A Song of Dragons and Duty (Dragon Age Quest - 3rd Thread)

[X] Continue to learn the languages of Ancient Elvish, Antivan and Orlesian to fluent.

Rolls given: 1d100 + 20 (Education)

[X] Tran with Adaron Tabris to get better at Intrigue

Rolls given: 1d100 + Aedan's Intrigue

[X] Study the books of Engineering

Rolls given: 1d100 + 20 (Education)

Major Actions:

[X] Housing Expansion (421/600)

5d100 + Bran's Stewardship Stat

[X] Training the servants as spies (180/300)

Rolls given: 4d100 + Adaron's Intrigue Stat

Minor Actions:

[X] Large-sized Brewery (216/600)
-[X] Economic Council Dice

Rolls given : 5d100 + Voldrik's Stewardship Stat + 100 (EC)

[X] Survey the Bannorn of Salthaven for minerals

Rolls given: 1d100 + 20 (Dwarven Surveyors)

[X] Build proper facility for rabbits

Rolls given: 4d100 + Aedan's Stewardship Stat

Military Actions:
[X] Continue the stronger patrols through the rest of the Bannor to cut down and discourage crime and bandits.

Rolls given: 1d100 + Aedan's Martial Stat

Take your time to roll, people.
So we will have the best housing fit for the nobility and royalty with all the bells and whistles (like plumbing and running water) available for the masses?

Why not?

Seems like how the Highway rolls I did in the SB Quest suddenly became an Imperial Roman Highway.
Oh yes, that too. At least Tolcariath and the Empire have the best roads available.
[X] Train with Adaron Tabris to get better at Intrigue

Rolls given: 1d100 + Aedan's Intrigue

Major Actions:

[X] Training the servants as spies (180/300)

Rolls given: 4d100 + Adaron's Intrigue Stat

These are the rolls we have left.
Major Actions:

[X] Training the servants as spies (180/300)

Rolls given: 4d100 + Adaron's Intrigue Stat





96+90+94+100+23 = 403

X] Train with Adaron Tabris to get better at Intrigue

Rolls given: 1d100 + Aedan's Intrigue


97+11 = 108

I'm still in a dream... Snake Eater!

Our servants are tactical espionage actors bar none.
Social Butterfly, Part II
A/N: As promised, part two.

Social Butterfly, Part II

"Adaron," You say to your brother, "How's training of our new spies coming along?"

"Quite splendidly," Said Adaron, "I must admit, they proved terribly frightened at the prospect of wielding blades and killing people, but months of training helps hone their psyche and talent. A few more months, and we'll have our first spies."

"Nice to know we won't be lacking in the espionage field any longer," You said.

"True, but we will need to expand our spy network as our city grows," Said Adaron, "No taking chances."

"And then we have the arsehole Chantry clerics, and their arsehole Templars," You said, "Of course we won't be taking chances. After all, the only good Templar is a dead Templar buried six feet into his fucking grave."

Adaron snorts at that.

"In any case, you're officially my spymaster now – I need someone handling all my spies and underground connections," You said, "I'm counting on you, brother."

Adaron smiled, and said, "I won't disappoint."

Reward: Adaron becomes your Spymaster (+3 Intrigue, +2 Martial, bonus to espionage and spy recruitment rolls)


Keeper Shiaranni, leader of the Dalish community, greets you with a gracious and courteous nod as you enter her quarters, serving you a cup of fresh, piping hot tea, the sweet fragrance a pleasant sensation to your nostrils.

Her First Alras, however, gives you an icy glare that ruins the mood and worsens the taste of your tea – something Shiaranni is quick to notice.

"Alras," She said to her First.


Standing up abruptly, Alras gave a bow – utterly mocking in its nature – and left without a word.

"Do pardon Alras, he's a good boy at heart," Said the elderly Keeper, "It's just… he cannot trust Humans at all – past memories and scars do that to a person."

"I see," You said, "I'm not going to pry, since that's the case."

Shiaranni nodded in gratitude, and said, "I suppose we've never really talked like this since we first arrived on your doorstep; we Dalish are often mistrustful of Humans, given our past history with the Andrastian Chantry."

"I am aware," You said, "I myself cannot trust them; old hags who do nothing but control the people through this thing called religion."

