Attempting to Survive the Apocalypse: Dimensional Dislocation

@Rukia Is the UHAT-10 a Robotics development? As in is it a massive airborne armed drone or a manned helicopter? Basically is the Robotics bonus being applied to it?

If we have the energy (and we should if we manage to get the nuclear reactor up) then it would be better to go for Stage 2 of ALR-50 factories. The ALR-51 project needs around 300 progress and offers only +3 Incremental progress to projects.
The Stage 2 of ALR-50 factories offer +6 Incremental progress to projects and +50 to our Resource Income. And it only needs around 150 more progress. A difference of +3 translates to saving 30 000 more lives the quarter it completes, 60 000 the next, etc. It will also have a 74.44% chance of completion with 2 dice. Which will allow us to do at least a stage of ammunition factories so our combat units won't be reduced to throwing rocks at IDCs.

Just for comparison. Over the course of a year (4 turns) ALR-51 development could add 30k+60k+90k+120k=300k saved lives. Stage 2 of ALR-50 factories over the same period would add 60k+120k+180k+240k=600k. 300 000 more lives saved. And we have a better chance of completing Stage 2 than designing the ALR-51. I think in this case the better is an enemy of good enough and we are influenced by Persica perfectionist scientist tendencies.

There is also a logistics problem with designing and deploying both the UHAT-10 attack helicopter and ACR-UH-30 heavy mech we need to take into account. While we have the ammo for the Stalker most likely due to it being standard and we could have stored some before our resupply was cut I doubt we have 140mm shells or heavy air to surface missiles/rockets. We will need at least Stage 4 of Munitions Foundries to be able to field them. Since Stage 3 is needed just to secure our current needs.
Except I think developing the 51 will mean we'll save even more lives. Developing the 51 gives us +3 incremental increase just from developing it. The 50 gave us +1 from developing it. After which the first initial production run gave +2 then +4. If the pattern holds then the initial factory with two stages (with progress cost of combined 150) will likely give us double the 50's initial incremental increase (which would be +12 at minimum, +18 if the pattern is the same and give us +6 then +12).

ALR-50 mass production seems to have capped out at +6 increment a stage since both Stage 1 and Stage 2 has the same +6s. If we get the 51 pushed out now with the +40 dice bonus which is possible this turn we may well be able to get mass production for +9 or more per stage. Which will easily make up for not doing the 50 mass production this turn.

I think ALR-51 mass production could very well be +9 at least, or so I hope.
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Except I think developing the 51 will mean we'll save even more lives. Developing the 51 gives us +3 incremental increase just from developing it. The 50 gave us +1 from developing it. After which the first initial production run gave +2 then +4. If the pattern holds then the initial factory with two stages (with progress cost of combined 150) will likely give us double the 50's initial incremental increase (which would be +12 at minimum, +18 if the pattern is the same and give us +6 then +12).

ALR-50 mass production seems to have capped out at +6 increment a stage since both Stage 1 and Stage 2 has the same +6s. If we get the 51 pushed out now with the +40 dice bonus which is possible this turn we may well be able to get mass production for +9 or more per stage. Which will easily make up for not doing the 50 mass production this turn.

I think ALR-51 mass production could very well be +9 at least, or so I hope.
Alright. You might be right about the ALR-51. Made a mistake in my math for chances of success and even 3 dice on it don't give a good chance of success this turn. And doing the ammo foundries.
The only thing I am confused is how we got to 347 in ALR-50 Mass Production. Noticed it only after going through all the posts instead of just the thread-marked posts.
According to those quotes the robotics bonus shouldn't apply.
So quick question @Rukia does the bonus to robotics rolls from 90Wish effect setting up production lines or just R&D?
So the progress should have been only 247/200 for stage 1 and 47/300 for stage 2.

Unless the 90Wish bonuses does apply to producing the robots. Then my math will be correct.
Military (6 Dice)
[] Light Vehicle Acquisition (0/75: 10 Resources per Die) 2 Dice
[] Breach Fortifications
-[] Kipi Breach (145/200: 15 Resources per Die) 2 Dice
[] ACR-H-20 Production (0/100: 15 Resources per Die +5 Maintenance +3 Logistics -2 Power -3 Labour) 2 Dice
[] UHAT-10 Development (0/200: 15 Resources per Die) 1 Dice
You are using 7 dice in your draft for Military when only 6 are available.
While I agree about the ACR-H-20 getting 2 dice to get it out to our forces I think UHAT-10 development won't do much. Without fixing the ammo production situation it will be a hangar queen. No fuel or ammo. The problem is exasperated by not taking Foundation Electrification or Ammo Foundries. And not fixing the fuel situation will make Light Vehicle Acquisition also marginally effective. Using the extra +10 bonus to developing the heavy mech would be better while we have a bonus. We might not finish it. But the problem with Type Ds is that the Russian tactics call for both softening it up with a heavy attack helicopter airstrike and then using mass tank assault. To take on Type D we will need both the Heavy mech to replace the tanks and an attack helicopter. And both of them need Ammo.
Alright. You might be right about the ALR-51. Made a mistake in my math for chances of success and even 3 dice on it don't give a good chance of success this turn. And doing the ammo foundries.
The only thing I am confused is how we got to 347 in ALR-50 Mass Production. Noticed it only after going through all the posts instead of just the thread-marked posts.
According to those quotes the robotics bonus shouldn't apply.

