Voting is open
Hmm. It is a slow morning. No reason not to rehash the entire debate for my own amusement.

Lol. Just pulling your leg. I've already sunk more time into arguing for this than any other vote since I've started questing. Over a week. My piece on this is posted, and It's a little gratifying it convinced another player after all this time. Kudos to uju32 for his counter argument, but I'm still hoping for a turnaround. Have fun on your quests everyone, and support Democracy!
1 vote margin between the top two.
Adhoc vote count started by uju32 on Aug 9, 2022 at 5:38 PM, finished with 116 posts and 62 votes.

  • [X]Plan Professionals Study Logistics
    -[X][Martial 1] Occupation Patrols. LOCKED. 3/4 years
    -[X][Martial 2] Military Integration. Time: 1 year. Cost: 61,000 credits. Chance of Success: 60% + Minister 11 = 71%
    -[X][Diplomacy 1]Intrusive Questioning. Time: 1 year. Cost: 30,000*2 credits = 60,000 credits. Chance of Success: 50% + Minister 42 + Personal Action 16 = 108%. SPECIAL Double Down + Personal Action.
    -[X][Diplomacy 2]Consulate Exchange. Time: 1 year. Cost: 38,000 credits. Chance of Success: 60% + Minister 11 = 71%
    -[X][Stewardship 1]Establishing Force. LOCKED. 1/3 years
    -[X][Stewardship 2] Power Is Power.LOCKED. 2/3 years
    -[X][Intrigue 1] Establish A Spy Academy. LOCKED. 1/3 years.
    -[X][Intrigue 2] Support And Analysis. Time: 2 years. Cost: -30,000 yearly income. Chance of Success: 75% + Minister 12 = 87%.
    -[X][Learning 1] Military Schools. Time 4*0.5 years = 2 years. Cost: -40,000*2 Income = 80,000 Income. Chance of Success: 80% + Minister 10 = 90%. SPECIAL Expedite
    -[X][Learning 2] Loading and Unloading Facilities. Time: Until Done(0/100). Cost: 28,000 credits. Minister 10 +
    -[X][Personal 1] Establish Ardat-Yakshi Policies. Time: 1 year. Cost: 50,000 credits. Chance of Success: No roll
    -[X][Personal 2]Take A Break. Chance of Success: 50%
    -[X][Personal 3]Personal Action: Intrusive Questioning
    [X] Plan Integration, Reform, and Analysis
    -[X][Martial 1] Occupation Patrols. LOCKED. 3/4 years
    -[X][Martial 2] Military Integration. Time: 1 year. Cost: 61,000 credits. Chance of Success: 60% + Minister 11 = 71%
    -[X][Diplomacy 1] Democratic Reforms: Time: 1 year. Cost: 37,300 credits. Chance of Success: 10%/40%/60%/90%.
    --[X][Double Down] Doubles Cost, Doubles Minister Bonus: Cost 74,600 credits. +42
    --[X][Personal Attention] Adds Mira's Bonus +16. Final Chance of Success: 68%/98%/118,%/148%
    -[X][Diplomacy 2] Volus Expertise: Time: 1 year. Cost: Free. Chance of Success: Automatic, unless you ask for something extravagant.
    -[X][Intrigue 1] Establish A Spy Academy: LOCKED. Time: 1/3 years.
    -[X][Intrigue 2] Support And Analysis: Time: 2 years. Cost: -30,000 income. Chance of Success: 75% + Minister 12 = 87%
    -[X][Learning 1] Military Schools. Time 4 years. Cost: -40,000 income Chance of Success: 80% + Minister 10 = 90%.
    --[X][Expedite] Doubles Cost, Halves Time: Cost -80000 income. 2 Years.
    -[X][Learning 2] Loading and Unloading Facilities. Time: Until Done(0/100). Cost: 28,000 credits. Minister 10 +
    -[X][Personal 2]Take A Break. Chance of Success: 50%
    -[X][Personal 2] Personal Attention: Democratic Reform
    -[X][Personal 3] Establish Ardat-Yakshi Policies: Time: 1 year. Chance of Success: No roll. Cost: 50,000 credits.
    [X] Plan Address The Necessities
    -[X] Occupation Patrols (85k, -43k income), locked
    -[X] Military Integration (61k),
    -[X] Intrusive Questioning (60k), DD (50%+42% = 92% chance)
    -[X] Volus Expertise (0k)
    -[X] Establishing Force (120k), locked
    -[X] Power is Power (75k), locked
    -[X] Establish a Spy Academy (-70k income), locked
    -[X] Support And Analysis (-30k income)
    -[X] Military Academy (-80k income), Expedite
    -[X] Loading and Unloading Facilities (28k)
    -[X] Personal Actions:
    --[X] Take a Break
    --[X] Establish Ardat-Yakshi Policies
    --[X] Personal Attention: Military Integration
    [X]Plan Professionals w/ Volus
    -[X][Martial 1] Occupation Patrols. LOCKED. 3/4 years
    -[X][Martial 2] Military Integration. Time: 1 year. Cost: 61,000 credits. Chance of Success: 60% + Minister 11 = 71%
    -[X][Diplomacy 1]Intrusive Questioning. Time: 1 year. Cost: 30,000*2 credits = 60,000 credits. Chance of Success: 50% + Minister 42 + Personal Action 16 = 108%. SPECIAL Double Down + Personal Action.
    -[X][Diplomacy 2] Volus Expertise. Time: 1 year. Cost: Free. Chance of Success: Automatic
    -[X][Stewardship 1]Establishing Force. LOCKED. 1/3 years
    -[X][Stewardship 2] Power Is Power.LOCKED. 2/3 years
    -[X][Intrigue 1] Establish A Spy Academy. LOCKED. 1/3 years.
    -[X][Intrigue 2] Support And Analysis. Time: 2 years. Cost: -30,000 yearly income. Chance of Success: 75% + Minister 12 = 87%.
    -[X][Learning 1] Military Schools. Time 4*0.5 years = 2 years. Cost: -40,000*2 Income = 80,000 Income. Chance of Success: 80% + Minister 10 = 90%. SPECIAL Expedite
    -[X][Learning 2] Loading and Unloading Facilities. Time: Until Done(0/100). Cost: 28,000 credits. Minister 10 +
    -[X][Personal 1] Establish Ardat-Yakshi Policies. Time: 1 year. Cost: 50,000 credits. Chance of Success: No roll
    -[X][Personal 2]Take A Break. Chance of Success: 50%
    -[X][Personal 3]Personal Action: Intrusive Questioning
    [X] Plan Maroon Sea, Reform, and Analysis
    -[X][Martial 1] Occupation Patrols. LOCKED. 3/4 years
    -[X][Martial 2] Increase Maroon Sea Presence: Time: 1 year. Cost: 57,000 credits. Chance of Success: 70% + Minister 11 = 81%
    -[X][Diplomacy 1] Democratic Reforms: Time: 1 year. Cost: 37,300 credits. Chance of Success: 10%/40%/60%/90%.
    --[X][Double Down] Doubles Cost, Doubles Minister Bonus: Cost 74,600 credits. +42
    --[X][Personal Attention] Adds Mira's Bonus +16. Final Chance of Success: 68%/98%/118,%/148%
    -[X][Diplomacy 2] Volus Expertise: Time: 1 year. Cost: Free. Chance of Success: Automatic, unless you ask for something extravagant.
