as Leanna prayed!"

The reaction from the Sisters is immediate. Sororitas immediately turn, presenting weapons at the targeted area or providing 360 degree overwatch. The vox fills with calmly uttered litanies against the blandishments of the witch and the daemon, the most prominent being the canticle of Leanna's trials upon the deserts of Keleron where four of the daemon consorts of the Dark Gods attempted to tempt her away from the path of faith.

Others, raise their voice in support of Squad Palais' orders.
"Kneel and repent!" "Kneel, as Leanna knelt!" "On your knees!"

Confusion reigns. Fear. Men and women scream and pray and claw against one another. But the insistent chorus of firm, clear order: Kneel takes hold. The civilians begin falling to their hands and knees, praying or begging for mercy. The gangers remain uncontrolled however, aiming their weapons wantonly at the crowd, some falling to their knees in terror at the idea of facing a witch and praying to the Emperor for safety.

As more and more of the crowd fall to their knees, one man remains standing. A dark haired man, with a green jacket, red shirt and pale trousers-and blood trickling from his nose.
"Idiot." You hear Sister Liandra hiss. "Taking the sho-"

The man raises his hands in the air. "I surrender myself to the custody of the holy Adepta Sororitas and the Holy Ordos of the Inquisition. I recant my wicked ways, and throw myself at the mercy of Saint Leanna, blessed be Her name."

There is a brief pause. "What?" Palais' voice rings out.
"This a trick? Anyone see a bomb on him?" Derosa's voice rings out.
"Nothing." Greiland's voice rings out. "Certainly nothing large enough to be a threat to us."
"He is a Witch. He doesn't need an explosive to be a bomb. He already is one."
Liandra hisses.

"Illana, Caelia, Pia. Apprehend him." Palais growls. "Carefully. And violently."
"With respect, Sister we should just shoot him now." Selveria hisses. "And we have more civilian transports coming up from the south. Perfect timing."
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The reaction from the Sisters is immediate. Sororitas immediately turn, presenting weapons at the targeted area or providing 360 degree overwatch. The vox fills with calmly uttered litanies against the blandishments of the witch and the daemon, the most prominent being the canticle of Leanna's trials upon the deserts of Keleron where four of the daemon consorts of the Dark Gods attempted to tempt her away from the path of faith.

Others, raise their voice in support of Squad Palais' orders.
"Kneel and repent!" "Kneel, as Leanna knelt!" "On your knees!"

Confusion reigns. Fear. Men and women scream and pray and claw against one another. But the insistent chorus of firm, clear order: Kneel takes hold. The civilians begin falling to their hands and knees, praying or begging for mercy. The gangers remain uncontrolled however, aiming their weapons wantonly at the crowd, some falling to their knees in terror at the idea of facing a witch and praying to the Emperor for safety.

As more and more of the crowd fall to their knees, one man remains standing. A dark haired man, with a green jacket, red shirt and pale trousers-and blood trickling from his nose.
"Idiot." You hear Sister Liandra hiss. "Taking the sho-"

The man raises his hands in the air. "I surrender myself to the custody of the holy Adepta Sororitas and the Holy Ordos of the Inquisition. I recant my wicked ways, and throw myself at the mercy of Saint Leanna, blessed be Her name."

There is a brief pause. "What?" Palais' voice rings out.
"This a trick? Anyone see a bomb on him?" Derosa's voice rings out.
"Nothing." Greiland's voice rings out. "Certainly nothing large enough to be a threat to us."
"He is a Witch. He doesn't need an explosive to be a bomb. He already is one."
Liandra hisses.

"Illana, Caelia, Pia. Apprehend him." Palais growls. "Carefully. And violently."
"With respect, Sister we should just shoot him now." Selveria hisses. "And we have more civilian transports coming up from the south. Perfect timing."
"Confirmed Sister-Superior," Ilana said growled, thumbing the safety on her shotgun undermount and raising it up in a single smooth movement. She could more feel than see the influence of the blessed prosecutor spirit of her armour, her aim locking precisely on the heretic's knee where it would guarantee the opportunity to repent amidst extreme pain. More than this witch deserved, but such was the example set by the one they all strove to emulate. "Blessed be Leanna's mercy."

OOC: Called shot to the leg with non-lethal shotgun round. TN50+20 (half aim)+10 (Good-Quality Holosight)+10 (Purity of Hatred)+30 (Point Blank)-20 (Called Shot)
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Palais' voice hisses over the vox. "Wait one, Sister." A moment passes. "Negative on that, Sister. I'll not sully our holy armor with the presence of tainted wargear. Squad Selveria has brought melta-gel. We'll redeem the rifles' spirits in flame."

One ganger suddenly utters a curse. "Shite, I think I just kicked it." She reached down, a disgusted look on her face. "Feels like one of the weapon cases. Stuck 'ard though. This muck!"
The heavy begins the slow process of wading over, still grumbling under his breath.

"Acknowledged Sister-superior. Thank Leanna for blessed melta, but I will want Sister Pia or another's flamer to cleanse the cache before application. It seems likely the conditions will be...poor."

Maria stepped closer to the edge of the greenish rockcrete. "Brother Ollanius, you should get back to your men and women on the blockade. I believe we can manage here, and your personal attention would serve better on the road. You," she barked at the heavy intending to do the lifting, "endeavor not to destroy your back. If it's stuck, it is stuck. None will judge you for failures of the flesh here."

"Illana, Caelia, Pia. Apprehend him." Palais growls. "Carefully. And violently."
"With respect, Sister we should just shoot him now." Selveria hisses. "And we have more civilian transports coming up from the south. Perfect timing."

Let faith see them through, and the Emperor grant all above clarity and calm. She prayed the psyker's work be undone, and no other would take up his labor in ignorance or confusion.

"Go Ollanius. Now."
"Confirmed Sister-Superior," Ilana said growled, thumbing the safety on her shotgun undermount and raising it up in a single smooth movement. She could more feel than see the influence of the blessed prosecutor spirit of her armour, her aim locking precisely on the heretic's knee where it would guarantee the opportunity to repent amidst extreme pain. More than this witch deserved, but such was the example set by the one they all strove to emulate. "Blessed be Leanna's mercy."

OOC: Called shot to the leg with non-lethal shotgun round. TN50+20 (half aim)+10 (Good-Quality Holosight)+10 (Purity of Hatred)+30 (Point Blank)-20 (Called Shot)
The heretic meets your gaze, blue eyes staring deep. Through your visor, into your eyes, into your soul.

