Semper Ad Meliora (Code Geass/Britannian Royalty Quest)

[x][CCW] You will declare for the Empress.
[x][TOA] China
[X][CtN] Accept +200 Income for the Action.
[x][ARA] Psionic Medical Corps. (Crowley Develops Field Medics/Doctors with Psionic Bonuses)
[X][CCW] You will declare for the Empress.
[X][TOA] China
[X][CtN] Reject Completed Action as Insufficient.
[X][ARA] Technical Research Staff (Jaeger Expands Psionic Specialties/Organic Experimentation Bonuses)

Did a quick tally.
No one voted for the Eunuchs. XD
And only one for India.
In the last though, no one voted Shinobi, but the other two are split evenly.
Media has a 2/3rd Reject/Accept split.
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[X][CCW] You will declare for the Empress.
[X][TOA] China
[X][CtN] Reject Completed Action as Insufficient.
[X][ARA] Technical Research Staff (Jaeger Expands Psionic Specialties/Organic Experimentation Bonuses)
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[X][CCW] You will declare for the Empress.
[X][TOA] China
[X][CtN] Reject Completed Action as Insufficient.
[X][ARA] Technical Research Staff (Jaeger Expands Psionic Specialties/Organic Experimentation Bonuses)
[X][CCW] You will declare for the Empress.
[X][TOA] China
[X][CtN] Accept +200 Income for the Action.

I am actually fine with either Jaeger or a Crowley for the siblings. Although I would be tempted to move them to Jaegers unit after the war is over.
[X][CCW] You will declare for the Empress.
[X][TOA] China
[X][CtN] Accept +200 Income for the Action.
[X][ARA] Technical Research Staff (Jaeger Expands Psionic Specialties/Organic Experimentation Bonuses)

I really don't want to waste an action redoing the PR stunt. As for the twins it's better in the long term if they work with Jaeger. The medics won't be ready in time for the conflict. Plus in addition to the research bonus if we pick the Jaeger option now we get BOTH of the other options later albeit at an increased cost to them. Whereas if we pick Shinobi or medic now the other options will get locked permanently and we get no bonus.
@Slayer Anderson honestly I find myself curious as to why we couldn't just accept the money now and do it again later anyway. It's not like we wouldn't have cause to run another PR campaign once Lelouch took out some Pirates and expanded his territory or in the aftermath of a successful CF Civil War conclusion in which lelouch took over the management of some CF Coastal region. Would this or a similar option not be available in a couple of turns anyway, given the amount of change ahead?
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[X][CCW] You will declare for the Empress.
[X][TOA] China
[X][CtN] Accept +200 Income for the Action.
[X][ARA] Technical Research Staff (Jaeger Expands Psionic Specialties/Organic Experimentation Bonuses)

I really don't want to waste an action redoing the PR stunt. As for the twins it's better in the long term if they work with Jaeger. The medics won't be ready in time for the conflict. Plus in addition to the research bonus if we pick the Jaeger option now we get BOTH of the other options later albeit at an increased cost to them. Whereas if we pick Shinobi or medic now the other options will get locked permanently and we get no bonus.
It was my understanding that the other branches would open up later but need more money to accomplish no matter what we pick.

Edit: Euphie talks so much sense. We couldn't put a spin on china considering we don't want anyone to know.
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[X][CCW] You will declare for the Empress.
[X][TOA] China
[X][ARA] Psionic Medical Corps. (Crowley Develops Field Medics/Doctors with Psionic Bonuses)
[X][CCW] You will declare for the Empress.
[X][TOA] China
[X][CtN] Accept +200 Income for the Action.
[X][ARA] Psionic Medical Corps. (Crowley Develops Field Medics/Doctors with Psionic Bonuses)
[X][CCW] You will declare for the Empress.
[X][TOA] China
[X][CtN] Reject Completed Action as Insufficient.
[X][ARA] Technical Research Staff (Jaeger Expands Psionic Specialties/Organic Experimentation Bonuses)
It was my understanding that the other branches would open up later but need more money to accomplish no matter what we pick.

Edit: Euphie talks so much sense. We couldn't put a spin on china considering we don't want anyone to know.

This is what Slayer said:
You'll get the chance to develop the same options later on. Receiving the end result will not be automatic, you will have to spend actions, you will have to succeed at them, and they will probably cost more money in the grand scheme of things.

You get to improve your shinobi's skills very quickly with only one action, you get to develop professional psionic healers with only one action, or they become academics that teach their skills over a long period of time and open up extra research options instead.

