A Song of Dragons and Duty (Dragon Age Quest - 3rd Thread)

Say @Ebanu8 where is the future herald of Andraste doing if you plan them at all
You're asking if I plan to include the Inquisition canon arc? In that case, that remains to be determined. I don't like Corypheus, and I wouldn't want him to remain in this world, but I think the events leading up to Inquisition and the subsequent actions taken don't really complement each other for a real satisfying ending.
So the next turn i think we should upgrade Aradra Family Brewery from Large-sized to huge-sized. We also need to filed out our army to max

Also send our Rogues and Spies to the big places in Ferelden to set up spy networks, and maybe use this network to later takeover the local gangs and smugglers in those places
Alright, voting is now closed.
Adhoc vote count started by Ebanu8 on Jul 6, 2020 at 9:35 PM, finished with 26 posts and 7 votes.
And so, by majority vote, Bann Franderel will have control of the Storm Islands, and Ioriel will name her own Winery. Will need to work on the trade miniturn first, however.
Sure thing, thanks for your suggestion.

Given that Rangers are supposed to be better than our ranged units in general, I would say a silver each. Will be editing info for it in the troop costs.
So do we have Nug farms? If not getting a bunch of them and building the farms under the ground of our settlements with the Dwarf farming methods they developed. We also need to talk to our Grandfather and Uncles/Aunts that are close by and rule the rest of the Storm Coast. Our Grandfather is a major raider and his fleet would be useful in supporting the new islands. We also need to send our spies, rogues, and brother to Edgehall/South Reach, looking for the two remaining Chantry sisters we can get on our side, and to Loghain with the medallion to let him know about the new mine and the resources we now have available. We also need to upgrade all equipment that is below tier 3 to at least that level for all our military units. Our Light horses can be equipped with Steel and our Knights with Red Steel at least. The Pikemen can upgrade their iron equipment to steel and wooden shields to yew. Any units that have wooden equipment should get it upgraded to Yew at least. We also need to upgrade the Named characters equipment as well. We now have more Veridium and have Red Steel so we can upgrade everyone at least one tier. Aedan can upgrade his armor and weapons to Veridium plate and Red Steel Sword and get them enchanted along with all the retainers getting enchanted equipment as well.
- 3,800 Dwarves
--> 1,000 Dwarves in Saltrock Keep
--> 3,800 Dwarves outside Saltrock Keep
Think you either missed a number here. Also the army total wastn't adjusted.
So do we have Nug farms? If not getting a bunch of them and building the farms under the ground of our settlements with the Dwarf farming methods they developed.
We don't have Nug farms yet, actually. Been thinking of them a few times, though.

We also need to talk to our Grandfather and Uncles/Aunts that are close by and rule the rest of the Storm Coast. Our Grandfather is a major raider and his fleet would be useful in supporting the new islands.
Of that, I have no doubt. Raiders can be a real asset to the navy.

We also need to send our spies, rogues, and brother to Edgehall/South Reach, looking for the two remaining Chantry sisters we can get on our side, and to Loghain with the medallion to let him know about the new mine and the resources we now have available.
I sometimes wonder how far and deep the powers of Tropican dice go; this is no God quest, and yet I feel like this is becoming a Mary Sue of sorts. Not that I dislike it.

We also need to upgrade all equipment that is below tier 3 to at least that level for all our military units. Our Light horses can be equipped with Steel and our Knights with Red Steel at least. The Pikemen can upgrade their iron equipment to steel and wooden shields to yew. Any units that have wooden equipment should get it upgraded to Yew at least.
Makes me wonder if our army can become a gold standard of sorts for the rest of Ferelden.

We also need to upgrade the Named characters equipment as well. We now have more Veridium and have Red Steel so we can upgrade everyone at least one tier. Aedan can upgrade his armor and weapons to Veridium plate and Red Steel Sword and get them enchanted along with all the retainers getting enchanted equipment as well.
Why, oh why, did I never think of it until now? You have my thanks for such a wonderful suggestion, good sir. :)