    -[X][Intrigue 1] Establish A Spy Academy: LOCKED. Time: 1/3 years.
    -[X][Intrigue 2] Support And Analysis: Time: 2 years. Cost: -30,000 income. Chance of Success: 75% + Minister 12 = 87%
    -[X][Learning 1] Military Schools. Time 4 years. Cost: -40,000 income Chance of Success: 80% + Minister 10 = 90%.
    --[X][Expedite] Doubles Cost, Halves Time: Cost -80000 income. 2 Years.
    -[X][Learning 2] Loading and Unloading Facilities. Time: Until Done(0/100). Cost: 28,000 credits. Minister 10 +
    -[X][Personal 2]Take A Break. Chance of Success: 50%
    -[X][Personal 2] Personal Attention: Democratic Reform
    -[X][Personal 3] Establish Ardat-Yakshi Policies: Time: 1 year. Chance of Success: No roll. Cost: 50,000 credits.
    [X] Plan Terminus Collaboration
    -[X][Martial 1] Occupation Patrols. LOCKED. 3/4 years
    -[X][Martial 2] Military Integration. Time: 1 year. Cost: 61,000 credits. Chance of Success: 60% + Minister 11 = 71%
    --[X][Personal Attention] Adds Mira's Bonus: 26 = Final Chance of Success: 97%
    -[X][Diplomacy 1] Consulate Exchange: Time: 1 year. Cost: 38,000 credits. Chance of Success: 60%.
    --[X][Double Down] Doubles Cost, Doubles Minister Bonus: Cost 76,000 credits. + Minister 42. Final Chance of Success 102%.
    -[X][Diplomacy 2] Volus Expertise: Time: 1 year. Cost: Free. Chance of Success: Automatic, unless you ask for something extravagant.
    -[X][Intrigue 1] Establish A Spy Academy: LOCKED. Time: 1/3 years.
    -[X][Intrigue 2] Support And Analysis: Time: 2 years. Cost: -30,000 income. Chance of Success: 75% + Minister 12 = 87%
    -[X][Learning 1] Military Schools. Time 4 years. Cost: -40,000 income Chance of Success: 80% + Minister 10 = 90%.
    --[X][Expedite] Doubles Cost, Halves Time: Cost -80000 income. 2 Years.
    -[X][Learning 2] Loading and Unloading Facilities. Time: Until Done(0/100). Cost: 28,000 credits. Minister 10 +
    -[X][Personal 2]Take A Break. Chance of Success: 50%
    -[X][Personal 2] Personal Attention: Military Integration
    -[X][Personal 3] Establish Ardat-Yakshi Policies: Time: 1 year. Chance of Success: No roll. Cost: 50,000 credits.
1 vote margin between the top two.
Adhoc vote count started by uju32 on Aug 9, 2022 at 5:38 PM, finished with 116 posts and 62 votes.

  • [X]Plan Professionals Study Logistics
    -[X][Martial 1] Occupation Patrols. LOCKED. 3/4 years
    -[X][Martial 2] Military Integration. Time: 1 year. Cost: 61,000 credits. Chance of Success: 60% + Minister 11 = 71%
    -[X][Diplomacy 1]Intrusive Questioning. Time: 1 year. Cost: 30,000*2 credits = 60,000 credits. Chance of Success: 50% + Minister 42 + Personal Action 16 = 108%. SPECIAL Double Down + Personal Action.
    -[X][Diplomacy 2]Consulate Exchange. Time: 1 year. Cost: 38,000 credits. Chance of Success: 60% + Minister 11 = 71%
    -[X][Stewardship 1]Establishing Force. LOCKED. 1/3 years
    -[X][Stewardship 2] Power Is Power.LOCKED. 2/3 years
    -[X][Intrigue 1] Establish A Spy Academy. LOCKED. 1/3 years.
    -[X][Intrigue 2] Support And Analysis. Time: 2 years. Cost: -30,000 yearly income. Chance of Success: 75% + Minister 12 = 87%.
    -[X][Learning 1] Military Schools. Time 4*0.5 years = 2 years. Cost: -40,000*2 Income = 80,000 Income. Chance of Success: 80% + Minister 10 = 90%. SPECIAL Expedite
    -[X][Learning 2] Loading and Unloading Facilities. Time: Until Done(0/100). Cost: 28,000 credits. Minister 10 +
    -[X][Personal 1] Establish Ardat-Yakshi Policies. Time: 1 year. Cost: 50,000 credits. Chance of Success: No roll
    -[X][Personal 2]Take A Break. Chance of Success: 50%
    -[X][Personal 3]Personal Action: Intrusive Questioning
    [X] Plan Integration, Reform, and Analysis
    -[X][Martial 1] Occupation Patrols. LOCKED. 3/4 years
    -[X][Martial 2] Military Integration. Time: 1 year. Cost: 61,000 credits. Chance of Success: 60% + Minister 11 = 71%
    -[X][Diplomacy 1] Democratic Reforms: Time: 1 year. Cost: 37,300 credits. Chance of Success: 10%/40%/60%/90%.
    --[X][Double Down] Doubles Cost, Doubles Minister Bonus: Cost 74,600 credits. +42
    --[X][Personal Attention] Adds Mira's Bonus +16. Final Chance of Success: 68%/98%/118,%/148%
    -[X][Diplomacy 2] Volus Expertise: Time: 1 year. Cost: Free. Chance of Success: Automatic, unless you ask for something extravagant.
    -[X][Intrigue 1] Establish A Spy Academy: LOCKED. Time: 1/3 years.
    -[X][Intrigue 2] Support And Analysis: Time: 2 years. Cost: -30,000 income. Chance of Success: 75% + Minister 12 = 87%
    -[X][Learning 1] Military Schools. Time 4 years. Cost: -40,000 income Chance of Success: 80% + Minister 10 = 90%.
    --[X][Expedite] Doubles Cost, Halves Time: Cost -80000 income. 2 Years.
    -[X][Learning 2] Loading and Unloading Facilities. Time: Until Done(0/100). Cost: 28,000 credits. Minister 10 +
    -[X][Personal 2]Take A Break. Chance of Success: 50%
    -[X][Personal 2] Personal Attention: Democratic Reform
    -[X][Personal 3] Establish Ardat-Yakshi Policies: Time: 1 year. Chance of Success: No roll. Cost: 50,000 credits.
    [X] Plan Address The Necessities
    -[X] Occupation Patrols (85k, -43k income), locked
    -[X] Military Integration (61k),
    -[X] Intrusive Questioning (60k), DD (50%+42% = 92% chance)
    -[X] Volus Expertise (0k)
    -[X] Establishing Force (120k), locked
    -[X] Power is Power (75k), locked
    -[X] Establish a Spy Academy (-70k income), locked
    -[X] Support And Analysis (-30k income)
    -[X] Military Academy (-80k income), Expedite
    -[X] Loading and Unloading Facilities (28k)
    -[X] Personal Actions:
    --[X] Take a Break
    --[X] Establish Ardat-Yakshi Policies
    --[X] Personal Attention: Military Integration
    [X]Plan Professionals w/ Volus
    -[X][Martial 1] Occupation Patrols. LOCKED. 3/4 years
    -[X][Martial 2] Military Integration. Time: 1 year. Cost: 61,000 credits. Chance of Success: 60% + Minister 11 = 71%
    -[X][Diplomacy 1]Intrusive Questioning. Time: 1 year. Cost: 30,000*2 credits = 60,000 credits. Chance of Success: 50% + Minister 42 + Personal Action 16 = 108%. SPECIAL Double Down + Personal Action.
