Voting is open
People that voted for Plan Maroon Sea, Reform, and Analysis should vote for plan Integration, Reform, and Analysis to let the democratic reform win
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and on the other hand, people who want to deal with the salarian problem but ALSO want to use the volus favour should vote for "Plan Address the necessities".

All things considered I think democratic reforms can wait one more turn, just so we can first solve the problem that might be affecting 52% of our population. know, I wonder just HOW Citadel and Terminus will react to Mira willingly reducing her powers know, I wonder just HOW Citadel and Terminus will react to Mira willingly reducing her powers
Terminus will talk it up. Suval has there puplic response in an Iron grip, demonstrated by the whole individual polity introduction in public, and the unified approach during the private meeting with Mira. Suval is distinctly in Mira's corner, and will likely frame the entire as a long planned for step that was mearly waiting on the various Sentry Omega Colonies to reach self sufficiency to be taken.

The Council will compliment, because shitting on Democracy is not how elected leaders keep their seats, but they'll be backhanded compliments.

Some won't see it as a reduction of power. The evidence of nominal support for Mira is clear for anyone with eyes. Those in power will more likely conclude that Mira is comfortable loosening her grip after decades of securing her populaces support through normal means, boosted by successful recontact, and her recent war victories, allowing her to turn over colonial matters to better manage her Polity and the development of her recent cluster acquisitions.

and on the other hand, people who want to deal with the salarian problem but ALSO want to use the volus favour should vote for "Plan Address the necessities".
I will say that Pittauro is right about which plan featuring Intrusive Questioning is most deserving of support.
All things considered I think democratic reforms can wait one more turn, just so we can first solve the problem that might be affecting 52% of our population.
Tho I disagree that Democratic Reforms can neccessarily wait a turn.
Develop a road map to adopt the, "Representative Democracy," government form. Quality of resulting ideas depends on rolled result. Slim or greater successes and failures disabled for this option. You do not get to retake this option in the event of a shit roll.
The action in question only solidifies a course of action for us to follow. It will need follow up before it is actually implimented. If we intend for this to actually come into play for the upcoming election, it may well be critical that it be implimented now, especially if there is more than one follow up action involved.
Commonwealth Security Party
Issues: Establish a solid power base in the Assembly.
Leader: Council of racial representatives. Membership fighting internal challenges. Alliance Opposition agenda.
Assembly Seats: 11%.
Status: The remnants of the Secessionist Party, having fallen under the influence of the remnants of the old Racial Coalition Party. Now focused more on a broad, socially-conservative agenda, they will be much harder to dislodge than their single- or limited-issue predecessors. They fervently oppose the Commonwealth's membership in the Terminus Alliance.
Galactic Progress Party
Issues: Social liberalism, Terminus Alliance membership and integration.
Leader: Veska Torta, Batarian, Galactic Economy agenda. Fielding discussions on party focus.
Assembly Seats: 26%
Status: Coalescing out of the informal Loyalist party, the GPP has as their primary policy platform the establishment of a cohesive, distinct Attican society and culture. As a part of their methodology, they embrace Terminus Alliance membership as a means of reintegration into the galactic economy as an independent actor, although they tend to leave economic matters to their PP coalition partners. They remain your staunch supporters. The weak draw of their primary issues, however, has many members calling for a revision to their approach.
Prosperity Party
Issues: Infrastructure projects, heavy industry priority, leadership ambitions.
Leader: Kal Veem, Volus, Colonial Reform agenda. Position secure.
Assembly Seats: 35%.
Status: The technocratic Prosperity Party has remained stable throughout the upheavals within the Assembly and benefited greatly from the collapse of the Secessionists. They remain a momentary ally of PM T'Vael and her loyalists in the GPP, although their new status as the most powerful party in the Assembly has them contemplating fielding a Prime Ministerial candidate next election. They are agitating for a reform of Virmire's colonial network, calling for a fleshing-out of the ties that bind your polity together.
Socialist Party
Issues: Government welfare reform.
Leader: Alamvael Surrovesh, Salarian, Hardline agenda. Freshly ascendant.
Assembly Seats: 7%
Status: The Socialist Party has emerged from its leadership struggle invigorated by new, young leadership promising to push aggressively for reform. The loss of many of their traditional backers, however, has hurt their ability to project political force. They are seeking new backing.
Militarist Party
Issues: Social militarism, educational reform, Terminus Alliance membership.
Leader: Bregar Shan, Batarian, Recovery agenda. Position secure.
Assembly Seats: 21%
Status: Initially born to express those favoring your more aggressive posture in the war, the Militarists have, over time, become the political expression of a popular movement favoring a militaristic Attican culture, in addition to their advocacy of maximum practical military aggression. They favor the Terminus Alliance as foreign partners. They look fondly upon your educational reform project, and are your firm supporters. At the moment, they agree with your pause in operational tempo while new forces come online and old losses are made good.
While the Dalatrasses are typically the Elites of Salarian society, this is not the Salarian Union. Mira's efforts to oppose them politically for over a decade prior to Recontact have greatly impacted the influence they weild. The Majority of the Salarians main population, the Males, have been Mira's supporters for years, resulting in a distinct realignment of power.