That's a lot of stuff on our
Think you either missed a number here. Also the army total wastn't adjusted.
I sometimes wonder how far and deep the powers of Tropican dice go; this is no God quest, and yet I feel like this is becoming a Mary Sue of sorts. Not that I dislike it.
It is luck but we still need to develop what we get in order to make use of it. Plus we already know about the other two sisters that aren't in Denerim one is traveling and we can have her come to Salthaven to prop her up as the leader of our chantry and the other is in Edgehall so will be who our spies and agents work with first. South Reach and Loghain are just contact and updates on what has gone on. South Reach will get flipped because he already dislikes Howe and the proof of his plans will be what we need to break any resistance and with what we have on the King and support of the Queen and Loghain he will listen.
Makes me wonder if our army can become a gold standard of sorts for the rest of Ferelden.
It could. Having everyone equipped with Steel for armor and weapons and lighter armored units with reinforced leather or with hardened leather if reinforced is too much for them and everyone else to copy. Yew wood should be available in large enough quality that upgrading bows and crossbow to that should be easy.
Why, oh why, did I never think of it until now? You have my thanks for such a wonderful suggestion, good sir.
Because it will be expensive to enchant and make custom weapons and armor for everyone. With Ironbark we can upgrade Oswin's Whitewood bow as well. We can make a set of heirlooms for the Cousland family here a Shield and Sword Enchanted and made of Red Steel or if we want to go big of Silverite but I think Red Steel is better. It is strong enough as it is and not that big of a spotlight. The armor made from Veridium will be a big thing as well.
We don't have Nug farms yet, actually. Been thinking of them a few times, though.
Well getting a bunch of them will be good and easy they are great sources of food, make cute pets, the dwarfs love them, the casteless have alot of them and taking care of them is one of the few things they can do without issues, and they can be kept both on the surface and in new underground complexes. Plus more leather from them as well.
Of that, I have no doubt. Raiders can be a real asset to the navy.
We should also see if Fergus wants to vist us and bring his family getting him in on the things going on would be smart and we might be able to get Oren as a page or squire and keep him safe if Howe somehow manages to do his attack anyways.

Husband: Whilst by your wife's side, +1 actions to all categories, immunity to Fear and Terror while protecting your wife.
So has this been applied so far and did we have it from the start? Also the tower in the castle is only now 4 points away from done because of the +10 from engineer. How does that work the personal bonuses alone cover the damn thing so using an action and dice roll seems like a waste?
Bann I: You have a keen eye for competent people. (+2 Stewardship, bonus to recruitment in your Bannorn)
So at this point I feel we have earned the upgrade to Bann II with all our work both getting things done and getting the people on our side.
A Demon's Demon: You hate demons, all of them. Your hatred is legendary. (+10 Bonus to combat against Demons)
So speacking of demons and their problems where are the Drydens right now they are a very well off merchant family and Solider's Peak is in the Northern mountains part of the Highever between Highever and Amaramthine. Clearing the fortress and taking it will give us a major boost the Drydens can reclaim it and get their noble title back. The Grey Wardens get access to the research done there we get loot and kill a bunch of demons and a new fortress is made available to secure the Northern lands and train more troops.

[X] Have the Guard/Stable Tower fully repaired and restored.

Rolled: 73 + 89 + 24 = 186/200

[X] A Guild for leather workers – to tan and work the numerous hides they'd be harvesting from rabbits.

Rolled: 18 + 61 + 99 + 97 + 25 = 300/300

[X] Start new extractions Red Steel and Veridium mines and mine for gemstones, gold and silver.
-[X] EC Dice

Rolled: 100 + 98 + 92 + 100 (EC) + 21 = 411

[X] An Elven Winery by Keeper Shiaranni's request.

Rolled: 96 + 95 + 90 + 21 = 301
So with the plus 10 final scores are 196/200, 310/300, 421, and 311.
31. (Cloudreach - Justinian, 9:29 Dragon) Trade Mini-turn
(Cloudreach – Justinian, 9:29 Dragon)
Trade Mini-turn

With how urgently your Bannorn allies needed your aid, it was best to decide quickly what to send. With a huge amount of wealth and resources at your disposal, you were actually spoiled for choice on what to send.

Better still was the fact that with Queen Anora in actual control of the Kingdom's coffers, and Loghain's backing as well, you can stand to take control of the Bannorn.

Though firstly, there was more urgent needs at hand.

Trade Mechanics:

Under different categories, both Greyfair and Stormmeadow must be able to trade different resources, and to develop their respective fiefdoms, they require materials and more importantly, money. With both you and Queen Anora's faction funding them, it is up to you to help direct them in which direction they shall build.

For each fiefdom, there is a number of points available to spend with which to develop. This number can increase or decrease according to modifiers. Additional gold may be spent for additional points, but keep in mind the state of your own treasury.

