Well, it's not a terrible idea... right?

On second thought... maybe we should really think about this before we commit to it.

Meh, we are thinking too small. Way too small for C3PO. Why settle for one super terminator body when we can upload him onto the internet? That way he can manipulate all the bodies:V. C3PO strongest thing in the galaxy.
[X] Go to Serenno, open talks with the TF but build separate political movement that pushes splitting the galaxy into multiple independent sectors.
-[X] Convey to the TF that their past actions with Naboo and current agenda hurts both their goals by turning away planets that don't accept the TF.
-[X] Make the TF realize that when war inevitable happens it would be better for all if the Republic did not have a single enemy to focus on.
-[X] Get local planets together dissatisfied with the Republic and want to see the creation of one their area of space that can enforce the laws.
-[X] Gather resources to build a quality droid army and infrastructure for recruiting sentients without any real obligations to such like the TF.
[X] Go to Serenno, open talks with the TF but build separate political movement that pushes splitting the galaxy into multiple independent sectors.
-[X] Convey to the TF that their past actions with Naboo and current agenda hurts both their goals by turning away planets that don't accept the TF.
-[X] Make the TF realize that when war inevitable happens it would be better for all if the Republic did not have a single enemy to focus on.
-[X] Get local planets together dissatisfied with the Republic and want to see the creation of one their area of space that can enforce the laws.
-[X] Gather resources to build a quality droid army and infrastructure for recruiting sentients without any real obligations to such like the TF.
[X] Bring Mom

I believe it's time for the actual votes yes?

I like this write-in and I have a concern for those people voting to straight up become enemies with the TF. That concern is whether we can actually survive a decade with the nascent confederacy trying to kill us and Palpatine making sure The Republic does as little to help us as possible. I mean, they've already blockaded, invaded, and occupied Naboo in response to which The Republic... what? Gave them a very light slap on the wrist, winked, and said don't do it again?
To everyone opening talks with the trade federation, please remember that they're just a front for Sidious and that even attempting to divide the Galaxy into multiple states still still end in war. A war which the Republic will still win regardless of what we do because that's Palpatine's goal and he'll be sabotaging them from the inside. It's a ridiculously stupid plan.

You're trying to open talks with a group that's objectively horrifying, on its own merits, but you also know is just a plot by the Sith to cause enough problems to give the Dark Lord absolute power before being utterly crushed. How the hell do you think this is a good idea? It's outright Retarded.

The Republic wins this war. The trade federation are his lackeys, not a group with its own motivations who would try to kill us like the post above me seems to believe. They'll do what palpatine wants and what he wants is anakin, and for them to cause a ruckus. No more, no less.
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[X] Go to Serenno, open talks with the TF but build separate politicalmovement that pushes splitting the galaxy into multiple independent sectors.
-[X] Convey to the TF that their past actions with Naboo and current agenda hurts both their goals by turning away planets that don't accept the TF.
-[X] Make the TF realize that when war inevitable happens it would be better for all if the Republic did not have a single enemy to focus on.
-[X] Get local planets together dissatisfied with the Republic and want to see the creation of one their area of space that can enforce the laws.
-[X] Gather resources to build a quality droid army and infrastructure for recruiting sentients without any real obligations to such like the TF.
[X] Bring Mom
[X] Go to Serenno, open talks with the TF but build separate political movement that pushes splitting the galaxy into multiple independent sectors.
-[X] Convey to the TF that their past actions with Naboo and current agenda hurts both their goals by turning away planets that don't accept the TF.
-[X] Make the TF realize that when war inevitable happens it would be better for all if the Republic did not have a single enemy to focus on.
-[X] Get local planets together dissatisfied with the Republic and want to see the creation of one their area of space that can enforce the laws.
-[X] Gather resources to build a quality droid army and infrastructure for recruiting sentients without any real obligations to such like the TF.
[X] Bring Mom
To everyone opening talks with the trade federation, please remember that they're just a front for Sidious and that even attempting to divide the Galaxy into multiple states still still end in war. A war which the Republic will still win regardless of what we do because that's Palpatine's goal and he'll be sabotaging them from the inside. It's a ridiculously stupid plan.