Your weapon rises, but it is glacial. The weapon feels weighed down by a thousand tons, rising centimeter by centimeter over what feels like minutes. The world around you cracks and splinters, shards of vision amidst a cloud of smoldering blackness. In one shard you see your boltgun fire, ripping through innocent civilians. In others, you see the glazed over eyes of civilians as they rip and tear into everything around them in feral fury. You see Palais bursting apart as an RPG strike hits. You see a thing peeling its way out of the sorcerer's split belly. But most of all, you see innocents on the ground, blood pooling from their burst eyes-like the man directly in front of you. You feel tendrils of shadow curling about you, trying to pierce into the deeper parts of your soul and mind, but they find no purchase. They turn off your faith, off the wards of your armor.

Idiot child. The heretic's voice curls through your thoughts, even as hazy prayers to the God-Emperor rise to drown it out. It is not angry. It sounds more like the voice of a disappointed parent. You know not what you've done. I speak with stolen tongues and see through thieved eyes. Minds and souls are weak things, easy to cage. Bodies among this crowd, yoked to my will. Waiting for my signal to strike. I would have bargained with their freedom. I would have waited for rescue. What do you think happens to mind-slaves when their master's leg snaps like a twig and electricity courses through his veins?

Your weapon sights lock on his legs, finger moving to tighten on the trigger ever so slowly.

You hear the creature sigh in your mind. I suppose we find out together. It matters not. Old Night Cometh. It is the first step on the road to reclaim our lost Crown. It looks through our eyes and smiles to see what we have done.

His blue eyes stare into yours. You see things in those eyes. Dying suns and burning worlds-And golden halls and glittering spires. An endless procession of lords and saints, each spilling their blood for a thorned crown. Eyes, you see. Blue eyes, staring down at you from a hundred, a thousand, a million directions, all joyous to see what they behold. The richness of blood. The marching of armies. The joys of lords. The prayers of battle-priests. Corpses piling up, flesh rotting, eyes staring blankly on. Eyes. So many eyes. Like globes in the tumultuous black.
You see your home.

Broken child. Playing at Saint. I will not be humbled by an orphan.

A dark, greasy texture claws across the sky of your home. Unholy night falls. Figures stride through halls of your memory. A hulking horror, a thing of night incarnate that walks through fire and light and quenches all, leaving only broken husks and piles of gore in its wake. Bodies slough apart, limbs stretch to show muscle beneath. You see friends, family-The screaming, the screaming as the night eats them alive and spits out their rotting bones. You see Danial die.

And yet, the horror holds no purchase on you. Figments, flashes that are distant and mere shadows of even the memories in your head. You are not there. This is illusion, falsehood. You can hear the Hexagrammic Wards hiss as the shadows come apart. Your finger begins to pull the trigger, time slowly crawling forward. There are no more eyes. Just the two of the sorcerer. Faintly, you think you hear laughter.

Suddenly, everything whips back into place and you pull the trigger.

"Stop! I have hos-"

The sorcerer jerks back with a scream, trying to dodge away. He is quick on his feet. Very quick. But not quicker than the shotgun slug. A civilian leaps up from the crowd, trying to interpose herself in the way-but is also too slow. The round punches into his kneecap, shattering bone with an audible crunch. He spasms, screaming violently as electricity arcs through his body-And as he screams, suddenly several members of the crowd begin to spasm and shriek as well. The man who'd asked what was wrong mere moments before scream madly, clawing out his eyes as he crumbles to the ground. You see a woman slam her head repeatedly against the rockcrete of the street, cracking her skull like a melon. Some simply crumble to the ground, weeping or shaking, like the woman who'd tried to take the shot for the sorcerer. Others start shrieking and bellowing, weapons flashing into their hands and foam frothing at their mouths.

"What the warp!" You hear someone cry out.

That's when the shooting starts.

Everything happens at once. Men and women suddenly going into seizures, screaming and clawing at those around. Gunshots ring out. Bodies hit the floor.

"Eyes on weapons!" You hear Sister-Superior Selveria yell. "Contact! Fire, fire!"
You hear the distinctive double-booms of boltguns far behind. You hear an explosion, screaming, the rattle of gunfire.

A primitive firebomb flashes out of the crowd, splashing onto Caelia and bathing her in burning promethium. A moment later a member of the crowd empties several rounds from an autopistol point blank into her helm, each glancing off in a spray of sparks. The heretic curses, grabbing a weeping man to use as a shield. Another heretic moves to protect the fallen sorcerer, firing a revolver into Illana. She doesn't even feel the impact.

"Look out!" A ganger in front of Eriko cries out, grasping for his pistol. She turns, a chainsword buzzing toward her head. The robed woman is dressed like anyone among the crowd, but her lips are curled into a feral smile.
"Feed the Chaos Maw!" She yelps, swinging the buzzing blade. The blade turns off the side of the Sister's boltgun, sparks spattering off her armor. She lashes out with a fist at her attacker, the heretic swaying back out of the way. "You cannot slay me! I am immortal!" She laughs.

A bomb goes off somewhere off the bridge, water spraying upwards. More shots fired, more screams. Eriko witnesses a ganger go down, pierced through by a gladius blade, another shot through the face. A ganger atop a car falls backward with a scream, torso pulped by a burst of rounds. Pia sees a ganger drop, side shredded by a shotgun shell. Palais' blade whips into her hand to parry aside a sword strike, her roaring chainsword ripping through the heretic's leg a moment later and sending him toppling to the ground. To the north, you hear gunfire and a detonation, gangers crying out. One on a heavy stubber falls with a shriek as a round rips her left arm clean off at the shoulder.

"Contact on the buildings to our left!" You hear Sister Greiland bellow, her heavy bolter booming. A moment later something explodes among Derosa's squad, bathing Liandra and several other Sisters in shrapnel. The Sisters stomp from the firestorm unharmed.
"More moving into position on the right!"

Chaos is unfolding. Gangers and civilians alike crying out in panic, wild gunfire and explosions lighting up the bridge. Screaming, near feral civilians clawing at everyone that comes near. And as everything starts to go to hell...It is answered by the wrath of the Adepta Sororitas.

"Finally! The heretics come forth to die!" Someone shouts. "Deliver unto them the Emperor's judgement!"
"We bring Leanna's Mercy!"
"Acknowledged Sister-superior. Thank Leanna for blessed melta, but I will want Sister Pia or another's flamer to cleanse the cache before application. It seems likely the conditions will be...poor."

Maria stepped closer to the edge of the greenish rockcrete. "Brother Ollanius, you should get back to your men and women on the blockade. I believe we can manage here, and your personal attention would serve better on the road. You," she barked at the heavy intending to do the lifting, "endeavor not to destroy your back. If it's stuck, it is stuck. None will judge you for failures of the flesh here."

Let faith see them through, and the Emperor grant all above clarity and calm. She prayed the psyker's work be undone, and no other would take up his labor in ignorance or confusion.

"Go Ollanius. Now."
The hulking man grunts, tugging at something in the muck. "Skek. This is stuck hard. I don't know if we're going to get to it."

