In Fine, Solum Est Tibi (A Quest in Rome, During The Fall of the Republic)

Adhoc vote count started by Temes1066 on Apr 12, 2022 at 7:09 PM, finished with 232 posts and 54 votes.
  • 58

    [X] Plan: Roman Swords, Roman Gifts
    -[X] War: Your Father, despite his lack of a male heir, did not decide to put you down into the hallowed halls of womanly virtue as was expected of you. You were not one to stand at the feasts, and be a pretty face for those to ogle and gawk at. Instead, he trained you in the art of war, and War, as it turns out, as it had for him, went well with you. You learned how to shout above men in battle when your voice was nearly gone. You learned to ride a horse and lead men to die for you. It was not something you expected to be any good at, but you became a master at it.
    -[X] Speech: Words are Wind. That was what your father said when you were a child after you lied to him about stealing a sweet treat. That was when you learned the power of words, how they can shape perspective, they can shape everything from opinion to the will of men. You may not ever set foot in the Senate, but nothing matters. Words… Oratory is the most valuable skill that any man, any person can have in Rome. A speech said to the right people, given the right motivation, can shape a nation. Even a nation as rigid as Rome.
    -[X] The Gift of Mars: It is said that those who take to the art of war from a young age were blessed in the womb by Mars himself, as a gift for your Father's loyal duty to Him. You are one such, a prodigy of battle, capable of learning and absorbing new strategies and tactics, and quickly adapting them to match the actions of your foes.
    -[X] The Gift of Venus: You are beautiful, a thing sculpted as if from massy stone. Your skin is as pale and alluring as marble, free from all crack or blemish, like the very flesh of Venus herself. Your nose is as aquiline as the eagle's beak, your lips as wide and fair as his wings, and your eyes as proud and mighty as his own. Men and women alike look upon you with lust and envy, and your striking features have won you the hearts of many throughout the Roman countryside, and will surely do the same in Rome itself.
    [X] Plan Orator Oblitus [Speaker of the Forgotten]
    -[X] War: Your Father, despite his lack of a male heir, did not decide to put you down into the hallowed halls of womanly virtue as was expected of you. You were not one to stand at the feasts, and be a pretty face for those to ogle and gawk at. Instead, he trained you in the art of war, and War, as it turns out, as it had for him, went well with you. You learned how to shout above men in battle when your voice was nearly gone. You learned to ride a horse and lead men to die for you. It was not something you expected to be any good at, but you became a master at it.
    -[X] Law: Roman law is a complicated, tangled morass of bylaws and codas, less a legal system and more an inscrutable maze, the byproduct of three hundred years of plodding bureaucracy. Ever since you could walk, and talk, you found yourself in front of Roman Law books, looking through the loopholes and intricacies that are commonplace. How to find strengths and weaknesses in any argument involving the laws, including the peculiar situation that you find yourself in. The noblii see knowledge of the law as nothing short of essential, and the right case in the eyes of the Common man can make or break a political career.
    -[X] The Gift of Apollo: Words are like a hurricane, they can destroy you, or save you. That is what your father said to you before he died. To speak and to listen is something that you do obsessively. You are nothing short of a rabble-rouser, a loose cannon a fire that will light the great fire that is within Rome and cause it to burn to the ground, where you will be the master of it's ashes. The Senate views you, not only as a threat but as a truly dangerous voice to tradition and Roman Virtue. The Downtrodden, the Plebeians who have been lost and forgotten, even the slaves, who view you as the greatest master one could have. You are the future, some say. And everyone takes notice of the future.
    -[X]The Gift of Zagreus: You Will Fail. You will break down and be defeated. But that is not the end, merely another beginning to start again. In one story your mother told you, Zagreus wanted to meet his mother and had to fight through all of the Underworld to reach the surface, before being dragged back to the underworld. You Will Fail. But that does not mean you will fail forever.
    [X] Plan Words are Wind and we are the Storm
    -[X] Law: Roman law is a complicated, tangled morass of bylaws and codas, less a legal system and more an inscrutable maze, the byproduct of three hundred years of plodding bureaucracy. Ever since you could walk, and talk, you found yourself in front of Roman Law books, looking through the loopholes and intricacies that are commonplace. How to find strengths and weaknesses in any argument involving the laws, including the peculiar situation that you find yourself in. The noblii see knowledge of the law as nothing short of essential, and the right case in the eyes of the Common man can make or break a political career.
