What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

  • Total voters
Voting is open
[] Valens-Curium-244891A
-[] Regret: She never got to pick up that exploratory datapict she got from her bunkmate.
-[] Last words: STAR CHILD TAKE YOU, SCUM!
[] Asteria-905G
- [] Regret: Never apologized to her old friend.
- [] Last Words: "As I walk through the valley of the shadows of the Warp, I shall fear no evil, for I pilot fifty metric tons of fuck you!"
[] Arc-5565
-[] Regret: Her sister died in a cult terror attack on a movie night she refused to go to.
-[] Last words: Sorry for being late, sis. Hope you didn't eat all chocolate bars yet. Wow, is that Blazing Spark in the main role? Star he's hot.
[] Thule-N0-B31L
- [] Regret: Never enough, it was never enough. Sis was killed, tymp died, the engines failed, the plane wouldn't take off, over and over and over again! I'll show them fucking enough!
[] Raefa-11055-Y
- [] Regret: Never got to say thank you to the Lamenter who gave his life to save her and many others all those years ago.
- [] Last Words: "For those we cherish, we die in glory!"
[] Nat5ha Ioo
-[] Regret: Not getting to hug her dog one last time
-[] Last Words: Death is like a winter chill, no door can keep it from us, And summer may yet bloom again!!
+++THIS IS CONVOY LEADER JADE PETAL, TO ANY SHIPS IN RANGE! WE REQUIRE IMMEDIATE ASSISTANCE! SOME...SOME TITANIC DAEMON SHIP JUST BROKE INTO REALSPACE! I REPEAT-+++ The message blared through her mind, her implants parsing and relaying the information within the moment it took for the signals to reach her craft. Convoy 726. Made up of Light Armed Candlelight Transports, mostly utilized in Outer System Trade Routes due to being armed with a Light Macro-Cannon Turret and Ultra-Light Missile Batteries against would-be pirates and malcontents. The current one was transporting...children. Families. Last-minute evacuees that had been missed due to one reason or another. No matter, the Daemon was on a course to them.
Yahhhh that really sucks to be a convoy trying to finish up things before the warp storm. So Warp Titan after the Convoy in the outer system routes and only having a Light Macro Cannon and Ultra Light missiles... yah no shot they have enough to even drive it away. Oh shit, last minute Evacuees with children and families getting out to safer harbors.... the Lamenters are dying here aren't they? this is literally the situation they always sacrifice themselves for.

Her implants also, imperiously, provided the dimensions of the Warp Titan that had erupted from the Warp, its ever-changing shifting mass displayed through thrice-blesses pentahexic cleansing protocols, a precaution she had installed at great personal cost against the coming storm. The Blessed Mathematics of the Star-Mechanicum had no place in those less augmented than their members, but money had a way of ensuring it could be fitted into bodies less suited for the task.

It also meant that she was the only mortal present that stood a chance to parse the data her augurs displayed beyond a mere blob of hostile mass.
Oh shit, she shelled out a lot of money for that but I guess it makes sense as she doesn't need to worry about any natural causes of death and she seemed to have laid off the usual drugs, drinks, and the like that Thules normally do and focused on the way she would likely die in combat and prepared accordingly.

In this case, she get the blessed cleansing Protocols and allowing to still use sensors and the like to gather data and a way of seeing the area around her and allowing her to still fly without visuals. Yup the only one who can see beyond a blob, its all on her now, because really who has the personal funds for that and would go through with it?

"This is Thule-6969 HRMHVR; Authorization N'Nomitron Besh-Huk-Fault-Teradon-Jenus-Hamulustiar-Orgnazus. Initiate Override Theta-Fractal Numas," she carefully enunciated, and, one by one, the restrictions and limiters of her implants unshackled themselves, her perception slowing and accelerating. She cared not for the protests of her current Co-Pilot, Imeria, she recalled, nor her attempts to override her authorization using her own. It's too bad that a trainer's authority was far below that of a N'Nomitron squad leader. "To the cadets," she broadcasted into their minds, her own unshackled implants shutting down any other communication from and to their Noosphere implants that connected them to their craft and sister-siblings. "I am escalating this training mission to a combat one; refusal to adhere to orders is hereby equivalent to treason and will be met with punishments from military imprisonment to summary execution. Fall into formation 39-Vega disseminated now."

There would be guilt later. Much of it. But not now. There were lives on the line, and she would spend every single life under her command, including herself, to safeguard the convoy.

This was not a conscious decision on her part.

But the result of decades of service, decades of training, decades of living as a Thule.

Because, despite everything, she was, in the end, a weapon born, schooled, trained, and elevated to be wielded against the enemies of the Glimmering Federation and its peoples.
Ohhhh I'm guessing a implant she also shelled out money for? or standard implants that come with restrictions and the like? still she is going all out and using it on herself or both of them considering Imeria tried to override but as stated the N'Nomitron Squad Leader ranks higher then a trainer.

Ahhhhh fuck. I get it, I do but damn that fucking sucks. She'll feel guilt after it and apologize once the convoy is safe and this squadron is earning their wings today through trail of fire. That must have been like an dunk in a icy lake hearing that.

Yah, decades of Service, Training, And living as a Thule would condition one to that and how quickly to change into that. This IS what the Thules are created for, just came way earlier then expected and very well could be their final fight. Poor Cadets, at least Lamenters are there to help as well.

"Brother Fren, I am requesting your help in combating the enemy force now designated as 'Warp Titan Alpha' in whatever capacity you can," she spoke, the connections to her cadre of cadets flowing data back and forth, their ships aligning themselves according to her will and direction. One was on the verge of panic, but her attention and forced injection of one of the calming drugs into Thule-Grantia//:Aultus-c's system settled her within seconds. More guilt to stab her later. And an official Investigation to explain her decision, but that would only happen if she came out alive.

"For those we Cherish, We die in Glory," was his reply. 'Truer words were never spoken,' 69 thought as she began to accelerate. "Weapons free, fire at my command, targets according to my calculations. Trust your machines and follow my charge," she intoned, her fighter at the head of the formation. If she were to lead a bunch of cadets to their deaths, she would not be accused of cowardice later on by sitting back.

"May it end in our hangars," the cadets faithfully replied, even though theirs had already been destroyed.
Oh that's good, 69 can share her target data, the one good thing here and that let's them be able to see what to target. Ohhhh, there it is, the one cadet in panic before combat drugs calm her down and this is showing 69 is ordering her cadet class to their deaths that could be viewed as against their will in order to save the Convoy, this really is a very 40k situation.