Ollanius grunts. "I'll go get some lads to help pull it out. Davian, with me." He says, starting to make his way back on the flakboard path. That's when you start noticing the movement on the rooftop on the nearby building. Civilians, trying to get a better look?

That's when a voice cries out from the water. "Something's got my leg!" You turn, head wheeling to one of the ganger's in the muck. He's struggling, pulling hard against something unseen in the murk.
"It's just the mud! Tug a little harder!" The female ganger laughs.
"No, it's not-It's biting me, it's biting-!" The ganger screams and then, in an instant, he's disappeared beneath the water. Blood billows to the surface.

"Jaxon!" The female ganger cries out, horrified.
"Get the skek out of the water!" The heavy bellows, hastily wading toward the shore.

Your auspex rings the contact before you see it. You half turn back, leveling your heavy bolter as a man suddenly leaps from the crowd, cutlass in hand.
"Beckon the Fall!" He screams, his blade clanging off your cuirass. You smash to the ground with the back of your gauntlet, cracking the man's skull.

Las-locks crack, and you hear Ollanius grunt. The man curses, steam rising from a black gash across his flak vest. Painfully inaccurate stub gun fire cracks holes in the rockcrete around your feet and tears chunks out of the flakboards but fails to strike anything. A ganger to your left is not so lucky however, a scream of agony ringing out as a cultist steps around the corner of a shack and drives a knife into his belly. As the man's entrails pour out, the cultist kicks the gurgling corpse to the ground and cheers.
"Refuse to be a slave!"

The crowd behind begins to scatter, revealing several rushing cultists brandishing autoguns and shotguns. One cultist with a pistol grabs one of the civilian and forces the screaming woman to her knees, using her as a shield as she fires you.
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Las-locks crack, and you hear Ollanius grunt. The man curses, steam rising from a black gash across his flak vest. Painfully inaccurate stub gun fire cracks holes in the rockcrete around your feet and tears chunks out of the flakboards but fails to strike anything. A ganger to your left is not so lucky however, a scream of agony ringing out as a cultist steps around the corner of a shack and drives a knife into his belly. As the man's entrails pour out, the cultist kicks the gurgling corpse to the ground and cheers.
"Refuse to be a slave!"

The crowd behind begins to scatter, revealing several rushing cultists brandishing autoguns and shotguns. One cultist with a pistol grabs one of the civilian and forces the screaming woman to her knees, using her as a shield as she fires you.

They were all slaves to the divine, the profane. Freedom was a gift, but not a shield from the intent of each actor, and these were wicked ones indeed. To clutch at false freedom and deny others their own, or worse, drag them down from the righteous path... Maria sighed.

"Brothers, sisters, faithful and sinners. The Emperor loves you. Remember this always: when you call upon him, when you spite him, when you are your brother's keeper and when you strike down his children in your weakness. Let the faithful flee, let the sinners fall, and let the blessed martyrs live forever in His bosom."

The muzzle of the heavy bolter came up from the rockrete and settled as Maria's magboot crunched on the body of the fallen cultist. So braced, the sister smiled. Her face was hidden by the armored helmet but the uncharacteristic warmth was obvious in her voice as she called out to the screaming woman before squeezing the trigger.

"Close your eyes sister, and remember that He loves us."

Braced, semi-auto on the pistol packing cultist holding the woman hostage

Follow up: Clear the laslocks, then move on to mopping up additional heretics in the area (favoring those the civilians have cleared away from)
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"Look out!" A ganger in front of Eriko cries out, grasping for his pistol. She turns, a chainsword buzzing toward her head. The robed woman is dressed like anyone among the crowd, but her lips are curled into a feral smile.
"Feed the Chaos Maw!" She yelps, swinging the buzzing blade. The blade turns off the side of the Sister's boltgun, sparks spattering off her armor. She lashes out with a fist at her attacker, the heretic swaying back out of the way. "You cannot slay me! I am immortal!" She laughs.
Eriko's fist reverses midswing as the cultist laughs, catching her off-guard but the robed woman hastily raises her chainsword just before the backhand can connect. With a clang, armoured gauntlet meets the flat of the chainsword and the force is enough to send the cultist stumbling back.

"You are beyond delusion, woman," Eriko growls before she turns to the gangers, the cultist relegated to a buzzing annoyance. One raving lunatic was barely dirt on her heels compared to the what the gangers could contribute.

Eriko releases her chainsword from its maglock and twirls it in the air.

"Men of Ollanius and Kristold the Half-Cogged!" The Storm's vox speakers scream as it had screamed for the Canoness millennia ago. "You face cowards hiding behind crowds. Strip them! Kill them! Show them how real men fight!"

As if to punctuate her point, Eriko brings her chainsword down, teeth revving for blood.

(OOC: Inspire 38 - 10 A Hero's Shame = 28. Reroll successful Command tests. Reroll failed Fellowship tests. Then Standard Attack on cultist. WS 40 + 10 Hatred = TN 50.

Afterwards, split attention between attacking heretics and inspiring gangers. Half-Aim and Semi-Auto Burst for shooting. All-Out Attack or Charge if possible.

BS 40 + 20 Half-Action Aim + 10 Accurate + 10 Holo-Sight up to 40m + 10 Semi-Auto Burst = TN 90. Stun Shells. Lose Scatter. Gain Numbing and Shocking.

WS 40 + 10 Hatred + 20 All-Out Attack or Charge = TN 70. +1DoS and -1DoF

Inspire: Fel 38 + 10 Full Action - 10 A Hero's Shame = 38. Reroll successful Command tests. Reroll failed Fellowship tests. Use Faith once to reroll.)
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"Contact on the buildings to our left!" You hear Sister Greiland bellow, her heavy bolter booming. A moment later something explodes among Derosa's squad, bathing Liandra and several other Sisters in shrapnel. The Sisters stomp from the firestorm unharmed.
"More moving into position on the right!"

Chaos is unfolding. Gangers and civilians alike crying out in panic, wild gunfire and explosions lighting up the bridge. Screaming, near feral civilians clawing at everyone that comes near. And as everything starts to go to hell...It is answered by the wrath of the Adepta Sororitas.

"Finally! The heretics come forth to die!" Someone shouts. "Deliver unto them the Emperor's judgement!"
"We bring Leanna's Mercy!"

In her gut, Caelia knew this nightmare would happen. Urban warfare was ugly enough on it's own-every daughter of Velorum knew that-but this was on another level. She hesitated for a fraction of a moment, seeing the crowd of civilians and the few brazen forms of cultists amongst the mix. But that indecision could only last so long-her hands snaked to her Boltgun at her hip, pulling it upward in one smooth motion.

She stared into the face of those cowards in the seeming forever it took her boltgun to rise to her hands. The same heresy that had destroyed her family, that had destroyed uncountable families for ten thousand years. And now sought to destroy the innocents surrounding them, for no other reason than the mad raving of their dark gods. She would not allow it.

