Voting is open
Currently the vote is swinging due many fleets, territory defense, and medium marines. If you all have a last-minute push for votes that you wish to execute, now is the time.

We can create a hybrid navel system correct? Stay on defense and use our extra yard space to build up a task force sized raiders trained to go in and hit logistics. Softening up the bugs just outside our territory and when the time is right we push forward with a full fleets to take the next Relays and purge the various planets in those systems with orbital fire and army.
Also, guys, when and how we are going to deal with Rachni isolated in Kepler's Verge?
Eventually they would build defences no worse than ours on their side of the Relay...
A lot depends on the industrial potential they have available over there.

@PoptartProdigy , what do we know about the state of the colonies and industry in the Kepler Verge before the rachni invasion, and how long ago was that?
Historically, the guerre de course tactics did little more than prolong wars, and tended to create a long string of indecisive minor defeats for the nation practicing them, unless the opposing navy was doing something very wrong. And that was on the high seas, in situations where the raiders didn't all have to pass through narrow, easily fortified relay networks to reach their targets.

In this cluster, we have a target so good for raiding operations that I'm actually worried that we might learn the wrong lessons from trying them against this opponent- sort of like how the IJN learned the wrong lessons about its own ability to auto-win battles from the early phase of the Pacific War.

The biggest problem here is dealing with relay systems. Competently organized raiding doctrine would seem very obviously good... if not for relays.

Clearly the answer is raiding with doomstacks. :V
I should be asleep.
Guerre De Course relies, and has always relied on not having fixed, accessible, known centers of gravity that said stronger navies can retaliate against.
The Rachni know damn well where to find our bases.
Your commerce raider force is going to have Issues when they turn up with a dozen dreadnought doorknockers and a support fleet to match

The entire goal of Raiding doctrine is to make such expeditions impossible to support logistically by destroying bases, supply depots and such.

All of this is wrong.
The Rachni are an acknowledged Tier 1 polity, as confirmed by the GM.
That means that there is no significant technological gap between it and the Citadel, and that what there is is compensated for by their industrial capacity.

Rachni ships are not poor in terms of quality; they leverage different things.
They are less-casualty shy than we are, and replace crew members faster and so they build accordingly, like not bothering with kinetic barriers on small ships, which they can mass-produce. This comes with certain advantages, like reduced cost, and a smaller power budget.

Yes, and that makes them more vulnerable to raiding. By not using shields (IIRC on all vessels, not only small ones) they accept increased number of casualties and battle damage, which they compensate with quantity. But if you require more parts, ships and personnel to support your combat fleet, then your fleets suffer more when their logistics train is disrupted. The hypothetical small super-elite force that takes almost zero casualties and only need to refuel/discharge between combats and some MREs once a half year is nearly immune to logistics disruption and can remain combat-effective without support for a long time. The Rachni are polar opposite of that hypothetical force.

Rachni doctrine OTOH is very goddamn good. It has to be.
They didn't kick the Citadel out of this region by counting bottlecaps.

Rachni logistics are no worse than ours are, and is possibly better.
They are, and have been, prosecuting an interstellar war on at least three fronts for more than three decades, and their opponents are on the defensive.
Said opponents include 2 Tier 1 nations and multiple Tier 2 nations.

Rachni logistics is good because they need it and they rely on it. Rachni doctrine (numerous, cheaper, more disposable ships) relies on that good logistics. That makes them more vulnerable to raiding, not less. Our logistics doesn't enter the equation - raiding fleets are designed to be self-reliant for longer time than combat fleets, because everyone knows that they will operate behind enemy lines.

Rachni have organic FTLcomm.
This gives them a logistical advantage in organizing intracluster supply lines, and a tactical advantage in maneuvering combat formations in a system.
AND early warning on raiders.

While FTL comm is certainly an advantage in combat, there is only so much you can do when you have only a picket force against a dedicated raiding fleet. Raiders hold multiple advantages here - they are free to pick targets when the have penetrated relay defenses and сan avoid heavily defended areas. Even if they are lured into a trap, they can disengage, because they are attackers here and defenders cannot force them to fight. And if Rachni heavily defend all of their vulnerable areas, then it is a job well done too - all these ships are sitting here and doing nothing instead of fighting on the frontlines.

Again, I will point out that we've seen the results of what happens when you mistime assaults.
It happened to us the first time we tried to take Hercules; we lost the entirety of First Fleet, much of Second Fleet, and it was the proximate cause of our character's coup d'etat.