Yes, Dalatrasses Hostility is an issue. It is not the only Issue, and given the Dalatrasses at best make up a tenth of our salarian population, and have seen diminishing influence for several years, and we have no evidence of anything aside from there hostility to indicate something being wrong with the larger Salarian population, there is not much reason to assume it is more critical than an action which impacts our entire population for decades or centuries to come. It's up to the voters to decide which is more important. Representation of all our citizens, or a small percentage of half our population being investigated.

Also, those in support of Democratic Reform please be aware that Plan Integration, Reform, and Analysis is currently the better option to back, and that as an approval vote, you can vote for both Reform plans.
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Vote is close; there is 1 vote between the top 4 voting options:
Adhoc vote count started by uju32 on Jul 6, 2022 at 12:10 PM, finished with 69 posts and 50 votes.

  • [X] Plan Integration, Reform, and Analysis
    -[X][Martial 1] Occupation Patrols. LOCKED. 3/4 years
    -[X][Martial 2] Military Integration. Time: 1 year. Cost: 61,000 credits. Chance of Success: 60% + Minister 11 = 71%
    -[X][Diplomacy 1] Democratic Reforms: Time: 1 year. Cost: 37,300 credits. Chance of Success: 10%/40%/60%/90%.
    --[X][Double Down] Doubles Cost, Doubles Minister Bonus: Cost 74,600 credits. +42
    --[X][Personal Attention] Adds Mira's Bonus +16. Final Chance of Success: 68%/98%/118,%/148%
    -[X][Diplomacy 2] Volus Expertise: Time: 1 year. Cost: Free. Chance of Success: Automatic, unless you ask for something extravagant.
    -[X][Intrigue 1] Establish A Spy Academy: LOCKED. Time: 1/3 years.
    -[X][Intrigue 2] Support And Analysis: Time: 2 years. Cost: -30,000 income. Chance of Success: 75% + Minister 12 = 87%
    -[X][Learning 1] Military Schools. Time 4 years. Cost: -40,000 income Chance of Success: 80% + Minister 10 = 90%.
    --[X][Expedite] Doubles Cost, Halves Time: Cost -80000 income. 2 Years.
    -[X][Learning 2] Loading and Unloading Facilities. Time: Until Done(0/100). Cost: 28,000 credits. Minister 10 +
    -[X][Personal 2]Take A Break. Chance of Success: 50%
    -[X][Personal 2] Personal Attention: Democratic Reform
    -[X][Personal 3] Establish Ardat-Yakshi Policies: Time: 1 year. Chance of Success: No roll. Cost: 50,000 credits.
    [X]Plan Professionals Study Logistics
    -[X][Martial 1] Occupation Patrols. LOCKED. 3/4 years
    -[X][Martial 2] Military Integration. Time: 1 year. Cost: 61,000 credits. Chance of Success: 60% + Minister 11 = 71%
    -[X][Diplomacy 1]Intrusive Questioning. Time: 1 year. Cost: 30,000*2 credits = 60,000 credits. Chance of Success: 50% + Minister 42 + Personal Action 16 = 108%. SPECIAL Double Down + Personal Action.
    -[X][Diplomacy 2]Consulate Exchange. Time: 1 year. Cost: 38,000 credits. Chance of Success: 60% + Minister 11 = 71%
    -[X][Stewardship 1]Establishing Force. LOCKED. 1/3 years
    -[X][Stewardship 2] Power Is Power.LOCKED. 2/3 years
    -[X][Intrigue 1] Establish A Spy Academy. LOCKED. 1/3 years.
    -[X][Intrigue 2] Support And Analysis. Time: 2 years. Cost: -30,000 yearly income. Chance of Success: 75% + Minister 12 = 87%.
    -[X][Learning 1] Military Schools. Time 4*0.5 years = 2 years. Cost: -40,000*2 Income = 80,000 Income. Chance of Success: 80% + Minister 10 = 90%. SPECIAL Expedite
    -[X][Learning 2] Loading and Unloading Facilities. Time: Until Done(0/100). Cost: 28,000 credits. Minister 10 +
    -[X][Personal 1] Establish Ardat-Yakshi Policies. Time: 1 year. Cost: 50,000 credits. Chance of Success: No roll
    -[X][Personal 2]Take A Break. Chance of Success: 50%
    -[X][Personal 3]Personal Action: Intrusive Questioning
    [X]Plan Professionals w/ Volus
    -[X][Martial 1] Occupation Patrols. LOCKED. 3/4 years
    -[X][Martial 2] Military Integration. Time: 1 year. Cost: 61,000 credits. Chance of Success: 60% + Minister 11 = 71%
    -[X][Diplomacy 1]Intrusive Questioning. Time: 1 year. Cost: 30,000*2 credits = 60,000 credits. Chance of Success: 50% + Minister 42 + Personal Action 16 = 108%. SPECIAL Double Down + Personal Action.
    -[X][Diplomacy 2] Volus Expertise. Time: 1 year. Cost: Free. Chance of Success: Automatic