Specify the number of each building to build, and how many units of each material you want to buy or sell respectively. Please take note there is a point limit for each category, so choose wisely; they do not constitute part of the final point tally available for a fiefdom. Make sure to put it all in a plan format, so I can easily count a vote tally.

Conversion Rate: 1 point = 50 Silvers

If possible, you can simply give your allies gold without needing to convert it to points, but make sure to state so in the plan and how much you're willing to give. Again, take into account the state of your own treasury.

Structures to build:


With an urgent need for housing, military outposts and other necessary infrastructure, Bann Theresa urgently needs proper quarters to house whatever immigrants she tries to attract, and other necessary stuff to get her agriculture up to speed.


  • Stone Housing (Cost: 1 points each. Effect: Houses 1k citizens)
  • Apartments (Cost: 3 points each. Effect: Houses 3k citizens)
  • Fortified Apartments (Cost: 5 points each. Effect: Houses 5k citizens)

  • Small Farms (Cost: 0.5 points each. Effect: Provides food for 25 each.)
  • Medium Farms (Cost: 1 points each. Effect: Provides food for 100 each)
  • Large Farms (Cost: 3 points each. Effect: Provides food for 1,000 each)
  • Terrace Farms (Cost: 1.5 points each. Effect: Provides food for 40 each)
  • Cattle Ranches (Cost: 2 points each. Effect: Provides food for 1,000 each)
  • Large Cattle ranches (Cost: 4 points each. Effect: Provides food for 2,000 each)
  • Apiculture Havens (Cost: 3 points each. Effect: Provides honey, beeswax and honeycomb)
  • Irrigation canals (Cost: 10 points each. Effect: Increases how much food each farm provides by 3x.)
  • Menageries (Cost: 5 points each. Effect: Allows for the rearing of powerful mounts for cavalry.)

  • Dwarf-paved Roads (Cost: 10 points each. Effect: Increases no. of development points by 10 points each through easier transport.)
  • Waystations (Cost: 3 points each. Effect: Increases no. of development points by 5 points each through easing logistical difficulties.)
  • Forts (Cost: 10 points each. Effect: Provides defence bonus against invading enemies, can house up to 500 troops each.)
  • Large Forts (Cost: 20 points each. Effect: Provides huge defence bonus against invading enemies, can house up to 1,000 troops each.)
Food and Beverages:

  • Breweries (Cost: 2 points each. Effect: Provides 3+ points from goods produced, +5 Sovereigns trade income.)
  • Wineries (Cost: 2 points each. Effect: Provides 3+ points from goods produced, +2 Sovereigns trade income.)
  • Smokeries (Cost: 1.5 points each. Effect: Provides 2+ points from goods produced, provides food for 200 people each, +1 Sovereigns trade income.)
  • Bakeries (Cost: 1.5 points each. Effect: Provides 2+ points from goods produced, provides food for 300 people each, +1 Sovereigns trade income, raises peasant health and happiness.)
  • Butcheries (Cost: 2 points each. Effect: Provides 2+ points from goods produced and food for 200 people each, +1 Sovereigns trade income.)
  • Blacksmiths (Cost: 2 points each, Effect: Provides metal weapons and armour, +2 points from goods produced.)
  • Blast Furnaces (Cost: 3 points each. Effect: Allows for refinement of scrap iron and inferior-quality iron and steel into high-quality steel, provides Steel ingots and Steel weapons and armour, +3 points from goods produced.)
  • Logging camps (Cost: 3 points each. Effect: Provides unrefined timber, +2 points from goods produced.)
  • Forestry Camps (Cost: 3 points each. Effect: Allows for growing of trees to replenish wood supply.)
  • Carpenters (Cost: 3 points each. Effect: Allows for processing of timber into wooden furniture.)
  • Fletchers (Cost: 2 points each. Effect: Allows for processing of wood into proper bows, arrows and crossbows.)
  • Potters (Cost: 3 points each. Effect: Allows for making of pottery, +2 points from trade income.)
  • Dockyards (Cost: 4 points each. Effect: Allows for construction of boats and small ships [considering geographical constraints], 2+ points from maritime commerce between Edgehall, Highever and Greyfair.)
  • Marketplace [Dwarf-made] (Cost: 8 points each. Effect: +5 points from trade income, +5 points to both categories of goods traded.)
  • Leatherworkers (Cost: 3 points each. Effect: Allows for processing of leather, provides leather goods (Gloves, boots, jerkins, etc.)