You're trying to open talks with a group that's objectively horrifying, on its own merits, but you also know is just a plot by the Sith to cause enough problems to give the Dark Lord absolute power before being utterly crushed. How the hell do you think this is a good idea? It's outright Retarded.

The Republic wins this war. The trade federation are his lackeys, not a group with its own motivations who would try to kill us like the post above me seems to believe. They'll do what palpatine wants and what he wants is anakin, and for them to cause a ruckus. No more, no less.

Okay, I sort of agree with what you're saying here, but I have a serious question about the influence over the separatists that you're ascribing to Sidious.

We know that in TPM the blockade of Naboo was at his behest. As far as The Trade Federation are concerned that failed miserably, and even before it did so they seemed to be having second thoughts. I'm pretty sure they only 'know' that Sidious is an influential senator, not which one, and that they were sold on the Naboo plan on the basis that he would be using his influence to support them and prevent... well the events of Episode 1.

When we skip ahead to TCW, Palpatine's control over things seems mainly to consist of having his apprentice Dooku as the actual leader. It's been awhile since I've seen the movie but if I'm remembering right that was pretty much the limit of his control over them.

By ROTS, The Confederacy's actual leadership seems to consist of Dooku (Who is straight up subordinate to SidiousPalpatine and thought he was in on everything) and Grievous (Who I think knew Sidious was somehow the overall boss, but didn't know he was also Palpatine)

What I'm saying is that I'm pretty sure Palpatine's main control over The Confederacy came from his control over Dooku. If Dooku joins up with the movement, but not the Sith, and begins working to cut out Sidious' controls, then what can Palpatine actually do? As long as the war kicks off on schedule, then things are essentially going to plan for him and it's not like he has the freedom of movement to come do... anything to us in person while also being essentially president of the galaxy.

I could be wrong, but I don't think he's super attached to the idea of either Anakin or Dooku becoming Sith yet, so if that just never materializes then as long as we don't seem to be fucking up his endgame for the war (Assume absolute power on the basis that it's needed for victory and then instantly end the war via assassination of all confederate leaders) he doesn't have much to gain from risking shit to screw with us. We can run the war a lot more effectively without ever removing that key vulnerability he's counting on because it'll be there as long as the confederate military stays dependent on droids. We'll just have to make sure we're ready to counter Darth Jar-Jar and whatever else Palpatine sends at us when the time comes.
[X] Go to Serenno, don't make a decision yet. Met the TF first, you know almost nothing about them
-[X] Bring Mom, she'll be safest with you.
There is. They aren't huge, but they exist.Gray Jedi

Grey Jedi aren't guys who use the dark side and Light side togehter, they are just Jedi that do not approve of the mainstream traditions, but still follow the path of the Jedi to a degree. Qi Gong Jin is considered a Gray Jedi even though he never so much as touches the dark side.

I think there are only a handful people in Star Wars Setting that used Dark Side Techniques without showing negative effects.
I have a question. If we don't pick the option for just supporting the trade federation immediately can we still from the confederacy?
I want to do that but I am worried that if we go right into supporting the trade federation we will get involved with palpatine.
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I have a question. If we don't pick the option for just supporting the trade federation immediately can we still form the confederacy?
I want to do that but I am worried that if i go right into supporting the trade federation we will get involved with palpatine.
Yes. If we go into the Separatist, but don't want to join the TF or the Techno Union or whoever, then we can form our own state in the Confederacy.

Keep in mind, this is if the Separatists agree, and if the Confederacy wins the war, and even if all that happens, I cannot foresee a situation where the Confederacy doesn't have intrauniversal militaristic, trade, travel etc agreements set up, so most of our independence would be in administration.

And even then, IF all those things come to pass, the TF would try to undermine our administration and annex our territory, because that's just who they are.

That is quite a ways away, and it will probably take me months of writing to reach the point where those things become an issue (IF those things happen), so right now it's just a 'what if' question.

But yes. It could happen. If.
How about we just go to Mustafar and meet those Blackguard guys mentioned earlier in the thread?

