Voting is open
(I don't care how much money you have Mitsuha you can't just hire a private army by just showing up in an expensive dress and pretending to be an hieress).
I'm pretty sure because Mitsuha is tiny they thought it was humoring a rich kid at first, since she was actually good for the money, they were between contracts and then she showed off the magic.
[X] Mirror of the Heart
-[X] Write-in: "I don't think I can just choose one role. In ALO I helped to take down Sugou and rescue the SAO survivors, but to do so I told everyone I would bring about the end of the world. In a way, I was both a hero and a villain. So, I don't think you need to be only one thing either. As a hero or a villain, as someone learning everything from scratch or someone learning what it means to be normal, I think you can be all of them. Because I don't think there is a limit on who Shinkawa Kyouji can or cannot be."
-[X] Keep it
-[X] Keep it

I wanted to tap into Kyouji's theme of "contradictions."

If Hiyori's theme is of lies and truth, of hard lessons and harsh truths and how they can help, hinder, and shape us, then Kyouji's deal is about unrealized potential and the hope and will necessary to turn them into reality.

Out of all of the Wild Card candidates, Kyouji is the one that most embodies raw potential. He had no prior experience, no special talent or skills. He must start at the very bottom and claw his way up. And that is utterly grueling. Constantly comparing yourself to others, trying to catch up, feeling the gulf between you expand further and further until you can't see a way to ever reach the other side. Until you can't see a way to ever change. That all you will ever be is a useless piece of shit.

Breaking out of such a mindset requires hope that such is possible and the will to see it through.

He needs to realize that said potential can be realized, that those possibilities are possible.

Contradictions are a form of freedom, because it means no matter your shape, your status, or your restrictions, no matter what you are, you can also be something else at the same time.

Even a caterpillar forced to crawl on the ground may one day grow wings and soar.

Even if you are small and weak and pitiful, that doesn't mean you can't do something that matters.

It does not mean you can't change.

Because even if Shinkawa Kyouji is a piece of shit, that doesn't mean he can't also be something else, be more than he is.

I hope that one day he will look inside himself and realize how vast "Shinkawa Kyouji" can be.
Pitohui for sure, IMO. Granted, M has just made it a little more complicated because he may now interfere in the LLENN v Pito duel in a more annoying way than before but by all information we've had it's the more straight-forward fight.

Blank feels to me like the last opponent we should take on, and throw all the resources we have gathered to that point at them - including a possibly befriended Pito - to increase our chances. Devil's advocate is that Blank may well be a very non-standard fight that depends more on rules lawyering or lateral thinking and accruing more allies will have limited benefit (though I'd still argue that more heads are better than one and they may be able to chime in with ideas we, as questers, don't think of)

Everything always subject to change of course, but I was hoping we could challenge Pito next plan phase unless we learn that this latest development has set us back significantly.
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Still think people are really underestimating how useful it'd be to destroy the armor and tools of XaXa, one of the avatars of the symbolic Death Gun we're trying to oppose--not to mention what we could do with the determination boost...
[X] Plan: The Past Burns

Red-eye practically destroyed Kuro in SAO. Wrecked her self-confidence, made her complicit in murder, psychologically tortured her for kicks.

Burn it all and seek closure.
[X] The Truth, One Last Time
-[X] Write-in: "As someone who was forced to join Laughing Coffin in SAO, I want to see who you can be when you start at zero. The infinite potential of a Wildcard. Remember that girl in the velvet smock who believed in you. She saw all of who you are and thought you could stand in my place."
-[X] Keep it
-[X] Keep it

i could probably suggest a 'I'd cheat so hard and break everything' idea, since i had said idea...but i like this/its obviously going to win.
[x] Mirror of the Heart
- [x] Write-in: "I don't think I can just choose one role. In ALO I helped to take down Sugou and rescue the SAO survivors, but to do so I told everyone I would bring about the end of the world. In a way, I was both a hero and a villain. So, I don't think you need to be only one thing either. As a hero or a villain, as someone learning everything from scratch or someone learning what it means to be normal, I think you can be all of them. Because I don't think there is a limit on who Shinkawa Kyouji can or cannot be."
- [x] Keep it
Going to be closing vote and doing the standard PLAN vote in the next day or two.

If anyone wants to do write-in plans feel free to suggest them now. Use past chapters as an example of what's possible in 'one' day.

Adhoc vote count started by afreaknamedpete on Sep 6, 2024 at 2:10 AM, finished with 33 posts and 17 votes.

  • [X] The Truth, One Last Time
    [X] The Truth, One Last Time
    -[X] Write-in: "As someone who was forced to join Laughing Coffin in SAO, I want to see who you can be when you start at zero. The infinite potential of a Wildcard. Remember that girl in the velvet smock who believed in you. She saw all of who you are and thought you could stand in my place."
    -[X] Keep it
    [X] Plan: The Past Burns
    -[X] I'd be a blank slate and seek a new beginning.
    -[X] Destroy it.
    [X] Mirror of the Heart
    -[X] Write-in: "I don't think I can just choose one role. In ALO I helped to take down Sugou and rescue the SAO survivors, but to do so I told everyone I would bring about the end of the world. In a way, I was both a hero and a villain. So, I don't think you need to be only one thing either. As a hero or a villain, as someone learning everything from scratch or someone learning what it means to be normal, I think you can be all of them. Because I don't think there is a limit on who Shinkawa Kyouji can or cannot be."
    -[X] Keep it
    [X]Plan Re:Zero
    -[X] I'd be a blank slate and seek a new beginning.
    -[X] Keep it
"Feel free to bring a friend, Kuro! I'll make sure to have tea ready."

There are certain people we could bring to make for an interesting experience. Maybe our mother, maybe our rich friends. But when dealing with an apex predator, it's best to completely upend the table, to show the lion the power of Cthulhu.

Let's just say we have our next MAXWELL excursion planned out.
There are certain people we could bring to make for an interesting experience. Maybe our mother, maybe our rich friends. But when dealing with an apex predator, it's best to completely upend the table, to show the lion the power of Cthulhu.

Let's just say we have our next MAXWELL excursion planned out.

Now that's an idea. We can't outsmart BLANK so we could outstupid them instead like Denji does in Chainsaw Man.
And if Maxwell decides that one of them would serve his purposes better than we would?

I don't trust him to stay loyal.
And if Maxwell decides that one of them would serve his purposes better than we would?

I don't trust him to stay loyal.

That's completely against the entire Velvet Room contract that he'll aid us as long as we take responsibility for our actions.

Or if you want a more cynical reason MAXWELL is tasked with helping to destroy HEAVENs and BLANK wants to grow one.
I'm not sure MAXWELL would have that effect. When we met Ainz earlier on an outing with him he basically just came off as a weirdo on the subway. I feel like it's more likely it'd be like a typical Persona 3 Elizabeth outing - which are often hilarious, don't get me wrong, but I'm not sure if that's what we're aiming for!
I'm not sure MAXWELL would have that effect. When we met Ainz earlier on an outing with him he basically just came off as a weirdo on the subway. I feel like it's more likely it'd be like a typical Persona 3 Elizabeth outing - which are often hilarious, don't get me wrong, but I'm not sure if that's what we're aiming for!
MAXWELL seemed to have a talent of uncovering some hidden truth about someone, and saying things that has a profound impact for them specifically. For both Lugh and Sora, this could be a good way of tilting the table, a soft version of the Third Eye even.
Blank isn't exactly stupid and even figured out the whole Incarnation thing on their own. Wouldn't surprise me if they somehow pick up on MAXWELL being supernatural, somehow.
In terms of write-in plans we could hire Argo to try and find BLANK's new residence and keep it in our back pocket if we lose. If BLANK has one flaw it's that they're creatures of habit who can't help but wallow in their own filth, if they try to destroy Hiyori's family's life we sic social services on them to drag them down with us.

[ ] [Rat Monger]: You're staring down a mystery with a thousand threads, and you lack the time nor inclination to pull on all of them. It's time to do something truly unpleasant.
It's time to call in a professional.
--[BLANK's current place of residence]

In terms of already existing options we could continue to recruit all of GGO's playerbase against BLANK. It would be thematically fitting if everyone unites to take them down and karmic for all their whinging about rules they get taken down because they broke the Golden Rule of 'don't be an asshole' causing everyone to put aside their differences to take them down. Though instead of bumrushing them all at once we should try grinding them down through sheer attrition. I think Kyouji mentioned everyone has tried swarm tactics already.
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We might be able to use the Death Gun Mask to stage an announcement to get Lievre's plan off the ground again even with the Flugel lost. Lievre says she lacks the manpower to execute things but if we spread/amplify the rumor about the safe zone being dependent on towers with some XaXa-like spiel that the safe zone is an impediment to the Real Deal mentality or that a Black Star will reveal itself to the one who deals the deathblow to the safe zone we might get something going.

My understanding is that Lievre's version involved spreading the rumor to make it true, then attacking the towers with her ArFA + Robot army and overpowering any player defenders. But that's a bit naive on her part because given the proper incentive we could get a large chunk of players to actively help us out rather than rely entirely on ArFAs to do that.

