Voting is open
[X][FLEET] Many Fleets. Smaller fleets will struggle to address determined resistance and force you to bring in reinforcements from other fleets, but can be produced in greater numbers, allowing you to more reliably cover ground.

[X][DOCTRINE] Retain Territory Defense Doctrine. Ultimately, Virmire remains a world with its back against the wall, and any offensives you make must be made only once you are sure of your position. Turtle up, and turtle harder. Make your space a brick wall, against which the Rachni might break themselves. You will serve the larger struggle with the forces the Rachni must devote to bottling you up. Will not cost additional resources to implement.

[X][MARINES] Grant Tannuvael's request. Now that the fight is moving beyond your space, there is a need for an elite, navy-integrated ground force responsible for void-borne operations. Will require an eventual fleet-wide refit.

Large fleets does mesh well with the defense doctrine, but it is not flexible, which is the more preferable option going forward. Our back is to the wall, but we can back up a few steps before we hit it. Thus, many, smaller fleets will allow us some limited raiding and more comprehensive patrolling of our space. This also meshes well with the faster battlecruisers.

We can't bleed the rachni dry on anything more than a local scale. It's idiotic to even assume we can. Even if or when we clear Attican Beta, we will still be forced to keep the main rachni forces in the rest of the galaxy at bay.

The raiding option is equally undesirable simply because we don't have the sort of breathing room in military capacity or space to allow for us to really lose. If the rachni get behind our lines, they're at Virmire. Spoiler alert: That's bad.

Basically we really have no need for a full planetary assault unit as described in option three. The rachni primarily survive on planets that other races just can't use. The only reason to send troops down is for some specific objective, and for that, all we really need are shock troops.
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Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Miner249er on Nov 3, 2017 at 12:16 AM, finished with 63 posts and 32 votes.

