Attempting to Subvert the Plan: Dominion Edition

Retcon: Should General Horner (the MC) have been The Magistrate (Starcraft 1 PC)?

  • Yes

    Votes: 35 43.8%
  • No

    Votes: 29 36.3%
  • This does not matter to me

    Votes: 16 20.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
[X] Plan: Strong Foundations, Investments, Reductions
[X] Plan Attempting to Expand Our Capabilities, Now With 68% Less Paranoia!

@Simon_Jester Are you leaving the 4th Personal dice unused on purpose?

Yes, they are. A 90% chance of success on the criminal contact action (75% to get the DC of 20, but we have Omakes, so it's 90%) wasn't high enough, presumably, and so they're leaving it fallow instead to do it another turn because they feel it's too big of a risk of increased Paranoia.

Personally, I feel the fact is that a DC 20 is exactly the thing "using a single dice" was made to do, but I understand the caution/worry.
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Since today is Thanksgiving in the US, I've extended the vote another 24 hours to give more people time to participate. Hope everyone's doing well and staying safe, regardless of where you live.
[X] Plan: Strong Foundations, Investments, Reductions
[X] Plan: Step forward
[x] Plan Building Foundations and Helping People

I am a single issue voter for this vote and my issue is [] Nephor II: Cap'n Yum-Yum's Fantabulous Foodularium. You have it, you get my vote.
@Simon_Jester Are you leaving the 4th Personal dice unused on purpose?
Yes. The Laurent is more or less correct about the reasons, though I feel he is being a bit uncharitable about them.

Yes, they are. A 90% chance of success on the criminal contact action (75% to get the DC of 20, but we have Omakes, so it's 90%) wasn't high enough, presumably, and so they're leaving it fallow instead to do it another turn because they feel it's too big of a risk of increased Paranoia.
I was trying to lower my plan's Paranoia load for other people. I myself have still approval-voted the version of my plan that includes the "contact criminals" action, because that Paranoia load wasn't too high for me. But this won't be the last time we put three Personal dice on a single action to ensure that it succeeds, and it won't be the last time we have a single "fallow" Personal die that can be tasked to this action. On some other turn where the Paranoia budget looks better, I'll be happy to slip the same action in again on the same terms.

I dropped that action for -1 Expected Paranoia, along with a couple of other moves that had more impact. One positive side-effect of doing things this way is that next turn we'll have enough Funds to do basically any Personal action we like, even with all four dice on it. So if anyone wants to strike to undermine Mengsk, the iron will be very hot.

Personally, I feel the fact is that a DC 20 is exactly the thing "using a single dice" was made to do, but I understand the caution/worry.
Since several other people felt concerned about the Paranoia, I removed the action in part to reduce the risk that a failure on that action would cause a "spike" that catapulted Paranoia well beyond the level we were planned for or comfortable with. The original plan could very easily (50% likely) give us only a single -10 Paranoia action, combined with multiple (3-4) +5 Paranoia actions, at which point having a +10 Paranoia spike triggered by a failure, even a merely 10% likely one, may be making people understandably nervous, I suppose. I was fine with it and still feel that way, or I would have retracted my vote for the original version of my own plan. But since it was the most common recurring criticism, I felt I had to take steps, so I removed the actions whose removal I would regret least.


For the record, my choice of what is conventionally a male-coded screenname, and an admittedly obscure male-presenting cartoon character for a picture, reflect a rather longstanding preference for he/his pronouns.

But for obscure personal reasons, plus also the fact that in my line of work any man will be lightly and accidentally misgendered by someone who acts in good faith and has no hostile intentions, just absent-minded social reflexes, and that this will typically happen many times a year so one gets used to it...

I have a strict policy of never wanting anyone to feel bad about this kind of thing, ever, and not wanting to use it as a social bludgeon. To be clear, there is no bludgeoning. There is assuredly nothing to apologize for here; I would consider myself a fool if I acted as if there was. I am simply remarking.

For now anyways. Exercising that weight off comes next.
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Yes. The Laurent is more or less correct about the reasons, though I feel he is being a bit uncharitable about them.

I was trying to lower my plan's Paranoia load for other people. I myself have still approval-voted the version of my plan that includes the "contact criminals" action, because that Paranoia load wasn't too high for me. But this won't be the last time we put three Personal dice on a single action to ensure that it succeeds, and it won't be the last time we have a single "fallow" Personal die that can be tasked to this action. On some other turn where the Paranoia budget looks better, I'll be happy to slip the same action in again on the same terms.

I dropped that action for -1 Expected Paranoia, along with a couple of other moves that had more impact. One positive side-effect of doing things this way is that next turn we'll have enough Funds to do basically any Personal action we like, even with all four dice on it. So if anyone wants to strike to undermine Mengsk, the iron will be very hot.

My personal assumption is that the big thing people were most worried about was less a 10% chance of increased paranoia, and more a lot of the likely higher chances of increased paranoia as well as the basically guaranteed increases in paranoia. But maybe I was just reading them wrong?
My personal assumption is that the big thing people were most worried about was less a 10% chance of increased paranoia, and more a lot of the likely higher chances of increased paranoia as well as the basically guaranteed increases in paranoia. But maybe I was just reading them wrong?
If people were worrying about a 15% chance of +5 Paranoia from the university project, then if they weren't worrying about a 10% chance of +10 Paranoia from the Deadman's Rock action, they should have been.