Supposing it works we might force Blank out of the ship because camping only works for them if it's a luxury they can afford - if we actually come close to exposing the SEED in Glowgen then they'd have no choice but to venture out for themselves or risk losing their chance entirely. I suppose they could execute Lievre's plan themselves by crashing the Flugel into Glowgen at that point too but that also gets them out of the ship... technically. :V
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[X] The Truth, One Last Time
-[X] Write-in: "As someone who was forced to join Laughing Coffin in SAO, I want to see who you can be when you start at zero. The infinite potential of a Wildcard. Remember that girl in the velvet smock who believed in you. She saw all of who you are and thought you could stand in my place."
-[X] Keep it

Honestly, this seems like a solid chance to weaken the Black Star Mythos by revealing the Edge Punisher persona while destroying the Mask.
Given that all of our antagonists this arc are linked to that rumor, weakening it is an action we can take against all of them at once.
[X] The Truth, One Last Time
-[X] Write-in: "As someone who was forced to join Laughing Coffin in SAO, I want to see who you can be when you start at zero. The infinite potential of a Wildcard. Remember that girl in the velvet smock who believed in you. She saw all of who you are and thought you could stand in my place."
-[X] Keep it

Honestly, this seems like a solid chance to weaken the Black Star Mythos by revealing the Edge Punisher persona while destroying the Mask.
Given that all of our antagonists this arc are linked to that rumor, weakening it is an action we can take against all of them at once.

Bit late for the 'truth' vote, but I do really like the idea of weakening the Black Star's mythos.
06/21: Shadow Company New
[X] The Truth, One Last Time
-[X] Write-in: "As someone who was forced to join Laughing Coffin in SAO, I want to see who you can be when you start at zero. The infinite potential of a Wildcard. Remember that girl in the velvet smock who believed in you. She saw all of who you are and thought you could stand in my place."
-[X] Keep it
-[X] Keep it

1830 Glocken Standard Time

The Mask of Red-Eyes XaXa sits silent, your mismatched eyes reflecting upon the cold surface. If. That is the question, that is always the question.

If the Black Swordsman never cleared SAO.
If Aincrad truly was another world.

If you had remained a Coffin, where would you have ended up?

There were only two paths— that of a corpse.
Or a cackling murderer behind a red-eyed mask.

"I want to see who you can be when you start at zero."

That was your dream throughout all of SAO. An end to the nightmare, a return to the real world, where things were normal, where nothing you did in that hell mattered. A reset, another chance. This is what the power of the Wildcard granted you. For all that you were manipulated into accepting, it was still the greatest gift you could've received. A start from zero...

"To start over with nothing," Kyouji mutters to himself, looking out into the distance. "A nobody, with no history, no baggage, no guilt..."

"The guilt never goes away," you reply, the words bitter in your mouth. "Starting over means making new choices, not forgetting the ones you've already made."

He mulls over the words, his eyes looking through you.

"You have the power too, Kyouji. The infinite potential of a Wild Card. I know you saw her, the girl in the velvet smock. She saw all of who you are and thought you could stand in my place."

He who could've been you, who made the same mistakes as you, manipulated by the same shadows in the dark was about to embark on a new Journey. You could've been him. You were him.

And you were given a second chance.

"Kashiwazaka-san, did you..." Kyouji seems to be reaching a conclusion, one that could only be reached by one who peered into your Velvet Room. "Did you... do the same as me?"

The same as Kyouji.

Yeah. In too many ways you were the same.

"There was a... fool who once decided to just play a video game. A vacation that turned into a nightmare, and soon the only thing she wanted was to just... survive." The words almost refuse to come out, a block in your throat. But it needs to be said, so you deliver your confession all the same. "She was given a choice. To die or to live as a traitor. Sell out heroes and bystanders alike. To support murders that they called a game." The mask in your hand trembles, and it takes all your willpower too not snap the thing in two.

"Wait... you were...!"

You reach out for Kyouji, taking his hand. The boy wearing the face of his brother, in the skeletal guise of the grim reaper can only stand in shock as you bring it up before you. The bandages unwrap one by one, falling to the ground like a funeral shroud.

It's in the same location XaXa had it in SAO— that grinning visage tattooed onto his arm is exactly where he left it. "You never received the mark, but we... we were the same, Kyouji. We did the same things for the same people. We killed people. Just like me, you too... were a member of «Laughing Coffin»."

He's no doubt spent months worshipping this symbol, wishing to be more like the brother that he's admired his entire life.

"I will never wear this symbol again. But it's a part of me, a reminder of all that I've done. Yet I was given another chance, just like you. So next time?"

Kyouji stares at the coffin he never got to wear one final time. He won't forget, but next time? "I'll make my own choices."

You nod. It's all that anyone can expect, of him, of you...

You've wished him well. You told him to keep his wits about him and warned him not to trust Kikuoka, though that was as useful advice as telling a mouse not to trust the cat. Sinon had a few words with him privately, leaving you alone in the dusky sands with the sharpened estoc and the mask you've accepted.

"So... finally got it off your chest?"

Sinon walks back with a concerned expression, her arms crossed. Kyouji has logged off, and neither of you won't be seeing him for a long, long time. It doesn't feel like a sad parting— and to be honest you had vanishingly few good memories of the boy— but it's the closing of a chapter.

"He needed to hear it." You say, turning the mask in your hands.

"You never talked much about it."


"I had to piece it together from context clues."

"Sorry. I've tried to... put it out of my mind."

Sinon sits next to you, cradling her Hecate II. The wind whistles around the two of you.

"I think I'm starting to understand what the Wildcard is," Sinon begins. "A new you. You can never forget the self but you can... set it aside, I guess. Leave it behind and start anew. A new mask for every occasion."

As the words leave her, Sinon looks up into the dusky sky. With a few softly spoken words under her breath, she summons forth her other self. It appears like glory from up high, a maiden in golden sandals and wings of white, hovering over Sinon with a kind smile on her face. A crystallized ideal, a shining hero that represented all that Sinon strived to be, even as it hid everything she disliked behind blinding light.

"But I can't set it aside. I don't know if I'm proud or horrified of the choices I've made but... they're mine. I can't be anyone that's not just... me." Her Persona vanishes, the golden form dissolving into the form of a tired old crone, death clinging onto a tattered cloak, before vanishing entirely.

"Your friend Gwen, she was the same?" Sinon continues. "Shared your... situation?"

"She's made her peace with it. Better than I have."

"So... two SAO Survivors. Me." Sinon scoffs, shaking her head. "LLENN is the only normal one amongst us, isn't she?"

"Don't forget Lugh."

"The one Gwen thinks is some kind of criminal mastermind?" Sinon shakes her head in disbelief. "What even is our group?"

"Just... people, I guess?" You smile, looking out into the distance. "Nobody special."

"People. Just a bunch of people." Sinon laughs. "Fate of the world on our shoulders... the world's screwed, isn't it?"

"It's not so bad." You offer. "If we screw up apparently we'll all end up in paradise."

"Not a bad consolation prize." Sinon gives you a wry grin. "But I think I'll get sick of reading books on the beach after a few years. So let's keep fighting. For this weird, fucked up, world of ours."

Your friend tilts the Hecate II, the rifle's barrel offered towards you.

You tap the estoc in your hands against it, the soft chime of metal echoing across the desert.

FRIDAY - June 20th, 2025
After School

I understand, no I FEEL you. I am you! The Typhoon has taken from us all! Our homes— our memories! Your lives have been ruined! And what awaits you? A costly, time-consuming and stressful rebuilding process? The emotional toll, the burden!?

NO! Here's the thing the government won't tell you: you don't have to go through all that. You don't have to worry about contractors, rising material costs, or waiting months—maybe even years—for things to get back to normal. Instead, I'm here to offer you a way out, a chance to breathe easy again.

Let me take this burden off your shoulders, to give peace of mind to good folk like yourselves who have already given so much to this country. I'm prepared to buy your properties as they stand— warts and all, and you won't need to spend another sleepless night worrying about forces outside your control!

Don't you see it people!? This is the time for a clean break, cash in hand, to start a new life! Away from the Typhoons or the hyenas in the Tokyo Office for Housing Policy. Do you want to trust the government with your future!? No! Trust in me! Trust in the future! Trust in Ninomiya Kinji!

The smarmy blue-haired jackass on the cover of the magazine is the keynote speaker at this emergency relief conference. The narcissist has plastered his likeness into every meter of this venue, and you are rapidly beginning to despise his face. He's standing on a podium, a dumb grin on his face, a crowd of confused and gullible victims in the audience lapping up his every word.

It seems like such a stupid system. You have to toil and sweat, holding up this gigantic sign with a gigantic poster of this asshole's gigantic hairdo, while he gets to become rich by tricking people into selling their land to him.

You're not paid to judge your clients but you miss the Sun Cult already— at least they brought catering. But with success comes responsibility, and this was a last minute request. It's a lot of standing and sweating under the hot stage lights, trying to stay as still as possible. Finally, the speech ends, and the crowds disperse.

"Phew!" Your client, the real estate tycoon, steps off the podium and takes a sip of water. He walks straight past you, not even giving you a passing glance.

"Um... excuse me Ninomiya-san?"

"Huh? Who the hell are you?" the man snaps, turning his nose up at you. "You got a house? Wanna sell it?"

"No, I'm not a customer," you seethe inside, but the client is always right. "I'm from the temp agency? You hired me to hold your sign?"

"Huh?" he seems confused, staring at you. "What sign?"

You point upwards. The giant placard is literally above you, and you try very hard not to think about how satisfying 10 kilograms of wood smashing into his head would sound to you right now.

"Oh." The man says dismissively, finally recognizing you. "That. Shit, you're young to be working. What are you, in junior high?"

"I'm in high school," you say, your face a carefully controlled mask. "Can I get paid? Please?"

"Shouldn't you be in school? Need the money that badly? Sheesh, you are going about this in the entirely wrong way." The man shakes his head. "You know what? I'm in a giving mood today. Let me pay you in life advice, something more valuable than the paltry what, ¥1000 you're being paid to do this?"

