Attempting to Subvert the Plan: Dominion Edition

Retcon: Should General Horner (the MC) have been The Magistrate (Starcraft 1 PC)?

  • Yes

    Votes: 35 43.8%
  • No

    Votes: 29 36.3%
  • This does not matter to me

    Votes: 16 20.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
[X] Plan All In
Infrastructure (5 dice, -3 per die)
-[X] Korhal: Capital City Augustgrad (Phase 1) [MANDATORY]

The Emperor's vision for the throne world begins with its capital: Augustgrad. Named after Mengsk's illustrious grandfather, Augustgrad is intended to be a planned metropolis that will become the beating heart of the entire Terran Dominion. Projected to include an enormous Imperial Palace, vast housing and commercial districts, and multiple rings of defensive walls and emplacements, it will far exceed anything Old Tarsonis had to offer... someday.
(Progress 93/300, -10R per die, -10 Paranoia)
5 dice 50R

Heavy Industry (4 dice, -3 per die)
-[X] Korhal: Keresh Mining Complex (Phase 2)

With the initial open-pit mine complete over the main deposit, the Keresh complex can begin expanding toward secondary deposits with smaller, less manpower-intensive shaft mining. Subterranean mining with hand tools carries its own specific dangers, but the secondary deposits are expected to include several rare elements like crystallized xenon, promising greater resource yields in the process.
(Progress 14/300, -10R per die, Resource income, cost reduction to all Augustgrad phases)
4 dice 40R

Light and Chemical Industry (4 dice, -3 per die)
-[X] Tyrador IX: Refugee Workshops (Phase 1) [Reconstruction]

The refugees of Tyrador suffer from deprivation and inadequate shelter, but they also lack gainful employment. Dependent entirely on limited relief aid, they are unable to improve their lot or engage in meaningful work. By building small factories across the continent of Velocis, each one tailored to produce artificial fabrics, plastic goods, and home appliances, we can restore the flow of consumer goods to Dominion households and employ millions.
(Progress 271/400, -10R per die, Resource income)
4 dice 40R

Environmental (4 dice, -8 per die)
-[X] Tyrador IX: Establish Farmsteads (Phase 1) [Reconstruction]

The secondary continent of Velocis is flat and uninteresting, with vast expanses of deep-soil grassland, which makes it suboptimal from a tourism perspective but excellent for large-scale farming. Building farms for the refugees to work will accomplish housing, employment, and food production goals all at the same time. Who doesn't love killing three Scourge with one AA rocket?
(Progress 269/400, -10R per die)
4 dice 40R

Services (4 dice, -8 per die)
-[X] The Dominion Health Service (Phase 1)

One of the Emperor's many promises to his people was that they would be cared for, from cradle to grave. Private healthcare under the Confederacy was widely considered a bad joke, with massive piles of medical debt and long lines into emergency departments. While the Emperor has shown no interest in actually solving this problem now that he's in power, he did make the promise. As such, a number of new hospitals and clinics must be constructed to ease the burden on the groaning healthcare system, particularly in and around refugee settlements.
(Progress 170/300, -10R per die, +5 Paranoia)
2 dice 20R

-[X] Re-Establish the Universal News Network [Reconstruction]
The Universal News Network, or UNN, was a major pillar of Confederate propaganda during its heyday. However, as its employees began developing things like "ethics," and when no official denial could cover up losing multiple planets, the Confed government shut it down and jailed its reporters. By reopening the news service, we can broadcast the Dominion's successes across the sector... if occasionally also its failures.
(Progress 0/100, -10R per die, +5 Paranoia)
2 dice 20R

Military (5 dice, -3 per die)
-[X] Nephor II: Fort Horner Marine Training Camp

One of the most punishing experiences in the Great War was urban combat, as power-suited Marines struggled to make their way through tight corridors, debris-strewn streets, and piles of destroyed vehicles. In order to ensure that the next generation of jarheads is fit for purpose, the Defense Ministry has called for the construction of a military training camp in a stretch of the Nephor megacity that was particularly harrowing during reclamation operations.
(Progress 0/200, -10R per die, -5 Paranoia)
4 dice 40R

-[X] Tyrador IX: Military Recruitment Offices
While the plan is to engage in mass conscription to refill the ranks of the army, it's always preferable to secure willing volunteers over resentful voluntolds. A series of recruitment offices across Tyrador IX's refugee-swollen second continent will offer an escape route for those capable individuals prepared to risk their lives in service to the Dominion.
(Progress 115/200, -10R per die, -5 Paranoia)
1 dice 10R

Research (4 dice, -8 per die)
-[X] Korhal: Broken Mesa Xenobiology Institute

The Security Ministry has selected the Broken Mesa region of Korhal for the construction of a special research site, which from the plans appears to be something more akin to an entire small city, walls and all. The proposed defenses are elaborate, multi-layered, and as focused inward as outward. I'm sure you can guess what that means.
(Progress 0/200, -20R per die, -10 Paranoia)
4 dice 80R

Bureaucracy (4 dice, -3 per die)
-[X] Truth and Reconciliation Committee (Idealistic)

Many of the political prisoners in those cells are just as much a danger to Mengsk's autocracy as they were to the Confederacy's oligarchy. You're unlikely to be able to free the actual terrorists (at least not the ones who weren't in the Sons), but you could definitely put your thumb on the scale and selectively increase the percentage of dissidents and protestors released, albeit at a cost.
(Progress 24/200, -5R per die, +5 Paranoia)
4 dice 20R

Personal (4 dice, -13 per die) + 4 Free Dice
Discretionary Funds (F): 25 initial + 25 incoming = 50 total
-[X] Private Investments

One of the most basic things you can do with money is use it to make more money. Arendt is more than happy to shuffle a portion of your discretionary budget through a number of shell companies and dummy corporations, then begin investing in those concerns which will see the most growth in the coming years. "Insider trading" is a nasty turn of phrase... but an accurate one in this case.
(DC 30/50/70, -10F per die, +5F/quarter per DC passed, failure incurs +5 Paranoia)
4 dice 40F

-[X] Send a Letter "Home"
You've always prided yourself on your family-mindedness. It's been a year or so since you've heard from young Matt, now that he's off "wandering the sector." Maybe it's time to get back in touch, possibly through a helpful dead-drop you know is frequented by a trustworthy Raider sympathizer.
(Unlocks Raynor's Raiders Personal projects) (DC 40 to avoid +10 Paranoia)
4 dice 0F

Added free dice to getting in contact with the Raiders. Previous points about not splitting focus still stand. No prizes for partials after all.
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In just two turns we grew the economy so that the total government budget was 600 R, hence growing our share of the pie. Actions to grow the economy are spread throughout all the categories, and will be just as vital as direct resource-gains, if they're identified taken when possible. We're going to have future budget negotiations, and when we do we have more to prioritize than ONLY HI and LCI, for all that I do think they should get the lion's share of the Free Dice. But in Bureaucracy we have obvious higher priorities, including one we literally have to complete.

Getting more dice is something more for Quarter 3 of this year, once we've build up enough of an income that it is actually worth it meaningfully. Which we could seriously do in just 2-3 turns if we spend wisely.
The problem is that we don't need to think of just the next budget-allocation, but also the 4-year plan as a whole.
And one of the things we're explicitly ordered to do is to complete ALL of the [Reconstruction] projects. All phases of them;
Current Promises
Complete all phases of all [Reconstruction] projects by the end of Q4 2511
Complete one non-[Reconstruction] project in each listed category by the end of Q4 2511
Complete Korhal: Capital City Augustgrad (Phase 1) by the end of Q4 2507
Complete one subsequent Augustgrad phase each year until the end of Q4 2511
Complete Korhal: Build the Broken Mesa Xenobiology Institute by the end of Q4 2507
Complete Conduct a Dominion-Wide Census by the end of Q4 2507
(emphasis mine)
We only have 16 turns to do all of that, which is a massive, massive problem that isn't going to be solved by saving up a couple of extra resources for the last turn or two, because with many of those projects the problem isn't the resource-cost as such, but the amount of progress required. Especially with our other commitments (Augustgrad, Broken Mesa, one non-[Reconstruction] project in each, etc) added in.