  • Apothecaries [Elf-made] (Cost: 2 points each. Effect: Increases peasant health and happiness, increases survival rate of war casualties.)
  • Hospitals (Cost: 10 points each. Effect: Increases peasant health and happiness, increases survival rate of war casualties, ensures treatment of diseases and ailments.)
  • Potion-makers (Cost: 2 points each. Effect: Increases peasant health and happiness, provides potions and poultices, +2 points from goods provided.)
Items available to purchase: (Units available: 10)

  • Scrap Iron: (Cost: 5 Silvers/unit, adds 1 point for every 2 units.)
  • Leftover iron/steel weapons x10 (Cost: 7 Silvers/unit, adds 1 point for every 2 units.)
  • Smoked fish jerky (Cost: 2 Silvers/unit, adds 1 point for every 3 units)
  • Yew Wood/Saplings (Cost: 3 Silvers/unit, adds 1 point for every 3 units)
  • Lyrium Dust (Cost: 2 Silvers/unit, adds 1 point for every 3 units)
Items available to sell:

  • Marble (Cost: 3 points for every unit. Units Available: 6)
  • Stone (Cost: 2 points for every unit. Units Available: 6)
  • Weapons and Armour (Cost: 3 points for every unit. Total units available: 5)
  • Steel (Cost: 2 points for every unit)
  • Red Steel (Cost: 4 points for every unit)
  • Veridium (Cost: 5 points for every unit)
  • Silverite (Cost: 5 points for every unit)
Available Points: 50 points (10 (Default) + 10 (Trade Partner) + 20 (Prosperous Trade) + 10 (Aid from Crown)


Though a relatively serene and quiet fiefdom – famed for fielding strong steeds and cavalry, like all other Bannorns in the Bannorn region, it suffers from a lack of prosperity that Salthaven, Highever and Denerim enjoy, and Bann Lucile has every intention of expanding her direct control of the Bannorn.

As of now, she needs to start her agriculture and infrastructure, and her military comes second.


  • Stone Housing (Cost: 1 points each. Effect: Houses 1k citizens)
  • Apartments (Cost: 3 points each. Effect: Houses 3k citizens)
  • Fortified Apartments (Cost: 5 points each. Effect: Houses 5k citizens)

  • Small Farms (Cost: 0.5 points each. Effect: Provides food for 25 each.)
  • Medium Farms (Cost: 1 points each. Effect: Provides food for 100 each)
  • Large Farms (Cost: 3 points each. Effect: Provides food for 1,000 each)
  • Terrace Farms (Cost: 1.5 points each. Effect: Provides food for 40 each)
  • Cattle Ranches (Cost: 2 points each. Effect: Provides food for 1,000 each)
  • Large Cattle ranches (Cost: 4 points each. Effect: Provides food for 2,000 each)
  • Apiculture Havens (Cost: 3 points each. Effect: Provides honey, beeswax and honeycomb)
  • Irrigation canals (Cost: 10 points each. Effect: Increases how much food each farm provides by 3x.)
  • Menageries (Cost: 5 points each. Effect: Allows for the rearing of powerful mounts for cavalry.)

  • Dwarf-paved Roads (Cost: 10 points each. Effect: Increases no. of development points by 10 points each through easier transport.)
  • Waystations (Cost: 3 points each. Effect: Increases no. of development points by 5 points each through easing logistical difficulties.)
  • Forts (Cost: 10 points each. Effect: Provides defence bonus against invading enemies, can house up to 500 troops each.)
  • Large Forts (Cost: 20 points each. Effect: Provides huge defence bonus against invading enemies, can house up to 1,000 troops each.)
Food and Beverages:

  • Breweries (Cost: 2 points each. Effect: Provides 3+ points from goods produced, +5 Sovereigns trade income.)
  • Wineries (Cost: 2 points each. Effect: Provides 3+ points from goods produced, +2 Sovereigns trade income.)
  • Smokeries (Cost: 1.5 points each. Effect: Provides 2+ points from goods produced, provides food for 200 people each, +1 Sovereigns trade income.)
  • Bakeries (Cost: 1.5 points each. Effect: Provides 2+ points from goods produced, provides food for 300 people each, +1 Sovereigns trade income, raises peasant health and happiness.)
  • Butcheries (Cost: 2 points each. Effect: Provides 2+ points from goods produced and food for 200 people each, +1 Sovereigns trade income.)