So the progress should have been only 247/200 for stage 1 and 47/300 for stage 2.

Unless the 90Wish bonuses does apply to producing the robots. Then my math will be correct.

@Hawkmoon the 90wish bonus does apply to both RnD and production of the AI/Robots iirc.

You are using 7 dice in your draft for Military when only 6 are available.
While I agree about the ACR-H-20 getting 2 dice to get it out to our forces I think UHAT-10 development won't do much. Without fixing the ammo production situation it will be a hangar queen. No fuel or ammo. The problem is exasperated by not taking Foundation Electrification or Ammo Foundries. And not fixing the fuel situation will make Light Vehicle Acquisition also marginally effective. Using the extra +10 bonus to developing the heavy mech would be better while we have a bonus. We might not finish it. But the problem with Type Ds is that the Russian tactics call for both softening it up with a heavy attack helicopter airstrike and then using mass tank assault. To take on Type D we will need both the Heavy mech to replace the tanks and an attack helicopter. And both of them need Ammo.
Hm, fair. I'll change my plan when I have the chance.

Then I think we should do powered armor if we can spare the dice. I'll take a look at my plan later.


[] Plan Basics and NextGen Ver 2
Infrastructure (6 Dice)
[] Expand Foundation Headquarters (Stage 2) (66/100: 15 Resources per Die +5 Housing +5 Food +5 Water -4 Power) 3 Dice
[] Expand Barracks Stage 1 (28/50: 5 Resource per Die +1 Operations Dice -1 Housing, -1 Food, -1 Water) 2 Dice
[] Military Warehouses (Stage 1) (9/50: 10 Resources per Die +3 Logistics +2 Maintenance -1 Labour) 1 Dice
Industry (5 Dice)
[] ALR-51 Development (37/300: 5 Resources per Die) (+3 Incremental Increase per Quarter) 2 Dice + 1 Free
[] Nuclear Proliferation (Stage 1) (0/200: 20 Resources per Die +100 Power -5 Labour) 3 Dice + 2 Free Dice
Services (6 Dice)
[] Automation Intensification
-[] Military (Stage 2) (3/75: 5 Resources per Die +1 Services Dice +3 Labour -2 Power) 2 Dice
-[] Industry (Stage 3) (26/100: 5 Resources per Die +1 Services Dice +3 Labour -2 Power) 2 Dice
[] Personal Assistants (35/100: 5 Resources per Die +1 Free Dice) 1 Dice
[] Public Propaganda (Roll 1d100 per dice to attempt to regain Public Confidence. DC 25/50/75/90) 1 Dice
Military (6 Dice)
[] Light Vehicle Acquisition (0/75: 10 Resources per Die) 1 Dice
[] Breach Fortifications
-[] Kipi Breach (145/200: 15 Resources per Die) 2 Dice
[] ACR-H-20 Production (0/100: 15 Resources per Die +5 Maintenance +3 Logistics -2 Power -3 Labour) 2 Dice
[] Powered Exoskeleton (0/50: 5 Resources per Die) 1 Dice
Operations (1 Dice)
[] Hunt IDC
-[] Swiss/Italian Breach (0/1 +5 Public Confidence on Success) (Decent Confidence) 1 Dice
Dimensional (4 Dice)
Personal (3 Dice)
[] Neural Cloud Backup System (0/200) 3 Dice
Dice Bonus
[] Industry
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Q4 2026
Q4 2026

Humans Surviving: 2,624,498,229


[Report created by NarrativeNewsBot v2.1]

The closing of the year coincided with the loss of the American west coast to the Collapse Fluid and "The Great Migration". Tens of millions of people had already been moved ahead of the cloud, but when it hit the coast proper the mass exodus began, the massive stream of humanity moving east completely overwhelming the militaries ability to coordinate and direct them. Anything not nailed down was taken to fuel the journey east, and of those who did not have the supplies to continue, many turned against their countrymen to take what they needed.

The long simmering tensions reached a fever pitch as banditry and lynchings returned to America for the first time in decades, those in the path of the oncoming mob suddenly realising the impossible rush of bodies coming their way and panicking, order was on the verge of breaking down and it was only the preparations made by the state with this possibility in mind that kept a tenuous control over the situation.

