On a semi-related note Dooku being awesome in this quest prompted me to go back and review the fight between him, Anakin, and Obi-Wan in Episode 3.

Not having seen it since I was a stupid teenager and actually trying to follow the fight this time... I just cannot wrap my head around how Dooku lost that one.

I mean, it starts out with Obi-Wan actually managing to match Anakin in the overconfidence olympics which is surprising in itself, but...

First of all, Dooku opens the fight by telekinetically kicking the shit out of Obi-Wan and then apparently decides to stick to a saber match with Anakin. I also just cannot figure out how Anakin pulled off that finisher to cut off Dooku's hands without being sliced in half, it looks like Dooku was going for an overhead strike and Anakin blocked it, then knocked it to the side and down.

At that point, both their sabers are at Anakin's side and Dooku's is below Anakin's to the point where it looks like there's no way Anakin could stop him if he just jerked it sideways and cut him in half. Instead Dooku stands still like an idiot while Anakin reaches over to grab his wrist and then twists his saber around Dooku's down to the point that Dooku's saber is between Anakin's blade and body (basically in his armpit, which woulda been another good time to slice him apart) and back up through Dooku's wrists.

I can't really follow it all that well, but the shocked and betrayed look Dooku throws Palpatine when the chancellor starts advocating his execution really makes me feel like Dooku just beat down Obi-Wan to get him out of the way and then started sandbagging at Palpatine's direction and purposefully trying not to kill Anakin although presumably he didn't mean to lose his hands.
On a semi-related note Dooku being awesome in this quest prompted me to go back and review the fight between him, Anakin, and Obi-Wan in Episode 3.

Not having seen it since I was a stupid teenager and actually trying to follow the fight this time... I just cannot wrap my head around how Dooku lost that one.

I mean, it starts out with Obi-Wan actually managing to match Anakin in the overconfidence olympics which is surprising in itself, but...

First of all, Dooku opens the fight by telekinetically kicking the shit out of Obi-Wan and then apparently decides to stick to a saber match with Anakin. I also just cannot figure out how Anakin pulled off that finisher to cut off Dooku's hands without being sliced in half, it looks like Dooku was going for an overhead strike and Anakin blocked it, then knocked it to the side and down.

At that point, both their sabers are at Anakin's side and Dooku's is below Anakin's to the point where it looks like there's no way Anakin could stop him if he just jerked it sideways and cut him in half. Instead Dooku stands still like an idiot while Anakin reaches over to grab his wrist and then twists his saber around Dooku's down to the point that Dooku's saber is between Anakin's blade and body (basically in his armpit, which woulda been another good time to slice him apart) and back up through Dooku's wrists.

I can't really follow it all that well, but the shocked and betrayed look Dooku throws Palpatine when the chancellor starts advocating his execution really makes me feel like Dooku just beat down Obi-Wan to get him out of the way and then started sandbagging at Palpatine's direction and purposefully trying not to kill Anakin although presumably he didn't mean to lose his hands.

Does Palpatine know Shatterpoint ? This sounds a bit like it.
It is quite literally the most basic teaching of the Jedi. Imagine going up to a theoretical physics prof at your university, a man with literal decades of experience and skill beyond measure in his discipline, and telling him that you think algebra is a bit outdated and you would like to try something new. Because that's how it would come off.
It's not like we'd go directly there, since Anakin would ahve no IC reason.

I was hoping to start looking into Psychology so that Anakin can help his mom with her depression, and from there have hims tart looking at emotions in psych and coping mechanisms,and begin to wonder....
Anakin 8


It lies on the table before you, silent as the grave, and sleek as the J-type 327 Nubian Royal Starship you flew in on. Cords functioning as tendons keep it flexible, yet stable. The ball socket attachment allows for 360 degree mobility, and the armored plasteel exterior keeps it light, durable, airtight and watertight. It can record and transmit holo images and information, it can access the HoloNet, it has a 2D and 3D holographic emitter on the forearm for easy access, and the first knuckle of the first finger is a communications uplink of your own design.

Smarter than the average protocol droid, the bicep houses six small drones ranging from the just 3 cm long to nearly 20 cm long, and each are controlled by the central intelligence housed in the shoulder of the arm; they are indirectly controlled via the communication system housed within the arm, and between them they have the tools to hack datapads and starship control panels alike. That said, since you don't know how to do that, you couldn't program the arm to know how to do it… but you could program it to be able to have new protocols installed, so it would be able to learn whatever Mom could find the data chit for.

"I must admit, my skilled apprentice," Dooku says from your side, "I… am impressed."