  • [X][FLEET] Many Fleets. Smaller fleets will struggle to address determined resistance and force you to bring in reinforcements from other fleets, but can be produced in greater numbers, allowing you to more reliably cover ground.
    [X][DOCTRINE] Retain Territory Defense Doctrine. Ultimately, Virmire remains a world with its back against the wall, and any offensives you make must be made only once you are sure of your position. Turtle up, and turtle harder. Make your space a brick wall, against which the Rachni might break themselves. You will serve the larger struggle with the forces the Rachni must devote to bottling you up. Will not cost additional resources to implement.
    [X][MARINES] Grant Tannuvael's request. Now that the fight is moving beyond your space, there is a need for an elite, navy-integrated ground force responsible for void-borne operations. Will require an eventual fleet-wide refit.
    [X][FLEET] Large Fleets. Large fleets will be able to secure their zones of responsibility with greater ease, but given the administrative difficulties in spreading them out across multiple clusters, and the inescapable fact that you'll be able to afford fewer, you will be able to cover less ground.
    [X][FLEET] Large Fleets.
    [x][FLEET] Many Fleets.
    [X][DOCTRINE] Adopt Raiding Doctrine. Virmire faces a situation outside the planning of conventional military thinkers, and thus it is only fitting that you adopt a doctrine designed by Virmireans. You cannot hope to face the Rachni in the open once they truly turn their focus to you. Instead focus on slipping through their lines and striking at their rear, wreaking havoc and forcing them to split their focus a thousand ways. The chaos you leave in your wake will be your contribution to the struggle.
    [x][DOCTRINE] Adopt Raiding Doctrine.
    [X][DOCTRINE] Adopt Ground Assault Doctrine.
    [X][DOCTRINE] Adopt Ground AssaultDoctrine. Eventually, the fight must come to the Rachni's home worlds. You do not want to lose territory and see the Rachni fully re-establish their presence there within the year. You do not want to spend half your strength watching over blockaded worlds. Your resources are precious enough as it is. Virmire's armies will march to the thunder of mass accelerators, and smash the Rachni wherever they may be found. The wounds you leave will be lasting ones. Your contribution to the war will be the bleeding gashes you tear out of the true heart of the Rachni's strength. Not in and of itself more expensive, but you will need to spend a lot of cash jacking your army and marines way the hell up if you want to succeed here.
    [X][MARINES] Completely reform the marines, making them a massive, elite force capable of striking any target from space without army support. Will require immediate production of dedicated vessels and a navy-wide refit.
    [x][MARINES] Grant Tannuvael's request.
[X][FLEET] Large Fleets. Large fleets will be able to secure their zones of responsibility with greater ease, but given the administrative difficulties in spreading them out across multiple clusters, and the inescapable fact that you'll be able to afford fewer, you will be able to cover less ground.
[X][DOCTRINE] Retain Territory Defense Doctrine. Ultimately, Virmire remains a world with its back against the wall, and any offensives you make must be made only once you are sure of your position. Turtle up, and turtle harder. Make your space a brick wall, against which the Rachni might break themselves. You will serve the larger struggle with the forces the Rachni must devote to bottling you up. Will not cost additional resources to implement.
[X][FLEET] Many Fleets. Smaller fleets will struggle to address determined resistance and force you to bring in reinforcements from other fleets, but can be produced in greater numbers, allowing you to more reliably cover ground.
[X][DOCTRINE] Adopt Raiding Doctrine. Virmire faces a situation outside the planning of conventional military thinkers, and thus it is only fitting that you adopt a doctrine designed by Virmireans. You cannot hope to face the Rachni in the open once they truly turn their focus to you. Instead focus on slipping through their lines and striking at their rear, wreaking havoc and forcing them to split their focus a thousand ways. The chaos you leave in your wake will be your contribution to the struggle.
[X][MARINES] Grant Tannuvael's request. Now that the fight is moving beyond your space, there is a need for an elite, navy-integrated ground force responsible for void-borne operations. Will require an eventual fleet-wide refit.
[X][FLEET] Many Fleets. Smaller fleets will struggle to address determined resistance and force you to bring in reinforcements from other fleets, but can be produced in greater numbers, allowing you to more reliably cover ground.
[X][DOCTRINE] Adopt Raiding Doctrine. Virmire faces a situation outside the planning of conventional military thinkers, and thus it is only fitting that you adopt a doctrine designed by Virmireans. You cannot hope to face the Rachni in the open once they truly turn their focus to you. Instead focus on slipping through their lines and striking at their rear, wreaking havoc and forcing them to split their focus a thousand ways. The chaos you leave in your wake will be your contribution to the struggle.
[X][MARINES] Grant Tannuvael's request. Now that the fight is moving beyond your space, there is a need for an elite, navy-integrated ground force responsible for void-borne operations. Will require an eventual fleet-wide refit.
[X][FLEET] Many Fleets. Smaller fleets will struggle to address determined resistance and force you to bring in reinforcements from other fleets, but can be produced in greater numbers, allowing you to more reliably cover ground.
[X][DOCTRINE] Adopt Raiding Doctrine. Virmire faces a situation outside the planning of conventional military thinkers, and thus it is only fitting that you adopt a doctrine designed by Virmireans. You cannot hope to face the Rachni in the open once they truly turn their focus to you. Instead focus on slipping through their lines and striking at their rear, wreaking havoc and forcing them to split their focus a thousand ways. The chaos you leave in your wake will be your contribution to the struggle.
[X][MARINES] Grant Tannuvael's request. Now that the fight is moving beyond your space, there is a need for an elite, navy-integrated ground force responsible for void-borne operations. Will require an eventual fleet-wide refit.

This. My one-and-only successful Poland vs Germany defense in HOI2 relied on using tac bombers to wreck the infrastructure of the invasion provinces.
When the oppo are massively and utterly stronger than you, stop them from bringing to bear.
[X][FLEET] Large Fleets.
[X][DOCTRINE] Retain Territory Defense Doctrine.
[X][MARINES] Grant Tannuvael's request.

I say stick with our guns. I don't really see us having more than 2 or 3 clusters for quite some time.
Adhoc vote count started by ShadowNic94 on Nov 3, 2017 at 6:20 AM, finished with 69 posts and 37 votes.

