Right here is the trade and development plan for this. Based on what we have given what is available and what they need each set of them comes out to 0 points in the end. This is a major initial push to give them as much as they need. The next trade turn we will need much less to be given to them in order to move forward. Greyfair gets Housing and military with some farming and dockyards. Stormmeadow only gets major help in farming and infrastructure the rest is secondary and no real military aid.
@Ebanu8 I made the horses cost 10 silver since I figure a unit of them would be worth a good amount and being so much each unit would be a point each.
[X] Plan Trade for Power
-[X] Grayfair: Available Points: 50 points (10 (Default) + 10 (Trade Partner) + 20 (Prosperous Trade) + 10 (Aid from Crown)
--[X] Gold aid: Cost +58 Points
---[X] Send Gold 29 Sovereigns= +58 Points
---[X] Extra Gold 21 Sovereigns no points
--[X] Housing: Cost -20 Points
---[X] Fortified Apartments x4 (Cost: 5 points each. Effect: Houses 5k citizens each)
--[X] Farming: Cost -39 Points
---[X] Small Farms x10 (Cost: 0.5 points each. Effect: Provides food for 25 each.)
---[X] Medium Farms x5 (Cost: 1 points each. Effect: Provides food for 100 each)
---[X] Large Farms x3 (Cost: 3 points each. Effect: Provides food for 1,000 each)
---[X] Cattle Ranches x5 (Cost: 2 points each. Effect: Provides food for 1,000 each)
---[X] Irrigation canals (Cost: 10 points each. Effect: Increases how much food each farm provides by 3x.)
--[X] Infrastructure: cost +20 points, -40 points= -20 points
---[X] Dwarf-paved Roads x2 Cost: 20 points. Effect: Increases no. of development points by 10 points each through easier transport.
---[X] Forts x2 (Cost: 10 points each. Effect: Provides defence bonus against invading enemies, can house up to 500 troops each.)
---[X] Large Forts (Cost: 20 points each. Effect: Provides huge defence bonus against invading enemies, can house up to 1,000 troops each.)
--[X] Food and Beverages: Cost -16 points, +20 points= +4 points
---[X] Smokeries x4 (Cost: 1.5 points each. Effect: Provides 2+ points from goods produced, provides food for 200 people each, +1 Sovereigns trade income.)
---[X] Bakeries x4 (Cost: 1.5 points each. Effect: Provides 2+ points from goods produced, provides food for 300 people each, +1 Sovereigns trade income, raises peasant health and happiness.)
---[X] Butcheries x2 (Cost: 2 points each. Effect: Provides 2+ points from goods produced and food for 200 people each, +1 Sovereigns trade income.)
--[X] Industry: Cost =-18 points +7 points= -11
---[X] Blacksmiths (Cost: 2 points each, Effect: Provides metal weapons and armour, +2 points from goods produced.)
---[X] Blast Furnaces (Cost: 3 points each. Effect: Allows for refinement of scrap iron and inferior-quality iron and steel into high-quality steel, provides Steel ingots and Steel weapons and armour, +3 points from goods produced.)
---[X] Logging camps (Cost: 3 points each. Effect: Provides unrefined timber, +2 points from goods produced.)
---[X] Forestry Camps x2 (Cost: 3 points each. Effect: Allows for growing of trees to replenish wood supply.)
---[X] Dockyards Cost: (Cost: 4 points each. Effect: Allows for construction of boats and small ships [considering geographical constraints], 2+ points from maritime commerce between Edgehall, Highever and Greyfair.)
--[X] Healthcare: Cost= -14 points +2 points= -12
---[X] Apothecaries [Elf-made] (Cost: 2 points each. Effect: Increases peasant health and happiness, increases survival rate of war casualties.)
---[X] Hospitals (Cost: 10 points each. Effect: Increases peasant health and happiness, increases survival rate of war casualties, ensures treatment of diseases and ailments.)
---[X] Potion-makers (Cost: 2 points each. Effect: Increases peasant health and happiness, provides potions and poultices, +2 points from goods provided.)
--[X] Items to Purchase: Cost= +20 points. 1 Gold, 90 Silver
---[X] Scrap Iron x10 (Cost: 5 Silvers/unit, adds 1 point for every 2 units.)
---[X] Leftover iron/steel weapons x10 (Cost: 7 Silvers/unit, adds 1 point for every 2 units.)