    -[X][Stewardship 1]Establishing Force. LOCKED. 1/3 years
    -[X][Stewardship 2] Power Is Power.LOCKED. 2/3 years
    -[X][Intrigue 1] Establish A Spy Academy. LOCKED. 1/3 years.
    -[X][Intrigue 2] Support And Analysis. Time: 2 years. Cost: -30,000 yearly income. Chance of Success: 75% + Minister 12 = 87%.
    -[X][Learning 1] Military Schools. Time 4*0.5 years = 2 years. Cost: -40,000*2 Income = 80,000 Income. Chance of Success: 80% + Minister 10 = 90%. SPECIAL Expedite
    -[X][Learning 2] Loading and Unloading Facilities. Time: Until Done(0/100). Cost: 28,000 credits. Minister 10 +
    -[X][Personal 1] Establish Ardat-Yakshi Policies. Time: 1 year. Cost: 50,000 credits. Chance of Success: No roll
    -[X][Personal 2]Take A Break. Chance of Success: 50%
    -[X][Personal 3]Personal Action: Intrusive Questioning
    [X] Plan Address The Necessities
    -[X] Occupation Patrols (85k, -43k income), locked
    -[X] Military Integration (61k),
    -[X] Intrusive Questioning (60k), DD (50%+42% = 92% chance)
    -[X] Volus Expertise (0k)
    -[X] Establishing Force (120k), locked
    -[X] Power is Power (75k), locked
    -[X] Establish a Spy Academy (-70k income), locked
    -[X] Support And Analysis (-30k income)
    -[X] Military Academy (-80k income), Expedite
    -[X] Loading and Unloading Facilities (28k)
    -[X] Personal Actions:
    --[X] Take a Break
    --[X] Establish Ardat-Yakshi Policies
    --[X] Personal Attention: Military Integration
    [X] Plan Maroon Sea, Reform, and Analysis
    -[X][Martial 1] Occupation Patrols. LOCKED. 3/4 years
    -[X][Martial 2] Increase Maroon Sea Presence: Time: 1 year. Cost: 57,000 credits. Chance of Success: 70% + Minister 11 = 81%
    -[X][Diplomacy 1] Democratic Reforms: Time: 1 year. Cost: 37,300 credits. Chance of Success: 10%/40%/60%/90%.
    --[X][Double Down] Doubles Cost, Doubles Minister Bonus: Cost 74,600 credits. +42
    --[X][Personal Attention] Adds Mira's Bonus +16. Final Chance of Success: 68%/98%/118,%/148%
    -[X][Diplomacy 2] Volus Expertise: Time: 1 year. Cost: Free. Chance of Success: Automatic, unless you ask for something extravagant.
    -[X][Intrigue 1] Establish A Spy Academy: LOCKED. Time: 1/3 years.
    -[X][Intrigue 2] Support And Analysis: Time: 2 years. Cost: -30,000 income. Chance of Success: 75% + Minister 12 = 87%
    -[X][Learning 1] Military Schools. Time 4 years. Cost: -40,000 income Chance of Success: 80% + Minister 10 = 90%.
    --[X][Expedite] Doubles Cost, Halves Time: Cost -80000 income. 2 Years.
    -[X][Learning 2] Loading and Unloading Facilities. Time: Until Done(0/100). Cost: 28,000 credits. Minister 10 +
    -[X][Personal 2]Take A Break. Chance of Success: 50%
    -[X][Personal 2] Personal Attention: Democratic Reform
    -[X][Personal 3] Establish Ardat-Yakshi Policies: Time: 1 year. Chance of Success: No roll. Cost: 50,000 credits.
    [X] Plan Terminus Collaboration
    -[X][Martial 1] Occupation Patrols. LOCKED. 3/4 years
    -[X][Martial 2] Military Integration. Time: 1 year. Cost: 61,000 credits. Chance of Success: 60% + Minister 11 = 71%
    --[X][Personal Attention] Adds Mira's Bonus: 26 = Final Chance of Success: 97%
    -[X][Diplomacy 1] Consulate Exchange: Time: 1 year. Cost: 38,000 credits. Chance of Success: 60%.
    --[X][Double Down] Doubles Cost, Doubles Minister Bonus: Cost 76,000 credits. + Minister 42. Final Chance of Success 102%.
    -[X][Diplomacy 2] Volus Expertise: Time: 1 year. Cost: Free. Chance of Success: Automatic, unless you ask for something extravagant.
    -[X][Intrigue 1] Establish A Spy Academy: LOCKED. Time: 1/3 years.
    -[X][Intrigue 2] Support And Analysis: Time: 2 years. Cost: -30,000 income. Chance of Success: 75% + Minister 12 = 87%
    -[X][Learning 1] Military Schools. Time 4 years. Cost: -40,000 income Chance of Success: 80% + Minister 10 = 90%.
    --[X][Expedite] Doubles Cost, Halves Time: Cost -80000 income. 2 Years.
    -[X][Learning 2] Loading and Unloading Facilities. Time: Until Done(0/100). Cost: 28,000 credits. Minister 10 +
    -[X][Personal 2]Take A Break. Chance of Success: 50%
    -[X][Personal 2] Personal Attention: Military Integration
    -[X][Personal 3] Establish Ardat-Yakshi Policies: Time: 1 year. Chance of Success: No roll. Cost: 50,000 credits.

