In Fine, Solum Est Tibi (A Quest in Rome, During The Fall of the Republic)

Actually that is amazing, and please keep it up!
Thank you!

Still working on the next one, and for some reason it's hard as Hades to find proper Roman epithets for the goddesses, and especially for Prosperina.

Jupiter? Hold my beer. Mars? Hold your horses chump. Juno? Let's share guys! But so much as mention Persephone, Triton or anybody who isn't one of the Twelve, all trails disappear into the aether.
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Thank you!

Still working on the next one, and for some reason it's hard as Hades to find proper Roman epithets for the goddesses, and especially for Prosperina.

Jupiter? Hold my beer. Mars? Hold your horses chump. Juno? Let's share guys! But so much as mention Persephone, Triton or anybody who isn't one of the Twelve, all trails disappear into the aether.
Probably because they were too busy doing fun little things like:

Conquering Greece, translating Greek texts and burning all of Greece to the ground…

Poor Greece getting sacked by the Roman's.

At least their myths survive.
At least their myths survive.
Not even then, pretty much all we got left is Athenian Propaganda that's not even their best work.

They essentially dissed every patron god beyond their own, inserted their OCs like nobody's business, and were basically a living LiveJournal entry until Alexander Megas, a pretty much a hick barbarian from up north, tore them a new one and stole most of their shit, before tossing it aside for better Persian materials.

Hellas had a lot more to offer than Athens' edgy preteen SI fanfiction, and the Roman's knew it.
Not even then, pretty much all we got left is Athenian Propaganda that's not even their best work.

They essentially dissed every patron god beyond their own, inserted their OCs like nobody's business, and were basically a living LiveJournal entry until Alexander Megas, a pretty much a hick barbarian from up north, tore them a new one and stole most of their shit, before tossing it aside for better Persian materials.

Hellas had a lot more to offer than Athens' edgy preteen SI fanfiction, and the Roman's knew it.
Their edgy fanfic might be replaced by our edgy fanfic at this point because none of the real shit survived.
Sorry but Neptune does not like women captaining ships.

The cunt.

At least fun times will be ahead…

Fuck it let's see how mithridates is doing?

Still as competent and batshit crazy as he was in life.
I forgot about that, ho well I hope he calms down when we send him some pirate sacrifice.

And look who can hire the pirate to hinder Romain's movement, it our mid-game boss, our poison drinker, the bane of Romain in orient, THE GREAT MITHRIDATES HiMSELF.
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A roman quest? Where we get to play as a woman? Sign me up!

[X] Plan Orator Oblitus [Speaker of the Forgotten]
[X] Plan Words are Wind and we are the Storm

I want to stir up some trouble!
So i'm taking a break from charecter sheets tonight, but I might make the Villa sheet because... Well I want to.
Stories of the Father: The First Days of Mars (II)
At that same time, however, Juno learned of her own folly as each of the goddesses plagued by the illness gave birth to a new generation of gods and goddesses, Juno herself carrying forth Mars Silvanus into this world.
Stories of the Father: The First Days of Mars (II)

It was some time later that found the both of them hidden under their orchard's shade, the grove tucked away in a corner of their property away from prying eyes, baskets of their fruit almost filled to their brim near their luncheon spread as they took a brief pause to hide from worst of the midday sun.

"Tata," she asked, nibbling on a piece of the bread "Why does Mars have so many names? How are we to know which one to pray to?"

Her father, seated as he was across from her, pondered the question as he slowly sipped at his cup of posca.

"Because he earned them," he said at last, placing the cup aside and reaching for some of the cured meats, "and each name carries with it a different deed, a different need. To call upon his name in of itself is only enough to give reverence to Mars in his entirety, to call upon him by his deeds is to ask of him to be your patronus and place yourself as his cliens.

You remember some weeks past, when I told you the story of his birth? So named Mars
Silvanus at that time?"

She did not, not in the fullness of truth, but not wanting to disappoint her father, she quickly nodded her assent.

"So you did? I must have imagined your tired state then," he chuckled mirthfully as her ears burned crimson, "No matter then Claudia. He was so named for the forests that skirted Olympus, where he was born."

"But how does one earn a name by being born in a place, Tata?" she asked, having abandoned the bread in favor for pear slices, tilting her head to the side as she pondered her father's words.

"For much the same reason that a girl from Roma is called Claudia, when she could have just as easily been called Thaïs in Graecia," her father answered, not unkindly, as he affixed the meats atop a slice of bread and hummus, "Given a different life in another place and time, any given child has a different name by their origin.

