wait they are worse even Kor phorran did that/s
did he don't know but still kill them all to be sure/s (I know erebus most likely did for sure but I am pretty sure he kills kids and kicks puppies for fun)
I'm pretty sure Kor Phaeron was really leaning on the religious (ends justify the means) bent, holding to chaos and the gods in the face of the anathema, but there's also the caveat of being a chief cultist for the four and all the baggage that comes with. So there's certainly an argument to be made that he enjoyed the work he did, and even if he didn't he definitely took pride in his work.
wait they are worse even Kor phorran did that/s
did he don't know but still kill them all to be sure/s (I know erebus most likely did for sure but I am pretty sure he kills kids and kicks puppies for fun)
Erebus has committed every sin and crime imaginable, most of them just because he's a dick, some for some grand plan to commit a greater atrocity. He's like Chaos Chuck Norris.

Kor Phaeron is also a giant cockweasal, though by my reading he's more... direct/blatant. Erebus will trick you into a vulnerable position to take what he wants, Kor Phaeron will stick a knife in you to see what's going on when he turns it.

Does the Archon escaping mean he gets to keep all the soulstones? Or does someone manage to get some of them off of him?

Hm... I'd say no; if 'let the stones go' was the choice I should have presented it that way. The choice here is primarily about which one gets away to harry you another day, moreso than what they get away with.
[X] – The Archon speeds away

Not prioritizing the goals you set out for yourself in the beginning is an easy trap of constantly getting sidetracked and eventually finding that you haven't accomplished anything you initially set out to do.
wait why have the dark eldar taken the spirit stones they cant use them and they they cant do what the incubi do and wear them cause they were not taken from aspect warriors the dark eldar killed then broke the gem sending them to slannesh
We are the servants of the Three true gods of this world!"
"Blasphemers like them that reject the Three!
... Huh. That's intriguing, but also concerning. Slaanesh is a young chaos god, but not THAT young. Even if this cult somehow predates the fall of the eldar empire,. wouldn't they receive visions of he/she/they/it eventually?
... Wait, is this why Delai was happy that we killed the slavers?! Because they didn't acknowledge Slaanesh?

Ping notices. You think he's falling in love
Oh no.

You grab the man's arm and twist it again, hearing him yelp. "Now now, she's being very polite-"

Bel snarls, bringing her spear around to point at the cultist "Gibbering Mon-keigh scum, your every breath is a waste of oxygen-"

"Somewhat polite,"
I mean, compared to your average Eldar talking to a human, i would say she's being very polite :p

Fan giggles. "That was scary. But fun!"
Fan sticks her tongue out at the cultist as you both walk away. Kids are still kids.
She nods. "Never better. This is fun!"
I think this is the first time we've seen Fan happy. I hope this last. The poor kid deserves all the happiness we can give to her.

You're not sure why Fan is napping when she spent the entire day on your back, but you don't wake her up yet. You'll carry her anyway.
Hmm. I don't remember the details of how exactly blanks use their powers, but it be that Fan was unconsciously using them during the battle, and that is why she's tired?

Amaya is sharpening her machete, methodically running her whetstone along it. She's humming a very old shanty; the Wellerman, you know it. But when you try to sing along, she changes it to another shanty. And then another, and then another.
Have i mentioned that I love our crew yet? :D
Also, wich other musics can i expect to have survived into the 30k millennium?

Ping is looking the Eldar up and down with the subtlety and tact of a 40 cannon salute.
This will definitely end well for everyone involved!

Ping grins. "What can I say? I love a woman who can kick my ass."
I respect that, but she's more likely to stab you in the ass.

Ping shrugs. "I look at a lot of women I have no chance at all with."
Well, at least you are self-aware.

"Actually, human," The alien says slowly, "We didn't know you were coming. We know who you are, and we'd rather trade for our lives. If you let us leave, we'll leave behind the humans we've captured. They are monstrous cultists of the Great Enemy and you may deal with them as you see fit."
That's... Oddly reasonable for a Dark Eldar.