"You dislike the Chantry? I wasn't aware," Said Shiaranni, "Even though you have an existing Chantry within your town?"

"That's for the people – believers they are," You said, "Not me; I can't trust those slimy Chantry mothers."

"So you're an atheist, then?" Asked Shiaranni.

"No, not atheist, agnostic," You replied, "I still believe there is some higher power, watching over us all."

"I see," Said Shiaranni, "I was wondering why you never attended the weekly masses at the local Chantry, anyway – I thought you the type to worship privately at home."

"And let's not forget the Templars," You said, "I recall having to eliminate an entire strike team that threatened a Dalish Clan wandering in my territory."

"You actually went ahead and killed a group of Templars on your own? Just so that you could protect a Dalish Clan?" Said Shiaranni in surprise, "Wait a minute, was it Clan Sabrae you saved?"

"The one and only," You nodded.

"Of course! Why didn't I think of it earlier?" Said Shiaranni, enlightenment dawning on her, "Our clan maintains strong relations and frequent communication with Clan Sabrae; they once sent us letters of how a Human noble valiantly marched to their aid, slaying all Templars and saving lives! And it was that same noble who even sought the blessings of the Elven Gods by Keeper Marethari!"

"I wasn't aware I would be held in such high regard," You remark.

"But it explains so much!" Said Shiaranni, "I know it's late, but you have my thanks – and that of Clan Veleya – for saving our long-time allies."

"You're most welcome, Keeper Shiaranni," You replied, shaking her hand, "In any case, is there anything else you and your people need?"

"Well, we are not wanting for food and shelter, and thanks to the herb garden in Saltrock Keep, we Keepers have ample supplies of reagents for all sorts of alchemical mixtures," Said Shiaranni, "Though, if I might have a request?"

"Let's hear it," You said.

"Well, two requests, actually: we need Ironbark trees for material for our weaponry and armour," Said Shiaranni, "Right now, the only Ironbark trees in Ferelden exist in the Brecilian Forest, but it's a long way from here, and with more Elves wanting to volunteer as soldiers, our blacksmiths are facing supply shortages. If possible, could you retrieve some saplings? We can nurture them into full-grown trees with our magic."

"If I can, I will," You replied, "So what's your other request?"

"A winery for our people," Said Shiaranni, "I know drinking wine is a luxury, but with how secure many of us feel here, some wish to settle down as vintners and grow their own grapes, brew their own wines."

"Is that so? I admit, I am curious as to what Dalish wine tastes like," You said, "I cannot build right now, due to how hamstrung our budget is, but I'll build one when I can."

"Of course," Said Shiaranni, "And thank you for listening to my requests."

"It's my pleasure," You said, "After all, you are all citizens of Salthaven – just as Humans and Dwarves are."

Just outside of Shiaranni's quarters, Alras eavesdropped on the conversation, and having heard all that was said, he had the face of a conflicted man.

Reward: Can now build a Dalish Winery and get Ironbark saplings – Shiaranni will reward you for each request fulfilled. Alras is now fully neutral towards you, and Shiaranni is now friendly towards you.


And now, finally, it was quality time to spend with your faithful mabari, Sif.

"Come on, boy! Fetch!"

Throwing a stick, your faithful hound ran ahead with great enthusiasm and vigour, catching the stick in its maw before running back to you.

Congratulating him for a job well done, you gently pat his head said, "Good boy. Missed having fun like this, didn't you?"

Sif barked affirmatively and jubilantly in response.

"Just as I thought," You said smilingly, "Here, have a snack."

Sif eagerly bit into the snack and licked your fingers, and you turned to see Morgan approach the two of you.

"Seems our little boy Sif's having a fun time," Said Morgan, "Has Aedan been good to you, boy?"

Sif barked happily at that, running around her in circles.

"You know, I've actually been thinking," Said Morgan, "Why not we bring some more mabari to Salthaven – including some females for Sif to bond with?"

"Thinking about rearing a litter of puppies, eh?" You asked.

"Well, why not?" Said Morgan, "I figured Sif deserves a happy family of his own?"

"What about us, then?" You ask with a knowing smile, "Would you like a large family of our own?"

"Aedan…!" Said Morgan with a blush, "One thing at a time…"

As if understanding, Sif barked humorously, though he does adopt a protective behaviour as he licked Morgan's cheek.

