Right, sorry this took me so long; school work is an ass.
Anyway, here are the rolls.
[X] Personal Actions:
--[X] Begin sending the agreed materials to our allies in the Bannorn.
Rolls given: 1d100 + Adaron's Intrigue Stat
--[X] Have a meeting set up between yourself, your father, and West Hills about taking control of the islands to the north.
Rolls given: 1d100 + Bran's Diplomacy Stat
--[X] Send personally for the expedition to the Brecilian Forest to gain ironbark trees and wood.
Rolls given: 1d100 + Aedan's Diplomacy Stat
-[X] Major Actions:
--[X] Build a new expanded Stable for Horses for the Knights and Light Cavalry. (125/150)
Rolls given: 1d100 + Voldrik's Stewardship Stat
--[X] Have the Guard/Stable Tower fully repaired and restored.
Rolls given: 2d100 + Voldrik's Stewardship Stat
-[X] Minor Actions:
--[X] A Guild for leather workers – to tan and work the numerous hides they'd be harvesting from rabbits.
Rolls given: 4d100 + Aedan's Stewardship Stat
--[X] Start new extractions Red Steel and Veridium mines and mine for gemstones, gold and silver.
---[X] EC Dice
Rolls given: 3d100 + 100 (EC) + Bran's Stewardship Stat
--[X] An Elven Winery by Keeper Shiaranni's request
Rolls given: 3d100 + Bran's Stewardship Stat
-[X] Military Actions:
--[X] Recruit more troops
Rolls given: 1d100 + Oswin's Martial Stat
As always, take your time to roll one set at a time.
Don't we all love Tropico dice?
Sure, it does. But please no double-posting; just edit your earlier post next time.
[X] Start new extractions Red Steel and Veridium mines and mine for gemstones, gold and silver.
---[X] EC Dice
Rolls given: 3d100 + 100 (EC) + Bran's Stewardship Stat
Are you suggesting we make a new Dwarven hold like Khazad-dum or Karak Eight Peaks?We found the richest mines in the world comparable to South Africa or if we go full tilt, a Fantasy Dwarven mine similar to The Lonely Mountain or Erebor!
Thar's Gold in Dem Hills!
Are you suggesting we make a new Dwarven hold like Khazad-dum or Karak Eight Peaks?
Are you suggesting we make a new Dwarven hold like Khazad-dum or Karak Eight Peaks?
Well, we can always draw in more Dwarven immigrants, if need be. If not, when we can, there is always Orzammar.Do we have enough Dwarven population to ensure this project can go beyond skeleton staff/bare minimum?
If so, ensure that Aedan (and his descendants) and the City of Ebonhallow/Ferelsen get their shares and cut of the profits for taxes from the jackpot mines we discovered.
That it is, my friend. That it is.Karak Eight Peak and Khazad-Dum combined I say a new dwarven city is in the offing.
--[X] Have a meeting set up between yourself, your father, and West Hills about taking control of the islands to the north.Is there anything left @Ebanu8? I'll roll to expedite the process.
With how mind-numbing our resource expeditions are this turn perhaps our friend in a certain green floppy hat can give another mark of approval to Aedan's drive to help everyone?
--[X] Have a meeting set up between yourself, your father, and West Hills about taking control of the islands to the north.
Rolls given: 1d100 + Bran's Diplomacy Stat
--[X] An Elven Winery by Keeper Shiaranni's request
Rolls given: 3d100 + Bran's Stewardship Stat
I would say the former; would give us additional access to the sea and a potential chokepoint for invading navies.Outright purchase of land into a de facto and de jure Cousland sovereignty or a Hong Kong-style lease?
Now who wants to suggest a unique name for our latest vintage?Extra! Extra! Have the hottest thing to grace Ferelden and the world since the First Exalted March: Elfwine!
Brewed and kept for a hundred years minimum this wine will make your taste buds cry in delight!
You can imagine it to be where the Storm Coast Bannorn is, considering we have Dwarven outposts in our lands.
@Adventwolf, just to confirm with you, this refers to the Third Rock, right?