    -[X] Speech: Words are Wind. That was what your father said when you were a child after you lied to him about stealing a sweet treat. That was when you learned the power of words, how they can shape perspective, they can shape everything from opinion to the will of men. You may not ever set foot in the Senate, but nothing matters. Words… Oratory is the most valuable skill that any man, any person can have in Rome. A speech said to the right people, given the right motivation, can shape a nation. Even a nation as rigid as Rome.
    -[X] The Gift of Venus: You are beautiful, a thing sculpted as if from massy stone. Your skin is as pale and alluring as marble, free from all crack or blemish, like the very flesh of Venus herself. Your nose is as aquiline as the eagle's beak, your lips as wide and fair as his wings, and your eyes as proud and mighty as his own. Men and women alike look upon you with lust and envy, and your striking features have won you the hearts of many throughout the Roman countryside, and will surely do the same in Rome itself.
    -[X] The Gift of Apollo: Words are like a hurricane, they can destroy you, or save you. That is what your father said to you before he died. To speak and to listen is something that you do obsessively. You are nothing short of a rabble-rouser, a loose cannon a fire that will light the great fire that is within Rome and cause it to burn to the ground, where you will be the master of it's ashes. The Senate views you, not only as a threat but as a truly dangerous voice to tradition and Roman Virtue. The Downtrodden, the Plebeians who have been lost and forgotten, even the slaves, who view you as the greatest master one could have. You are the future, some say. And everyone takes notice of the future.
    [X] The Designated Protagonist
    [X] Minerva's Disciple
    [X] Plan: Roman Matron
    -[X] Speech: Words are Wind. That was what your father said when you were a child after you lied to him about stealing a sweet treat. That was when you learned the power of words, how they can shape perspective, they can shape everything from opinion to the will of men. You may not ever set foot in the Senate, but nothing matters. Words… Oratory is the most valuable skill that any man, any person can have in Rome. A speech said to the right people, given the right motivation, can shape a nation. Even a nation as rigid as Rome.
    -[X] Trade: Your Father's vineyards and wine production were never one to write home about, as many a year the wine barely paid for itself, with all that went into it, and Grain and Barely were seen as far more favorable investment. But on the rare year where he tried his hand at such investments and production, you were the one who led it into the city, and sold it to the wine merchants for profit. The merchant's life is not often sung in the tales, but it is one to which you are most suited, both in terms of practicality and just sheer competence. A coin can buy many things in Rome. It might not be glamorous as War or Law. But Gold Talks in ways that even honor cannot.
    -[X] The Gift of Apollo: Words are like a hurricane, they can destroy you, or save you. That is what your father said to you before he died. To speak and to listen is something that you do obsessively. You are nothing short of a rabble-rouser, a loose cannon a fire that will light the great fire that is within Rome and cause it to burn to the ground, where you will be the master of it's ashes. The Senate views you, not only as a threat but as a truly dangerous voice to tradition and Roman Virtue. The Downtrodden, the Plebeians who have been lost and forgotten, even the slaves, who view you as the greatest master one could have. You are the future, some say. And everyone takes notice of the future.
    -[X] The Gift of Venus: You are beautiful, a thing sculpted as if from massy stone. Your skin is as pale and alluring as marble, free from all crack or blemish, like the very flesh of Venus herself. Your nose is as aquiline as the eagle's beak, your lips as wide and fair as his wings, and your eyes as proud and mighty as his own. Men and women alike look upon you with lust and envy, and your striking features have won you the hearts of many throughout the Roman countryside, and will surely do the same in Rome itself.
    [X]Plan: Greek Heritage, Roman Heart
    -[X] War: Your Father, despite his lack of a male heir, did not decide to put you down into the hallowed halls of womanly virtue as was expected of you. You were not one to stand at the feasts, and be a pretty face for those to ogle and gawk at. Instead, he trained you in the art of war, and War, as it turns out, as it had for him, went well with you. You learned how to shout above men in battle when your voice was nearly gone. You learned to ride a horse and lead men to die for you. It was not something you expected to be any good at, but you became a master at it.