I reasonably believe that "execute operation that is a core of a whole doctrine and was researched and modeled extensively" is not the same as "make some ill-timed attempt without sufficient preparations". Situations aren't even close.
I would prefer to Territory Defense Doctrine & Large Fleets , and focus on fighting our way through to the Citadel. Once we have re-established contact and can get reinforcements, then I would switch to Many Fleets Raiding Doctrine. Right now there is no point to many fleets, we have only a small amount of territory (2) to cover, splitting our fleets into smaller formations is asking for defeat in detail. Without contact with the Council, raiding is too risky as it will provoke the Rachni into destroying us. With contact with the Citadel, raiding is a great plan. If the Rachni mobilise fleets against us the Council can counter, meanwhile we are damaging the Rachni's supply network granting a critical advantage to the Citadel forces. We do not have the ability to take advantage of the damage we do to their logistics, and the Council (unaware of us) will not realise that we have weakened the Rachni.
Clearly the answer is raiding with doomstacks. :V

But we don't have a doomstack! What should we do?!

Raiders hold multiple advantages here - they are free to pick targets when the have penetrated relay defenses and сan avoid heavily defended areas.

The problem with your logic is that you assume that we're able to penetrate relay defenses with negligible casualties. As of yet, we have seen 10 turns of successful defense of relay with lighter forces and static defenses against multiple insursions including ones with capital ships and 1 turn of successful Relay breach where:
1) Enemy did not fortify the system.
2) Enemy had lost significant part of their fleet in recon by force by pure chance.
3) Our fleet has entered the system uncontested.
Aka, this successful breach was an outlier.

Pure statistics say that we shouldn't go for Relay breach until we have reasonably secured local superiority or can afford the losses.
We don't know capabilities of the Rachni in Maroon Sea and Nubian Expanse and we can reasonably assume that Hades Gamma is heavily reinforced.
And as of yet we can't afford to lose entire fleet in a raiding action, not when it would take years to replace it.
Now, Kepler Verge is another matter, but it probably would be sensible to go with outright invasion there instead once we form third fleet and deal with Rachni flotillas in Attican Beta cluster.
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For me raiding doctrine is best against a peer power, one that can't just bulldoze their way through if you annoy them enough. And right now we would have to raid in three different directions to slow any counter offensives, fail in a single direction and they can smash us from that cluster.

While i would prefer large fleets the way I see many fleets is that we will have multiple fleets around the prime relay in Beta to serve as defense. Then one or two fleets can be sent to the cutoff cluster to try and wreck as much of their infrastructure there so we don't have to worry about attacks from that angle. That would leave 3 fleets for our home cluster, 1 to guard the relay and reinforce beta if need be, 1 to watch our neighbors and 1 to secure our space.
No dreads. No cruisers.
Just BCs and light cruisers, against an enemy demonstrably capable of spamming dreadnoughts.
Need to correct you — it de-emphasizes BBs and CAs. Strongly, yes, but not completely. What kind of ships do you think are tasked with forcing an opening for raiding fleets at relays? I would have said, "completely discards the following ship classes," if it was that.
We can create a hybrid navel system correct? Stay on defense and use our extra yard space to build up a task force sized raiders trained to go in and hit logistics. Softening up the bugs just outside our territory and when the time is right we push forward with a full fleets to take the next Relays and purge the various planets in those systems with orbital fire and army.
You are describing Massalian Doctrine.
A lot depends on the industrial potential they have available over there.

@PoptartProdigy , what do we know about the state of the colonies and industry in the Kepler Verge before the rachni invasion, and how long ago was that?
Very little. There were only new colonies there when last you checked.
What our intelligence service has on Lystheni?
I'm interested in "How they got there" in particular. Was it that nobody paid no mind to the convoy of ships coming and going, or did they get there some other way?
[X][FLEET] Large Fleets. Large fleets will be able to secure their zones of responsibility with greater ease, but given the administrative difficulties in spreading them out across multiple clusters, and the inescapable fact that you'll be able to afford fewer, you will be able to cover less ground.
[X][DOCTRINE] Adopt Raiding Doctrine. Virmire faces a situation outside the planning of conventional military thinkers, and thus it is only fitting that you adopt a doctrine designed by Virmireans. You cannot hope to face the Rachni in the open once they truly turn their focus to you. Instead focus on slipping through their lines and striking at their rear, wreaking havoc and forcing them to split their focus a thousand ways. The chaos you leave in your wake will be your contribution to the struggle.
[X][MARINES] Completely reform the marines, making them a massive, elite force capable of striking any target from space without army support. Will require immediate production of dedicated vessels and a navy-wide refit.