To illustrate this:

Augustgrad (93/300)
Brontes (177/300)
Nephor (0/500)
Tyrador (0/400)
Total: 270/1500 Progress

This translates to us having to spend ~25 dice, which for Infrastructure translates to 5 turns of in-category dice, just to complete the first phase of everything, and doesn't figure in the obligatory not-[Reconstruction] project. And with the first phases completed, come the follow-up phases, which if typical Plan-Quest trends hold true here, will require even more Progress to complete.
Not to mention that after the Brontes orbital cleanup, the planet itself will need to be rebuilt, too, increasing the Progress-crunch even more.

Things are somewhat better in HI, but still problematic, since our mandatory projects there require us to spend ~21 dice, or 5 1/4 turns of in-category dice, on the first phases (1000 Progress total).

Simply put, we need to not only increase our R-income/decrease R-cost (so we can keep more of our dice active), but also need to improve our ability to quickly finish projects, and that as soon as possible due to snowball-effect (ie, the sooner we complete a project, the sooner we gain benefits from it, which in turn allows us to complete other projects sooner, gaining yet more benefits from them, and so on, and so forth). For this reason your current dice-distribution is actually counter-productive, because we do not gain any concrete benefit from only partially completed phases, and the way you spread out your dice means a lot of projects that either increase our R income, reduce R cost, or reduce Progress cost have either no chance of finishing this turn at all (Nephor Planetary Reconstruction, Nephor Industrial Megacomplex, Nephor TerraUnion T&D Works), or not as good a chance as we'd ideally want to (Tyrador Refugee Workshops; 60%).

A much better strategy would be to shift in-category dice in Heavy Industry from the Industrial Megacomplex to the TerraUnion T&D Work - which would give this a 75% chance to complete, while keeping overall R cost the same - and shift one free die from either Infrastructure or Heavy Industry to the Refugee Workshops instead, increasing the chance of completing the first phase of the project from 60% to 85%.
This would near-guarantee an increase to our income (thus allowing us to keep more dice active), as well as a reduction in Progress cost in a number of projects (essentially acting as a dice-multiplier; if the T&D Works requires 200 Progress per phase, but reduces the Progress requirements of other projects by a total of 300 points, then the worth of dice and resources invested into it effectively increases by ~50% or more).
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Doing something a little different.

Resources: 120 stockpile + 330 incoming - 25 personal = 425 available
Funding: 25 stockpile + 25 incoming = 50 available
Paranoia: 40/100
Free Dice: 4 - only 2 can be spent on Personal Projects
Uncrowned Queen: +10 to all Nephor II project dice

Plan Slow and Steady
-Infrastructure (5/5 dice, -3 per die)
--[X] Korhal: Capital City Augustgrad (Phase 1) [MANDATORY] 1 die, 10 R 0%
--[X] Brontes: Orbital Cleanup (Phase 1) [Reconstruction] 3 dice, 45 R 61.14% (71.6% with a +15 omake)
--[X] Nephor II: Planetary Reconstruction (Phase 1) [Reconstruction] 1 die, 10 R 0%
-Heavy Industry (4/4 dice, -3 per die)
--[X] Vardona: Ardonin Heavy Vehicle Factory (Phase 1) 3 dice, 45 R 47% (58.21% with a +15 omake)
--[X] Nephor II: TerraUnion Tool and Die Works (Phase 1) [NEW] 1 die 10 R 0%
-Light and Chemical Industry (4/4 dice, -3 per die)
--[X] Tyrador IX: Refugee Workshops (Phase 1) [Reconstruction] 3 dice, 30 R 60.41% (70.94% with a +15 omake)
--[X] Nephor II: Phoros Neotextile Fabrication Plant (Phase 1) [NEW] 1 die, 10R 0%
-Environmental (4/4 dice + 2 free dice, -8 per die)
--[X] Tyrador IX: Establish Farmsteads (Phase 1) [Reconstruction] 4 dice, 40 R 74.58% (82.04% with a +15 omake)
--[X] Korhal: Regreening Effort (Phase 1) 2 dice, 10 R 0%
-Services (4/4 dice, -8 per die)
--[X] The Dominion Health Service (Phase 1) 4 dice, 40 R 75.12% (82.49% with a +15 omake)
-Military (5/5 dice, -3 per die)
--[X] Tyrador IX: Military Recruitment Offices 2 dice, 20 R 59.95% (72.25% with a +15 omake)
--[X] Nephor II: Fort Horner Marine Training Camp 3 dice, 30 R 30.41% (41.06% with a +15 omake)
-Research (4/4 dice, -8 per die)
--[X] Iris-class Light Airship (Tech) [NEW] 2 dice, 20 R 6.3% (12.75% with a +15 omake)
--[X] New Model Weaponry (Phase 1) (Tech) [NEW] 2 dice, 20 R 6.3% (12.75% with a +15 omake)
-Bureaucracy (4/4 dice, -3 per die)
--[X] Truth and Reconciliation Committee (Idealistic) 4 dice, 20 R 59.57% (68.91% with a +15 omake)
-Personal (4/4 dice + 2 free dice, -13 per die)
--[X] Hire Advisors 2 dice, 10 F 90.1% DC 20/79.2% DC 40 (ignores omakes)
--[X] Send a Letter "Home" 2 dice, 0 F 79.2% DC 40 (ignores omakes)
--[X] Nephor II: Contact the Industrial Workers' Trust [NEW] 2 dice, 20 F 90.1% DC 40 (assumes Uncrowned Queen applies, 79.2% otherwise)

360/425 Resources -> 395 Resources next turn assuming no resource generating projects complete
30/50 Funding -> 45 Funding next turn

Paranoia: 40/100
Possible Changes:
+5 Ardonin
+5 Dominion Health Service
-5 Military Recruitment Offices
-5 Fort Horner Marine Training Corp
-5 Iris Class Light Airship
-10 New Model Weaponry (Phase 1)
+5 Truth and Reconciliation Committee (Idealistic)
+5 Hire Advisors
+10 Send a Letter "Home"
+10 Contact the Industrial Workers' Trust

Absolute Worst Case: 80/100

1 die in Augustgrad to keep it trucking and avoid the Paranoia hit, 3 dice Brontes to try and finish it up, 1 die Nephor II Reconstruction to get it started. Primary reason to use the last die on Nephor II instead of Brontes is cost.

Heavy Industry
3 dice on Ardonin to try and finish it, basically a coinflip. Last die on TerraUnion to get it started, and like above, it's just cheaper.

Light and Chemical Industry
Honestly I could be convinced to throw all 4 dice onto the refugee workshop, but we have better than average odds of completing it with 3. Will hopefully start giving us some positive income.

All 4 dice on getting the farms done, then 2 free dice on regreening because we both want to do it and also it is one of very few 5R projects on the list. I could be convinced to throw those onto bureaucracy though.

I just really think that a competent medical service is important. Probably the highest impact thing in Services.

Complete the military recruitment office, and then try and take advantage of the fact that Fort Horner gets Uncrowned Queen.

This is where I go a bit off of the beaten trail. A bunch of people do Xenoresearch, but for half the cost we can do moonshots for even more Paranoia reduction that actually improves peoples lives without risking a Zerg outbreak while the economy is still a basketcase. Hoping to get some resource generating stuff done this quarter or the next and then we can shock the institute.

Get the Sons out of New Folsom.

We have a lot of work to do here. Most important for numbers go up is advisors, which should make everything a bit easier going forward, but the latter two are when we start to actually get to the 'subvert' part of the plan. We can do investment later, right now we're swimming in slush money and don't even know what to spend it on.

