[X] Plan: All Done Mr Wayne

with this we should look at the morale issue and get some dogs and extra guards soon enough. this would ensure our minimal security prison is doing well, as well as maybe a workshop/library to get these prisoners some skills in terms of construction and education so they can go on to be productive people rather than a rotating thug in the system.

Heck maybe even gets some cats or a vegetable/fruit garden. No prisoner is going to wreck those or harm the cats once they bond with them. Also once the veggies are available to be eaten along with the fruit the prisoners are going to want to work on that. Maybe add some sports teams every now and then to blow off steam. the entire point is to dissuade the prisoners from trying to escape and rehabilitate them...

problem is there are always going to be those that are going to get stuck in and never leave, especially once we get higher levels of such security.

Edited: side note, getting a Chapline or a priest over would help with some morale issues eventually.
[X] Plan: All Done Mr Wayne
- [X] Cafeteria: A place for the prisoners to eat the food they desire… or that they don't desire depending on circumstances. 10 Funding.
- [X] Prison Yard: A yard, perfect for prisoners to do yard stuff in. 2 Funding.
[X] Plan: All Done Mr Wayne
- [X] Cafeteria: A place for the prisoners to eat the food they desire… or that they don't desire depending on circumstances. 10 Funding.
- [X] Prison Yard: A yard, perfect for prisoners to do yard stuff in. 2 Funding.
[X] Plan: finishing the optionals
[X] Cellblock: The Stereotypical prison housing. 5 Funding.
[X] Prison Yard: A yard, perfect for prisoners to do yard stuff in. 2 Funding.
[X] Plan: All Done Mr Wayne

with this we should look at the morale issue and get some dogs and extra guards soon enough. this would ensure our minimal security prison is doing well, as well as maybe a workshop/library to get these prisoners some skills in terms of construction and education so they can go on to be productive people rather than a rotating thug in the system.

I agree, we need additional guards sooner than later with the new dorm we built, but we also need to work on morale and rehabilitation efforts for the long term.
[X] Plan: All Done Mr Wayne
- [X] Cafeteria: A place for the prisoners to eat the food they desire… or that they don't desire depending on circumstances. 10 Funding.
- [X] Prison Yard: A yard, perfect for prisoners to do yard stuff in. 2 Funding.
Turn 6 Results and Turn 7
[X] Plan: All Done Mr Wayne
- [X] Cafeteria: A place for the prisoners to eat the food they desire… or that they don't desire depending on circumstances. 10 Funding.
- [X] Prison Yard: A yard, perfect for prisoners to do yard stuff in. 2 Funding.

You put in the work to build both a new Cafeteria and a new Prison Yard for the minimum security wing.

Neither of them are all that notable at the moment; the cafeteria serves the same food as in the main one and the Prison Yard is just as prone to mosquito infestations.

Still this does complete your second grant and with the extra dorm you've gone above and beyond the minimum requirements.

The reform minded politicians in office seem particularly pleased with these turns of events and you end up with a small donation from the Wayne Foundation for offering a significantly less brutal option for Gothams minor offenders.

Certainly better than Blackgate or Arkham at any rate.

1st Block: The largest of the old facilities buildings 1st blocks cells are of moderate security, comfortability, and conditions, roughly 100 prisoners can be found here.
2nd Block: Like the 1st block but this building holds 50 prisoners instead of 100.
Block Walls: A set of walls that surround the two blocks, they have enough room on top for 3 people to walk shoulder to shoulder without issue.
Security Center: A shared Guard barracks, armory, and monitoring station that performs its role well enough for the initial state of the prison. 1/1 Guard Capacity.
Guard Barracks: A dedicated Barracks for the guards increasing the amount the prison can support. (1/2 Additional Guards).
Wardens Office: Your office, locked up when you aren't present and you have the only way it… being the building itself is just so convenient in many ways.
Cafeteria: A simple cafeteria with a kitchen to feed it… it mostly serves gruel these days however.
Yard: A prison yard…. It's a yard where the prisoners can go to enjoy the nice swampy atmosphere!
Medical Wing: The prison's moderately sized medical facility, the doctors here are nothing if not hard working due to the nature of the swamp surrounding the prison.