OH so the ship WAS taken out by the Warp Titan plowing through it and that means they ONLY have the ammo and fuel they have on their ships right now.

The Charge:
(6-Hour Moratorium)
[] (Write 8 Names. Write 8 Regrets. Write 8 raging cries against the coming of the night.)
Ah shit, we are actually writing the names, regrets, and final words of the some of the cadets.

Seriously its tragic, a bit fucked up, and very Warhammer 40k. Look forward to what the others will write up.

Yes, but more what their last words are, however screamed or whispered.
I thought as much. Poor Thules. hope we get a follow up of this after the warp storm.

[] Alicia Lillywood:
-[] Regret: Oh dear, my readers will drag my soul from warp for leaving them on that cliffhanger
-[] Last words: Oh, cry about it.

I think we should those cadets separately... and yes I am invoking the AO3 writers skill of "Sorry that the fic was on hiatus I was stuck in the warp after fighting Leviathan"
PFFFTT like seriously, I've HEARD of some the shit from that site and tis authors. 'sorry guys I was held captive by the local rebel group and had and nearly died in a raid, I couldn't update over the past year.' like the authors there are just built different.
PFFFTT like seriously, I've HEARD of some the shit from that site and tis authors. 'sorry guys I was held captive by the local rebel group and had and nearly died in a raid, I couldn't update over the past year.' like the authors there are just built different.
Oh, I am making the editor/beta of Alicia be one of the people who survived, for glorious:
"Hey guys, it is I the beta of the fic, now a new author, previous one died during the warpstorm fighting the giant warp leviathan and ejected me because someone needs to finish this 525k word behemoth, so if you see drop in quality in the chapter that's becaue she made very smudged over notes [they were not, beta just always cries when she reads the notes]. Regular updates should be back"
[] Chikian-789789-N
- [] Regret: Never finding the "One" and getting married.
- [] Last Words: "Ramming Speed!!!!!!"

Was definitely not a chicken. Was always considered a bit odd. She always wanted to fall in love and have a simple boring monogamous relationship.
So - anybody voting?

[X] Chikian-789789-N
- [X] Regret: Never finding the "One" and getting married.
- [X] Last Words: "Ramming Speed!!!!!!"
[X] Raefa-11055-Y
- [X] Regret: Never got to say thank you to the Lamenter who gave his life to save her and many others all those years ago.
- [X] Last Words: "For those we cherish, we die in glory!"
[X] Asteria-905G
- [X] Regret: Never apologized to her old friend.
- [X] Last Words: "As I walk through the valley of the shadows of the Warp, I shall fear no evil, for I pilot fifty metric tons of fuck you!"
[X] Valens-Curium-244891A
-[X] Regret: She never got to pick up that exploratory datapict she got from her bunkmate.
[X] Alicia Lillywood:
-[X] Regret: Oh dear, my readers will drag my soul from warp for leaving them on that cliffhanger
-[X] Last words: Oh, cry about it.
[X] Hermanus Beta-8524:
-[X] Regret: I didn't finish my training.
-[X] Last words: Choke on this!!!
[X] Shiori Shiratori
-[X] Regret: Not being able to see the ocean with her beloved
-[X] Last words: I am sorry.

And of course, my contribution:
[X] Aynia-69-420
-[X] Regret: I didn't track down the tech-priest that named me.
-[X] Last words: "Come closer-I want you to see me defy you!"
[X] Plan Star Childs Chosen

[X] Thule-N0-B31L
- [X] Regret: Never enough, it was never enough. Sis was killed, tymp died, the engines failed, the plane wouldn't take off, over and over and over again! I'll show them fucking enough!
[X] Asteria-905G
- [X] Regret: Never apologized to her old friend.
- [X] Last Words: "As I walk through the valley of the shadows of the Warp, I shall fear no evil, for I pilot fifty metric tons of fuck you!"
[X] Valens-Curium-244891A
-[X] Regret: She never got to pick up that exploratory datapict she got from her bunkmate.
[X] Alicia Lillywood:
-[X] Regret: Oh dear, my readers will drag my soul from warp for leaving them on that cliffhanger
-[X] Last words: Oh, cry about it.
[X] Aynia-69-420
-[X] Regret: I didn't track down the tech-priest that named me.
-[X] Last words: "Come closer-I want you to see me defy you!"
[X] Chikian-789789-N
- [X] Regret: Never finding the "One" and getting married.
- [X] Last Words: "Ramming Speed!!!!!!"
[X] Thule 08L1VI0U5:
-[X] Regret: Never gathering up the courage to look for, or talk to that mystery cadet she saw in the mess one late night. Couldn't have been a hair over 20, must be fresh out of training. Never saw her with the others too, must have been some private trainee or something?
-[X] Last words: Eject, Eject, Eject. (Her copilot might make it).
[X] Shiori Shiratori
-[X] Regret: Not being able to see the ocean with her beloved
-[X] Last words: I am sorry.
Last edited:
[X] Chikian-789789-N
- [X] Regret: Never finding the "One" and getting married.
- [X] Last Words: "Ramming Speed!!!!!!"
[X] Raefa-11055-Y
- [X] Regret: Never got to say thank you to the Lamenter who gave his life to save her and many others all those years ago.
- [X] Last Words: "For those we cherish, we die in glory!"
[X] Asteria-905G
- [X] Regret: Never apologized to her old friend.
- [X] Last Words: "As I walk through the valley of the shadows of the Warp, I shall fear no evil, for I pilot fifty metric tons of fuck you!"
[X] Valens-Curium-244891A
-[X] Regret: She never got to pick up that exploratory datapict she got from her bunkmate.
[X] Alicia Lillywood:
-[X] Regret: Oh dear, my readers will drag my soul from warp for leaving them on that cliffhanger
-[X] Last words: Oh, cry about it.
[X] Hermanus Beta-8524:
-[X] Regret: I didn't finish my training.
-[X] Last words: Choke on this!!!
[X] Shiori Shiratori
-[X] Regret: Not being able to see the ocean with her beloved
-[X] Last words: I am sorry.
[X] Chikian-789789-N
- [X] Regret: Never finding the "One" and getting married.
- [X] Last Words: "Ramming Speed!!!!!!"
[X] Raefa-11055-Y
- [X] Regret: Never got to say thank you to the Lamenter who gave his life to save her and many others all those years ago.
- [X] Last Words: "For those we cherish, we die in glory!"
[X] Alicia Lillywood:
-[X] Regret: Oh dear, my readers will drag my soul from warp for leaving them on that cliffhanger
-[X] Last words: Oh, cry about it.
[X] Aynia-69-420
-[X] Regret: I didn't track down the tech-priest that named me.
-[X] Last words: "Come closer-I want you to see me defy you!"
[X] Thule 08L1VI0U5:
-[X] Regret: Never gathering up the courage to look for, or talk to that mystery cadet she saw in the mess one late night. Couldn't have been a hair over 20, must be fresh out of training. Never saw her with the others too, must have been some private trainee or something?
-[X] Last words: Eject, Eject, Eject. (Her copilot might make it).
[X] Nat5ha Ioo
-[X] Regret: Not getting to hug her dog one last time
-[X] Last Words: Death is like a winter chill, no door can keep it from us, And summer may yet bloom again!!
[X] Chikian-789789-N
- [X] Regret: Never finding the "One" and getting married.
- [X] Last Words: "Ramming Speed!!!!!!"
[X] Raefa-11055-Y
- [X] Regret: Never got to say thank you to the Lamenter who gave his life to save her and many others all those years ago.
- [X] Last Words: "For those we cherish, we die in glory!"
[X] Alicia Lillywood:
-[X] Regret: Oh dear, my readers will drag my soul from warp for leaving them on that cliffhanger
-[X] Last words: Oh, cry about it.
[X] Aynia-69-420
-[X] Regret: I didn't track down the tech-priest that named me.
-[X] Last words: "Come closer-I want you to see me defy you!"
[X] Thule 08L1VI0U5:
-[X] Regret: Never gathering up the courage to look for, or talk to that mystery cadet she saw in the mess one late night. Couldn't have been a hair over 20, must be fresh out of training. Never saw her with the others too, must have been some private trainee or something?
-[X] Last words: Eject, Eject, Eject. (Her copilot might make it).
[X] Nat5ha Ioo
-[X] Regret: Not getting to hug her dog one last time
-[X] Last Words: Death is like a winter chill, no door can keep it from us, And summer may yet bloom again!!
Vote closed New
Scheduled vote count started by HeroCooky on Oct 8, 2024 at 2:16 PM, finished with 10 posts and 9 votes.
190.M43 - Peace One Day New
"Listen well, children, for I tell you this story so it may bring you peace one day," Caretaker Helioa spoke, curved lines of Thules sitting on the ground before them, ears sharp and eyes attentive. "For this is a story how Thules die," Caretaker continued, a book on their lap open and ready to read from, yet ignored as the story had been told so many times it had become ingrained, in both Caretaker and Thule.