[X] Plan: Profit and Reputation.

Infrastructure 5/5 Dice 60 R
-[X] Korhal: Capital City Augustgrad (Phase 1) [MANDATORY] 93/300 2 dice 20 R
-[X] Brontes: Orbital Cleanup (Phase 1) [Reconstruction] 172/300 2 dice 30 R
-[X] Nephor II: Planetary Reconstruction (Phase 1) [Reconstruction] 1 dice 0/500 10 R
Heavy Industry 8/4 Dice 100 R
-[X] Korhal: Keresh Mining Complex (Phase 2) 14/300 4 dice 40 R
-[X] Vardona: Ardonin Heavy Vehicle Factory (Phase 1) 153/300 4 dice 60 R
Light and Chemical Industry 4/4 Dice 40 R
-[X] Tyrador IX: Refugee Workshops (Phase 1) [Reconstruction] 271/400 2 dice 20 R
-[X] Nephor II: Phoros Neotextile Fabrication Plant (Phase 1) 78/200 2 dice 20 R
Environmental 4/4 40R
-[X] Tyrador IX: Establish Farmsteads (Phase 1) [Reconstruction] 269/400 2 dice 20 R
-[X] Nephor II: Cap'n Yum-Yum's Fantabulous Foodularium 0/200 2 dice 20 R
Services 4/4 30 R
-[X] The Dominion Health Service (Phase 1) 170/300 3 dice 30 R
-[X] Re-Establish the Universal News Network [Reconstruction] 0/100 1 dice 10 R
Military 5/5 50 R
-[X] Tyrador IX: Military Recruitment Offices 0/200 3 dice 30 R
-[X] Nephor II: Fort Horner Marine Training Camp 115/200 2 dice 20 R
Research 4/4 Dice 70 R
-[X] Korhal: Broken Mesa Xenobiology Institute 0/200 3 dice 60 R
-[X] New Model Weaponry (Phase 1) (Tech) 0/150 1 dice 10 R
Bureaucracy 4/4 Dice 30 R
-[X] Truth and Reconciliation Committee (Idealistic) 24/200 2 dice 10 R
-[X] Conduct a Dominion-Wide Census [Reconstruction] 0/300 2 dice 20 R
Personal 4/4 Dice 40 F
-[X] Private Investments 4 dice DC 30/50/70 40 F

420/425 Resources
40/50 Discretionary Funds
4/4 Free dice

[X] Plan All In
Infrastructure (5 dice, -3 per die)
-[X] Korhal: Capital City Augustgrad (Phase 1) [MANDATORY]

The Emperor's vision for the throne world begins with its capital: Augustgrad. Named after Mengsk's illustrious grandfather, Augustgrad is intended to be a planned metropolis that will become the beating heart of the entire Terran Dominion. Projected to include an enormous Imperial Palace, vast housing and commercial districts, and multiple rings of defensive walls and emplacements, it will far exceed anything Old Tarsonis had to offer... someday.
(Progress 93/300, -10R per die, -10 Paranoia)
5 dice 50R

Heavy Industry (4 dice, -3 per die)
-[X] Korhal: Keresh Mining Complex (Phase 2)

With the initial open-pit mine complete over the main deposit, the Keresh complex can begin expanding toward secondary deposits with smaller, less manpower-intensive shaft mining. Subterranean mining with hand tools carries its own specific dangers, but the secondary deposits are expected to include several rare elements like crystallized xenon, promising greater resource yields in the process.
(Progress 14/300, -10R per die, Resource income, cost reduction to all Augustgrad phases)
4 dice 40R

Light and Chemical Industry (4 dice, -3 per die)
-[X] Tyrador IX: Refugee Workshops (Phase 1) [Reconstruction]

The refugees of Tyrador suffer from deprivation and inadequate shelter, but they also lack gainful employment. Dependent entirely on limited relief aid, they are unable to improve their lot or engage in meaningful work. By building small factories across the continent of Velocis, each one tailored to produce artificial fabrics, plastic goods, and home appliances, we can restore the flow of consumer goods to Dominion households and employ millions.
(Progress 271/400, -10R per die, Resource income)
4 dice 40R

Environmental (4 dice, -8 per die)
-[X] Tyrador IX: Establish Farmsteads (Phase 1) [Reconstruction]

The secondary continent of Velocis is flat and uninteresting, with vast expanses of deep-soil grassland, which makes it suboptimal from a tourism perspective but excellent for large-scale farming. Building farms for the refugees to work will accomplish housing, employment, and food production goals all at the same time. Who doesn't love killing three Scourge with one AA rocket?
(Progress 269/400, -10R per die)
4 dice 40R

Services (4 dice, -8 per die)
-[X] The Dominion Health Service (Phase 1)

One of the Emperor's many promises to his people was that they would be cared for, from cradle to grave. Private healthcare under the Confederacy was widely considered a bad joke, with massive piles of medical debt and long lines into emergency departments. While the Emperor has shown no interest in actually solving this problem now that he's in power, he did make the promise. As such, a number of new hospitals and clinics must be constructed to ease the burden on the groaning healthcare system, particularly in and around refugee settlements.
(Progress 170/300, -10R per die, +5 Paranoia)
2 dice 20R

-[X] Re-Establish the Universal News Network [Reconstruction]
The Universal News Network, or UNN, was a major pillar of Confederate propaganda during its heyday. However, as its employees began developing things like "ethics," and when no official denial could cover up losing multiple planets, the Confed government shut it down and jailed its reporters. By reopening the news service, we can broadcast the Dominion's successes across the sector... if occasionally also its failures.
(Progress 0/100, -10R per die, +5 Paranoia)
2 dice 20R

Military (5 dice, -3 per die)
-[X] Nephor II: Fort Horner Marine Training Camp

One of the most punishing experiences in the Great War was urban combat, as power-suited Marines struggled to make their way through tight corridors, debris-strewn streets, and piles of destroyed vehicles. In order to ensure that the next generation of jarheads is fit for purpose, the Defense Ministry has called for the construction of a military training camp in a stretch of the Nephor megacity that was particularly harrowing during reclamation operations.
(Progress 0/200, -10R per die, -5 Paranoia)
4 dice 40R

-[X] Tyrador IX: Military Recruitment Offices
While the plan is to engage in mass conscription to refill the ranks of the army, it's always preferable to secure willing volunteers over resentful voluntolds. A series of recruitment offices across Tyrador IX's refugee-swollen second continent will offer an escape route for those capable individuals prepared to risk their lives in service to the Dominion.
(Progress 115/200, -10R per die, -5 Paranoia)
1 dice 10R

Research (4 dice, -8 per die)
-[X] Korhal: Broken Mesa Xenobiology Institute

The Security Ministry has selected the Broken Mesa region of Korhal for the construction of a special research site, which from the plans appears to be something more akin to an entire small city, walls and all. The proposed defenses are elaborate, multi-layered, and as focused inward as outward. I'm sure you can guess what that means.
(Progress 0/200, -20R per die, -10 Paranoia)
4 dice 80R

Bureaucracy (4 dice, -3 per die)
-[X] Truth and Reconciliation Committee (Idealistic)

Many of the political prisoners in those cells are just as much a danger to Mengsk's autocracy as they were to the Confederacy's oligarchy. You're unlikely to be able to free the actual terrorists (at least not the ones who weren't in the Sons), but you could definitely put your thumb on the scale and selectively increase the percentage of dissidents and protestors released, albeit at a cost.
(Progress 24/200, -5R per die, +5 Paranoia)
4 dice 20R

Personal (4 dice, -13 per die) + 4 Free Dice
Discretionary Funds (F): 25 initial + 25 incoming = 50 total
-[X] Private Investments

One of the most basic things you can do with money is use it to make more money. Arendt is more than happy to shuffle a portion of your discretionary budget through a number of shell companies and dummy corporations, then begin investing in those concerns which will see the most growth in the coming years. "Insider trading" is a nasty turn of phrase... but an accurate one in this case.
(DC 30/50/70, -10F per die, +5F/quarter per DC passed, failure incurs +5 Paranoia)
4 dice 40F

-[X] Send a Letter "Home"
You've always prided yourself on your family-mindedness. It's been a year or so since you've heard from young Matt, now that he's off "wandering the sector." Maybe it's time to get back in touch, possibly through a helpful dead-drop you know is frequented by a trustworthy Raider sympathizer.
(Unlocks Raynor's Raiders Personal projects) (DC 40 to avoid +10 Paranoia)
4 dice 0F

Added free dice to getting in contact with the Raiders. Previous points about not splitting focus still stand. No prizes for partials after all.