That doesn't make the action a bad idea, mind you, but if people are going to care about low-probability bad outcomes, they need to be consistent about doing so. You still care that you're spending money or courting Paranoia, even when it's for a project that you like and have decided to go ahead with anyway.

More generally, if they were trying to cut back the total number of "probable Paranoia increases," well, the big targets there, in descending order of how much Mengsk aggro they're likely to lead to... Well, the obvious options would be "don't start the literacy program," "don't finish the SCV factory," "don't finish the Truth and Reconciliation Committees," and "don't regreen Korhal." I wasn't willing to sacrifice the first three of those.
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Honestly my biggest worry is the news but I've kinda given up attempts to argue in certain directions
If people were worrying about a 15% chance of +5 Paranoia from the university project, then if they weren't worrying about a 10% chance of +10 Paranoia from the Deadman's Rock action, they should have been.

There's a difference in how people think about these paranoia gains. University is guaranteed to hit, it's just a matter of when it hits. Deadman's Rock however can be 0 or 10, which means that our lifetime paranoia can actually be decreased if we play our cards right and get lucky.
Honestly my biggest worry is the news but I've kinda given up attempts to argue in certain directions
Ultimately, founding the DIS is almost inevitably a bad idea in the long run because it locks down a critical pathway we can use to undermine Mengsk's popular support, and makes us conspicuously, personally responsible for just about anything that makes Mengsk look bad in the court of public opinion.

Which means we kind of have to bite the bullet and found UNN sooner or later.

There's a difference in how people think about these paranoia gains. University is guaranteed to hit, it's just a matter of when it hits.
Yes, but the focus of all the criticism seemed to be that my plan would produce too much Paranoia increase now, specifically in the 2507Q2 turn.

I figured that people weren't complaining about "this project is not strictly necessary to the economy and will eventually raise Paranoia," or they'd be complaining about UNN and regreening Korhal too.

My understanding was that they were complaining "your plan is likely to leave us with a lot more Paranoia than we started, especially if the dice are a little unlucky." Which I could address... by removing ultimately expendable or postponable options.

Now, if someone fundamentally thinks we should never, ever take the university option, that it's just a pointless waste? I can't do much about that. That person should just... not vote for my plan. But I fundamentally disagree with that person and don't see any point in trying to satisfy them, whereas I do think it's worthwhile to answer the broader criticism "your plan courts excessive Paranoia in the short run and doesn't do enough to lower Paranoia."

Deadman's Rock however can be 0 or 10, which means that our lifetime paranoia can actually be decreased if we play our cards right and get lucky.
Yes, but doing it with a single die isn't the way to do that if we're aiming to minimize lifetime paranoia. It's an option we almost have to take eventually, and if we're really trying to minimize lifetime paranoia, we'd take it with two dice.

Me, I'm willing to take the one-die risk, because it doesn't directly connect us to attempts to overthrow Mengsk, or with open armed enemies of Mengsk's regime. Which is what I'd be really afraid of getting caught at.

But if we're trying to control Paranoia increases here, now, in this turn, then it's a risk we don't strictly need, one where postponing a little probably won't cost us much.
Ultimately, founding the DIS is almost inevitably a bad idea in the long run because it locks down a critical pathway we can use to undermine Mengsk's popular support, and makes us conspicuously, personally responsible for just about anything that makes Mengsk look bad in the court of public opinion.

Which means we kind of have to bite the bullet and found UNN sooner or later.

Yes, but the focus of all the criticism seemed to be that my plan would produce too much Paranoia increase now, specifically in the 2507Q2 turn.

I figured that people weren't complaining about "this project is not strictly necessary to the economy and will eventually raise Paranoia," or they'd be complaining about UNN and regreening Korhal too.

My understanding was that they were complaining "your plan is likely to leave us with a lot more Paranoia than we started, especially if the dice are a little unlucky." Which I could address... by removing ultimately expendable or postponable options.

Now, if someone fundamentally thinks we should never, ever take the university option, that it's just a pointless waste? I can't do much about that. That person should just... not vote for my plan. But I fundamentally disagree with that person and don't see any point in trying to satisfy them, whereas I do think it's worthwhile to answer the broader criticism "your plan courts excessive Paranoia in the short run and doesn't do enough to lower Paranoia."

Yes, but doing it with a single die isn't the way to do that if we're aiming to minimize lifetime paranoia. It's an option we almost have to take eventually, and if we're really trying to minimize lifetime paranoia, we'd take it with two dice.

Me, I'm willing to take the one-die risk, because it doesn't directly connect us to attempts to overthrow Mengsk, or with open armed enemies of Mengsk's regime. Which is what I'd be really afraid of getting caught at.

But if we're trying to control Paranoia increases here, now, in this turn, then it's a risk we don't strictly need, one where postponing a little probably won't cost us much.
Fair points
I think in my ideal world of the two "you do this Paranoia negative or positive" options i would have argued for actual news but non idealistic TRC but we already invested a lot of resources and there's no point looking backwards
Fair points
I think in my ideal world of the two "you do this Paranoia negative or positive" options i would have argued for actual news but non idealistic TRC but we already invested a lot of resources and there's no point looking backwards
That would mean leaving a lot of anti-Confederate pro-human-rights protestors and such in Dominion prison camps.