You lean back in your chair, taking a small sip of your drink as the report scrolls off the screen, absently taking notes on the sensibility of the narrative explanation the bot had returned to you, converting real news into a succinct report for ease of reading. Lost in contemplation, it takes a moment for you to notice the angry red message flashing on your screen, using maximum priority to show you the short message from your military liaison: "Joint EU/RU invasion of Poland underway, discovered live Collapse Weaponry. Get units on station in case detonation causes another Breach."

A long, deep sigh escapes your lips as you flick the message away. A land border with Russia over an occupied country that has previously been invaded by both parties in the past. "Elisa, send a message to Zieliński to let him know we'll be handling our half of the partition, using the agreed upon rules for border crossing." You take a deep gulp of lukewarm tea, feeling the caffeine push off the exhaustion of your 27 hour day and get to work.

At this rate, I might just fall to grasp coffee.

Resources: 925 + 350
Political Support: 40
Public Confidence: 30/100
Free Dice: 3/3
Operations Dice: 1/1

Economic Factors
Sealed Housing: 158 [+71 (+30)]
Sealed Agriculture: 158 [+71 (+30)]
Decontaminated Water: 133 [+65 (+30)]
Sealed Power: 168 [+71 (+30)]
Sealed Industry: 133 [+65 (+30)]
Radiation Suits: 180 [+74 (+30)]

Future Foundation Economic Status
Housing: Small Deficit(-5)
Food: Small Deficit(-5)
Water: Small Deficit(-5)
Power: Small Deficit (-3)
Labour: Large Surplus (16)

Future Foundation Military Status
Logistics: Small Deficit (-4)
Fuel: Large Deficit (-20)
Ammunition: Substantial Deficit (-35)
Maintenance: Large Deficit (-14)

Breach Status
German Breach: Medium Concentration | Not Secure
Swiss/Italian Breach: High Concentration | Not Secure
Slovakia Breach: High Concentration | Not Secure
Kipi Breach: Extremely High Concentration | Not Secure (-5 Public Confidence per Turn)

Known Type D ELID

Infrastructure (6 Dice)

[] Expand Foundation Headquarters (Stage 2)
Small extensions to the central facility can be made to expand capacity, used to supply the staff and soldiers of the Foundation.
(66/100: 15 Resources per Die +5 Housing +5 Food +5 Water -4 Power)

[] Expand Barracks (Stage 1)
Expand the facilities used to house your military force, giving you additional housing capability. The barracks are capable of supporting a sealed environment to live in, but it is a rather grim affair for everyone involved.
(28/50: 5 Resource per Die +1 Operations Dice -1 Housing, -1 Food, -1 Water) (-10 Political Support for each turn not completed)

[] Military Warehouses (Stage 1)
The warehouse built into your facility was only ever intended to be minor storage for the prototyping work going on inside the main structure and various foodstuffs. It definitely was not meant to be crammed full of the incredible variety of equipment that modern soldiers need to perform their duties. Constructing a separate warehouse for military purposes would massively reduce the difficulty of storing and retrieving them.
(9/50: 10 Resources per Die +3 Logistics +2 Maintenance -1 Labour)

[] Supply Transport (Stage 1)
Getting the supplies from the warehouses to the soldiers in the field has been a problem plaguing logisticians for millennia. Thankfully, in the modern era it was as vastly simpler, as they could be transported by land, sea and air. Your needs are rather more limited though, a motor pool for a small fleet of trucks and lorries should greatly increase your ability to get supplies where you need them to.
(0/100: 15 Resources per Die +8 Logistics -2 Labour)

[] Maintenance Facility (Stage 3)
At the moment, if you wanted something repaired or had to have work done, it would either need to be sent off for repair or have someone called in. The realities of the incoming collapse make that kind of outside reliance an enormous hindrance. Building a simple facility that contains the tools required to fix everything on base is just good sense. Mostly containing manual and power tools for work around the base, but it does have a large room for working on vehicles.
(9/150: 5 Resources per Die +10 Maintenance -6 Labour)

[] Foundation Electrification (Stage 2)
Fuel is expensive, time consuming and difficult to produce unless working on industrial scales. More importantly, after the collapse it will be very difficult to acquire said fuel for what you need it for. The simple answer is to electrify as many things currently using fuel as possible, power is much easier to come about.
(95/100: 15 Resources per Die +20 Fuel -30 Power)

Industry (5 Dice)

[] Low-Upkeep Power (Stage 4)
In the future, the availability of resources and materials for running large power plants will be heavily limited, so establishing a policy of using Low-Upkeep power wherever possible is a good idea. This mostly comes in the form of solar panels wherever they can fit, interspersed with wind turbines.
(8/75: 5 Resources per Die +25 Power)

