Voting is open
[X]Plan Professionals w/ Volus
[X]Plan Professionals Study Logistics
[X] Plan Address The Necessities

all plans share quite a few actions.

list of actions shared by ALL plans:

-[Martial 1] Occupation Patrols. LOCKED. 3/4 years
-[Stewardship 1]Establishing Force. LOCKED. 1/3 years
-[Stewardship 2] Power Is Power.LOCKED. 2/3 years
-[Intrigue 1] Establish A Spy Academy. LOCKED. 1/3 years.
-[Intrigue 2] Support And Analysis. Time: 2 years. Cost: -30,000 yearly income. Chance of Success: 75% + Minister 12 = 87%.
-[Learning 1] Military Schools. Time 4*0.5 years = 2 years. Cost: -40,000*2 Income = 80,000 Income. Chance of Success: 80% + Minister 10 = 90%. SPECIAL Expedite
-[Learning 2] Loading and Unloading Facilities. Time: Until Done(0/100). Cost: 28,000 credits. Minister 10 +
-[Personal 1] Establish Ardat-Yakshi Policies. Time: 1 year. Cost: 50,000 credits. Chance of Success: No roll
-[Personal 2]Take A Break. Chance of Success: 50%

so the differences are limited to

1 martial action (either military integration or Increase Maroon Sea Presence)

the 2 diplo actions (any combination, except "The Commonwealth call for Aid is not considered in any plan somehow)

one personal action (Personal action on any of a few different options)

The Double Down.

so, here's the "simplified" list of differences between the plans

[] Plan Integration, Reform, and Analysis
-[][Martial 2] Military Integration. Time: 1 year. Cost: 61,000 credits. Chance of Success: 60% + Minister 11 = 71%
-[][Diplomacy 1] Democratic Reforms: Time: 1 year. Cost: 37,300 credits. Chance of Success: 10%/40%/60%/90%.
--[][Double Down] Doubles Cost, Doubles Minister Bonus: Cost 74,600 credits. +42
--[][Personal Attention] Adds Mira's Bonus +16. Final Chance of Success: 68%/98%/118,%/148%
-[][Diplomacy 2] Volus Expertise: Time: 1 year. Cost: Free. Chance of Success: Automatic, unless you ask for something extravagant.
-[][Personal 2] Personal Attention: Democratic Reform

[] Plan Maroon Sea, Reform, and Analysis
-[][Martial 2] Increase Maroon Sea Presence: Time: 1 year. Cost: 57,000 credits. Chance of Success: 70% + Minister 11 = 81%
-[][Diplomacy 1] Democratic Reforms: Time: 1 year. Cost: 37,300 credits. Chance of Success: 10%/40%/60%/90%.
--[][Double Down] Doubles Cost, Doubles Minister Bonus: Cost 74,600 credits. +42
--[][Personal Attention] Adds Mira's Bonus +16. Final Chance of Success: 68%/98%/118,%/148%
-[][Diplomacy 2] Volus Expertise: Time: 1 year. Cost: Free. Chance of Success: Automatic, unless you ask for something extravagant.
-[][Personal 2] Personal Attention: Democratic Reform

[] Plan Terminus Collaboration
-[][Martial 2] Military Integration. Time: 1 year. Cost: 61,000 credits. Chance of Success: 60% + Minister 11 = 71%
--[][Personal Attention] Adds Mira's Bonus: 26 = Final Chance of Success: 97%
-[][Diplomacy 1] Consulate Exchange: Time: 1 year. Cost: 38,000 credits. Chance of Success: 60%.
--[][Double Down] Doubles Cost, Doubles Minister Bonus: Cost 76,000 credits. + Minister 42. Final Chance of Success 102%.
-[][Diplomacy 2] Volus Expertise: Time: 1 year. Cost: Free. Chance of Success: Automatic, unless you ask for something extravagant.
-[][Personal 2] Personal Attention: Military Integration

[]Plan Professionals Study Logistics
-[Martial 2] Military Integration. Time: 1 year. Cost: 61,000 credits. Chance of Success: 60% + Minister 11 = 71%
-[Diplomacy 1]Intrusive Questioning. Time: 1 year. Cost: 30,000*2 credits = 60,000 credits. Chance of Success: 50% + Minister 42 + Personal Action 16 = 108%. SPECIAL Double Down + Personal Action.
-[Diplomacy 2]Consulate Exchange. Time: 1 year. Cost: 38,000 credits. Chance of Success: 60% + Minister 11 = 71%
-[Personal 3]Personal Action: Intrusive Questioning