Voting starts in 7-ish hours. Unmark your votes until then.
Simply put, we need to not only increase our R-income/decrease R-cost (so we can keep more of our dice active), but also need to improve our ability to quickly finish projects, and that as soon as possible due to snowball-effect (ie, the sooner we complete a project, the sooner we gain benefits from it, which in turn allows us to complete other projects sooner, gaining yet more benefits from them, and so on, and so forth). For this reason your current dice-distribution is actually counter-productive, because we do not gain any concrete benefit from only partially completed phases, and the way you spread out your dice means a lot of projects that either increase our R income, reduce R cost, or reduce Progress cost have either no chance of finishing this turn at all (Nephor Planetary Reconstruction, Nephor Industrial Megacomplex, Nephor TerraUnion T&D Works), or not as good a chance as we'd ideally want to (Tyrador Refugee Workshops; 60%).
or more).

...what kinda silly criticism is that? Like, no, the Nephor Planetary Reconstruction won't be finished in a single turn. Duh. What do you fucking expect? That we'll have a turn where we have 12 dice free to throw into it all at once? Or presumably more than that?

Your point with NIM is especially silly because I'm spending four dice on it specifically TO put it in range next turn, barring bad dice luck, of completion.
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Shouldn't we finish the health care system first? It's same Resource cost per die, less progress needed to finish, less paranoia gain, and with all the refugee camps and general damage to the sector, will certainly save more lives.
Absolutely, if our objective is to make the dominion stronger. I don't think it is.

You don't get many revolutionaries from healthy, happy, well fed citizens. On the other hand, you do get revolutionaries from a well-educated population who have the mental tools to realize they're being screwed. My plan prioritizes the long term good of humanity and the downfall of Mengsk (you know, that guy who rang the dinner bell for the man-eating aliens) ahead of short term suffering. It's cold and in a perfect world we'd be able to do both. In fact, I probably will support a plan that finishes up the health care next turn.

I'm also hoping we can avoid one of the paranoia bumps by completing education in one turn. Kind of complete it before Mengsk can dwell on how much he doesn't like it sort of thing. It's a long shot, but I think it's worth a try.
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Reposting these so that they're closer to the action when the voting opens.

[] Plan: Nephor Lives? V3B
-[] Korhal: Capital City Augustgrad (Phase 1) [MANDATORY] (2 dice, 20 R)
-[] Brontes: Orbital Cleanup (Phase 1) [Reconstruction] (3 dice, 45 R)
-[] Nephor II: Planetary Reconstruction (Phase 1) [Reconstruction] ( 1 Free dice, 20 R)
-[] Nephor II: TerraUnion Tool and Die Works (Phase 1) [NEW] (1 dice, 10 R)
-[] Nephor II: Nephor Industrial Megacomplex (Phase 1) [Reconstruction] (3 dice, 1 Free dice, 40 R)
-[] Tyrador IX: Refugee Workshops (Phase 1) [Reconstruction] (3 dice, 30 R)
-[] Nephor II: Phoros Neotextile Fabrication Plant (Phase 1) [NEW] (1 die, 2 free dice, 10 R)
-[] Tyrador IX: Establish Farmsteads (Phase 1) [Reconstruction] (4 dice, 40 R)
-[] The Dominion Health Service (Phase 1)
(3 dice, 30 R)
-[] Re-Establish the Universal News Network [Reconstruction] (1 dice, 10 R)
-[] Tyrador IX: Military Recruitment Offices (2 dice, 20 R)
-[] Korhal: Broken Mesa Xenobiology Institute (1 dice, 20 R)
-[] Truth and Reconciliation Committee (Idealistic) (3 dice 20 R)
-[] Conduct a Dominion-Wide Census [Reconstruction] (1 dice, 10 R)
- [] Hire Advisors (2 dice, 10 F)
- [] Nephor II: Contact the Industrial Workers' Trust [NEW] (2 dice, 20 F)
-[] Fallow: 3 Research dice, 3 Military dice.

[] Plan: Nephor Lives? V3B w/Raynor
-[] Korhal: Capital City Augustgrad (Phase 1) [MANDATORY] (2 dice, 20 R)
-[] Brontes: Orbital Cleanup (Phase 1) [Reconstruction] (3 dice, 45 R)
-[] Nephor II: Planetary Reconstruction (Phase 1) [Reconstruction] ( 1 Free dice, 20 R)
-[] Nephor II: TerraUnion Tool and Die Works (Phase 1) [NEW] (1 dice, 10 R)
-[] Nephor II: Nephor Industrial Megacomplex (Phase 1) [Reconstruction] (3 dice, 1 Free dice, 40 R)
-[] Tyrador IX: Refugee Workshops (Phase 1) [Reconstruction] (3 dice, 30 R)
-[] Nephor II: Phoros Neotextile Fabrication Plant (Phase 1) [NEW] (1 die 2 free dice, 10 R)
-[] Tyrador IX: Establish Farmsteads (Phase 1) [Reconstruction] (4 dice, 40 R)
-[] The Dominion Health Service (Phase 1)
(3 dice, 30 R)
-[] Re-Establish the Universal News Network [Reconstruction] (1 dice, 10 R)
-[] Tyrador IX: Military Recruitment Offices (2 dice, 20 R)
-[] Korhal: Broken Mesa Xenobiology Institute (1 dice, 20 R)
-[] Truth and Reconciliation Committee (Idealistic) (3 dice 20 R)
-[] Conduct a Dominion-Wide Census [Reconstruction] (1 dice, 10 R)
- [] Hire Advisors (2 dice, 10 F)
- [] Send a Letter "Home" (2 dice, 0F)
-[] Fallow: 3 Research dice, 3 Military dice.
I really don't understand why so many plans only put 2 dice into projects that could complete if 3 or 4 were put into them.
...what kinda silly criticism is that? Like, no, the Nephor Planetary Reconstruction won't be finished in a single turn. Duh. What do you fucking expect? That we'll have a turn where we have 12 dice free to throw into it all at once? Or presumably more than that?

Your point with NIM is especially silly because I'm spending four dice on it specifically TO put it in range next turn, barring bad dice luck, of completion.
I'm not sure why you find it silly (or, for that matter, feel the need to take such a condescending tone). I thought I spelled out my issue quite clearly in my post overall, and even gave a suggestion to address said issue, and have no idea why you omitted it?

But I can easily give you the cliff-notes version again if you'd prefer;
- we gain absolutely no mechanical benefits from partially-completed projects
- your current distribution of dice in Heavy Industry, as well as available Free Dice, only results in partially-completed projects, thus gaining us no benefits
- by simply re-shuffling those Heavy Industry and Free dice in your plan - as I suggested in my post - we have a decent chance to actually complete one of the projects (TerraUnion T&D Works) you're currently spreading dice between, thus gaining the benefits of said project for the upcoming turns already instead of delaying it

Or do you have a specific reason why you would want to avoid completing the first phase of the TerraUnion T&D Works?
I'm not sure why you find it silly (or, for that matter, feel the need to take such a condescending tone). I thought I spelled out my issue quite clearly in my post overall, and even gave a suggestion to address said issue, and have no idea why you omitted it?