[] Foundation Self-Sufficiency (Stage 1)
The Foundation is currently entirely reliant on the constantly diminishing ability of the Union to provide it with supplies. Either by taking control over or building our own, we need to ensure that the resources we need to continue running are ensured always.
(9/100: 10 Resources per Die +25 Resources per Turn)

[] ALR-51 Development
For all that the ALR-50 was a masterwork of robotics, it was crude and limited in many ways. The ALR required 50% more man hours to produce than they could provide before requiring intensive maintenance, the battery life was far too short and it was incapable of changing the tools mounted itself, requiring critical human input. These issues must be fixed.
(37/300: 5 Resources per Die) (+3 Incremental Increase per Quarter) (Gateway Technology)

[] Munition Foundries (Stage 1)
Now that a calibre had finally been decided upon, local factories can begin supplying the Foundation with their ammunition of choice, 5.56 NATO.
(40/50: 10 Resources per Die -10 Power +10 Ammunition +3 Logistics -5 Labour)

[] Nuclear Proliferation (Stage 1)
The energy needs of the foundation are far higher than initially expected and rather than just build a pair to the existing reactor, plans have been made to begin construction of a large number of nuclear power plants.
(0/200: 20 Resources per Die +100 Power -5 Labour)

[] ALR-50 Mass Production (Stage 2)
The previous ALR-50 facility was built for small scale production, but demand for the product has far outstripped your ability to produce it. Thus, a significant section of land has been cleared for the construction of a gigantic factory plant dedicated to producing the ALR-50 in as high a quantity as possible.
(147/300: 15 Resources per Die -15 Power +20 Labour +6 Incremental Increase per Quarter +5 Political Support +50 Resources per Turn)

[] Extreme Nuclear Miniaturisation
Your growing fleet of robotic units all require power to operate, which sets a hard cap on their maximum operational radius from any charging station. The, very contraversial, solution to this problem is to utilise your experience in downsizing nuclear reactors and take it to the extreme: Small reactors that can be airdropped into a combat area to keep units operational around it, even opening up the possibility of mounting one of these reactors inside very large units, such as the proposed Ultra Heavy walker.
(0/400: 10 Resources per Die +20 Political Support)

Services (6 Dice)

[] Automation Intensification
You have built the foundations of your tower, now it's time to climb to the heavens. Focus intensely on increasing efficiency per worker and cutting out the remaining jobs that can be performed by a machine.
-[] Infrastructure (Stage 4) (0/200: 5 Resources per Die +1 Infrastructure Dice +1 Labour -5 Power)
-[] Industry (Stage 3) (26/100: 5 Resources per Die +1 Industry Dice +3 Labour -2 Power)
-[] Services (Stage 4) (1/200: 5 Resources per Die +1 Services Dice +1 Labour -5 Power)
-[] Military (Stage 2) (3/75: 5 Resources per Die +1 Military Dice +3 Labour -2 Power)
-[] Dimensional (Stage 1) (0/50: 5 Resources per Die +1 Dimensional Dice +3 Labour -2 Power)

[] Personal Assistants
Now that you have a working example, providing assistants to each of your heads of staff should greatly ease the burden of the workload they are suffering under.
(35/100: 5 Resources per Die +1 Free Dice)

[] Public Propaganda
While it's not explicitly your role, you could certainly attempt to help public opinion along from the sidelines.
(Roll 1d100 per dice to attempt to regain Public Confidence. DC 25/50/75/90)

Military (6 Dice)

[] Light Vehicle Acquisition
At the moment the Foundation is almost totally bereft of any light vehicles, much of the supply is currently being borrowed from various local military forces. Get in contact with the major suppliers and get a supply contract started.
(0/75: 10 Resources per Die)

[] Breach Fortifications
Now that you have identified the locations that IDC are most capable of breaking into our world through, a series of nearby bases and defensive emplacements can be built to provide passive protection against any IDC that may pass through. This would necessitate creating a local guard unit capable of rapid reaction to any breaches in the area, along with the facilities required to sustain them.
-[] German Breach (0/200: 15 Resources per Die) (Must be taken with appropriate Secure Breach Operation)
-[] Swiss/Italian Breach (0/200: 15 Resources per Die) (Must be taken with appropriate Secure Breach Operation)
-[] Slovakia Breach (0/200: 15 Resources per Die) (Must be taken with appropriate Secure Breach Operation)
-[] Kipi Breach (145/200: 15 Resources per Die) (Must be taken with appropriate Secure Breach Operation)

[] ACR-H-20 Production
Spool up production of the Stalker for the Foundation. Because of the lack of interest from outside parties, only a relatively small facility is needed to cover the Foundations needs.
(0/100: 15 Resources per Die +5 Maintenance +3 Logistics -2 Power -3 Labour)