[] Plan Address The Necessities
-[] Military Integration (61k),
-[] Intrusive Questioning (60k), DD (50%+42% = 92% chance)
-[] Volus Expertise (0k)
-[] Personal Actions:
--[] Personal Attention: Military Integration

[]Plan Professionals w/ Volus
-[][Martial 2] Military Integration. Time: 1 year. Cost: 61,000 credits. Chance of Success: 60% + Minister 11 = 71%
-[][Diplomacy 1]Intrusive Questioning. Time: 1 year. Cost: 30,000*2 credits = 60,000 credits. Chance of Success: 50% + Minister 42 + Personal Action 16 = 108%. SPECIAL Double Down + Personal Action.
-[][Diplomacy 2] Volus Expertise. Time: 1 year. Cost: Free. Chance of Success: Automatic
-[][Personal 3]Personal Action: Intrusive Questioning
the 2 diplo actions (any combination, except "The Commonwealth call for Aid is not considered in any plan somehow)
Sorry about that Pittauro. I know I talked it up early on, but a look back indicated it distinctly becoming easier as time passes, likely because of a mix of Terminus progress on repairing the joint fleets, and some legislative success on our part. Between that and the revelation of the stranglehold Mira has on Virmires democracy lead me to decide that either Democratic Reforms for a better Commonwealth or Consulate exchange to gain more leverage in the Terminus to increase Call for Aids base chance of success were better moves.
except "The Commonwealth call for Aid is not considered in any plan somehow)
From the discussion I skimmed, I think it was because we have some slack in our native capacity right now so the boost isnt urgent, integrating into the joint fleet first before calling for aid having better optics, and that we are already tight on trained sailors right now anyways.
[X] Plan Integration, Reform, and Analysis
[X] Plan Address The Necessities
[X]Plan Professionals Study Logistics
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...I'm sure we talked about it at some point, but I'm NEWLY realizing that while Elcor, Hanar and Quarian ARE part of citadel space, they never sent people to live on Virmire pre-rachni apparently.

Then again they're all pretty isolationistic, and the Quarian in particular are obviously unsuited to life on levo-worlds

Sorry about that Pittauro. I know I talked it up early on, but a look back indicated it distinctly becoming easier as time passes, likely because of a mix of Terminus progress on repairing the joint fleets, and some legislative success on our part. Between that and the revelation of the stranglehold Mira has on Virmires democracy lead me to decide that either Democratic Reforms for a better Commonwealth or Consulate exchange to gain more leverage in the Terminus to increase Call for Aids base chance of success were better moves.
fair enough. I wasn't really complaining, just noticing the great absent.

in any case, I think it helps reducing the plans to what's actually only FOUR different actions to each. (Five if you count the DD, I suppose).

ok, so let me see... I'd be against Democratic Reforms when not fully maxed out, but that's not a problem here. It's either in a plan with both DD and PA, or it isn't there at all.

I don't like the low-ish chance on Consulate, nor do I consider it essential, so I'm against THAT plan for now. I prefer any of the other 3 diplo actions.

[] Plan Terminus Collaboration

I don't really care much about Integration vs Maroon Sea. Not that much, at least. We need to do both, and we'll do the one we skip now next turn anyway I imagine.

So it's down the combo of diplo actions, and where the PA and DD go...

...I'm actually fine with all 5 remaining plans, honestly.

I suppose I'll also cut out

[]Plan Professionals w/ Volus

because I think both DD and PA on salarian diplo is a bit excessive.

and I'm down to 4.

..ah, nope. 3. I missed the other plan with consulate.

[]Plan Professionals Study Logistics

[x] Plan Integration, Reform, and Analysis

[x] Plan Maroon Sea, Reform, and Analysis

[x] Plan Address The Necessities

This will do for now. I think I slightly prefer "Address the Necessities", because in the end I think it's wise to check the problem the Salarian, the >50% of our pop, are having.

Maybe the Dalatrasses are losing control on the youngsters, with the new salarian males being more independent. Maybe there's a new "males should rule" movement among them, for all we know. Or even just an equality movement.

Maybe new female Salarian are trying to go for monogamous relationships.