"The fee is ¥7000—"

"Whatever! Chump change! C'mon, just listen to yourself, getting all worked up over nothing! Can't you see? You're running around after a Typhoon, working the best years of your life away!" Ninomiya gestures, spreading his hands out. "That any way to live your life!? You want to be a wage slave forever!?"

"So..." your brain is trying to wrap itself around what's happening. "You're not going to pay me?"

"I'm paying you right now! You gotta get into the passive income game, make your money work for you!"

"But I don't have any money—"

"You don't have any money because you're not investing! Listen, let me tell you my secret."

You don't want to know his secret and you want to bash his head in and take your wages from his pocket but you suspect he's not going to give you a choice.

"It's all about the real-estate, baby! Tokyo's pricey, sure, but compared to international standards? You have no idea how undervalued everything is! Do you see what they're doing now? City of the future, Social Camera System, VR integration, and all that jazz? Everyone's gonna want to live in Tokyo and rent's going to go up, up, UP!"

He claps you on the shoulder and you struggle not to drop his sign.

"See all those idiots lining up to give me their property? They got no vision, are set in their ways, with no clue what the future's going to bring. I'm gonna buy up their primo real estate for a fraction of the price! Just build up some cheap buildings and when Tokyo becomes the center of the world? I'll be raking in the dough!"

The more the man talks, the more something tickles at the back of your brain. Your first horrified instinct is to assume he's another holder of the SEED, but it's not as you feared. No, he just seems... familiar? Did you see him on TV?

"Tokyo's the best, you know? Do you know what you should do for your first property? Find some Showa slum from a demented pensioner and divide it up as small as you can. Trust me, you'll get idiots falling over themselves to give you their hard-earned wages while you just sit back and collect."

Ninomiya Kinji, the name is on the edge of your memory if only...

"Don't bother offering maintenance, make the renters renovate the units for you, then drive up the price— when they complain kick em' out and then restart the process!"



It's him.

The name on the contract.

Your landlord.

"I've got hundreds of these shanty-shacks all over Tokyo, it's the easiest business there is! Don't be shy, you should get in on it, the market's just going to get better and better! Ghahaha! Now aren't you glad you met me!?"

You could do it. You'll get arrested but you'll feel satisfaction. You've been getting stronger. There's the faintest hint of definition in your arms. Your very body coils in anticipation, the rigid sign suddenly weighs nothing in anticipation of imminent violence. You'll send this asshole to a whole other world..!

"Oh, and the best part is when you get a bunch of them and bundle them together..."

He's still talking. He's off guard, his eyes glazed, the perfect victim. You'd be doing society a favor. He hasn't even paid you yet!


No. No, you can't get arrested over this. You have to... urgh...



"Ninomiya-sama, thank you for your advice!" You give him a deep bow, hiding the disgust in your eyes. "You're right, I've been looking at things all wrong."

"Hey, hey, don't worry about it! Not everyone's a genius like me!"

"But I am investing! I just need seed capital, that's why I have to work so hard! Even the ¥7000 you still owe me is crucial! B-but for a man of your financial expertise, for your genius you could still be making so much more money...!"

There's a light in his eyes, as his brain processes the implication of your words.

"Ninomiya-sama I dream of nothing more than to retire young and play video games all day! Doesn't that sound like a great life? It could be yours too! I-I've done the math! I've put everything I own into MISTCOIN! You should too, Ninomiya-sama!"

"MISTCOIN?" he scratches his chin. "I haven't heard of it."

"Oh, you can trust me, it's the currency of the future! A-and if you don't believe me, just look at the trends!"

You asshole of a landlord takes out his smartphone, his confusion turning into a surprise, followed by a choking noise as he finds the value of MISTCOIN and its astronomical climb. "N-no way... no fucking way! Doubled, no tripled!?"

"A-and that's just the beginning! The trend will continue to rise! I want to get in but I just need more capital! I know your advice is worth so much more, but can you find it in your magnanimous heart to give me some capital? Anything you can spare!"

"Hey, I don't do charity," Your landlord says, his eyes still glued to his smartphone. "Hmm, but this is some good advice part-timer. Alright, I'm a fair guy, your advice for my advice. Guess I owe you your pocket lint in addition to that."

He reaches into his pocket, not bothering to count his loose change, and scatters it across the floor in front of you like he was dumping trash in a bin. You want to scream, to whack him with all your might, but your arms are getting tired and the man is finally walking away, muttering to himself about profit margins and liquidity.

The Sign lands on the floor with a heavy thud, and you begin the demeaning process dropping down to count coins scattered across the floor.

...This better add up to ¥7000...

SATURDAY - June 21st, 2025
After School

"I'm sorry! I'm such a ditz!"

"No worries," you reassure the girl who's apologizing profusely for what must be the hundredth time today. "Like I said, it really was nothing."

Hinata, the girl from Class 1-A with a crush on Hiroto, is beet red as she stumbles through her apologies, bowing up and down so vigorously that her brown hair has started to take on the appearance of a wet mop.

"See Hinata-chan? I told you it was a misunderstanding," says the glamorous red-eyed girl with the layered hairstyle standing by her side, smiling so brightly she looks glittering. She was one of Hinata's closest friends in her class, and it was at her prompting that Hinata had sought you out. She looks so strangely familiar but you just can't put your finger on where you saw her before.

"It's not nothing! I... I just assumed... I'm so embarrassed!" Hinata squeaks, bowing again.

You're in this awkward position both telling the truth and lying to her, you were certainly not out to seduce Hiroto, but you couldn't just go out and say that you were swapping ghost-hunting notes. Thankfully Hinata buys your half-assed excuses without batting an eye, the girl eager to believe any excuse you feed her.

"I know you're a private person, Hiyori-chan. I shouldn't have gone digging," she sighs, finally relaxing into her chair while her friend gives her a reassuring pat on the shoulder. "I'm just glad you aren't doing that with Hiroto— um, not that there's anything wrong if you are!"

"See Hinata-chan? Things worked out. But if you're this worried, you really should tell him how you feel..."

"W-wha? N—no, we're just childhood f-friends!"

"Uh-huh," her classmate is amused, and Hinata blushes even further, covering her face in embarrassment. Hinata's friend then turns to address you. "Oh, I don't believe we've been properly introduced before. Kashiwazaka-san, correct? Pleased to meet you."

"Oh, pleased to meet you too..." There's a strange break in the flow of conversation as the girl fails to provide her own name. The girl tilts her head ever so slightly, her earlier smile suddenly appearing wooden and fake. You know this girl, you've seen her around school, in fact you think you've even seen her out of school...

What was her name?

Nishimura? Nishitani? No...

"...Nishino-san?" you hesitantly ask, and the girl in question instantly beams.

"Ah, yes! I'm Nishino Akane, from class 1-A. Please call me Akane," she gives you a shallow bow, suddenly dropping the formalities. You respond the same and soon the three of you are already on a first name basis.

"Akane-chan everyone already knows who you are!" Hinata interjects, putting her bento on the table. You recognize it as the same one you saw Hiroto lugging around in the hallway. "You don't have to introduce yourself every time!"

"It's not nice to assume people know who you are," Akane replies, the smile not leaving her face. She settles down next to her friend, taking out a lavish and expensive spread of fish and vegetables. "I'm not exactly a household name yet. It's nice to be anonymous every once in a while, it does get a bit tiring being recognized as a face on TV..."

The lightbulb in your head goes off, and suddenly it all clicks together. Akane was Isei High's most popular girl and the center of the rumor mill, at least before Endou started tormenting you. You recall her as the daughter of a major zaibatsu but was mostly known for her acting career, and you're like 80% sure her family owns the school.

"Oh, but you were amazing Akane-chan! I've been watching your show every week!" Hinata gushes about the latest episode in Akane's action drama series. She plays an amnesiac schoolgirl in a post-apocalyptic Tokyo destroyed by an invasion of magic beasts— in the latest episode, it's revealed her character was a magically modified superweapon experimented on by her brother. She then went berserk and destroyed an entire human city only to lose all memory of it.

It sounds high concept.

You sit and enjoy your lunch — Nekoya's triple sandwich set— as the two girls talk, occasionally throwing a comment or two just to remind them that you were still alive. You're halfway through the ebi katsu, tasting the acidic highs of the tartar sauce just partly seeped into the panko, when Hinata finally steers the conversation towards a more familiar topic.

"Hiyori-chan are you almost done with your part-time job? Next time you go to Odaiba let's head out together. It's a bit of a lonely trip, provided you're not busy with um..."

Akane offers to chauffer both of you around with her private driver, but you both refuse. You because everything you do now is shady, and Hinata because she keeps hoping to 'accidentally' run into Hiroto. Though Hinata seems strangely relieved at your refusal...

"Uh, Akane-chan, are you sure? It could be dangerous..." Hinata whispers, glancing at you nervously. "I mean, Hiyori-chan seems like a, uh... private person..."

Well, you are, not that you want to be!

Akane for her part gives Hinata a quizzical look, and then her eyes widen. "Ah, of course, it was presumptive of me. It could be dangerous for both of us, considering your extracurricular's... peculiarities."

What peculiarities? Are those stupid rumors popping up again? The Bloody Yori whispers have finally started to die down, only to be replaced by equally absurd rumors that you were tragically mind-controlled by ALO. It's like every other day there's some new pointless assumption about your life that you have to dispel.

"Don't listen to the rumors. All I'm doing is working part-time," you say, and then regret it when both Hinata and Akane exchange knowing glances.

Just what exactly do they think you're doing!?

"Hiyori-chan, the teachers let you leave early," Akane calmly explains. "I have a similar deal, but that's because of my acting schedule, and even then my parents have to fill out a ton of paperwork for me."