But I can easily give you the cliff-notes version again if you'd prefer;
- we gain absolutely no mechanical benefits from partially-completed projects
- your current distribution of dice in Heavy Industry, as well as available Free Dice, only results in partially-completed projects, thus gaining us no benefits
- by simply re-shuffling those Heavy Industry and Free dice in your plan - as I suggested in my post - we have a decent chance to actually complete one of the projects (TerraUnion T&D Works) you're currently spreading dice between, thus gaining the benefits of said project for the upcoming turns already instead of delaying it

Or do you have a specific reason why you would want to avoid completing the first phase of the TerraUnion T&D Works?

I think it's more important to actually make progress to be able to complete the Nephor Industrial Megacomplex in two turns. Yes, that doesn't leave it complete this turn. It's out of four hundred, the odds of having the free dice to complete it in a single turn are practically zero.

And similarly, a single die won't complete the Tool and Die works, but it'll put it closer to completion, and thus more likely to be in reach for a big push later, since right now the only way to give it the 4 dice it'd need to succeed in one turn is to rob other actions.
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Like, let us look at stuff in a single category to outline how I'm thinking.

So my plan involves 3 die on the Refugee Workshops, and 3 dice (2 free) on the Fab plant.

There's still a 40% chance that Refugee Workshops doesn't succeed, but because my plan only spends 330 R (more than we make in a quarter, but less than 'literally betting everything on the dice rolls'), if we don't succeed we can easily just throw a single die onto it next turn.

Meanwhile, 3 dice has a very high chance to complete the Fabrication Plant Phase 1.

Then we have to look at the LCI we have left. Vespene extraction is nice, the mining survey is cheap in terms of progress, though not Resource-cost, etc, etc.

So if next turn we still have to spend a single die finishing up Refugee Workshops, it's neither the end of the world for us Resource wise, nor is it the end of the world for us dice-wise, because we can probably do everything we want in LCI just using the base dice we have there. Leaving the Free dice for things like a push of 3 free dice in Tool and Die and 4 dice in NIM, thus completing BOTH of them in two turns. Or so on, so forth.

Light and Chemical Industry (4 dice, -3 per die)
[] Korhal: Canis Chemical Refinery (Phase 1)
The larger and more hospitable of Korhal's two moons, Canis is also rich in chemical precursors necessary for refining and stabilizing raw Vespene gas into more useful forms. A new refinery complex on the Wolf Moon will serve as the centerpiece of future lunar outposts and centralize our gas processing network, allowing for greater output.
(Progress 0/400, -20R per die, improved yields from all Vespene projects)

[] Vardona: Vespene Extraction Operations (Phase 1)
The planet Vardona has been settled for over a century and under the Confederacy was principally mixed-use agriculture and urban settlement. However, recent subterranean surveys have detected a massive network of Vespene reservoirs beneath the planet's surface, concentrated around one of the planet's lesser seas. By declaring that sea a Dominion resource zone, we can convert it into one of the sector's richest gas fields and expand production during a period of desperate shortage.
(Progress 0/600, -15R per die, Resource income)

[] Tyrador IX: Refugee Workshops (Phase 1) [Reconstruction]
The refugees of Tyrador suffer from deprivation and inadequate shelter, but they also lack gainful employment. Dependent entirely on limited relief aid, they are unable to improve their lot or engage in meaningful work. By building small factories across the continent of Velocis, each one tailored to produce artificial fabrics, plastic goods, and home appliances, we can restore the flow of consumer goods to Dominion households and employ millions.
(Progress 271/400, -10R per die, Resource income)

[] Sara System: Imperial Chemical-Mineral Survey
The Sara system is unique for hosting two inhabitable planets, Mar Sara and Chau Sara. Or it did, before Zerg infestation and Protoss sterilization. Now those worlds have atmospheres and not much else. Still, the Protoss bombardment didn't penetrate too deep into either planet's crust, and likely shook up a lot of otherwise dormant or inaccessible deposits of minerals or gas. Let's take a look and see what's down there.
(Progress 0/200, -20R per die, variable results)

[] Nephor II: Phoros Neotextile Fabrication Plant (Phase 1) [NEW]
Phoros Neotextiles Ltd is still a going concern, albeit in name only. For a nominal fee, the owners of the defunct plant will sell you their interest and their factory, allowing you to reorient it towards production of the new Integrated Protective Ensemble. Those synthetic fabric-spinners will be back in action before you know it, all in service to the Dominion.
(Reduces some per-die project costs) (Progress 78/200, -10R per die)

We could also start phase 2 of either RWor PNFP, but debating what to do with the 3-4 dice we have left seconded to this category only is something we can do next Quarter, and which will at least not involve us spending our precious Free dice in the category.
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It's all about the opportunity cost.

We can't do everything, so we have to prioritize, and making it easier to finish later projects doesn't directly help us with the resource shortage right now, so the Tool and Die Works project takes a bit of a backseat, though it is still indirectly useful so it's not fully ignored.

Semi-relatedly, it hurts my soul to ignore important projects, only to crash-build them several turns later with tons of dice.

It makes much more narrative sense to me to more slowly progress at a steady pace in several fields at once. It makes the government look more stable.

Being seen making progress is often just as important as actually making progress.
It's all about the opportunity cost.

We can't do everything, so we have to prioritize, and making it easier to finish later projects doesn't directly help us with the resource shortage right now, so the Tool and Die Works project takes a bit of a backseat, though it is still indirectly useful so it's not fully ignored.

Semi-relatedly, it hurts my soul to ignore important projects, only to crash-build them several turns later with tons of dice.

It makes much more narrative sense to me to more slowly progress at a steady pace in several fields at once. It makes the government look more stable.

Being seen making progress is often just as important as actually making progress.

There's also kinda a narrative disconnect here. Narratively, the progress we've made in our Farmlands have MASSIVELY reduced the burden that Tyrador is on rations and etc, etc, even though the action isn't yet complete.
I think it's more important to actually make progress to be able to complete the Nephor Industrial Megacomplex in two turns. Yes, that doesn't leave it complete this turn. It's out of four hundred, the odds of having the free dice to complete it in a single turn are practically zero.
And why are you so convinced that the NIM is of such critical importance? It's part of our mandate, and provides us with resource-income, and people with work, but those arguments also apply to a lot of other projects available.

However, even if the NIM is your main priority, you could still shift things around to try and go about things more efficiently. Going from this;
-[] Nephor II: Planetary Reconstruction (Phase 1) [Reconstruction] ( 1 Free dice, 20 R)
-[] Nephor II: TerraUnion Tool and Die Works (Phase 1) [NEW] (1 dice, 10 R)
-[] Nephor II: Nephor Industrial Megacomplex (Phase 1) [Reconstruction] (3 dice, 1 Free dice, 40 R)

to this;
-[] Nephor II: TerraUnion Tool and Die Works (Phase 1) [NEW] (4 dice, 40 R)
-[] Nephor II: Nephor Industrial Megacomplex (Phase 1) [Reconstruction] (2 Free dice, 20 R)
This distribution of dice might not progress the NIM project as much, but it still progresses it, with completion next turn possible using some Free Dice, while at the same time also having a decent chance to finish the TU T&D Works project, which is noted to reduce the length (likely meaning required Progress) of a number of projects, and I think it's likely that both NIM and NPR are amongst them, in addition to a number of other projects.
And why are you so convinced that the NIM is of such critical importance? It's part of our mandate, and provides us with resource-income, and people with work, but those arguments also apply to a lot of other projects available.

However, even if the NIM is your main priority, you could still shift things around to try and go about things more efficiently. Going from this;

to this;

This distribution of dice might not progress the NIM project as much, but it still progresses it, with completion next turn possible using some Free Dice, while at the same time also having a decent chance to finish the TU T&D Works project, which is noted to reduce the length (likely meaning required Progress) of a number of projects, and I think it's likely that both NIM and NPR are amongst them, in addition to a number of other projects.