Her boltgun found it's mark at the same moment she spoke.

"Ave Leanna! You shall not trespass, heretics!"

She found her targets and opened fire, her warhelm's immobile visor glaring hatred.

(Draw bolter one handed, Semi Auto into the group in front of me with aim and called shot for any exposed parts. All are within point blank, so no explosive damage. 40+10+10+10+20+30-20-10 with a reroll and +1 Bonus DoS-spread fire to drop each of the three in front. Afterwards, charge into melee with Sarrissa and only fire on semi or single shot when clear shots present themselves. Attempt to avoid civilian casualties)
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That's when the shooting starts.
"God-Emperor! Bless you for granting me another opportunity to fight in your name!" The vibrant joy in Pia's voice resonates over squad vox. Here eyes alight up on the grenadier in front of her, already fumbling for another incendiary charge, and in a flash her mace is in her hand, crackling with electricity.

"REPENT, SINNERS," she shouts, "that you may BEG His forgiveness in death!" Then she's off to do what the Dominion are meant to do: Charge and kill.

Bowling towards the man in front of her she brings up the mace.

(Draw mace and move towards the Grenadier in front of me, beat him to death, then continue melee until the cultists to the left of Viatorem are dead. Minimize civilian casualties whenever possible. Switch to Flamer after. BS 46 WS 40)
The heretic meets your gaze, blue eyes staring deep. Through your visor, into your eyes, into your soul.

Your weapon rises, but it is glacial. The weapon feels weighed down by a thousand tons, rising centimeter by centimeter over what feels like minutes. The world around you cracks and splinters, shards of vision amidst a cloud of smoldering blackness. In one shard you see your boltgun fire, ripping through innocent civilians. In others, you see the glazed over eyes of civilians as they rip and tear into everything around them in feral fury. You see Palais bursting apart as an RPG strike hits. You see a thing peeling its way out of the sorcerer's split belly. But most of all, you see innocents on the ground, blood pooling from their burst eyes-like the man directly in front of you. You feel tendrils of shadow curling about you, trying to pierce into the deeper parts of your soul and mind, but they find no purchase. They turn off your faith, off the wards of your armor.

Idiot child. The heretic's voice curls through your thoughts, even as hazy prayers to the God-Emperor rise to drown it out. It is not angry. It sounds more like the voice of a disappointed parent. You know not what you've done. I speak with stolen tongues and see through thieved eyes. Minds and souls are weak things, easy to cage. Bodies among this crowd, yoked to my will. Waiting for my signal to strike. I would have bargained with their freedom. I would have waited for rescue. What do you think happens to mind-slaves when their master's leg snaps like a twig and electricity courses through his veins?

Your weapon sights lock on his legs, finger moving to tighten on the trigger ever so slowly.

You hear the creature sigh in your mind. I suppose we find out together. It matters not. Old Night Cometh. It is the first step on the road to reclaim our lost Crown. It looks through our eyes and smiles to see what we have done.

His blue eyes stare into yours. You see things in those eyes. Dying suns and burning worlds-And golden halls and glittering spires. An endless procession of lords and saints, each spilling their blood for a thorned crown. Eyes, you see. Blue eyes, staring down at you from a hundred, a thousand, a million directions, all joyous to see what they behold. The richness of blood. The marching of armies. The joys of lords. The prayers of battle-priests. Corpses piling up, flesh rotting, eyes staring blankly on. Eyes. So many eyes. Like globes in the tumultuous black.
You see your home.

Broken child. Playing at Saint. I will not be humbled by an orphan.

A dark, greasy texture claws across the sky of your home. Unholy night falls. Figures stride through halls of your memory. A hulking horror, a thing of night incarnate that walks through fire and light and quenches all, leaving only broken husks and piles of gore in its wake. Bodies slough apart, limbs stretch to show muscle beneath. You see friends, family-The screaming, the screaming as the night eats them alive and spits out their rotting bones. You see Danial die.

And yet, the horror holds no purchase on you. Figments, flashes that are distant and mere shadows of even the memories in your head. You are not there. This is illusion, falsehood. You can hear the Hexagrammic Wards hiss as the shadows come apart. Your finger begins to pull the trigger, time slowly crawling forward. There are no more eyes. Just the two of the sorcerer. Faintly, you think you hear laughter.

Suddenly, everything whips back into place and you pull the trigger.

"Stop! I have hos-"

The sorcerer jerks back with a scream, trying to dodge away. He is quick on his feet. Very quick. But not quicker than the shotgun slug. A civilian leaps up from the crowd, trying to interpose herself in the way-but is also too slow. The round punches into his kneecap, shattering bone with an audible crunch. He spasms, screaming violently as electricity arcs through his body-And as he screams, suddenly several members of the crowd begin to spasm and shriek as well. The man who'd asked what was wrong mere moments before scream madly, clawing out his eyes as he crumbles to the ground. You see a woman slam her head repeatedly against the rockcrete of the street, cracking her skull like a melon. Some simply crumble to the ground, weeping or shaking, like the woman who'd tried to take the shot for the sorcerer. Others start shrieking and bellowing, weapons flashing into their hands and foam frothing at their mouths.

"What the warp!" You hear someone cry out.

That's when the shooting starts.
Ilana rocked back, looking with disbelieving eyes at the carnage she had wrought among the Emperor's flock. She started briefly, hand outstretched as if that would undo the horrors before her, the same ink-black nightmares flashing through her mind.


The howl of gunfire erupted around her, harshly ingrained instincts shaking off the fleeting psychosis from her mind. Ilana hear her breathing, harsh and ragged against her sealed rebreather. Could she have saved them? Were their deaths preventable? The question clawed furiously at her heart, but she forced it down through sheer dint of will, redirecting her now enraged gaze to the oncoming heretics. Her hands shuddered under the force of her umbrage, hatred pulsing through arteries and veins. Unforgivable, all of them were beyond redemption, ever beyond His light. She took aim, the prenatural aim of the prosecutor spirit gently loosening her grip, as she tracked the heretic charging to the fallen psyker as if it were in slow motion, grateful that she had enough presence of mind to flick the selector to single shot. She couldn't afford to be anything less than utterly precise in the midst of this crowd.

"Rejoice scum," She snarled, "for thine shall be judged now before Him!"

OOC: Secure the psyker and fire at any heretic that dares to pop up with single shot to avoid collateral.
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"Raise your voice, Sisters, so the God-Emperor may hear our prayers!" Palais bellows, her chainsword held toward the heavens, its howl accentuating her words.