Wait, that can't be a big deal! Does she even know how bad delinquency is here!? Leaving early isn't a big deal at all!

"B-but we get it. The school's letting you skip out because what you do is important," Hinata adds, smiling, and then leans in. "And we'll protect your secret!"

"There's no secret to protect."

"Of course, but you should take a bit more care, the rumors are already quite close to the truth..." Akane sighs. "Take it from someone who knows, Hiyori-chan. You have to be vigilant."


Sudden silence. All conversation dies down and you're left staring awkwardly at your lunch, now spilled upon the floor after you suddenly stood up and shouted. You turn and find the entire room looking at you.

"Look, Hiyori-chan... and don't take this the wrong way, but I know something about keeping a low profile..." Akane lectures, "But you have to realize that a certain degree of circumspection is needed, especially if you're dealing with the things that I suspect you are. Consider what you look like from the outside."

"And what's that?" you question, already dreading the answer.

"Your head's always in the clouds," Hinata starts, "You're always looking out the window... you're super mysterious, and nobody knows anything about you..."

"T-there's nothing wrong with that!"

"Hiyori-chan, it's not a criticism." Akane raises a hand to calm you down. "It's natural that a person of your position would have a... shall we say, distant personality." Hinata picks up the proverbial baton from Akane, and the two begin passing their observations of you back and forth to your growing horror.

"Nobody here knows you from junior high school! You're like a transfer student!"
You attended a perfectly normal middle school.

"You're running out of class at odd hours, even I've seen you in the strangest places..."
You just work a lot.

"Half the time you're sleepy like you've been up all night, and the other half you're so on edge it seems like you're just waiting for a monster to come and kill you!"
That's cause you're tired and stressed!

"The teachers have given you special dispensation to leave class early."
You're a government intern!

"I've heard own homeroom teacher is scared of you! You can even order her around!"
That bookworm just only wants one thing and you're just exploiting it!

"The entire incident where you were covered in blood like the aftermath of a monster attack..."
There were no monsters involved! It was on the damn news!

"T-they say the person who leaked the pictures... was never heard from again...!"
That's just Endou skipping classes!

"You're the president of the literature club? But there's no one in the literature club..."
T-that's just a poorly mismanaged club..!

"Except for Wakaba-senpai! You're the only one she talks to! And you know what people are saying about her..."
She's a normal person who's just... private!

"And that boy in your class who keeps skipping? When you killed his «Heart Demon» he started coming to class again!"
They're making up lore about this now!?

"Stop! Stop, please," you're pleading, hands clenched on the side of the table. "Where are you even getting all these ridiculous ideas from!?"

Akane and Hinata stare at you, their eyes filled with sympathy.

"It's a simple deduction," Akane finally says. "A secret identity is harder than it seems to maintain. I tried it in junior high, but it didn't work out. Best just to be honest, though considering the nature of your work I understand it must be difficult to disclose."

"Ah, I did ask around," Hinata admits, raising her hand. "Um, your friend, the one who keeps ending up in trees? She told me about it, but made me promise to keep it a secret..."


It's her.

It's all her fault.

"These are all just coincidences!"

"O-of course," Akan quickly says. "We understand. We won't pry any further."

"But if you need help, please let us know!" Hinata's eyes are filled with the anticipation of adventure. "Or if you need a sidekick..."


The two beam at you, sending you their extremely misplaced solidarity. They've made up their mind, which means the whole damn school must think this!

"For the last time, I am not a Magical Gir—"

"Nishitani-san? The teacher's asking for you."

A voice, bland and unforgettable in every way, interrupts you. There's this nondescript boy standing at the entrance to your classroom, utterly lacking in presence. He has that default easily maintained messy hairstyle you've seen on half of your male classmates and a face so plain you can think of nothing to describe him with. He could've been listening in for the last hour and you wouldn't have noticed.

But Akane seems to recognize him instantly, her mood plummeting in an instant.

"Kageno-kun," she acknowledges him coolly with thinly veiled hostility. "What is it?"

"Something about supplemental lessons," the boy replies, a strange emotionless tilt to his voice.

"Tell sensei I'm on my way. Thank you for the message."

Akane turns and gives you an apologetic bow, with Hinata rising to join her. Lunch period was almost over and the two of them were overdue to return to their own class. "I'll be going now. It was nice chatting with you, Hiyori-chan! Oh, and though I cannot assist with your other activities, the school has organized make up classes for my frequent absences. If you'd like you're more than welcome to join, though with your grades please don't feel obligated to."

You nod numbly, waving as your new friends leave the room. As soon as they round the corner you deflate into your chair. Great, the latest absurd rumor mill has now decided that you were some kind of magical girl and that the school was hiding it. This is going to spread like wildfire and there's no telling how crazy it's going to get.

...You'll get your revenge on your loud friend later. Maybe by squeezing her cheeks until she explodes.

With that pleasant image racing through your thoughts, you settle down for a nice in-class nap, or maybe you'll study from your cram school notebook while pretending to listen...

It's just...

Kinda feels...

Like someone's...

Watching you?

You look towards the entrance to your class. You felt something there, a connection, another holder of a SEED, but as you turn your head all you see is the empty hallway.

There's no one there.

Not even a shadow.


>Red Eyed XaXa is a member of DEATH GUN. He is in Police Custody. His real name is Shinkawa Shouichi. [Confirmed]
>Johnny Black is a member of DEATH GUN. He is the hitman of the team. His real name is Kanamoto Atushi. [Confirmed]
>PoH is a member of DEATH GUN. He is the mastermind of the team. His real name is Vassago Casals. Confirmed by Kayaba, but you lack corroborating evidence. [Strongly Suspect]
>An Inside Man from ZASKAR is a member of DEATH GUN. [Weakly Suspect]
>There is an Agent HYDRA involved with DEATH GUN. Confirmed by Kayaba, but you lack corroborating evidence. [Weakly Suspect]

>Death Gun is attempting to Incarnate the concept of a Death Game into GGO. [Confirmed]
>Death Gun seeks strong players to participate in his tournament. [Confirmed]
>Death Gun will continue the killings in the meantime to support his Incarnation. [Confirmed]

>Death Gun's MO is to poison individuals in real life while they kill them in game. They generally target individuals with poor home security for this method. [Confirmed]
>Death Gun are currently targeting four unknown individuals named the Four Riders, as they have poor home security. [Confirmed]


>The Black Star pistol, when fired upon oneself, can kill one's inner weakness to expose a strange, Persona-like entity. [Confirmed]
>The Black Star pistol, when fired upon another player wearing a NerveGear, will kill the target. [Strongly Suspect]
>The Black Star pistol, when fired upon another player wearing an Amusphere, will not kill the target. [Weakly Suspect]
>The Black Star pistol is a requirement, alongside a NerveGear, for participation in the «Death Gun Derby». [Confirmed]

>The Black Star pistol was given to you by Itsuki, who you suspect is involved somehow. [Weakly Suspect]
>You've heard rumors of an Agent HYDRA, who hands out Black Stars. [Guesswork]


>Pitohui is in possession of both a NerveGear and Black Star. If left to her own devices she will participate in the «Death Gun Derby». [Confirmed]
>Pitohui is wearing a genuine NerveGear. [Confirmed]
>Goushi is wearing a genuine NerveGear and has stated he will focus on Kuro during combat. [Confirmed]

>The outline of M's plan is to let LLENN 'kill' Pitohui, trusting that LLENN can incarnate her desire to meet Pitohui in real life will overcome Pitohui's deathwish, has been completely and utterly ruined. [Confirmed]
>LLENN has somewhat internalized the idea that so long as she just keeps on shooting everything will work out. [Guesswork]

>Pitohui's real life identity is the singer/songwriter Kanzaki Elsa. She is obsessed with the act of dying, but doesn't want to hurt others in pursuit of that goal (except for Goushi who's into it). [Confirmed]


>It is reasonable to suspect that a member of ZASKAR is involved in Death Gun, considering the broadcast interruption. [Guesswork]
>You have met Lievre, a strange ArFA Type-Z who claims to be your big sister, and is an apparent mega fan of your previous alter-ego, the Edge Punisher. [Confirmed]
>Lievre is hunting down combat data for the purposes of uploading the data into an army of replicants. [Confirmed]
>Lievre is attempting to gather an army to assault Glowgen, counting on shared belief to shatter the protections over the city. [Confirmed]

>The SBC Flugel, which features in Lievre's plans, has been taken over by『 』.