Because it's one of the key elements of our industrial sector? Also, in my baseline plan that I still prefer I was also contacting the Unions on Nephor at the same time as I was making a big push to start up the Industrial Megacomplex they'd presumably worked at. It had a narrative synergy that pleases me, while also not actually being even remotely mechanically inefficient, since in both the cases you're looking at good or bad dice luck will determine much of how things go there.

I at least kinda get your perspective now, though I disagree with both it and your plan, which basically risks everything on the dice and leaves nothing in the way of Resources left over if the dice do as they have these last two turns.
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Leaving the Free dice for things like a push of 3 free dice in Tool and Die and 4 dice in NIM, thus completing BOTH of them in two turns. Or so on, so forth.
The problem with this is that with some projects, it could very well matter when we complete them. In particular, the Progress-discount we are likely to get from the T&D Works; if it reduces the Progress required for a phase of NIM by 50 points, but we've already completed the full 600-point version of the phase, then we're unlikely to get those 50 points we paid "too much" back.
On the flipside, if we complete the T&D Works first and NIM receives a discount, then any excess points would already roll over into the next phase, effectively saving us both dice and resources.

We can't do everything, so we have to prioritize, and making it easier to finish later projects doesn't directly help us with the resource shortage right now, so the Tool and Die Works project takes a bit of a backseat, though it is still indirectly useful so it's not fully ignored.
Correct, but it's also a problem to place excessive importance on our R budget, and in doing so ignore our overall plan mandate. As a reminder;
Current Promises
Complete all phases of all [Reconstruction] projects by the end of Q4 2511
Complete one non-[Reconstruction] project in each listed category by the end of Q4 2511
Complete Korhal: Capital City Augustgrad (Phase 1) by the end of Q4 2507
Complete one subsequent Augustgrad phase each year until the end of Q4 2511
Complete Korhal: Build the Broken Mesa Xenobiology Institute by the end of Q4 2507
Complete Conduct a Dominion-Wide Census by the end of Q4 2507
(emphasis mine)
We only have 16 turns to do all of that, which is a massive, massive problem that isn't going to be solved by saving up a couple of extra resources for the last turn or two, because with many of those projects the problem isn't the resource-cost as such, but the amount of progress required. Especially with our other commitments (Augustgrad, Broken Mesa, one non-[Reconstruction] project in each, etc) added in.

To illustrate this:

Augustgrad (93/300)
Brontes (177/300)
Nephor (0/500)
Tyrador (0/400)
Total: 270/1500 Progress
While we likely have a reasonable chance in other categories, in Infrastructure we definitely need to heavily invest into projects like the T&D Works or the Heavy Vehicle Plant, or we could very easily find outselves simply flat-out unable to complete our mandate in this area. And Mengsk isn't exactly the kind of guy who'll let us off lightly for a failure.

In purely practical terms, it would probably the most optimal choice to focus all dice in Heavy Industry, along with all Free Dice, solely into the T&D Works and Heavy Vehicle Plant in order to complete as many phases of those as quickly as possible, but frankly I rather doubt people would actually want to go for that.

Also, in my baseline planthat I still prefer I was also contacting the Unions on Nephor at the same time as I was making a big push to start up the Industrial Megacomplex they'd presumably worked at. It had a narrative synergy that pleases me, while also not actually being even remotely mechanically inefficient, since in both the cases you're looking at good or bad dice luck will determine much of how things go there.
And with the suggestion I made - which you once again omitted for some reason - you can still do that, which is part of why I don't understand your reluctance? The re-distribution I suggested would still invest 2 dice into NIM, and while we can't know for sure how big of a discount the T&D Works will provide exactly, I think expecting a discount of ~25-50 per-phase discount for various projects is reasonable, which would translate into ~1 die's worth of investment for NIM, while likely also providing a similar discount to Nephor Planetary Reconstruction, along with other projects.
Effectively, by giving up 1 die's worth of investment into NIM, we could progress the plan as a whole by a more substantial amount overall, which is more efficient in mechanical terms.

Also, keep in mind that the T&D Works is also located on Nephor, so chances are good that the Union you want to contact would have people involved in the factory as well.
There's also kinda a narrative disconnect here. Narratively, the progress we've made in our Farmlands have MASSIVELY reduced the burden that Tyrador is on rations and etc, etc, even though the action isn't yet complete.
I'm not entirely sure that this technically qualifies as a narrative disconnect. I'm fairly confident that there is a mechanic dealing with food supply. It's just that it's blackboxed to us until we complete Re-Establish the Bureau of Planning and Statistics.
Nephor II in general is a priority because it is busy:

-[] Nephor II: TerraUnion Tool and Die Works (Phase 1) [NEW] (1 dice, 10 R)
-[] Nephor II: Nephor Industrial Megacomplex (Phase 1) [Reconstruction] (3 dice, 1 Free dice, 40 R)
-[] Nephor II: Phoros Neotextile Fabrication Plant (Phase 1) [NEW] (1 die 2 free dice, 10 R)

All three of these very valuable factories reside there, and two of them are very important for combating our resource shortage, with the third being more generally useful.

I don't like the look of saying "These factories are very important, but-
-[] Nephor II: Planetary Reconstruction (Phase 1) [Reconstruction] ( 1 Free dice, 20 R)
-the people who work in them are not."

So, the resource shortage means the factories are a high priority, which means the worker housing those factories will draw from is also a priority, if not quite as much of one.

I expect the synergy of getting all of that done at once to be a solid jolt in the arm of our economy, and moreover, continuous progress on all of them should be a major morale booster to the people of Nephor II.
I'm not entirely sure that this technically qualifies as a narrative disconnect. I'm fairly confident that there is a mechanic dealing with food supply. It's just that it's blackboxed to us until we complete Re-Establish the Bureau of Planning and Statistics.

I mean, it would admittedly be pretty cool if the narrative "You made progress on this action and achieved things" also in some way had a mechanical effect, so that it mattered if something (like the farming) was half done, 3/4 done, etc.
[] Plan: Nephor Lives? V3B
-[] Korhal: Capital City Augustgrad (Phase 1) [MANDATORY] (2 dice, 20 R)
-[] Brontes: Orbital Cleanup (Phase 1) [Reconstruction] (3 dice, 45 R)
-[] Nephor II: Planetary Reconstruction (Phase 1) [Reconstruction] ( 1 Free dice, 20 R)
-[] Nephor II: TerraUnion Tool and Die Works (Phase 1) [NEW] (1 dice, 10 R)
-[] Nephor II: Nephor Industrial Megacomplex (Phase 1) [Reconstruction] (3 dice, 1 Free dice, 40 R)
-[] Tyrador IX: Refugee Workshops (Phase 1) [Reconstruction] (3 dice, 30 R)
-[] Nephor II: Phoros Neotextile Fabrication Plant (Phase 1) [NEW] (1 die, 2 free dice, 10 R)
-[] Tyrador IX: Establish Farmsteads (Phase 1) [Reconstruction] (4 dice, 40 R)
-[] The Dominion Health Service (Phase 1) (3 dice, 30 R)
-[] Re-Establish the Universal News Network [Reconstruction] (1 dice, 10 R)
-[] Tyrador IX: Military Recruitment Offices (2 dice, 20 R)
-[] Korhal: Broken Mesa Xenobiology Institute (1 dice, 20 R)
-[] Truth and Reconciliation Committee (Idealistic) (3 dice 20 R)
-[] Conduct a Dominion-Wide Census [Reconstruction] (1 dice, 10 R)
- [] Hire Advisors (2 dice, 10 F)
- [] Nephor II: Contact the Industrial Workers' Trust [NEW] (2 dice, 20 F)
-[] Fallow: 3 Research dice, 3 Military dice.