    -[X] Speech: Words are Wind. That was what your father said when you were a child after you lied to him about stealing a sweet treat. That was when you learned the power of words, how they can shape perspective, they can shape everything from opinion to the will of men. You may not ever set foot in the Senate, but nothing matters. Words… Oratory is the most valuable skill that any man, any person can have in Rome. A speech said to the right people, given the right motivation, can shape a nation. Even a nation as rigid as Rome.
    -[X] The Gift of Mars: It is said that those who take to the art of war from a young age were blessed in the womb by Mars himself, as a gift for your Father's loyal duty to Him. You are one such, a prodigy of battle, capable of learning and absorbing new strategies and tactics, and quickly adapting them to match the actions of your foes.
    -[X]The Gift of Zagreus: You Will Fail. You will break down and be defeated. But that is not the end, merely another beginning to start again. In one story your mother told you, Zagreus wanted to meet his mother and had to fight through all of the Underworld to reach the surface, before being dragged back to the underworld. You Will Fail. But that does not mean you will fail forever.
    [X] Aphrodite Areia
    [X] Plan Rome Reborn
    -[X] Law: Roman law is a complicated, tangled morass of bylaws and codas, less a legal system and more an inscrutable maze, the byproduct of three hundred years of plodding bureaucracy. Ever since you could walk, and talk, you found yourself in front of Roman Law books, looking through the loopholes and intricacies that are commonplace. How to find strengths and weaknesses in any argument involving the laws, including the peculiar situation that you find yourself in. The noblii see knowledge of the law as nothing short of essential, and the right case in the eyes of the Common man can make or break a political career.
    -[X]Architecture: You came to Rome a city as a city of Brick, and you will leave it a city of Marble. You have only one desire for your life. To build something, to see it conducted, and see it last a thousand years. That is what it meanest to give life to Rome.
    -[X] The Gift of Apollo: Words are like a hurricane, they can destroy you, or save you. That is what your father said to you before he died. To speak and to listen is something that you do obsessively. You are nothing short of a rabble-rouser, a loose cannon a fire that will light the great fire that is within Rome and cause it to burn to the ground, where you will be the master of it's ashes. The Senate views you, not only as a threat but as a truly dangerous voice to tradition and Roman Virtue. The Downtrodden, the Plebeians who have been lost and forgotten, even the slaves, who view you as the greatest master one could have. You are the future, some say. And everyone takes notice of the future.
    -[X]The Gift Of Hera: If there is one thing your mother gave you, it was her grace, her beauty, and above all else her patience. She reminded you that her homeland's gods were not. Hera was a cruel goddess, whose marriage was loveless and heartbroken. But it seems her curse would not follow you, as it seems in all your relations, you will find happiness. Bonds with the Family you chose to have around you.
    [X] Aphrodite Areia
    -[X] Speech: Words are Wind. That was what your father said when you were a child after you lied to him about stealing a sweet treat. That was when you learned the power of words, how they can shape perspective, they can shape everything from opinion to the will of men. You may not ever set foot in the Senate, but nothing matters. Words… Oratory is the most valuable skill that any man, any person can have in Rome. A speech said to the right people, given the right motivation, can shape a nation. Even a nation as rigid as Rome.
    -[X]Combat: War did not suit you. But in the end, you did prefer one thing that suited you in a way that would make the Gods themselves be thinking of their combative Sisters. With a Bow, a Javelin, a sword, a shield. You may not be a man, nor a gladiator, but what you desire, what you wish to do, is kill. And as much as you hate to admit it to anyone, most especially to yourself, you enjoy it a little.
    -[X] The Gift of Mars: It is said that those who take to the art of war from a young age were blessed in the womb by Mars himself, as a gift for your Father's loyal duty to Him. You are one such, a prodigy of battle, capable of learning and absorbing new strategies and tactics, and quickly adapting them to match the actions of your foes.
    -[X] The Gift of Venus: You are beautiful, a thing sculpted as if from massy stone. Your skin is as pale and alluring as marble, free from all crack or blemish, like the very flesh of Venus herself. Your nose is as aquiline as the eagle's beak, your lips as wide and fair as his wings, and your eyes as proud and mighty as his own. Men and women alike look upon you with lust and envy, and your striking features have won you the hearts of many throughout the Roman countryside, and will surely do the same in Rome itself.