"It was before the Great Storm when people yet slumbered and feasted and prayed in safety when they had no fear of the dark and eyes did not watch from shadowed places," Caretaker spoke, weaving the tale in mist and word, a thousand stars flickering into existence between outstretched hands and dancing fingers. "It was on an eve before a rightful night of sleep that a herd of Thules found themselves at the mercy of the N'Nomitron, her strict and exacting eyes piercing through veil and helmet to see all the wrongs and all the mistakes of the young Thules not yet bloodied." As they spoke, the stars changed to an image of 36 saluting Thules, clad in full pilot suits, a N'Nomitron stalking their ranks with slitted eyes of sacred gold and lithe limbs, no mistake uncorrected, and no fault hidden.

"Under her order, they boarded their craft, deadly and pale, armed and hale, 36 Thules for 18 Fighters, each a duet of souls forged in blood, sweat, tears, and time," the N'Nomitron stretched out an arm, and the 36 turned around, filing into their strike fighters in synchronized unison. "Some entered their fighters with their sibling-sisters dear and precious," two Thules, an arm locked around the other's shoulder, as they joked and smiled. "Some with those they worked with, respect and dedication fueling each other endlessly," and two Thules stood, side by side, proudly saluting the symbol of the Star Child, itself inscribed and waving on the flag of the Glimmering Federation. "Others...with those they loved," Caretaker spoke with mirth, a ripple of pre-teen disgust at the mention of love sparking from the sight of two Thules kissing, hands entwined. "But all thinking they would return one by one."

"They left their hangar, joyfully, and greeted the Lamenting Ones, those who weep for the lives they could not save and the lives that may yet be lost, who would be there for them to test themselves against." A scene of 19 fighters against five, one of Gold hanging back with the eyes of the N'Nomitron visible through the cockpit, with a bleeding heart on checker-boards proudly standing before them. "They thought to fight and win, take to home and bunk glory and glee...they would find neither."

The scene shifted. A dark mass ruptured through reality, and the Heavy Monitor found itself engulfed by a maw of eyes and tentacles, sharp teeth digging deep kilometers before it closed and swallowed the over two hundred thousand souls aboard with ease, already moving away for new pray even as it left behind bleeding fighters and raging hearts.

"A Warp Titan had wrought itself free of the Immaterium at the dawn of the Great Storm, and it had feasted well in its first moment of existence," Caretaker spoke, the Thules arrayed before her terrified and scared, tiny and weeping in fright. "We can only pray for those lost aboard the ship...but the 36 would not find themselves with the time for such. Duty called, imperious and raging."

Bleeding eyes of Gold stared out, cogs whirling within cogs as mechadendrites snapped into the minds of all Thules, a banner of pious hatred unfurled by the five, and a wedge formed with Golden Might at its tip. "The N'Nomitron knew the Titan sought prey, and prey it had found. Even as she bled from soul and mind, as her Sister-Siblings trashed and screamed in fear and from the touch of Ruin, she cast her gaze upon its bulk, a thousand sacred rites whispered by her machine, a thousand sacred rights imposed upon her sister-siblings, and a thousand sacred rites screamed into Void and Abyss."

"And thus they fought, though there was only death to be found, for even though the 36 had been granted mighty weapons and many missiles, they were but 18 armed fighters against a herald of Ruin made manifest," Caretaker spoke, stars twinkling between their hands, now but a hundred bleeding orifices of realspace offering glimpses into madness eternal. 18 Defiant Lights racing against the Titan, its bulk squirming and Not Quite Right to look upon. "They sent what they could under the N'Nomitrons shattering mind's direction, her lips never ceasing prayer and her fingers never ceasing corrections for those under her command, minds linked and souls intertwined by holy mathematics in the Noosphere of their time."

"72 missiles streaked from their bays and wings, ethereal munitions escorted by Bleeding Hearts, for they had not taken weapons with them in a fight with allies and friends, and 72 missiles struck against corrupted flesh and twisting will."