And it is not as if the young Mars did not deserve the name, given the many adventures he surely shared with his brothers and sisters in those forests, from the advent of music at the hands of Faunus Mercury as he tended to his herds to the onset of medicina professio under the workings of Apollo Arcitenens. But we are getting ahead of ourselves yet.

He paused here, taking the time to dab his face clean with cloth, before continuing on and yet another cup of posca in hand.

"Following Juno's handling of the Lotus, a number of Lotusborn were presented by their mothers, made notable by prominent features reminiscent of both Jupiter and Metis shared between them all; though many besides these were born into the world, in the days since, the most prominent prominent of their number have come to be known as: Bellona Minerva (eldest of the Lotusborn and firstborn of Jupiter), Triton Arion and Proserpina Puella (twins born to Ceres Salacia), Faunus Mercury (born to Cybele Maia), Apollo Acersecomes and Diana Trivia (twins born to Latona Asteria), and finally, Mars Silvanus (youngest of the Lotusborn and firstborn of Juno).

It was in this generation of gods, born into the ashes of the old world, that marked the dawn of the Silver Age, as the skills that once been thought lost in the shadow of the preceding war were relearnt by necessity and honed into an honest craft. By the workings of Bellona, mankind was taught to build their shelter, and by the workings of Triton, we were taught to fish. By the workings of Proserpina, mankind was taught how to gather the resources of the land, and by the workings of Faunus, we were to taught how to survive best off of the land. By the workings of Diana, mankind was taught to hunt the beasts of the land, and by the workings of Apollo, we were taught how to heal one another. And though Mars had been born the seventh and least of their number, it was
he who taught us how to tend to the land, how to make the wild things grow into wheat and barley and how to tend to the most vicious of beasts and make them companions and sustenance."

Here, her father took a breath, beginning to gather up what remained of their meals, and she quickly began to help, gathering a small, appreciative smile from him as she did so. As they stood to return to their work, him to the fields and her to her lessons, he tucked her by his side and ended the meal thusly.

"Where the other gods toiled to hone an honest craft and were thus prideful teachers to an early mankind, Mars was the only one to toil alongside us, working as we did to not only better themselves but with an honest and grateful pride born in the companionship of aiding us.

But, as it ever is with the gods as it is with mankind, this peace did not last, for neither were only made to toil this world alone.

Their edgy fanfic might be replaced by our edgy fanfic at this point because none of the real shit survived.
A/N: Hopefully I've made it far more tasteful than edgy, because I'm honestly trying to take these myths and trying to make them parables for a father to teach his daughter, as did his father and ad naseum. Like, I'm trying to take the approach that these stories are a combination of local tradition, a poor religious education, a lack of literacy, and snippets gathered from distant corners of the world, either from their travels, from friends in the Legion or marriage, and filtered through a lens of reconciliation between all those versions in order to teach important lessons, be of the day to day or utterly cultural. I'm also hoping to tie the Ages of Man and the story of the Zeus being "overthrown" by the other gods [the one with golden chains...can't remember the specific name for the event though] with the creation of the Republic as a parable of why the Romans detest monarchies during this specific era in history, in the way a child could understand it.

And I'm not sure how open you are to this, but I want to end the series (whenever that may be) with Claudia having written down the overall vast majority of her mother and father's accounts of the myths, initially with the intent of preserving their memory with the surplus parchment provided by her lessons and sited as best she could in the stylings of Herodotus, given freely as a gift to her father some years before [quest-start]...and returned in his will.
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Stories of the Father: The First Days of Mars (II)
+5 to education and intelligence stat.

You also Gain A Trait:

The Word Weaver (Myths): The Words of the world are woven by your careful hand. You write down many of the myths, the stories of your father and his fathers, into a tapestry not only of the Gods but on Man's Place within the many grateful worlds that it is lived by. The Stories and their author may last forever. (Can choose special actions when on adventures and in Rome. Learning about the myths on your travels, or telling the stories may lead to many good things happening. But beware, the Priests of Rome see your writing and telling of the stories... problematic, if you are too loud.)
And I'm not sure how open you are to this, but I want to end the series (whenever that may be) with Claudia having written down the overall vast majority of her mother and father's accounts of the myths, initially with the intent of preserving their memory with the surplus parchment provided by her lessons and sited as best she could in the stylings of Herodotus, given freely as a gift to her father some years before [quest-start]...and returned in his will.
That is sweet, and in fact, I will make it Canon, and not only that, part of dear old dads will.
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