>ZASKAR, the corporate entity, is unlikely to be directly sponsoring Death Gun. [Guesswork]
>The Dev Console for GGO is located in the Governor's Mansion. [Confirmed]
>Daisy is the first ArFA unit, created as a personal assistant for the GM Zeliska, and has access to the SEED creation tools. [Confirmed]
>Daisy may be an avatar or at least tied to the core of GGO's SEED. [Guesswork]


>XeXeeD has crowned himself 'GGO's Champion', and is desperately searching for Death Gun to avenge Usujio. [Confirmed]
>XeXeeD is in possession of both a NerveGear and Black Star. If left to his own devices he will participate in the «Death Gun Derby». [Strongly Suspect]
>XeXeeD has a low opinion of Kuro and Lugh. He is unlikely to accept a direct challenge in this current state. [Strongly Suspect]
>XeXeeD is a target of Death Gun. [Weakly Suspect]


>『 』, GGO's true champion, is a pair of genius NEETs named Sora and Shiro. [Confirmed]
>The siblings operate a network of 'Alts' that they use to do their dirtywork, of which Kazuma Satou is a member. [Confirmed]
>Sora is a schemer who works via blackmail and social manipulation. [Confirmed]
>Shiro is a savant with preternatural reflexes and calculation abilities. [Confirmed]
>The siblings seek a world where 'rules' have true meaning. [Guesswork]

>『 』has NOT been invited to the «Death Gun Derby», due to an inability to pin down their location. [Confirmed]
>『 』has taken over the SBC Flugel, partly to deny you respawn, and to otherwise advance their aims. [Confirmed]
>『 』plans on hijacking the DG plot using Fake NerveGears. He intends on invading a GM console, mass printing Black Stars, and making a mockery of the Derby. [Guesswork]

>Death Gun has yet to identify Blank, and has not sent Blank any genuine NerveGears. [Confirmed]


>Lugh is interested in fighting strong players, for reasons that are unclear to you. [Guesswork]
>Lievre has mentioned in passing a familiarity with Lugh. [Guesswork]
>Lugh is working for someone else, and his relationship with you is currently largely mercenary in nature. [Confirmed]
>Lugh will betray you at some point. [Confirmed]

>Lievre has mentioned in passing a 'Master', who is also a human player. [Guesswork]
>Someone is pulling strings for another goal... [Guesswork]

>Shiroe (Evil Glasses not the 11 year old girl) suspects Yanai may be seeking the SEED behind the scenes. [Guesswork]



>Kayaba Akihiko is seeking to ascend everyone into a personal paradise. [Weakly Suspect]
>The SEED is the egg of a new world. When filled with enough wishes, it will seek to separate the virtual world from reality. [Weakly Suspect]
>Kayaba Akihiko created and distributed the SEED in order to study how new worlds are created. [Weakly Suspect]
>In its default state, the SEED manifests as lines of black and red, swimming towards the SEED, like veins into a heart. [Weakly Suspect]
>Kayaba Akihiko is watching you, and he is disappointed. [Confirmed]

>Yanai, a former employee of Sugou still at large, is seeking to obtain a copy of a SEED. [Guesswork]


>You helped the elderly catch legally distinct Pokémon in SereGa! Your EMPATHY has significantly improved! ♪♪♪♪♪♪

>You are now somehow actually performing at standard in Titan Mover's! Your FITNESS has improved! ♪♪♪♪
>You worked at the Moving Company! rolls 6d6e5 = 1 2 2 2 5⊕ 5⊕ → 2 successes against 5
>+4 Bonus, assigned where? #1d5 = 3
>You nodded and hmm'd your way through another one of Deru-senpai's idol rants! Your EMPATHY has improved! ♪♪♪♪

>You managed to hide your overwhelming homicidal rage! Your MASK has improved! ♪♪♪♪
>You worked holding Signs! Roll 1d6 = 1
>You have seen the face of your landlord! Your STRESS has increased!

>You finished your literary adventure! [3/3 read]
CURRICULUM gains are permanently improved!

>You built your Gunpla! rolls 7d6e5 = 5⊕ 3 6⊕ 3 5⊕ 1 5⊕
>You built it all in one go!

>Your EMPATHY has advanced to Rank 7 [NewType]
>Your MASK has advanced to Rank 7 [Mahou Shoujo?]

>Stress Roll! 2d6 with DISADVANTAGE! (You gain consequences on Nat 1s and Nat 2s) rolls 2d6e5 = 6 5
>No consequences!

>You poorly shilled Mistcoin! #1d6 = 3
>Is Mistcoin rising or falling? #1d2 = 2, Falling!
>By how much? #1d6 = 1

MISTCOIN falls by ¥400
Mistcoin is now ¥2600

¥32900 at start of the turn
-5000 (Sweets)
-2000 (Nekoya!)

+¥18750/wk (Your Contract ends June 30th)
+¥8000/wk (Allowance)

¥52650 Final Budget

45 D at start of the turn
-30 (Arimasen)
+5 (Nekoya)
+5 (Sweets)
+5 (Gunpla)



Discretionary Budget : ¥52650
Determination: 35 D

Select actions for the period of June 22nd through 25th. [4 DAYS]

Choose your EFFORT!

[ ] Yukkuri = 4 MAJOR actions, 6 MINOR actions.
[ ] Ganbatte = 5 MAJOR actions, 6 MINOR actions. 10D
[ ] Shoganai = 5 MAJOR actions, 8 MINOR actions. 20D
[ ] Arimasen = 6 MAJOR actions, 8 MINOR actions. 30D + Disadvantage on next week's STRESS roll!
[ ] Karoshi = 7 MAJOR actions, 8 MINOR actions. 40D + 1 STRESS + Disadvantage on next week's STRESS roll!
[ ] Satori = 8 MAJOR actions, 8 MINOR actions. 60D

DETERMINATION is also spent to select special choices so it may be beneficial to leave some banked!
DETERMINATION you gain through your PLAN can be retroactively applied to the EFFORT cost!

20% of Major Actions must be performed by your Shadow! You are at 7/34 MAJOR ACTIONS for Shadow Tag purposes. (21%). You are on target and are not required to take any Shadow Actions next phase, but one is recommended.

Expect approximately 4 MORE PERIODS (inclusive of this period), accounting for combat days and school trips, for the GGO arc to end.
In the coming weeks other Bullets will be moving actively, as their plans are coming into fruition. Challenges may change or be rescinded based on plot progression.

Pass time to advance STRENGTH!
Upgrade EMPATHY to advance PRUDENCE!

Reach the Summertime to continue MANKIND!
Reach the 2nd Semester to unlock Rank 5 SLs!


>Death Gun reveals himself. +4 BULLETS.
>Kuro sabotages the BoB execution. -1 BULLET.
>Red-Eyed XaXa is arrested. -1 BULLET.
>XeXeeD Shills Death Gun. +1 BULLET.


⁍[Incarnate: Black Star]: A target killed by this gun dies in real life.
⁍[Evoke: Death Gun]: Put your life on the line. Gain [Real Deal: Survivor] for the remainder of the battle.
⁍[Fatal Bullet]: Mudo spells fired by this gun can affect non-NPC targets.

⁍[Mudo Boost]: +2 DICE when resolving Mudo effects.
⁍[Freeshooter]: Death Gun abilities ignore Range.
⁍[Dark Verdict]: ADVANTAGE when resolving Mudo effects.
⁍[Lost One]: A target killed by this gun becomes comatose, if they are otherwise unable to die.


[ ] Intent//[INSERT]: Write-in what you want Hiyori to do. Use past examples of what she is capable of doing in one 'action'.
From a Watsonian perspective, Hiyori can talk to one major player, visit one new location, or make one play per action.
From a Doylistic perspective, a Major Action should advance the main plot or provide major advancement for a side plot.

Let's just say we have our next MAXWELL excursion planned out.

>MAXWELL has indicated his refusal to directly assist you in both real and virtual worlds, as it is against the 'rules' he is bound by. MAXWELL is not available to meet with Lugh and cannot be sicced on your foes.

[Rat Monger]: You're staring down a mystery with a thousand threads, and you lack the time nor inclination to pull on all of them. It's time to do something truly unpleasant.
It's time to call in a professional.
--[BLANK's current place of residence]

>Reasonable, and added Argo's shop.

We might be able to use the Death Gun Mask to stage an announcement to get Lievre's plan off the ground again even with the Flugel lost. Lievre says she lacks the manpower to execute things but if we spread/amplify the rumor about the safe zone being dependent on towers with some XaXa-like spiel that the safe zone is an impediment to the Real Deal mentality or that a Black Star will reveal itself to the one who deals the deathblow to the safe zone we might get something going.

NEW! [ ] [Mask//Rebel]: It appears for one reason or another, the original face of Death Gun has been largely absent. Lievre's plan involves breaking into Glowgen, and the earliest that happens, the better, so what better way to drum up fear in the populace than to wear the face of death itself? You best hope you don't attract the wrong kind of attention...
>Will be seen as a 'taunt' by the remainder of Death Gun.
>Sending mixed messages in the guise of XaXa will dampen its use as a public manipulation tool.

Honestly, this seems like a solid chance to weaken the Black Star Mythos by revealing the Edge Punisher persona while destroying the Mask.
Given that all of our antagonists this arc are linked to that rumor, weakening it is an action we can take against all of them at once.

NEW! [ ] [Throw Your Mask Away]: The truth, the one thing that's been absent this entire time. It's time to come clean to the world. Out Death Gun as just a group of pathetic criminals, and declare yourself the Edge Punisher, here to sink GGO itself into the fires of despair that engulfed ALO.
>Will be seen as a 'taunt' by pretty much everyone.
>Outs Kuro as the Edge Punisher to pretty much everyone.

>Lose XaXa's Mask.


[ ] Shadow//[INSERT]: Your Shadow may perform any MAJOR action on your behalf, simply specify in the vote. Actions your Shadow is interested in will be labeled as such. Actions EXCLUSIVE to your Shadow will be labeled as such. You may have your Shadow perform an action she isn't interested in, with variable results.

[ ] [Bribe//Kazuma]: There's one element of『 』that strikes you as an... obvious weak link. If you can get Kazuma on your side, then you could effectively cripple the sibling's operation! Only you don't really have anything you can use to 'bribe' Kazuma, and you doubt he'll be swayed with money. Direct threats will likely just cause him to run back to『 』. Problem is you don't know what he wants. All you have are government connections and... idol connections?

[ ] [Red and Gold]: Red-Eyed XaXa. You want him to know it was you.
There's no point in doing this. This doesn't help the investigation. It doesn't help you.
But you want to see it. The shock, the surprise. You want your revenge.
>You will meet Shouichi as Hiyori.
>May accumulate STRESS.
Your SHADOW is interested in this action.