As the squad rushes into battle, as rounds spatter harmlessly off ceramite plate-You hear it. Your Sisters, raising their voices as one to the God-Emperor of Mankind. Their voices, as beautiful as they are wrathful. It howls from vox-casters and laud hailers and open mouths, rising above the screams and torrent of battle. The Fede Imperialis: The Battle-Prayer of the Adepta Sororitas.

"A spiritu dominatus,
Domine, libra nos!"

Caelia fires, the heretic pressing the end of his revolver against the hostage's head. He doesn't have time to pull the trigger before the round disintegrates his jaw and punches through the back of his spine. The heretic's disembodied cranium flips through the air like a popped off ration tid lid, landing hard on the rockcrete. The body slumps against the screaming hostage before she kicks it off, scampering to her hands and knees and praying to the God-Emperor.

Before the corpse hits the ground, she is already turning. She pulls the trigger, once, twice. The first precision round punches through the torso of a howling woman whose face is hidden behind a blood stained rag, hollowing her torso out and sending her slumping over to the ground. Just as Pia closes in on the grenadier, Caelia's third shot punches through their kneecaps, bursting both apart and sending them wailing to the ground. The raging Sister continues on, leaping over the broken body as sparks fly off her hissing shockmaul. A moment later, a civilian bleeding from his eyes leaps atop Sister Caelia, stabbing wildly with a long-edged knife at the eyes and joints. "Cough cough, heard you cough cough and lie and wear the crown of thorns! Won't get sick like pa, ten thousand eyes inside your eyes, won't get sick like pa, die die die die!"

"Sisters, take the left side! I'll clear out the right and move to find Maria!" Palais hisses over the squad vox as she leaps past the idling Viatorem. You hear her chainsword howl as it scythes through the spine of another heretic, and her voice takes up once more the battle-prayer.

"From the lighting and the tempest,
Our Emperor, deliver us!"

The heretics react with mindless violence. A detonation goes off among the gangers' barricades, chunks of meat raining down among the panicking crowd and a broken body thrown over the barricade. A shotgunner is sent stumbling by a flailing civilian even as she fires, shots flying wildly into the sky, and panicked drop screaming civilians to the dirt. Sparks flash off Illan's breastplate and pauldrons as an autogunner set up on an adjoining rooftop lights her up, one of the howling civilians behind her dropped to the ground as a bullet punches her nearly in half around the bottom of the ribs. At the north side of the checkpoint, gunfire and screams ring out. Even as she deflects a heretic's blade with the back of her vambrace, Sister Eriko makes out the flash of a firebomb going off, a screaming ganger staggering from his position ablaze. Sister Greiland's voice rings loud through the vox as stub and lasfire cracks harmlessly off her armor plate, and the squad makes out heavy gunfire and detonations farther down the street.

The squad ekes out vengeance tenfold.
"From plague, temptation and war,
Our Emperor, deliver us!"

Pia sprints past the flailing civilians, flicking her power maul to max power. Its disruption field flares, hungry to deliver the Emperor's justice. A heretic with a shotgun rises to his feet as the Sister reaches him, the man frantically pumping the action and swinging the weapon around. The maul descends, ripping through the shotgun and slamming into the man's torso. Although the weapon is, by power weapon stands, woefully weak and cheap, is is still more than capable of cracking apart a carapace breastplate and reducing the man beneath to paste. The unarmored's heretics torso practically explodes into red mist and pulp, his limbs splattering to the pavement. His head is cannonballed back straight into the gut of a heretic grenadier who bends over and vomits in pain.

"From the scourge of the Kraken,
Our Emperor, deliver us!"

Bolter fire answers the heretics. Squad Derosa lays down a punishing barrage upon the heretics on the west buildings, sending shredded bodies toppling into the waters below as one Battle-Sister sprints across the flakboards and shatters a rifleman's torso with a blow of her fist. Ilana pushes her way through the crowd, a cultist grabbing the downed sorcerer by the shoulder and dragging him back, forcing civilians who attempt to intervene with the butt of their pistol. Pistol rounds crack harmlessly against her bulk as she levels her pistol, following the unerring guidance of her Persecutor Spirit, and fires. The round swirls through the crowd with perfect accuracy, before it punches through an improvised plasteel breastplate and detonates, ripping the heretic almost in twain. Just outside of the minimum safe distance-luckily, nobody seems to have been hurt, or perhaps the spirit of your armor and weapon knew the odds. She stomps forward up to the sorcerer, only for a civilian to collapse with a scream against her bulk, toppling to the floor. A raving madwoman, a bloodied club in hand, turns her attention on the Sororitas. "Broken little dollies, I'll fix them right up after work, yes I will., I promise I will sweetie." The woman twitches, blood weeping from her eyes. "Kill the witch, get to work, kill the unclean, where'd I leave my keys?"

Eriko, meanwhile, finds her chainsword meeting the heretic's own. "I cannot be harmed!" The heretic laughs. She catches the Sister's chainsword blow with a parry-but it is a poor one, sparks flying as Eriko's chainsword slides down along the edges of the traitor's blade straight into her exposed right arm. The woman stares dumbly at the blood spurting from the limb before toppling over, quite dead.

"From the blasphemy of the Fallen,
Our Emperor, deliver us!"

Maria, as far as she is from the main battle, still hears the voices of the faithful uplifted high. Rounds spatter off her armor, cultists screaming at one another.
"Target the joints, like the masters said!" "It's not enough! We need heavy weapons up here!" "Have faith! Corruption is our shield! Hatred our sword! Death to Imperium and the False Emperor!"
A pipe bomb lands at Maria's feet, Indomitable refusing to even throw up a warning rune as it detonates impotently, not even able to be felt through the thick ceramite. She levels her heavy bolter, firing a quick burst at the hostage and hostage taker.
"No! Please!" The hostage has time to scream before you pull the trigger. The heretic behind eyes' bulge grotesquely as they shove away their victim and attempts to run. Too slow. The first round strikes the woman in the knees and detonates, reducing her legs and that of her kidnapper's to flying chunks of meat and gristle. The next strikes the screaming heretic right in the skull, blowing apart the head, shredding the torso to the bone and ripping the right arm clean off. The third round punches through another heretic, detonating him like an overripe fruit and sending his limbs bouncing across the soaked rockcrete.
"Throne!" One of the heretics calls out.
"Heed your tongue, sister, 'lest I cut it out!"
"Reflex! Reflex brother! I can't believe-"
"Believe it! Leanna's curs actually know how to fight! Keep her distracted!"

As the battle rages on, more heretics pour forth clambering up the surrounding buildings, more pouring down the road. "RPG on the eastern rooftops! Attempting to eliminate!" You hear Sister Liandra bellow over the vox. Down the highway the squad hears gangers crying out as shots are exchanged and men and women on both sides side. Beyond them, you see a truck crash into a bus, almost toppling it over. Moments later, cultists surge forward onto the highway, snarling and preaching to their dark gods.