    -[X][Diplomacy 2] Volus Expertise. Time: 1 year. Cost: Free. Chance of Success: Automatic
    -[X][Stewardship 1]Establishing Force. LOCKED. 1/3 years
    -[X][Stewardship 2] Power Is Power.LOCKED. 2/3 years
    -[X][Intrigue 1] Establish A Spy Academy. LOCKED. 1/3 years.
    -[X][Intrigue 2] Support And Analysis. Time: 2 years. Cost: -30,000 yearly income. Chance of Success: 75% + Minister 12 = 87%.
    -[X][Learning 1] Military Schools. Time 4*0.5 years = 2 years. Cost: -40,000*2 Income = 80,000 Income. Chance of Success: 80% + Minister 10 = 90%. SPECIAL Expedite
    -[X][Learning 2] Loading and Unloading Facilities. Time: Until Done(0/100). Cost: 28,000 credits. Minister 10 +
    -[X][Personal 1] Establish Ardat-Yakshi Policies. Time: 1 year. Cost: 50,000 credits. Chance of Success: No roll
    -[X][Personal 2]Take A Break. Chance of Success: 50%
    -[X][Personal 3]Personal Action: Intrusive Questioning
    [X] Plan Maroon Sea, Reform, and Analysis
    -[X][Martial 1] Occupation Patrols. LOCKED. 3/4 years
    -[X][Martial 2] Increase Maroon Sea Presence: Time: 1 year. Cost: 57,000 credits. Chance of Success: 70% + Minister 11 = 81%
    -[X][Diplomacy 1] Democratic Reforms: Time: 1 year. Cost: 37,300 credits. Chance of Success: 10%/40%/60%/90%.
    --[X][Double Down] Doubles Cost, Doubles Minister Bonus: Cost 74,600 credits. +42
    --[X][Personal Attention] Adds Mira's Bonus +16. Final Chance of Success: 68%/98%/118,%/148%
    -[X][Diplomacy 2] Volus Expertise: Time: 1 year. Cost: Free. Chance of Success: Automatic, unless you ask for something extravagant.
    -[X][Intrigue 1] Establish A Spy Academy: LOCKED. Time: 1/3 years.
    -[X][Intrigue 2] Support And Analysis: Time: 2 years. Cost: -30,000 income. Chance of Success: 75% + Minister 12 = 87%
    -[X][Learning 1] Military Schools. Time 4 years. Cost: -40,000 income Chance of Success: 80% + Minister 10 = 90%.
    --[X][Expedite] Doubles Cost, Halves Time: Cost -80000 income. 2 Years.
    -[X][Learning 2] Loading and Unloading Facilities. Time: Until Done(0/100). Cost: 28,000 credits. Minister 10 +
    -[X][Personal 2]Take A Break. Chance of Success: 50%
    -[X][Personal 2] Personal Attention: Democratic Reform
    -[X][Personal 3] Establish Ardat-Yakshi Policies: Time: 1 year. Chance of Success: No roll. Cost: 50,000 credits.
    [X] Plan Terminus Collaboration
    -[X][Martial 1] Occupation Patrols. LOCKED. 3/4 years
    -[X][Martial 2] Military Integration. Time: 1 year. Cost: 61,000 credits. Chance of Success: 60% + Minister 11 = 71%
    --[X][Personal Attention] Adds Mira's Bonus: 26 = Final Chance of Success: 97%
    -[X][Diplomacy 1] Consulate Exchange: Time: 1 year. Cost: 38,000 credits. Chance of Success: 60%.
    --[X][Double Down] Doubles Cost, Doubles Minister Bonus: Cost 76,000 credits. + Minister 42. Final Chance of Success 102%.
    -[X][Diplomacy 2] Volus Expertise: Time: 1 year. Cost: Free. Chance of Success: Automatic, unless you ask for something extravagant.
    -[X][Intrigue 1] Establish A Spy Academy: LOCKED. Time: 1/3 years.
    -[X][Intrigue 2] Support And Analysis: Time: 2 years. Cost: -30,000 income. Chance of Success: 75% + Minister 12 = 87%
    -[X][Learning 1] Military Schools. Time 4 years. Cost: -40,000 income Chance of Success: 80% + Minister 10 = 90%.
    --[X][Expedite] Doubles Cost, Halves Time: Cost -80000 income. 2 Years.
    -[X][Learning 2] Loading and Unloading Facilities. Time: Until Done(0/100). Cost: 28,000 credits. Minister 10 +
    -[X][Personal 2]Take A Break. Chance of Success: 50%
    -[X][Personal 2] Personal Attention: Military Integration
    -[X][Personal 3] Establish Ardat-Yakshi Policies: Time: 1 year. Chance of Success: No roll. Cost: 50,000 credits.
My it is close, and there are still two people in support of Maroon Sea, Reform, and Analysis who are not in support of Integration, Reform, and Analysis.
[X]Plan Professionals Study Logistics
Lol. Mate you already voted for that plan. To be fair it has been a while.
Current tally is tied:
Adhoc vote count started by uju32 on Aug 19, 2022 at 4:59 PM, finished with 124 posts and 64 votes.

  • [X]Plan Professionals Study Logistics
    -[X][Martial 1] Occupation Patrols. LOCKED. 3/4 years
    -[X][Martial 2] Military Integration. Time: 1 year. Cost: 61,000 credits. Chance of Success: 60% + Minister 11 = 71%
    -[X][Diplomacy 1]Intrusive Questioning. Time: 1 year. Cost: 30,000*2 credits = 60,000 credits. Chance of Success: 50% + Minister 42 + Personal Action 16 = 108%. SPECIAL Double Down + Personal Action.
    -[X][Diplomacy 2]Consulate Exchange. Time: 1 year. Cost: 38,000 credits. Chance of Success: 60% + Minister 11 = 71%
    -[X][Stewardship 1]Establishing Force. LOCKED. 1/3 years
    -[X][Stewardship 2] Power Is Power.LOCKED. 2/3 years
    -[X][Intrigue 1] Establish A Spy Academy. LOCKED. 1/3 years.
    -[X][Intrigue 2] Support And Analysis. Time: 2 years. Cost: -30,000 yearly income. Chance of Success: 75% + Minister 12 = 87%.
    -[X][Learning 1] Military Schools. Time 4*0.5 years = 2 years. Cost: -40,000*2 Income = 80,000 Income. Chance of Success: 80% + Minister 10 = 90%. SPECIAL Expedite
    -[X][Learning 2] Loading and Unloading Facilities. Time: Until Done(0/100). Cost: 28,000 credits. Minister 10 +
    -[X][Personal 1] Establish Ardat-Yakshi Policies. Time: 1 year. Cost: 50,000 credits. Chance of Success: No roll
    -[X][Personal 2]Take A Break. Chance of Success: 50%
    -[X][Personal 3]Personal Action: Intrusive Questioning
    [X] Plan Integration, Reform, and Analysis
    -[X][Martial 1] Occupation Patrols. LOCKED. 3/4 years
    -[X][Martial 2] Military Integration. Time: 1 year. Cost: 61,000 credits. Chance of Success: 60% + Minister 11 = 71%
    -[X][Diplomacy 1] Democratic Reforms: Time: 1 year. Cost: 37,300 credits. Chance of Success: 10%/40%/60%/90%.