Can I get anyone else to vote for Professionals Study Logistics?
Just needs two votes.
Alternatively, approval vote any other option with Intrusive Questioning.

We really dont want to find out whats brewing in the salarian population only when it blows up.
Just look at the Ardat Yakshi plotline and how much effort and risk dealing with a bunch of serial killers has cost us so far.
And how badly fumbling it could have gone.
Vote is close; there is 1 vote between the top 4 voting options:
Adhoc vote count started by uju32 on Jul 6, 2022 at 12:10 PM, finished with 69 posts and 50 votes.

  • [X] Plan Integration, Reform, and Analysis
    -[X][Martial 1] Occupation Patrols. LOCKED. 3/4 years
    -[X][Martial 2] Military Integration. Time: 1 year. Cost: 61,000 credits. Chance of Success: 60% + Minister 11 = 71%
    -[X][Diplomacy 1] Democratic Reforms: Time: 1 year. Cost: 37,300 credits. Chance of Success: 10%/40%/60%/90%.
    --[X][Double Down] Doubles Cost, Doubles Minister Bonus: Cost 74,600 credits. +42
    --[X][Personal Attention] Adds Mira's Bonus +16. Final Chance of Success: 68%/98%/118,%/148%
    -[X][Diplomacy 2] Volus Expertise: Time: 1 year. Cost: Free. Chance of Success: Automatic, unless you ask for something extravagant.
    -[X][Intrigue 1] Establish A Spy Academy: LOCKED. Time: 1/3 years.
    -[X][Intrigue 2] Support And Analysis: Time: 2 years. Cost: -30,000 income. Chance of Success: 75% + Minister 12 = 87%
    -[X][Learning 1] Military Schools. Time 4 years. Cost: -40,000 income Chance of Success: 80% + Minister 10 = 90%.
    --[X][Expedite] Doubles Cost, Halves Time: Cost -80000 income. 2 Years.
    -[X][Learning 2] Loading and Unloading Facilities. Time: Until Done(0/100). Cost: 28,000 credits. Minister 10 +
    -[X][Personal 2]Take A Break. Chance of Success: 50%
    -[X][Personal 2] Personal Attention: Democratic Reform
    -[X][Personal 3] Establish Ardat-Yakshi Policies: Time: 1 year. Chance of Success: No roll. Cost: 50,000 credits.
    [X]Plan Professionals Study Logistics
    -[X][Martial 1] Occupation Patrols. LOCKED. 3/4 years
    -[X][Martial 2] Military Integration. Time: 1 year. Cost: 61,000 credits. Chance of Success: 60% + Minister 11 = 71%
    -[X][Diplomacy 1]Intrusive Questioning. Time: 1 year. Cost: 30,000*2 credits = 60,000 credits. Chance of Success: 50% + Minister 42 + Personal Action 16 = 108%. SPECIAL Double Down + Personal Action.
    -[X][Diplomacy 2]Consulate Exchange. Time: 1 year. Cost: 38,000 credits. Chance of Success: 60% + Minister 11 = 71%
    -[X][Stewardship 1]Establishing Force. LOCKED. 1/3 years
    -[X][Stewardship 2] Power Is Power.LOCKED. 2/3 years
    -[X][Intrigue 1] Establish A Spy Academy. LOCKED. 1/3 years.
    -[X][Intrigue 2] Support And Analysis. Time: 2 years. Cost: -30,000 yearly income. Chance of Success: 75% + Minister 12 = 87%.
    -[X][Learning 1] Military Schools. Time 4*0.5 years = 2 years. Cost: -40,000*2 Income = 80,000 Income. Chance of Success: 80% + Minister 10 = 90%. SPECIAL Expedite
    -[X][Learning 2] Loading and Unloading Facilities. Time: Until Done(0/100). Cost: 28,000 credits. Minister 10 +
    -[X][Personal 1] Establish Ardat-Yakshi Policies. Time: 1 year. Cost: 50,000 credits. Chance of Success: No roll
    -[X][Personal 2]Take A Break. Chance of Success: 50%
    -[X][Personal 3]Personal Action: Intrusive Questioning
    [X]Plan Professionals w/ Volus
    -[X][Martial 1] Occupation Patrols. LOCKED. 3/4 years
    -[X][Martial 2] Military Integration. Time: 1 year. Cost: 61,000 credits. Chance of Success: 60% + Minister 11 = 71%
    -[X][Diplomacy 1]Intrusive Questioning. Time: 1 year. Cost: 30,000*2 credits = 60,000 credits. Chance of Success: 50% + Minister 42 + Personal Action 16 = 108%. SPECIAL Double Down + Personal Action.
    -[X][Diplomacy 2] Volus Expertise. Time: 1 year. Cost: Free. Chance of Success: Automatic
    -[X][Stewardship 1]Establishing Force. LOCKED. 1/3 years
    -[X][Stewardship 2] Power Is Power.LOCKED. 2/3 years
    -[X][Intrigue 1] Establish A Spy Academy. LOCKED. 1/3 years.