"From the begetting of daemons,
Our Emperor, deliver us!"

Edit: Getting back into the combat groove, so this ended up not going as quickly as I'd like. Only one turn passed.
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Pia spends five heartbeats after beating a heretic with another, dead heretic looking around, analyzing incoming threats. A Dominion must always know where to charge, Pia, she recalls the voice of Sister-Superior Anais. If you cannot do that, you shame your bloodline, you shame our world, and worst of all, you fail the God-Emperor.

She'd gotten reasonably good at threat assessment.

"Sisters. Additional heretics bussing in from the north." The machine spirit of Soliferrum paints target-runes on distant faces, relays them to the others of Squad Palais. "Will move to intercept and interdict with cleansing flame."

Pia follows her own words immediately. It's hard for most people to imagine someone as tall as a Sister of Battle in full panoply to charge as fast as they do, but the towering frame of their blessed Warplate lends itself to long strides. Dashing forward, she uses her momentum to slalom between the ruined car in front of her, shouting an exhortation to the two gangers she passes between to give their best for the God-Emperor.

With thundering, loping steps, she crosses the asphalt of the road, ignoring the lesser clusters of heretics as unimportant for now. Ahead, she can see a cluster of heretics emerge from a bus, but her eyes are fixated on the largest of them. A hideous, hulking mutant with a heavy stub-gun of some sort.

Her blood boils, heartbeats quickening, almost in tune with the flickering pilot light of her flamer. Its machine spirit doubtlessly feels the same, longing for unleashment.

And unleashed it is. The spray of cleansing fire starts with the hulking mutant and travels right, to engulf more of these heretics and bring them before the Throne. The fire licks through the bus's broken windows, to torch the heretics inside and beyond it.

Meanwhile, throwing her weight back, Pia slides the last few meters towards the half-burning car, cancelling her momentum by slamming heavily into it, the line of flame zig-zagging eratically for a moment as she comes to a halt.


(Run north, Hip Shooting the flamer onto the group by the Hulking Mutant, try to get as many in the cone as I can.)
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The body falls, streaming blood, and without another glance Eriko steps over the body. She locks her chainsword in place as her armour scans the battlefield, targetting runes painting friendlies and hostiles in equal measure.

She sees Pia lope northwards, flamer in hand and burner lit. Palais had ordered them west but no Sister should be left alone when carrying out their mandate, especially one as fervent as the newest additon to Squad Palais.

"Moving North with Sister Pia." Eriko reports and from a standing position she explodes into a full-on sprint, the Storm of Summer's pistons hammer furiously to deliver judgement on the heretics. Eriko sees Pia light up the large mutant and in a few moments Eriko rears back her armour before it could charge amidst the cleansing flame and the enemy.

"On your sixth, Sister," she says cooly in between Pia's shouting. "Keep the fire burning for me."

She remains standing beside Pia's cover, trusting in her armour, and she brings her shotgun to bear. It rings out, a storm of lead into the swirling flames.

"From the curse of the mutant,
Our Emperor, deliver us."

(OOC: Quick Draw sheathe the chainsword. Full Move up with Pia and Full Auto Burst with shotgun. Flechette Shells. +2 Penetration. Splintering. Continue full auto on the northern group after.

BS 40 + 20 Full Auto Burst + 10 Free Action Aim + 10 Accurate + 10 Close Range + 10 Scatter - 30 Full Move = TN 70)
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"Damn the Witch!" Caelia curses, shoving the ranting man off her. The Slayer of Ten Thousand returns to it's honored place on her back, and she cracks the Neural whip. As much as she wished to take the fight to the enemy, there was the matter of the citizenry to attend to, before they harmed themselves or others. She grit her teeth, and lashes out at the nearest maddened citizen.

(OOC: Strike down frenzied citizens with Neural whip on low power. Focus on any with weapons)
"From the curse of the mutant,
Our Emperor, deliver us!"

The crowd becomes a roiling madhouse of violence, frenzied civilians striking out and being struck back at in turn. Bodies hit the rockcrete, stabbed and clubbed and shot. Caelia witnesses a ganger tossed screaming into a burn pile a moment before his attacker is stabbed through the skull by a howling woman. A club breaks over the back of another frenzied cultist, but the madman just laughs it off. Caelia's whip snaps out, a howling madman twitching and jerking before staggering to the ground. Again she swings out, but her target knocks aside the whip with the head off her hammer. "Cut the fish, clean the guts, watch the shadow grow!" The woman hisses.

"A morte perpetua,
Domine, libra nos!"

Illana grabs the downed cultist, ignoring the wood club of a frenzied civilian crack off her right pauldron. She lifts the body, moving toward the Viatorem. Two Battle-Sisters, Anna and Arina, fall to their knees, motioning her on. A civilian races up behind her. "Sister! Sister, please! Help, my brother's hurt! You have to help me!" The woman says, tugging at the rosary beads dandling from her armor. Then, the woman snaps up the pistol toward the downed pysker's face.
"All blood feeds the gods!" She snarls, firing. Illana snaps her free gauntlet out to block the shots, rounds sparking against the armored glove. A moment later, Arina's boltgun booms and the cultist detonates like she had swallowed a grenade, chunks of meat and bone raining against her plate.
"We bring Leanna's Merc-" The Sister begins, before Liandra's voice hisses over the vox. "Down, Sisters!"

A rocket flashes from a nearby rooftop, howling straight toward Sister Anna. She ducks at the last second, the rocket striking her pauldron and corkscrewing into the air above before it detonates. Illana throws herself down over the witch, shrapnel pinging off her pauldrons and backpack. Anna grunts, stumbling for her balance, but her runes read green. At last, Illana drags the broken body inside the Viatorem and shuts the ramp as Anna races by to assist in eliminating the RPG team.

"This is Squad Selveria, we're cleansing the last of the southern cultists, but there's something going on by the Guild transports, sounds like a panic's starting. Moving to contain." She calls out, before raising her voice once more to the Battle-Prayer.

Gangers leap aside as Pia and Eriko sprint through the mass toward the northern edge of the checkpoint. Gunfire and screams surround, gangers and cultists blazing away at one another and slashing at one another in brutal hand to hand combat. A grenade crossbowman tumbles from his tower as they pass, cracking open against the pavement like an egg. Hails of punshing gunfire rip apart a barricade on the right side of the street, tearing a trio of gangers to bloody ribbons and even ripping away arm off a heavy.
"The Sisters! The Sisters are with us!" You hear a ganger cry out over the tumult, to ragged cheers and cries of relief. More gangers rush to reinforce the front, including a roaring sentinel.

