My first instinct is to tell this daemon to fuck off, BUT:

ETA: Refusal is an option, but if you do so, Delai will find some other way to 'help.

This worries me. Leaving a Daemon to decide how she will 'help' us by herself sounds way too risky. So for now i think is best to gain some knowledge, but take it with a grain of salt.

[X] – An attack that is coming for you
So the quest wants to go chaos primarch huh? Never get hooked on chaos, it's slavery true and true.
Saying we are becoming a Chaos Primarch is a bit to much, don't you think?

We aren't falling to Chaos just because of this. QM has stated that we will have a chance to tell Delai and Chaos to piss off later on.

I promise that you will have opportunities for Sun-Sin to learn about Chaos and to throw off Delai and all of Chaos' temptations, but right now is not one of them. Okay?
Saying we are becoming a Chaos Primarch is a bit to much, don't you think?

We aren't falling to Chaos just because of this. QM has stated that we will have a chance to tell Delai and Chaos to piss off later on.

I want to reiterate: taking any of the offered choices will not doom Ching Sun-Sin into becoming a chaos primarch.
Chaos is a cancer, once it touched you and you don't tell it to fuck off and burn the rot out first? It spreads and devours you who, like a drug.
if chaos is like a drug it can be beaten also people like Logan grimnaw uses a chaos axe yet is one of the few not evil pricks in the imperium
As long as we don't swear allegiances to them we are not going to be slaves
primarch questers when they can't instantly become sanguinius-level paragons of virtue and eliminate any risk of corruption:
I understand where you're coming from, but keep mind that the QM has specifically said that taking this offer will not doom us to Chaos.

I can get it but we shouldn't even consider this crap, especially if it's from slannesh who is the master of temptation into it.

Tzeentch is second in this way…and we know how tzeentch got magnus with "help", as well as mortarian.

Angron is self explanatory…and the only one who can remove corruption would be the emperor, and even he had to blast Horus into non existence because the chaos gods still had sway over his soul.
[X] - Refuse! - nothing in this life comes for free, and the unspoken costs tend to be the highest of all, especially when they come from pretty mouths. Begone creature and touch my mind again at your own peril.
-[X] It is curious that Delai only appeared after you parted ways with children despite it being days since the putative sacrifice. Almost like she was blocked or afraid of one of them. Now, who could it possibly be...
[X] – An attack that is coming for you

Because this is relevant information and who knows maybe chaos isn't all that evil. I mean from our perspective (as readers) we only know that chaos is evil mainly the Imperium says so. And they are described in the narrative as the cruelest and most brutal regime imaginable. So maybe we don't take their opinion as gospel until demonstrated otherwise?
[X] – An attack that is coming for you

I can get it but we shouldn't even consider this crap, especially if it's from slannesh who is the master of temptation into it.
But Sun-Sin doesn't know who Slaanesh is. When it comes to choices like this, I just imagine I'm roleplaying. Sure, there's the earlier apprehension Sun-Sin had concerning Delai to justify a refusal, but I think he'd be more tempted to actually glean useful info that's pertinent to his current situation.
[x] – Information that receiving will not cause me regret or harm.

Okay so real talk, OOC I would vote "Refusal" but if I'm role playing, we wouldn't know about chaos and our character is an actual pirate. He literally spent his entire life getting things for free and I don't think this would bother him too much.

However, if I were him, I would honestly think this mermaid-being is magical but I would be cautious and want to test the waters. Note, I'm assuming this planet has myths and legends like on Earth and if this being is like a Fae, they're not necessarily hostile but can definitely be dangerous. I think I would want to say something clever that might impress him and be very exact in my wording. As a pirate, I'm not worried about attacks given that I'm always getting attacked. Betrayal is more useful but this mermaid could be giving me the name of someone who I will henceforth be suspicious of and then find out that the only reason said person betrayed me is because I never trusted him/her (ironic Fae information).

Best to be very exact in my wording.
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[x] – Information that receiving will not cause me regret or harm.

Okay so real talk, OOC I would vote "Refusal" but if I'm role playing, we wouldn't know about chaos and our character is an actual pirate. She literally spent her entire life getting things for free and I don't think this would bother her too much.

However, if I were her, I would honestly think this mermaid-being is magical but I would be cautious and want to test the waters. Note, I'm assuming this planet has myths and legends like on Earth and if this being is like a Fae, they're not necessarily hostile but can definitely be dangerous. I think I would want to say something clever that might impress her and be very exact in my wording. As a pirate, I'm not worried about attacks given that I'm always getting attacked. Betrayal is more useful but this mermaid could be giving me the name of someone who I will henceforth be suspicious of and then find out that the only reason said person betrayed me is because I never trusted him/her (ironic Fae information).

Best to be very exact in my wording.

(our primarch is a man:V)
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[x] – Information that receiving will not cause me regret or harm.

Sun-Sin is not asking for information, the mermaid is giving it to us. Refuse presumably has us interrupting her to tell her to shut up before she can share anything.

Delai is appreciative that you threw the slavers of the Rude Awakening into the sea. She's here to provide you with a secret. What does she tell you? (Be aware that Delai has already picked what she tells you; Ching Sun-Sin will not be aware the others were even options).
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[X] – Write in; Delai knows many secrets.
-[X] "Do you ever wonder where you came from?"
I'm thinking that we can handle our future troubles on this world, if not easily. We are a primarch after all. But learning that the Emperor is coming for us would give us an in character reason to prepare for the more difficult battles to come. Right now, our pirate captain doesn't really have a reason to start training a psyker cult or recruiting an army.