---[X] Smoked fish jerky x10 (Cost: 2 Silvers/unit, adds 1 point for every 3 units)
---[X] Yew Wood/Saplings x10 (Cost: 3 Silvers/unit, adds 1 point for every 3 units)
---[X] Lyrium Dust x10 (Cost: 2 Silvers/unit, adds 1 point for every 3 units)
--[X] Items to Sell= -30 points
---[X] Marble x6 (Cost: 3 points for every unit. Units Available: 6)
---[X] Stone x6 (Cost: 2 points for every unit. Units Available: 6)
---[X] Weapons and Armour x5 (Cost: 3 points for every unit. Total units available: 5)
-[X] Strommeadow: Available Points: 50 points (10 (Default) + 10 (Trade Partner) + 20 (Prosperous Trade) + 10 (Aid from Crown)
--[X] Gold Aid
---[X] Send Gold 26 Sovereigns= +52 Points
---[X] Extra Gold 24 Sovereigns no points
--[X] Housing= Cost= -15 Points
---[X] Fortified Apartments x3 (Cost: 5 points each. Effect: Houses 5k citizens each)
--[X] Farming: Cost= -54 Points
---[X] Small Farms x10 (Cost: 0.5 points each. Effect: Provides food for 25 each.)
---[X] Medium Farms x5 (Cost: 1 points each. Effect: Provides food for 100 each)
---[X] Large Farms x3 (Cost: 3 points each. Effect: Provides food for 1,000 each)
---[X] Terrace Farms x10 (Cost: 1.5 points each. Effect: Provides food for 40 each)
---[X] Cattle Ranches x 10 (Cost: 2 points each. Effect: Provides food for 1,000 each)
---[X] Irrigation canals (Cost: 10 points each. Effect: Increases how much food each farm provides by 3x.)
---[X] Menageries x 2 (Cost: 5 points each. Effect: Allows for the rearing of powerful mounts for cavalry.)
--[X] Infrastructure: Cost +10 Points
---[X] Dwarf-paved Roads x2(Cost: 10 points each. Effect: Increases no. of development points by 10 points each through easier transport.)
---[X] Waystations x 5(Cost: 3 points each. Effect: Increases no. of development points by 5 points each through easing logistical difficulties.)
--[X] Food and Beverages: Cost= +4 Points
---[X] Smokeries x4 (Cost: 1.5 points each. Effect: Provides 2+ points from goods produced, provides food for 200 people each, +1 Sovereigns trade income.)
---[X] Bakeries x4 (Cost: 1.5 points each. Effect: Provides 2+ points from goods produced, provides food for 300 people each, +1 Sovereigns trade income, raises peasant health and happiness.)
---[X] Butcheries x2 (Cost: 2 points each. Effect: Provides 2+ points from goods produced and food for 200 people each, +1 Sovereigns trade income.)
--[X] Industry: Cost: -25 Points +11 Points= -14 points
---[X] Blacksmiths (Cost: 2 points each, Effect: Provides metal weapons and armour, +2 points from goods produced.)
---[X] Blast Furnaces (Cost: 3 points each. Effect: Allows for refinement of scrap iron and inferior-quality iron and steel into high-quality steel, provides Steel ingots and Steel weapons and armour.)
---[X] Logging camps (Cost: 3 points each. Effect: Provides unrefined timber, +2 points from goods produced.)
---[X] Forestry Camps (Cost: 3 points each. Effect: Allows for growing of trees to replenish wood supply.)
---[X] Potters (Cost: 3 points each. Effect: Allows for making of pottery, +2 points from trade income.)
---[X] Marketplace [Dwarf-made] (Cost: 8 points each. Effect: +5 points from trade income, +5 points to both categories of goods traded.)
---[X] Leatherworkers (Cost: 3 points each. Effect: Allows for processing of leather, provides leather goods (Gloves, boots, jerkins, etc.)
--[X] Healthcare: Cost= -14 points
---[X] Apothecaries x2 [Elf-made] (Cost: 2 points each. Effect: Increases peasant health and happiness, increases survival rate of war casualties.)
---[X] Hospitals (Cost: 10 points each. Effect: Increases peasant health and happiness, increases survival rate of war casualties, ensures treatment of diseases and ailments.)
---[X] Potion-makers x2 (Cost: 2 points each. Effect: Increases peasant health and happiness, provides potions and poultices, +2 points from goods provided.)
--[X] Items to Purchase: Cost= +26 Points 2 Gold 90 Silver
---[X] Scrap Iron x10 (Cost: 5 Silvers/unit, adds 1 point for every 2 units.)
---[X] Leftover iron/steel weapons x10 (Cost: 7 Silvers/unit, adds 1 point for every 2 units.)
---[X] Well-bred Horses x10 (Cost: 10 Silver/unit, adds 1 point for every 1 unit)
---[X] Blood Lotus x10 (Cost: 3 Silvers/unit, adds 1 point for every 3 units.)
---[X] Rashvine Nettle x10 (Cost: 4 Silvers/unit, adds 1 point for every 3 units.)
--[X] Items to Sell= -45 points
---[X] Marble x6 Cost: 18 points. Units Available: 6
---[X] Stone x6 Cost: 12 points. Units Available: 6
---[X] Weapons and Armour x5 (Cost: 3 points for every unit. Total units available: 5)scrap iron and inferior-quality iron and steel into high-quality steel, provides Steel ingots and Steel weapons and armour.)