Which is one of those cases where I'd rather eat the Paranoia cost and do the thing that is right and in the long run will probably undermine Mengsk.
Which is one of those cases where I'd rather eat the Paranoia cost and do the thing that is right and in the long run will probably undermine Mengsk.

Another option would have been to leave the seditionists in prison and get Raynor's people to set up a series of prison breaks later on. That'd turn a bunch of lukewarm freedom-of-speech types into fugitives with no recourse but to take up arms. Sometimes it can be better to hide a knife behind a smile than to do the right thing overtly.
Another option would have been to leave the seditionists in prison and get Raynor's people to set up a series of prison breaks later on. That'd turn a bunch of lukewarm freedom-of-speech types into fugitives with no recourse but to take up arms. Sometimes it can be better to hide a knife behind a smile than to do the right thing overtly.
Eh. Feels a little too cunning for Horner. Besides, I'm sure Mengsk will be refilling those prison camps with dissidents soon enough.
They Could’ve Won (Canon)
Chuck Horner marveled at the sheer idiocy of the Confederacy. It was far from the first time that he had done so, and he figured it'd be far from the last, but this one... it boggled the mind. Alpha Squadron was the highly honed dagger of the Old Families, their most elite unit, a weapon that was actually used - not some decadent Praetorian Guard meant to sit on Tarsonis. No, Duke's boys got so good because they were constantly on the move putting out one fire or another, killing and fighting as often as possible. They were the best because they were the most active, and they were the most active because they were the best. It was one of the few smart decisions made by the entire sclerotic military establishment, even if in practice they spent most of their time massacring strikers and suppressing rebellion than anything one might consider honorable combat.

Which led to the question gnawing at Chuck as he looked around the massive warehouse. Why the hell had their stockpiles of SCVs not been cracked open after the Protoss started glassing entire planets? Rows upon rows of the machines were stacked up, going off into what seemed like infinity, and Duke was as much at a loss for explanation as Horner was.

"Hell, Chuck, maybe they just fell in between the cracks after I joined up with the Sons. Betcha most everyone who even knew these existed were on my staff or bit it on Antiga," the Dominion's generalissimo said with a shrug as he gummed on an unlit cigar.

"You expect me to believe that they'd just lose all of this?" the Chancellor replied incredulously, a small army of construction jockeys following behind the two generals to hard boot the machines for the first time in nearly a decade. At best. Probably worse. Probably much worse. Luckily, there were a ton of the things, so even if age and neglect had knocked any out of commission, they'd still have more than they knew what to do with. "The Old Fami-"

"Don't tell me about the Old Families, Chuck. Trust me, more than SCVs got lost whenever things got hairy. You should know that," Duke interrupted, jabbing the cigar towards the other man. "Every single one of 'em had their own slush funds and rainy day plans, and they'd rather die than hand them over to any of the bastards they were feuding with that week. Most did, and probably with a smile seeing whatever poor fool they decided was the scum of the earth get eaten alongside 'em."

"Look Eddie, I know you've got... whatever you've got going on there, but I just..." Chuck trailed off, shaking his head in disbelief. "They could've won," he whispered under his breath.

"Yep. Damn right they could've," Duke replied with a serious nod. "But if the Confeds were the kind of people to know what they were doing and not shoot themselves in the head, we wouldn't be here right now. So get over whatever you've got going on there and clear your civvies out of my warehouse as quick as quick can." Edmund stomped out without any chance for Chuck to get a word in edgewise.

He just... stood there for a moment as he let that sink in, looking over the ranks and ranks of SCVs as they slowly whirred their way to life. Chuck knew on a certain level that the Confederacy was a degenerate and dilapidated failure of a state - that was half the reason anyone joined the Sons, the other half being plain old revenge - but to see it on display so bluntly made a man wonder about the world. The nerds had done the count, twice after he insisted they must have been wrong, and there were enough SCVs in the Alpha Squadron warehouse alone to have done a crash rebuilding program during the early days of the war. Enough, maybe, to have turned the tide and held back the Zerg. But instead they had just... sat here, the whole time.

"SCV, good to go sir!" shook him from his thoughts, the familiar cry of every driver for the past thirty years ringing like music.

"Alright boys and girls, you all heard Eddie. Load 'em up and let's get out of here before Alpha decides we overstayed our welcome," Chuck ordered as the first of the walkers moved under its own power towards the cavernous doors of the warehouse. It was soon followed by its rackmates, thrusters gently bringing them down from where they had hung down to the floor. He didn't deny that the sight, the sounds, even the command all took him back to a much simpler time.

Fact of the matter was, Chuck liked SCVs. Most of the Sons did, which made Mengsk's pathological hatred of them all the stranger. They had more armor than a Marine's power armor, and were infinitely less suspicious on the sort of fringe worlds that they had operated out of. The ungainly assortment of mining and construction equipment packed a wallop too, and more than once had a cell gone to ground only to fight their way out from within the comforting confines of T-280 Space Construction Vehicles.

The Chancellor had tried to get production of the walkers restarted of course, but Mengsk was an ornery old cuss and found them an effete bastardization of both labor and war, and stymied every moment of the effort. With this windfall from Duke, Chuck figured he had about half a year before he really needed Ardonin online anyway, and who knows, by then the Emperor might have changed his mind yet again. Odds of that seemed somewhat unlikely though.

