Colliding Souls (Apocrypha style Grail War OOC/Interest check)

Last I checked, Lancer was stuck in the neverending abyss between Rin's House and the Matou Manor.
I'll doublecheck to see if there's a post I can react to.
Last I checked, Lancer was stuck in the neverending abyss between Rin's House and the Matou Manor.
I'll doublecheck to see if there's a post I can react to.

Try here:
Berserker was disappointed to discover there was no need for his superior riding skills. Walking briskly over to the manor next door he flung the door open and announced himself at the top of his lungs. "Behold I Saber of the purple have arrived!"
Sakura walked beside her Servant, apathetic to his antics.

Rin trailed behind slightly, walking in a few seconds later, muttering something about pointless theatrics.
*Tamamo intensifies*

Right, I'm feeling it. I've got about 3/4 of a post in my head already, so as soon as the tabs finish loading, I'll get right on it.

Problem: I just had to restart my computer due to reasons, and there's 12 tabs to run on not very much internet. Might be 15 minutes or so.
EDIT: 11 minutes. Alright, that's pretty good!
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Hm. Need to get some inspiration going so the plot can be moved along and Zerker can be called out by Saber.
Berserker was pissed tha fuck off ta discover there was no need fo' his superior ridin game. Walkin briskly over ta tha manor next door he flung tha door open n' announced his dirty ass all up in tha top of his fuckin lungs. "Behold I Saber of tha purple have arrived!"
Sakura strutted beside her Servant, apathetic ta his thugged-out antics.

Rin trailed behind slightly, struttin up in all dem secondz later, mutterin suttin' bout pointless theatrics.
Nah. This doesn't quite work.
Last seen saying good evening to Alice. Wade is playing Alice, so this is his fault.
(In fact, let's say everything is Wade's fault. Even the stuff he has nothing to do with. Especially that stuff.)

Faith and begorra! 'Tis a cruel, cruel world we live in.

*Gives spear a single dramatic twirl, dives into the IC thread amidst a cloud of potatoes, four leaf clovers, and foaming mugs of beer*
... I'm just going to warn I'm moving over the next four days. Even if you reply to me, I'm uncertain I'll have internet or access to a proper computer.
I think I replied to everyone I need to. Tell me if I missed anyone.

Also, for when they finally post:

@Narcissist, Compel on Legendary Ego. Once you meet with White Team, make sure to teach them who they should be kneeling before.

Depending on how that goes down, I may Compel TehChron in response to what Narc eventually writes.
Re: Wizard Marshall's last IC post

Elsewhere, Zouken, Kirei, and Berserker of White stopped what they were doing and began to look around, as if sensing something.

"This feeling!" snarled Kirei "It''s as if...someone's happy!"

"Noooo!" raged Berserker. "We can't have that! We have to get rid of it right now!"

"KILL! MAIM! BURN!" agreed Zouken, waving his cane for emphasis.
"That's why if it looks like we're about to lose, what do you say about running off together? My prana reserves can probably sustain you even without the Grail's support."

What do I need to Compel to make Caster completely forget the earlier conversation and interpret this as an offer from her Master to go elope or something?

Looking for Love and Overenthusiastic both look like they could work...
What do I need to Compel to make Caster completely forget the earlier conversation and interpret this as an offer from her Master to go elope or something?

Looking for Love and Overenthusiastic both look like they could work...

The more I play Reines, the more I feel I should rework her aspects so I can make them the Silly Couple Team lol.
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Unnecessary Riding check! I have word of GM that my skill's good enough for the (relatively minor) stunt I want to do without needing a check, buuuut I feel like rolling anyway.
NSMS threw 4 6-faced dice. Reason: You spin me right round, baby Total: 12
6 6 1 1 1 1 4 4
That sounds like a compel to reveal my identity on at least one of Archer's aspects to me.

Although, does having a Servant's name out in the open automatically reveal their entire sheet?
That sounds like a compel to reveal my identity on at least one of Archer's aspects to me.

Although, does having a Servant's name out in the open automatically reveal their entire sheet?
Don't think so; Lancer in F/SN didn't get his full sheet revealed IIRC- anti-army Gae Bolge wasn't revealed until he used it, at least.
Basically, revelaed identities allow you to guess at their NPs better, but doesn't reveal the entire sheet.
For example, anyone who followed where I got my Lancer would know his name, and likewise work out what his NP is.
However, they're unlikely to guess the other stuff I put on him.
Heroic Spirits do get automatic Knowledge of other Heroic Spirits through Throne hax. So even if a Master wouldn't know about how Gae Bolg knows even if Cu Culainn said his Name, a Servant would likely have at least some clue if not even knows the Details. Saber didn't have Access to that auto-knowledge and only had vague informations about heroes who were Born before her, lived in the same area and were famous enough to have heard off.