[X] Go to Mustafar to find Jedi artifacts and lava crystals for your lightsaber.
-[X] Bring Mom, she'll be safer with you.
AllRoadsLeadTo at least try to remain in character Anakin has no reasonable excuse to know that also try to think of the previous update and the context. if we were to look at this from an outside perspective it would be really random and ruined by the authors meta-knowledge.
AllRoadsLeadTo at least try to remain in character Anakin has no reasonable excuse to know that also try to think of the previous update and the context. if we were to look at this from an outside perspective it would be really random and ruined by the authors meta-knowledge.
But dooku knows jedi history and ruin sites.

He explored alot***

That's the point. Anakin would have no idea.

Dooku would.
Conversations 3
Conversations 3


Kitster's grainy image laughs back at you as you wave your arms dramatically, laughing at yourself as well.

"So Padme is following Captain Panaka around, he keeps making excuses to leave, and she keeps saying stuff like "Oh, let me help you with that, Captain!"

Kitster grabs his sides and laughs harder than ever at your impression of the Queen's falsetto. You can't go on either, laughing helplessly at the memory.

After a few moments, Kitster wipes his eyes. "Alright, Ani, I know you. You've got something to say, and you've been leading up to it. Hit me."

You hum. How to put this delicately…

"Dooku is royalty, apparently, so he's about to get a ton of money. I want to come and free you."

To your surprise, Kitster doesn't look surprised. He nods a bit and says "I figured this would come up eventually." He scratches his head and looks uncomfortably at the side. "See, Ani… I never really told you this, but since you left, all the other slave kids have been coming to me for advice, and for help, and stuff… they look up to me now. And, well, remember that guide on etiquette I bought with the reward money you gave me?"


"Well, it looks like I'm about to go into training to become a host at a club run by a Dungan who works for the Hutts. I won't be making as much as a free man, but I'll make enough that I can buy my freedom in a few years, if I do well and work my way up until I work for the Hutts. And you know how my dad screwed over the Hutts, and they made my price pretty crazy to punish him, so that gives you a good idea at what I'm working towards."

"Wow, Kit, that's fantastic! You want to make your own way, huh? Well, I guess I get that, but I kind of wish you would take my offer."

"No, Anakin, it's not for me. If the other slave kids see me buy my way to freedom, that'll give them hope for their future. If I can buy my freedom, they can, you know?"

That's surprisingly wise-sounding, coming from your old friend. "Yeah, I gotcha. When you buy your freedom, though, I'm gonna come get you and bring you to Naboo. You're gonna love this place. No buts, this is my condition for letting you make me wait years and years to see you in person."

Kitster grins. "You've got a deal."


"Master, what're we gonna call ourselves?"

"As an organization?"


"Nothing. We aren't an organization."

"Aw, come on. The Jedi have a cool name and a code, and so do the Corellian Jedi, and the Nightsisters, and the Dathomirian Witches, and even the Sith, and also-"

"I get it, Anakin."

"Anyway, that's not the point! We need a name and a code! And a cool symbol, too!"

"Oh, and I suppose you have something in mind already, don't you?"

"The Dooku Two!"

Master Dooku whips his head to face you, his face locked in a mask of disbelief. Then, for the first time you've seen, ever, Master actually bends over from laughing. His face turns red, he holds his sides, and he howls in laughter.

You shift your feet. "What's wrong with it?"

He grins at you. "Dooku is one of the most common slang terms for feces in the galaxy."


He walks on ahead, still giggling to himself. You follow, slightly embarrassed, until you realize something and perk up. "Hey, you didn't say no!"


"I believe I've stumbled upon the founding society of both the Jedi and the Sith in the archives of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant."

"The Jedi and Sith are polar opposites, there's no way someone founded both of them. That would be like the Supreme Chancellor enslaving all the people in the Republic just so there would be slaves to free in his campaign to emancipate the slaves."

"That's right, one person would never found both. Unless the Jedi and the Sith both split off from a common ancestral society, as two opposing militant extremist groups, one dedicated to the Dark, one dedicated to the Light."

"Hmm. I can… maybe see a scenario like the one you're describing coming to pass, but I wouldn't believe that until I had solid proof. Also, the Jedi aren't militant extremists."

"Oh really? Do you know of any other organizations that spend their entire childhood getting indoctrinated into a certain mindset to worship the Force? Do you know of any diplomats who spend their entire life learning how to effectively cut someone into pieces with a lightsaber?"