    --[X][Double Down] Doubles Cost, Doubles Minister Bonus: Cost 74,600 credits. +42
    --[X][Personal Attention] Adds Mira's Bonus +16. Final Chance of Success: 68%/98%/118,%/148%
    -[X][Diplomacy 2] Volus Expertise: Time: 1 year. Cost: Free. Chance of Success: Automatic, unless you ask for something extravagant.
    -[X][Intrigue 1] Establish A Spy Academy: LOCKED. Time: 1/3 years.
    -[X][Intrigue 2] Support And Analysis: Time: 2 years. Cost: -30,000 income. Chance of Success: 75% + Minister 12 = 87%
    -[X][Learning 1] Military Schools. Time 4 years. Cost: -40,000 income Chance of Success: 80% + Minister 10 = 90%.
    --[X][Expedite] Doubles Cost, Halves Time: Cost -80000 income. 2 Years.
    -[X][Learning 2] Loading and Unloading Facilities. Time: Until Done(0/100). Cost: 28,000 credits. Minister 10 +
    -[X][Personal 2]Take A Break. Chance of Success: 50%
    -[X][Personal 2] Personal Attention: Democratic Reform
    -[X][Personal 3] Establish Ardat-Yakshi Policies: Time: 1 year. Chance of Success: No roll. Cost: 50,000 credits.
    [X] Plan Address The Necessities
    -[X] Occupation Patrols (85k, -43k income), locked
    -[X] Military Integration (61k),
    -[X] Intrusive Questioning (60k), DD (50%+42% = 92% chance)
    -[X] Volus Expertise (0k)
    -[X] Establishing Force (120k), locked
    -[X] Power is Power (75k), locked
    -[X] Establish a Spy Academy (-70k income), locked
    -[X] Support And Analysis (-30k income)
    -[X] Military Academy (-80k income), Expedite
    -[X] Loading and Unloading Facilities (28k)
    -[X] Personal Actions:
    --[X] Take a Break
    --[X] Establish Ardat-Yakshi Policies
    --[X] Personal Attention: Military Integration
    [X]Plan Professionals w/ Volus
    -[X][Martial 1] Occupation Patrols. LOCKED. 3/4 years
    -[X][Martial 2] Military Integration. Time: 1 year. Cost: 61,000 credits. Chance of Success: 60% + Minister 11 = 71%
    -[X][Diplomacy 1]Intrusive Questioning. Time: 1 year. Cost: 30,000*2 credits = 60,000 credits. Chance of Success: 50% + Minister 42 + Personal Action 16 = 108%. SPECIAL Double Down + Personal Action.
    -[X][Diplomacy 2] Volus Expertise. Time: 1 year. Cost: Free. Chance of Success: Automatic
    -[X][Stewardship 1]Establishing Force. LOCKED. 1/3 years
    -[X][Stewardship 2] Power Is Power.LOCKED. 2/3 years
    -[X][Intrigue 1] Establish A Spy Academy. LOCKED. 1/3 years.
    -[X][Intrigue 2] Support And Analysis. Time: 2 years. Cost: -30,000 yearly income. Chance of Success: 75% + Minister 12 = 87%.
    -[X][Learning 1] Military Schools. Time 4*0.5 years = 2 years. Cost: -40,000*2 Income = 80,000 Income. Chance of Success: 80% + Minister 10 = 90%. SPECIAL Expedite
    -[X][Learning 2] Loading and Unloading Facilities. Time: Until Done(0/100). Cost: 28,000 credits. Minister 10 +
    -[X][Personal 1] Establish Ardat-Yakshi Policies. Time: 1 year. Cost: 50,000 credits. Chance of Success: No roll
    -[X][Personal 2]Take A Break. Chance of Success: 50%
    -[X][Personal 3]Personal Action: Intrusive Questioning
    [X] Plan Maroon Sea, Reform, and Analysis
    -[X][Martial 1] Occupation Patrols. LOCKED. 3/4 years
    -[X][Martial 2] Increase Maroon Sea Presence: Time: 1 year. Cost: 57,000 credits. Chance of Success: 70% + Minister 11 = 81%
    -[X][Diplomacy 1] Democratic Reforms: Time: 1 year. Cost: 37,300 credits. Chance of Success: 10%/40%/60%/90%.
    --[X][Double Down] Doubles Cost, Doubles Minister Bonus: Cost 74,600 credits. +42
    --[X][Personal Attention] Adds Mira's Bonus +16. Final Chance of Success: 68%/98%/118,%/148%
    -[X][Diplomacy 2] Volus Expertise: Time: 1 year. Cost: Free. Chance of Success: Automatic, unless you ask for something extravagant.
    -[X][Intrigue 1] Establish A Spy Academy: LOCKED. Time: 1/3 years.
    -[X][Intrigue 2] Support And Analysis: Time: 2 years. Cost: -30,000 income. Chance of Success: 75% + Minister 12 = 87%
    -[X][Learning 1] Military Schools. Time 4 years. Cost: -40,000 income Chance of Success: 80% + Minister 10 = 90%.
    --[X][Expedite] Doubles Cost, Halves Time: Cost -80000 income. 2 Years.
    -[X][Learning 2] Loading and Unloading Facilities. Time: Until Done(0/100). Cost: 28,000 credits. Minister 10 +
    -[X][Personal 2]Take A Break. Chance of Success: 50%
    -[X][Personal 2] Personal Attention: Democratic Reform
    -[X][Personal 3] Establish Ardat-Yakshi Policies: Time: 1 year. Chance of Success: No roll. Cost: 50,000 credits.
    [X] Plan Terminus Collaboration
    -[X][Martial 1] Occupation Patrols. LOCKED. 3/4 years
    -[X][Martial 2] Military Integration. Time: 1 year. Cost: 61,000 credits. Chance of Success: 60% + Minister 11 = 71%
    --[X][Personal Attention] Adds Mira's Bonus: 26 = Final Chance of Success: 97%
    -[X][Diplomacy 1] Consulate Exchange: Time: 1 year. Cost: 38,000 credits. Chance of Success: 60%.
    --[X][Double Down] Doubles Cost, Doubles Minister Bonus: Cost 76,000 credits. + Minister 42. Final Chance of Success 102%.
    -[X][Diplomacy 2] Volus Expertise: Time: 1 year. Cost: Free. Chance of Success: Automatic, unless you ask for something extravagant.
    -[X][Intrigue 1] Establish A Spy Academy: LOCKED. Time: 1/3 years.
    -[X][Intrigue 2] Support And Analysis: Time: 2 years. Cost: -30,000 income. Chance of Success: 75% + Minister 12 = 87%
    -[X][Learning 1] Military Schools. Time 4 years. Cost: -40,000 income Chance of Success: 80% + Minister 10 = 90%.
    --[X][Expedite] Doubles Cost, Halves Time: Cost -80000 income. 2 Years.
    -[X][Learning 2] Loading and Unloading Facilities. Time: Until Done(0/100). Cost: 28,000 credits. Minister 10 +
    -[X][Personal 2]Take A Break. Chance of Success: 50%
    -[X][Personal 2] Personal Attention: Military Integration
    -[X][Personal 3] Establish Ardat-Yakshi Policies: Time: 1 year. Chance of Success: No roll. Cost: 50,000 credits.