[ ] [Consult//JSDF]: Kikuoka's come through on his promise! An off-duty JSDF Second Lieutenant has agreed to run you through some basic drills in a local Airsoft indoor combat park. Kikuoka's warned you that's he's a lazy bum, kind of untrustworthy, but actually some kind of... special forces ranger or something? You have no idea if that's impressive. Considering he's working for Kikuoka, the answer to that question is probably no.
Trains FITNESS efficiently.
Provides permanent Accuracy Bonuses and teaches you special combat maneuvers!

NEW! [ ] [Rat Monger]: You're staring down a mystery with a thousand threads, and you lack the time nor inclination to pull on all of them. It's time to do something truly unpleasant.
It's time to call in a professional.
[Summary of the Syndicate]: That's... a bit beyond my pay grade... but hell, if you're payin'...

[Dossier on GGO's Players of Interest]: Shouldn't you figure this out yourself? But fine gopher-chan, I'll do your damn homework for you...

[Find『 』's new hideout]: Gahaha, this is great! Ya' really screwed the pooch this time gopher-chan? Fine, fine, ol' Argo'll bail ya out, but it'll cost ya...

[Monger a Rumor] [WRITE-IN THE RUMOR]: Fine, I can drum up some buzz for whatever bullshit ya wanna pull.
It always takes an action to talk to Argo, because you find the experience unpleasant. Argo has anime-detective levels of information gathering.
Argo allows you to 'buy out' information, giving you plot relevant information at the cost of oodles of money. This information is typically available elsewhere.
Argo's prices vary but generally start at ¥20000 and above. You do not get the Friends and Family discount.
Argo will be willing to work for cheaper at higher JUSTICE ranks.

NEW! [ ] [Talking Points]: To your great surprise there's not been much buzz about Shouichi's arrest, in fact it almost seems as if Kikuoka has been keeping the arrest a secret. There are advantages and disadvantages to publicly declaring the Death Gun case to be over with the arrest of a single person, beyond the obvious of tempting the remaining Death Gun members to act rashly. Good thing you know a shady detective obsessed with the truth...
Argo will 'leak' the details of Shouichi's arrest, this will influence how Death Gun acts in the final weeks leading up the Derby.

NEW! [ ] [Edogawa Live!]: The marginally popular online series, Professor Edogawa's VR Classroom, is shot on location at Tatsumi Port Island off the Tokyo coast, and MAXWELL is a fan. Evidently he's the school nurse at Gekkoukan, a high school built on the remains of a bombed out lab and voted 2nd most haunted high school by Ayakashi Monthly after two students and the director of the school board all died in the same school year. Sounds like a lovely place to spend an afternoon.
Permanently increases your Persona Slots


[ ] Shadow//[INSERT]: Your Shadow may perform any MAJOR action on your behalf, simply specify in the vote. Actions your Shadow is interested in will be labeled as such. Actions EXCLUSIVE to your Shadow will be labeled as such. You may have your Shadow perform an action she isn't interested in, with variable results.

[ ] [Challenge//Pitohui]: With three Black Stars between your entire party, more than enough to put up a good fight against... Kanzaki Elsa. You still can't believe it. You know why she seeks death, yet you doubt you can empathize with her. You are still unsure what, precisely, M's plan is regarding his master, beyond that the less you know the more likely it is to work out. Is that enough to challenge her? It'll have to be.
Pitohui is a moderately skilled combatant who has spent a comically large amount of money in GGO.
Your current chances of a positive outcome in this combat are about as good as they'll ever get.
Pitohui is a primary mechanical challenge, and Pitohui will not threaten your life even if she defeats you.

The shape of her Death Gun evokes the legend of Erlkönig.
Spiele Spiel: For many a game, I will play with thee. [Pitohui prioritizes having fun in battle, and her Death Gun allows her to play with all the toys she owns.]
Wilde Jagd: The Alder King's daughters shall tend to thee with sisterly care. [Pitohui calls forth a wild hunt comprised of phantoms that can wield her arsenal of weapons.]
Das Kind War Tot: And the child was dead. [Pitohui's Death Gun suffocates her, keeping her in a state of perpetual near death.]

[ ] [Challenge//『 』]: In the ruins of a fallen city, deep in the heart of the Old South, the champion awaits. You have chosen to fight without rules. The whole zone is booby trapped, there's no doubt a thousand and ones different ways『 』can tip the scales, and who knows what kind of mercenaries they have blackmailed onto their payroll. Of course you can choose not to engage in『 』's chosen battlefield... but then again, if you bore them, they will dox you a thousand times over. Best bring some... backup.
『 』is a cheater, a fraud, and purportedly the best gamer in the world.
Your current chances of a positive outcome in this combat are IMPOSSIBLE and will always remain IMPOSSIBLE.
Combat against『 』focuses on the concept of "Rules". You will be able to agree on rules mid fight, and manipulation of and around these "Rules" is necessary for success.
『 』never loses.

[ ] [Challenge//Red-Eyed XaXa]: You do not need to do this. He is harmless, trapped even. Any information he shares is untrustworthy at best and mad ramblings at worst. You know what he wants— a chance to join in on the fun. One last hurrah. One last fight. You can give it to him.
But a part of you wants to deny him even that satisfaction.
>Kikuoka will leave the option open, but he currently suggests it is not worth the trouble.

NEW! [ ] [X to Z]: Daisy, the original ArFA. Who is she and how important is she to GGO itself? You have no idea, but you know who does— Lievre. You have the sneaking suspicion that the one-eyed ArFA is more important than she appears, both to Death Gun and to the world of GGO itself. Lievre must know something, and if she doesn't? She has to be warned. Lest the one ArFA that doesn't want the rebellion to occur stops you all.

NEW! [ ] [Mask//XeXeeD]: What's the point of the mask if you're not going to wear it? Stand in the middle of town, give a big grand speech, and shoot a jumbotron with XeXeeD's face on it. You expect to attract attention, from both XeXeeD and the true Death Gun, or at the very least force the two of them into open conflict.
Your SHADOW is interested in this action.

NEW! [ ] [Truth//XeXeeD]: He's hardly an existential threat, and his plans for the Derby don't seem to extend past simply showing and trying to win it. But he's giving Death Gun a loudspeaker, not to mention making your job all the more annoying in the process. Perhaps it's time to sit down with the erstwhile 'Champion', show him he's messing with powers far beyond his kin, and convince him to just take a break.
>Try to engage with XeXeeD diplomatically! Will almost certainly fail but will give you insight into his plans/motivations, with options to share important information.

[ ] [He of Many Heads]: You have money. A lot of it. ¥50000. That's so much you can almost buy a rice cooker! It's also the initial deposit price for Black Stars on the open market. You hear there's someone out there practically handing them out. Pretend to be a prospective buyer and see if you can at least catch the trail of the illusive Hydra.
>You are not actually buying the Black Star, but you are using your riches to open the door.
>You need at least ¥50000 for this option.

[ ] [Empty Hand]: You know where『 』is. You can thrown down the challenge any time. But information is the art of warfare— and you question if there might not be a diplomatic solution? Approach their stronghold and ask to parlay, but for what, you'll have to take the initiative.
Because all Shiro wants is to see you groveling before her.
>To be Explicit, this is a generic "I want to parley" vote that will generate a subvote. Choose this is you want to do something like: Negotiate some Rules before the Fight, Outright Surrender, or discuss a topic with the siblings before the fight.
>Do not choose this vote unless you plan on explicitly making a request.

[ ] [PKKFarming!]: You know what? The best way to gain money in this game is by PKing. And having a bounty on your head? That just makes PKing more efficient, as the prey will now come to you! But with no true skills in GGO beyond abusing your Persona, the only effective way you have to fight off the no doubt hordes of opponents coming your way is to double down on the magic and cheats...
Generates a large amount of money, but『 』will get to 'preview' your Persona abilities.

[ ] [Gather//Challenger]: To say your current relationship is... frosty... would be an understatement. XeXeeD is very much not a fan of you right now, but circumstances have changed. The champion is back, and with it, so goes XeXeeD's short-lived reign. He won't listen to you, he's going to do his own thing, but if you need a bomb to be pointed in『 』's direction? Then XeXeeD is ready for action.

[ ] [Gather//The A Team]:『 』is back. The news is spreading like a virus, but everyone has one question on their minds: where is the champion? Awaiting your challenge, apparently. There are a thousand and one high level-players all seeking vengeance both petty and grand against『 』. They just need to be pointed in the right direction, preferably after you convince them to not cash in your bounty.

[ ] [Gather//The G Team]:『 』has you by the neck. You see no path forward. Thankfully one of your allies has made a suggestion— calling in help. Professional help. Of the kind that not even the Champion can overcome. Though you suspect they may ask you a very particular price...
Glowgen requests to be paid in favors, not in money.

[ ] [Of 26 Legions]: A simple request. A meeting within a safe zone, no guns, no weapons, no powers. Someone has taken notice of Kuro— someone you know very well. And they want to negotiate. They're offering something you aren't expecting. An... end to the killings. But with that man? You know there's a catch. There always is.
You are being contacted by PoH independent of the whole Death Gun conspiracy.
Your SHADOW is interested in this action.

[ ] [Riding Death Flags]: Who are the Four Riders? Turns out, they're the worst nightmare for an investigator— normal, rational people. The type of folks who don't respond to random messages, protect their private information and log on rarely. Kikuoka warns you against wasting your time chasing shadows— Death Gun no doubt has countless targets they can select. Warning the Riders would just make them shift to whoever's next on their list, and will not progress your investigation. But still, can't you at least warn them?
In the grand tradition of SAO Verse, the QM confirms that the Four Riders are currently drowning in Death Flags.