[] UHAT-10 Development
Type D ELID's are a significant threat that the Foundation is woefully incapable of dealing with as it is. Following the established Russian doctrine, a heavy attack helicopter is a necessity for weakening these ELID's before engaging them. Unfortunately, because of the less than legal ways this information was squired, you can't use it as a justification for requisitioning anything from the military. So, it was decided that you'd have to develop your own, taking quite a few cues from Russian examples Zieliński has sent you covertly, officially dubbed the Ultra Heavy Attack Helicopter.
(0/200: 15 Resources per Die)

[] ACR-UH-30 Development
The sudden unveiling of Type D ELID's have sharply raised the needs of the Foundation in the realm of heavy fire support, where previously it was thought a 90mm cannon would be sufficient, the Russian data clearly disputes that. This new platform will be significantly bigger and heavier than any you've made before, standing in at four meters tall with the enlarged front legs acting as large shields and sporting an extremely heavy 140mm gun that wouldn't look out of place on a WW2 Warship, the Ultra Heavy walker is intended to be bulky enough to face a Type D head on and slug it out. This design is scraping the very edge of what you would consider possible with current technology, well into impossible in the opinion of anyone else.
(0/600: 20 Resources per Die)

[] Powered Exoskeleton
The initial model of exoskeleton you had devised was, to put it plainly, incredibly crude. Your work on the ALR-50 had already shown you dozens of ways it could be improved by adding powered sections to the exoskeleton frame, allowing a soldier to wear much heavier armour and carry much heavier weaponry, provided the battery holds out.
(0/50: 5 Resources per Die +5 Political Support)

Operations (1 Dice)

[] Hunt IDC
The IDCS network allows you to track IDC's far more accurately before, more importantly, it lets you see just how many are crawling through the countryside.
-[] German Breach (0/1 +5 Public Confidence on Success) (Decent Confidence)
-[] Swiss/Italian Breach (0/1 +5 Public Confidence on Success) (Low Confidence)
-[] Slovakia Breach (0/1 +10 Public Confidence on Success) (Low Confidence)
-[] Kipi Breach (0/1 +20 Public Confidence on Success) (Very Low Confidence)

[] Secure Breach
Station forces at a breach to cull anything that attempts to cross over.
-[] German Breach (0/1) (High Confidence)
-[] Swiss/Italian Breach (0/1 +5 Public Confidence on Success) (Decent Confidence)
-[] Slovakia Breach (0/1 +5 Public Confidence on Success) (Decent Confidence)
-[] Kipi Breach (0/1 +10 Public Confidence on Success) (Very Low Confidence)

[] Deep CFR Scouting
Now that you know about the ELID threat, it behoves you to send scouting teams to determine exactly how bad the situation is inside the heavily irradiated areas within the radiation cloud.
(0/1 +5 Political Support) (Low Confidence)

[] Investigate Mystery Pocket
The IDCS network noticed a sudden sharp dip in CFR levels around the Kipi breach but drone flyovers haven't spotted the cause, send forces in on foot to investigate.
(0/1 Decent Confidence)

[X] Military Support
A Foundation Force is to be stationed a short distance behind the main advance to remain on hand should another Kipi Incident occur and to provide general protection against encountered IDC.
(1/1 Decent Confidence) (Option must be taken)

Dimensional (4 Dice)

[] Crossing The Veil
To cross over between dimensions, a Breach Generator will need to be constructed at one of the Breaches.
-[] German Breach (0/200: 20 Resources per Die -10 Power -3 Labour) (Locked until Breach Secure)
-[] Swiss/Italian Breach (0/200: 20 Resources per Die -10 Power -3 Labour) (Locked until Breach Secure)
-[] Slovakia Breach (0/200: 20 Resources per Die -10 Power -3 Labour) (Locked until Breach Secure)
-[] Kipi Breach (0/200: 20 Resources per Die -10 Power -3 Labour) (Locked until Breach Secure)

[] The Nature Of The Fluid
Collapse fluid is an incredible material, it contains a great deal of energy in a very stable manner until disturbed and some of the research notes provided by the Russians seem to imply that it broke more laws of physics than just the obvious, something to do with reversing the state of the material into a previous form. If any headway was going to be made in working with it, a more in depth study needs to be made.
(0/200: 10 Resources per Die) (Gateway Technology)

Personal (3 Dice)

[] Deep Analysis
Set Elisa to the task of digging through the data provided to you by the Russians and see what she digs up, no doubt she'll notice something that has managed to elude you so far.
-[] IDC Data (Roll a 1d100 to determine result. DC 35/40/45)
-[] ELID Data (Roll a 1d100 to determine result. DC 35/40/45)

[] Neural Cloud Backup System
Seeing how easily even the heavily armoured memory cores of the ACR's could be destroyed had reminded you how vulnerable the Neural Cloud system was to damage and interruptions. Should, for whatever reason, Elisa lose power for even a second the collapse of her Neural Cloud would cause incredible damage. A Neural Cloud required constant power to operate, but if you could implement a backup system then at least the saved Neural Cloud could be loaded from memory rather than lost forever.