Really, Chuck wasn't too surprised Arcturus hated the things. He had grown up on the stories of his grandfather Augustus Mengsk, and had a penchant for wanting everything done like they had managed it way back when - which meant no SCVs. The first had come off of the line in 2480 to begin building the Tarsonis orbital platforms, the greatest act of self aggrandizement in Confederate history so far beyond the capabilities of the industrial base that they accidentally ended up making something good for the poor sods who worked for a living. It was, Horner mused, probably the first time that had ever happened.

"I can't believe they put me in one of these things!" one of the fresh DLS members cried as he flew through the warehouse, losing control and spinning out almost lazily.

Ah well, they can't all be winners.

A/N: Less happy about this one, but this is what I get for trying to write while struggling to stay awake after stuffing my face with turkey.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Etranger on Nov 23, 2022 at 12:24 AM, finished with 76 posts and 32 votes.

  • [X] Plan Attempting to Expand Our Capabilities, Now With 68% Less Paranoia!
    -[X] Infrastructure (5/5 dice + 3 Free, +4 bonus, 40 R)
    --[X] Korhal: Capital City Augustgrad (Phase 1) 133/250 (2 dice, 10 R) (57% chance)
    --[X] Nephor II: Planetary Reconstruction (Phase 1) 78/450 (6 dice, 30 R) (66% chance)
    -[X] Heavy Industry (4/4 dice, -1 penalty, 30 R)
    --[X] Vardona: Ardonin Heavy Vehicle Factory (Phase 1) 153/250 (2 dice, 20 R) (73% chance)
    --[X] Nephor II: Nephor Industrial Megacomplex (Phase 1) 80/350 (2 dice, 10 R) (2/4.5 median)
    -[X] Light Industry (4/4 dice, -1 penalty, 50 R)
    --[X] Sara System: Imperial Chemical-Mineral Survey 0/200 (2 dice, -30 R) (2/4 median)
    --[X] Nephor II: Phoros Neotextile Fabrication Plant (Phase 2) 116/250 (2 dice, -20 R) (50% chance)
    -[X] Environmental (4/4 dice, -6 penalty, 20 R)
    --[X] Tyrador IX: Establish Farmsteads (Phase 2) 0/450 (4 dice, 20 R) (77% chance) (4/10 median)
    -[X] Services (4/4 dice, -6 penalty, 40 R)
    --[X] Re-Establish the Universal News Network 2/100 (2 dice, 20 R) (56% chance)
    --[X] Mass Literacy Movement 0/200 (2 dice, 20 R) (2/4 median)
    -[X] Military (5/5 dice, -1 penalty, 80 R)
    --[X] Nephor II: Fort Horner Marine Training Camp 0/150 (2 dice, 20 R) (36% chance)
    --[X] Brontes: Refloating the Fleet (Phase 1) 0/300 (3 dice, 60 R) (3/6 median)
    -[X] Research (4/4 dice, -6 penalty, 55 R)
    --[X] Broken Mesa Xenobiology Institute 50/150 (3 dice, 45 R) (83% chance)
    --[X] Imperial Science University 0/150 (1 die, 10 R) (1/3 median)
    -[X] Bureaucracy (4/4 dice + 1 Free die, +4 bonus, 30 R)
    --[X] Truth and Reconciliation Committee (I) 146/200 (1 die, 5 R) (66% chance)
    --[X] Conduct a Dominion-Wide Census 42/300 (1 die, 10 R) (1/5 median)
    --[X] Flesh Out The Remainder of the Bureaucracy 62/200 (3 dice, 15 R) (78% chance)
    -[X] Personal (4/4 dice, -6 penalty, 30 F)
    --[X] Private Investments DC 30/50/70 (3 dice, 30 F) (98.4/95.2/89.4% chance of hitting each DC)
    [X] Plan Breaking The Limits, Restoring Nephor, and Helping Vardona
    -[X] Infrastructure (5/5 dice + 2 Free, 35R)
    --[X] Korhal: Capital City Augustgrad (Phase 1) 133/250 (2 dice, 10R)
    --[X] Nephor II: Planetary Reconstruction (Phase 1) 78/450 (5 dice, 25R)
    -[X] Heavy Industry (4/4 dice+ 2 Free dice, 35R)
    --[X] Nephor II: Nephor Industrial Megacomplex (Phase 1) 80/350 (3 dice, 15 R)
    --[X] Vardona: Ardonin Heavy Vehicle Factory (Phase 1) 153/250 (3 dice, 30 R)
    -[X] Light Industry (4/4 dice, 40R)
    --[X] Vardona: Vespene Extraction Operations (Phase 1) 0/550 (2 dice, 20 R)
    --[X] Nephor II: Phoros Neotextile Fabrication Plant (Phase 2) (116/250) (2 dice 20 R)
    -[X] Environmental (4/4 dice, 40R)
    --[X] Korhal: Regreening Effort (Phase 1) 0/150 (2 dice, 10 R)