Two votes for things that are clearly loosing and one for the actually contested vote.
I'm fine with either the defense or raiding doctrines because both have their merits.

Defense let's us turtle up and build up our forces while doing little to piss off our neighbors even more but the thing that has me worried is that we don't attack until we build up a massive strike force to try and overwhelm the enemy on the other side of the relay, so while we're building up their is nothing stopping the rachni from doing the same and as everyone likes to point out they have more resources then us so they can build up faster and bigger. Plus they are already trying to kill us.

Raiding lets us slow the enemy down by messing with their supply lines but this is definitely a risk reward tactic. We have to stage an attack through a relay so that our raiding ships can slip away unnoticed and start to rise hell but if the attack goes poorly it could mean we could lose an entire fleet if the rachni have good defenses on the other side or just get lucky AND it risk pissing them off even more making it so instead of sending a trickle of fleets our way they could start sending more or at least stronger fleets. But at the same time if we can pull of the raids it slows the enemy down giving us more time to build up, drives their focus away from attacking us directly through the relays since they'll be chasing the raiders, and depending on what our raiding ships see/steal could give us a large amount of intelligence on our enemy making it easier for us to plan around whatever they may be doing.
[X][DOCTRINE] Retain Territory Defense Doctrine. Ultimately, Virmire remains a world with its back against the wall, and any offensives you make must be made only once you are sure of your position. Turtle up, and turtle harder. Make your space a brick wall, against which the Rachni might break themselves. You will serve the larger struggle with the forces the Rachni must devote to bottling you up. Will not cost additional resources to implement.

I'd prefer Large Fleets, but that seems to be a lost cause at this point.
Right now going raiding is risky with minimal gain. Maybe we could destroy some infrastructure if we manage to breach enemy relays... But the enemy has vastly more ability to rebuild infrastructure than we can afford losses. If they manage to fortify any of their relays properly, which they can, then it'll fail. And it'll fail expensively if not catastrophically.

Turtling OTOH Has a pretty clear path to victory. We have massive amounts of unexploited resources and if we hold on we'll be a LOT stronger in a decade. Working our way up to being a tier 2 power first makes a lot of sense when up against a tier 1 power.

I'd prefer Large Fleets, but that seems to be a lost cause at this point.

If you want it vote for it... You won't be kicked out of the quest for daring to ever vote for a minority position.
[X][FLEET] Large Fleets. Large fleets will be able to secure their zones of responsibility with greater ease, but given the administrative difficulties in spreading them out across multiple clusters, and the inescapable fact that you'll be able to afford fewer, you will be able to cover less ground.
[X][DOCTRINE] Retain Territory Defense Doctrine. Ultimately, Virmire remains a world with its back against the wall, and any offensives you make must be made only once you are sure of your position. Turtle up, and turtle harder. Make your space a brick wall, against which the Rachni might break themselves. You will serve the larger struggle with the forces the Rachni must devote to bottling you up. Will not cost additional resources to implement.
[X][MARINES] Completely reform the marines, making them a massive, elite force capable of striking any target from space without army support. Will require immediate production of dedicated vessels and a navy-wide refit.
The obvious problem that you're ignoring is that raids will put dreads against BC's. All raids will need to pass through relays, and those relays will be guarded. The enemy doesn't need to chase our raiders around. They can simply lock down the relays with a few, strong taskforces.

In addition, any enemy counteroffensive will also involve Dreads, and our forces can not retreat then.

Edit : On a side note, Territory defense doctrine does raids too.
Except jumping to FTL after a Relay assault is a pretty quick affair. Those relays are still pretty porous unless the attackers have any real desire to actually hold the relay.

Seriously, find a secondary relay to assault, launch the distraction invasion- and fucking laugh as battlecruisers use the same relay they just entered to scatter across the stars. Relays evidently don't have cooldowns, and an assault force is liable as not to be near enough to jump quickly.

Space combat is not quick, especially if the relays fortifications aren't up to par. Barring FTL comm relays (which theoretically could be jammed if you can prevent ships from sending it a signal to FTL out) you have pretty much minutes to get your raiders going- and that's easily manageable, especially when it's a doctrine that no one has a ton of experience encountering.