[] Neural Cloud Hardening
It's come to your attention several times that Neural Clouds are damaged far too easily by even minor disruptions. While this can be handled with the backup system, hardening the Neural Cloud itself so that it is more capable of absorbing damage and continuing to function without degrading performance would be better, especially since you can do both.

[] Social
Spend time with someone
-[] Sorawo (0/100: Remove Uneducated Trait)
-[] Elisa (0/200: Emotions?)

+5 Dice Bonus
[] Dice Type?
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-[] Infrastructure (Stage 3) (100/100: 5 Resources per Die +1 Services Dice +3 Labour -2 Power)

Shouldn't Infra be at Stage 4 and have an extra die?
We... really need to get our Dolls being able to think, but a 51 is basically just a higher quality 50... Would the mass production factory be able to be switched over considering that actually?

[] ACR-UH-30 Development

If there was ever a specific unit from the game to prioritize its these fuckers.

The fliers will be needed first responders, but for responding to anything heavy/big enough to walk through a cordon, you can plant these guys next to them.

Also it will shut up anyone in the military wondering why we still exist. Hopefully. Might be too dangerous, which is why I want thinking Dolls.

Not to mention Ringleader Dolls, in canon, are designed to be the tactical commanders for machines like this, increasing their effectiveness multiple times over.
[X] Plan Basics and NextGen Ver 3
Infrastructure (6 Dice)
-[x] Expand Foundation Headquarters (Stage 2) (66/100: 15 Resources per Die +5 Housing +5 Food +5 Water -4 Power) 2 Dice
-[x] Expand Barracks Stage 1 (28/50: 5 Resource per Die +1 Operations Dice -1 Housing, -1 Food, -1 Water) 3 Dice
-[x] Military Warehouses (Stage 1) (9/50: 10 Resources per Die +3 Logistics +2 Maintenance -1 Labour) 1 Dice
Industry (5 Dice)
-[x] ALR-51 Development (37/300: 5 Resources per Die) (+3 Incremental Increase per Quarter) 2 Dice + 1 Free
-[x] Nuclear Proliferation (Stage 1) (0/200: 20 Resources per Die +100 Power -5 Labour) 3 Dice + 2 Free Dice
Services (6 Dice)
-[x] Automation Intensification
--[x] Military (Stage 2) (3/75: 5 Resources per Die +1 Services Dice +3 Labour -2 Power) 2 Dice
--[x] Industry (Stage 3) (26/100: 5 Resources per Die +1 Services Dice +3 Labour -2 Power) 2 Dice
-[x] Personal Assistants (35/100: 5 Resources per Die +1 Free Dice) 1 Dice
-[x] Public Propaganda (Roll 1d100 per dice to attempt to regain Public Confidence. DC 25/50/75/90) 1 Dice
Military (6 Dice)
-[x] ACR-UH-30 Development (0/600: 20 Resources per Die) 3 Dice
-[x] ACR-H-20 Production (0/100: 15 Resources per Die +5 Maintenance +3 Logistics -2 Power -3 Labour) 2 Dice
-[x] Powered Exoskeleton (0/50: 5 Resources per Die) 1 Dice
Operations (1 Dice)
-[x] Military Support (1/1 Decent Confidence) (Option must be taken)
Dimensional (4 Dice)
-[x] The Nature Of The Fluid (0/200: 10 Resources per Die) (Gateway Technology) 4 dice
Personal (3 Dice)
-[x] Neural Cloud Backup System (0/100) 2 Dice
-[x] Neural Cloud Hardening (0/150) 1 Dice
Dice Bonus
-[x] Industry

Credit for plan to @aceraptor. I literally just filled in the blanks.

Edit: swapped out light vehicles for further breach fortifications.
Edit2: Never mind that, apparently, we literally cannot fortify this turn, per Rukia.
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that's been there for a bit now. We've had uh, more pressing priorities than the absolute dice sink that is. I do want them though. I want them very much.
*whistles in I've Totally Been Paying Attention [nervously glances around]*
-[x] Neural Cloud Backup System (0/200) 3 Dice
Its 100 (now?).
[] Neural Cloud Backup System
Seeing how easily even the heavily armoured memory cores of the ACR's could be destroyed had reminded you how vulnerable the Neural Cloud system was to damage and interruptions. Should, for whatever reason, Elisa lose power for even a second the collapse of her Neural Cloud would cause incredible damage. A Neural Cloud required constant power to operate, but if you could implement a backup system then at least the saved Neural Cloud could be loaded from memory rather than lost forever.
Some very interesting bits of grey and yellow in that sea of read.