    --[X] Vardona: Subsidiary Hydroponics Effort 0/150 (2 dice, 30 R)
    -[X] Services (4/4 dice, 40R)
    --[X] Re-Establish the Universal News Network [Reconstruction] 2/100 (3 dice, 30 R)
    --[X] Mass Literacy Movement (Phase 1) 0/200, (1 dice, 10 R)
    -[X] Military (5/5 dice, 55R)
    --[X] Nephor II: Fort Horner Marine Training Camp 0/150 (3 dice, 15 R)
    --[X] Brontes: Refloating the Fleet (Phase 1) 0/300 (2 dice, 20 R)
    -[X] Research (4/4 dice, 50 R)
    --[X] Korhal: Broken Mesa Xenobiology Institute 50/150 (2 dice, 30 R)
    --[X] New Model Weaponry (Phase 1) (Tech) 0/150 (2 dice, 20 R)
    -[X] Bureaucracy (4/4 dice, 30R)
    --[X] Truth and Reconciliation Committee (Idealistic) 146/200 (2 dice, 10 R)
    --[X] Conduct a Dominion-Wide Census [Reconstruction] 42/300 (2 dice, 20 R)
    -[X] Personal (4/4, 45 F)
    --[X] Private Investments = DC 30/50/70 (3 dice, 30 F)
    --[X] Deadman's Rock: Authorize Arendt's Working Vacation = DC 20 (1 dice, 15 F)
    [X] Plan: Strong Foundations, Investments, Reductions
    -[X] Infrastructure = 5/5 dice + 1 FREE, -30 R
    --[X] Korhal: Capital City Augustgrad (Phase 1) = 133/250 (2 dice, -10 R) 42.7%
    --[X] Nephor II: Planetary Reconstruction (Phase 1) = 78/450 (4 dice, -20 R)
    -[X] Heavy Industry = 4/4 dice + 1 FREE, -40 R
    --[X] Vardona: Ardonin Heavy Vehicle Factory (Phase 1) = 153/250 (3 dice, -30 R) 89%
    --[X] Nephor II: Nephor Industrial Megacomplex (Phase 1) = 80/350 (2 dice, -10 R)
    -[X] Light Industry (4/4 dice, 40R)
    --[X] Vardona: Vespene Extraction Operations (Phase 1) = 0/550 (1 dice, -10 R)
    --[X] Nephor II: Phoros Neotextile Fabrication Plant (Phase 2) = 116/250 (3 dice, -30 R) 80%
    -[X] Environmental = 4/4 dice, -30 R
    --[X] Korhal: Regreening Effort (Phase 1) 0/150 (2 dice, 10 R)
    --[X] Nephor II: Cap'n Yum-Yum's Fantabulous Foodularium = 0/150 (2 dice, -20 R)
    -[X] Services (4/4 dice, 40R)
    --[X] Re-Establish the Universal News Network [Reconstruction] = 2/100 (2 dice, -20 R) 41%
    --[X] Mass Literacy Movement (Phase 1) = 0/200 (2 dice, -20 R)
    -[X] Military (5/5 dice, 55R)
    --[X] Nephor II: Fort Horner Marine Training Camp = 0/150 (3 dice, -15 R) 70%
    --[X] Brontes: Refloating the Fleet (Phase 1) = 0/300 (2 dice, -40 R)
    -[X] Research = 4/4 dice, -55 R
    --[X] Korhal: Broken Mesa Xenobiology Institute = 50/150 (3 dice, -45 R) 74%
    --[X] New Model Weaponry (Phase 1) (Tech) = 0/150 (1 dice, -10 R)
    -[X] Bureaucracy = 4/4 dice + 2 FREE, -40 R
    --[X] Truth and Reconciliation Committee (Idealistic) = 146/200 (1 dice, -5 R)
    --[X] Conduct a Dominion-Wide Census [Reconstruction] 42/300 (2 dice, 20 R)
    --[X] Flesh Out the Remainder of the Bureaucracy = 62/200 (3 dice, -15 R) 78%
    -[X] Personal = 4/4 dice, -45 F
    --[X] Private Investments = DC 30/50/70 (3 dice, -30 F) 89.4%
    --[X] Deadman's Rock: Authorize Arendt's Working Vacation = DC 20 (1 dice, -15 F) 75%
    [X] Plan Attempting to Expand Our Capabilities
    -[X] Infrastructure (5/5 dice + 3 Free, +4 bonus, 40 R)
    --[X] Korhal: Capital City Augustgrad (Phase 1) 133/250 (2 dice, 10 R) (57% chance)
    --[X] Nephor II: Planetary Reconstruction (Phase 1) 78/450 (6 dice, 30 R) (66% chance)
    -[X] Heavy Industry (4/4 dice, -1 penalty, 30 R)
    --[X] Vardona: Ardonin Heavy Vehicle Factory (Phase 1) 153/250 (2 dice, 20 R) (73% chance)
    --[X] Nephor II: Nephor Industrial Megacomplex (Phase 1) 80/350 (2 dice, 10 R) (2/4.5 median)
    -[X] Light Industry (4/4 dice, -1 penalty, 50 R)
    --[X] Sara System: Imperial Chemical-Mineral Survey 0/200 (2 dice, -30 R) (2/4 median)
    --[X] Nephor II: Phoros Neotextile Fabrication Plant (Phase 2) 116/250 (2 dice, -20 R) (50% chance)
    -[X] Environmental (4/4 dice, -6 penalty, 20 R)
    --[X] Korhal: Regreening Effort (Phase 1) 0/150 (4 dice, 20 R) (77% chance)
    -[X] Services (4/4 dice, -6 penalty, 40 R)
