Attempting to Subvert the Plan: Dominion Edition

Retcon: Should General Horner (the MC) have been The Magistrate (Starcraft 1 PC)?

  • Yes

    Votes: 35 43.8%
  • No

    Votes: 29 36.3%
  • This does not matter to me

    Votes: 16 20.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
[X] Cruikshank and Taylor

The projects we most want to complete are all Personal. Everything else strengthens Mengsk either at the cost of weakening ourselves or strengthens him at least as much as us. Personal actions are the only ones that are unambiguously good for us. So that makes the bonus to personal actions very important.

The other two groups both provide interesting narrative elements, so it's a shame we can't take one of them instead, but the bonus to personal is just too critical to pass up.
The projects we most want to complete are all Personal. Everything else strengthens Mengsk either at the cost of weakening ourselves or strengthens him at least as much as us. Personal actions are the only ones that are unambiguously good for us.
Nitpick: There are a variety of non-Personal actions that potentially weaken Mengsk at the cost of making Mengsk suspicious of us. Obvious examples include:

1) Making potentially rebellious planets more capable of supporting themselves without food imports.
2) Mass deployment of survival shelters and equipment to the fringe world outposts, see previous.
3) Creating independent media or making the population more literate and thus less controllable.
[X] Milspec Ltd
[X] Koprulu Disaster Relief Committee

I think having guys in suits hanging around the office might lower the tone. Let's let C&T go elsewhere.
Nitpick: There are a variety of non-Personal actions that potentially weaken Mengsk at the cost of making Mengsk suspicious of us. Obvious examples include:

1) Making potentially rebellious planets more capable of supporting themselves without food imports.
2) Mass deployment of survival shelters and equipment to the fringe world outposts, see previous.
3) Creating independent media or making the population more literate and thus less controllable.
Fair enough, hopefully we'll prioritize those this quarter.

Tight race. The twins with their bonus to personal vs. Disaster Relief with boni to multiple trouble categories.
As I've said, we need to balance "work to undermine Mengsk" with "actually rebuild Terran space," because otherwise external enemies are going to eat us alive, possibly literally in the Zerg's case.
Mengsk will gleefully feed every single other human to the Zerg as long as he thinks it will allow him to live even a second longer. He's done it repeatedly before and he'll do it again.

Remember, Mengsk is the guy who thought the middle of a Zerg invasion was the perfect time to not only stage a rebellion, but also led the Zerg to Tarsonis and then protected them from the Protoss until they were too firmly established to be defeated.

The most efficient balance point is to leave Mengsk weak enough for someone, almost anyone else, to replace him so that humanity can rally together to fight external enemies instead of continuing to tear at each other. If it comes down to the death of humanity or helping Mengsk stay in power, then yes, we have to help him stay in power, but we're not at that point yet. However, every action and resource we divert to strengthening the military now, brings us closer to that point, because it will make Mengsk's overthrow bloodier and more expensive. And Mengsk needs to be overthrown.
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Personally I feel like we should be more concerned about rebuilding the military and rebuilding in general
I would like to rebuild a dominion that will actually survive future crisis.
Everything will strengthen mengsk to one degree or another because he is the state but having a state is infinitely better than not having one. Once things are not in utter ruins it may be time to think about a palace coup but the terrans absolutely cannot afford the disjunction and destruction of a Rebellion revolution or civil war
Aren't the Kel-Morian Combine and Umojan Protectorate somewhere out there?

Do we have diplomatic relations with them or no? Should we worry about them? Is the Combine perhaps thinking about getting revenge for their loss in the Combine-Confederacy war?
Wait, they are? @Etranger , is that the case, that's not the impression I got?

The status of Kel-Moria and Umoja re: the Dominion is kept somewhat ambiguous by all sides. The former two parties have acknowledged the Dominion as the lawful successor to the Confederacy, which should also indicate that they're still vassal states, but in practice the Dominion has neither the ability nor the desire to actually enforce their subjugation right now. As such, they're effectively independent, but very careful to be respectful to their larger, more powerful neighbor. This state of affairs may change as the Dominion gets on its feet.