Your face is stoic, but on the inside, you're practically delirious with excitement. Five months of work… you had neglected your droids, your speeder, and countless other projects that had popped into your mind and fled in the face of your determination to see this through.

And now it was done. You almost imperceptibly begin hyperventilating-

You vomit on the floor as Master forcibly obliterates your delirium. "Don't let it get to your head. You're still just an apprentice to a former Jedi with nothing to your name. Snap out of it."

You roll your eyes. It had been a while since Master had had to do that, but it still felt almost routine as you clean up. "Master, is it normal for Jedi to throw up this much?"

"No, but you're not a Jedi, are you?"

"Psh. Maybe if- Threepio, why is your recording light blinking again? I thought I fixed that ages ago!"


"Hey Mom, can you come here for a moment?"

Mom comes into the meditation room, wiping her hand on her apron, and stops dead in her tracks in the doorway.

"Ta-da! It uses cords because they're flexible enough to move whatever way you need without having to sacrifice speed or stability and it's got a comm in the finger so we'll always just be a wave of the hand away if we're not around! There's an intelligence installed in the shoulder…"

Mom doesn't appear to be listening as she stares at the gleaming black arm, held in your hands facing upward as though an offering to a god.

"Um, technically it's a protocol droid because it handles protocols, but it also is an arm and can learn new things, and it can connect you to the HoloNet…"

Mom walks closer and skims the cool plasteel with her fingers. As soon as she touches it the the joints light up with color, fading from blue to green to yellow to red, before settling on a neutral off-white tone. Sweat begins trickling down the back of your neck; you desperately want Mom to like it, and although it's not as heavy as it could be, it's still nearly twenty kilos including the torsal processing centers and attachment nodes, and you've been holding it out for a while.

"And, uh, because there are drones in it, and because it's an arm, its designation is the ARM-3, as a, um, play on words, you know…"

At the sound of its designation, the ARM-3 lets out a soft, soothingly feminine-sounding hum.

"Can it talk?" Mom asks.

"Well, technically, yes, but you'd have to install the language protocols for that. I have them upstairs, if you want."

"No, no, it's fine. I love it, Anakin. Help me put it on?"

With relief, you allow your arms to relax, placing ARM-3 on the meditating pad and focusing on helping your mom take out the central attachment nodes for the junk arm that she'd had for half a year.


On a Zhellday, Dooku has to go off-planet for some "meeting with like-minded people", and you're left in Theed. You consider visiting Padme, but for all that she likes seeing you, she doesn't like when you drop by unannounced. And considering how you finally managed to see her emotions for the first time with the Force, well… you felt a little unappreciated.

Her emotions for you were nice. Nice in the context of "Oh puppies are so nice and cute" or "My kid brother is nice". Her emotions for Captain Panaka, on the other hand, were something else entirely.

The waves of sheer want, and some strange bastardized form of hunger that was centralized a few inches below and behind her naval, were both overwhelming and extremely disorienting. After a few minutes of stumbling around desperately trying to purge the sensations into the Force, Padme scowled and demanded to know who had given you wine.

Then she had gone back to staring at Panaka, blinking weirdly deliberately and biting her lip at him. All you could feel coming off of him was extreme discomfort and a desire to run away, so there were no clues there as to what Padme was feeling. Later you had brought up the matter at dinner with Master and Mom, telling them about your theory that she was a cannibal, and that you needed to warn Captain Panaka before it was too late.

To make a long story short, she is not a cannibal, and your crush on Padme took a minor hit when you found out exactly how thoroughly disinterested in you she was. At least in terms of how you're interested in her.

Therefore, you don't want to go see Padme today.

After some deliberating, you decide to walk around the market near your house. It's not the Grand Market of Theed, but it's got some interesting stuff.


A few hours of walking around later, and you've got some power converters for Threepio. 'Maybe with these he'll finally catch the eye of that astromech droid he's so obsessed with.'

Suddenly, something hard hits you in the back of the head, and you momentarily black out. You come to just in time to smash into the ground with the power converters under you, crushing one and denting the other.

"[Jedi freak!]" someone shouted in Huttese, "[Go back to Coruscant!]"

A worried grumble made its way through the crowd, and people moved away from you.

"A Jedi? But it's just a child…"

"He's an apprentice to the old wizard living near the palace…"

"Fucking mind raping bastards…"

"Quiet! Do you want the Jedi Order to pay us a visit? Leave him be…"

"Republic's gone to shit with the fucking Jedi running the place…"

"The Jedi are great and mighty! You will regret your words, heathen!"