    --[X] Re-Establish the Universal News Network 2/100 (2 dice, 20 R) (56% chance)
    --[X] Mass Literacy Movement 0/200 (2 dice, 20 R) (2/4 median)
    -[X] Military (5/5 dice, -1 penalty, 80 R)
    --[X] Nephor II: Fort Horner Marine Training Camp 0/150 (2 dice, 20 R) (36% chance)
    --[X] Brontes: Refloating the Fleet (Phase 1) 0/300 (3 dice, 60 R) (3/6 median)
    -[X] Research (4/4 dice, -6 penalty, 50 R)
    --[X] Broken Mesa Xenobiology Institute 50/150 (2 dice, 30 R) (54% chance)
    --[X] Imperial Science University 0/150 (2 dice, 20 R) (15% chance)
    -[X] Bureaucracy (4/4 dice + 1 Free die, +4 bonus, 30 R)
    --[X] Truth and Reconciliation Committee (I) 146/200 (1 die, 5 R) (66% chance)
    --[X] Conduct a Dominion-Wide Census 42/300 (1 die, 10 R) (1/5 median)
    --[X] Flesh Out The Remainder of the Bureaucracy 62/200 (3 dice, 15 R) (78% chance)
    -[X] Personal (4/4 dice, -6 penalty, 45 F)
    --[X] Private Investments DC 30/50/70 (3 dice, 30 F) (98.4/95.2/89.4% chance of hitting each DC)
    --[X] Deadman's Rock: Authorize Arendt's Working Vacation = DC 20 (1 dice, 15 F)
    [X] Plan: Step forward
    -[X] Korhal: Capital City Augustgrad (Phase 1) [MANDATORY] 133/250 2 dice 10 R
    -[X] Nephor II: Planetary Reconstruction (Phase 1) [Reconstruction] 3 dice 76/450 15 R
    -[X] Vardona: Ardonin Heavy Vehicle Factory (Phase 1) 153/250 4 dice 40 R
    -[X] Tyrador IX: Refugee Workshops (Phase 2) [Reconstruction] 0/450 2 dice 10 R
    -[X] Nephor II: Phoros Neotextile Fabrication Plant (Phase 2) 116/250 2 dice 20 R
    -[X] Tyrador IX: Establish Farmsteads (Phase 2) [Reconstruction] 0/450 2 dice 10 R
    -[X] Nephor II: Cap'n Yum-Yum's Fantabulous Foodularium 0/150 2 dice 20 R
    -[X] Mass Literacy Movement (Phase 1) 0/200 2 dice 20 R
    -[X] Re-Establish the Universal News Network [Reconstruction] 0/100 2 dice 20 R
    -[X] Brontes: Refloating the Fleet (Phase 1) 0/300 3 dice 60 R
    -[X] Nephor II: Fort Horner Marine Training Camp 0/150 2 dice 10 R
    -[X] Korhal: Broken Mesa Xenobiology Institute 50/150 2 dice 30 R
    -[X] New Model Weaponry (Phase 1) (Tech) 0/150 2 dice 20 R
    -[X] Truth and Reconciliation Committee (Idealistic) 146/200 1 dice 5 R
    -[X] Conduct a Dominion-Wide Census [Reconstruction] 42/300 2 dice 20 R
    -[X] Flesh Out the Remainder of the Bureaucracy 62/200 3 dice 15 R
    -[X] Re-Establish the Bureau of Planning and Statistics 0/200 2 dice 10 R
    -[X] Raynor's Raiders: Request an Update DC 40 2 dice 10 F
    -[X] Fringe Worlds: Divert Supplies to Independent Settlements DC 40 2 dice 30 F
    [X] Plan Invest in the Future a Little
    -[X] Infrastructure 5/5 35R (+4 modifier)
    --[X] Korhal: Capital City Augustgrad (Phase 1) 2 dice 10R 52%
    --[X] Nephor II: Planetary Reconstruction (Phase 1) 3 dice + 2 free dice 25R 22%
    -[X] Heavy Industry 4/4 35R (-1 modifier)
    --[X] Nephor II: Nephor Industrial Megacomplex (Phase 1) 1 die 5R 0%
    --[X] Vardona: Ardonin Heavy Vehicle Factory (Phase 1) 3 dice 30R 90%
    -[X] Light and Chemical Industry 4/4 60R (-1 modifier)
    --[X] Vardona: Vespene Extraction Operations (Phase 1) 3 dice 30R 0%
    --[X] Nephor II: Phoros Neotextile Fabrication Plant (Phase 2) 1 die + 2 free dice 30R 97%
    -[X] Environmental 4/4 30R (-6 modifier)
    --[X] Korhal: Regreening Effort (Phase 1) 2 dice 10R 7%
    --[X] Vardona: Subsidiary Hydroponics Effort 2 dice 10R 12%
    -[X] Services 4/4 40R (-6 modifier)
    --[X] Mass Literacy Movement (Phase 1) 1 die 10R 0%
    --[X] Re-Establish the Universal News Network 3 dice 30R 75%
    -[X] Military 5/5 40R (-1 modifier)
    --[X] Brontes: Refloating the Fleet (Phase 1) 1 die 20R 0%
    --[X] Nephor II: Fort Horner Marine Training Camp 4 die 20R 79%
    -[X] Research 4/4 50R (-6 modifier)
    --[X] Korhal: Broken Mesa Xenobiology Institute 2 die 30R 40%
    --[X] New Model Weaponry (Phase 1) (Tech) 2 dice 20R 7%
    -[X] Bureaucracy 4/4 30R (+4 modifier)
