Voting is open
[x] Plan Professionals Study Logistics
[x] Plan Professionals w/ Volus
[x] Plan Address The Necessities
[X] Plan Maroon Sea, Reform, and Analysis

Ugh, I really don't want Integration, but you're right that this is the least bad of those options, @yatr.
[X] Plan Integration, Reform, and Analysis
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[x] Plan Integration, Reform, and Analysis
[x] Plan Address The Necessities
[X] Plan Professionals Study Logistics
[X] Plan Address The Necessities
[X] Plan Professionals w/ Volus
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[X]Plan Professionals Study Logistics

[X] Plan Address The Necessities

[X]Plan Professionals w/ Volus
Hey all you folks voting for 'Professionals Study Logistics' is there any way I could convince you to at least change to the one with the Volus? It's more time sensitive than the consulates and had no chance of failure, and the consulates don't have a great success rate without any assistance. Please consider it? The consulates could be bud consequential for us in the long term, and it'd be better to focus on it.
First off, thank everyone who's taken an interest in my plans.

Second, to those voting only for "Maroon Sea, Reforms, and Analysis" or "Integration, Reforms, and Analysis", we have a greater chance of succeeding if you support both versions.
Hey all you folks voting for 'Professionals Study Logistics' is there any way I could convince you to at least change to the one with the Volus? It's more time sensitive than the consulates and had no chance of failure, and the consulates don't have a great success rate without any assistance. Please consider it? The consulates could be bud consequential for us in the long term, and it'd be better to focus on it.
This is not actually true accurate.
As you will notice, it only showed up as an option this turn. It will eventually go away, but the key word is EVENTUALLY.
Nowhere does it say that it will expire this turn, or the next.

Futhermore, our economic and political situation is in enough flux that its going to be difficult at best to make an informed decision about what we should actually ask for.
We arent likely to get another such windfall anytime soon, so we should take time to decide where to throw it.

Basically? Wait.
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This is not actually true accurate.
As you will notice, it only showed up as an option this turn. It will eventually go away, but the key word is EVENTUALLY.
Nowhere does it say that it will expire this turn, or the next.

Futhermore, our economic and political situation is in enough flux that its going to be difficult at best to make an informed decision about what we should actually ask for.
We aren't likely to get another such windfall anytime soon, so we should take time to decide where to throw it.

Basically? Wait.
There are options, discussed over the course of several pages, and vetted by poptart. It's always going to be a somewhat difficult choice, but most of the options discussed are more beneficial the sooner they are taken. Others, such as getting a free expedite on Military Production Expansion, would disappear if it were to be taken next turn. Until we actually see whats on the table, there is no saying how hard or easy it will be.

For the 3rd time, while this is the first turn it appeared, it really should have appeared sooner, if not for it being forgotten in the first place. The fact that the opportunity can disappear means that Volus gratitude can wane, possibly decreasing how much there willing to do for us the longer it sits unused.

Our Economy is not in flux, but instead on a distinct down turn as we make expansions to the Mol, our Education systems, and adjust the new drain of our expanded shipyards. Any plan that wins will subtract a rough third of our income. It isn't critical yet, and will resolve itself in the longterm, but we can compensate in the short term through options like Volus exchange and Commonwealth call for aid now.

Edit: Actually I forgot to account for Raider fleets entering active duty as Occupation fleets take over in my math, so it's closer to half our income.
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Voting is open