  • Blacksmiths (Cost: 2 points each, Effect: Provides metal weapons and armour, +2 points from goods produced.)
  • Blast Furnaces (Cost: 3 points each. Effect: Allows for refinement of scrap iron and inferior-quality iron and steel into high-quality steel, provides Steel ingots and Steel weapons and armour, +3 points from goods produced.)
  • Logging camps (Cost: 3 points each. Effect: Provides unrefined timber, +2 points from goods produced.)
  • Forestry Camps (Cost: 3 points each. Effect: Allows for growing of trees to replenish wood supply.)
  • Carpenters (Cost: 3 points each. Effect: Allows for processing of timber into wooden furniture.)
  • Fletchers (Cost: 2 points each. Effect: Allows for processing of wood into proper bows, arrows and crossbows.)
  • Potters (Cost: 3 points each. Effect: Allows for making of pottery, +2 points from trade income.)
  • Fishing Piers (Cost: 4 points each. Effect: Allows for construction of fishing boats, provides fish, +2 points from goods produced.)
  • Marketplace [Dwarf-made] (Cost: 8 points each. Effect: +5 points from trade income, +5 points to both categories of goods traded.)
  • Leatherworkers (Cost: 3 points each. Effect: Allows for processing of leather, provides leather goods (Gloves, boots, jerkins, etc.)

  • Apothecaries [Elf-made] (Cost: 2 points each. Effect: Increases peasant health and happiness, increases survival rate of war casualties.)
  • Hospitals (Cost: 10 points each. Effect: Increases peasant health and happiness, increases survival rate of war casualties, ensures treatment of diseases and ailments.)
  • Potion-makers (Cost: 2 points each. Effect: Increases peasant health and happiness, provides potions and poultices, +2 points from goods provided.)
Items available to purchase: (Units available: 10)

  • Scrap Iron: (Cost: 5 Silvers/unit, adds 1 point for every 2 units.)
  • Leftover iron/steel weapons x10 (Cost: 7 Silvers/unit, adds 1 point for every 2 units.)
  • Well-bred Horses (Cost: 10 Silver/unit, adds 1 point for every 1 unit.)
  • Blood Lotus (Cost: 3 Silvers/unit, adds 1 point for every 3 units.)
  • Rashvine Nettle (Cost: 4 Silvers/unit, adds 1 point for every 3 units.)
Items available to sell:

  • Marble (Cost: 3 points for every unit. Units Available: 6)
  • Stone (Cost: 2 points for every unit. Units Available: 6)
  • Weapons and Armour (Cost: 3 points for every unit. Total units available: 5)
  • Steel (Cost: 2 points for every unit)
  • Red Steel (Cost: 4 points for every unit)
  • Veridium (Cost: 5 points for every unit)
  • Silverite (Cost: 5 points for every unit)
Available Points: 50 points (10 (Default) + 10 (Trade Partner) + 20 (Prosperous Trade) + 10 (Aid from Crown)

A/N: Alright, take a three-hour moratorium to discuss before voting. And goddamn, this was tiring to think up; my head still hurts from writing this convoluted mechanic.
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Whats their population numbers so we know how much housing and food income is needed eventually. And i imagine they will be growing.
Oh um so this is what being in Loghains shoe is like but in here he's more sympathy then in the game where he was more of a tyrant then an antihero
No Loghain in canon is no different than this one. The only difference is that in canon Loghain had no options to get things done and had to make due with the bad decisions he made.
Items available to purchase: (Units available: 10)

  • Scrap Iron: (Cost: 5 Silvers/unit, adds 1 point for every 2 units.)
  • Leftover iron/steel weapons (Cost: 7 Silvers/unit, adds 1 point for every 2 units.)
  • Smoked fish jerky (Cost: 2 Silvers/unit, adds 1 point for every 3 units)
You have both of them with the same goods when they are meant to have different items available.
Blacksmiths (Cost: 2 points each, Effect: Provides
Waystations (Cost: 3 points each.
Logging camps (Cost: 3 points each. Effect:
These are missing what they make and offer.