Which to me means we can pick one or the other and then pick the other later at increased cost…however the bonus to organic experimentation will be lost which would suck as it could help our brain psionic-computer interface research. Whereas if we go with Jaeger now we get the bonus plus we can research the other ones later.

On a different note I just realized something. A successful campaign in China will seriously alter things in Australia as well especially if we become consort. The pirates especially the minister of the bloods has been using the threat of a world war to keep either Britannia or China from wiping them out. However if a Britannian Prince becomes the Empress's consort then suddenly that threat flies out the window. It totally upends the dynamic. Given the threat of a joint Chinese/Britannian invasion some of the pirates might be willing to surrender without a fight. Maybe we could make the bloods switch sides and become the new nobility of our pacified Australia. Make it into something like Euro-Britannia…Oz-Britannia.

If that fails…eh we can just give the go ahead to the Area 9 governor to wipe out the bloods.
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[X][CCW] You will declare for the Empress.
[X][TOA] China
[X][CtN] Reject Completed Action as Insufficient.
[X][ARA] Psionic Medical Corps. (Crowley Develops Field Medics/Doctors with Psionic Bonuses)
Dude have you seen your rolls?

[X][CCW] You will declare for the Empress.

[X][TOA] China

[X][CtN] Accept +200 Income for the Action.

[X][ARA] Technical Research Staff (Jaeger Expands Psionic Specialties/Organic Experimentation Bonuses)

We're better off abandoning the result on Controlling the Narrative, because we can do better than +200 Income on that action.
No we can't. We have already used that action. We can get 200 income out of it or get nothing out of it.
Next turn we get another action which we can either use on something relevant to that turn or effectively 'spend' 200 income to use that second action trying to improve this result.
On a different note I just realized something. A successful campaign in China will seriously alter things in Australia as well especially if we become consort. The pirates especially the minister of the bloods has been using the threat of a world war to keep either Britannia or China from wiping them out. However if a Britannian Prince becomes the Empress's consort then suddenly that threat flies out the window. It totally upends the dynamic. Given the threat of a joint Chinese/Britannian invasion some of the pirates might be willing to surrender without a fight. Maybe we could make the bloods switch sides and become the new nobility of our pacified Australia. Make it into something like Euro-Britannia…Oz-Britannia.
There is another factor that most are ignoring for the case where Lihua wins and Lelouch manages to become the Consort. That winning the civil war will decimate the Eunuchs. Who were basically managing the country. Even if they weren't good at it from our point of view (due to focusing on keeping the peasants so destitute that it would make even Britannian nobles with their practices cringe). And there is no ready source of replacements. Since Schneziel already mentioned that Britannia is short on administrators and that conquering the MEF is the limit of how far it can stretch that supply.
Dealing with that will be interesting. In the Chinese curse meaning. Which is somewhat fitting.
Next turn we get another action which we can either use on something relevant to that turn or effectively 'spend' 200 income to use that second action trying to improve this result.
We won't be getting a second go at the action if we accept it. Because it means Lelouch is accepting the result and finishing that project. So we only get to spend the extra income on something else.
[x][CCW] You will declare for the Empress.
[x][TOA] China
[X][CtN] Accept +200 Income for the Action.
[x][ARA] Psionic Medical Corps. (Crowley Develops Field Medics/Doctors with Psionic Bonuses)
We won't be getting a second go at the action if we accept it. Because it means Lelouch is accepting the result and finishing that project. So we only get to spend the extra income on something else.
You seem to be missing the point entirely.

This turn we had a Diplomacy action which we used on the Media option. That action is gone and rejecting the result will not bring it back.
Next turn we will get a Diplomacy action which we can use on whatever diplomacy options are available or spend 200 income to use it on Media again.

So we get another roll at an action and 200 income. Or we get another roll at an action and no income.
[x][CCW] You will declare for the Empress.
[x][TOA] China
[X][CtN] Accept +200 Income for the Action.
[x][ARA] Psionic Medical Corps. (Crowley Develops Field Medics/Doctors with Psionic Bonuses)
[X][CCW] You will declare for the Empress.
[X][TOA] China
[X][CtN] Reject Completed Action as Insufficient.
[X][ARA] Psionic Medical Corps. (Crowley Develops Field Medics/Doctors with Psionic Bonuses)

This was literally Worst Possible Roll for that action. Let's see how much better it can get with even 'merely' an average roll at, idunno, 50?
[X][CCW] You will declare for the Empress.
[X][TOA] China
[X][CtN] Reject Completed Action as Insufficient.
[X][ARA] Psionic Medical Corps. (Crowley Develops Field Medics/Doctors with Psionic Bonuses)
That quote in now way suggests we will get a free action. Nor does the actual vote choice indicate such.
It gives us the opportunity to try again.
We aren't saying it will be a free action. We are saying that if we reject then we can take the "Controlling the Narrative" action again to try and get a better result.
If we accept there will be NO action. We accept the result and the action is gone. We won't get a new PR action.

