Considering that a big deal was made literally days ago about how the Jedi treat Ilum while there's essentially nothing about Ilum except the fact that it exists and has lightsaber crystals in the new Canon, it's very safe to assume that this quest is using EU / legends canon.
Considering that a big deal was made literally days ago about how the Jedi treat Ilum while there's essentially nothing about Ilum except the fact that it exists and has lightsaber crystals in the new Canon, it's very safe to assume that this quest is using EU / legends canon.
I generally assume that the internet still treats the EU as canon and instead treats the new films as non-canon :V
So, Dooku's name means shit...

I was thinking, Anakin should totally make his own code. And by that, I mean that he should clumsily paste together the Jedi and Sith codes, show the result to Dooku, get slapped down, and then refine them until Dooku (even if he doesn't like it) can't pick it apart.

Something like:
twixt passion and peace, Emotion.
twixt knowledge and ignorance, Perception.
twixt strength and weakness, Skill.
twixt order and chaos, Freedom.
twixt birth and death, Life.
In Balance rests the heart of The Force.
Alright, I'm somewhat stumped.

Where we're at in the quest might be the ideal time for a ten year timeskip, but I've written and thrown out 5 rough drafts for a time skip. I just can't pin it down. I mean, I can write one, but none of the ones I've written so far have been any good.

Alternatively, I could write this quest on a month-by-month post, where each month is a new "study x, y, or z" option, but that kind of sounds like a drag for you, my loyal readers, even if I come up with original conflicts as Anakin grows up in a Separatist lifestyle.

Therefore, we'll settle this the way quests are meant to be settled:

[] Have a time skip to the beginning of The Clone Wars, the same time the movie starts, even though that would be leaping through a ton of context, which can be sufficiently (sort of) covered by a few "In the last ten years, you've studied [♤] [♡] [◇] [♧], with a particular emphasis on X and Y." You can vote on these things.

[] Have the quest continue on as it has been, as Anakin grows up under Dooku's care on the Separatist planet of Serenno, even though this option could get a little tiresome and 'slice-of-life-y' as it goes on because it's covering Anakin as he's growing up

[] Write in


TL;DR: This Quest isn't over; I just need help with how to proceed. Fortunately, this is a Quest, so there is a very simple solution: let you decide. Please vote

Edit: If you choose the slice of life one, there will be a ton of new and old characters going in and out of Anakin's life. If you timeskip, that won't happen. Just saying, for those of you who are swayed either way by that.
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Would it be possible to, rather then the monthly slice-o-life, break it down into a handful of "You study x and y for however long and then something happens, you've made such and such progress, so how do you react to whatever it was and afterwards do you change up your habits any?"

I feel like that might be the best of both worlds, bridging the gap quickly while still giving us context and options.

Timeline\event suggestion.
[] two six month time skips with choices for actions/study
[]interlude event for dooku taking up counthood.
[]two more six month events with choices of actions/study
[]first mission with dooku for old jedi ruins and constructing first saber.
[] one year turns after that with interludes in between for plot.

If that don't work I'll pick;
[X] Have the quest continue on as it has been, as Anakin grows up under Dooku's care on the Separatist planet of Serenno, even though this option could get a little tiresome and 'slice-of-life-y' as it goes on because it's covering Anakin as he's growing up
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[] Have a time skip to the beginning of The Clone Wars, the same time the movie starts, even though that would be leaping through a ton of context, which can be sufficiently (sort of) covered by a few "In the last ten years, you've studied [♤] [♡] [◇] [♧], with a particular emphasis on X and Y." You can vote on these things.

Probably the better option at this point.
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Perhaps you could do it in two or three major timeskips? One that has the four-five years after we have trained a certain amount of things due to our role here, and then our travels with Dooku to get a saber or meet with the Separatists followed by the last ten years before the clone wars.
[X] Have the quest continue on as it has been, as Anakin grows up under Dooku's care on the Separatist planet of Serenno, even though this option could get a little tiresome and 'slice-of-life-y' as it goes on because it's covering Anakin as he's growing up

- I want C3PO to finally approach Anakin regarding Palpatine and "the bad touch"...:D
Would it be possible to, rather then the monthly slice-o-life, break it down into a handful of "You study x and y for however long and then something happens, you've made such and such progress, so how do you react to whatever it was and afterwards do you change up your habits any?"

I feel like that might be the best of both worlds, bridging the gap quickly while still giving us context and options.
Like, "You study Force, saber, technology, and checkers for the next year, with your preferences being in that order", and then follow that up with a few events from the year, and then a question about what to study the next year?

Is that about right?
this has kind of been mentioned, be you could do 6 month or 1 year turns instead of 1 month turns. i agree that that the 1 month turns would take forever to get anywhere relevant to the overarching story.
Like, "You study Force, saber, technology, and checkers for the next year, with your preferences being in that order", and then follow that up with a few events from the year, and then a question about what to study the next year?

Is that about right?

Study options\advances

Interlude: moral quandary or problem to face.
Random ideas on serreno, anakin runs into character x who is a Y for the duke. He's hesitant about his duties as a page, and got lost in town Z with the dukes communications to an old researcher named A. Dooku sends you to fetch him and B. He's been attacked, c. The research was stolen *gasp* or d. You get bowled over by a thief and see the old researcher and page knocked unconscious everything is in flames!?!?!