  • [X][FLEET] Many Fleets. Smaller fleets will struggle to address determined resistance and force you to bring in reinforcements from other fleets, but can be produced in greater numbers, allowing you to more reliably cover ground.
    [X][DOCTRINE] Adopt Raiding Doctrine. Virmire faces a situation outside the planning of conventional military thinkers, and thus it is only fitting that you adopt a doctrine designed by Virmireans. You cannot hope to face the Rachni in the open once they truly turn their focus to you. Instead focus on slipping through their lines and striking at their rear, wreaking havoc and forcing them to split their focus a thousand ways. The chaos you leave in your wake will be your contribution to the struggle.
    [X][MARINES] Grant Tannuvael's request. Now that the fight is moving beyond your space, there is a need for an elite, navy-integrated ground force responsible for void-borne operations. Will require an eventual fleet-wide refit.
    [X][FLEET] Large Fleets. Large fleets will be able to secure their zones of responsibility with greater ease, but given the administrative difficulties in spreading them out across multiple clusters, and the inescapable fact that you'll be able to afford fewer, you will be able to cover less ground.
    [X][FLEET] Large Fleets.
    [x][FLEET] Many Fleets.
    [X][FLEET] Large Fleets. Large fleets will be able to secure their zones of responsibility with greater ease, but given the administrative difficulties in spreading them out across multiple clusters, and the inescapable fact that you'll be able to afford fewer, you will be able to cover less ground.
    [X][DOCTRINE] Retain Territory Defense Doctrine. Ultimately, Virmire remains a world with its back against the wall, and any offensives you make must be made only once you are sure of your position. Turtle up, and turtle harder. Make your space a brick wall, against which the Rachni might break themselves. You will serve the larger struggle with the forces the Rachni must devote to bottling you up. Will not cost additional resources to implement.
    [X][DOCTRINE] Retain Territory Defense Doctrine. Ultimately, Virmire remains a world with its back against the wall, and any offensives you make must be made only once you are sure of your position. Turtle up, and turtle harder. Make your space a brick wall, against which the Rachni might break themselves. You will serve the larger struggle with the forces the Rachni must devote to bottling you up. Will not cost additional resources to implement.
    [x][DOCTRINE] Adopt Raiding Doctrine.
    [X][DOCTRINE] Adopt Ground Assault Doctrine.
    [X][DOCTRINE] Adopt Ground AssaultDoctrine. Eventually, the fight must come to the Rachni's home worlds. You do not want to lose territory and see the Rachni fully re-establish their presence there within the year. You do not want to spend half your strength watching over blockaded worlds. Your resources are precious enough as it is. Virmire's armies will march to the thunder of mass accelerators, and smash the Rachni wherever they may be found. The wounds you leave will be lasting ones. Your contribution to the war will be the bleeding gashes you tear out of the true heart of the Rachni's strength. Not in and of itself more expensive, but you will need to spend a lot of cash jacking your army and marines way the hell up if you want to succeed here.
    [X][DOCTRINE] Retain Territory Defense Doctrine.
    [X][MARINES] Completely reform the marines, making them a massive, elite force capable of striking any target from space without army support. Will require immediate production of dedicated vessels and a navy-wide refit.
    [x][MARINES] Grant Tannuvael's request.

Adhoc vote count started by ShadowNic94 on Nov 3, 2017 at 6:21 AM, finished with 69 posts and 37 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by ShadowNic94 on Nov 4, 2017 at 8:34 AM, finished with 114 posts and 58 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by ShadowNic94 on Nov 4, 2017 at 8:35 AM, finished with 114 posts and 58 votes.
The reason bleeding the rachni dry in a local sense is that it is hard to operate multiple clusters from the ability to resuplie and the rachni all ready consider us a major thron in there side.
[X][FLEET] Large Fleets. Large fleets will be able to secure their zones of responsibility with greater ease, but given the administrative difficulties in spreading them out across multiple clusters, and the inescapable fact that you'll be able to afford fewer, you will be able to cover less ground.
[X][DOCTRINE] Retain Territory Defense Doctrine. Ultimately, Virmire remains a world with its back against the wall, and any offensives you make must be made only once you are sure of your position. Turtle up, and turtle harder. Make your space a brick wall, against which the Rachni might break themselves. You will serve the larger struggle with the forces the Rachni must devote to bottling you up. Will not cost additional resources to implement.
[X][MARINES] Grant Tannuvael's request. Now that the fight is moving beyond your space, there is a need for an elite, navy-integrated ground force responsible for void-borne operations. Will require an eventual fleet-wide refit
[X][FLEET] Many Fleets. Smaller fleets will struggle to address determined resistance and force you to bring in reinforcements from other fleets, but can be produced in greater numbers, allowing you to more reliably cover ground.