Calling for more votes.
For myself and my []Professionals Study Logistics plan, obviously
Last edited:
Current tally is tied:
Adhoc vote count started by uju32 on Aug 19, 2022 at 4:59 PM, finished with 124 posts and 64 votes.

  • [X]Plan Professionals Study Logistics
    -[X][Martial 1] Occupation Patrols. LOCKED. 3/4 years
    -[X][Martial 2] Military Integration. Time: 1 year. Cost: 61,000 credits. Chance of Success: 60% + Minister 11 = 71%
    -[X][Diplomacy 1]Intrusive Questioning. Time: 1 year. Cost: 30,000*2 credits = 60,000 credits. Chance of Success: 50% + Minister 42 + Personal Action 16 = 108%. SPECIAL Double Down + Personal Action.
    -[X][Diplomacy 2]Consulate Exchange. Time: 1 year. Cost: 38,000 credits. Chance of Success: 60% + Minister 11 = 71%
    -[X][Stewardship 1]Establishing Force. LOCKED. 1/3 years
    -[X][Stewardship 2] Power Is Power.LOCKED. 2/3 years
    -[X][Intrigue 1] Establish A Spy Academy. LOCKED. 1/3 years.
    -[X][Intrigue 2] Support And Analysis. Time: 2 years. Cost: -30,000 yearly income. Chance of Success: 75% + Minister 12 = 87%.
    -[X][Learning 1] Military Schools. Time 4*0.5 years = 2 years. Cost: -40,000*2 Income = 80,000 Income. Chance of Success: 80% + Minister 10 = 90%. SPECIAL Expedite
    -[X][Learning 2] Loading and Unloading Facilities. Time: Until Done(0/100). Cost: 28,000 credits. Minister 10 +
    -[X][Personal 1] Establish Ardat-Yakshi Policies. Time: 1 year. Cost: 50,000 credits. Chance of Success: No roll
    -[X][Personal 2]Take A Break. Chance of Success: 50%
    -[X][Personal 3]Personal Action: Intrusive Questioning
    [X] Plan Integration, Reform, and Analysis
    -[X][Martial 1] Occupation Patrols. LOCKED. 3/4 years
    -[X][Martial 2] Military Integration. Time: 1 year. Cost: 61,000 credits. Chance of Success: 60% + Minister 11 = 71%
    -[X][Diplomacy 1] Democratic Reforms: Time: 1 year. Cost: 37,300 credits. Chance of Success: 10%/40%/60%/90%.
    --[X][Double Down] Doubles Cost, Doubles Minister Bonus: Cost 74,600 credits. +42
    --[X][Personal Attention] Adds Mira's Bonus +16. Final Chance of Success: 68%/98%/118,%/148%
    -[X][Diplomacy 2] Volus Expertise: Time: 1 year. Cost: Free. Chance of Success: Automatic, unless you ask for something extravagant.
    -[X][Intrigue 1] Establish A Spy Academy: LOCKED. Time: 1/3 years.
    -[X][Intrigue 2] Support And Analysis: Time: 2 years. Cost: -30,000 income. Chance of Success: 75% + Minister 12 = 87%
    -[X][Learning 1] Military Schools. Time 4 years. Cost: -40,000 income Chance of Success: 80% + Minister 10 = 90%.
    --[X][Expedite] Doubles Cost, Halves Time: Cost -80000 income. 2 Years.
    -[X][Learning 2] Loading and Unloading Facilities. Time: Until Done(0/100). Cost: 28,000 credits. Minister 10 +
    -[X][Personal 2]Take A Break. Chance of Success: 50%
    -[X][Personal 2] Personal Attention: Democratic Reform
    -[X][Personal 3] Establish Ardat-Yakshi Policies: Time: 1 year. Chance of Success: No roll. Cost: 50,000 credits.
    [X] Plan Address The Necessities
    -[X] Occupation Patrols (85k, -43k income), locked
    -[X] Military Integration (61k),
    -[X] Intrusive Questioning (60k), DD (50%+42% = 92% chance)
    -[X] Volus Expertise (0k)
    -[X] Establishing Force (120k), locked
    -[X] Power is Power (75k), locked
    -[X] Establish a Spy Academy (-70k income), locked
    -[X] Support And Analysis (-30k income)
    -[X] Military Academy (-80k income), Expedite
    -[X] Loading and Unloading Facilities (28k)
    -[X] Personal Actions:
    --[X] Take a Break
    --[X] Establish Ardat-Yakshi Policies
    --[X] Personal Attention: Military Integration
    [X]Plan Professionals w/ Volus
    -[X][Martial 1] Occupation Patrols. LOCKED. 3/4 years
    -[X][Martial 2] Military Integration. Time: 1 year. Cost: 61,000 credits. Chance of Success: 60% + Minister 11 = 71%
    -[X][Diplomacy 1]Intrusive Questioning. Time: 1 year. Cost: 30,000*2 credits = 60,000 credits. Chance of Success: 50% + Minister 42 + Personal Action 16 = 108%. SPECIAL Double Down + Personal Action.
    -[X][Diplomacy 2] Volus Expertise. Time: 1 year. Cost: Free. Chance of Success: Automatic
    -[X][Stewardship 1]Establishing Force. LOCKED. 1/3 years
    -[X][Stewardship 2] Power Is Power.LOCKED. 2/3 years
    -[X][Intrigue 1] Establish A Spy Academy. LOCKED. 1/3 years.
    -[X][Intrigue 2] Support And Analysis. Time: 2 years. Cost: -30,000 yearly income. Chance of Success: 75% + Minister 12 = 87%.
    -[X][Learning 1] Military Schools. Time 4*0.5 years = 2 years. Cost: -40,000*2 Income = 80,000 Income. Chance of Success: 80% + Minister 10 = 90%. SPECIAL Expedite
    -[X][Learning 2] Loading and Unloading Facilities. Time: Until Done(0/100). Cost: 28,000 credits. Minister 10 +
    -[X][Personal 1] Establish Ardat-Yakshi Policies. Time: 1 year. Cost: 50,000 credits. Chance of Success: No roll
    -[X][Personal 2]Take A Break. Chance of Success: 50%
    -[X][Personal 3]Personal Action: Intrusive Questioning
    [X] Plan Maroon Sea, Reform, and Analysis
    -[X][Martial 1] Occupation Patrols. LOCKED. 3/4 years
    -[X][Martial 2] Increase Maroon Sea Presence: Time: 1 year. Cost: 57,000 credits. Chance of Success: 70% + Minister 11 = 81%
    -[X][Diplomacy 1] Democratic Reforms: Time: 1 year. Cost: 37,300 credits. Chance of Success: 10%/40%/60%/90%.
    --[X][Double Down] Doubles Cost, Doubles Minister Bonus: Cost 74,600 credits. +42
    --[X][Personal Attention] Adds Mira's Bonus +16. Final Chance of Success: 68%/98%/118,%/148%
    -[X][Diplomacy 2] Volus Expertise: Time: 1 year. Cost: Free. Chance of Success: Automatic, unless you ask for something extravagant.
    -[X][Intrigue 1] Establish A Spy Academy: LOCKED. Time: 1/3 years.