Reward: Sif's trait (There can only be one) is replaced with: There are Two (Sif is bonded to both Aedan and Morgan, and shall accept no one else.)

A/N: That's it for the interlude.
Winery would be the same as the brewery if not more since you need to also create the vineyards to supply them with. The underground would be several hundred good most likely it costs a lot to build a city underground. If it was just a foundation reinforcement and sewer system then it is cheaper.
for the next few turns we should try and keep expenses down while raising our income and do some dungeon diving and adventuring to gain loot so we have some gold in our Treasury to spend on big items like the Dalish Winery and Undercity's construction
Getting more people in the territory is needed for more taxes. As long as we give them the opportunity to succeed they will make the money for us. The harbor and brewery will help with income. But we need to expand the mines we have to increase output. Along with starting some sort of jewels and precious stone production. Gems and pearls are much easier to carry wealth than gold and metals since those are extremely heavy once you get past a certain number.

But going on an adventure should be a good way to find loot and new veins to mine.
we should also try and get some trade deals with the Free Marches and other kingdoms as we are located in a good place
9. Harvestmere - Haring, 9:28 Dragon
Harvestmere – Haring, 9:28 Dragon

You are Aedan Cousland, and you were beginning to rake in a tidy profit. That, and it seems a wind of fortune has blown your way once again. Not that you were unappreciative of it all, but it just seemed so weird that it was blowing now, rather than a few years ago.

[X] Survey the Bannorn of Salthaven for minerals.

Rolled: 88

As it turns out, the nearby mountains house sizeable veins of Veridium and Red Steel, and with fine Dwarven and Dalish Smiths working in your Bannorn, there are more than a few opportunities to forge high-tier armour and weaponry for your companions.

There are even nodes for gold and silver and rare gemstones, suitable material for expensive jewellery to craft and sell for tidy sums. And with high profits comes more taxes.

All that remains now is to dig out the mines, implement proper supports, and let the mining begin.

Reward: Can now build Red Steel and Veridium mines, can mine for gemstones, gold and silver.

[X] Large-sized Brewery (216/600)
-[X] Economic Council Dice

Rolled: 349 + 216 = 565/600

With the underground storage and brewing rooms fully dug and walled with chiselled stone and a mixture called 'concrete', the aboveground facilities are nearly complete. Actually, the entire structure itself is finished, and made of stone to protect against the elements. All that's left is to install the necessary furniture and equipment.

As of now, the Brewery has a storefront with shelves large enough for barrels of ale and mead – though with no honey, he cannot brew the latter. There's even an experimentation room for the Aradra family to experiment with brewing different kinds of alcohol, Parents and children digging into your books on fermentation and brewing.

Who knows? Perhaps their new creation would take the world by storm.

[X] Continue the stronger patrols through the rest of the Bannorn to cut down and discourage crime and bandits.

Rolled: 88

Nothing else of note, other than a few idiot bandits who thought the Elves easy prey – none survived to tell the tale.

With tales of your formidable city guard making short work of bandits, crime outside your town has dropped sharply with bandits fleeing your Bannorn for 'safer' pastures, and public order has risen as well.

Reward: Public Order increases from Improving to Calm.

[X] Continue to learn the languages of Ancient Elvish, Antivan and Orlesian to fluent.

Rolled: 72

Practicing the languages is a bit of a pain, but with more Antivan and Orlesian merchants coming to barter at your port, it becomes necessary, especially in instances where the language barrier proves too much for some visitors to overcome.

Practicing Elvhen proves harder than practicing Orlesian or Antivan, but the Dalish prove equally motivated to master it, and so you have no shortage of practice opportunities.

Reward: Fluency in Ancient Elvhen, Antivan and Orlesian changed to (Learned, Fluent).

[X] Study the books of Engineering.

Rolled: 102

Surprisingly, you seem to grasp the fundamentals of engineering quite well – the complicated mathematics and calculations would instantly throw any uneducated man off his feet, but perhaps you just have a talent for it.

Now that you think about it, those more talented or experienced engineers always made building siege weaponry and buildings so easy, but without the proper calculations, flawed building plans can lead to unstable buildings.

And considering how hamstrung your budget can be, you do not want that to happen.

Perhaps with further training, you can further hone your engineering skills.