    --[X] Truth and Reconciliation Committee (Idealistic) 2 dice 10R 85%
    --[X] Conduct a Dominion-Wide Census 2 dice 20R 0%
    -[X] Personal 4/4 40F (-6 modifier)
    --[X] Private Investments 4 dice 40F DC70 97%
    -[X] Free Dice 4/4
    -[X] 2 in Infrastructure
    -[X] 2 in Light and Chemical Industry
    -[X] Resources stockpile 310/395 Income /315 Total /710
    -[X] Discretionary Funds (F) stockpile 40/40 Income 0/25 Total 40/65
    [x] Plan Building Foundations and Helping People
    -[x] Infrastructure (4/4 dice, 25R)
    --[x] Korhal: Capital City Augustgrad (Phase 1) 133/250 (2 die, 10R) 43%
    --[x] Nephor II: Planetary Reconstruction (Phase 1) 78/450 (3 dice, 15R) 0%
    -[x] Heavy Industry (4/4 dice +4 Free, 55R)
    --[x] Nephor II: Nephor Industrial Megacomplex (Phase 1) 80/350 (5 dice, 25 R) 66%
    --[x] Vardona: Ardonin Heavy Vehicle Factory (Phase 1) 153/250 (3 dice, 30 R) 90%
    -[X] Light Industry (4/4 dice, 40R)
    --[x] Nephor II: Phoros Neotextile Fabrication Plant (Phase 2) 116/250 (3 dice, 30R) 81%
    --[x] Tyrador IX: Refugee Workshops (Phase 2) [Reconstruction] [NEW] (1 die, 10R) 0%
    -[x] Environmental (4/4 dice, 35R)
    --[x] Nephor II: Cap'n Yum-Yum's Fantabulous Foodularium 0/150 (3 dice, 30 R) 60%
    --[x] Korhal: Regreening Effort (Phase 1) (1 die, 5R) 0%
    -[x] Services (4/4 dice, 35R)
    --[x] Re-Establish the Universal News Network [Reconstruction] 2/100 (3 dice, 30 R) 75%
    --[x] The Dominion Health Service (Phase 2) [NEW] (1 die, 5R) 0%
    -[x] Military (5/5 dice, 35R)
    --[x] Nephor II: Fort Horner Marine Training Camp 0/150 (4 dice, 20 R) 79%
    --[x] Brontes: Fort Riley Orbital Training Center [NEW] (1 die, 15R) 0%
    -[X] Research (4/4 dice, 50 R)
    --[x] Korhal: Broken Mesa Xenobiology Institute 50/150 (2 dice, 30 R) 40%
    --[x] New Model Weaponry (Phase 1) (Tech) 0/150 (2 dice, 20 R) 8%
    -[X] Bureaucracy (4/4 dice, 30R)
    --[x] Truth and Reconciliation Committee (Idealistic) 146/200 (2 dice, 10 R) 90%
    --[x] Conduct a Dominion-Wide Census [Reconstruction] 42/300 (2 dice, 20 R) 0%
    -[x] Personal (4/4, 30 F)
    --[x] Raynor's Raiders: Request an Update [NEW] DC 40 (2 dice, 10 F) 87%
    --[x] Nephor II: Contact the Industrial Workers' Trust, DC 40 (2 dice, 20 F) 87%
    [X] Plan Attempting to Expand Our Capabilities w/New Model
    -[X] Infrastructure (5/5 dice + 3 Free, +4 bonus, 40 R)
    --[X] Korhal: Capital City Augustgrad (Phase 1) 133/250 (2 dice, 10 R) (57% chance)
    --[X] Nephor II: Planetary Reconstruction (Phase 1) 78/450 (6 dice, 30 R) (66% chance)
    -[X] Heavy Industry (4/4 dice, -1 penalty, 30 R)
    --[X] Vardona: Ardonin Heavy Vehicle Factory (Phase 1) 153/250 (2 dice, 20 R) (73% chance)
    --[X] Nephor II: Nephor Industrial Megacomplex (Phase 1) 80/350 (2 dice, 10 R) (2/4.5 median)
    -[X] Light Industry (4/4 dice, -1 penalty, 50 R)
    --[X] Sara System: Imperial Chemical-Mineral Survey 0/200 (2 dice, -30 R) (2/4 median)
    --[X] Nephor II: Phoros Neotextile Fabrication Plant (Phase 2) 116/250 (2 dice, -20 R) (50% chance)
    -[X] Environmental (4/4 dice, -6 penalty, 20 R)
    --[X] Korhal: Regreening Effort (Phase 1) 0/150 (4 dice, 20 R) (77% chance)
    -[X] Services (4/4 dice, -6 penalty, 40 R)
    --[X] Re-Establish the Universal News Network 2/100 (2 dice, 20 R) (56% chance)
    --[X] Mass Literacy Movement 0/200 (2 dice, 20 R) (2/4 median)
    -[X] Military (5/5 dice, -1 penalty, 80 R)
    --[X] Nephor II: Fort Horner Marine Training Camp 0/150 (2 dice, 20 R) (36% chance)
    --[X] Brontes: Refloating the Fleet (Phase 1) 0/300 (3 dice, 60 R) (3/6 median)
    -[X] Research (4/4 dice, -6 penalty, 50 R)
    --[X] Broken Mesa Xenobiology Institute 50/150 (2 dice, 30 R) (54% chance)
    --[x] New Model Weaponry (Phase 1) (Tech) 0/150 (2 dice, 20 R) 8%
    -[X] Bureaucracy (4/4 dice + 1 Free die, +4 bonus, 30 R)
    --[X] Truth and Reconciliation Committee (I) 146/200 (1 die, 5 R) (66% chance)