    -[X][Intrigue 2] Support And Analysis. Time: 2 years. Cost: -30,000 yearly income. Chance of Success: 75% + Minister 12 = 87%.
    -[X][Learning 1] Military Schools. Time 4*0.5 years = 2 years. Cost: -40,000*2 Income = 80,000 Income. Chance of Success: 80% + Minister 10 = 90%. SPECIAL Expedite
    -[X][Learning 2] Loading and Unloading Facilities. Time: Until Done(0/100). Cost: 28,000 credits. Minister 10 +
    -[X][Personal 1] Establish Ardat-Yakshi Policies. Time: 1 year. Cost: 50,000 credits. Chance of Success: No roll
    -[X][Personal 2]Take A Break. Chance of Success: 50%
    -[X][Personal 3]Personal Action: Intrusive Questioning
    [X] Plan Address The Necessities
    -[X] Occupation Patrols (85k, -43k income), locked
    -[X] Military Integration (61k),
    -[X] Intrusive Questioning (60k), DD (50%+42% = 92% chance)
    -[X] Volus Expertise (0k)
    -[X] Establishing Force (120k), locked
    -[X] Power is Power (75k), locked
    -[X] Establish a Spy Academy (-70k income), locked
    -[X] Support And Analysis (-30k income)
    -[X] Military Academy (-80k income), Expedite
    -[X] Loading and Unloading Facilities (28k)
    -[X] Personal Actions:
    --[X] Take a Break
    --[X] Establish Ardat-Yakshi Policies
    --[X] Personal Attention: Military Integration
    [X] Plan Maroon Sea, Reform, and Analysis
    -[X][Martial 1] Occupation Patrols. LOCKED. 3/4 years
    -[X][Martial 2] Increase Maroon Sea Presence: Time: 1 year. Cost: 57,000 credits. Chance of Success: 70% + Minister 11 = 81%
    -[X][Diplomacy 1] Democratic Reforms: Time: 1 year. Cost: 37,300 credits. Chance of Success: 10%/40%/60%/90%.
    --[X][Double Down] Doubles Cost, Doubles Minister Bonus: Cost 74,600 credits. +42
    --[X][Personal Attention] Adds Mira's Bonus +16. Final Chance of Success: 68%/98%/118,%/148%
    -[X][Diplomacy 2] Volus Expertise: Time: 1 year. Cost: Free. Chance of Success: Automatic, unless you ask for something extravagant.
    -[X][Intrigue 1] Establish A Spy Academy: LOCKED. Time: 1/3 years.
    -[X][Intrigue 2] Support And Analysis: Time: 2 years. Cost: -30,000 income. Chance of Success: 75% + Minister 12 = 87%
    -[X][Learning 1] Military Schools. Time 4 years. Cost: -40,000 income Chance of Success: 80% + Minister 10 = 90%.
    --[X][Expedite] Doubles Cost, Halves Time: Cost -80000 income. 2 Years.
    -[X][Learning 2] Loading and Unloading Facilities. Time: Until Done(0/100). Cost: 28,000 credits. Minister 10 +
    -[X][Personal 2]Take A Break. Chance of Success: 50%
    -[X][Personal 2] Personal Attention: Democratic Reform
    -[X][Personal 3] Establish Ardat-Yakshi Policies: Time: 1 year. Chance of Success: No roll. Cost: 50,000 credits.
    [X] Plan Terminus Collaboration
    -[X][Martial 1] Occupation Patrols. LOCKED. 3/4 years
    -[X][Martial 2] Military Integration. Time: 1 year. Cost: 61,000 credits. Chance of Success: 60% + Minister 11 = 71%
    --[X][Personal Attention] Adds Mira's Bonus: 26 = Final Chance of Success: 97%
    -[X][Diplomacy 1] Consulate Exchange: Time: 1 year. Cost: 38,000 credits. Chance of Success: 60%.
    --[X][Double Down] Doubles Cost, Doubles Minister Bonus: Cost 76,000 credits. + Minister 42. Final Chance of Success 102%.
    -[X][Diplomacy 2] Volus Expertise: Time: 1 year. Cost: Free. Chance of Success: Automatic, unless you ask for something extravagant.
    -[X][Intrigue 1] Establish A Spy Academy: LOCKED. Time: 1/3 years.
    -[X][Intrigue 2] Support And Analysis: Time: 2 years. Cost: -30,000 income. Chance of Success: 75% + Minister 12 = 87%
    -[X][Learning 1] Military Schools. Time 4 years. Cost: -40,000 income Chance of Success: 80% + Minister 10 = 90%.
    --[X][Expedite] Doubles Cost, Halves Time: Cost -80000 income. 2 Years.
    -[X][Learning 2] Loading and Unloading Facilities. Time: Until Done(0/100). Cost: 28,000 credits. Minister 10 +
    -[X][Personal 2]Take A Break. Chance of Success: 50%
    -[X][Personal 2] Personal Attention: Military Integration
    -[X][Personal 3] Establish Ardat-Yakshi Policies: Time: 1 year. Chance of Success: No roll. Cost: 50,000 credits.