Maybe they got an offer for some STG agents

We don't know. and in the end, I think it's worth it to check before writing our new constitution.

Alternatively, we're at least piling as many bonuses as possible on the democratic reforms, which should help. I might change to only "Address the Necessities" later.

From the discussion I skimmed, I think it was because we have some slack in our native capacity right now so the boost isnt urgent, integrating into the joint fleet first before calling for aid having better optics, and that we are already tight on trained sailors right now anyways.

fair enough. and hey, it might actually be even better if we used the volus favour BEFORE calling for Aid, because we might get something relevant to Terminus cooperation, like military tech. You never know.
There are options, discussed over the course of several pages, and vetted by poptart. It's always going to be a somewhat difficult choice, but most of the options discussed are more beneficial the sooner they are taken. Others, such as getting a free expedite on Military Production Expansion, would disappear if it were to be taken next turn. Until we actually see whats on the table, there is no saying how hard or easy it will be.

For the 3rd time, while this is the first turn it appeared, it really should have appeared sooner, if not for it being forgotten in the first place. The fact that the opportunity can disappear means that Volus gratitude can wane, possibly decreasing how much there willing to do for us the longer it sits unused.

Our Economy is not in flux, but instead on a distinct down turn as we make expansions to the Mol, our Education systems, and adjust the new drain of our expanded shipyards. Any plan that wins will subtract a rough third of our income. It isn't critical yet, and will resolve itself in the longterm, but we can compensate in the short term through options like Volus exchange and Commonwealth call for aid now.

Edit: Actually I forgot to account for Raider fleets entering active duty as Occupation fleets take over in my math, so it's closer to half our income.
1)Or said gratitude only became relevant when *checks* somewhere in the region of forty or fifty million volus emigrated to take advantage of the new Vol colony.It didnt appear earlier, and the GM has not said anything about the timing of the option being an accident. If you are going to assert that the timing is a mistake, you'll have to provide a citation for it.

2)No, here you are objectively contradicting contemporary events.

You dont see Citadel immigrant inflows from the Volus Protectorate into a Terminus economy on the downturn.
You do not sustain major naval expansions on an economy on the downturn.
You dont found a colony on Eletania in an economy on the downturn.

We have thrown fortunes into developing multiple new colonies, are still funding more investment, and they are beginning to bear fruit.

We are sustaining explosive population growth, having added around 800 million new citizens in the last five years.
Military Investment is its own draw, but is in itself a source of economic stimulus and employment to the tens of millions involved directly and indirectly in fuelling and sustaining that war machine.

We arent doing as well as we'd like(we never are), but we arent on a downturn.

Our Educational reforms are going to begin to kick in, and the influx of new technologies like the Yulair Power Plants that are supposed to finish in the next year or so will further catalyze change along with the major economic boost that access to the export markets of the galactic economy has.

There's a ton of froth going on, both in the simple economic sphere and in the military.
Giving it time to settle before making a bigass deal with a major economic Player is the prudent thing,
My opinion.
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1)Or said gratitude only became relevant when *checks* somewhere in the region of forty or fifty million volus emigrated to take advantage of the new Vol colony.It didnt appear earlier, and the GM has not said anything about the timing of the option being an accident. If you are going to assert that the timing is a mistake, you'll have to provide a citation for it.
@PoptartProdigy would Volus Expertise have been available in earlier turns if it had been brought up and discussed earlier in the quest?
2)No, here you are objectively contradicting contemporary events.

You dont see Citadel immigrant inflows from the Volus Protectorate into a Terminus economy on the downturn.
You do not sustain major naval expansions on an economy on the downturn.
You dont found a colony on Eletania in an economy on the downturn.

We have thrown fortunes into developing multiple new colonies, are still funding more investment, and they are beginning to bear fruit.

We are sustaining explosive population growth, having added around 800 million new citizens in the last five years.
Military Investment is its own draw, but is in itself a source of economic stimulus and employment to the tens of millions involved directly and indirectly in fuelling and sustaining that war machine.

We arent doing as well as we'd like(we never are), but we arent on a downturn.

Our Educational reforms are going to begin to kick in, and the influx of new technologies like the Yulair Power Plants that are supposed to finish in the next year or so will further catalyze change along with the major economic boost that access to the export markets of the galactic economy has.

There's a ton of froth going on, both in the simple economic sphere and in the military.
Giving it time to settle before making a bigass deal with a major economic Player is the prudent thing,
My opinion.