    [X] The Designated Protagonist
    -[X] War: Your Father, despite his lack of a male heir, did not decide to put you down into the hallowed halls of womanly virtue as was expected of you. You were not one to stand at the feasts, and be a pretty face for those to ogle and gawk at. Instead, he trained you in the art of war, and War, as it turns out, as it had for him, went well with you. You learned how to shout above men in battle when your voice was nearly gone. You learned to ride a horse and lead men to die for you. It was not something you expected to be any good at, but you became a master at it.
    -[X] Speech: Words are Wind. That was what your father said when you were a child after you lied to him about stealing a sweet treat. That was when you learned the power of words, how they can shape perspective, they can shape everything from opinion to the will of men. You may not ever set foot in the Senate, but nothing matters. Words… Oratory is the most valuable skill that any man, any person can have in Rome. A speech said to the right people, given the right motivation, can shape a nation. Even a nation as rigid as Rome.
    -[X] The Gift of Fortuna: You are lucky. The Will of the world, fortune itself seems to fall upon you like tumblers in a lock, being opened by a key. Men who have tried to kill you fall in misfortune. Or treachery, turning on themselves before dying to your guards. Snakes that should have bitten you miss, or hit your clothes or sandals, their venomous bites. Games of Chance or merely games to win money. The Bets at the colosseum and the Circus Maximus are merely ways to get money to invest. And even the debts you owe, what little you do owe to your slaves and comrades, are nothing. It is as if a force you cannot control, but you feel as if you are a plaything, a whim to a much higher power.
    -[X]The Gift of Zagreus: You Will Fail. You will break down and be defeated. But that is not the end, merely another beginning to start again. In one story your mother told you, Zagreus wanted to meet his mother and had to fight through all of the Underworld to reach the surface, before being dragged back to the underworld. You Will Fail. But that does not mean you will fail forever.
    [X] To Build A New State
    -[X] Law: Roman law is a complicated, tangled morass of bylaws and codas, less a legal system and more an inscrutable maze, the byproduct of three hundred years of plodding bureaucracy. Ever since you could walk, and talk, you found yourself in front of Roman Law books, looking through the loopholes and intricacies that are commonplace. How to find strengths and weaknesses in any argument involving the laws, including the peculiar situation that you find yourself in. The noblii see knowledge of the law as nothing short of essential, and the right case in the eyes of the Common man can make or break a political career.
    -[X] Speech: Words are Wind. That was what your father said when you were a child after you lied to him about stealing a sweet treat. That was when you learned the power of words, how they can shape perspective, they can shape everything from opinion to the will of men. You may not ever set foot in the Senate, but nothing matters. Words… Oratory is the most valuable skill that any man, any person can have in Rome. A speech said to the right people, given the right motivation, can shape a nation. Even a nation as rigid as Rome.
    -[X] The Gift of Apollo: Words are like a hurricane, they can destroy you, or save you. That is what your father said to you before he died. To speak and to listen is something that you do obsessively. You are nothing short of a rabble-rouser, a loose cannon a fire that will light the great fire that is within Rome and cause it to burn to the ground, where you will be the master of it's ashes. The Senate views you, not only as a threat but as a truly dangerous voice to tradition and Roman Virtue. The Downtrodden, the Plebeians who have been lost and forgotten, even the slaves, who view you as the greatest master one could have. You are the future, some say. And everyone takes notice of the future.
    -[X] The Gift of Fortuna: You are lucky. The Will of the world, fortune itself seems to fall upon you like tumblers in a lock, being opened by a key. Men who have tried to kill you fall in misfortune. Or treachery, turning on themselves before dying to your guards. Snakes that should have bitten you miss, or hit your clothes or sandals, their venomous bites. Games of Chance or merely games to win money. The Bets at the colosseum and the Circus Maximus are merely ways to get money to invest. And even the debts you owe, what little you do owe to your slaves and comrades, are nothing. It is as if a force you cannot control, but you feel as if you are a plaything, a whim to a much higher power.
