[X] Plan: Grants and Guard
-[X] Grants: You are a bit low on funding, seeking out Grants should let you get a bit more income… and hopefully some political support as well. 10 Time Units. Starts sub turn.
-[X] Recruit some additional Guards: It will take some time and may not have as much in raw numbers, but you should recruit some more guards now that you have the lodging. 2 Funding, 10 Time Units.

There honestly isn't much else for us to do at the moment. We fill in an empty spot and see what offers we can get for further funding.
[X] Plan: Grants and Guard
-[X] Grants: You are a bit low on funding, seeking out Grants should let you get a bit more income… and hopefully some political support as well. 10 Time Units. Starts sub turn.
-[X] Recruit some additional Guards: It will take some time and may not have as much in raw numbers, but you should recruit some more guards now that you have the lodging. 2 Funding, 10 Time Units.
I want to build watch towers if that grant shows up again.

We would have been killed a few times in this quest if we were a normal person. These assassination attempts are getting ridiculous and could cause problems if our abnormal origins come out.

Maybe do Wind Turbines since money isn't an issue and having extra power for ourselves might be helpful. Especially if we end up with a No Mans Land scenario.

Unless an option comes up where we can get more actions, having two actions a turn is a bit slow.
You know what i want to get?

Guard Geese.

Dogs make excellent drug and contraband search units, and are alwo good at hunting down escapees, but it is known that prisoners can and have bribed dogs before with food and cuddles. Guard Geese, by contrast, are ornery little bastards that respect Nobody and will defend their claimed space to death against anyone and anything.

Just need an inner wall area separated from the prisoners by a fence thats got grass and dirt for them to forage, maybe some water areas, and not only will the guard geese make for Amazing deterents to escapees they also eat insects and thus would do Wonders for helping the prisoners deal with said insects.
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guards, geese, and get cats.

the prisoners would love the cats, and would actually work on good behavior to keep them. The Geese can live beyond the first wall in a pasture dedicated to them, and with protection will thrive (eggs and meat lads! plus goose feathers for either arts or for fluffing pillows). Also more guards cant go wrong, makes managing the schedule easier with rotation shifts.

so wind power, some generators, potentially use swamp gas, and of course back up generators...along with lights inside and outside.
I'm a tad concerned at the lack of real objectives atm. Beyond the general goal of being a less shit prison than Arkham or Blackgate, which isnt hard, we dont have much to aim for.

We take the Grants for funding, but what do we really have to spend that funding on? We dont worry about upkeep, we dont have a research system, theres no real security concerns... what do we NEED money for right now?
We take the Grants for funding, but what do we really have to spend that funding on? We dont worry about upkeep, we dont have a research system, theres no real security concerns... what do we NEED money for right now?

Stopping these assassination attempts and getting paid for it. If we develop enough defenses so we can't get assassinated, then nobody should suspect we are an eldrich abomination. The money is merely a bonus and serves our goals of making Gotham less shitty. I wouldn't be surprised if we eventually unlock a way to deal with the Gotham curse.

There have been several Gotham stories that dwell into the supernatural, and those stories often have Batman and/or his allies find ways of stopping them. If we are considered on of the nice ones, the batman might look the other way. He may be considered just a man, but his long history has had him do some completely bullshit stuff that makes me certain he is an eldritch being himself.
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Maybe one day we can get Bruce Wayne to support prisoners get job training certification? Some prisons if they behave can get some type of education. That would make better retention.

Edit: where will the guards stay?
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[X] Plan: Grants and Guard

There should be an "option write in" if only to see people make stuff like the "geese guard suggestion" it removes bugs and makes running away harder, that is clever.

Or the library option.

I want to see if there any drama or commentary fr the inmates
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So... is someone trying to takeover the prison via replacing the warden? Or is Gotham just trying to correct an error cause there cant be a good warden in Gotham?

On a sidenote cant believe no one magically inclined snoop the place

Also I kinda curious how the gothamite reaction to the prison right now

also let there be geese and cats!!!