    -[X][Intrigue 2] Support And Analysis: Time: 2 years. Cost: -30,000 income. Chance of Success: 75% + Minister 12 = 87%
    -[X][Learning 1] Military Schools. Time 4 years. Cost: -40,000 income Chance of Success: 80% + Minister 10 = 90%.
    --[X][Expedite] Doubles Cost, Halves Time: Cost -80000 income. 2 Years.
    -[X][Learning 2] Loading and Unloading Facilities. Time: Until Done(0/100). Cost: 28,000 credits. Minister 10 +
    -[X][Personal 2]Take A Break. Chance of Success: 50%
    -[X][Personal 2] Personal Attention: Democratic Reform
    -[X][Personal 3] Establish Ardat-Yakshi Policies: Time: 1 year. Chance of Success: No roll. Cost: 50,000 credits.
    [X] Plan Terminus Collaboration
    -[X][Martial 1] Occupation Patrols. LOCKED. 3/4 years
    -[X][Martial 2] Military Integration. Time: 1 year. Cost: 61,000 credits. Chance of Success: 60% + Minister 11 = 71%
    --[X][Personal Attention] Adds Mira's Bonus: 26 = Final Chance of Success: 97%
    -[X][Diplomacy 1] Consulate Exchange: Time: 1 year. Cost: 38,000 credits. Chance of Success: 60%.
    --[X][Double Down] Doubles Cost, Doubles Minister Bonus: Cost 76,000 credits. + Minister 42. Final Chance of Success 102%.
    -[X][Diplomacy 2] Volus Expertise: Time: 1 year. Cost: Free. Chance of Success: Automatic, unless you ask for something extravagant.
    -[X][Intrigue 1] Establish A Spy Academy: LOCKED. Time: 1/3 years.
    -[X][Intrigue 2] Support And Analysis: Time: 2 years. Cost: -30,000 income. Chance of Success: 75% + Minister 12 = 87%
    -[X][Learning 1] Military Schools. Time 4 years. Cost: -40,000 income Chance of Success: 80% + Minister 10 = 90%.
    --[X][Expedite] Doubles Cost, Halves Time: Cost -80000 income. 2 Years.
    -[X][Learning 2] Loading and Unloading Facilities. Time: Until Done(0/100). Cost: 28,000 credits. Minister 10 +
    -[X][Personal 2]Take A Break. Chance of Success: 50%
    -[X][Personal 2] Personal Attention: Military Integration
    -[X][Personal 3] Establish Ardat-Yakshi Policies: Time: 1 year. Chance of Success: No roll. Cost: 50,000 credits.

Calling for more votes.
For myself, obviously
I would appreciate more votes as well, and also baked goods. Muffins preferable. :V
Current tally: Tie
Adhoc vote count started by uju32 on Aug 19, 2022 at 8:39 PM, finished with 129 posts and 66 votes.

  • [X]Plan Professionals Study Logistics
    -[X][Martial 1] Occupation Patrols. LOCKED. 3/4 years
    -[X][Martial 2] Military Integration. Time: 1 year. Cost: 61,000 credits. Chance of Success: 60% + Minister 11 = 71%
    -[X][Diplomacy 1]Intrusive Questioning. Time: 1 year. Cost: 30,000*2 credits = 60,000 credits. Chance of Success: 50% + Minister 42 + Personal Action 16 = 108%. SPECIAL Double Down + Personal Action.
    -[X][Diplomacy 2]Consulate Exchange. Time: 1 year. Cost: 38,000 credits. Chance of Success: 60% + Minister 11 = 71%
    -[X][Stewardship 1]Establishing Force. LOCKED. 1/3 years
    -[X][Stewardship 2] Power Is Power.LOCKED. 2/3 years
    -[X][Intrigue 1] Establish A Spy Academy. LOCKED. 1/3 years.
    -[X][Intrigue 2] Support And Analysis. Time: 2 years. Cost: -30,000 yearly income. Chance of Success: 75% + Minister 12 = 87%.
    -[X][Learning 1] Military Schools. Time 4*0.5 years = 2 years. Cost: -40,000*2 Income = 80,000 Income. Chance of Success: 80% + Minister 10 = 90%. SPECIAL Expedite
    -[X][Learning 2] Loading and Unloading Facilities. Time: Until Done(0/100). Cost: 28,000 credits. Minister 10 +
    -[X][Personal 1] Establish Ardat-Yakshi Policies. Time: 1 year. Cost: 50,000 credits. Chance of Success: No roll
    -[X][Personal 2]Take A Break. Chance of Success: 50%
    -[X][Personal 3]Personal Action: Intrusive Questioning
    [X] Plan Integration, Reform, and Analysis
    -[X][Martial 1] Occupation Patrols. LOCKED. 3/4 years
    -[X][Martial 2] Military Integration. Time: 1 year. Cost: 61,000 credits. Chance of Success: 60% + Minister 11 = 71%
    -[X][Diplomacy 1] Democratic Reforms: Time: 1 year. Cost: 37,300 credits. Chance of Success: 10%/40%/60%/90%.
    --[X][Double Down] Doubles Cost, Doubles Minister Bonus: Cost 74,600 credits. +42
    --[X][Personal Attention] Adds Mira's Bonus +16. Final Chance of Success: 68%/98%/118,%/148%
    -[X][Diplomacy 2] Volus Expertise: Time: 1 year. Cost: Free. Chance of Success: Automatic, unless you ask for something extravagant.
    -[X][Intrigue 1] Establish A Spy Academy: LOCKED. Time: 1/3 years.
    -[X][Intrigue 2] Support And Analysis: Time: 2 years. Cost: -30,000 income. Chance of Success: 75% + Minister 12 = 87%
    -[X][Learning 1] Military Schools. Time 4 years. Cost: -40,000 income Chance of Success: 80% + Minister 10 = 90%.
    --[X][Expedite] Doubles Cost, Halves Time: Cost -80000 income. 2 Years.
    -[X][Learning 2] Loading and Unloading Facilities. Time: Until Done(0/100). Cost: 28,000 credits. Minister 10 +
    -[X][Personal 2]Take A Break. Chance of Success: 50%
    -[X][Personal 2] Personal Attention: Democratic Reform
    -[X][Personal 3] Establish Ardat-Yakshi Policies: Time: 1 year. Chance of Success: No roll. Cost: 50,000 credits.
    [X] Plan Address The Necessities
    -[X] Occupation Patrols (85k, -43k income), locked
    -[X] Military Integration (61k),
    -[X] Intrusive Questioning (60k), DD (50%+42% = 92% chance)
    -[X] Volus Expertise (0k)
    -[X] Establishing Force (120k), locked
    -[X] Power is Power (75k), locked
    -[X] Establish a Spy Academy (-70k income), locked
    -[X] Support And Analysis (-30k income)
    -[X] Military Academy (-80k income), Expedite
    -[X] Loading and Unloading Facilities (28k)
    -[X] Personal Actions:
    --[X] Take a Break
    --[X] Establish Ardat-Yakshi Policies
    --[X] Personal Attention: Military Integration
    [X]Plan Professionals w/ Volus
    -[X][Martial 1] Occupation Patrols. LOCKED. 3/4 years
    -[X][Martial 2] Military Integration. Time: 1 year. Cost: 61,000 credits. Chance of Success: 60% + Minister 11 = 71%
    -[X][Diplomacy 1]Intrusive Questioning. Time: 1 year. Cost: 30,000*2 credits = 60,000 credits. Chance of Success: 50% + Minister 42 + Personal Action 16 = 108%. SPECIAL Double Down + Personal Action.