Guerre De Course relies, and has always relied on not having fixed, accessible, known centers of gravity that said stronger navies can retaliate against.
The Rachni know damn well where to find our bases.
Your commerce raider force is going to have Issues when they turn up with a dozen dreadnought doorknockers and a support fleet to match
Except assaulting relays is not a quick endeavor. It took us the better part of a year to gather our forces to launch an assault out of our relay. And you're ignoring the massive amount of logistics said invasion fleet requires, that are incredibly vulnerable to raiders or the fact said invasion fleet means you've concentrated your counter to raids and are allowing entire worlds and clusters to burn beneath Dreadnought scale guns.

What you are proposing is probably not going to happen. Because at that point, yeah- you've probably guaranteed a kill against the nuisance but allowed the nuisance to do far more damage than it otherwise could have. And you've still got WMDs running amok amongst your territory. You are assuming the worst possible scenario and claiming it a certainty, a scenario mind you that actively runs against our foes interests in the favor of arbitrarily crushing us. I absolutely can't take it seriously.

Especially when Battlecruisers defending in a Relay assault against Dreads heavily favors the BC. Because guess what? It can better guarantee it hits the sweet spot of 'Medium' range and guts Dreads while outmaneuvering them. So yeah, I have absolutely zero concerns over what you're proposing, because in a 'back against the wall dozen dread relay assault' it's quite possible spamming BCs is better than a typical Dreadnought based order of battle.

All of this is wrong.
The Rachni are an acknowledged Tier 1 polity, as confirmed by the GM.
That means that there is no significant technological gap between it and the Citadel, and that what there is is compensated for by their industrial capacity.

Rachni ships are not poor in terms of quality; they leverage different things.
They are less-casualty shy than we are, and replace crew members faster and so they build accordingly, like not bothering with kinetic barriers on small ships, which they can mass-produce. This comes with certain advantages, like reduced cost, and a smaller power budget.

Rachni doctrine OTOH is very goddamn good. It has to be.
They didn't kick the Citadel out of this region by counting bottlecaps.

Rachni logistics are no worse than ours are, and is possibly better.
They are, and have been, prosecuting an interstellar war on at least three fronts for more than three decades, and their opponents are on the defensive.
Said opponents include 2 Tier 1 nations and multiple Tier 2 nations.

Rachni have organic FTLcomm.
This gives them a logistical advantage in organizing intracluster supply lines, and a tactical advantage in maneuvering combat formations in a system.
AND early warning on raiders.

Again, I will point out that we've seen the results of what happens when you mistime assaults.
There is a tech gap, at least in terms of what they deploy. That's an objective fucking fact so don't even bother arguing otherwise. Yes, the Rachni are the meanest bastards in the galaxy but that doesn't mean their doctrine doesn't have some explicit flaws. Whether you like it or not, our ships are objectively qualitatively superior.

As for the superior doctrine? In the sense we have a novel doctrine, with novel warships the Rachni have utterly no equivalent for nor counter raiding doctrine. Seriously regardless of what you want- it's all pretty objective that raiding is far more dangerous before the other polity has developed it's own counter doctrine. They have no counter doctrine yet.

Ans as for logistics, you're being obtuse. Of course the Rachni are awesome logistics, you have to be to fight a massive pangalactic war like they're doing, but they also have absolutely obscene logistic requirements, and the forces we faced by all appearances were at a pretty long logistical tail. It's not a matter of comparison, it's a simply matter of scale. By sheer neccesity, they will have a ton of stuff vulnerable to raiding and not a huge amount of experience dealing with a comprehensive battlecruiser based raiding force.

Contrary to that, the Rachni are very very fucking good at using their superior numbers to bottle people up, cede initiative and allow themselves to be defeated in detail as Rachni gradually reduce fronts and commitments elsewhere. You can't afford to be so reactive in the face of such an overwhelming material and manpower advantage, because if you do eventually they'll spare the time to simply crush you.

Rachni have organic FTLcomm.
This gives them a logistical advantage in organizing intracluster supply lines, and a tactical advantage in maneuvering combat formations in a system.
AND early warning on raiders.

Again, I will point out that we've seen the results of what happens when you mistime assaults.
It happened to us the first time we tried to take Hercules; we lost the entirety of First Fleet, much of Second Fleet, and it was the proximate cause of our character's coup d'etat.
The first assault had no capitalships, wasn't well lead, and was foreseen as a military disaster a mile away, it's no fucking comparison.

And we've seen zero indication of ubiquitous interstellar FTL comms allowing phenomenal multi-system coordination. Otherwise the cluster's remnants would be far better raiders than they are and the relay assault we already fucking launched would have been seen considering we launched it on the tail of one of their relay assaults. You are blatantly grasping at straws because we have objective proof it does not work that way.

