One Giant Leap: Exodus Quest(Dropped)

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The villagers are fools.

Moving away from the village is hostile while standing around would lead to imprisonment and they would steal our firearms(which is a horrible scenario that turns us from saviors to hostages).

Having the natives take away our weapons will have disastrous consequences.

I regret saving the natives.
Who knows maybe they might spare us or eat us. After all they never seen a human before
[X] fall back (this action will likely or not provoke them and some team members not surviving)

Let them come. We can kill 10 for every one they injure. Plus our guys aren't going to be idiots and let them walk over and stab them right?
I say we make camp near their village not far but one where they don't attack us
That's the problem the moment we move away from them they might think we are being hostile and attack us.

[X] fall back (this action will likely or not provoke them and some team members not surviving)

note: if they do attack us, I request we cease to ever help natives ever again and let them rot.
[X] stand by (this action will likely or not lead to the imprisonment of the team)

I'm not all that worried about them getting hands on our weapons. Like, okay? We were forced into this with limited resources. There's barely enough ammo for them to practice with and familiarize with the guns. And they sure as hell aren't going to be able to copy them.

Edir: Also keep in mind that we're apparently of the same height as the "Wendigos". So there's that intimidating factor. Did I also mention that they probably saw a couple of us charge into melee combat with only a small knife?
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[X] stand by (this action will likely or not lead to the imprisonment of the team)
If the natives ever lay their hands on our soldiers and later on the Imperium finds them let the Imperium do as they see fit.
Krieg’s Machine [non-canon]
Krieg's Machine:

The Battle was over and he looked to his team, scattered across the village. The inhabitants, what little that you could see, were looking not at the broken horde, They were looking at you.

"Whiskey come back." You whispered over the radio to your Ship, and the pilot took a breath. An Exasperated one considering what he had just done, and what he saw.

"You crazy fuckers are going to have hell to pay when the First Citizen hears about this. What the hell were you guys thinking?"

Not really thinking at all. This village was under attack by fucking monsters, and you had the guns and firepower to do it. Didn't matter what the skinnies looked like, they were under attack. It was instinct at this point.

"We made a Call." You stated. As you walked towards the injured soap, you saw more of the villagers, and you knew that they were terrified of you. After all, it seems these Windegos were not expecting to die from a hail of gunfire. And they were watching intently at your modified FAL.

Now you knew how the Natives felt when they saw guns for the first time. A truly frightening experience and of power over nature and death itself.

"Fuck your call, they could be dangerous." Whiskey replied.

"So are we." You replied. "Hover around and get ready to extract us, and keep the guns spooled up. We may need to shoot our way out."

"Jesus Christ and the stars." Your pilot replied as you finally reached the Sheperd.

"I told you that training was going to mean life and death." You told the former operator as he was patching himself up. "That looks pretty bad?"

"Ah, just fucking peachy boss." He replied as he looked at the warrior… or shaman-looking lad. "He's been watching me after we killed that thing. Looking at the grenades."

"Keep your thoughts to yourself and let's see if we can talk to them." You replied as you walked over to the villager… warrior.

It looked at you as you knelt down. You nodded to it, and then it did the same, before it sat down, cross-legged.

"Okay cap, we're getting somewhere?" Shepherd stated. "What do we-"

You saw the glow from its horns, as you saw its eyes. "Wait… I just saw something? See the glowing?" YOu stated.

Shepherd had the creeps. "Yeah, what the hell is it doing?"

"Something I saw Jace do, claimed that he had psychic episodes during prolonged cryo?" you replied. "Said that it was possible to give a signal to others."

"Yeah, after Cryo, prolonged Cryo? We've been out for over six months! Even if we still had something latent, Jace was a special case because he was in Cryo for far too long than was safe." Shepherd replied. "You might get killed!"

"Just let me focus, and cover me." You locked eyes with the beast-man and concentrated.

And then you heard. "Hello." in your mind.

You scampered back as you… heard the voice.

"You can hear me?" It asked. "I thought it was only the other Shamans that could speak in the Mind?"

You nodded. "It just means we don't know everything." You paused and stood up, and the Warrior…or shamans joined to stand up.

"Jace was right, seems even after that, we can give a signal." You replied.

"Oh fuck me, don't tell, they're psychic. We should have brought the dogs for that?" Shepherd stated.

"Can it Shepherd, lets's get the team back together, see if we can't try to communicate before someone gets killed." You stated. "or failing that, get the fuck out of here before they think we are the bad guys."

AN: A Little Post Battle Meet and greet.

Perhaps we are special and they are too.

@ProjectUnidad here it is.
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