Dockyards (Cost: 4 points each. Effect: Allows for construction of boats and small ships [considering geographical constraints], 2+ points from maritime commerce between Edgehall, Highever and Greyfair.)
Dockyards don't work neither is close to the sea and only one is close to the lake.
Weapons and Armour (Total units available: 5)
There is no cost here and shouldn't buying from them give us points since it is making them Money?
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I imagine good housing, basic industry and advanced infrastructure are the most important things for now, and also something to give them a special something to use for their own improvement, like for example good horse rearing for one and skilled blacksmiths for another. In that way they have the population gain, the infrastructure, basic industry and farms to use the population and the something extra to attract people and traders in the future.
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I imagine good housing, basic industry and advanced infrastructure are the most important things for now, and also something to give them a special something to use for their own improvement, like for example good horse rearing for one and skilled blacksmiths for another. In that way they have the population gain, the infrastructure, basic industry and farms to use the population and the something extra to attract people and traders in the future.
Each needs different things. You can't just give them both the same thing. One needs agriculture help and the other needs housing and military support. Also one already has the best horses around we don't have anything special for horses to give them. The other already got people to help with that.
Each needs different things. You can't just give them both the same thing. One needs agriculture help and the other needs housing and military support. Also one already has the best horses around we don't have anything special for horses to give them. The other already got people to help with that.

it was more of a general description of what we might think off, but both seem to need help with their infrastructure and agriculture for example.

In Stormmeadow we can increase their ability to rear horses, increase their capacity and help with their agriculture and infrastructure problems, basically improve what they already have at first and then increase their ability to project their influence and power through their roads. Something like Dwarven roads (10), Menageries (5), large Farms (5 x 3 = 15), irrigation canals (10), Blacksmiths (3), Waystations (3), Bakeries (1.5) and Blast Furnaces (3).

In Grayfair the basics are the most important, Housing (one or two fortified apartments seems to be the best here (5 or 10 points)), Agriculture (a few large farms, cattle ranches, butcheries and bakeries maybe (for 20 or 25 points)) and Infrastructure (dwarven roads (10) and one or two forts (10 + 10) or one large fort (20)) it seems are the most important right now, and in the future maybe something else.

This is excluding that we actually trade with them.
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Right here is the trade and development plan for this. Based on what we have given what is available and what they need each set of them comes out to 0 points in the end. This is a major initial push to give them as much as they need. The next trade turn we will need much less to be given to them in order to move forward. Greyfair gets Housing and military with some farming and dockyards. Stormmeadow only gets major help in farming and infrastructure the rest is secondary and no real military aid. @Ebanu8 I made the horses cost 10 silver since I figure a unit of them would be worth a good amount and being so much each unit would be a point each.

[X] Plan Trade for Power

-[X] Grayfair: Available Points: 50 points (10 (Default) + 10 (Trade Partner) + 20 (Prosperous Trade) + 10 (Aid from Crown)

--[X] Gold aid: Cost +58 Points

---[X] Send Gold 29 Sovereigns= +58 Points
---[X] Extra Gold 21 Sovereigns no points

--[X] Housing: Cost -20 Points

---[X] Fortified Apartments x4 (Cost: 5 points each. Effect: Houses 5k citizens each)

--[X] Farming: Cost -39 Points

---[X] Small Farms x10 (Cost: 0.5 points each. Effect: Provides food for 25 each.)

---[X] Medium Farms x5 (Cost: 1 points each. Effect: Provides food for 100 each)

---[X] Large Farms x3 (Cost: 3 points each. Effect: Provides food for 1,000 each)

---[X] Cattle Ranches x5 (Cost: 2 points each. Effect: Provides food for 1,000 each)

---[X] Irrigation canals (Cost: 10 points each. Effect: Increases how much food each farm provides by 3x.)

--[X] Infrastructure: cost +20 points, -40 points= -20 points

---[X] Dwarf-paved Roads x2 Cost: 20 points. Effect: Increases no. of development points by 10 points each through easier transport.

---[X] Forts x2 (Cost: 10 points each. Effect: Provides defence bonus against invading enemies, can house up to 500 troops each.)

---[X] Large Forts (Cost: 20 points each. Effect: Provides huge defence bonus against invading enemies, can house up to 1,000 troops each.)

--[X] Food and Beverages: Cost -16 points, +20 points= +4 points

---[X] Smokeries x4 (Cost: 1.5 points each. Effect: Provides 2+ points from goods produced, provides food for 200 people each, +1 Sovereigns trade income.)

---[X] Bakeries x4 (Cost: 1.5 points each. Effect: Provides 2+ points from goods produced, provides food for 300 people each, +1 Sovereigns trade income, raises peasant health and happiness.)