Flowers bloomed against a mass of Wrong Things, their might ripping out chunks weighing tons upon tons upon tons...and doing little but shift some eyes and tentacles to swat the annoying pests.

"They fought, they screamed, they fired all they had and more, but the Titan barely noticed their numbers, barely slowing in its path to eat three million innocents seeking shelter before the Great Storm, their souls now praying for deliverance against Evil as the mighty engines of their ships could not escape the Titan's sprint."

A desperate battle. A shrinking distance.

"But in the darkest night, a candle shines like a star, and eight among the 36 burned fierce. They could give no more munitions, no more shells, nothing within their fighters that could be used...except their souls."

Eight lights shine against a maw made of abyssal darkness, horrors beyond sight screaming into their defiant charge.

"See brave Chikian, 789789th birth of her home, the station of N, who felt regret at having never found her One Love, never having worn the Veil of Binding with them, yet see her rage against the Titan, screaming defiance as she prepares to ram its soul into oblivion once more."

"See Alicia Lillywood, daughter of a Thule and one not, and know her soul wrote words upon parchments to delight and fright, incite and inspire. Know she left her last story unfinished, but she did not charge defiantly with regrets."

"See Raefa-11055, of the Line of Y, created by one out of love, and born with blessed machinery at the age of 2. See her heart bleed with those whose Heart Bleeds, for a debt once incurred made her scream their words of glory and cherished doom in the face of death."

"See Aynia, cursed to be born as the 69th of her pod, and as the 420th iteration, numbers of fortune and illness alike, casting shadows of excellence and dependency unto her soul that she rejected with her whole, cursing the Magos that did not skip her designation even as she spat words against the Titan; words to see her defiance bright and glorious."

"See Asteria-905G, who held in her heart the guilt and regret of never having apologized to an old friend over a minor thing, even as she always meant to do so. And know that she flew into the Abyss without fear of evil, for she was Thule, and her steed was mighty."

"See Valen Curium, an experiment to better your lives, variation 244891A performed and implemented across the generations to come, and whose mind could only wonder what that datapict a sister-sibling had given her contained, even as she screamed prayers of devotion to the Coming Salvation; the Star Child."

"See Shiori Shiratori, born from hallowed machines and consecrated with sacred oils alongside her beloved, dreaming of the lapping ocean waves and the scream of water-birds she had only heard in pict-recordings from worlds her feet had never known. Weep as she wept, for her beloved would stand in those lapping waves without her hand in theirs."

"See Hermanus Beta-8524, born as Thule, lived as Thule, and would now die as Thule, but whose soul was ordained to be no woman's but a man's, his journey one undertaken in his time by means far more arduous than today. Do not pity him his circumstance, but cry Rage like he did at the Titan, yet at the time robbed from him, for he would not graduate to become a pilot in full with his charge, like all eight would."

"See them all...and know that Duty is more than word and conviction to Those Whose Hearts Bleed," Caretaker spoke, shifting the scene to show five streaking comets racing ahead of the eight, their mighty souls blaring utter defiance and righteous hatred into the Warp, their lights piercing Immaterial Flesh and sundering Immaterial Soul.

"See their charge, see their cries, and weep. Weep in joy, for they chose the Final Sacrifice so that others may yet live. Weep in anger, for they had to die before a monster beyond nightmares could be banished. Weep...because there is nothing else to do but weep as Five Heroes charged to death in Glory. Yet...weep gladly, for the eyes of their Primarch smiled upon their charge, his children fighting unto the last for what was right and what is good."

"And dry your tears as the Titan now lays slain," Caretaker finished their story, the scenes shifting from the charge of the Five to show a sundered broken corpse drifting lifelessly in the void.

And dry their tears the Thules did...yet one glared, defiant and angry. A hand was raised, and they asked: "But did they die?"

Caretaker smiled, a sadness around their eyes.

And they said one word.

The Great Storm passed. For some planets, it was but a few days. For most, a week. One unlucky system had to endure for 36 years under its bleeding wails and creeping eyes stretching in the abyssal skies.

But all systems of the Glimmering Federation, one after the other, found contact with each other again, and life...resumed.

Except in Quintura Diablo, for there, the Warp Storm had left...not a tear in the Veil. Not yet.

But it would likely become a Warp Rift in due time if not counteracted swiftly.

You Have 3 [Three] Actions. You Have 2 [Two] Emergency Actions. Currently Active ISC: [New Dawn R&D]. Current Symphony: [None]. Current Warp Tremors: [Still].
(6-Hour Moratorium)
[Green Horizons Colonization LTD] - Resettlement Initiatives - Increases colonized worlds by 50% if the Action {Colonize Planet/s} is used.
[New Dawn R&D] - Anomaly Identified - Uncover Points of Interest (PoI) within and without your territory every Turn this ISC is sponsored. PoI include (but are not limited to) new colonizable systems, Economic Boons, Military Relevant Resources or Locations, and more.
[Federation Post] - Messenger Fleet - Reduce the cost of improving Civilian Infrastructure by 50% (rounded down).
The Devouring Mechadendrite - 0x Choirs.
A Glint of Genius - 0x Choirs.
Heartbeat of Industry - 0x Choirs
Unto Works Generational - 0x Choirs
See No Evil, Speak No Evil, Hear No Evil, Do No Evil - 143x Choirs - (42x Scout Choirs)
Warp Tremor Levels: [Warp Storm] - [High] - [Medium] - [Restive] - [Calm] - [Still]
None - Allow The Warp To Calm
A Cry For The Future - Gain 0.25 Actions for every Total Action spent. Actions gained this way are rounded up. +1 Warp Tremors per Turn.

[] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (Write-In World)
Works of generations started today.
(Gain: A Consecrated World.)

[] [General] Develop The Federations'...
-[] Food Production XI (0/1)
-[] Civilian Infrastructure XVI (0/1)
-[] Heavy Industry VIII (0/1)
-[] Void Industry XII (0/1)
-[] Medical Services VI (1/2)
-[] Military Industry VI (1/2)

(Gain: A boost in production focusing on the chosen option.)