    --[X] Conduct a Dominion-Wide Census 42/300 (1 die, 10 R) (1/5 median)
    --[X] Flesh Out The Remainder of the Bureaucracy 62/200 (3 dice, 15 R) (78% chance)
    -[X] Personal (4/4 dice, -6 penalty, 45 F)
    --[X] Private Investments DC 30/50/70 (3 dice, 30 F) (98.4/95.2/89.4% chance of hitting each DC)
    --[X] Deadman's Rock: Authorize Arendt's Working Vacation = DC 20 (1 dice, 15 F)
    [X] Plan Breaking The Limits, Personal Version
    -[X] Infrastructure (5/5 dice + 2 Free, 35R)
    --[X] Korhal: Capital City Augustgrad (Phase 1) 133/250 (2 dice, 10R)
    --[X] Nephor II: Planetary Reconstruction (Phase 1) 78/450 (5 dice, 25R)
    -[X] Heavy Industry (4/4 dice, 25R)
    --[X] Nephor II: Nephor Industrial Megacomplex (Phase 1) 80/350 (1 dice, 5 R)
    --[X] Vardona: Ardonin Heavy Vehicle Factory (Phase 1) 153/250 (3 dice, 30 R)
    -[X] Light Industry (4/4 dice, 40R)
    --[X] Vardona: Vespene Extraction Operations (Phase 1) 0/550 (2 dice, 20 R)
    --[X] Nephor II: Phoros Neotextile Fabrication Plant (Phase 2) (116/250) (2 dice 20 R)
    -[X] Environmental (4/4 dice, 40R)
    --[X] Korhal: Regreening Effort (Phase 1) 0/150 (2 dice, 10 R)
    --[X] Vardona: Subsidiary Hydroponics Effort 0/150 (2 dice, 30 R)
    -[X] Services (4/4 dice, 40R)
    --[X] Re-Establish the Universal News Network [Reconstruction] 2/100 (3 dice, 30 R)
    --[X] Mass Literacy Movement (Phase 1) 0/200, (1 dice, 10 R)
    -[X] Military (5/5 dice, 55R)
    --[X] Nephor II: Fort Horner Marine Training Camp 0/150 (3 dice, 15 R)
    --[X] Brontes: Refloating the Fleet (Phase 1) 0/300 (2 dice, 20 R)
    -[X] Research (4/4 dice, 50 R)
    --[X] Korhal: Broken Mesa Xenobiology Institute 50/150 (2 dice, 30 R)
    --[X] New Model Weaponry (Phase 1) (Tech) 0/150 (2 dice, 20 R)
    -[X] Bureaucracy (4/4 dice, 30R)
    --[X] Truth and Reconciliation Committee (Idealistic) 146/200 (2 dice, 10 R)
    --[X] Conduct a Dominion-Wide Census [Reconstruction] 42/300 (2 dice, 20 R)
    -[X] Personal (4/4, 60 F)
    --[X] Raynor's Raiders: "Lose" Military Surplus [NEW] (2 dice, 20F) 75%
    --[X] Nephor II: Contact the Industrial Workers' Trust (2 dice, 20F) 87%
    --[X] Private Investments (2 dice, 20F) 91%/82%/68%
Etranger threw 2 100-faced dice. Reason: Augustgrad Phase 1 Total: 138
75 75 63 63
Etranger threw 6 100-faced dice. Reason: Nephor Reconstruction Phase 1 Total: 500
55 55 78 78 100 100 87 87 95 95 85 85
Etranger threw 2 100-faced dice. Reason: Ardonin Factory Phase 1 Total: 118
45 45 73 73
Etranger threw 2 100-faced dice. Reason: NIM Phase 1 Total: 152
80 80 72 72
Etranger threw 2 100-faced dice. Reason: Sara Survey Phase 1 Total: 131
72 72 59 59
Etranger threw 2 100-faced dice. Reason: Phoros Plant Phase 2 Total: 86
71 71 15 15
Etranger threw 4 100-faced dice. Reason: Tyrador Farmsteads Phase 2 Total: 214
65 65 45 45 54 54 50 50
Etranger threw 2 100-faced dice. Reason: UNN Total: 115
82 82 33 33
Etranger threw 2 100-faced dice. Reason: Mass Literacy Phase 1 Total: 65
64 64 1 1
Etranger threw 2 100-faced dice. Reason: Marine Camp Total: 117
30 30 87 87
Etranger threw 3 100-faced dice. Reason: Refloating Phase 1 Total: 234
76 76 85 85 73 73
Etranger threw 3 100-faced dice. Reason: Broken Mesa Total: 170
77 77 60 60 33 33
Etranger threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Science University Total: 91
91 91
Etranger threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: T&R Idealistic Total: 7
7 7
Etranger threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Census Total: 14
14 14
Etranger threw 3 100-faced dice. Reason: Bureaucracy Leftovers Total: 143
27 27 91 91 25 25
Etranger threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: On-The-Job Training Total: 59
59 59
Etranger threw 3 100-faced dice. Reason: Investments Total: 143
100 100 3 3 40 40
Etranger threw 3 100-faced dice. Reason: Alpha Squadron vs Feral Zerg Total: 93
6 6 80 80 7 7