Also seems like the main flood has slowed. But that the breach is growing exponentially, having already consumed most of Greece.

As of them refusing to talk to us this is officially Not Our Problem.

"Joint EU/RU invasion of Poland underway, discovered live Collapse Weaponry. Get units on station in case detonation causes another Breach."
It is nice that they think we could actually do something about a breach.

A land border with Russia over an occupied country that has previously been invaded by both parties in the past.
Well at least the apocalypse should make guerilla resistance impractical. Bit hard to hide in the forests when the entire world is bathed in radioactive poison.
Still going to be a headache though.
Mmm... will need to go over to determine which actions the crit from last turn are applicable towards...

Sucks that we only have the one operations dice and that things had to go to shit so its already taken. I really want to investigate that mystery pocket, maybe it's related to our lost squads.
[X] Plan: Preparing For Heavy Combat
Bonus to AI/Robotics actions +30
Infrastructure 6/6 Dice, 60R, +5 Bonus
-[X] Expand Foundation Headquarters (Stage 2) 2D, 30R, 97.47% (13.78% for Stage 3?)
-[X] Expand Barracks (Stage 1) 3D, 15R, 100.00% (91.47% for Stage 2 if it is 75 progress)
-[X] Foundation Electrification (Stage 2) 1D, 15R, 100.00%
Industry 5/5 Dice + 3/3 Free Dice, 125R, +10 Bonus
-[X] Munition Foundries (Stage 1) 1D, 10R, 100%
-[X] Nuclear Proliferation (Stage 1) 5D, 100R, 94.38%
-[X] ALR-50 Mass Production (Stage 2) 2D, 15R, 74.44%
Services 6/6 Dice, 25R, +5 Bonus
-[X] Automation Intensification
--[X] Industry (Stage 3) 2D, 10R, 99.97%
--[X] Military (Stage 2) 2D, 10R, 100% (49.50% for Stage 3)
-[X] Personal Assistants 1D, 5R, 71.00%
-[X] Public Propaganda 1D, 0R, 81.00%/56.00%/31.00%/16.00%
Military 6/6 Dice, 85R, +10 Bonus
-[X] Light Vehicle Acquisition 1D, 10R, 35%
-[X] ACR-H-20 Production 2D, 30R, 98.29%
-[X] ACR-UH-30 Development 2D, 40R, 0% (181/600 at 50.50%)
-[X] Powered Exoskeleton 1D, 5R, 61.00%
Operations 1/1 Dice, 0R, +5 Bonus
-[X] Military Support
Dimensional 4/4 Dice, 40R, +5 Bonus
-[X] The Nature Of The Fluid 4D, 40R, 64.65%
Personal 3/3 Dice, 0R, +5 Bonus
-[X] Neural Cloud Backup System 2D, 0R, 95.94%
-[X] Social
--[X] Sorawo 1D, 0R, 5%
+5 Bonus
-[X] Industry
Total Cost: 335R

Thoughts for my plan.
With an extremely good chance of getting +100 power (94.38%) we should fix our fuel situation so our forces can actually move around and react. I am also putting 3 dice in barracks to have a good chance of getting two more Operations dice. Only 2 dice in Facilities since we still have time. At least I hope my crazy countrymen don't blow up Poland and we end up in a radioactive cloud.
I want the ALR-51. I want it so much. But with needing 5 dice for the reactor and our forces being called upon more and more we need Ammo. And with only 2 dice left in the category and the Robotics bonus applying to ALR-50 Mass Production like last turn has shown I think we should go for it. +6 Incremental increase, +5 Political Support and +50 Resources are also a factor.
2 dice each on getting more Military and Industry dice. Also working on Personal Assistants and PR. We will need the last badly if a Breach happens again.
2 dice towards the Manticore (ACR-UH-30) to progress it with the +10 extra bonus that only lasts this turn. Even if we finished it right now it would be useless as we lack the heavy ammo. 1 die in Powered Exoskeleton to give our soldiers a better chance in combat. The same reason for 2 dice in getting the ACR-H-20 to our forces. 1 dice to work on Kipi Breach.
Our dice are locked.
All dice into figuring out the Fluid. It will open new tech.
Getting the backup system working with 2 dice due to our reliance on AI and working on Sorawo to get her bonuses up. Especially in Military.