I think RandyTrevelyan mispoke.

It's not a downturn. We're just about to end our streak of years of budget surplus.

Our economy, military and education are only getting better in general (though we REALLY need some unemployment benefits...), so we might stop getting surplus cash to carry over to the next year... but that's because we're using it for mostly productive things.

And yeah... Yulair Power will be adopted as quickly and vastly as possible. Military has the priority, sure, but I'm certain it will trickle down to the civilian sector once we achieve economy of scale and mass production.

EDIT: I'm still in favour of Volus favour NOW though.
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[X] Plan Integration, Reform, and Analysis
@Bedpotato @NightOwl3713 @carterhall the 24hrs is almost up and Integration has 5+ more votes than maroon seas, would you consider voting for both so that either has a decent chance of winning? Because the Necesseties and Logistics plans are a bit ahead right now, and they are both very different to the Maroon Sea plan, whereas the Integration version is almost identical.
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Your effort to disseminate the Yulair power generation technology continue to proceed. Power stations are being erected throughout your territory -- often in one-for-several replacements of older stations, although this varies -- and the Navy is arguing now over the merits of various ship designs featuring the new technology. Speed or barriers, barriers or guns...nobody can agree on the priority, as of yet.
And yeah... Yulair Power will be adopted as quickly and vastly as possible. Military has the priority, sure, but I'm certain it will trickle down to the civilian sector once we achieve economy of scale and mass production.
Actually Civilian incorporation occured last year, as ship designs and implementation had yet to be finalized. We'll likely see a roll out of new ship designs, with a vote as to which ones we focus on producing.

Yes I do feel down turn was incorrect looking back. Rather than implying our Economy was getting weaker, I meant that our operational expenses are increasing to reflect the the expansion of various government run institutes and the resumption of wartime offenses. Our income is going to take a hit, so we could offset this with volus expertise or Commonwealth call for aid in a future turn.

There are options besides economics that were discussed, including research aid options and ones to increase our sway in the terminus alliance, and yes, military tech schematics. Many of them are more usefull the sooner we get them.

Finally, we have a good turn where we are favoring two specific Diplomacy actions and largely picking the second action as a convenience, making this a good turn to pick it, since we aren't comfortable taking most of the others together unboosted. Priorities in Diplomacy are always dicey, as we never know when something new will pop up that needs attention. Addressing it now and benefiting leaves future turns open to focus on new problems or beneficial actions.

Finally, while there isn't likely much fallout to failing Consulate Exchange, there is a lot to be gained by greater or critical success. It's an action worth taking with a personal attention action to increase our odds of better rewards.
the 24hrs is almost up and Integration has 5+ more votes than maroon seas, would you consider voting for both so that either has a decent chance of winning? Because the Necesseties and Logistics plans are a bit ahead right now, and they are both very different to the Maroon Sea plan, whereas the Integration version is almost identical.
@Sir LagsAlot @Rivenscryr @KnightDisciple as Yatr notes, Integration, Reforms, and Analysis has pulled distinctly ahead of it's maroon sea counterpart. If you are voting in support of Democratic Reforms this turn, a switch is prudent.
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Current tally:

Adhoc vote count started by uju32 on Jul 5, 2022 at 8:55 AM, finished with 59 posts and 47 votes.