[] [General] Colonize (Planet/s)
It is time to bring four more worlds into the fold. Thanks to the Kil'drabi becoming our Kin, we can now categorize Frozen, Ash, and Volcanic Worlds as Habitable instead.
(Gain: Four colonized Worlds.
Habitable Worlds: Ivuh - Ubraka (Planetary Mangroves), Llolanov - Kriegar (Temperate Forests and Mild Arctic)
Hostile Worlds (-1 Void Industry): Olutia - Grace of the Labors (Dry Tundra), Magisch - Hexe (Arctic and Island)
Deathworlds (-1 to All): Qulach's Forge - Qulach's Forge (Fallout, Glass, Industrial Ruins, and Chemicals))

[] [General] Terraform (Planet) - (Auto-Terraformation - 200.M43)
Thanks to the aid of the Irrita (against payment), we will be able to donate life to planets that do not yet have any of their own.
(Gain: Three Terraformed and Colonized Planets.)
Currently Terraforming:
Qulach's Forge - (Target Biosphere: Savannah and Flood Plains) - (Maximum Population: 9 Billion) - (Terraformation Time: ~340 Years) - (Finished: 260.M43)
Voxx Primus - (Target Biosphere: Continental) - (Maximum Population: 14 Billion) - (Terraformation Time: ~570 Years) - (Finished: 490.M43)

Not Yet Being Terraformed:
Amut - (Target Biosphere: Volcanic Basalt Lichen) - (Maximum Population: 10 Billion) - (Terraformation Time: ~80 Years)
Litra - (Target Biosphere: Ice Bog) - (Maximum Population: 15 Billion) - (Terraformation Time: ~160 Years)
Scil - (Target Biosphere: Petrified Woods and New Growth Forests) - (Maximum Population: 35 Billion) - (Terraformation Time: ~230 Years)
Yeogawa - (Target Biosphere: Flowering Abdundance) - (Maximum Population: 46 Billion) - (Terraformation Time: ~220 Years)
X-14/RHO - (Target Biosphere: Dry Caves) - (Maximum Population: 9 Billion) - (Terraformation Time: ~190 Years)
Bob - (Target Biosphere: Badlands) - (Maximum Population: 11 Billion) - (Terraformation Time: ~110 Years)
Alabaster - (Target Biosphere: Early Life and High Oxygen) - (Maximum Population: 23 Billion) - (Terraformation Time: ~80 Years)
Horums - (Target Biosphere: Craggy Desert and Metal Fields) - (Maximum Population: 11 Billion) - (Terraformation Time: ~110 Years)
Bakonu - (Target Biosphere: Bioluminescent Tundra) - (Maximum Population: 3 Billion) - (Terraformation Time: ~110 Years)
Hylcyon - (Target Biosphere: Windy Sulfur Continental) - (Maximum Population: 14 Billion) - (Terraformation Time: ~80 Years)
Thule Prime - (Target Biosphere: Archipelago and Oceanic) - (Maximum Population: 7 Billion) - (Terraformation Time: ~140 Years)
Vlllul- (Target Biosphere: Rocky Temperate) - (Maximum Population: 9 Billion) - (Terraformation Time: ~250 Years)

[] [General] Research:
01001101 01100001 01100100 00100000 01000010 01101001 01101110 01101000 01100001 01110010 01101001 01100011 00100000 01010011 01100011 01110010 01100101 01100101 01100011 01101000 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100001
-[] Rejuvenat Experimentation (0/1)
(Gain: Improve Rejuvenat Access from 1% to 1.2%.)
-[] Noosphere Unity (1/2)
(Gain: 0.05 Research Progress per Research Action.)
-[] Warcasket Prototypes (0/2)
(Gain: Warcaskets, the primitive version of a Dreadnought.)
-[] Primitive Gravity-Weaponization Theory
(Gain: Primitive Grav-Weapons.)
-[] Green Ship Gun? (0/2)
(Gain: A GS-gun derivative. Probably short-ranged.)
-[] Green Ship Other Gun? (0/2)
(Gain: A GS-gun derivative. Looks to be long-ranged?)
-[] Scout Automata (0/1)
(Gain: Scout Automata are added to your military.)
-[] Line Automata (0/1)
(Gain: Line Automata are added to your military.)
-[] Heavy Automata (0/1)
(Gain: Heavy Automata are added to your military.)
-[] Super-Heavy Automata (0/1)
(Gain: Super-Heavy Automata are added to your military.)
-[] Void Automata (0/1)
(Gain: Void Automata are added to your navy.)
-[] Civilian Automata (0/1)
(Gain: Civilian Automata begin production.)
-[] Autonomous Automata !!!WARNING!!! (0/1)
(WARNING: Automata grow more capable of Independent Action.)
-[] Reverse Engineer the Knights (2/4)
(Gain: You can now build Knights Paladin, Errant, and Gallant.)
-[] Novel Infantry-Grade Weapons and Armor Development II (0.5)
(Gain: Infantry Weapons and Armor Upgrades.)
-[] Experimental Infantry-Grade Weapons and Armor Development (0.5)
(Gain: New Infantry Weapons and Armors.)
-[] Logistical Infantry-Grade Weapons Development II (0/1)
(Gain: Cheaper Infantry Weapons.)
-[] Logicstical Infantry-Grade Armor Development II (0/1)
(Gain: Cheaper Infantry Armor.)
-[] Ship Equipment Standardization - [1 DP Equipment] (0/3)
(Gain: Standardize 1 [One] 1 DP Ship Equipment across all new Designs.)
-[] Shipyard Automatization III (1/2)
(Gain: 1 Frigate every Turn.)
-[] Atevrian Sightlense (0/2)
The Atevrian Sightlense is a specially prepared Lance weapon whose lenses have been carved with Sigils and Holy Geometry. At the moment of fire, the weapon's waste energy curves and channels into the Warp from its apparatus, drastically enhancing its fire rate.
(Gain: Atevrian Sightlense - 5 DP Weapon. Requires a Choir to operate.)
-[] Shimmershroud (0/2)
The Shimmershroud is a massive dispersion engine capable of twisting the position of the vessel it is installed upon within the Materium, reducing the damage the same takes by virtue of simply not existing where hostile munitions pass through.
(Gain: Shimmershroud - 11 DP Equipment. Requires a Choir to operate.)
-[] Ears of Bnuy (1/2)
The Ears of Bnuy are an homage to the First Hymnal, an extension to a ship mounted atop its bridge section, channeling emissions into its targeting systems to increase the hit rate against elusive targets.
(Gain: Ears of Bnuy - 8 DP Equipment.)
-[] Twisted Vinelloy (0/2)
This Psytech is a living organism spread over a ship's hull, specifically grown and tuned by an onboard Choir to rapidly self-repair any damage inflicted by the enemy.
(Gain: Twisted Vinelloy - 15 DP Equipment. Requires a Choir to operate.)
-[] Improved Psyker Staves (0/5)
The ability to create psychic focii is no longer a mere beginner's art within the Glimmering Federation, and with knowledge and familiarity comes the ability to strive further than yesterday. With The Sun Melody having become a measuring stick upon which one can see progress, it is estimated that further refinement will be capable of reducing the damages incurred into "mere" full-body third-degree burns.
(Gain: Improves Choir efficiency and might when using Songs and Melodies.)
-[] Improved Psychic Hoods (0/5)
Thanks to the work done in figuring out how to psychically tune and shape cloth and metals to weave together into one whole, a "Psychic Hood" for the layperson, the Celestial Choir is eager to not only begin large-scale dissemination of knowledge and practice but also delve deeper into their understanding of how they function and can be improved.
(Gain: Improved Psychic Hoods are equipment that shields your Psykers from backlash to varying degrees.)