EDIT: Edited my plan since I plan on fixing the Fuel deficit and we can't do fortification actions I am moving the dice to Light Vehicle Acquisition.
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[X] Plan Basics and NextGen modified
Infrastructure (6 Dice)
-[x] Expand Foundation Headquarters (Stage 2) (66/100: 15 Resources per Die +5 Housing +5 Food +5 Water -4 Power) 2 Dice
-[x] Expand Barracks (Stage 1) (28/50: 5 Resource per Die +1 Operations Dice -1 Housing, -1 Food, -1 Water) 3 Dice
-[x] Military Warehouses (Stage 1) (9/50: 10 Resources per Die +3 Logistics +2 Maintenance -1 Labour) 1 Dice
Industry (5 Dice)
-[x] ALR-51 Development (37/300: 5 Resources per Die) (+3 Incremental Increase per Quarter) 2 Dice + 1 Free
-[x] Nuclear Proliferation (Stage 1) (0/200: 20 Resources per Die +100 Power -5 Labour) 3 Dice
-[x] ALR-50 Mass Production (Stage 2) (147/300: 15 Resources per Die -15 Power +20 Labour +6 Incremental Increase per Quarter +5 Political Support +50 Resources per Turn) 2 Free Dice
Services (6 Dice)
-[x] Automation Intensification
--[x] Military (Stage 2) (3/75: 5 Resources per Die +1 Military Dice +3 Labour -2 Power) 2 Dice
--[x] Industry (Stage 3) (26/100: 5 Resources per Die +1 Industry Dice +3 Labour -2 Power) 2 Dice
-[x] Personal Assistants (35/100: 5 Resources per Die +1 Free Dice) 1 Dice
-[x] Public Propaganda (Roll 1d100 per dice to attempt to regain Public Confidence. DC 25/50/75/90) 1 Dice
Military (6 Dice)
-[x] Breach Fortifications
--[x] German Breach (0/200: 15 Resources per Die) 1 Dice
--[x] Kipi Breach (145/200: 15 Resources per Die) 2 Dice
-[x] ACR-H-20 Production (0/100: 15 Resources per Die +5 Maintenance +3 Logistics -2 Power -3 Labour) 2 Dice
-[x] Powered Exoskeleton (0/50: 5 Resources per Die) 1 Dice
Operations (1 Dice)
-[x] Military Support (1/1 Decent Confidence) (Option must be taken)
Dimensional (4 Dice)
-[x] The Nature Of The Fluid (0/200: 10 Resources per Die) (Gateway Technology) 4 dice
Personal (3 Dice)
-[x] Neural Cloud Backup System (0/100) 2 Dice
-[X] Social
--[X] Sorawo (0/100: Remove Uneducated Trait) 1 Dice
Dice Bonus
-[x] Industry

-1 dice from Expand Foundation Headquarters to Expand Barracks
-2 dice from Nuclear Proliferation to ALR-50 Mass Production
-1 dice from Light Vehicle Acquisition to German Breach Fortifications
-1 dice from Neural Cloud Backup System to Social Sorawo
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You take a deep gulp of lukewarm tea, feeling the caffeine push off the exhaustion of your 27 hour day and get to work.

At this rate, I might just fall to grasp coffee.
And then Dr Persica had an epiphany. With the world getting heading towards apocalypse coffee and tea are about to get very scarce due to needing a lot more resources than the food crops.
There was only one solution. Prepare a dedicated facility to save the most important beverage. And another project was added to our list. Which lead to Future Foundation becoming an universally untouchable target. As no one was stupid enough to risk the only source of caffeine in the post apocalyptic world.

@Rukia How do the Breach Fortifications military projects and Secure Breach operations interact? Does the first just make the later easier? And will we need to keep our Operations dice locked on Secure Breach each turn to keep it secured if fortifications are constructed?
Also will the Hunt IDC operations and Secure Breach operations reinforce themselves? For example if we lower the population of IDC by hunting them will it make securing the breach easier? And will securing the breach stop the increase of IDC population in the area so our forces can make better progress on the hunts?
@LostDeviljho with the 90Wish bonus 3 dice is a bit much for Neural Cloud Backup System since two dice will put us over half way there from the bonus alone better to put that third one on ether hardening or helping Sorawo to get educated.

-1 dice from Light Vehicle Acquisition to German Breach Fortifications
That one's actually a good idea.
Personally I think it would be better to get the vehicles sorted first.
@LostDeviljho with the 90Wish bonus 3 dice is a bit much for Neural Cloud Backup System since two dice will put us over half way there from the bonus alone better to put that third one on ether hardening or helping Sorawo to get educated.
Oh, that is a good point.
Personally I think it would be better to get the vehicles sorted first.
The problem with vehicles is our Fuel deficit. Since we lack fuel they will be a lot less effective. Even what we have right now we can use in limited form.
Same with Ammo. Our forces will eat through what we have in stock really quickly.