As you get to your feet, blood dripping down the back of your head, pumping your anger into the Force, the words of the people around you seep into your brain and worry you. Pausing to reach out with your senses, you almost immediately stop in shock. From the ones proclaiming Jedi to be gods, to the ones that decry them as mind rapists, every one of them was filled with fear. Fear of you.

'Is this what the Jedi are?'

You feel unwell, and you run home as quickly as possible.


"[There, I did it. Money?]" The desperate Twi'lek muttered.

"One hundred credits, as promised..."

"[Wait a minute... I know you! Damn, what's someone like you doing- AIIEE!]" He screamed as his montrals were grabbed, a foot was placed in his face, and the two were pulled apart with a wet ripping noise.

Dropping the body on the ground, the hooded figure walked two blocks over, mounted a speeder, and sped away.


Several days later, you're eating dinner with Mom after a long day meditating. You plan to try and get in touch with Palpatine when you're done and ask if he's heard from Jar Jar at all, because his silence is troubling you, and by this point you're pretty sure it's a Force related problem; normally you would've given up by now, if not for a lingering and deep sense of unease.

These plans are thoroughly dashed when Dooku comes inside, back from his trip off-world at last, looking very serious. "We may have to leave Naboo sooner than anticipated."

Everything else is swept from your mind, and you double-check to make sure there's a running tap from your emotions to the force in case you get a bit too emotional. You don't want to vomit all over Mom's new arm.

"I received a transmission from my home planet of Serenno. Because I have left the Jedi, I'm eligible for my inheritance there."

"Oh. So what does that entail?"

"I would be Count of Serenno, a position similar to Queen of Naboo, and take my place as ruler of Serenno."

Shock rolls through you before you quickly push it into the Force. "You never told me you were royalty."

"I wasn't. I renounced my claim when I joined the Jedi Order."

"Huh. So why do they want you back? Aren't there others? And you did renounce your claim."

"Yes. I believe this is a political move by allies of the Trade Federation-"

"The ones who invaded Naboo?"

"Yes, now quiet. It's a political move by allies of the Trade Federation to move someone they believe may be sympathetic to their cause into power, rather than stand by and watch someone opposed to their cause take office. They've been stalling the coronation and selection of the next Count for weeks now, most likely hoping to curry my favor and get me installed before their opponent could."

"Are you sympathetic to their cause? What is their cause? Who's their opponent?"

"I can understand their cause, and with my help they might even be successful at it, but I don't want to dedicate my life to it like they do." Master sits down at the table next to Mom. "There are whispers of secession from the Republic. The gross incompetence and corruption of the Republic's leadership has become too much to bear for many, myself included. The problem, however, lies in the fact that it's those like the Trade Federation who want to secede; those who revel in corruption, but are upset that it's just not working for them."

"But what would that mean for the people who flee the Republic? How many worlds are considering this?" Mom asked quietly. "How many would die in such an enormous change?"

"Many." Dooku said grimly. "From the whispers I've heard, thousands of systems are considering secession."

Your eyes widen and you nearly choke. 'Thousands!'

"And as for how many will die… Billions. Maybe more. If a large contingent of systems push for secession, the Republic, even as grotesque as it is in its current form, will not stand for it. If they push for secession, there will be war." Dooku turns to you. "Anakin, I have delayed until I can delay no longer. I must answer their requests, but you are my responsibility, and I will not abandon you to go running off on a quest to split the galaxy."

He took a breath, and stood up. "Anakin, meditate with me."

Minutes later, you meditate with him in the meditation room. The Force around you, your Master in front of you, Mom nearby. You feel about as calm as you can get, under the circumstances.

"Anakin, whatever decision we make, it will be our decision. I will not unilaterally decide something, and neither will you. Meditate on these questions with me; shall we go to Serenno? Shall we assist the Federation? You have friends and family in the Republic, what of them? Meditate, Anakin, and when you are ready, answer these questions."


[ ] Go to Serenno, support the TF (gain lots of resources, lots of backing, make an enemy of Republic eventually, make a friend of TF)

-[ ] Bring Mom, she'll be safest with you.

-[ ] Don't bring Mom; you're going to war!

[ ] Go to Serenno, don't support the TF (gain some resources, some backing, make an enemy of TF immediately)

-[ ] Bring Mom

-[ ] Don't Bring Mom

[ ] Stay on Naboo (gain no resources, backing, make no enemies, make no friends)

[ ] Warn Republic (warmer relations with Republic, enemy of TF, gain some backing and resources)

[ ] Write in


A/N: Regular votes won't count until 12:00 Noon EST tomorrow. Until then, Plan Format please
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... Fucking Palpatine.