Through the haze and gunfire, a group of cultists advance. At their head are two cultists with barbed wire wrapped shields made of flakboard and metal scraps, providing cover for heretic with bulging muscles and chem-blackened veins, heavy stubber in hand. Not far behind, an even larger foe stomps forward, towering easily a head above even the heavy. Where most of the other cultists wear common civilian clothing, this beast wears thick furs draped with twisted iron and bone fetishes. The hideous mark of the eight pointed star is scarred into its twin mawed face, other ritual scars tracing down the cancerous tumors that bulge across its mountainous torso. It hisses, a low and sibilant sound at odds with its appearance.

"By the four hundred and forty-four names of the gods, be broken and shattered! This world does not belong to the False-Emperor!"
"All praise the Fall! All praise the Crownless King!" Comes the rejoinder.

"That thou wouldst bring them only death,
That thou shouldst spare none!"

Pia ignores its ranting, aiming her flamer. With a prayer to the Machine-Spririt, the flamer looses its terrible wrath. A short burst of Promethium takes the mutant horror in its thick right leg, not merely burning the flesh but cremating it with the fury of its heat. Flesh and bone alike turn to ash in an instant, and the beast falls with a roar of agony, residual heat setting alight its totemic scraps and furs and leaving it a blazing pyre. Pia redirects the spray of flame upon the main advance of the cult troops. The shieldbearers step forward, brandishing their improvised protection. Perhaps they'd even make an effective defense against a firebomb.

But the promethium of a Sororitas flamer burns hot indeed, designed to roast through even light body armor. The spray of flame splashes against the left man's shield, coating is in a blinding haze of heat. Within moments, the material begins to slough away in red hot streams, pouring out across the cultist's arm. Steam rises as the molten spray burns through leather, cloth and flesh, boiling away the meat and even burning into the bone. The man's partner giggles madly at the display and slices off his head with a slash of his gladius blade. Eriko fires even as the left shield bearer falls, using the jap to pump a round straight into the heavy's right shoulder. The flechette round bursts in the air, sending singing blades dancing through the bulging meat of the man's arm and slicing through bone. The shoulder, reduced to hamburger, comes away slowly, pieces of shredded muscle holding the limb aloft for a moment before snapping away. The heavy screams, blood gushing from the wound. For a moment, it tries to raise the heavy stubber one handed before finally crumbling to the ground. Then she turns her attention to heretics in the melee, a burst of flechettes ripping apart two into an indescribable mess.

Heavy gunfire answers the Sisters, round after round sparking off their plate. The burning vehicle a few steps away explodes, driving the Sisters back a step. Momentarily off-blance, the shield bearer leaps forward, laughing maniacally.
"Sweet suffering!" He sings, slashing at Pia, but the Battle-Sister steps through his swing and slams her fist at him. The man's shield buckles under the blow, the heretic stumbling back. A moment later, a heavy stubber opens up from behind, tearing away the cultist's legs and sparking off the backpacks of the two Sororitas.
"Kill the heretic!" A ganger on a technical laughs, waving at the two as though he hadn't just accidentally shot both of them.

The cheers are short lived, however. Frantic civilians, driven on by the gunfire and bellows of heretics, pour toward you to clog your firing lines. Some you see bear the tell-tale signs of the Black Rot.
"Back! Back damn you!" You hear a ganger shout, firing his gun in some desperate attempt to halt the panic.

In the distance, some of the civilians frantically charge the heretics. Civilians whose bodies are rotting away under the effects of the Schechin plague, their pallid frames struggling to overpower the healty cultists. A pair, you see, drive a screaming cultist off the side of a building, sending him plummeting to the murk below. To your flank, you hear gunfire and screams and a ganger rushes up the planks. "Heretics moving up the walkway! They've killed everyone!" She screams, pointing back. Two more hulking horrors trudge up the walkway, their weapons bloodied with the guts of the gangers who'd been guarding the walkway moments before. Behind them, a surge of bellowing madmen.
"Kill for the Dark Gods! Kill for the Fallen! Pen them in! Pen them in!"

"That thou shouldst pardon none
We beseech thee, destroy them!"

Maria heavy bolter howls, tearing chunks out of the rockcrete walls the las-lock wielding heretics are cowering behind. She hears one cry out, but can't confirm the kill from her angle. Round after round bounces off her armor harmlessly, but the fighting that surrounds her is far more brutal. Ollanius' bodyguard falls with a cry of pain as a bullet opens his side, his hands clutching the gash and struggling to keep his insides where they are. A shot from another ganger's revolver rips apart the hand of a cultist, sending him tottering to the ground even. The heavy snarls, dragging himself to the shoreline even as rounds splash around him, and with one meaty hand he pulls the female ganger out of the muck as well. Ollanius snarls and hisses, trading blows with a yelping heretic striking with an improvised spear. He stumbles as a bayonet slashes along his left leg, but a return slash slices open the muscle of his attacker's arm, sending the spear splashing into the water. The heretic turns to run, only to catch a bullet in the back and tumble to the pavement.

"Selverus' sake!" Ollanius snarls. "Behind us!"

Civilians flee down the flakboard walkway, screaming in terror a they flee from a flanking group of additional heretics. At their head is a gargantuan brute, easily a head and shoulders larger than Maria and far broader at that. For a moment, she think it has scales and horns, before she realizes it is wearing the antlered skull of some beast and a cloak of animal scales is pulled tight to its torso, little ritual totems swirling off it. A brutal chainaxe roars in its clawed grip, daubed with the eight pointed star. It smiles at her through a lamprey maw.
"Be not afraid, little Imperials. I bear good news! The gods are come back to Dreverarch and wish to meet you!" It says with a thick accent far from that of the other cultists Maria has heard.

Then, the water stirs. There is an explosion of movement, water spraying violently across the shore. The female ganger whips about, bringing her revolver to bear. Then, with a sickening noise, she's pulled into the air, her entrails pouring through her open gut. A creature of mottled flesh, black venom dripping from its yellowed fangs and claws stares at her with horribly human eyes before tossing the body away. She slams to the ground but a few steps from Maria, convulsing and gurgling, bloody froth spitting fom her lips. A second beast leaps from the water, its claws nearly taking off the heavy's head before he batters them aside with his chainsword, droplets of black poison splashing across his flak vest. A third pulls itself onto the flakboard platform, pulling a screaming civilian tight before its teeth tear away her jaw and throat, leaving only a mangled mess. The other civilian near them cries out in horror, falling to his knees.

The Heavy turns to flee, before Ollanius Black's voice rings out. "Stand fast or I swear to my namesake I'll hunt you down and strangle you to death myself, Erison!" The man snarls, taping a single, careful step back, chainsword guttering. The heavy swallows noisily, raising his blade. He is not the only one effected. Several of the cultists jerk back in surprise and horror, one of them even pulling down his bandana to vomit on the ground. Even the hulking mutant stops its advance, narrowing its beady eyes at the freaks.