[X][DOCTRINE] Adopt Raiding Doctrine. Virmire faces a situation outside the planning of conventional military thinkers, and thus it is only fitting that you adopt a doctrine designed by Virmireans. You cannot hope to face the Rachni in the open once they truly turn their focus to you. Instead focus on slipping through their lines and striking at their rear, wreaking havoc and forcing them to split their focus a thousand ways. The chaos you leave in your wake will be your contribution to the struggle.

[X][MARINES] Completely reform the marines, making them a massive, elite force capable of striking any target from space without army support. Will require immediate production of dedicated vessels and a navy-wide refit.
[X][FLEET] Large Fleets. Large fleets will be able to secure their zones of responsibility with greater ease, but given the administrative difficulties in spreading them out across multiple clusters, and the inescapable fact that you'll be able to afford fewer, you will be able to cover less ground.
[X][DOCTRINE] Retain Territory Defense Doctrine. Ultimately, Virmire remains a world with its back against the wall, and any offensives you make must be made only once you are sure of your position. Turtle up, and turtle harder. Make your space a brick wall, against which the Rachni might break themselves. You will serve the larger struggle with the forces the Rachni must devote to bottling you up. Will not cost additional resources to implement.
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[X][FLEET] Many Fleets. Smaller fleets will struggle to address determined resistance and force you to bring in reinforcements from other fleets, but can be produced in greater numbers, allowing you to more reliably cover ground.
[X][DOCTRINE] Adopt Raiding Doctrine. Virmire faces a situation outside the planning of conventional military thinkers, and thus it is only fitting that you adopt a doctrine designed by Virmireans. You cannot hope to face the Rachni in the open once they truly turn their focus to you. Instead focus on slipping through their lines and striking at their rear, wreaking havoc and forcing them to split their focus a thousand ways. The chaos you leave in your wake will be your contribution to the struggle.
[X][MARINES] Grant Tannuvael's request. Now that the fight is moving beyond your space, there is a need for an elite, navy-integrated ground force responsible for void-borne operations. Will require an eventual fleet-wide refit.

To further expand on my analysis utilising the many fleets, raiding doctrine and granting Tannuvael's request will allow greater initiative to lower level commanders and also prioritises speed in engaging the enemy going under the idea that speed equals success. Military theory suggests that the side that is faster consistently will end up with a decisive advantage as shock slows and disrupts enemies potentially paralyzing the enemy's ability to fight or even stun them. As such surprise and speed intensify the effects of shock. By going after their logistics while staying away from their fleets, if we succeed on the right rolls, would allow us to overwhelm the enemy nervous system with speed and aggression.
One thing I think we should definitely think about in regards to our doctrine is what sort of experience it will give to our Captains, because if you are on the defense all the time you are far less likely to know what to do when actually attacking someone.
One thing I think we should definitely think about in regards to our doctrine is what sort of experience it will give to our Captains, because if you are on the defense all the time you are far less likely to know what to do when actually attacking someone.

Absolutely if they're on the defense all the time they will be good at defending, however defense does not lend itself well to aggressive and responsive commanders, it instead leads to ones that are careful. The real loss in expertise if you focus on the defensive is that of initiative both in strategic terms but also a captains ability to seize it. An aggressive force can coalesce into a defensive force rather quickly and an offense can be conducted at the same time as a defense to relieve it. Raiding and Defensive doctrines change the tactical how that commanders and captains learn, as in how they achieve the objective that they've been set, it is up to people to decide what they want.

Personally for me I favour an aggressive approach that constantly disrupts the enemy, other people may not favour that. That's fine, there are no wrong answers and overall I'm happy with both the defensive and raiding doctrines as these seem to be the leaders in the vote. The defensive doctrine would likely lend itself well to "playing tall" so to speak.
Meant to ask this earlier and I don't think I've seen anyone ask it but;
What would we have happened if we had rolled a 65 instead of a 51 for the Greater Critical Success?
The following text would have been in the update: "Additionally, the Board has found that one of your needed reforms could be completed either extremely swiftly or at greatly-reduced price than initially expected. Which of the various reforms was this?