  • [X] Plan Integration, Reform, and Analysis
    -[X][Martial 1] Occupation Patrols. LOCKED. 3/4 years
    -[X][Martial 2] Military Integration. Time: 1 year. Cost: 61,000 credits. Chance of Success: 60% + Minister 11 = 71%
    -[X][Diplomacy 1] Democratic Reforms: Time: 1 year. Cost: 37,300 credits. Chance of Success: 10%/40%/60%/90%.
    --[X][Double Down] Doubles Cost, Doubles Minister Bonus: Cost 74,600 credits. +42
    --[X][Personal Attention] Adds Mira's Bonus +16. Final Chance of Success: 68%/98%/118,%/148%
    -[X][Diplomacy 2] Volus Expertise: Time: 1 year. Cost: Free. Chance of Success: Automatic, unless you ask for something extravagant.
    -[X][Intrigue 1] Establish A Spy Academy: LOCKED. Time: 1/3 years.
    -[X][Intrigue 2] Support And Analysis: Time: 2 years. Cost: -30,000 income. Chance of Success: 75% + Minister 12 = 87%
    -[X][Learning 1] Military Schools. Time 4 years. Cost: -40,000 income Chance of Success: 80% + Minister 10 = 90%.
    --[X][Expedite] Doubles Cost, Halves Time: Cost -80000 income. 2 Years.
    -[X][Learning 2] Loading and Unloading Facilities. Time: Until Done(0/100). Cost: 28,000 credits. Minister 10 +
    -[X][Personal 2]Take A Break. Chance of Success: 50%
    -[X][Personal 2] Personal Attention: Democratic Reform
    -[X][Personal 3] Establish Ardat-Yakshi Policies: Time: 1 year. Chance of Success: No roll. Cost: 50,000 credits.
    [X]Plan Professionals w/ Volus
    -[X][Martial 1] Occupation Patrols. LOCKED. 3/4 years
    -[X][Martial 2] Military Integration. Time: 1 year. Cost: 61,000 credits. Chance of Success: 60% + Minister 11 = 71%
    -[X][Diplomacy 1]Intrusive Questioning. Time: 1 year. Cost: 30,000*2 credits = 60,000 credits. Chance of Success: 50% + Minister 42 + Personal Action 16 = 108%. SPECIAL Double Down + Personal Action.
    -[X][Diplomacy 2] Volus Expertise. Time: 1 year. Cost: Free. Chance of Success: Automatic
    -[X][Stewardship 1]Establishing Force. LOCKED. 1/3 years
    -[X][Stewardship 2] Power Is Power.LOCKED. 2/3 years
    -[X][Intrigue 1] Establish A Spy Academy. LOCKED. 1/3 years.
    -[X][Intrigue 2] Support And Analysis. Time: 2 years. Cost: -30,000 yearly income. Chance of Success: 75% + Minister 12 = 87%.
    -[X][Learning 1] Military Schools. Time 4*0.5 years = 2 years. Cost: -40,000*2 Income = 80,000 Income. Chance of Success: 80% + Minister 10 = 90%. SPECIAL Expedite
    -[X][Learning 2] Loading and Unloading Facilities. Time: Until Done(0/100). Cost: 28,000 credits. Minister 10 +
    -[X][Personal 1] Establish Ardat-Yakshi Policies. Time: 1 year. Cost: 50,000 credits. Chance of Success: No roll
    -[X][Personal 2]Take A Break. Chance of Success: 50%
    -[X][Personal 3]Personal Action: Intrusive Questioning
    [X]Plan Professionals Study Logistics
    -[X][Martial 1] Occupation Patrols. LOCKED. 3/4 years
    -[X][Martial 2] Military Integration. Time: 1 year. Cost: 61,000 credits. Chance of Success: 60% + Minister 11 = 71%
    -[X][Diplomacy 1]Intrusive Questioning. Time: 1 year. Cost: 30,000*2 credits = 60,000 credits. Chance of Success: 50% + Minister 42 + Personal Action 16 = 108%. SPECIAL Double Down + Personal Action.
    -[X][Diplomacy 2]Consulate Exchange. Time: 1 year. Cost: 38,000 credits. Chance of Success: 60% + Minister 11 = 71%
    -[X][Stewardship 1]Establishing Force. LOCKED. 1/3 years
    -[X][Stewardship 2] Power Is Power.LOCKED. 2/3 years
    -[X][Intrigue 1] Establish A Spy Academy. LOCKED. 1/3 years.
    -[X][Intrigue 2] Support And Analysis. Time: 2 years. Cost: -30,000 yearly income. Chance of Success: 75% + Minister 12 = 87%.
    -[X][Learning 1] Military Schools. Time 4*0.5 years = 2 years. Cost: -40,000*2 Income = 80,000 Income. Chance of Success: 80% + Minister 10 = 90%. SPECIAL Expedite
    -[X][Learning 2] Loading and Unloading Facilities. Time: Until Done(0/100). Cost: 28,000 credits. Minister 10 +
    -[X][Personal 1] Establish Ardat-Yakshi Policies. Time: 1 year. Cost: 50,000 credits. Chance of Success: No roll
