One Giant Leap: Exodus Quest(Dropped)

I'm only very casually reading this and haven't really followed the combat so sorry if I'm missing something, but I don't think doing something other than deescalating as much as possible by standing by would be a good idea. There is good reason for them to be nervous, with people who are clearly unfamiliar, very good at killing, and probably closer in appearance to what seems to be some kind of fantasy monster they fight, just appearing in their village (while also accidentally having harmed some of them apparently), so I think it's likely they would attack.

In my opinion there is also good reason for us to deescalate: We don't have anything that should be that big of a danger to lose control of, and no reason to really assume they'll kill people. Even a hostage situation would be a lesser evil than some of the team members dying, and possibly an even larger number of the villagers dying in the attempt because they're nervous and making a bad decision. In my opinion even if they escalate it further and regardless of if it would then be justified self defence from the team members, preventable deaths on both sides would be a similarly terrible thing, which is why I don't agree with the argument that if the villagers attack, the team would be able to kill a lot of them per injury. We can hopefully avoid any deaths by standing by.

[X] stand by (this action will likely or not lead to the imprisonment of the team)
[X] stand by (this action will likely or not lead to the imprisonment of the team)
[X] open fire (this action will likely or not lead to the massacre of the village)
For the sake of contrarianism and to refute the QM statement

Also on a side note, the imperium exists and they are humans who might not have the best intentions with the natives (genocide and such) so we would want to establish first impressions well, however we do that

Edit: adding to statement
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Personally I don't blame the natives and obviously don't want to exterminate them but letting them capture us is bullshit and a bit of a hassle, I would rather have some casualties.
A Stewards Perspective
A Stewards perspective -
Thel was a simple Yun Gon
He was no warrior, he was a stewart good with manging of daily tasks in village. Its reason his father passed mantle of chieftain upon him. While he may have been best warrior and leader in village, but he was not as proficient in matters of the hearth. So he was passed mantle of leadership, due to his proficiency in villages runnings. Meanwhile his father took mantel of elder gaurdian, leading the gaurd of village.

Personally he would have much perfered to be back in the village, manging its going ons.
But instead, those dam Yun Vari came in dark of night and tryed to burn and sake there homes.
So here he stands, along with some of gaurd on the hillside watching as his father leads the throng into the Yun Vari village, to pay back there grudge in full. But, there was somthing, a feeling he had, like another rock was about fall.

So he watched in anticipation as the assult began in full

AN - Took a bit time and I dont like how this turned out, far too short, but hope you all like it
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Oh man it's being a while since we have a clear split of the player base …I'm glad that at least none have voted to commit genocide, yet.
No one is going to do that, they would get banned by the mods if they do so, SV has a reputation of banning anyone who wish to genocide fictional races(at one point I heard they don't like the fact that some people advocate for the genocide of Warhammer 40k orks even though they literally were made as weapons by the old ones).

Which is why I tend to avoid any quest that has topics that are a landmine until now.

Now that I said this I may or may not be silenced or banned by a mod in the near future.
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Whiskey flew low over the mountains. Behind him 12 former military operators huddled in the shuttle looking over their equipment with what little time they had while music blared in the background.

"3 clicks till arrival" he announced over the coms. Switching to a private channel he spoke to 'krieg'

"Do you have any plan for this besides grabbing all the security guys you know and a shuttle?"

"I'm working on it" a notification pinged in his HUD with the map "Drop in on A, take out the wendigos and work it out from there"

"Maybe we should hover around and find a better spot"

"No, we can't sit this out again. Remember Munich"

Ahead the village rapidly grew in size and he started spooling the gun. "Only every time I close my eyes. Still this is fucking crazy" he swiched back to the general channel where he announced "Get ready for a hot drop in 1 click"

With a deft flick of the controls the shuttle cut its main thrusters as he sent it into a controlled spin so the bay door faced the village proper. A short burst of the engines turned for a second afterwards bleed off the unneeded momentum. A short drop then he opened the bay doors as he hovered a foot above the ground.

"Go Go Go" he shouted over coms as the nose mounted gun unleashed its rounds onto the wendigos across the river with a loud Brrt. In only a few seconds the bay was emptied as they sprinted out the door. The sound of rifle fire bringing to mind several different battles. A slight increase to the secondary thrusters and he was hovering above the houses.

"Where do you need me"

"There's some natives in E, we won't be able to reach them for a while"

"On it"

He brought the shuttle around and thumbed on the autopilot. He was good but didn't have enough hands to fly and shoot at the same time. He watched a native try to stab a wendigo before centering his targeting and turning the torso of two wendigos into chunky salsa. Several operators eliminated some of the other wendigos in the areas and the natives took advantage of the wendigos' shock to finish the rest off. As he rotated to look for new targets a horn sounded as the wendigos ran.

"Great, now for the fun part" he muttered sarcastically as he maneuvered the shuttle to the center of the village.
Do we get anything from this?
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Mmmm looking back of the votes, it is still very tight the vote. Honestly this could go either way but I will warn anyone that expresses any bigotry or racism in this quest moving towards will A) be called a reactionary by the QM and b) be banned from the thread
Mmmm looking back of the votes, it is still very tight the vote. Honestly this could go either way but I will warn anyone that expresses any bigotry or racism in this quest moving towards will A) be called a reactionary by the QM and b) be banned from the thread
Jesus as much as I don't want that to happen, good on you for keeping a warning…

But I do think that there might be interesting story potential if things go bad.
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@Magoose I have updated your omake into the side story as [non-canon] due to certain elements contradicting with the current direction of the story. But the quality of the omake is worthy enough to be presented with this reward, choose one
  • +10 on your dice roll
  • Insight on one of the votes(I will reveal you the rolls, DC and modifiers for the particular vote)
  • 1d10 Deduction on a negative modifier from the vote of your choosing
  • -5 lower the DC from the vote of your choosing
  • Remove a negative modifier from the vote of your choosing