"*options listed*

"What manner of fortune has befallen you in this field?

"[ ] One-year completion time.
"[ ] 1/2-off ordinary price."
[X][FLEET] Large Fleets. Large fleets will be able to secure their zones of responsibility with greater ease, but given the administrative difficulties in spreading them out across multiple clusters, and the inescapable fact that you'll be able to afford fewer, you will be able to cover less ground.
[X][DOCTRINE] Adopt Raiding Doctrine. Virmire faces a situation outside the planning of conventional military thinkers, and thus it is only fitting that you adopt a doctrine designed by Virmireans. You cannot hope to face the Rachni in the open once they truly turn their focus to you. Instead focus on slipping through their lines and striking at their rear, wreaking havoc and forcing them to split their focus a thousand ways. The chaos you leave in your wake will be your contribution to the struggle.
[X][MARINES] Grant Tannuvael's request. Now that the fight is moving beyond your space, there is a need for an elite, navy-integrated ground force responsible for void-borne operations. Will require an eventual fleet-wide refit.
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Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Miner249er on Nov 3, 2017 at 9:52 AM, finished with 79 posts and 42 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by Miner249er on Nov 3, 2017 at 10:32 AM, finished with 81 posts and 43 votes.
[X][FLEET] Many Fleets. Smaller fleets will struggle to address determined resistance and force you to bring in reinforcements from other fleets, but can be produced in greater numbers, allowing you to more reliably cover ground.
[X][DOCTRINE] Retain Territory Defense Doctrine. Ultimately, Virmire remains a world with its back against the wall, and any offensives you make must be made only once you are sure of your position. Turtle up, and turtle harder. Make your space a brick wall, against which the Rachni might break themselves. You will serve the larger struggle with the forces the Rachni must devote to bottling you up. Will not cost additional resources to implement.
[X][MARINES] Grant Tannuvael's request. Now that the fight is moving beyond your space, there is a need for an elite, navy-integrated ground force responsible for void-borne operations. Will require an eventual fleet-wide refit
[X][FLEET] Many Fleets. Smaller fleets will struggle to address determined resistance and force you to bring in reinforcements from other fleets, but can be produced in greater numbers, allowing you to more reliably cover ground.
[X][DOCTRINE] Retain Territory Defense Doctrine. Ultimately, Virmire remains a world with its back against the wall, and any offensives you make must be made only once you are sure of your position. Turtle up, and turtle harder. Make your space a brick wall, against which the Rachni might break themselves. You will serve the larger struggle with the forces the Rachni must devote to bottling you up. Will not cost additional resources to implement.
[X][MARINES] Grant Tannuvael's request. Now that the fight is moving beyond your space, there is a need for an elite, navy-integrated ground force responsible for void-borne operations. Will require an eventual fleet-wide refit.
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[X][FLEET] Many Fleets. Smaller fleets will struggle to address determined resistance and force you to bring in reinforcements from other fleets, but can be produced in greater numbers, allowing you to more reliably cover ground.
[X][DOCTRINE] Adopt Raiding Doctrine. Virmire faces a situation outside the planning of conventional military thinkers, and thus it is only fitting that you adopt a doctrine designed by Virmireans. You cannot hope to face the Rachni in the open once they truly turn their focus to you. Instead focus on slipping through their lines and striking at their rear, wreaking havoc and forcing them to split their focus a thousand ways. The chaos you leave in your wake will be your contribution to the struggle.
[X][MARINES] Grant Tannuvael's request. Now that the fight is moving beyond your space, there is a need for an elite, navy-integrated ground force responsible for void-borne operations. Will require an eventual fleet-wide refit.
[X][FLEET] Many Fleets. Smaller fleets will struggle to address determined resistance and force you to bring in reinforcements from other fleets, but can be produced in greater numbers, allowing you to more reliably cover ground.
[X][MARINES] Completely reform the marines, making them a massive, elite force capable of striking any target from space without army support. Will require immediate production of dedicated vessels and a navy-wide refit.
[X][DOCTRINE] Adopt Ground Assault Doctrine. Eventually, the fight must come to the Rachni's home worlds. You do not want to lose territory and see the Rachni fully re-establish their presence there within the year. You do not want to spend half your strength watching over blockaded worlds. Your resources are precious enough as it is. Virmire's armies will march to the thunder of mass accelerators, and smash the Rachni wherever they may be found. The wounds you leave will be lasting ones. Your contribution to the war will be the bleeding gashes you tear out of the true heart of the Rachni's strength. Not in and of itself more expensive, but you will need to spend a lot of cash jacking your army and marines way the hell up if you want to succeed here.