Historically, the guerre de course tactics did little more than prolong wars, and tended to create a long string of indecisive minor defeats for the nation practicing them, unless the opposing navy was doing something very wrong. And that was on the high seas, in situations where the raiders didn't all have to pass through narrow, easily fortified relay networks to reach their targets.
Keep in mind, historically- the powers targeted by such tended to have at least comparable if not superior quality, be surprisingly close to the guerre de course using nations, and have theorycrafted against commerce raiding to some degree or another.

The Rachni have individually inferior ships in terms of combat performance, relying on numbers (which are logistics intensive), and don't have theorycrafting on how to counter a battlecruiser raiding doctrine. And I can absolutely assure you, commerce raiding and guerre de course served Germany and French better than Mahanian doctrine would have- or do I need to whip out the Battle of Jutland?

As for prolonging the war- exactly, that's the entire point. We can afford to suffer consistent strings of minor defeats if we slow the Rachni down, and unlike historical examples, there are huge commitments elsewhere the Rachni can't afford to draw down yet. We need to buy ourselves and whoever else is out there fighting the Rachni time. Time for the Krogan, time for an offensive, even time for the Rachni to potentially draw down on the war effort themselves. Trading ships for time is a much better deal IMO than relying on a defensive posture liable to lead to decisive battles with losses we're ill capable of affording even in nominal victory.

I consider Relays as much a feature as a problem for raiding because they allow raiders obscene mobility if properly leveraged. Any commerce raider theorist who heard of a secondary relay would die of joy. Because suddenly, a raider can hit anywhere in that radius nigh simultaneously and requires far more assets to defend against.

In this cluster, we have a target so good for raiding operations that I'm actually worried that we might learn the wrong lessons from trying them against this opponent- sort of like how the IJN learned the wrong lessons about its own ability to auto-win battles from the early phase of the Pacific War.
And that's possible, but we won't really know until we study raiding doctrine. I feel we really, really need to explore it to find out. Producing BCs until we develop native dreads costs us nothing, and while a switch in doctrine would be painful I by no means think it would be impossible. And the advantage of such a proactive doctrine of raiding is that we could test it immediately and examine the results, whereas the defensiev doctrine currently winning might only be proven wrong when our fleets are shattered in a decisive battle gone wrong.

The biggest problem here is dealing with relay systems. Competently organized raiding doctrine would seem very obviously good... if not for relays.
I vehemently disagree. Because Secondary Relays change everything. And suddenly, with raiders in the cluster you have to fortify the Primary relays in nominally safe areas otherwise those raiders might slip in god knows how far into your interior and tear it apart. If the Germans could get raiders off the East Coast, I shudder to think just how far ranging our raiders might be able to manage in the initial period.

And for the matter, it's quite possible that raiders ranging potentially reopens some degree of communication between us and other polities. If only through intermitten and sparse encounters.

Man, I seem to have a special knack to getting my arguments dogpiled- sorry as it tends to make me more caustic and defensive.:V

But let me have my final words on this: Virmiran Naval Theorists better understand void warfare and the limitations and possibilities imposed by the Relay Network. They would not suggest a commerce raiding doctrine if they did not earnestly expect that it was workable. The argument 'relays make it unfeasible' is not some objective fact, and merely an opinion.

And for my double, double last words- I reiterate there is an incredibly reasonable argument that for a defensive posture, BCs are in fact more cost effective than Dreads regardless given that in the BC's goldilocks zone (medium range) it's the king of the battlefield. And a Relay defense can guarantee that sort of opportunity to close with Dreads better than any other practical scenario.
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Except jumping to FTL after a Relay assault is a pretty quick affair. Those relays are still pretty porous unless the attackers have any real desire to actually hold the relay.

Seriously, find a secondary relay to assault, launch the distraction invasion- and fucking laugh as battlecruisers use the same relay they just entered to scatter across the stars. Relays evidently don't have cooldowns, and an assault force is liable as not to be near enough to jump quickly.

Space combat is not quick, especially if the relays fortifications aren't up to par. Barring FTL comm relays (which theoretically could be jammed if you can prevent ships from sending it a signal to FTL out) you have pretty much minutes to get your raiders going- and that's easily manageable, especially when it's a doctrine that no one has a ton of experience encounteri

If bypassing a relay was that easy, we would have been destroyed ages ago.
If bypassing a relay was that easy, we would have been destroyed ages ago.
Bypassing a relay to assault a planet, or whatever is hard. A few stragglers escaping is different.

