doesn't marriage just let us get the rest of the options?
Technically, she would still have control over all of it because you'd be her consort. It wouldn't be your stuff.

It also ties you down to the Empress and the responsibilities that come with it.

Also also I thought it'd be funny and/or get written in anyway.
[x] – Treasures

Our crew needs to stop getting shafted by our antics. Marrying the empress just seems like it's gonna cripple our freedom, and dealing with the kids is probably something we shouldn't trust to other people due to the whole psyker thing.

@HalfTangible Actually is that a thing we can do?

[X] write-in: Witch academy - There's a lot of witch kids running around untrained, hell we had to figure our powers out all on our own and we come from money. In order to prevent similar incidents as to what started this mess, there needs to be a proper school for these kids.
[X] write-in: Witch academy - There's a lot of witch kids running around untrained, hell we had to figure our powers out all on our own and we come from money. In order to prevent similar incidents as to what started this mess, there needs to be a proper school for these kids.
Actually is that a thing we can do?

I accept pretty much every write-in unless I think it'd be impossible, unfeasible, or that the character would already know would not work. Sun will not, for example, teleport to Terra right now because he has no idea what Terra is. Nor will he swim to the planet's core because he knows full well that that's physically a non-starter and has no good reason to even try.

A witch academy is absolutely doable and he has little reason to think it will go wrong.
[X] write-in: Witch academy - There's a lot of witch kids running around untrained, hell we had to figure our powers out all on our own and we come from money. In order to prevent similar incidents as to what started this mess, there needs to be a proper school for these kids.

I like to be a pirate and being marriage and have to do emperor stuff is icky.

freedom is the way for me.
[X] – Marriage

It seems strange to even ask. She doesn't know he's a demigod primarch fated to greatness, why would she agree? But hey, why not if she is. She treats all these mutant/psykkers alright so she's not too bad.
[X] – Marriage

The Single best way to control our planet of all our brothers, even Fulgrim with his restoration of the environment and the arts! I think this is a great idea and will have no downsides at all. (we are killing the rebel nobles anyway.)
[X] write-in: Witch academy - There's a lot of witch kids running around untrained, hell we had to figure our powers out all on our own and we come from money. In order to prevent similar incidents as to what started this mess, there needs to be a proper school for these kids.

I'd like to do this it's a pretty cool concept.
I like to be a pirate and being marriage and have to do emperor stuff is icky.

freedom is the way for me.
Yo ho, yo ho,
To the altar I'll never go

[X] – Marriage

The Single best way to control our planet of all our brothers, even Fulgrim with his restoration of the environment and the arts! I think this is a great idea and will have no downsides at all. (we are killing the rebel nobles anyway.)

Sounds like a great idea! With the best of intentions! What could possibly go wrong?
: D

Is the thinking that she'd join THIS adventure? Because taking the Empress with us here does sound juicy as all heck...

I assumed this option was an adventure on your boat, because the deal she's making is to bring out her personal Knight to wipe out the necrons and save your crew.

It seems strange to even ask. She doesn't know he's a demigod primarch fated to greatness, why would she agree? But hey, why not if she is. She treats all these mutant/psykkers alright so she's not too bad.

1) Sun is not expecting a yes and is going to offer in part as a joke.

2) She doesn't know what a primarch is but if even half of the story he told is true he's absolutely a great man destined for great things. And if it isn't? Well who cares, she doesn't have to pay up if he fails.

3) Ning wants the war to end and doesn't particularly care what it takes to do it.

4) It would piss off her nobles something fierce to find out that they got outdone by some petty pirate bastard she met by sheer coincidence.

I'd like to do this it's a pretty cool concept.

It is!
Sounds like a great idea! With the best of intentions! What could possibly go wrong?
: D
I know! We can totally trust this powerful lady... who is giving us a sword... and drinks so much she might as well be liquid...

This all seems oddly similar...

I'm sure its nothing, ANOTHER MOM FOR THE LEGION!!!
I just thought about it and I'm pretty sure if we marry her she is going to get alot of political power in the imperium of man against other nobles when the emperor comes to get our ass. At the same time though we can just throw dealing with nobles to her and probably never have to deal with them.