"Why not? We have no desire to die to your… friend?" The Aeldari holds up a bag, jangling it. You can see a slight red blow within the sack. "These trinkets should be enough for this raid to be worthwhile to us. Do we have a deal?"
Oooohhh. That's why. Bullocks. No way Bel will agree to that.

"THIS DEFILEMENT WILL NOT STAND!!" Bel's voice booms throughout the clearing and in your very bones as she blasts the corsair apart as well.
I wonder how much this is her venting her frustrations from having to deal with Mon-keighs for so long.

[X] – The Archon speeds away

Yeah, i would rather put a end to this chaos cult already.

(The Archon and the cult's leadership both get away and you'll see them both in the future. I will be genuinely surprised if this gets enough votes to win but it would also be a lot of fun.)
Don't tempt me.
... Huh. That's intriguing, but also concerning. Slaanesh is a young chaos god, but not THAT young. Even if this cult somehow predates the fall of the eldar empire,. wouldn't they receive visions of he/she/they/it eventually?
... Wait, is this why Delai was happy that we killed the slavers?! Because they didn't acknowledge Slaanesh?

Oh no.

I mean, compared to your average Eldar talking to a human, i would say she's being very polite :p

I think this is the first time we've seen Fan happy. I hope this last. The poor kid deserves all the happiness we can give to her.

Hmm. I don't remember the details of how exactly blanks use their powers, but it be that Fan was unconsciously using them during the battle, and that is why she's tired?

Have i mentioned that I love our crew yet? :D
Also, wich other musics can i expect to have survived into the 30k millennium?

This will definitely end well for everyone involved!

I respect that, but she's more likely to stab you in the ass.

Well, at least you are self-aware.

That's... Oddly reasonable for a Dark Eldar.

Oooohhh. That's why. Bullocks. No way Bel will agree to that.

I wonder how much this is her venting her frustrations from having to deal with Mon-keighs for so long.

[X] – The Archon speeds away

Yeah, i would rather put a end to this chaos cult already.

Don't tempt me.
There's a rather interesting principle at play here. While Chaos is eternal (including Slaanesh), it is also temporal (Slaanesh and the other Chaos gods have specific dates of birth). Different sects and cults will form and see visions at different times; If you go by the theory that Big E is turning into a god, he sends visions back even millennia before he truly "dies" and is reborn as a god. This says to me that there would be cults that do not acknowledge all of the chaos gods, or cults to Slaanesh that formed before Slaanesh itself did. This is one of those cults; they have occasionally had members recieve visions of a fourth chaos god, but they're treated as blasphemers. (I tried to work in a line that one of the sacrifices had been one of those unfortunates, but it ended up getting cut).

Delai was happy you killed the slavers because you made a party out of it and she got to drink in the atmosphere. Sure, you weren't snorting coke off of Eun's bare chest while your crew did things to the still-living slavers like peel off their skin, force them to listen to rock music and other stuff I'm not comfortable mentioning online, but every Slaaneshi cultist starts somewhere. Gotta learn to paint before you can paint with blood.

"What is love? Beli don't hurt me, don't hurt me no more!"

True. He'd be very proud of her restraint if he had any true frame of reference xD

Fan's had a rough life, but Sun-Sin is showing her there's more to life than misery; the color of the jungle, the excitement of a battle, etc etc. It doesn't hurt that he's beating up a bunch of the bad guys who made her life miserable.

She actually nullified a lightning bolt coming for you at one point, but nah. She's just tired :p
I dunno. I've just been listening to a lot of Wellerman Nightcore lately and I wanted to mention it xD

Oh Ping... Ping, Ping, Ping...
You should know if anyone's gettin' Eldar booty it's your captain and/or Guilliman whenever he shows up.