Consider said stragglers would either be using ship-based FTL to head off or the relay they're attacking/other relays in the system who's defenses are being redeployed. Yeah, it probably is for individual raiders.

I mean, bypassing a fortified relay for an actual assault force is just suicidal. You have a massive force at your rear. But its' a different game I and others are suggesting we try and play. A game no one even knows we'd be playing yet, or the rules of how to play it if we're brave enough to try.
There's still a pretty big hole in your strategy. If you're not planning to send out a suicide attack, your forces will need to return.

That means the distraction fleet, the raiding fleet, and the second distraction fleet will all need to undergo a prolonged engagement in order to get past the strong force guarding the relay, so that they can use the relay to go back.

In any reasonable situation, that will result in them being torn apart. (The raider force is especially vulnerable, as forces arriving from on-ship FTL are heavily incapacitated by the waste heat from their combat systems).

On a side note, this :

Especially when Battlecruisers defending in a Relay assault against Dreads heavily favors the BC. Because guess what? It can better guarantee it hits the sweet spot of 'Medium' range and guts Dreads while outmaneuvering them. So yeah, I have absolutely zero concerns over what you're proposing, because in a 'back against the wall dozen dread relay assault' it's quite possible spamming BCs is better than a typical Dreadnought based order of battle.

is flat out wrong. The BC can not guarantee that it hits the sweet spot. Arrival from a relay is somewhat random. If we're lucky, the relay places the dread exactly in the crosshairs of the BC. If we're unlucky, the dread arrives away from the BC, and gets to pick them of from range. Given that long range occupies a bigger array of space than medium range, the later is more probable.

Or, if you're even more unlucky, a cruiser arrives in the sweet spot to take advantage of the BC's relatively weak armor, and blows it up.

You seem to be suffering from some kind of wunderwaffe effect, where you appear to think that a BC is superior in every situation.
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is flat out wrong. The BC can not guarantee that it hits the sweet spot. Arrival from a relay is somewhat random. If we're lucky, the relay places the dread exactly in the crosshairs of the BC. If we're unlucky, the dread jumps away from the BC, and gets to pick them of from range.

Or, if you're even more unlucky, a cruiser arrives in the sweet spot to take advantage of the BC's very weak armor, and blows it up.
In such a scenario- the dread want's to burn towards the relay and link up with its battle group. Either the BC is on top of the Dread, or the Dread is stuck with the BC placed between it and the relay where presumably the majority of it's task force is.

No dread wants to be out of position because if it's out of position it's escorts aren't there to screen it properly. If it's miraculously that far out, it's probably out of position.

I'm not saying the medium range sweet spot is a guarantee, but I am saying it's easier to achieve there and it forces any attack dreads in a very uncomfortable position.

I mean, just look at the front page, the attackers want to come in on top of a relay. If they don't that causes a ton of problems of it's own, and BCs can dominate both in the melee attackers strive to achieve and engage the different forces that suffer a ton of drift.
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Relay drift isn't that huge I'm fairly certain, and in such a scenario- the dread want's to burn towards the relay and link up with its battle group. Either the BC is on top of the Dread, or the Dread is stuck with the BC placed between it and the relay where presumably the majority of it's task force is.

It happened here.

And in that case, the entire taskforce suffered from drift, together. So, your assertions that it's impossible or would separate the dread from it's escort screen are both incorrect.

You are presently within Extreme Engagement Range of the Rachni fleet. Presently, you have the tactical initiative.

At present, the Rachni are regrouping into a battle formation, having just made their relay transition. They appear to have suffered significant drift, falling thirty thousand kilometers off-course. Only their dreadnought will have effective fire on your fleet at this range.

On a side note, you don't want to put the BC in medium range. It only has the armor of a heavy cruiser. Put it in medium range and it may get destroyed by the enemy cruisers. Especially once the enemy figures out they should shoot the big ship first.
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It happened here.

And in that case, the entire taskforce suffered from drift, together. So, your assertions that it's impossible or would seperate the dread from it's escort screen are both incorrect.
Because a singular dread and it's escorts is totally a major relay assault nowadays :V

If you honestly are convinced any relay assault the Rachni launch is going to consist of its entire armada drifting into perfect extreme range as a single group, then nothing I say matters. Because you've established the worst and most arbitrary engagement as the benchmark to be debated. And that's not worth debating.

The information page tells me attackers want to form up on the relay, BCs can make that incredibly difficult and are great at relatively close engagements at the relay.
Voting is open