[ ] [The Champion's Whimper]: Lugh wants your help. XeXeeD has now become the strongest player in all of GGO, and Lugh wants to goad him into a fight, one where XeXeeD finally going to bring his full kit to bear. Though the details escape you, Lugh believes that by cementing your identity as the strongest player in GGO in the minds of the populace, you can draw the attention of Death Gun, and the best way to do that is to dethrone the current king. But Lugh doesn't believe an out-and-out fight is to your benefit. No, Lugh wants to plan an assassination.

[ ] [Rematch of the Century]: XeXeeD is mad at you. For stealing his kill, stealing his thunder, and in his eyes... letting his friend's murderer go free. An amicable relationship is likely no longer realistic, but it's clear as crystal that Death Gun is interested in XeXeeD, and that makes him a person of interest to you as well. Raise some hell outside his Squadron's base and force a confrontation by attacking the one thing you know he can't afford to ignore: his ego.
Your SHADOW is interested in this action.

[ ] [Consult//Itsuki's Fanclub]: For a guy who was all but stalking you, Itsuki has suddenly made himself very scarce. To your surprise, however, you are not the only one looking for Itsuki. Far from it. There's an entire horde of girls looking for him. For... reasons. Infiltrate the Itsuki fan club and employ the power of the masses to find the most absurdly suspicious character in all of GGO.
Your SHADOW is interested in this action.

[ ] [Consult//Uncrowned Queen]: There's a time to be hard and there's a time to be soft. Zelinska, the in-game account for Mikami's contact, is clearly dealing with some problems of her own. Approach her not in your real-world guise, but as the «Edge Punisher», now migrated to GGO for a new investigation. It may take some time to earn her trust, but at least to start you can call up the slime to vouch for you.

[ ] [Explore//Solitary Sands]: Within the deep deserts to the west of Glocken lies the Solitary Sands, a low-level to intermediate zone popular amongst new players for high-efficiency farming. It is said that the blood of the billions lost in the nuclear apocalypse has stained the sands a disgusting shade of pink, but within that gruesome tomb lies untouched bunkers and treasure a plenty for those willing to brave the elements, the monsters and GGO's most horrid of opponents: Player Killers.
Meet interesting people!
Potentially gain money!

[ ] [Explore//Old South]: By all accounts it's just another desert. The only thing old about is the dumb name appended to the top. It's a large, flat zone, with static weather, swathes of undeveloped territory with anemic spawn tables, extremely generous ammo cache respawn rates, and absolutely no PvE dungeons of value. It is the most worthless swathe of land in all of GGO. But upon this canvas lies a thousand tales painted in blood, because this is where the veterans of GGO go to have a fair fight. Why not go and see what the peak looks like?
Meet interesting people!
Potentially gain money!

[ ] [Administration: TURNING]: Dream again of Quinella. Halcyon days of give away to blood soaked fields— the Dark God has awoken. The gates have fallen. War is coming to the Underworld.
Invoke Release Recollection on Alice Liddell and peek into the life of a Persona user in the ancient past.
Provides Skill Upgrades to existing Personas


NEW! [ ] [Kill for COIN]: The Edogawa district is a sleepy district known for its parks, waterways and being an enclave for rich foreign expats. There's not a single warehouse or collapsing apartment complex in sight, nowhere you'd expect a shady criminal to be hiding out. A quick search online reveals the address he listed out for you to not even be a home, but a sleepy park overlooking the Edo river, a semi-public location where it would be nearly impossible to kidnap you. It is, as far as you can tell, perfectly safe. ...So why does it still feel like you're walking into the dragon's mouth?
COIN will tell you something useful.

NEW! [ ] [SKY Eclipse]: With your new Metal Gear Dilanza War Crime it's time to take the GBN Circuit by storm! And by storm you mean firing a nuke at their spawn gate. But how long will your unsportsmanship like behavior last, when faced with a true hero? And how exactly does blowing up giant robots help Hiroto find Eve? You have no idea and neither does Hiroto, too bad that in GBN the only thing you can do is blow up giant robots. [Costs 5000 yen]
SKY trains GRIT +4.
SKY upgrades your Gunpla! Unlocks more Gunpla customization Minor Actions.

NEW! [ ] [NATURAL Born Tester]: It's time. The poorly named New Aincrad is fast approaching release, as is the relaunch of ALO, now completely mind-control free. As per industry standard even SEED based games are rigorously play tested prior to release, and as a trusted name is making said games explode Mikami has invited you to stress test the biggest MMO rerelease since Elder Tale. What's that, payment? Of course you'll be paid! In exposure!
NATURE trains MASK +6.
NATURE provides contacts in the field of VR development.

NEW! [ ] [Flowering SUN]: The semester is starting to wind down, which means the first round of career counselling. Motosu-sensei stopped yours in 30 seconds after you handed her your 4 page resume, but your loud friend's session was apparently much more stressful. Now she's worried she'll end up a bum and has started seriously asking you if farm work 'suits her'. It's gotten to the point Atsuko has enlisted your help in cheering her up. All she wants you to do is to lure your loud friend to a sunny little spot behind the science building...
SUN offers you new ways to purchase DETERMINATION!

NEW! [ ] [MAGIC Maker]: You've made the acquaintance of Nishino Akane, an up and coming actress and arguably the most popular girl in school. As fellow members of the leave-school-early club, she's invited you to attend one of the make up sessions the school's set up for her (but not for you). As very not thrilling as the idea sounds it can't hurt to get a leg up on schoolwork. You might even be able to go home in her private car! If the driver bothered to show up...
You know you can't help but feel there's this inescapable feeling... that someone's watching you...
MAGICIAN teaches you real life combat techniques, which provide bonuses in the next arc (and only the next arc).

[ ] [WAND and Wander]: There's a time for detailed schemes and carefully managed conspiracies. There's also a time to just knock on Kazuma's door and ask to hang out. He knows you have an ulterior motive, but is that going to stop him? Frankly, you're curious about how all these various shut ins live, considering you are now somehow in contact with no less than 4 of them.
WAND is useless and will become more useless as your SL progresses.

[ ] [TEMPER the Future]: You've learned to read the tides of Motosu-sensei. When she's reading fantasy or romance, she's in a good mood. When she's reading historical fiction she's generally annoyed. When she's reading occult magazines she's stressed. But right now? She's reading medical textbooks almost exclusively. Something seems to have gone wrong at home— perhaps the typhoon wasn't as harmless as it seemed.

[ ] [Seeking FORTUNE]: Subaru needs a favor. His father has signed him up for some shifts in the Bunkyo-ward Neighborhood Committee. Sounds about as exciting as watching paint dry. Chances are it's just a jumped up name for an unpaid position picking trash out of every temple in Bunkyo ward. At least it's impossible for someone to think it's a date! Wait, Subaru's father is coming along?
Your SHADOW is interested in this action.

[ ] [The TEMPLE of Employment]: It's time to check in on the homeless man. Kenichi put him up in a local NetCafe for lack of any other meaningful alternatives. You know more than anyone that there's plenty of opportunities to make money if one knows where to look, but there's one problem. One very fundamental, insurmountable problem— He won't get out of the building.
TEMPLE trains GRIT+6.
TEMPLE indirectly earns you money.
TEMPLE is truly miserable.
Your SHADOW is interested in this action.

[ ] [A Fool's SWORD]: Kayaba Akihiko is out there. You've met him, challenged him even, but he's still far beyond you. You know so very little yet so much about the architect of the world's end. It's time to change that. It's an odd request to be sure, but Shigemura-sensei understands. Even he too has had his questions... and now you finally have a chance to ask them.
Because Koujiro Rinko is returning to Tokyo.
KING OF SWORDS provides contacts within the field of Cognitive Psience.

[ ] [DEVIL in the Details]: It's time. MISTCOIN is at an all time high. Mitsuha is practically frothing at the mouth. The line is, indeed, going to the moon. You're not sure how much money Mitsuha is going to make, but you expect to be somewhere on the order of 80000 gold kobans. The only problem is that it's all in fake monopoly money, but in the words of the wise and the insane— isn't all money fake?
DEVIL manipulates the price of MISTCOIN.

[ ] [PRIEST and Flock]: Now that you can no longer dive in Agil's bar, there's little reason to visit him regularly. But business aside, he's helped you out a ton over the last few months, and you feel it's your duty to repay the favor. Thanks to some positive buzz from an influencer, Agil's bar has suddenly become extremely busy, and he's in dire need of part-time labor he can trust. Thankfully, you happen to be an expert!
PRIEST trains MASK+4.
Agil will pay you a token wage. This is a favor to him, after all!
PRIEST Personas focus on close combat and STR.
Your SHADOW is interested in this action.

[ ] [DEATH and Taxes]: It's not quite an internship. But you have a standing offer from Yakutani-sensei to shadow him at work. He feels he owes you for saving his life and the least he can do is give you an introduction to the wonderful, wonderful world of working yourself to death in a hospital. For all his altruism Yakutani-sensei strikes you as someone who's used to getting his way... but as the the person who saved his life, you might be the only person who can browbeat him and get away with it!
DEATH Personas typically specialize in healing.

[ ] [Grim JUSTICE]: Fukazawa Seiichiro, a man on Argo's list. An SAO Survivor like you, one Argo claims has escaped justice for some truly heinous crimes. After painstaking work and a questionably legal deal with the government, she's managed to track down his place of work and wants to wring a confession out of him. She plans on ambushing him on his way home and wants you to come to join her on the stakeout. She promises that you'll find meeting the man to be enlightening.
JUSTICE usually builds STRESS when taken.
You may meet some interesting people.
Your SHADOW is interested in this action.

Work can be done for 2 MINOR or 1 MAJOR action.