    -[X][Personal 2]Take A Break. Chance of Success: 50%
    -[X][Personal 3]Personal Action: Intrusive Questioning
    [X] Plan Address The Necessities
    -[X] Occupation Patrols (85k, -43k income), locked
    -[X] Military Integration (61k),
    -[X] Intrusive Questioning (60k), DD (50%+42% = 92% chance)
    -[X] Volus Expertise (0k)
    -[X] Establishing Force (120k), locked
    -[X] Power is Power (75k), locked
    -[X] Establish a Spy Academy (-70k income), locked
    -[X] Support And Analysis (-30k income)
    -[X] Military Academy (-80k income), Expedite
    -[X] Loading and Unloading Facilities (28k)
    -[X] Personal Actions:
    --[X] Take a Break
    --[X] Establish Ardat-Yakshi Policies
    --[X] Personal Attention: Military Integration
    [X] Plan Maroon Sea, Reform, and Analysis
    -[X][Martial 1] Occupation Patrols. LOCKED. 3/4 years
    -[X][Martial 2] Increase Maroon Sea Presence: Time: 1 year. Cost: 57,000 credits. Chance of Success: 70% + Minister 11 = 81%
    -[X][Diplomacy 1] Democratic Reforms: Time: 1 year. Cost: 37,300 credits. Chance of Success: 10%/40%/60%/90%.
    --[X][Double Down] Doubles Cost, Doubles Minister Bonus: Cost 74,600 credits. +42
    --[X][Personal Attention] Adds Mira's Bonus +16. Final Chance of Success: 68%/98%/118,%/148%
    -[X][Diplomacy 2] Volus Expertise: Time: 1 year. Cost: Free. Chance of Success: Automatic, unless you ask for something extravagant.
    -[X][Intrigue 1] Establish A Spy Academy: LOCKED. Time: 1/3 years.
    -[X][Intrigue 2] Support And Analysis: Time: 2 years. Cost: -30,000 income. Chance of Success: 75% + Minister 12 = 87%
    -[X][Learning 1] Military Schools. Time 4 years. Cost: -40,000 income Chance of Success: 80% + Minister 10 = 90%.
    --[X][Expedite] Doubles Cost, Halves Time: Cost -80000 income. 2 Years.
    -[X][Learning 2] Loading and Unloading Facilities. Time: Until Done(0/100). Cost: 28,000 credits. Minister 10 +
    -[X][Personal 2]Take A Break. Chance of Success: 50%
    -[X][Personal 2] Personal Attention: Democratic Reform
    -[X][Personal 3] Establish Ardat-Yakshi Policies: Time: 1 year. Chance of Success: No roll. Cost: 50,000 credits.
    [X] Plan Terminus Collaboration
    -[X][Martial 1] Occupation Patrols. LOCKED. 3/4 years
    -[X][Martial 2] Military Integration. Time: 1 year. Cost: 61,000 credits. Chance of Success: 60% + Minister 11 = 71%
    --[X][Personal Attention] Adds Mira's Bonus: 26 = Final Chance of Success: 97%
    -[X][Diplomacy 1] Consulate Exchange: Time: 1 year. Cost: 38,000 credits. Chance of Success: 60%.
    --[X][Double Down] Doubles Cost, Doubles Minister Bonus: Cost 76,000 credits. + Minister 42. Final Chance of Success 102%.
    -[X][Diplomacy 2] Volus Expertise: Time: 1 year. Cost: Free. Chance of Success: Automatic, unless you ask for something extravagant.
    -[X][Intrigue 1] Establish A Spy Academy: LOCKED. Time: 1/3 years.
    -[X][Intrigue 2] Support And Analysis: Time: 2 years. Cost: -30,000 income. Chance of Success: 75% + Minister 12 = 87%
    -[X][Learning 1] Military Schools. Time 4 years. Cost: -40,000 income Chance of Success: 80% + Minister 10 = 90%.
    --[X][Expedite] Doubles Cost, Halves Time: Cost -80000 income. 2 Years.
    -[X][Learning 2] Loading and Unloading Facilities. Time: Until Done(0/100). Cost: 28,000 credits. Minister 10 +
    -[X][Personal 2]Take A Break. Chance of Success: 50%
    -[X][Personal 2] Personal Attention: Military Integration
    -[X][Personal 3] Establish Ardat-Yakshi Policies: Time: 1 year. Chance of Success: No roll. Cost: 50,000 credits.
I think RandyTrevelyan mispoke.
It's not a downturn. We're just about to end our streak of years of budget surplus.
Our economy, military and education are only getting better in general (though we REALLY need some unemployment benefits...), so we might stop getting surplus cash to carry over to the next year... but that's because we're using it for mostly productive things.

