One Giant Leap: Exodus Quest(Dropped)

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Magoose dice goo!

Oh no… or yes what are we doing?
God damn it Magoose, ONCE AGAIN FOILING MY EVIL PLANS!!!!!!!

Congratulations, since you beat the DC this will entail that the council has approved the plan to send some "representatives" to the village and try to speak directly to the "sky guardians" currently stationed there.

Had you failed to beat the DC, I would had rolled a 1d2 to determine which of the remaining choices they would chosen.
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God damn it Magoose, ONCE AGAIN FOILING MY EVIL PLANS!!!!!!!

Congratulations, since you beat the AC this will entail that the council has approved the plan to send some "representatives" to the village and try to speak directly to the "sky guardians" currently stationed there.
I do not do this out of hate. I do this out of love!
The quest is alive
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Greetings comrades…I am alive and just managed to recover my account after I found out that my whole email was locked out, and also other social media accounts. Some were deleted(especially my discord) though a few were able to be recovered, unfortunately all my servers were deleted and lost to the wind. After such frustration of losing progress of my quest notes I went on a two day break to just "calm down". The laptop is being sent away to go through a deep clean in case if it had any viruses or hacked or whatever.

That being said the quest is no dead unless if I say so…

Sorry if I had worried anyone, unfortunately the server was also deleted…why god

Mmmmm expect an update to come up either Monday or Tuesday

Edit: It says that my last active was on August 23….feels bad to offline from that long, tho at least I was able to touch some grass despite my accounts being hacked
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pretty shitty, but I am nonetheless very exited for the future of this quest, the idea is interesting and at least I haven't seen something like it before.

Makes me wonder though how exactly the you got hacked?
No worries Uni, shit happens, and email accounts getting hacked have become a common-place occurrence. You would be the third person this week I know who got hacked.
The end of this quest
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Hello everyone

I'm writing this from my phone I set up my new computer. It has been a couple of weeks since you heard anything from me. But I go straight to the point, as it turns out it was a hack(actually two technically) of sorts, not sure what it was but essentially I lost everything on my laptop, so whatever pictures or files I had were gone, some accounts were quickly recovered(except my Reddit account strangely enough). My discord account was recovered but the servers I joined were gone, so it's gonna be a pain to join back some of them. All of my emails were deleted, which is quite not bad but some of the archives were important but not enough to get me screwed in life. All my google doc files were deleted, including my quest notes. So if a few weeks ago I was demoralized by continuing with my quest due to the first hack, now I just can't continue with any of the quests anymore, sad to say.

I know some of you have moved on from this quest, others might waited for a new update but without the notes and my recent promotion in my job, I can't no longer focus entirely in this quest nor the other.

But I want to leave two things before the end of the day. First off I want to thank everyone for being part of this thread, you guys are just the most based players I have fun interacting with, so not do dirty to all of you here is what roughly I planned out with this quest where we left of…

At some point you were going to be doing some stuff with your colony, negotiate with the imperium, first contact with the village, and settle first native disputes. Can't comment what would had happen in the middle of this quest, but depending on your actions the three endings of this quest were, 1: unite the alien world under human supremacy, 2: form a united front with the natives after expelling an alien invading force, 3: or nuked the whole world again and drifted off to space once more to find a new home.

So yeah, this quest was planned for very long term, but lost everything on that shitty laptop so I am just tired and can't continue with good conscience.

Now for the second part, I have recently watched couple of shows and anime of a similar theme GATE, Moonfall and Falling Skies(also being playing Halo 1 with some questionable mods). Which has promptly giving me new materials to work on a new quest with a similar premise from this quest, we humanity go the stars to meet the unknown. So I already started with some notes for the new quest, but before I go any further I want you guys should you be interested choose when should the quest begin…

[] The Inter-solar Crisis
[Beginning of the quest, short period of human exploration in the solar system and the unrest that came from it.

[] The First Contact
[After the war, humans would once again focus exploring space and eventually find life on another planet]

[] The Extrasolar War
[After some time of making first contact, humanity will once again go to war against an alien more advanced and numerous than us]

Once again I want to thank everyone for this quest and hope to see you later.

Edit: The vote will remain open for a a day or two, once it closes I will post the last update with a link to the new quest
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Sad to hear but time for another humanity duck yeah!

[X] The Extrasolar War
[After some time of making first contact, humanity will once again go to war against an alien more advanced and numerous than us]
Your were a great QM and I look forward to your new quests

[X] The Inter-solar Crisis
[Beginning of the quest, short period of human exploration in the solar system and the unrest that came from it.

[X] The Extrasolar War
[After some time of making first contact, humanity will once again go to war against an alien more advanced and numerous than us]
suffering sucks and i'm sorry you're going through some shit but creativity is a shelter from such things and you've got gobs of it! things will turn around

[X] The First Contact
[X] The Extrasolar War
[X] The Inter-solar Crisis
[Beginning of the quest, short period of human exploration in the solar system and the unrest that came from it.
Sad to hear it go, especially since I just joined not too long ago, but hey, it'd be hypocritical of me to be upset when I regurally start writing something, to drop it later. Can't wait to see what comes next from you Uni!

[X] The First Contact

Everyone wants to war with the xenos, while I want to make the second coming of HEL jumper. We are not the same