Hereteks Refuge - Reduce Research Cost by 20%, Rounded Up. +0.20 Research per Action Spent.
Academic Publishing Institutes - +0.15 Research per Action Spent.
[Song] - A Glint of Genius - +0.40 Research per Action Spent.
The Horizon Program - (Lords of Eternity and Shipwright's Grove) - +0.20 Research per Action Spent.
The Psycademia 'Wings of our Crucible' - Allows Psytech to be researched under [General].
(0.80 Research Banked)

[] [General] Ministry of Subversion, Infiltration, and Interstellar Communication
A new age of peace dawns on the Glimmering Federation, and with it rises the required needs of its various branches and plans to come to fruition, from subverting hostile polities to maintaining friendly relations with good neighbors. Thanks to an expansion in resources, the Ministry of SIIC can now focus on multiple things simultaneously.
[] [AUTOMATIC] System Subversion (Choose Two)
With the allocated funds, a slow subversion of a singular system can be undertaken. However, these efforts can be focused and accelerated with dedicated attention.
(Gain: Allows you to slowly convert two [2] random systems simultaneously to the Glimmering Federation without Action cost.)
The Talon - Qo
Suspected Subversion Time: ~120 Years
Modifiers: Extreme Anti-Subversion Tactics +~250 Years, Focused Infiltration -~100 Years

Oq Jubilia - Oq
Suspected Subversion Time: ~120 Years
Modifiers: Extreme Anti-Subversion Tactics +~250 Years, Focused Infiltration -~100 Years
[] Formal Exchange Of Diplomatic Contacts With The Clans Who Live Here
Hello? This is the Glimmering Federation. Please Respond.
(Gain: Chosen polity opens communications with you on a semi-regular basis.)

[] ISC Access - (Lords of Eternity/Watchtower Confederacy/Shipwright's Grove)
The Federation's ISCs are eager to spread their markets and customer bases beyond the Glimmering Federation, willing to brave the (relatively safe and profitable) unknown.
(Gain: Disables one random ISC per Turn and significantly improves relations with the Lords of Eternity/Watchtower Confederacy/Shipwright's Grove.)

[] [AUTOMATIC] Improve Relations (Choose Two)
Though tedious work, improving relations over time with steady hands instead of bold declarations and treaties will enable more of the latter to be wrought without any complications.
(Targets: Mashan Temple Authority, Van Zandt Free Duchy, Watchtower Confederacy, Shipwright's Grove, Black Ash Clan, Black Cat Company, Lords of Eternity.
Gain: Slowly improved relations.)
Van Zandt Free Duchy
Current Relations: Awkward Silence
Trend: Steady
Modifiers: Warp Storm Warning

Shipwright's Grove
Current Relations: Eternally Bound
Trend: Steady
Modifiers: Warp Storm Warning

[] [Military] Create Grand Army (Write-in Name) for (Sub-Sector) or Knight Order (Write-in Name)
Grand Armies are composed of 2 SAGs per Sub-Sector System, which are composed of 4 Units each. Though each SAG will have its own Battle Standard and Motto, only those existing will be recorded in detail. A Grand Army requires you to specify each SAG as either Light, Medium, or Heavy, with the further moniker of Infantry/Mechanized/Tanks/Augmetic Legions Formations attached. All other specializations will be taken care of within the Grand Army itself. A Knight Order contains 20 War-Packs, one War-Pack consisting of One Questoris per Four Armigers, of variable Patterns.
(Gain: One Grand Army or Knight Order.)

[] [Military] Sector Battle Group Construction And Repair
-[] 2x Nomadic Fleets [Automatic] (0.4/1)
-[] Hydralisk and Necrolisk (0/1)
-[] Gryphon and Gorgon (0/1)
-[] Wyvern and Cyclops (0/1)
-[] 2x Long Range Anti-Duchy Specialist Fleets (0/1)

A Sector Battle Group consists of 4 Heavy Cruisers, 8 Carriers, 6 Light Cruisers, 8 (Heavy) Frigates, 4 Destroyers/Corvettes, and 3 Guide Ships. A Nomadic Fleet consists of 1 Battlecolony, 2 Heavy Cruisers, 4 Light Cruisers, 14 Frigates, and 2 Guide Ships. A LRAD consists of 4 Pegasus-Class Command Cruisers, 13 Hydrus-Class Rad Cruisers, 6 Scutum-Class Shield Frigates, 5 Sagitarrius Lance Frigates, 2 Lupus Destroyers, and 3 Guide Ships.
(Information: All Action Costs must be paid to receive the ships.
Gain: Filled out SBG/Nomadic Fleets.)

[] [Military] Design New Voidship Classes - [Available: Destroyer (1 DP), Frigate (2 DP), Light Cruiser/Freighter (4 DP), Heavy Cruiser/Freighter (8 DP), Temple Ship (25 DP)] - [25 DP]
From what we can tell, thanks to our history, what information we, the Kil'drabi, Yeeni, and the archives of our planets tell us, the difference between a prosperous interstellar polity and one naught but ash is the strength of their navy. At the moment, we have the beginning of a proud Void Fleet, yet purely defending against our enemies is a great way to get ground down into dust over time; we need to be able to bring the fight to them.
(Information: Ship Classes requiring more DP than you possess take more than one Action to design.
Gain: Newly designed and built Ship Class/es.)

