The American Experiment (Riot Quest)

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First draft plan, borrowing 5 funds in order to assist Sun Yat-Sen with as much as we can. Taking a break from prepping the railways this turn too since the feds are on alert and we can use those funds better elsewhere right now. Focusing two actions on campaigning in California and San Francisco, as well as supporting the Home Rule Party of Hawaii with equal funding to the CIA.

Also got a question on if this option needs lobbying other senate members since it's focused on cities and not state wide legislation?
[] Draft and pass new pro-labor policies in San Fransisco and other California cities, as well as repealing any Chinese-targeted laws. 5 funds.

[][TFHM] Boxing Day
-[] Campaign for the Socialist Labor Party. 40 funds. Two actions.
--[] California, San Francisco
-[] Form a dedicated part of the organization for creating legislation to pass onto SLP representatives and to act as party whip. 10 funds, -10 per turn, +1 policy action
-[] Send in saboteurs to local Nationalist Citizens' Alliance groups to cause conflict and break them up. 3 funds.
-[] Sun Yat-Sen plans on starting an uprising in Huizhou after the start of the Boxer Rebellion, and is requesting funds. (All current funds stored for him will be given as well). 77 funds.
-[] Buy out sugar cane farms in Hawaii. Run these industrially, like the factories. 20 funds.
-[] Draft and pass new pro-labor policies in San Fransisco and other California cities, as well as repealing any Chinese-targeted laws. 5 funds.
-[] Support the Home Rule Party of Hawaii (Robert Wilcox), and offer a (home rule dominated) electoral fusion with the SLP. 10 funds.

UF actions to come later.
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Also got a question on if this option needs lobbying other senate members since it's focused on cities and not state wide legislation?
Nope, you can just do that.
Campaign for the Socialist Labor Party. 40 funds. Three actions.
--[] California, San Francisco
California and San Fransisco count as the same area so you can only campaign using two actions here, unless you also want to campaign in another state.
Nope, you can just do that.

California and San Fransisco count as the same area so you can only campaign using two actions here, unless you also want to campaign in another state.
Hmm, unfortunate. Large city or state made me think those were separate. Is it possible for two organizations to do the same policy action and if so what happens?
Hmm, unfortunate. Large city or state made me think those were separate. Is it possible for two organizations to do the same policy action and if so what happens?
Yeah sorry, large city I meant more like the three 1 million+ cities.

There's not much of a point to it. If you need to lobby for it you work together on that, and if you don't you still get two rolls so better chance of not messing up/doing exceptionally well (though that's a marginal benefit).
[X][LLRP]Plan: This is going to be interesting, to Say the Least (Election Edition)
-[X] Campaign in elections. 2 Actions
--[X] In Michigan, 60 funds
--[X] In North Dakota, 60 funds
-[X]Make A Newspaper
--[X] National: 20 funds, -10 per turn. (The Paper will be Called Land and Labor)
- [X] Do election year donation drives, the extra funds going to campaigning.
-[X] Campaign for the Socialist Labor Party. 22 funds.
-[X] Do a survey of Michigan land and then request that President McKinley utilize the Forest Reserve Act to set aside chosen lands into the public domain. 3 funds.
-[X]Found ARM (pacifist).
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Thieves! They won't get a single cent from us!

[] Refuse to pay the fine. +40 funds this turn.
-[] Optional write-in?

Now, I'm not sure what write-in I could add to this. Hmm.
I can't say this is a good idea, we're already on thin ice as it is and I'd rather not invite a crackdown before we can get the training facility and such up and running.
Is TFAM going to be doing the "establish public elementary schools" action, and if so, will they be willing to work with the Orange Disciples? We have money... and lawyers.
Say, if I were to do a little trolling by paying the FAM's fine in FAM company scrip, could I get TOD lawyers to take up my inevitable court case?

Preliminary plan:
[][TFAM] Plan We'll Be Back
-[] Take a loan from the Credit Union (+5 funds)
-[] Spartacist: Train militia. 10 cadres.
-[] Industrial: Try to modify the armaments and munitions manufactures to make more advanced weapons like machine guns, resulting in a smaller but better equipped force. 5 funds, changes to 120 per year but gives +5 to infantry rolls.
-[] Policy: none
-[] Campaign for the SLP. 3 actions.
--[] Louisiana, 30 funds.
--[] Alabama, 20 funds.
-[] Start integrating field medics into the Spartacists, recruiting primarily from sympathetic student graduates who have medical knowledge but also volunteer nurses, doctors, etc. 5 funds, -1 per turn, adds 200 militia to total and all companies have medics going into the future, reducing deaths if not casualties.
-[] Establish a military training facility. 40 funds, -10 per turn, -100 Weaponry per turn. Trains approximately 500 regular-grade militia per turn.
-[] Begin establishing more public elementary schools in controlled towns and cities, beginning the process of better educating black youth and hopefully winning over more people to FAM town governments.
--[] Work with Northern whites to help fund these schools, putting less pressure on the towns.
-[] Go to southern mines and help black mine workers unionize. 13 funds. 0/200
-[] Vote against the Sedition Act
-[] Establish the International Socialist Bureau, a standing committee consisting of representatives from the entire International.
-[] Universally condemn entering a bourgeois government.
-[] When the revolution comes, the bourgeoisie should have their capital taken from them with no compensation and but they may remain as workers.
-[] The working class should be in favor of international peace but also support the struggles of anti-colonial forces fighting for independence.
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Hm. Working plan...
Needs some time to think on it, but keeping up recruitment while also pushing out and working against the Sedition Act.
252/252 Funds
[X][TOD] Plan Free Speech and Education
-[X] Request for member priests at associated churches to officially sanction the organization to their followers.
-[X] Start handing out flyers and other methods of recruiting at associated churches. 32 funds.
-[X] Working with southern leaders, begin a program to help start and continuously fund schooling programs in the poorest areas of the South for African American youth. 60 funds, 60 per turn.
-[X] Pressure associated representatives to vote against the Sedition Act.
--[X] Lobby in Congress for this. 120 funds.
-[X] Campaign for the Christian Socialists of America in Ohio. 40 funds.
-[X]Found ARM (pacifist).
Say, if I were to do a little trolling by paying the FAM's fine in FAM company scrip, could I get TOD lawyers to take up my inevitable court case?
Probably not. Not really somewhere TOD would be operating, and also that doesn't seem likely to be able to win, even though it's karmically appropriate. But we can make sure the schools' funding is taken care of, for sure.
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[X][Min] Wilmington Return
-[X] Try to make friendly contact with current military leadership, and sound them out for not being entirely onboard with fighting American civilians like last year.
-[X] Try to make contacts of military grade manufacturers who make gear such as gatling guns so the Minutemen can order directly from them.
-[X]Investigate the possibility of training militia in specialized skills (5 funds)
-[X]Send all Militia to Wilmigton in preparation for WUA attack. (8 funds)
Hmm, unfortunate. Large city or state made me think those were separate. Is it possible for two organizations to do the same policy action and if so what happens?

Yeah sorry, large city I meant more like the three 1 million+ cities.

There's not much of a point to it. If you need to lobby for it you work together on that, and if you don't you still get two rolls so better chance of not messing up/doing exceptionally well (though that's a marginal benefit).
please keep doing the California cities reform. I'll swap ACUA's to something else.
-[X] Send monetary support to those who wish to found a Mexican Liberal Party, which was dissatisfied with the conservative government. 50 funds.


Wondering if the APFA would be willing to offer some funds to help expand the anti-Diaz dissidents, would be a nice way to appease both wings of your party for this turn methinks.
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