[] Plan: Nephor Lives? V3B w/Raynor
-[] Korhal: Capital City Augustgrad (Phase 1) [MANDATORY] (2 dice, 20 R)
-[] Brontes: Orbital Cleanup (Phase 1) [Reconstruction] (3 dice, 45 R)
-[] Nephor II: Planetary Reconstruction (Phase 1) [Reconstruction] ( 1 Free dice, 20 R)
-[] Nephor II: TerraUnion Tool and Die Works (Phase 1) [NEW] (1 dice, 10 R)
-[] Nephor II: Nephor Industrial Megacomplex (Phase 1) [Reconstruction] (3 dice, 1 Free dice, 40 R)
-[] Tyrador IX: Refugee Workshops (Phase 1) [Reconstruction] (3 dice, 30 R)
-[] Nephor II: Phoros Neotextile Fabrication Plant (Phase 1) [NEW] (1 die 2 free dice, 10 R)
-[] Tyrador IX: Establish Farmsteads (Phase 1) [Reconstruction] (4 dice, 40 R)
-[] The Dominion Health Service (Phase 1) (3 dice, 30 R)
-[] Re-Establish the Universal News Network [Reconstruction] (1 dice, 10 R)
-[] Tyrador IX: Military Recruitment Offices (2 dice, 20 R)
-[] Korhal: Broken Mesa Xenobiology Institute (1 dice, 20 R)
-[] Truth and Reconciliation Committee (Idealistic) (3 dice 20 R)
-[] Conduct a Dominion-Wide Census [Reconstruction] (1 dice, 10 R)
- [] Hire Advisors (2 dice, 10 F)
- [] Send a Letter "Home" (2 dice, 0F)
-[] Fallow: 3 Research dice, 3 Military dice.

[] Plan: Nephor Lives? V3C--Tool, and Die
-[] Korhal: Capital City Augustgrad (Phase 1) [MANDATORY] (2 dice, 20 R)
-[] Brontes: Orbital Cleanup (Phase 1) [Reconstruction] (3 dice, 45 R)
-[] Nephor II: Planetary Reconstruction (Phase 1) [Reconstruction] ( 1 Free dice, 20 R)
-[] Nephor II: TerraUnion Tool and Die Works (Phase 1) [NEW] (3 dice, 30 R)
-[] Nephor II: Nephor Industrial Megacomplex (Phase 1) [Reconstruction] (1 dice, 1 Free dice, 20 R)
-[] Tyrador IX: Refugee Workshops (Phase 1) [Reconstruction] (3 dice, 30 R)
-[] Nephor II: Phoros Neotextile Fabrication Plant (Phase 1) [NEW] (1 die, 2 free dice, 30 R)
-[] Tyrador IX: Establish Farmsteads (Phase 1) [Reconstruction] (4 dice, 40 R)
-[] The Dominion Health Service (Phase 1) (3 dice, 30 R)
-[] Re-Establish the Universal News Network [Reconstruction] (1 dice, 10 R)
-[] Tyrador IX: Military Recruitment Offices (2 dice, 20 R)
-[] Korhal: Broken Mesa Xenobiology Institute (1 dice, 20 R)
-[] Truth and Reconciliation Committee (Idealistic) (3 dice 20 R)
-[] Conduct a Dominion-Wide Census [Reconstruction] (1 dice, 10 R)
- [] Hire Advisors (2 dice, 10 F)
- [] Nephor II: Contact the Industrial Workers' Trust [NEW] (2 dice, 20 F)
-[] Fallow: 3 Research dice, 3 Military dice.

[] Plan: Nephor Lives? V3C--Tool, and Die w/Raynor
-[] Korhal: Capital City Augustgrad (Phase 1) [MANDATORY] (2 dice, 20 R)
-[] Brontes: Orbital Cleanup (Phase 1) [Reconstruction] (3 dice, 45 R)
-[] Nephor II: Planetary Reconstruction (Phase 1) [Reconstruction] ( 1 Free dice, 20 R)
-[] Nephor II: TerraUnion Tool and Die Works (Phase 1) [NEW] (3 dice, 30 R)
-[] Nephor II: Nephor Industrial Megacomplex (Phase 1) [Reconstruction] (1 dice, 1 Free dice, 20 R)
-[] Tyrador IX: Refugee Workshops (Phase 1) [Reconstruction] (3 dice, 30 R)
-[] Nephor II: Phoros Neotextile Fabrication Plant (Phase 1) [NEW] (1 die, 2 free dice, 10 R)
-[] Tyrador IX: Establish Farmsteads (Phase 1) [Reconstruction] (4 dice, 40 R)
-[] The Dominion Health Service (Phase 1) (3 dice, 30 R)
-[] Re-Establish the Universal News Network [Reconstruction] (1 dice, 10 R)
-[] Tyrador IX: Military Recruitment Offices (2 dice, 20 R)
-[] Korhal: Broken Mesa Xenobiology Institute (1 dice, 20 R)
-[] Truth and Reconciliation Committee (Idealistic) (3 dice 20 R)
-[] Conduct a Dominion-Wide Census [Reconstruction] (1 dice, 10 R)
- [] Hire Advisors (2 dice, 10 F)
- [] Send a Letter "Home" (2 dice, 0F)
-[] Fallow: 3 Research dice, 3 Military dice.

Added alternate versions of this that put 3 dice into Tool and Die and 2 into the Megacomplex. Don't like it as much, but mechanically it's not actually much different so why not. Like, it's the difference between spending 2 on Megacomplex now and 3 on T&D, and then probably 6 on Megacomplex next turn and 1 on T&D (probably), and 4/1, 4/3. Same actual dice cost, same resource cost. So hence, not a big deal even if I don't like it as much.
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[X] Plan: Nephor Lives? V3B
-[X] Korhal: Capital City Augustgrad (Phase 1) [MANDATORY] (2 dice, 20 R)
-[X] Brontes: Orbital Cleanup (Phase 1) [Reconstruction] (3 dice, 45 R)
-[X] Nephor II: Planetary Reconstruction (Phase 1) [Reconstruction] ( 1 Free dice, 20 R)
-[X] Nephor II: TerraUnion Tool and Die Works (Phase 1) [NEW] (1 dice, 10 R)
-[X] Nephor II: Nephor Industrial Megacomplex (Phase 1) [Reconstruction] (3 dice, 1 Free dice, 40 R)
-[X] Tyrador IX: Refugee Workshops (Phase 1) [Reconstruction] (3 dice, 30 R)
-[X] Nephor II: Phoros Neotextile Fabrication Plant (Phase 1) [NEW] (1 die, 2 free dice, 10 R)
-[X] Tyrador IX: Establish Farmsteads (Phase 1) [Reconstruction] (4 dice, 40 R)
-[X] The Dominion Health Service (Phase 1)
(3 dice, 30 R)
-[X] Re-Establish the Universal News Network [Reconstruction] (1 dice, 10 R)
-[X] Tyrador IX: Military Recruitment Offices (2 dice, 20 R)
-[X] Korhal: Broken Mesa Xenobiology Institute (1 dice, 20 R)
-[X] Truth and Reconciliation Committee (Idealistic) (3 dice 20 R)
-[X] Conduct a Dominion-Wide Census [Reconstruction] (1 dice, 10 R)
-[X] Hire Advisors (2 dice, 10 F)
-[X] Nephor II: Contact the Industrial Workers' Trust [NEW] (2 dice, 20 F)
-[X] Fallow: 3 Research dice, 3 Military dice.