From what we can understand, you think we will get another try at the action and get to keep the income.
So we get another roll at an action and 200 income. Or we get another roll at an action and no income.

Here is the QM ruling on it:
Accept - You get 200 income from now on, the action is complete, next turn do something else.

Reject - You DO NOT get 200 income, the action is incomplete, next turn you can choose to do the action again.
There will be an option to throw the result out and reschedule next year for another attempt.
Yes. Next year, while our forces are likely still engaged in civil war duties or undergoing repairs from our naval battle as a result of our attack on the Eunoch's forces. Our situation of still having most of the staff and military personnel committed in a civil war which will not rap up in a single year will totally not negatively influence the outcome.

Lets also ignore the fact that we likely have some very important options next turn for diplomacy resulting from lelouch committing himself to CF civil war. If this locks one of our Diplomacy actions, that leaves us in the unfavorable position of having a single Diplomacy action to use in our favor. Ask yourself, do we really need the PR benefits more than we need the flexibility to address the diplomatic situation in the aftermath of lelouch inserting himself into the CF civil war? I know what I think is the higher priority.
@Slayer Anderson Will the update to the SL page include Milly's specialty? Since I don't think it was ever put into a single phrase. In a similar way how Euphy got her specialties written out.
There was a post comparing Euphy, Kaguya and Milly for Diplomacy and Stewardship positions where it was hinted Milly will be military themed when it comes to her projects.
I'll try to remember to do that.
This talk about learning research options jogged something in my memory. During Turn 5 (Phase II) we only managed to get the second tier of Madman's Thesis. So I have to ask.
@Slayer Anderson Are the expanded learning options opened by the siblings becoming Technical Research Staff what we missed that time and this is basically an potential option to unlock that research due to crit? Or would any research be a side path?
And if not. Will completing both available Jeager trees open the path we missed during the next roll for projects (most likely as a lower tier? Or will that path be gone forever?
I remember that it was mentioned that unless we failed spectacularly in reverse engineering the Gawain we would get options to try again later after some other developments would make the project feasible if we failed a tier. I was wondering if this was an example of a similar mechanic.

EDIT: Why I think it is likely? Projects to study the biology, genetics and neurology of psionic talents would be something that Jeager would want to do but due to being on the run wouldn't be able to get the subjects to even start the basic research. While his other two projects most likely already had some literature. And he most likely didn't want to propose human experimentation projects so soon after getting his new job. He might be mad but isn't stupid and didn't know then how Lelouch would react.

EDIT2: I know it was partially answered then but I'm curious if that research offered by the siblings is something that Jaeger might do in a future tree. Or if anything changed from those ancient times (almost 3 years ago).
That's not the case. Meianmaru has the right of it:
Slayer, if you find it annoying for me to try answer question directed at you just say and I will stop. But meanwhile:

From what I remember or can guess... Opening up the previously failed research paths will be most likely available to be rolled again later with lowered difficulties after we complete enough(?) of our already opened research brances. Which might apply also to some(?) other research projects that have tiered success goals.

On what Jaeger's still locked research might be: how would Lelouch know? If Jaeger doesn't feel confident enough about presenting it, Lelouch won't likely have the means to come up with any kind of firm conclusions. And not much reason to delve deeper, while his timetable is always so busy.

Based on previous answers to these kinds of questions? Most likely no, to both make the choices meaningful and reduce headaches for the QM with the extra complexities it would cause. In-quest reasoning would most likely be something along the lines of the siblings settling to whatever occupation they themselves chose, and making a career out of it instead of jumping between what they do which would lead them to accomplishing less in any particular field they try. Or so I'd at least guess?
Unlocking more of Jaeger's tech tree will come later.
@Slayer Anderson honestly I find myself curious as to why we couldn't just accept the money now and do it again later anyway. It's not like we wouldn't have cause to run another PR campaign once Lelouch took out some Pirates and expanded his territory or in the aftermath of a successful CF Civil War conclusion in which lelouch took over the management of some CF Coastal region. Would this or a similar option not be available in a couple of turns anyway, given the amount of change ahead?
Because by that logic I should just let you all have permanent access to the option and keep doing it every year for free income, since something new will always be happening in Lelouch's life. Bluntly, I really don't want to keep dealing with the same action being farmed over and over again as a way to break income barriers.