---[X] Butcheries x2 (Cost: 2 points each. Effect: Provides 2+ points from goods produced and food for 200 people each, +1 Sovereigns trade income.)

--[X] Industry: Cost =-18 points +7 points= -11

---[X] Blacksmiths (Cost: 2 points each, Effect: Provides metal weapons and armour, +2 points from goods produced.)

---[X] Blast Furnaces (Cost: 3 points each. Effect: Allows for refinement of scrap iron and inferior-quality iron and steel into high-quality steel, provides Steel ingots and Steel weapons and armour, +3 points from goods produced.)

---[X] Logging camps (Cost: 3 points each. Effect: Provides unrefined timber, +2 points from goods produced.)

---[X] Forestry Camps x2 (Cost: 3 points each. Effect: Allows for growing of trees to replenish wood supply.)

---[X] Dockyards Cost: (Cost: 4 points each. Effect: Allows for construction of boats and small ships [considering geographical constraints], 2+ points from maritime commerce between Edgehall, Highever and Greyfair.)

--[X] Healthcare: Cost= -14 points +2 points= -12

---[X] Apothecaries [Elf-made] (Cost: 2 points each. Effect: Increases peasant health and happiness, increases survival rate of war casualties.)

---[X] Hospitals (Cost: 10 points each. Effect: Increases peasant health and happiness, increases survival rate of war casualties, ensures treatment of diseases and ailments.)

---[X] Potion-makers (Cost: 2 points each. Effect: Increases peasant health and happiness, provides potions and poultices, +2 points from goods provided.)

--[X] Items to Purchase: Cost= +20 points. 1 Gold, 90 Silver

---[X] Scrap Iron x10 (Cost: 5 Silvers/unit, adds 1 point for every 2 units.)

---[X] Leftover iron/steel weapons x10 (Cost: 7 Silvers/unit, adds 1 point for every 2 units.)

---[X] Smoked fish jerky x10 (Cost: 2 Silvers/unit, adds 1 point for every 3 units)

---[X] Yew Wood/Saplings x10 (Cost: 3 Silvers/unit, adds 1 point for every 3 units)

---[X] Lyrium Dust x10 (Cost: 2 Silvers/unit, adds 1 point for every 3 units)

--[X] Items to Sell= -30 points

---[X] Marble x6 (Cost: 3 points for every unit. Units Available: 6)

---[X] Stone x6 (Cost: 2 points for every unit. Units Available: 6)

---[X] Weapons and Armour x5 (Cost: 3 points for every unit. Total units available: 5)

-[X] Strommeadow: Available Points: 50 points (10 (Default) + 10 (Trade Partner) + 20 (Prosperous Trade) + 10 (Aid from Crown)

--[X] Gold Aid

---[X] Send Gold 26 Sovereigns= +52 Points
---[X] Extra Gold 24 Sovereigns no points

--[X] Housing= Cost= -15 Points

---[X] Fortified Apartments x3 (Cost: 5 points each. Effect: Houses 5k citizens each)

--[X] Farming: Cost= -54 Points

---[X] Small Farms x10 (Cost: 0.5 points each. Effect: Provides food for 25 each.)

---[X] Medium Farms x5 (Cost: 1 points each. Effect: Provides food for 100 each)

---[X] Large Farms x3 (Cost: 3 points each. Effect: Provides food for 1,000 each)

---[X] Terrace Farms x10 (Cost: 1.5 points each. Effect: Provides food for 40 each)

---[X] Cattle Ranches x 10 (Cost: 2 points each. Effect: Provides food for 1,000 each)

---[X] Irrigation canals (Cost: 10 points each. Effect: Increases how much food each farm provides by 3x.)

---[X] Menageries x 2 (Cost: 5 points each. Effect: Allows for the rearing of powerful mounts for cavalry.)

--[X] Infrastructure: Cost +10 Points

---[X] Dwarf-paved Roads x2(Cost: 10 points each. Effect: Increases no. of development points by 10 points each through easier transport.)

---[X] Waystations x 5(Cost: 3 points each. Effect: Increases no. of development points by 5 points each through easing logistical difficulties.)

--[X] Food and Beverages: Cost= +4 Points

---[X] Smokeries x4 (Cost: 1.5 points each. Effect: Provides 2+ points from goods produced, provides food for 200 people each, +1 Sovereigns trade income.)