"Join the Dark Side," they say. "We have cookies," they say. "Also unlimited power that'll allow you to do anything," they say.

Yeah and remind me... How did that work out for you in canon? Oh that's right, you ended up looking like a toad's scrotum and then you ended up getting chucked down the massive hole in your own wasteful monstrosity of a space station by your own apprentice. Oh yeah, way to go. So successful.

Not that the Jedi are necessarily better though. Kriffing uptight sanctimonious holier-than-thou pricks.

(Grumbles irritably.)
Plan BGNoise:
[X] Go to Serenno, support the TF (gain lots of resources, lots of backing, make an enemy of Republic eventually, make a friend of TF)
-[X] Bring Mom, she'll be safest with you.

The Republic is a festering pile of shit-shoveling bureaucrats that built a slave army to defend itself and elected Palpatine as both Supreme Chancellor and Emperor. As bad as the Trade Federation is, they're worse. At least with the Trade Federation we might get a chance to dictate policy. Also, if we don't bring mom she'll probably be killed. Either by the Republic, or by Palpatine.
Well guys, I think we should all give Dooku the best teacher award.

Also, if we don't bring mom she'll probably be killed. Either by the Republic, or by Palpatine.

Pasha, you think Palpatine would kill mom.

Why kill such a valuable resource when you could use it for leverage or turning us to the dark side? He probably would have one of his minions kidnap her and let the minion blackmail.

Sometime later he will give us a leak to allow us to come across her highly mutilated but alive body, and allows us to reenact all of our revenge fantasies on her captor.

Saying "Excellent. Let the hate flow through you Anakin"
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Pashas, you think Palpatine would kill mom. Why kill such a valuable resource for leverage or turning us to the dark side? He probably would do have one of his minions kidnap her and let the minion blackmail. Sometime later he will give us a leak allow us to come across her highly mutilated but alive body, and allows us to reenact all of our revenge fantasies.

Saying "Excellent. Let the hate flow through you Anakin"
Well... she'd be in danger, which is my point. Nobody here wants Episode Three to happen again. *shudders*
[X] Go to Serenno, don't support the TF (gain some resources, some backing, make an enemy of TF immediately)
-[X] Bring Mom
We should go to Serenno for the resources alone. The problem is I don't want to straight off support the Trade Federation itself but I can accept speaking on the same side of the fact the Republic is bloated and corrupt so while no direct support they can atleast point to the fact Count Dooku supports their opinion.

Staying on Naboo is putting off the inevitable and warning the Republic does not fix anything.

I would really like to see Dooku create a third party that supports a change in the galaxy. Something like splitting it into multiple groups that can better manage their territory for better or worse. With how the Republic outlawed slavery yet the outer rim blantantly performs slavery it should a good platform for worlds that want a change because they find the Republic restricts their ability and yet does not make up for it. The third party could steal support from the Trade Federation yet not necessarily be a nuacance early on since it distracts the Republic on another front. With enough resources Dooku could begin building his own droid army using Anakin as the designer of superior droids that augment conventional army drafted from their worlds.

Shmi definitely can't be seperated from Anakin. Too great of a chance either side harms her.
Well Our crush on Padme is not good for our destiny.

About mom issue,Maybe we can ship mom and Master Dooku together,Remarried or give new position to mom should do wonder.

On Separatist movement,Their cause actually have point but maybe we can become space Gandhi instead?.
Win through diplomacy instead force of arm,trade sanction instead of occupy the planet.
[X] Go to Serenno, don't support the TF (gain some resources, some backing, make an enemy of TF immediately)
-[X] Bring Mom
We should go to Serenno for the resources alone. The problem is I don't want to straight off support the Trade Federation itself but I can accept speaking on the same side of the fact the Republic is bloated and corrupt so while no direct support they can atleast point to the fact Count Dooku supports their opinion.

Staying on Naboo is putting off the inevitable and warning the Republic does not fix anything.

I would really like to see Dooku create a third party that supports a change in the galaxy. Something like splitting it into multiple groups that can better manage their territory for better or worse. With how the Republic outlawed slavery yet the outer rim blantantly performs slavery it should a good platform for worlds that want a change because they find the Republic restricts their ability and yet does not make up for it. The third party could steal support from the Trade Federation yet not necessarily be a nuacance early on since it distracts the Republic on another front. With enough resources Dooku could begin building his own droid army using Anakin as the designer of superior droids that augment conventional army drafted from their worlds.

Shmi definitely can't be seperated from Anakin. Too great of a chance either side harms her.