Why not? They've got what they wanted. And while yeah, Sun-Sin is mon-keigh, he's also a primarch. The Kabal might not have faced one personally but at this point they've probably heard of them. Dark Eldar make deals all the time... albeit ones that screw over whoever they're dealing with. (*cough* Tau *cough*)

Bel is very flexible for one of the Asuryani but she's not going to let Drukhari have the souls of her kin, no.

Oh the Mon-Keigh checking her out didn't help, but it's not the main thing driving that scream. It's hard to think about the clumsy idiots and pervert when you're about to watch your comrades be taken off to a fate worse than death.

Vote for both, Metalbard...

You know you want to...

*wavy spooky fingers*

wait why have the dark eldar taken the spirit stones they cant use them and they they cant do what the incubi do and wear them cause they were not taken from aspect warriors the dark eldar killed then broke the gem sending them to slannesh

Wait, they can't? Shit, I thought they could feed on the souls within or trade 'em like currency... uh...

Sell them to the homunculi

... y-yes! That! Definitely that!

I know 40k lore! ._. Especially from codexes I've never read!
... y-yes! That! Definitely that!

I know 40k lore! ._. Especially from codexes I've never read!
The process of lore osmosis in action. I learned of the entire Horus heresy and the events of the first trilogy before I ever looked at a wiki or picked up a book. BEHOLD MY WEALTH OF LORE KNOWLEDGE, IT ROILS LIKE A TURBULENT SEA AND RELEVANT CONTEXT IS MY LIGHTHOUSE.
Wait, they can't? Shit
they don't have access to the nexus craftworlds or exodite worlds that power them and the dark eldar wouldn't of had them cause they were the ones who crated slannesh while the others fucked of before going yeah we are not going along with whatever they are doing so I very much doubt the dark eldar are going to go to former worlds int he eye of terror to get them. Also dark eldar have other ways of staying away from slannesh aka doing what made her in the first place
[X] – The Archon speeds away
Cult has to end here, we can hunt the Archon later and maybe even in space.
Very true, though Sun-Sin doesn't know he's going to space any time soon.

[X] – The Archon speeds away

Not prioritizing the goals you set out for yourself in the beginning is an easy trap of constantly getting sidetracked and eventually finding that you haven't accomplished anything you initially set out to do.

This is very true. Sometimes you just need to sit down and finish project 1, even if project 2 is more important/fun.

The process of lore osmosis in action. I learned of the entire Horus heresy and the events of the first trilogy before I ever looked at a wiki or picked up a book. BEHOLD MY WEALTH OF LORE KNOWLEDGE, IT ROILS LIKE A TURBULENT SEA AND RELEVANT CONTEXT IS MY LIGHTHOUSE.

I haven't read a single book with the Necrons in it since their lore update (and only one before it) but I know Nemesor Zahndrek and Trazyn the Infinite are two of the best characters in the setting.

they don't have access to the nexus craftworlds or exodite worlds that power them and the dark eldar wouldn't of had them cause they were the ones who crated slannesh while the others fucked of before going yeah we are not going along with whatever they are doing so I very much doubt the dark eldar are going to go to former worlds int he eye of terror to get them. Also dark eldar have other ways of staying away from slannesh aka doing what made her in the first place

Oh, no, I knew they couldn't use them in that way, to preserve their own souls. They preserve themselves through torturing other creatures and feeding on their suffering, which helps keep their soul from withering further. But I thought that the souls within the stones could be tortured and drunk in.
I mean if theirs one thing most eldar and humans agree on is fuck the dark eldar
Not really, according to the books, like the Dark Eldar trilogy, a craftworld eldar can rise very high in Comorragh and a dark eldar is welcome to the craftworld and in exodite worlds. The reason for this? The eldar just see being a dark eldar as another Path like the path of the renegade or the path of the seer.
@HalfTangible can we use the dark eldar weapons that are left behind? They are perfect if we want to capture people alive i.e. psykers, nulls, navigators, etc

[X] – The Archon speeds away