    -[X][Diplomacy 2] Volus Expertise. Time: 1 year. Cost: Free. Chance of Success: Automatic
    -[X][Stewardship 1]Establishing Force. LOCKED. 1/3 years
    -[X][Stewardship 2] Power Is Power.LOCKED. 2/3 years
    -[X][Intrigue 1] Establish A Spy Academy. LOCKED. 1/3 years.
    -[X][Intrigue 2] Support And Analysis. Time: 2 years. Cost: -30,000 yearly income. Chance of Success: 75% + Minister 12 = 87%.
    -[X][Learning 1] Military Schools. Time 4*0.5 years = 2 years. Cost: -40,000*2 Income = 80,000 Income. Chance of Success: 80% + Minister 10 = 90%. SPECIAL Expedite
    -[X][Learning 2] Loading and Unloading Facilities. Time: Until Done(0/100). Cost: 28,000 credits. Minister 10 +
    -[X][Personal 1] Establish Ardat-Yakshi Policies. Time: 1 year. Cost: 50,000 credits. Chance of Success: No roll
    -[X][Personal 2]Take A Break. Chance of Success: 50%
    -[X][Personal 3]Personal Action: Intrusive Questioning
    [X] Plan Maroon Sea, Reform, and Analysis
    -[X][Martial 1] Occupation Patrols. LOCKED. 3/4 years
    -[X][Martial 2] Increase Maroon Sea Presence: Time: 1 year. Cost: 57,000 credits. Chance of Success: 70% + Minister 11 = 81%
    -[X][Diplomacy 1] Democratic Reforms: Time: 1 year. Cost: 37,300 credits. Chance of Success: 10%/40%/60%/90%.
    --[X][Double Down] Doubles Cost, Doubles Minister Bonus: Cost 74,600 credits. +42
    --[X][Personal Attention] Adds Mira's Bonus +16. Final Chance of Success: 68%/98%/118,%/148%
    -[X][Diplomacy 2] Volus Expertise: Time: 1 year. Cost: Free. Chance of Success: Automatic, unless you ask for something extravagant.
    -[X][Intrigue 1] Establish A Spy Academy: LOCKED. Time: 1/3 years.
    -[X][Intrigue 2] Support And Analysis: Time: 2 years. Cost: -30,000 income. Chance of Success: 75% + Minister 12 = 87%
    -[X][Learning 1] Military Schools. Time 4 years. Cost: -40,000 income Chance of Success: 80% + Minister 10 = 90%.
    --[X][Expedite] Doubles Cost, Halves Time: Cost -80000 income. 2 Years.
    -[X][Learning 2] Loading and Unloading Facilities. Time: Until Done(0/100). Cost: 28,000 credits. Minister 10 +
    -[X][Personal 2]Take A Break. Chance of Success: 50%
    -[X][Personal 2] Personal Attention: Democratic Reform
    -[X][Personal 3] Establish Ardat-Yakshi Policies: Time: 1 year. Chance of Success: No roll. Cost: 50,000 credits.
    [X] Plan Terminus Collaboration
    -[X][Martial 1] Occupation Patrols. LOCKED. 3/4 years
    -[X][Martial 2] Military Integration. Time: 1 year. Cost: 61,000 credits. Chance of Success: 60% + Minister 11 = 71%
    --[X][Personal Attention] Adds Mira's Bonus: 26 = Final Chance of Success: 97%
    -[X][Diplomacy 1] Consulate Exchange: Time: 1 year. Cost: 38,000 credits. Chance of Success: 60%.
    --[X][Double Down] Doubles Cost, Doubles Minister Bonus: Cost 76,000 credits. + Minister 42. Final Chance of Success 102%.
    -[X][Diplomacy 2] Volus Expertise: Time: 1 year. Cost: Free. Chance of Success: Automatic, unless you ask for something extravagant.
    -[X][Intrigue 1] Establish A Spy Academy: LOCKED. Time: 1/3 years.
    -[X][Intrigue 2] Support And Analysis: Time: 2 years. Cost: -30,000 income. Chance of Success: 75% + Minister 12 = 87%
    -[X][Learning 1] Military Schools. Time 4 years. Cost: -40,000 income Chance of Success: 80% + Minister 10 = 90%.
    --[X][Expedite] Doubles Cost, Halves Time: Cost -80000 income. 2 Years.
    -[X][Learning 2] Loading and Unloading Facilities. Time: Until Done(0/100). Cost: 28,000 credits. Minister 10 +
    -[X][Personal 2]Take A Break. Chance of Success: 50%
    -[X][Personal 2] Personal Attention: Military Integration
    -[X][Personal 3] Establish Ardat-Yakshi Policies: Time: 1 year. Chance of Success: No roll. Cost: 50,000 credits.
Current tally:
Adhoc vote count started by uju32 on Aug 24, 2022 at 8:30 PM, finished with 135 posts and 70 votes.

  • [X] Plan Integration, Reform, and Analysis
    -[X][Martial 1] Occupation Patrols. LOCKED. 3/4 years
    -[X][Martial 2] Military Integration. Time: 1 year. Cost: 61,000 credits. Chance of Success: 60% + Minister 11 = 71%
    -[X][Diplomacy 1] Democratic Reforms: Time: 1 year. Cost: 37,300 credits. Chance of Success: 10%/40%/60%/90%.
    --[X][Double Down] Doubles Cost, Doubles Minister Bonus: Cost 74,600 credits. +42
    --[X][Personal Attention] Adds Mira's Bonus +16. Final Chance of Success: 68%/98%/118,%/148%
    -[X][Diplomacy 2] Volus Expertise: Time: 1 year. Cost: Free. Chance of Success: Automatic, unless you ask for something extravagant.
    -[X][Intrigue 1] Establish A Spy Academy: LOCKED. Time: 1/3 years.
    -[X][Intrigue 2] Support And Analysis: Time: 2 years. Cost: -30,000 income. Chance of Success: 75% + Minister 12 = 87%
    -[X][Learning 1] Military Schools. Time 4 years. Cost: -40,000 income Chance of Success: 80% + Minister 10 = 90%.
    --[X][Expedite] Doubles Cost, Halves Time: Cost -80000 income. 2 Years.
    -[X][Learning 2] Loading and Unloading Facilities. Time: Until Done(0/100). Cost: 28,000 credits. Minister 10 +
    -[X][Personal 2]Take A Break. Chance of Success: 50%
    -[X][Personal 2] Personal Attention: Democratic Reform
    -[X][Personal 3] Establish Ardat-Yakshi Policies: Time: 1 year. Chance of Success: No roll. Cost: 50,000 credits.
    [X]Plan Professionals Study Logistics
    -[X][Martial 1] Occupation Patrols. LOCKED. 3/4 years
    -[X][Martial 2] Military Integration. Time: 1 year. Cost: 61,000 credits. Chance of Success: 60% + Minister 11 = 71%
    -[X][Diplomacy 1]Intrusive Questioning. Time: 1 year. Cost: 30,000*2 credits = 60,000 credits. Chance of Success: 50% + Minister 42 + Personal Action 16 = 108%. SPECIAL Double Down + Personal Action.