[X] Plan: Nephor Lives? V3B w/Raynor
-[X] Korhal: Capital City Augustgrad (Phase 1) [MANDATORY] (2 dice, 20 R)
-[X] Brontes: Orbital Cleanup (Phase 1) [Reconstruction] (3 dice, 45 R)
-[X] Nephor II: Planetary Reconstruction (Phase 1) [Reconstruction] ( 1 Free dice, 20 R)
-[X] Nephor II: TerraUnion Tool and Die Works (Phase 1) [NEW] (1 dice, 10 R)
-[X] Nephor II: Nephor Industrial Megacomplex (Phase 1) [Reconstruction] (3 dice, 1 Free dice, 40 R)
-[X] Tyrador IX: Refugee Workshops (Phase 1) [Reconstruction] (3 dice, 30 R)
-[X] Nephor II: Phoros Neotextile Fabrication Plant (Phase 1) [NEW] (1 die 2 free dice, 10 R)
-[X] Tyrador IX: Establish Farmsteads (Phase 1) [Reconstruction] (4 dice, 40 R)
-[X] The Dominion Health Service (Phase 1)
(3 dice, 30 R)
-[X] Re-Establish the Universal News Network [Reconstruction] (1 dice, 10 R)
-[X] Tyrador IX: Military Recruitment Offices (2 dice, 20 R)
-[X] Korhal: Broken Mesa Xenobiology Institute (1 dice, 20 R)
-[X] Truth and Reconciliation Committee (Idealistic) (3 dice 20 R)
-[X] Conduct a Dominion-Wide Census [Reconstruction] (1 dice, 10 R)
-[X] Hire Advisors (2 dice, 10 F)
-[X] Send a Letter "Home" (2 dice, 0F)
-[X] Fallow: 3 Research dice, 3 Military dice.

[X] Plan: Nephor Lives? V3C--Tool, and Die
-[X] Korhal: Capital City Augustgrad (Phase 1) [MANDATORY] (2 dice, 20 R)
-[X] Brontes: Orbital Cleanup (Phase 1) [Reconstruction] (3 dice, 45 R)
-[X] Nephor II: Planetary Reconstruction (Phase 1) [Reconstruction] ( 1 Free dice, 20 R)
-[X] Nephor II: TerraUnion Tool and Die Works (Phase 1) [NEW] (3 dice, 30 R)
-[X] Nephor II: Nephor Industrial Megacomplex (Phase 1) [Reconstruction] (1 dice, 1 Free dice, 20 R)
-[X] Tyrador IX: Refugee Workshops (Phase 1) [Reconstruction] (3 dice, 30 R)
-[X] Nephor II: Phoros Neotextile Fabrication Plant (Phase 1) [NEW] (1 die, 2 free dice, 30 R)
-[X] Tyrador IX: Establish Farmsteads (Phase 1) [Reconstruction] (4 dice, 40 R)
-[X] The Dominion Health Service (Phase 1)
(3 dice, 30 R)
-[X] Re-Establish the Universal News Network [Reconstruction] (1 dice, 10 R)
-[X] Tyrador IX: Military Recruitment Offices (2 dice, 20 R)
-[X] Korhal: Broken Mesa Xenobiology Institute (1 dice, 20 R)
-[X] Truth and Reconciliation Committee (Idealistic) (3 dice 20 R)
-[X] Conduct a Dominion-Wide Census [Reconstruction] (1 dice, 10 R)
-[X] Hire Advisors (2 dice, 10 F)
-[X] Nephor II: Contact the Industrial Workers' Trust [NEW] (2 dice, 20 F)
-[X] Fallow: 3 Research dice, 3 Military dice.

[X] Plan: Nephor Lives? V3C--Tool, and Die w/Raynor
-[X] Korhal: Capital City Augustgrad (Phase 1) [MANDATORY] (2 dice, 20 R)
-[X] Brontes: Orbital Cleanup (Phase 1) [Reconstruction] (3 dice, 45 R)
-[X] Nephor II: Planetary Reconstruction (Phase 1) [Reconstruction] ( 1 Free dice, 20 R)
-[X] Nephor II: TerraUnion Tool and Die Works (Phase 1) [NEW] (3 dice, 30 R)
-[X] Nephor II: Nephor Industrial Megacomplex (Phase 1) [Reconstruction] (1 dice, 1 Free dice, 20 R)
-[X] Tyrador IX: Refugee Workshops (Phase 1) [Reconstruction] (3 dice, 30 R)
-[X] Nephor II: Phoros Neotextile Fabrication Plant (Phase 1) [NEW] (1 die, 2 free dice, 10 R)
-[X] Tyrador IX: Establish Farmsteads (Phase 1) [Reconstruction] (4 dice, 40 R)
-[X] The Dominion Health Service (Phase 1)
(3 dice, 30 R)
-[X] Re-Establish the Universal News Network [Reconstruction] (1 dice, 10 R)
-[X] Tyrador IX: Military Recruitment Offices (2 dice, 20 R)
-[X] Korhal: Broken Mesa Xenobiology Institute (1 dice, 20 R)
-[X] Truth and Reconciliation Committee (Idealistic) (3 dice 20 R)
-[X] Conduct a Dominion-Wide Census [Reconstruction] (1 dice, 10 R)
-[X] Hire Advisors (2 dice, 10 F)
-[X] Send a Letter "Home" (2 dice, 0F)
-[X] Fallow: 3 Research dice, 3 Military dice.
[x] Plan Boring But Practical v2
-[x] Infrastructure 5/5 65R
--[x] Korhal: Capital City Augustgrad (Phase 1) [MANDATORY] 2 dice, 20R 0%
--[x] Brontes: Orbital Cleanup (Phase 1) [Reconstruction] 3 dice 45R 61%
-[x] Heavy Industry 4/4 +1 55R
--[x] Vardona: Ardonin Heavy Vehicle Factory (Phase 1) 1 free die 15R 0%
--[x] Nephor II: TerraUnion Tool and Die Works (Phase 1) [NEW] 4 dice 40R 75%
-[x] Light and Chemical Industry 4/4 +3 70R
--[x] Tyrador IX: Refugee Workshops (Phase 1) [Reconstruction] 4 dice 40R 85%
--[x] Nephor II: Phoros Neotextile Fabrication Plant (Phase 1) 3 free dice 30R 84%
-[x] Environmental 4/4 40R
--[x] Tyrador IX: Establish Farmsteads (Phase 1) [Reconstruction] 4 dice 40R 75%
-[x] Services 4/4 40R
--[x] The Dominion Health Service (Phase 1) 2 dice 20R 15%
--[x] Re-Establish the Universal News Network [Reconstruction] 2 dice 20R 36%
-[x] Military 2/5 20R
--[x] Tyrador IX: Military Recruitment Offices 2 dice 20R 60%
-[x] Research 1/4 20R
--[x] Korhal: Broken Mesa Xenobiology Institute 1 die 20R 0%
-[x] Bureaucracy 4/4 30R
--[x] Truth and Reconciliation Committee (Idealistic) 1 dice 10R 0%
--[x] Conduct a Dominion-Wide Census [Reconstruction] 3 dice 30R 0%
-[x] Personal 4/4 10F
--[x] Hire Advisors 2 dice 10F 90%/79%
--[x] Send a Letter "Home" 2 dice 79%

Total: 340R

Kinda doubtful I'll get many - or any - votes, since my plan doesn't do anything flashy, and doesn't really do any emotional "Think of the X!" appeals, either. Instead it's heavily focused on setting up the foundation that will allow us to ramp things up quickly in the coming turns, by giving us a very high chance to get both an increase to our R income from the Refugee Camps, a reduction in R cost from the Neotextile Plant, along with a Progress-discount to various projects from the Tool and Die Works, as well as allowing us easily pick up another discount from the Heavy Vehicle Factory next turn.

That's pretty much the core of my plan, which I'm not really willing to compromise on.

For the remainder, I'm kind of trying to avoid gaining additional Paranoia at this point as much as possible (hence the split focus in Services, and relatively low investment into the Truth and Reconciliation project, all of which increase Paranoia), and instead focus more on either fulfilling our obligations (like the Census), or reducing Mengsk's Paranoia level (via military projects).
Contacting Raynor simply makes the most sense to me from an in-character prespective, but I'm not particularly invested into that specific choice.