Lets go Maximum Ham!

The Explorer Corps will lead the way!
[X][FLEET] Many Fleets. Smaller fleets will struggle to address determined resistance and force you to bring in reinforcements from other fleets, but can be produced in greater numbers, allowing you to more reliably cover ground.
[X][DOCTRINE] Retain Territory Defense Doctrine. Ultimately, Virmire remains a world with its back against the wall, and any offensives you make must be made only once you are sure of your position. Turtle up, and turtle harder. Make your space a brick wall, against which the Rachni might break themselves. You will serve the larger struggle with the forces the Rachni must devote to bottling you up. Will not cost additional resources to implement.
[X][MARINES] Completely reform the marines, making them a massive, elite force capable of striking any target from space without army support. Will require immediate production of dedicated vessels and a navy-wide refit.

To further expand on my analysis utilising the many fleets, raiding doctrine and granting Tannuvael's request will allow greater initiative to lower level commanders and also prioritises speed in engaging the enemy going under the idea that speed equals success. Military theory suggests that the side that is faster consistently will end up with a decisive advantage as shock slows and disrupts enemies potentially paralyzing the enemy's ability to fight or even stun them. As such surprise and speed intensify the effects of shock. By going after their logistics while staying away from their fleets, if we succeed on the right rolls, would allow us to overwhelm the enemy nervous system with speed and aggression.

If you want maximum speed then you really should consider marine reformation. The ground aspect with just Tannuvael will be paratrooper style and that will be a veery bad idea to use on rachni worlds, and if we go with raiders dong some harm to planetary infrastructure beyond just orbital bombardment means that occasionally we will have to fight them on the ground. Going for full reformation give sus the opportunity to design a assault frigate that will not only give more firepower and greater capacity to the marine attachement to a raider fleet but a faster deployment speed as well as a faster recovery and retreat speed,by don't of having a space ship hovering above said marines acting as fire support and transport.

It also pretty allows the navy to to not bother with the ground part of a raider fleet and only support it as the new marine command will be in charge of planing and executing any necessary ground raids, thus making our raider fleets more potent and having a faster operational speed by having a command for the ground aspect and a command for the space aspect, that can work on their goals without having to worry about all the organizational part of a new style of warfare(for the navy at least) thus freeing them up to do their specialization and just have general support requirements for various options.

I do have to say I love the people going for maximum marines and ground support. Imho it is probably the most offensive option there is and a brilinant one, not only in allowing us to serve as a prototype for a new style of council doctrine to fight the rachni, possibly without the krogan, or having a contributor that shows it could be done without them but also a way to form ourselves so that we are pretty much set to not bother playing pirate and go conquering warlord on the terminus, while also bing probably the best doctrine for facing the krogan rebellions if we have to.

It is however the doctrine that needs probably the most investment defensively both in a action sense and in strategic thought, both to fend of rachni and later on potential citadel pressure. But it is probably the most fun, from a offensive point of view.
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[X][FLEET] Many Fleets. Smaller fleets will struggle to address determined resistance and force you to bring in reinforcements from other fleets, but can be produced in greater numbers, allowing you to more reliably cover ground.
[X][DOCTRINE] Adopt Raiding Doctrine. Virmire faces a situation outside the planning of conventional military thinkers, and thus it is only fitting that you adopt a doctrine designed by Virmireans. You cannot hope to face the Rachni in the open once they truly turn their focus to you. Instead focus on slipping through their lines and striking at their rear, wreaking havoc and forcing them to split their focus a thousand ways. The chaos you leave in your wake will be your contribution to the struggle.
[X][MARINES] Grant Tannuvael's request. Now that the fight is moving beyond your space, there is a need for an elite, navy-integrated ground force responsible for void-borne operations. Will require an eventual fleet-wide refit.
Voting is open