[] [Military] Begin Military Operations (Assign SAG/s) (Choose Location/s) (Designate Objective/s)
-[] 19x Free Celestial Choirs
-[] Sector Battle Group Sphinx (30/30 Ship Capacity)
(3x Andromeda-Secundus Pathfinder Ship, 4x Proof of Our New Path Battlecolony, 8x Libra-Quartus Light Carrier, 6x Scorpio-Secondus Light Cruiser, 6x Words of the Writ-Class Frigate, 2x Crux-Tertium Class Heavy Frigate, 4x Lupus-Secundus Torpedo Destroyer)
-[] Sector Battle Group Centaur (30/30 Ship Capacity)
(3x Andromeda-Secundus Pathfinder Ship, 4x Leo-Secundus Vanguard Cruiser, 8x Libra-Quartus Light Carrier, 1x Endeavour Light Cruiser, 5x Scorpio-Secondus Light Cruiser, 8x Crux-Tertium Class Heavy Frigate, 4x Lupus-Secundus Torpedo Destroyer)
-[] Sector Battle Group Werewolf (30/30 Ship Capacity)
(3x Andromeda-Secundus Pathfinder Ship, 4x Leo-Class Vanguard Cruiser, 8x Libra-Quartus Light Carrier, 6x Scorpio-Secondus Light Cruiser, 2x Falchion-class Frigate, 6x Sagitarrius-Tertium Lance Frigate, 1x Viper-Class Missile Destroyer, 1x Cobra Destroyer, 2x Lupus-Secundus Torpedo Destroyer)
-[] Sector Battle Group Minotaur (30/30 Ship Capacity)
(3x Andromeda-Secundus Pathfinder Ship, 4x Leo-Secundus Vanguard Cruiser, 8x Libra-Quartus Light Carrier, 6x Scorpio-Secondus Light Cruiser, 8x Crux-Tertium Class Heavy Frigate, 4x Lupus-Secundus Torpedo Destroyer)
-[] Sector Battle Group Leviathan (30/30 Ship Capacity)
(3x Andromeda-Secundus Pathfinder Ship, 4x Leo-Secundus Vanguard Cruiser, 8x Libra-Quartus Light Carrier, 6x Scorpio-Secondus Light Cruiser, 8x Crux-Tertium Class Heavy Frigate, 4x Aries-Tertium Class Corvette)
-[] Sector Battle Group Basilisk (30/30 Ship Capacity)
(3x Andromeda-Secundus Pathfinder Ship, 4x Leo-Secundus Vanguard Cruiser, 8x Libra-Quartus Light Carrier, 6x Scorpio-Secondus Light Cruiser, 4x Words of the Writ-Class Frigate, 4x Crux-Tertium Class Heavy Frigate, 4x Aries-Tertium Class Corvette)
-[] Nomadic Fleet 'Once-Forgotten-Joy' (21/21 Ship Capacity)
-[] Nomadic Fleet 'Thrum-Of-The-Journey' (21/21 Ship Capacity)
-[] Nomadic Fleet 'Illuminators-Of-The-Road-Not-Traveled' (21/21 Ship Capacity)
-[] Nomadic Fleet 'Bastion-Of-Pathways' (21/21 Ship Capacity)
-[] Nomadic Fleet 'Trade-Guardians' (21/21 Ship Capacity)
-[] Nomadic Fleet 'Winged-Deliverance' (21/21 Ship Capacity)
-[] Nomadic Fleet 'Dust-Upon-The-Winds' (21/21 Ship Capacity)
-[] Nomadic Fleet 'Hot-Sands-Under-Swift-Legs' (21/21 Ship Capacity)
-[] Nomadic Fleet 'Banished-Sorrows-In-Dark-Times' (21/21 Ship Capacity)

(1x Proof of Our New Path-Class Battlecolony, 2x Bastion of the Chronicle-Class Heavy Cruiser, 4x Quill of the Stars-Class Light Cruiser, 14x Ink of the Writ-Class Frigate)
-[] LRAD Alpha (30/30 Ship Capacity)
(3x Andromeda-Secundus Pathfinder Ship, 4x Pegasus-Class Command Cruiser, 13x Hydrus-Class Rad Cruiser, 6x Scutum-Class Shield Frigate, 5x Sagitarrius-Tertium Lance Frigate, 2x Lupus-Secundus Torpedo Destroyer)
-[] LRAD Beta (30/30 Ship Capacity)
(3x Andromeda-Secundus Pathfinder Ship, 4x Pegasus-Class Command Cruiser, 13x Hydrus-Class Rad Cruiser, 6x Scutum-Class Shield Frigate, 5x Sagitarrius-Tertium Lance Frigate, 2x Lupus-Secundus Torpedo Destroyer)
-[] LRAD Gamma (30/30 Ship Capacity)
(3x Andromeda-Secundus Pathfinder Ship, 4x Pegasus-Class Command Cruiser, 13x Hydrus-Class Rad Cruiser, 6x Scutum-Class Shield Frigate, 5x Sagitarrius-Tertium Lance Frigate, 2x Lupus-Secundus Torpedo Destroyer)
-[] LRAD Delta (30/30 Ship Capacity)
(3x Andromeda-Secundus Pathfinder Ship, 4x Pegasus-Class Command Cruiser, 13x Hydrus-Class Rad Cruiser, 6x Scutum-Class Shield Frigate, 5x Sagitarrius-Tertium Lance Frigate, 2x Lupus-Secundus Torpedo Destroyer)
-[] LRAD Epsilon (30/30 Ship Capacity)
(3x Andromeda-Secundus Pathfinder Ship, 4x Pegasus-Class Command Cruiser, 13x Hydrus-Class Rad Cruiser, 6x Scutum-Class Shield Frigate, 5x Sagitarrius-Tertium Lance Frigate, 2x Lupus-Secundus Torpedo Destroyer)
-[] Task Fleet 'Peacekeeper' (92/80 Ship Capacity) - [3x Aries-T Auto-Construction]
(8x Andromeda-Secundus Pathfinder Ship, 21x Aries-Tertium Corvette, 62x Lupus-Secundus Torpedo Destroyer, 9x Taurus-S Troopship (0/45 SAG Capacity))
-[] Task Fleet Beta (20/20)
(2x Andromeda-Secundus Pathfinder Ship, 14x Sagitarrius-Tertium, 6x Libra-Quartus Light Carrier)
-[] Task Fleet Gamma (20/20)
(2x Andromeda-Secundus Pathfinder Ship, 14x Sagitarrius-Tertium, 6x Libra-Quartus Light Carrier)
-[] Temple Ship/s
(1x The Pantagruel)
-[] Independent Operations Task Force
(13x Chamleon-Class Infiltration Carrier (0/13 SAG Capacity))
-[] Scout Fleet Alpha
(42x Pyxis-Secundus Advanced Scout Sloop, 1x Spirit of Discovery Scout-Class Light Cruiser)
-[] Evacuation Fleet (30/30 Ship Capacity)
(4x Rustbucket-Class Conveyance Ship, 20x Auriga-Class Emergency Response Freighter, 5x Canis-Major Class Bulk Transport Liner, 10x Canis-Minor Class Bulk Transport Hauler)
-[] Lamenters Chapter Fleet (30/30)
(3x Andromeda-Secundus Pathfinder Ship, 3x Loyalty's Bloom-Class Scout Destroyer, 5x Risen Dirge-Class Boarding Ship (0/2 Companies), 4x Lantern Bearer Mk.2-Class Commandeering Ship (0/6 Companies), 6x Resurgence Mk.2-Class Torpedo Hunter (0/3 Companies), 5x Bloody Sunrise-Class Light Cruiser (0/8 Companies), 5x Bloody Sunset-Class Light Cruiser (0/8 Companies), 2x Thunderous Wings-Class Heavy Cruiser (0/8 Companies), 1x Eternal Promise-Class Temple Ship (0/8 Companies))
There is war to be had and battle to be made. Send troops to resolve issues, squash opposition to the Star Child and Humanity and all Their Protectorates, and send ships to scout neighboring systems to understand what is happening there.
(Gain: Military dispatched to put down opposition violently. Scouts are sent to look at other systems.
Scouting Range: ~20 Systems from Claimed Systems. Scouting Efficiency: N/A (70% Three+ Systems, 45% Eight+ Systems, 25% Fifteen+ Systems.)
Note: For use outside your territory or in support of forces specified within another Action.)