Can I get anyone else to vote for Professionals Study Logistics?
Just needs two votes.
Alternatively, approval vote any other option with Intrusive Questioning.

We really dont want to find out whats brewing in the salarian population only when it blows up.
Just look at the Ardat Yakshi plotline and how much effort and risk dealing with a bunch of serial killers has cost us so far.
And how badly fumbling it could have gone.
the Ardat Yakshi problem was an entirely different monster. They were here before the Rachni and exploited decades of Isolation, War, and general Upheaval to hide and grow powerful, and we still rapped them up in a few years. The Dalatrasses are suffering from years of being Politically savaged by Mira and a populace very much embracing our alliance with the Terminus alliance. Our only indication of a problem is hostility on the part of the Dalatrasses, with nothing to indicate connection to the majority of the salarian population.

Remove the tunnel vision on the single hostile interaction between Mira and the Dalatrasses, and you have minority portion of a majority population which has seen decreasing prominence over the course of Mira's reign. Their hostility is not the polity jeopardizing issue it might have been in Mira's early days.

Democratic Reform is an action to flesh out what type of Representative Democracy the Commonwealth restructures it's government into. The actual implementation of Reform will require follow up action. If we put it off, it may not have time to impact the election. Let's prioritise the Commonwealth's entire population having a say in the upcoming election.

To those who have voted only for Plan Maroon Sea, Reform, and Analysis, please consider at least approval voting for Plan Integration, Reform, and Analysis. It has pulled into a narrow lead and your support could be the difference in whether Democratic Reforms action is taken this turn.
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the Ardat Yakshi problem was an entirely different monster. They were here before the Rachni and exploited decades of Isolation, War, and general Upheaval to hide and grow powerful, and we still rapped them up in a few years. The Dalatrasses are suffering from years of being Politically savaged by Mira and a populace very much embracing our alliance with the Terminus alliance. Our only indication of a problem is hostility on the part of the Dalatrasses, with nothing to indicate connection to the majority of the salarian population.
The Ardat Yakshi, while powerful, were not even a dozen people. The Dalatrasses are a major demographic who are suddenly not cooperating with the government. These are not really comparable problems. And I'd argue that figuring out why a major demographic isn't cooperating with the government is something important to do before completely restructuring that government.
The Ardat Yakshi, while powerful, were not even a dozen people. The Dalatrasses are a major demographic who are suddenly not cooperating with the government. These are not really comparable problems. And I'd argue that figuring out why a major demographic isn't cooperating with the government is something important to do before completely restructuring that government.
Again, the action is deciding how the government should be restructured, and does not begin reconstruction immediately. Follow up actions for DR will likely have low difficulty but be longer than a single year. Taking it now and following up Salarians next turn before they conclude is a perfectly viable tactic.