"...No. Alright, you have a point, but what's your proof?"

Senator Palpatine fishes into his robes and pulls out a holodisc. "The information on this holodisc is tens of thousands of years old. It speaks of an ancient Force-wielding race or society called the Je'daii that wielded both the Dark and Light sides of the Force. Then, there was an internal struggle…"

"And the Jedi walked away with the Light, and the Sith walked away with the Dark. Fascinating…"

"I completely agree. But I can't help but feel like there's something hidden in this holodisc, some secret I'm not seeing."

"And you want me to help you look through it?"

"Well, yes. Here, I'll send you the information now."

You plug your datapad into C3PO as the holodisc transcript is delivered to his memory bank. The holographic transmitter and projector installed into his chest piece show Senator Palpatine fiddling with his controls.

Not for the first time, you thank your foresight for having installed Threepio with communications equipment. He really is very useful.

"Alright, it's showing up on my datapad. Do you have any clues about what to look out for?"

"Well, the secret, I believe, lies in the Codes. You've doubtlessly heard the Jedi Code, right? There is no emotion, there is peace. There is no ignorance, there is knowledge-"

"Yeah, I've heard it. What about the other codes?"

"Alright, the Sith code is its opposite. It goes like this: Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken. The Force shall free me."

That… wow. That resonates with you. After all, the Force did break your chains, it did free you. Not that you'd say as much; the Sith are evil as evil gets.

"Hmm. Is that it?"

"Well, the last clue is the Code of the original organization."

"The Je'daii?"

"Yes. Now, their code is as follows: There is no ignorance; there is knowledge. There is no fear; there is power. I am the heart of the Force. I am the revealing fire of light. I am the mystery of darkness in balance with chaos and harmony, immortal in the Force."

"It's just representations of the dichotomy of the Force," you realize instantly, "with no emphasis on Dark or Light."

"Exactly!" Palpatine smiles broadly. "I'll probably have to delve deeper in my archives to understand it better, but the implications of this are tantalizing, wouldn't you say?"

"Oh, absolutely sir," you nod furiously. "So I should just study the Codes and look for clues?"

"Well, if you have the time, I'd like you to study up on their history, but that's not as important to me. Maybe you could recruit your Master to help."

"I'll see what I can do. If you find out anything, would you let me know?"

"My boy, you will be the first to hear of it."

Then, with a smile and a wink, he was gone.

You sigh and look up at Threepio. "What do you think, Threepio?"

"Master Anakin, I'm afraid I must say I find it a little bit odd that the esteemed Senator of Naboo spends so much time hanging on your words. From my understanding of human culture, this is unusual, quite uncommon indeed for such an older man to be-"

You wave your hand, cutting off his worrying tone. "He's just a friend, Threepio. Age doesn't matter with friends. He's a great person, and he's trying to do good in a corrupt Senate."

"That has nothing to do with-"

"And besides, I meant what you thought about the holodisc."

"The holodisc? Why it seems to have gone through no less than seven translations from its original text, and probably more. I've only had a few seconds to analyze it, after all. If there ever was a secret, it must be lost in misconstrued context by now."

"How many forms of communication are you fluent in, Threepio?"

"Over six million, sir."

"Do you think you could replicate its original text and context?"

"It would take quite some time-"

You smile. "Do it."

You stand up to leave the room, and C3PO worries after you, "I thought Master Dooku was going to assist with this?"

"He will," you say, "after it's translated."


A/N: Have some conversations.
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Bring balance to the force eh? I like this interpretation of the prophesy better. Rather than just killing all the Jedi until their numbers matched that of the Sith, we can actually bring the two opposing views into balance.
Bring balance to the force eh? I like this interpretation of the prophesy better. Rather than just killing all the Jedi until their numbers matched that of the Sith, we can actually bring the two opposing views into balance.

I've never been a fan of the prophecy in general but although I like this interpretation better it's gonna take a whole lot of doing if that's what we decide to do...
Actually, on the subject of 3POs concerns, I find it a good sign that Palpatine hasn't totally subverted our droid even if he has managed to wiretap our conversations around him.