And yeah... Yulair Power will be adopted as quickly and vastly as possible. Military has the priority, sure, but I'm certain it will trickle down to the civilian sector once we achieve economy of scale and mass production.

EDIT: I'm still in favour of Volus favour NOW though.
We're still floating a budget reserve of around three quarters of a million credits
Add our income, and we will have roughly a million credits to spend next turn.
We've seen periodic drops in income before, but that gener

Volus Favor should wait a turn. It can afford to.
We have serious potential domestic issues, that are a lot more important than
Actually Civilian incorporation occured last year, as ship designs and implementation had yet to be finalized. We'll likely see a roll out of new ship designs, with a vote as to which ones we focus on producing.

Yes I do feel down turn was incorrect looking back. Rather than implying our Economy was getting weaker, I meant that our operational expenses are increasing to reflect the the expansion of various government run institutes and the resumption of wartime offenses. Our income is going to take a hit, so we could offset this with volus expertise or Commonwealth call for aid in a future turn.

There are options besides economics that were discussed, including research aid options and ones to increase our sway in the terminus alliance, and yes, military tech schematics. Many of them are more usefull the sooner we get them.

Finally, we have a good turn where we are favoring two specific Diplomacy actions and largely picking the second action as a convenience, making this a good turn to pick it, since we aren't comfortable taking most of the others together unboosted. Priorities in Diplomacy are always dicey, as we never know when something new will pop up that needs attention. Addressing it now and benefiting leaves future turns open to focus on new problems or beneficial actions.

Finally, while there isn't likely much fallout to failing Consulate Exchange, there is a lot to be gained by greater or critical success. It's an action worth taking with a personal attention action to increase our odds of better rewards.
1) No it didnt.
We are still explicitly building civilian power plants with Yulair Power.
Civilian incorporation should finish this year, at the same time as the military fully adopts it.

2)This is nothing new. Our income has periodically dipped as our investment requirements have climbed. It always recovers as those investments begin to actually bear fruit. We havent seen FDO income yet for this year, or money from the mature colonies; Yulair Power comes online this turn with another +40k income as well.

Plus we have cash reserves of almost three quarters of a million. We're fine.

3)In your focus on foreign diplomacy and the potential benefits, you are ignoring the warning signs about trouble brewing at home.
I will quote last turn:
Year 35 Diplomacy said:
Diplomacy: Checking In
Needed: 31. Rolled: 4+10(Minister)=14. Failure

The Dalatrasses rebuff your inquiries. Harshly.

You are, frankly, taken aback. Certainly, you haven't missed that powerful racial figures tended to vote Commonwealth Security Party, and Racial Coalition before that. Many of their leaders sit on the representative council that heads the CSP, or else sends direct representatives. They are people who hold power over their races, and dislike you, since their grip tends to slacken the more room you have to work.

Still, you would not have thought they would simply tell you to go to hell over a simple status check.
Honestly, that concerns you, a great deal more than most possible responses to you inquiry would have. They're usually more subtle than this. You will need to investigate in greater depth.

The Dalatrasses have proven to be much more recalcitrant than anticipated, and told you to ask your questions somewhere else. No good information gained, but the bluntness of the refusal speaks to a level of insecurity that greatly worries you. Options available next year. -15,000 credits.
This is the closest thing to writing in letters of fire in the sky that something is Not Okay.

I will make two points:
1)Insecurity among powerful political figures usually presages political and social instability.
Just like worry among economists and businessmen often portends economic trouble.

2) Political and social instability is the one thing that can noshit kill us.
A nationstate distracted or paralyzed by internal politics is incapable of effectively responding to external threats and opportunities.
Especially since our PC is simultaneously the head of government and its best general/admiral.

Its been less than forty years since Mira overthrew the previous elected PM because he was an incompetent shithead whose peccadiloes were paralyzing the war effort. The economic Crash, and the social instability that it engendered, neutralized our ability to go on the offensive for several years.

There is clear precedent in this quest for political and social instability negatively affectimg our ability to go to war.

This is not the first time this has shown up in this quest.
The economic Crash was portended by a bunch of similar signs, and it was only our taking the hint early and rolling VERY well(critical success) on preparation and response that allowed us to fend off the worst effects.

I see this as another warning, meriting a similar response.
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