[] [Psykana] Conduct Six Melodies (0.4/1 - Auto Complete) - [Choose Melody]
The Celestial Choir has been given the means; with time, they shall conduct their songs. They will listen to the Warp and filter out the false whispers from the slumbering guidance of the Star Child. In halting prayer and stumbling humming, the truth will be stripped until nothing but it remains in the hands of those who shall make it anew into power to be wielded by the Choirs to come. As there are 10 Celestial Choirs free to pursue research, the High Council can ask them to pursue a target instead of what comes close. This will, naturally, be lost once they dip below 10 Choirs.
(Total: 20
Uncovered: Revenant and Prophecy II.
Secret: Slumber, and Silence III.
Star Child: Compassion II, Mercy III, Health II, Innovation II, Justice II, Wisdom II, Death II, Ruthlessness III, Brutality II, and Love.
Kil'drabi: Paths II, The Void III, Community II, and Family II.
Irrita: Growth II, Plants, Harmony, and Hunger.
Gain: Six Melodies newly Conducted.)

[] [Psykana] Sing two Songs (Choose at least Three below.) - (0.2/1 - Auto Complete) - [N/A]
Mere Melodies are not the end of the journey, nor should they be the start. They are the middle, from which all things shall grow and wither.
(Uncovered: Technology III and Prophecy I.
Secret: Perception III, Silence II, and Grounding III.
Star Child: Protection III, Fire III, The Sun V, Humanity III, Creativity III, Song III, The Home III, Logic III, Unity III, Progress III, Compassion I, Hope III, Health I, Death I, Justice I, Wisdom I, Innovation I, Machinery III, Ruthlessness II, Brutality I, Mercy II, and The Star.
Kil'drabi: Void II, Struggle III, Paths I, Community I, and Family I.
Irrita: Growth I.
Gain: Two Songs.)

[] [Psykana] Sing a Symphony (Choose Five Songs)
Words beyond meaning, songs beyond uttering, a hum of power that is the Warp reveling in its own power unleashed. A Symphony crafted from labor centuries long, and one that shall burn itself into history eternal, both mortal and Immaterial.
(Gain: A Symphony)

[] [Psykana] Warp Observatory (0/3)
Though our Symphonies are powerful, they extract a cost by turning the Warp tumultuous. Enough so that the enigmatic Eldar threatened war if we did not cease casting our Cry For The Future into the same for the benefit of our people. With skill and patience, the Celestial Choir has figured out how to observe the tremors in the Warp that result from singing a Symphony, hoping to find a way to indicate when it would be safe again to let our Cry loose. Yet, with the recent, and worryingly increasing, tremors reverberating through the Warp, more than casual observation is required. A station shall be built in Holy Irridanus where thirty Choirs shall work around the clock to observe and study the ripples in the Warp, both to better sing Symphonies and to divine any problems that Chaos may throw at us.
(Cost: 30 Choirs.
Gain: Warp Tremor Indicator Gauge.)

[] [Psykana] Budding Warp Rift Studies (0/3)
There is a Warp Rift, or rather a budding Warp Rift, in Quinturas Diablo. We should investigate what it is doing there, where it leads, and how to shut it down ASAP.
(Gain: Warp Rift Information.)

[] [Faith] An Unborn Guide Sought Out (Write-In)
(Gain: Guidance on how to deal with or gain something.)

[] [Knightly Orders] Expand A Little. As A Treat. (0/2)
Back to the training yards...ugh...
(Gain: Knight Orders gain +5 War-Packs.)

[] [Chapter] A New Fleet (0/2)
New fleets are required, and old ships need replacing. 3000 Brothers are enough for now.
(Gain: New Lamenter Ships.)

[] [Other] Take Care Of [Future Or Current Problems]
(Write-In the problem being addressed.)
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The Great Storm passed. For some planets, it was but a few days. For most, a week. One unlucky system had to endure for 36 years under its bleeding wails and creeping eyes stretching in the abyssal skies.

But all systems of the Glimmering Federation, one after the other, found contact with each other again, and life...resumed.

Except in Quintura Diablo, for there, the Warp Storm had left...not a tear in the Veil. Not yet.

But it would likely become a Warp Rift in due time if not counteracted swiftly.
Fuck Fuck fuck Fuck.

Okay skipping my normal review that I will do later but yah, thankfully we overprepared and came out mostly fine execpt for the system that Our MAIN TECH AND DEVELOPMENT CENTER ALONG WITH PSYKANAN ACADEMY is going to become a warp rift soon. Why did it HAVE to be that one. Yah I will not be voting for a plan that doesn't solve this ASAP.

[] [Psykana] Budding Warp Rift Studies (0/3)
There is a Warp Rift, or rather a budding Warp Rift, in Quinturas Diablo. We should investigate what it is doing there, where it leads, and how to shut it down ASAP.
(Gain: Warp Rift Information.)
Three actions? fine, we do that NOW and that's all we do or use the Symphony Cry for the Future because the Warp is Still right now and do more. This is the main thing NOT to put off.
Voting is open