---[X] Bakeries x4 (Cost: 1.5 points each. Effect: Provides 2+ points from goods produced, provides food for 300 people each, +1 Sovereigns trade income, raises peasant health and happiness.)

---[X] Butcheries x2 (Cost: 2 points each. Effect: Provides 2+ points from goods produced and food for 200 people each, +1 Sovereigns trade income.)

--[X] Industry: Cost: -25 Points +11 Points= -14 points

---[X] Blacksmiths (Cost: 2 points each, Effect: Provides metal weapons and armour, +2 points from goods produced.)

---[X] Blast Furnaces (Cost: 3 points each. Effect: Allows for refinement of scrap iron and inferior-quality iron and steel into high-quality steel, provides Steel ingots and Steel weapons and armour.)

---[X] Logging camps (Cost: 3 points each. Effect: Provides unrefined timber, +2 points from goods produced.)

---[X] Forestry Camps (Cost: 3 points each. Effect: Allows for growing of trees to replenish wood supply.)

---[X] Potters (Cost: 3 points each. Effect: Allows for making of pottery, +2 points from trade income.)

---[X] Marketplace [Dwarf-made] (Cost: 8 points each. Effect: +5 points from trade income, +5 points to both categories of goods traded.)

---[X] Leatherworkers (Cost: 3 points each. Effect: Allows for processing of leather, provides leather goods (Gloves, boots, jerkins, etc.)

--[X] Healthcare: Cost= -14 points

---[X] Apothecaries x2 [Elf-made] (Cost: 2 points each. Effect: Increases peasant health and happiness, increases survival rate of war casualties.)

---[X] Hospitals (Cost: 10 points each. Effect: Increases peasant health and happiness, increases survival rate of war casualties, ensures treatment of diseases and ailments.)

---[X] Potion-makers x2 (Cost: 2 points each. Effect: Increases peasant health and happiness, provides potions and poultices, +2 points from goods provided.)

--[X] Items to Purchase: Cost= +26 Points 2 Gold 90 Silver

---[X] Scrap Iron x10 (Cost: 5 Silvers/unit, adds 1 point for every 2 units.)

---[X] Leftover iron/steel weapons x10 (Cost: 7 Silvers/unit, adds 1 point for every 2 units.)

---[X] Well-bred Horses x10 (Cost: 10 Silver/unit, adds 1 point for every 1 unit)

---[X] Blood Lotus x10 (Cost: 3 Silvers/unit, adds 1 point for every 3 units.)

---[X] Rashvine Nettle x10 (Cost: 4 Silvers/unit, adds 1 point for every 3 units.)

--[X] Items to Sell= -45 points

---[X] Marble x6 Cost: 18 points. Units Available: 6

---[X] Stone x6 Cost: 12 points. Units Available: 6

---[X] Weapons and Armour x5 (Cost: 3 points for every unit. Total units available: 5)scrap iron and inferior-quality iron and steel into high-quality steel, provides Steel ingots and Steel weapons and armour.)
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  • Blacksmiths (Cost: 2 points each, Effect: Provides metal weapons and armour, +2 points from goods produced.)
  • Blast Furnaces (Cost: 3 points each. Effect: Allows for refinement of scrap iron and inferior-quality iron and steel into high-quality steel, provides Steel ingots and Steel weapons and armour, +3 points from goods produced.)
  • Logging camps (Cost: 3 points each. Effect: Provides unrefined timber, +2 points from goods produced.)
  • Forestry Camps (Cost: 3 points each. Effect: Allows for growing of trees to replenish wood supply.)
  • Scrap Iron: (Cost: 5 Silvers/unit, adds 1 point for every 2 units.)
  • Smoked fish jerky (Cost: 2 Silvers/unit, adds 1 point for every 3 units)
Weapons and Armour (Cost: 3 points for every unit. Total units available: 5)
@Adventwolf I made the adjustments to the trade turn and worked on the mistakes accordingly. Please make edits to your plan accordingly as well. Your horses cost is acceptable as well.
@Adventwolf I made the adjustments to the trade turn and worked on the mistakes accordingly. Please make edits to your plan accordingly as well. Your horses cost is acceptable as well.
Alright will take a bit of adjustments to fit in in since I don't really want to give any more money to them because we still need to do a trade turn to the Islands and West Hill. The fortress might only have a few hundrend people in it but the rest of the Bannorn of West Hill should still have a decent population and he has also been working on improving the Bannorn before we talked to him.