A Song of Dragons and Duty (Dragon Age Quest - 3rd Thread)

That would be true if they said as much that they didn't want to help them because they didn't have enough to help even themselves. Instead, they are acting because they are racists as their only reason. A refugee crisis is a bad thing to deal with but the elves are being attacked because they are elves, not refugees that will reduce the resources that are still stretched thin at the moment for the people already there.
Don't forget they almost attacked the Dwarves as well.
I see that is just another reason why I find it strange then. Fereldan isn't like most of the other Kingdoms which are fairly human-centric and treat the other races like trash mostly they don't care about the race and more about what they can do and have done.
I see that is just another reason why I find it strange then. Fereldan isn't like most of the other Kingdoms which are fairly human-centric and treat the other races like trash mostly they don't care about the race and more about what they can do and have done.
Consider Salthaven an exception then, for the most part.
Well, what better than to outnumber them?
Well with the dwarves and these elves they are the lower numbered ones now. But we still need to get more humans in our fief. Luckily the lands surrounding the coastlands and Highever have plenty of people that would love to setup in a new Bannor for their own chance at some land or work in the city, docks, or castle.
Well with the dwarves and these elves they are the lower numbered ones now. But we still need to get more humans in our fief. Luckily the lands surrounding the coastlands and Highever have plenty of people that would love to setup in a new Bannor for their own chance at some land or work in the city, docks, or castle.
Oh yes, they do.
Alright guys, I have an update planned, but mind if someone gets me up to date on our current actions taken and their progress, and the number of max. actions we can take? Sorry, but I tried checking the 2nd thread, and I'm still a little confused.
Also, can someone help me on how to edit the tabs? My first time working with the feature, am using it for character sheet and state of the realm.
Alright guys, I have an update planned, but mind if someone gets me up to date on our current actions taken and their progress, and the number of max. actions we can take? Sorry, but I tried checking the 2nd thread, and I'm still a little confused.
Also, can someone help me on how to edit the tabs? My first time working with the feature, am using it for character sheet and state of the realm.
I need tips for the above, thanks.
I need tips for the above, thanks.
It looks like for deciding actions is using a similar method to that which thales on SB uses in his quest I have no idea how he decieds the action number but they are broken down into Major, minor, free actions and military.

I have no idea how he works in but speak to thales or Ironforge over on SB since they both know the system well.
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It looks like for deciding actions is using a similar method to that which thales on SB uses in his quest I have no idea how he decieds the action number but they are broken down into Major, minor, free actions and military.

I have no idea how he works in but speak to thales or Ironforge over on SB since they both know the systea well.
Aye, gotcha.
2. Quelling a Riot
A/N: Pardon the wait.

Quelling a Riot

[X] Raise your voice, "Turn over your leaders and disperse. Fail to do so at your own peril."

-[X] if they turn over the agitators hold a quick summary trail and execute them for inciting revolt.

-[X] if they continue to be belligerent clear the mob by force and aim to take the leaders alive and do the same as above.

Trotting in front of the gathered mob, you raise your voice and say, "I will only say this once: Turn over your leaders and disperse immediately! Failure to do so, and you will suffer the consequences at your own peril."

"Oh really? What makes you think we'll listen to you?" Shouted one of the rioters.

"Have you already forgotten what happened last time we had a riot?" You stated, "Have you already forgotten the bloodbath that ensued?"

That silenced most of the rioters, the memories still fresh in their minds.

"If you do not want another bloodbath on your hands, then surrender the agitators and we will make their deaths quick," You quickly added, "I have slain many enemies; rivers of blood flow where I go. I ask you do not force my hand again."


The one who shouted – most likely an agitator – was a young man little older than nineteen, red-faced and angrily wielding a pitchfork and torch.

"My dad was killed by you that day, and what, just because we didn't like them Dwarves intruding on our land!?" He spat, frothing at the mouth, "I'd sooner die than-"

You were quick to silence him as his head was severed from his shoulders, your steel sword cleanly cutting through flesh and bone.

You had dismounted from your horse and waded into the thick of the crowd to do this; some would say it was a highly risky manoeuvre, one that could result in your death, but your action was decisive and effective.

"Anyone else?" You asked.

No sooner had you said those words that the crowd quickly turned over the remaining agitators towards you, which sadly numbered twenty-four citizens of Salthaven both old and young. At least, you and your men granted them quick deaths, despite the screams that followed.

And by the end of the executions, splattered in blood and pointing your bloodied sword at them, you said to the crowd, "Disperse. Now."

And the crowd did so more quickly than a flock of birds could scurry away into the sky, throwing away their pitchforks and torches onto the ground, leaving you and your men, Ser Gilmore and the escorting knights, Morgan and Adaron and you alone with the gathered Elves.

Understandably, the Dalish Elves initially strayed from close contact with you, distrust and fear in their tired eyes as they beheld your blood-covered form.