Second, Salarians are a major demographic, which dalatrasses in all likelyhood make up less than 10% of.
Population: 8,433,780,375 (4,533,425,000 Salarian [~54%], 2,017,675,000 Batarian [~24%], 1,087,171,575 Asari [~13%], 795,508,800 Volus [~9%]). 553,429,000 colonial population. Censuses every five years; next census 514 GS.
Every population demographic we have is larger than the salarian dalatrasses on their own, and we still have little evidence that there is an issue with the wider population, or that this isn't entirely about the next election. mira has stolen electoral candidates out from under them before, and they could entirely expect this is what she intended with checking in. We have zero evidence of anything critical going on besides a bit of hostility in response to a low roll on an entirely background issue. Does it merit checking, yes. Does it need to be our absolutely priority, not in my opinion. I leave it to the voters which is more critical.
To be fair, they have disproportionate influence on the rest of the salarian.

It's like saying that the Asari matriarchs are less than 10% of the Asari, or that Volus CEOs are less than 10% of the Volus.

It's true, but it's missing the point!
And yet mira keeps winning elections, and the influence they hold over Virmire's assembly has diminished to a measly 11%. Clearly their influence over the larger Salarian demographic has waned. If it was a wider spread problem, we'd have more to go on than mearly hostility. The entire problem could be that their having difficulty excerting the influence they were raised to expect over their male counterparts, and are desperate to conceal this from Mira.
the Ardat Yakshi problem was an entirely different monster. They were here before the Rachni and exploited decades of Isolation, War, and general Upheaval to hide and grow powerful, and we still rapped them up in a few years. The Dalatrasses are suffering from years of being Politically savaged by Mira and a populace very much embracing our alliance with the Terminus alliance. Our only indication of a problem is hostility on the part of the Dalatrasses, with nothing to indicate connection to the majority of the salarian population.

Remove the tunnel vision on the single hostile interaction between Mira and the Dalatrasses, and you have minority portion of a majority population which has seen decreasing prominence over the course of Mira's reign. Their hostility is not the polity jeopardizing issue it might have been in Mira's early days.

Democratic Reform is an action to flesh out what type of Representative Democracy the Commonwealth restructures it's government into. The actual implementation of Reform will require follow up action. If we put it off, it may not have time to impact the election. Let's prioritise the Commonwealth's entire population having a say in the upcoming election.

To those who have voted only for Plan Maroon Sea, Reform, and Analysis, please consider at least approval voting for Plan Integration, Reform, and Analysis. It has pulled into a narrow lead and your support could be the difference in whether Democratic Reforms action is taken this turn.
1) The Ardat-Yakshi were just 8 people and consumed significant resources.
If our AY Hero had not triggered, Mira would have died to Lysa. If we'd fumbled the response, we'd be dealing with the sociopolitical effects of the AY disease becoming common knowledge.

And the Asari are only around 13% of the Virmirean population. The Salarians are 54%.
The dalatrasses as a class are a much graver potential problem if whatever is going on with them becomes a sociopolitical mess.

2)Even assuming that your 10% for estimate is correct, 10% dalatrasses in the salarian population is 1 in 10 salarians.
Roughly 450 millon as of the last census.
I dont think you are grokking how big that is for a population. Especially given their social influence.

The Dalatrasses as a group are more powerful, relative to the salarian population, than asari matriarchs are to the asari.
And anyone who was here at the beginning will remember precisely how much power Kirai wielded when she showed up.
Or the power that asari matriarchs wield even now; it was asari matriarchs that told us about the AYs.

3) Mira explicitly does not agree this is routine chafing because of political reverses.

4)Attempting Democratic Reform when the sociopolitical class of a majority of the population is undergoing political instability for unknown reasons? Is the political equivalent of attempting to work in a coal mine with unknown methane levels.
Or trying to weld a gasoline tank.
And yet mira keeps winning elections, and the influence they hold over Virmire's assembly has diminished to a measly 11%. Clearly their influence over the larger Salarian demographic has waned. If it was a wider spread problem, we'd have more to go on than mearly hostility. The entire problem could be that their having difficulty excerting the influence they were raised to expect over their male counterparts, and are desperate to conceal this from Mira.
A relative waning does not prevent them from wielding outsize influence in the population.
A loss of absolute power does not stop them being a major player.