What do SV?

Something like that?
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[X] Have the quest continue on as it has been, as Anakin grows up under Dooku's care on the Separatist planet of Serenno, even though this option could get a little tiresome and 'slice-of-life-y' as it goes on because it's covering Anakin as he's growing up
Like, "You study Force, saber, technology, and checkers for the next year, with your preferences being in that order", and then follow that up with a few events from the year, and then a question about what to study the next year?

Is that about right?


Probably have at least one or two of those yearly events relate to the larger galactic situation and the build up towards the war, occasional chats with Palpable, Dooku's (and by extension our) relations with / progress within the Separatist Movement, and any open involvement with the Separatists by Palpable's Sideous persona. Throwing in choices wherever it works to do so.

As an example, we might get the option to sway Dooku one way or another when Sideous starts trying to recruit him into the 'run both sides of the war, FOR GREAT SITHNESS!' plan.
[x] Have a number of 6 month to 1-year timeskips, allowing anons to get a read on the changing political scenario of Serenno, undertake various projects, and have shifting interests in what he learns and how. This also allows for various events, such as attempted political assassinations, Palpatine and his influence, and possibly even when to persuade Dooku away from working for the Dark Side.
Well,I think compromise maybe good,just put priority on Anakin training and time then go with his status and problem as Count Dooku discipline.
[X] Have the quest continue on as it has been, as Anakin grows up under Dooku's care on the Separatist planet of Serenno, even though this option could get a little tiresome and 'slice-of-life-y' as it goes on because it's covering Anakin as he's growing up

seems like this would have the best longterm pay off
[X] Write in- Multiple time skips with interludes thrown in.

I would leave the number of time skips to you. The interludes can show major events like negotiating with TF, building our Lightsaber, other major events etc.
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Alright, I'm somewhat stumped.

Where we're at in the quest might be the ideal time for a ten year timeskip, but I've written and thrown out 5 rough drafts for a time skip. I just can't pin it down. I mean, I can write one, but none of the ones I've written so far have been any good.

Alternatively, I could write this quest on a month-by-month post, where each month is a new "study x, y, or z" option, but that kind of sounds like a drag for you, my loyal readers, even if I come up with original conflicts as Anakin grows up in a Separatist lifestyle.

Therefore, we'll settle this the way quests are meant to be settled:

[] Have a time skip to the beginning of The Clone Wars, the same time the movie starts, even though that would be leaping through a ton of context, which can be sufficiently (sort of) covered by a few "In the last ten years, you've studied [♤] [♡] [◇] [♧], with a particular emphasis on X and Y." You can vote on these things.

[] Have the quest continue on as it has been, as Anakin grows up under Dooku's care on the Separatist planet of Serenno, even though this option could get a little tiresome and 'slice-of-life-y' as it goes on because it's covering Anakin as he's growing up

[] Write in


TL;DR: This Quest isn't over; I just need help with how to proceed. Fortunately, this is a Quest, so there is a very simple solution: let you decide. Please vote

Edit: If you choose the slice of life one, there will be a ton of new and old characters going in and out of Anakin's life. If you timeskip, that won't happen. Just saying, for those of you who are swayed either way by that.

A lot of people made good points above, but the way I would do it is like this.

We should play through the most important events in Anakin's life, and time skip the rest.

Kind of like how Antarnoth suggested, so here are the events I would do.

[]Anakin deals with political intrigue in Serenno. Have a line about how everyone else is reacting. Maybe have us stumble across some plots to discredit Dooku and push them back in to the republic to give us a real sense of how corrupt the republic is.

[]Go to a Trade Federation Planet and sort some problems out with Dooku Gives us a sense of what it is like living in the Trade Federation(Optional)

[]Anakin discovers his lightsaber

[]Anakin goes to a planet on Dooku's orders to resolve the conflicts there. Let's say we have a planet in the outer rim which is debating on whether to join the Republic or the Trade Federation. It is plagued by a myraid of problems stifling taxes from the republic. Periodic pirate attacks from slavers. No support from the Republic. The Trade Federation is with holding all support unless they join their ranks. This would be a great way to show off the both sides of the argument. You could see political debates where the two sides try and sway the masses one way or the other. You could see attempted assignations and strong arm attempts.

Maybe at the end of each arc write an interlude for Dooku, Palpatine, and Padme to see how they interpret Anakin's actions.

Sorry, if this is a lot of work, but yeah that would be how I would theoretically do it.
[X] Write in- Multiple time skips with interludes thrown in.

I actually don't care about microing skill development. Just pick some events and develop stats as appropriate
I just read the first section of Anakins training and only on the second read I realised this wasn't sith training.

The dueling practice sounded like dooku just took a metal bat and smacked anakin silly and the anger management sounded like mind trick torture.

I was about to drop this. For now it seems like Dooku is just a harsh master and not a sadistic darksider who enjoys torturing little boys for kicks.

Aaaand all subsequent interactions read, like, an order of magnitude more positive.
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