Reward: You gain trait: Engineer (+10 Bonus to rolls for construction of buildings and siege weaponry.)

[X] Housing Expansion (421/600)

Rolled: 493 + 421 = 914/600

You… were not expecting this in the slightest.

"W-What in the name of…?"

The previous number of complete houses was large already, but now it was ginormous! Now it was a much larger-looking town than before, and it was well on its way to becoming a proper city. At least living space remained behind the walls, so there was no need for another set of walls so soon.

Even more surprising was the sudden upsurge of immigrants making their way to your Bannorn – Human, Elven and Dwarven alike. Now that you see more closely, there are more City Elves than Dalish Elves among the immigrants, and perhaps even some casteless among the Dwarves.

But the presence of Casteless Dwarves was exceedingly odd – as far as you knew, they only dwelt in Orzammar and never left for the Surface – according to Voldrik, and all Surfacer Dwarves never had the distinctive brand on their cheeks.

On one hand, it would provide an immediate solution to the empty housing problem in your Bannorn. On the other hand, the diaspora was now such that Humans were a mere third of the population – a minority in a Human-dominated country.

Even better still, your farms were hugely expanded, and as a result you did not have to worry about food shortages.

"How did all of this even happen?" You mutter.

Equally confused, Voldrik said, "I'm… not sure myself."

"What? You and the others built this much, we have so many immigrants, and we even have expanded farms to match our food requirements, and you say you're unsure?" You said.

"Like I said, I'm unsure how it all happened," Said Voldrik, "We were just doing our work, and then all of a sudden, it's like our own hands just did the work for us! Like… some sort of strange compulsion! I'm sorry, but I don't have an adequate explanation."

"It's… fine," You said.

As you looked up to the sky, however, you could barely make out the image of a moustached man with a strange, green-coloured floppy hat smiling at you.

"Please don't tell me this is someone making fun of me…" You mutter.

Reward: Human population increases to 5,000, 3,500 Dwarves migrate to Kal Atun, 4,000 Dwarves migrate to Kal Partha, Dwarven population in and around Saltrock Keep increases to 3,800, Dalish population increases to 8,500, Salthaven now has a City Elf population of 10,500.

A/N: Beware the frightening Tropico dice… I need a drink.

[X] Build a proper facility for rabbits.

Rolled: 196/300

It was a simple matter of building a holding facility for breeding rabbits, and with rabbits comes a source of highly lean meat suitable for making rabbit stew. It is nearly two-thirds complete, but yet more time is needed to ensure the rabbits are not wanting for living space.

(- 30 Sovereigns)

[X] Training the servants as spies (180/300)

Rolled: 403 + 180 = 583/300

The spies' training had finished, and Adaron was more than pleased at the results. Not too soon as well, with Salthaven's population suddenly swelling, and with so many promising new recruits, he took the liberty of recruiting them as new spies.

It took some additional money, but with the tidy income taxes were raking in, it was not an issue.

Now comes the matter of establishing their presence in the town.

Reward: Servants now become spies in disguise, spies now number at 500 in total. (- 10 Sovereigns)

A/N: Tropico dice… again.

[X] Train with Adaron Tabris to get better at Intrigue.

Rolled: 108

Walking around in a clanking suit of armour makes a lot of noise, so much so that people could hear you walking from the other side of town in such armour. It was challenging, but at least now you weren't making noise when walking in clanking armour.

Something that Adaron clearly says is an achievement in itself.

Reward: Aedan's base intrigue increases to 16.

Treasury: 112 Sovereigns, 25 Silvers, 50 Copper bits + 124 Sovereigns, 46 Silvers – 40 Sovereigns = 196 Sovereigns, 71 Silvers, 50 Copper bits.
- Income/Turn: 175 Sovereigns 80 Silvers
- Expenses/Turn: 71 Sovereigns, 34 Silver
- Net income/Turn: 124 Sovereigns, 46 Silver

A/N: Well then, shall we take a moment to appreciate how devastatingly effective Tropico dice can be? As for the changes in the income and expenses, I actually took a closer look at the information I copied over from the previous thread, and I found out it was a monthly thing while every turn is three months.

Therefore, I adjusted the economy to more accurately reflect the state of our treasury. I hope this clears any confusion people have over the treasury.