Dividing Walls (X2): A double layered set of dividing walls keeping the minimum security wing separate from the rest of the prison.

Minimum Security Wing
Dormitory: A communal living system that on average is far more comfortable than the cells, it does have lighter security however.
2nd Dorm: A secondary dorm for the minimum security wing.
Cafeteria: A food consumption place for the minimum security prisoners.
Yard: The minimum security yard, currently the same as the normal one in every way including mosquito population.

Prisoner Menu (-5 Morale)
Bacon: An American Classic favored by your prisoners especially when put in combination with Eggs during the morning.
Eggs: Another part of the American classic breakfast.
Toast: This also covers bread but hey toast is toast.
Carrots: A relatively healthy if less popular food.
Apples: Nice and crunchy they don't keep the doctor away but they need to make it less likely that you'll need to visit a doctor.

Makeshift Storage: Where you keep the old junk.
Old Beds: Old crusty beds with papers on the nature dark magic stuffed into them for extra fluff the fact the no one is sleeping on these things anymore makes you very happy.

Current Grants (0): 2 Slots open.

These Deadshot Clones are getting out of hand.

One of them blew your avatar's head off and you were forced to have it hide while it was regenerating.

Can't have people seeing a seemingly normal human warden regrow their recently exploded head after all.

Stupid super criminals and their stupid assassination attempts.

Honestly don't they have something better to do than blow your head off with a long ranged high power sniper rifle?

Funding: 66 Units
Political Support: 30 Units
Time Per Turn: 20 Units

Actions (You may take 2)
[ ] Get some better Food: Honestly the gruel you've been forced to feed the prisoners is terrible and you're ashamed at having to resort to that. Costs, 1 Initial funding opens up menu expansion sub turn.
[ ] Grants: You are a bit low on funding, seeking out Grants should let you get a bit more income… and hopefully some political support as well. 10 Time Units. Starts sub turn.
[ ] Seek out Funding: A pain in any situation… but you are low right now. Trade 1 political support for 2 funding. (2/2)
[ ] Guard Barracks: You should get on building another guard barracks. 5 Funding.
[ ] New Dorm: A shared living space capable of housing a good deal of prisoners under relatively pleasant conditions. 10 Funding.
[ ] Cellblock: The Stereotypical prison housing. 5 Funding.
[ ] Dividing Walls: These walls will serve to cordon off parts of your prison from one another making unauthorized transportation from one place to another within the Prison much harder. 5 Funding per layer.
[ ] Prison Yard: A yard, perfect for prisoners to do yard stuff in. 2 Funding.
[ ] Cafeteria: A place for the prisoners to eat the food they desire… or that they don't desire depending on circumstances. 10 Funding.
[ ] Dog Kennel: Dogs are good at finding contriband among other problems, you should get a kennel build and put in the effort to get some. 4 Funding.
[ ] Recruit some additional Guards: It will take some time and may not have as much in raw numbers, but you should recruit some more guards now that you have the lodging. 2 Funding, 10 Time Units.
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[X] Fixing the Morale Problem
-[X] Get some better Food: Honestly the gruel you've been forced to feed the prisoners is terrible and you're ashamed at having to resort to that. Costs, 1 Initial funding opens up menu expansion sub turn.
-[X] Grants: You are a bit low on funding, seeking out Grants should let you get a bit more income… and hopefully some political support as well. 10 Time Units. Starts sub turn.

Getting Burgers or Pizza should fix that -5 morale that we have. And then another Grant to build wind turbines or the White Collar Crime Section.
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[X] Plan: Sleep is important, you fools!
-[X] Grants: You are a bit low on funding, seeking out Grants should let you get a bit more income… and hopefully some political support as well. 10 Time Units. Starts sub turn.
-[X] Get some better Food: Honestly the gruel you've been forced to feed the prisoners is terrible and you're ashamed at having to resort to that. Costs, 1 Initial funding opens up menu expansion sub turn.
-[X] New bedding: The beds in your prison are over a century old at this point and its honestly appalling that your inmates aren't the least bit bothered by the fact, get those beds replaced. 2 Funding.