    -[X][Diplomacy 2]Consulate Exchange. Time: 1 year. Cost: 38,000 credits. Chance of Success: 60% + Minister 11 = 71%
    -[X][Stewardship 1]Establishing Force. LOCKED. 1/3 years
    -[X][Stewardship 2] Power Is Power.LOCKED. 2/3 years
    -[X][Intrigue 1] Establish A Spy Academy. LOCKED. 1/3 years.
    -[X][Intrigue 2] Support And Analysis. Time: 2 years. Cost: -30,000 yearly income. Chance of Success: 75% + Minister 12 = 87%.
    -[X][Learning 1] Military Schools. Time 4*0.5 years = 2 years. Cost: -40,000*2 Income = 80,000 Income. Chance of Success: 80% + Minister 10 = 90%. SPECIAL Expedite
    -[X][Learning 2] Loading and Unloading Facilities. Time: Until Done(0/100). Cost: 28,000 credits. Minister 10 +
    -[X][Personal 1] Establish Ardat-Yakshi Policies. Time: 1 year. Cost: 50,000 credits. Chance of Success: No roll
    -[X][Personal 2]Take A Break. Chance of Success: 50%
    -[X][Personal 3]Personal Action: Intrusive Questioning
    [X] Plan Address The Necessities
    -[X] Occupation Patrols (85k, -43k income), locked
    -[X] Military Integration (61k),
    -[X] Intrusive Questioning (60k), DD (50%+42% = 92% chance)
    -[X] Volus Expertise (0k)
    -[X] Establishing Force (120k), locked
    -[X] Power is Power (75k), locked
    -[X] Establish a Spy Academy (-70k income), locked
    -[X] Support And Analysis (-30k income)
    -[X] Military Academy (-80k income), Expedite
    -[X] Loading and Unloading Facilities (28k)
    -[X] Personal Actions:
    --[X] Take a Break
    --[X] Establish Ardat-Yakshi Policies
    --[X] Personal Attention: Military Integration
    [X]Plan Professionals w/ Volus
    -[X][Martial 1] Occupation Patrols. LOCKED. 3/4 years
    -[X][Martial 2] Military Integration. Time: 1 year. Cost: 61,000 credits. Chance of Success: 60% + Minister 11 = 71%
    -[X][Diplomacy 1]Intrusive Questioning. Time: 1 year. Cost: 30,000*2 credits = 60,000 credits. Chance of Success: 50% + Minister 42 + Personal Action 16 = 108%. SPECIAL Double Down + Personal Action.
    -[X][Diplomacy 2] Volus Expertise. Time: 1 year. Cost: Free. Chance of Success: Automatic
    -[X][Stewardship 1]Establishing Force. LOCKED. 1/3 years
    -[X][Stewardship 2] Power Is Power.LOCKED. 2/3 years
    -[X][Intrigue 1] Establish A Spy Academy. LOCKED. 1/3 years.
    -[X][Intrigue 2] Support And Analysis. Time: 2 years. Cost: -30,000 yearly income. Chance of Success: 75% + Minister 12 = 87%.
    -[X][Learning 1] Military Schools. Time 4*0.5 years = 2 years. Cost: -40,000*2 Income = 80,000 Income. Chance of Success: 80% + Minister 10 = 90%. SPECIAL Expedite
    -[X][Learning 2] Loading and Unloading Facilities. Time: Until Done(0/100). Cost: 28,000 credits. Minister 10 +
    -[X][Personal 1] Establish Ardat-Yakshi Policies. Time: 1 year. Cost: 50,000 credits. Chance of Success: No roll
    -[X][Personal 2]Take A Break. Chance of Success: 50%
    -[X][Personal 3]Personal Action: Intrusive Questioning
    [X] Plan Maroon Sea, Reform, and Analysis
    -[X][Martial 1] Occupation Patrols. LOCKED. 3/4 years
    -[X][Martial 2] Increase Maroon Sea Presence: Time: 1 year. Cost: 57,000 credits. Chance of Success: 70% + Minister 11 = 81%
    -[X][Diplomacy 1] Democratic Reforms: Time: 1 year. Cost: 37,300 credits. Chance of Success: 10%/40%/60%/90%.
    --[X][Double Down] Doubles Cost, Doubles Minister Bonus: Cost 74,600 credits. +42
    --[X][Personal Attention] Adds Mira's Bonus +16. Final Chance of Success: 68%/98%/118,%/148%
    -[X][Diplomacy 2] Volus Expertise: Time: 1 year. Cost: Free. Chance of Success: Automatic, unless you ask for something extravagant.
    -[X][Intrigue 1] Establish A Spy Academy: LOCKED. Time: 1/3 years.
    -[X][Intrigue 2] Support And Analysis: Time: 2 years. Cost: -30,000 income. Chance of Success: 75% + Minister 12 = 87%
    -[X][Learning 1] Military Schools. Time 4 years. Cost: -40,000 income Chance of Success: 80% + Minister 10 = 90%.
    --[X][Expedite] Doubles Cost, Halves Time: Cost -80000 income. 2 Years.
    -[X][Learning 2] Loading and Unloading Facilities. Time: Until Done(0/100). Cost: 28,000 credits. Minister 10 +
    -[X][Personal 2]Take A Break. Chance of Success: 50%
    -[X][Personal 2] Personal Attention: Democratic Reform
    -[X][Personal 3] Establish Ardat-Yakshi Policies: Time: 1 year. Chance of Success: No roll. Cost: 50,000 credits.
    [X] Plan Terminus Collaboration
    -[X][Martial 1] Occupation Patrols. LOCKED. 3/4 years
    -[X][Martial 2] Military Integration. Time: 1 year. Cost: 61,000 credits. Chance of Success: 60% + Minister 11 = 71%
    --[X][Personal Attention] Adds Mira's Bonus: 26 = Final Chance of Success: 97%
    -[X][Diplomacy 1] Consulate Exchange: Time: 1 year. Cost: 38,000 credits. Chance of Success: 60%.
    --[X][Double Down] Doubles Cost, Doubles Minister Bonus: Cost 76,000 credits. + Minister 42. Final Chance of Success 102%.
    -[X][Diplomacy 2] Volus Expertise: Time: 1 year. Cost: Free. Chance of Success: Automatic, unless you ask for something extravagant.
    -[X][Intrigue 1] Establish A Spy Academy: LOCKED. Time: 1/3 years.
    -[X][Intrigue 2] Support And Analysis: Time: 2 years. Cost: -30,000 income. Chance of Success: 75% + Minister 12 = 87%
    -[X][Learning 1] Military Schools. Time 4 years. Cost: -40,000 income Chance of Success: 80% + Minister 10 = 90%.
    --[X][Expedite] Doubles Cost, Halves Time: Cost -80000 income. 2 Years.
    -[X][Learning 2] Loading and Unloading Facilities. Time: Until Done(0/100). Cost: 28,000 credits. Minister 10 +
    -[X][Personal 2]Take A Break. Chance of Success: 50%
    -[X][Personal 2] Personal Attention: Military Integration
    -[X][Personal 3] Establish Ardat-Yakshi Policies: Time: 1 year. Chance of Success: No roll. Cost: 50,000 credits.

Gondor calls for aid!
Voting is open