Two of them, an elderly woman and a young boy no older than twentyish, dared to approach you despite the apprehension they felt, even as you began wiping away the blood from your face and sword.

"I am Keeper Shiaranni of Clan Veleya, de facto leader of the refugee Dalish, as you can see," Said the elderly woman, leaning on her staff, "We… thank you, for protecting us against those zealous Humans."

The hesitance was not lost on anyone, much less you.

"I am Lord Aedan Cousland, son of Teyrn Bryce Cousland, Bann of Salthaven," You replied, "Perhaps I already get the gist of the situation, but mind if you start explaining?"

"As you can see, many of us are hungry and starving, for we had no wild game to hunt, too little food to forage for," Said Shiaranni, "We have nowhere else to go, I'm afraid, and if you were to send us away…"

"I understand, Keeper Shiaranni," You said, "But neither is Salthaven built to accommodate thousands of refugees; our farms simply cannot produce enough food for all of you in their current state."

"Then what do you expect us to do, shemlen!?" Shouted the boy, "You think you can just send us away, after supppsedly 'saving' us from certain death!?"

"Alras, enough," Ordered the Keeper, "Be quiet and show some courtesy, boy."

The young boy Alras remained fuming, but silently obeyed the Keeper's commands.

"Do pardon my First, my Lord," Said Shiaranni, "Tempers are beginning to flare, as you can see."

"Even so, I cannot have you all simply live off welfare," You said, "If you truly want to live in peace here, I need you all to pull your own weight. As I stated earlier, our farms cannot sustain the yields needed to feed all of you, and you know what this means, yes?"

Shiaranni nodded as did Alras, albeit reluctantly.

"For now, I need you all to continue organising your own defence against any would-be rioters on your own; my Guardsmen and Dwarven warriors are far too few to defend you all right now," You said, "But rest assured I will find a solution. I ask only for your patience."

Shiaranni nodded, and said, "If you say so."

Then you quickly turn to Aveline and ask, "Aveline, how many can we conscript the Guard?"

The Guard Captain quickly shook her head, saying, "Not many, My Lord; your earlier actions have effectively discouraged many."

"Blast," You cursed, "Anyway, maintain patrols in Salthaven round the clock, make sure no one disrupts order."

"As you command," She nodded.

You turn to Ser Gilmore, and ask him, "Gilmore, I need you to-"

"Why?" Was his first words, "Why did you have to kill them?"

You sigh, and say to him, "Being a Lord is never easy, Gilmore. Every one of us always has to dirty our hands one way or another."

Gilmore seemed unconvinced, but nodded nonetheless.

"Anyway, I need you to run back to Highever, tell my father that I need more funding and more seeds and other resources," You say to him, "Tell him I need them sent to Salthaven as soon as possible."

"Understood, my Lord," Said Gilmore, who then said to his men, "Men! We return to Highever, quickly!"

Watching them gallop away in the distance, you then turn to Voldrik, and ask, "How long do you need to build housing for all of them?"

"On overtime? Easily up to several months, maybe over half a year," Said Voldrik, "Unless we get more manpower and artisans at work, it'll be ostensibly slow."

"Tell Bran he'll soon be presiding over tons of urgent work," You said to the Dwarf, "We've got work to do."

Gained: 5,850 Dalish Elves

Reputation: Uncertain

How much money, what resources and how much of them shall you request from Bryce Cousland?

[] Write-in (Specify numbers)

Personal Actions:

Major Actions:

Minor Actions:
[X] Major Harbour Expansion (cothon) (85/600)

Military Actions:

A/N: Take note that the rolls will be different, though you will have one economic council dice to assign to any action. Please take note that the situation is currently dire, so take the time to discuss things carefully before you start voting, and I strongly encourage you to make use of the actions given.
We weren't supposed to kill them they were meant to be tried and interrogated for information and to show the rule of law then execute them for their crimes. All that did was make us seem like a ax happy despot.
We weren't supposed to kill them they were meant to be tried and interrogated for information and to show the rule of law then execute them for their crimes. All that did was make us seem like a ax happy despot.
You could say the dice did not favour a lawful resolution. And frankly, in this kind of scenario, they probably would have just spat on our lawfulness.
Also we need to work at restoring order, building house, tilling fields and the like. As well as arranging more security.

This is going to be messy work overall.

Hmm as for things we could request I guess seeds would be one, goats and pigs and maybe some building materials.

@Ebanu8 how many refugees are their altogether and who would be classed as a warriors?
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Best to start splitting the elves up into smaller groups and having them spread out and use them to help expand our farms docks and more fishing boats. Plus to start getting ranching animals.
Best to start splitting the elves up into smaller groups and having them spread out and use them to help expand our farms docks and more fishing boats. Plus to start getting ranching animals.
That may not be the best idea the Daleish are a prickly bunch anything we do with them will have to involve the keeper.