I mean, Prime Minister Mira T'Vael thinks the situation is serious.
And she considered them serious enough power players that they regularly cooperated post-elections.
So the PC disagrees with your characterization.
I mean, one of the only tags the quest has is unreliable narrator, so I'm not sure that's concrete proof.
Wow. I totally missed that. This could entirely be Mira and advisors getting a little two paranoid after drawing out a hostile response by sinking the Dalatrasses main political agenda by joining the Terminus Alliance in year 33, and destabilizing their assembly parties in year 44, and not being able to accept that it was a little too soon to be acting all buddy buddy again.
Virmire has joined the Terminus Alliance in full. Prior agreements stand, and Virmire's late entry and lack of outstanding grudges give it a unique standing as a line of communication for other signatories. Furthermore, your military strength will make you a major player in the Alliance. Now you much decide how to select Virmire's Councilor and Senators to the Council and Senate, and also make a decision that I've been deferring for months, waiting for a formal change in your status...
Overwhelming coalition formed in the Assembly. CSP and SP leadership now facing leadership revolts, thanks to Marae stirring the pot. You will definitely be able to call the shots on Senatorial appointments; options below. -30,000 credits.
I mean, one of the only tags the quest has is unreliable narrator, so I'm not sure that's concrete proof.
Tags can be user-added, and I'm not sure Poptart added that one. Besides, it's not coming out of nowhere. Here's Poptart explaining the issue:
The Dalatrasses' initial, hostile reaction was in reaction to what was, in effect, a wellness check on an issue you and they have consistently and extensively coordinated on in the past, across what is now three different generations of Dalatrasses, despite persistent political opposition on virtually all other issues. The tenor very much has been the political equivalent of knife fights followed the the Dalatrasses coming to you after losing another election and saying, "Oh, very well, then. Now that that's settled, let's attend to business." Them abruptly turning and telling you to fuck off is very much out of that pattern of behavior, and that's why your advisors are concerned, especially given the size of the salarian demographic.
When the movers and shakers of the majority of your population suddenly stop being cooperative about information-sharing and start being outright hostile, you should be concerned. I think it is extremely dangerous to assume that this is nothing serious instead of checking to see what it is* so that we can take it into account in our domestic politics (such as, say, the democratic reforms), and I fully expect it to bite us in the ass if we put it off too long. Remember, the thing that prompted all of this was checking in on them to see how their population growth was going: a very innocent question! To which their answer was fuck you for asking. This is a serious change in their attitudes! "Oh, the dalatrasses are just in a snit and Mira and her diplo adviser are overreacting" is possible, sure, but the downside risk of not checking in on the changed domestic political equation if that's wrong is way too high for my liking.

*As I've mentioned: my theory is that, now that a larger proportion of their population is female, there are fewer leadership slots relative to the female population, and consequently the females who are being excluded from the dalatrass track are Big Mad and causing issues, which is why the dalatrasses are so unwilling to be transparent.

Anyway, in conclusion, I think people should change their votes from Plan Integration, Reform, and Analysis to whichever of the three plans that scope out the salarians (Plan Professionals Study Logistics, Plan Professionals w/ Volus, or Plan Address The Necessities) they like best. It's just too large a risk.

(I'm not going to be tagging people who are voting only for one of them to encourage them to approval vote for others to increase the odds of victory unless Poptart confirms that that's OK, because I think that's really poor form and other quests I'm in ban the practice altogether.)
Tags can be user-added, and I'm not sure Poptart added that one. .

(I'm not going to be tagging people who are voting only for one of them to encourage them to approval vote for others to increase the odds of victory unless Poptart confirms that that's OK, because I think that's really poor form and other quests I'm in ban the practice altogether.)

Ah fair enough I didn't know users could add tags.
And I'm not sure if I'm reading the passive aggressive tone into your words or if that's intentional. I didn't know that was poor form, can you explain why this is? It was not my intention to break any rules.?And @PoptartProdigy is this ok with you?
[X]Plan Professionals Study Logistics
[X]Plan Professionals w/ Volus

I prefer the volus version, but I really want to see what the heck is going on.
All tied up. This is interesting. Democratic Reform and Volus Expertise vs Intrusive Questioning and Consulate Exchange.

I do genuinely feel this is a case of Mira not realising just how consistently she's been slapping the Dalatrasses in the face this term or how not being cut off from the galaxy changes the Dalatrasses options if their getting tired of Mira's political opposition to their aims.

Let's recap. Mira spent a decade prior to re-contact crushing there efforts in the Virmire Assembly. Year 31, annexes the Lystheni, something they'd be against given all the shit the Lystheni pulled and the whole Salarian fugitives deal. Year 32, turns down benefits for Virmire in favor of bailing out the Lystheni with the Salarian Union, alienating the SU in the process. Year 33, joins the Terminus Alliance, an action they had specifically built an assembly party to oppose. Year 34, Uses Legislative Maneuvers to crush their Party in the Virmire Assembly for the third time, while opportunistically selecting only representatives from the parties that support her to send to Omega. Year 35, Takes Checking in, and is surprised to find that they aren't being all business as usual because thats how they usually are when she pulls this shit, ignoring how the last time she pulled this shit, they were cut off from the rest of the galaxy and had no option but Mira.

The Dalatrasses Hostility does not seem unusual to me, not given all this context. This is the last I'll be saying on the matter, as I've exhausted all points that can be made using evidence from whats actually posted as part of quest canon.
Tags can be user-added, and I'm not sure Poptart added that one.
Would you mind explain how that works, because I can't figure out how after several hours of trying to find a way to add a tag "Your Military Rival is a Giant Bug":V
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