The three abominations turn their human eyes toward Maria, smiling with fangless maws as they stand upright-like a man. Their bodies are covered in sores and puss weeping growths, their corded muscle pestilent and rotting. Maggots squirm in the hideous folds of their flesh, as they flash their claws and teeth.
"What in the warp are those?" One of the cultists cries out. "They look like they have the bloody Black Rot! No, worse! Way worse!"
"Friends from the deepest dark! Fear not, sister!" Another cultist replies. "Though, ah, keep your distance, 'lest you catch what they have."
"By the Maw, let's pull out and let them fight it out. This is already too close!"
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"A morte perpetua,
Domine, libra nos!"

Ilana dragged the broken body of the heretic back, cursing bitterly at what duty demanded of her. That the fate he would receive at the hands of the Arbiters would be no less kind than death brought only the barest of satisfaction to her, not when the screams of the innocent dead haunted her ears and her sisters fought for the living all around her. She clenched her gauntlets tighter around the heretic's shirt, straining the fragile fabric to the point where it threatened to tear. Faster. Faster. Faster, so her bolter may speak once more.

"That thou wouldst bring them only death,
That thou shouldst spare none!"

The crack of the club against her pauldron would've been audible in different circumstances, where the scream of bolt and blade were not raging around Ilana. As it was it merely blended into the rest of the cacophony, and Ilana shrugged it off, dragging the heretic along with the madwoman beating away at her side. Did Leanna's blood not stain the garden, the proof of her holy matyrdom in the place of others? Ilana's example did not match to such an auspicious example, but better that this poor woman attack her than to injure someone less protected. Such was the example that Leanna set to all.

"That thou shouldst pardon none
We beseech thee, destroy them!"

"Anna!" Ilana screamed as she rose, heart hammering as the rocket detonated in the distance. She faltered as she saw the green runes on her display, and only at the moment she finally allowed herself the luxury of relief. "Ah, you gave me quite the fright Sister. Take care lest you take me to meet the Emperor at your side-"

Ilana turned and stilled as she slammed the hatch of the Viatorem on her unwanted cargo. A titan in shadow, cloaked in nightmare and walking upon that sunless sea, reflected in the thousand thousand shards of glass blown down by the rocket. It stared at her with eyes of stolen embers that bored into her with eldritch intent that would make daemonkind colour with envy. Ilana's hands reflexively went for the psycrystal shard at her neck, but found it inert in trembling hands.

Why now? Why that old nightmare after a decade of peace?

The roar of the mutant on the vox finally forced her away from that leering visage as some distant part of her mind recognised one of the voices as Maria's, and the rest of her pushed that trembling child away and took to the skies, where the sun burned brilliantly in its blue-green backdrop for miles around.

Yet she felt those sunless eyes all around her.

OOC: Land beside Maria and open up on that abomination to the north. If the abomination dies then reposition so I can safely shoot the advancing mutant and his cultist posse.
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The Heavy turns to flee, before Ollanius Black's voice rings out. "Stand fast or I swear to my namesake I'll hunt you down and strangle you to death myself, Erison!" The man snarls, taping a single, careful step back, chainsword guttering. The heavy swallows noisily, raising his blade. He is not the only one effected. Several of the cultists jerk back in surprise and horror, one of them even pulling down his bandana to vomit on the ground. Even the hulking mutant stops its advance, narrowing its beady eyes at the freaks.

The three abominations turn their human eyes toward Maria, smiling with fangless maws as they stand upright-like a man. Their bodies are covered in sores and puss weeping growths, their corded muscle pestilent and rotting. Maggots squirm in the hideous folds of their flesh, as they flash their claws and teeth.
"What in the warp are those?" One of the cultists cries out. "They look like they have the bloody Black Rot! No, worse! Way worse!"
"Friends from the deepest dark! Fear not, sister!" Another cultist replies. "Though, ah, keep your distance, 'lest you catch what they have."
"By the Maw, let's pull out and let them fight it out. This is already too close!"

The Fede Imperialis still rang in Maria's ears along with the blessed chorus of her sisters' weaponry over the way. The light drove back the darkness, and though she was but one flickering spark it was all He needed to enkindle the bonfire of her soul. The hordes of decay could come, rise, return, but she would not be driven back. Like unto a rock, the retributor stood.

"Brother Ollanius, hold them on that bridge, and you, faithful of Dreverarch: flee or fight, but do not give aid to the enemy with your cowering. His wrath comes."

Her eyes darted to the throbbing amber and red glyphs at the edges of her view. Improvised explosives, small arms, these were things Indomitable may disdain, but presenting her back-plates to a foe? Unacceptable.

Except there was no other way. Surrounded, alone, she felt a joyous frisson through up through her boots and choosing quickly Maria swung the bolter around to unleash a cataclym upon the abominations looming over the nearby heavy. The vox crackled with the sound of full-throated bolter fire as she called out.

"Sister-superior, roughly fifteen cultists, three creatures, and another of unknown provenance at the dump site. The gangers will last as long as they can, but any support would be appreciated."

Full auto on the two eastern abominations. *FP spend to raise initiative
Once they're dead shift fire to the ones coming down the bridge.
Get shot in the back a bunch.
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Eriko sighed as the civilians rushed past her. This would have been a simpler clean-up if only those who had no business in battles had sat still and watched in awe. Still, their zeal could prove a strong foundation for a Frateris Militia and she would not dare dampen that. They only needed direction, a leader, and some semblance of being a soldier. Let them have their service to the Emperor now if not ever.

She backed up, speaking to Pia curtly as there was little time for niceties. "I shall take up the flank. Cover me and let the civilians fight or don't and fight here."


Then she was off, past the ganger who had warned them of the cultists' movements, and leaping into the planks with a crunch of power armoured boots against flakwood. For a second, the wood protested her weight and she waited for something to give, but when it did not snap she bounced back into action, running straight for the two large and idiot looking mutants.

"With me!" She shouted to the gangers, raising her shotgun as a rallying point. "Forward to avenge your dead!"

In normal battle circumstances, the cultist's maneuver may have been lauded as partially competent. They would pincer their foes and assail them from two opposing sides. Against equivalent foes it may have been enough to turn the tide in their favor. But against one lone Adepta Sororitas, the fact that they had not yet fled and still tried these sad attempts spoke volumes more on the myopia heresy brought.

She raised her assault shotgun, closing the gap between them, until she could leap forward and smash their teeth.

"That thou shouldst pardon none
We beseech thee, destroy them."

(OOC: Full Move to the walkway and Full Auto Burst with shotgun. Flechette Shells. +2 Penetration. Scatter. Splintering. 12 rounds left.

Continue full auto on them.

BS 40 + 20 Full Auto Burst + 10 Free Action Aim + 10 Accurate + 30 Point Blank + 10 Scatter - 30 Full Move = TN 90. Proven (4))
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