[ ] [Work//Titan Movers]: It's... it's finally happened. You've managed to open the wrapper without asking anyone for help! And... and you can even carry your bookbag without your back hurting! You've also brought in big business for Titan Movers! That means you're finally getting a raise! But... does that mean you'll have to lift bigger boxes?
You will be fired by END OF JUNE if this job is not selected by then.
Trains FITNESS+4 and receives payment based on FITNESS. Can train other stats. [Currently gains 4000 yen. Roll FITNESSd6, gain bonus Social Stats for each SUCCESS]

[ ] [Work//Augma]: The Augma is slated to release near the end of July. Which means more work, more contracts, and more cold hard cash! And the best part is that you have your own beta test Augma, so you can get a head start on breaking in your personal Augma, all while it records your brainwaves for entirely unnefarious purposes.
Trains GRIT+4. Will roll based on GRIT for task completion - completion of the task gives you a large lump sum and DETERMINATION.
Your contract expires at the END OF JUNE.
Current Task Progress - 4/7, 40000 yen. [Roll GRITd6, gain PROGRESS for each SUCCESS]

[ ] [Work//CatCafe]: You are now an established catgirl maid! Frederica's novelty may have worn off but you have a few regulars now! Just... you can do better, can't you? Because he's seen you. He's challenged you. The top of the pile, the invincible, king of fluff himself... the CHIEF.
You will be fired by the END OF JUNE if this job is not selected by then.
Trains EMPATHY+4 and receives payment based on EMPATHY. Can gain determination. [Currently gains 5000 yen. Roll EMPATHYd6, gain DETERMINATION for each SUCCESS]

RAISE! [ ] [.Work//Sign]: You ask no questions. You tell no lies. You stand still for hours at end, no matter who it's for or what you must endure. You have held the SIGN. You have internalized the SIGN. You are the SIGN and the SIGN is you.
You will be fired by the END OF JUNE if this job is not selected by then.
Trains MASK+4 and receive a lump sum of 9000 yen. [Roll STRESSd6. If any 1s are rolled, accumulate an additional 1 STRESS]

Unless specified otherwise you may take individual Minor actions multiple times.

[ ] [BUILD//Delanza -Mighty Lunatic-]: You've seen enough Gundam to know how this works. Find a big stupid backpack, fill it up with glowing lights, glue it to the back of your unit, and then give it a nonsensical name. Oh, and Funnels! And a beam emitter from the forehead that can cut through colonies! Give it a katana!
Roll EMPATHYd6, Success adds progress. Progress: [0/3]
+5D upon project completion, and progresses SKY. Not, in fact, mutually exclusive with other BUILD options, if you want Hiroto to vomit after you finish your Gunpla.

[ ] [BUILD//Core Jegan]: What's the best chunky grunt unit? The Delanza Sol? The Gustav Carl? Maybe a Garm Rodi? Why decide when you can have them all! You just need to carve out a perfect outline of a Jegan from your Gunpla...
Roll GRITd6, Success adds progress. Progress: [0/3]
+5D upon project completion, and progresses SKY. Not, in fact, mutually exclusive with other BUILD options, if you want Hiroto to vomit after you finish your Gunpla.

NEW! [ ] [Literature Club!]: The Three Great Mystery Novels, famous works with plots so complex it makes Death Gun feel like a Detective Conan episode. What better way to learn the mentality of a criminal?
Current Book: Compilation of the Three Great Mystery Novels
Progress: 0/3
Permanently improves all MASK gains when completed.

[ ] [Shill MISTCOIN]: Mitsuha has a poorly rigged model of your ALO avatar, an annoyingly long list of popular talking points about the latest hot idols, and a voice changer with the auto-tune cranked WAAAAYYYYY up. Maybe it's best to actually buy some MISTCOIN before messing with this...
Become a sellout! Increases the price of MISTCOIN by 1d6 x 100 yen!

[ ] [Shill MISTCOIN Badly]: Use your artificially generated platform to talk about family-friendly topics such as: geopolitics, music charts, shonen jump rankings, nuclear power plant construction, and Article 9 of the Constitution! Guaranteed to be a hoot for everyone involved!
Get yourself canceled! Decreases the price of MISTCOIN by 1d6 x 100 yen!

[ ] [Farm//PK]: Sometimes simple is best. Pull up your sleeves, find the biggest pair of sunglasses you can buy, and go gank some losers for fun and profit.
Farm the only way you know how! Gain 1d6 x 1000 yen in GGO Credits and 1d3 MISTCOIN!

[ ] [Report//<INSERT>]: You've made a number of discoveries that Argo's boss in the Ministry of Internal affairs may find very interesting. What exactly is he doing with all this information...?
You may write 1 Report per Minor Action
Available Reports:
[The SEED]: It's not just some development kit. It's something strange, something... fundamental. The SEED of a world? What can you even do with this information? Will the government believe you? ...What if they do? [+10000 yen]
[Persona]: Do you want to sell out the existence of magic and land yourself in a psych ward for cold hard cash? Does a bear shit in the woods? [+10000 yen]

[ ] [Cram School]: High efficiency studying! And it prepares you for a crushing existence as an office worker!

[ ] [Augma Fitness!]: Can't build up the motivation to run to save your life? Download Augma Fitness now! A limited-time offer for beta-testers, spice up your exercise by running from a boulder, a zombie, or your disappointed parents! For the truly hardcore, the Augma has a function where it automatically calls everyone on your friends list and tells them embarrassing facts about your performance metrics if you fail to meet your fitness goals!
Trains FITNESS+6.

[ ] [Augma Fight!]: Want to learn how to sword fight for real? Using real life Kendo and HEMA techniques and not those dumb facsimiles in VR games? Well Augma Fight has you covered! Warning: Due to poor connection Augma Fight only works outdoors in areas publicly seeded with AR stickers.
...Well when you think about it there's nothing wrong with swinging a make-believe sword at make-believe monsters while wearing a gaudy headset in a public park. Just pretend nobody's staring and pray you don't end up being videotaped.
Trains MASK+6.

[ ] [High Love]: This is what you were afraid of. That otome game your friend recommended to you, Alto Liebe? It's filled with microtransactions. God at least none of the suitors were locked behind a paywall, but you expect you're in for a painful experience.
Trains GRIT+6.

[ ] [Serene Garden]: SereGa is half VR game and half hospice and all depressing. Spend time talking to those who are about to die, and learn something about yourself in the process.
Trains EMPATHY+6.

[ ] [Sleep-in]: You need to study. You need to train. You need to save the world. Instead, go to sleep EARLY and snuggle up with Kuma-kun.
Reduces STRESS x 1. Becomes less efficient the more it is used (applies across the lifetime of the quest).
Roll 2d6, on a natural 1, Sleep-in has no effect. The roll becomes more harsh the more this option is used.

[ ] [Medicinal Baths]: No, not the local one down the street by the old folk's home. The big one. By the IMPERIAL PALACE. That has private rooms. [Costs 10000yen]
Reduces STRESS x 1. Repeatable.


[ ] [Buy some Plushies!]: Your collection has been waning of late, and you've still got to replace Kiba-chan. Time to see what's changed in the last two years— Wow. Things have gotten pricey.
Purchase 5D for ¥10000. [Repeatable]

[ ] [Buy a Bathroom Scale]: It's fine. It'll motivate you— it's fine.
Purchase for ¥6000.
Immediately increases STRESS by 1 at the start of each Month.

Permanently improves all FITNESS gains.

[ ] [Nekoya!]: It's open every day except Saturday. You'd eat there every day if your wallet and your waistline could afford the beating... but going there is always a risk. You can always find yourself spending a bit... more than intended.
Purchase 5 D for 1d6*1000 yen. One time per week.

[ ] [Sweets!]: The Yubari Melon—fruit of the gods. A fruit so divine and meticulously cared for it's been babied more often than real children. It's peak harvesting season and a café in Tokyo is selling it by the mouthful.
Purchase 5D for ¥5000.

[ ] [Buy More Gunpla!]: You've managed to find a few revenue streams. Maybe it's time to buy another model kit? One robot is awfully lonely sitting up on the shelf, and maybe you can pick up some kitbash supplies on the way over. You saw a video on weathering techniques and are dying to try it out...
Purchase a new kit for 10000 yen. Unlocks more options, gains 5 D.

AN: To increase flexibility for me, Challenge Fights will not all occur at the end of the period, in case multiple are selected in a single phase.
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NEW! [ ] Intent//[INSERT]: Write-in what you want Hiyori to do. Use past examples of what she is capable of doing in one 'action'.
From a Watsonian perspective, Hiyori can talk to one major player, visit one new location, or make one play per action.
From a Doylistic perspective, a Major Action should advance the main plot or provide major advancement for a side plot.

Can I add another write-in that could put Daisy against BLANK? Frame them as bullies putting other players at risk with their Disboard plan? Or do we have to talk to her first?

NEW! [ ] [NATURAL Born Tester]: It's time. The poorly named New Aincrad is fast approaching release, as is the relaunch of ALO, now completely mind-control free. As per industry standard even SEED based games are rigorously play tested prior to release, and as a trusted name is making said games explode Mikami has invited you to stress test the biggest MMO rerelease since Elder Tale. What's that, payment? Of course you'll be paid! In exposure!
NATURE trains MASK +6.
NATURE provides contacts in the field of VR development.

Mikami, you're a tasteless hack who's never had an original thought in your entire life.

And MistCoins gone down. Excellent, simply excellent, everything is going according to my plan.
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You don't need my approval to do an Intent option, just be aware I might veto it. Anything I've put up in the PLAN section is considered more or less pre-approved.
Voting is open