Well Our crush on Padme is not good for our destiny.

About mom issue,Maybe we can ship mom and Master Dooku together,Remarried or give new position to mom should do wonder.

On Separatist movement,Their cause actually have point but maybe we can become space Gandhi instead?.
Win through diplomacy instead force of arm,trade sanction instead of occupy the planet.

The whole reason I'm waiting until tomorrow to count the votes, and why it's all in plan format, is to support write ins. What you guys want is easily within the bounds of a write in, if you just write it in plan format
We should go to Serenno for the resources alone. The problem is I don't want to straight off support the Trade Federation itself but I can accept speaking on the same side of the fact the Republic is bloated and corrupt so while no direct support they can atleast point to the fact Count Dooku supports their opinion.

Staying on Naboo is putting off the inevitable and warning the Republic does not fix anything.

I would really like to see Dooku create a third party that supports a change in the galaxy. Something like splitting it into multiple groups that can better manage their territory for better or worse. With how the Republic outlawed slavery yet the outer rim blantantly performs slavery it should a good platform for worlds that want a change because they find the Republic restricts their ability and yet does not make up for it. The third party could steal support from the Trade Federation yet not necessarily be a nuacance early on since it distracts the Republic on another front. With enough resources Dooku could begin building his own droid army using Anakin as the designer of superior droids that augment conventional army drafted from their worlds.

Shmi definitely can't be seperated from Anakin. Too great of a chance either side harms her.
You should make a Write-In, politics aren't exactly my forte.
[X] Go to Serenno, don't support the TF (gain some resources, some backing, make an enemy of TF immediately)
-[X] Bring Mom
[X] Go to Serenno, support the TF (gain lots of resources, lots of backing, make an enemy of Republic eventually, make a friend of TF)
-[X] Bring Mom, she'll be safest with you.
[X] Go to Serenno, support the TF (gain lots of resources, lots of backing, make an enemy of Republic eventually, make a friend of TF)
-[X] Bring Mom, she'll be safest with you.
[X] Go to Serenno, don't support the TF (gain some resources, some backing, make an enemy of TF immediately)
-[X] Bring Mom

The Trade Federation are a bunch of incompetent shit-heads who build cheap droids. Fuck em.
[X] Go to Serenno, support the TF (gain lots of resources, lots of backing, make an enemy of Republic eventually, make a friend of TF)
-[X] Bring Mom, she'll be safest with you.
I'm going to try my hand at a write-in here, I'm sure someone else will come along and do it better...

[X] Go to Serenno, open talks with the TF, try to swing joining 'The Separatist Movement' as just that. The Republic is in desperate need of change that'll never happen as long as it's the only viable government. The goal of The Separatist Movement then is to compel The Republic to allow secession so that groups of like-minded worlds can peacefully withdraw to form their own governments as a form of protest to Republic policies.
-[X] Bring Mom, she'll be safest with you.

I'm trying to convey that Dooku is going to work with the TF, with the understanding that he doesn't actually approve of them and that when the arguing/war/secession is done with there'll be TWO new governments. The TF and anyone they can get to agree to share a government with them will form their super-corrupt, ultra-capitalist, oligarchy (or whatever it is they're trying to do) and Dooku will take all the people who just disagree with all the corruption and bureaucratic inertia to form an actual good government.

IDK how feasible this is though?
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I personally think we should go to serenno, but not support the TF. will wait for voting to open though. Also:
[X] Go to Serenno, don't support the TF (gain some resources, some backing, make an enemy of TF immediately)
-[X] Bring Mom
[X] Go to Serenno, don't support the TF (gain some resources, some backing, make an enemy of TF immediately)
-[X] Bring Mom
[X] Go to Serenno, support the TF (gain lots of resources, lots of backing, make an enemy of Republic eventually, make a friend of TF)
-[X] Bring Mom, she'll be safest with you.
[X] Go to Serenno, support the TF (gain lots of resources, lots of backing, make an enemy of Republic eventually, make a friend of TF)
-[X] Bring Mom, she'll be safest with you.
[X] Go to Serenno, don't support the TF (gain some resources, some backing, make an enemy of TF immediately)
-[X] Bring Mom
The Trade Federation are a bunch of incompetent shit-heads who build cheap droids. Fuck em.

None of your guys's votes count cause this:
A/N: Regular votes won't count until 12:00 Noon EST tomorrow. Until then, Plan Format please
Yeah,i think we should agrue pro and con before rush to decision,this decision is huge in term of the game form now on.

I want to go with Dooku but not join separatist yet,training as ruler and fighter on Serenno before do anything.