    [X] To Build A New State
    [X] Hot girl Shit
    [X] Hot girl Shit
    -[X]Combat: War did not suit you. But in the end, you did prefer one thing that suited you in a way that would make the Gods themselves be thinking of their combative Sisters. With a Bow, a Javelin, a sword, a shield. You may not be a man, nor a gladiator, but what you desire, what you wish to do, is kill. And as much as you hate to admit it to anyone, most especially to yourself, you enjoy it a little.
    -[X] Speech: Words are Wind. That was what your father said when you were a child after you lied to him about stealing a sweet treat. That was when you learned the power of words, how they can shape perspective, they can shape everything from opinion to the will of men. You may not ever set foot in the Senate, but nothing matters. Words… Oratory is the most valuable skill that any man, any person can have in Rome. A speech said to the right people, given the right motivation, can shape a nation. Even a nation as rigid as Rome.
    -[X] The Gift of Venus: You are beautiful, a thing sculpted as if from massy stone. Your skin is as pale and alluring as marble, free from all crack or blemish, like the very flesh of Venus herself. Your nose is as aquiline as the eagle's beak, your lips as wide and fair as his wings, and your eyes as proud and mighty as his own. Men and women alike look upon you with lust and envy, and your striking features have won you the hearts of many throughout the Roman countryside, and will surely do the same in Rome itself.
    -[X] The Gift of Fortuna: You are lucky. The Will of the world, fortune itself seems to fall upon you like tumblers in a lock, being opened by a key. Men who have tried to kill you fall in misfortune. Or treachery, turning on themselves before dying to your guards. Snakes that should have bitten you miss, or hit your clothes or sandals, their venomous bites. Games of Chance or merely games to win money. The Bets at the colosseum and the Circus Maximus are merely ways to get money to invest. And even the debts you owe, what little you do owe to your slaves and comrades, are nothing. It is as if a force you cannot control, but you feel as if you are a plaything, a whim to a much higher power.
    [x] Plan A Greater Egeria (War and Apollo)
    -[X] War: Your Father, despite his lack of a male heir, did not decide to put you down into the hallowed halls of womanly virtue as was expected of you. You were not one to stand at the feasts, and be a pretty face for those to ogle and gawk at. Instead, he trained you in the art of war, and War, as it turns out, as it had for him, went well with you. You learned how to shout above men in battle when your voice was nearly gone. You learned to ride a horse and lead men to die for you. It was not something you expected to be any good at, but you became a master at it.
    -[X] Law: Roman law is a complicated, tangled morass of bylaws and codas, less a legal system and more an inscrutable maze, the byproduct of three hundred years of plodding bureaucracy. Ever since you could walk, and talk, you found yourself in front of Roman Law books, looking through the loopholes and intricacies that are commonplace. How to find strengths and weaknesses in any argument involving the laws, including the peculiar situation that you find yourself in. The noblii see knowledge of the law as nothing short of essential, and the right case in the eyes of the Common man can make or break a political career.
    -[X] The Gift of Apollo: Words are like a hurricane, they can destroy you, or save you. That is what your father said to you before he died. To speak and to listen is something that you do obsessively. You are nothing short of a rabble-rouser, a loose cannon a fire that will light the great fire that is within Rome and cause it to burn to the ground, where you will be the master of it's ashes. The Senate views you, not only as a threat but as a truly dangerous voice to tradition and Roman Virtue. The Downtrodden, the Plebeians who have been lost and forgotten, even the slaves, who view you as the greatest master one could have. You are the future, some say. And everyone takes notice of the future.
    -[X] The Gift of Fortuna: You are lucky. The Will of the world, fortune itself seems to fall upon you like tumblers in a lock, being opened by a key. Men who have tried to kill you fall in misfortune. Or treachery, turning on themselves before dying to your guards. Snakes that should have bitten you miss, or hit your clothes or sandals, their venomous bites. Games of Chance or merely games to win money. The Bets at the colosseum and the Circus Maximus are merely ways to get money to invest. And even the debts you owe, what little you do owe to your slaves and comrades, are nothing. It is as if a force you cannot control, but you feel as if you are a plaything, a whim to a much higher power.
    [x] Plan A Greater Egeria (Speech and Mars)
    -[X] Law: Roman law is a complicated, tangled morass of bylaws and codas, less a legal system and more an inscrutable maze, the byproduct of three hundred years of plodding bureaucracy. Ever since you could walk, and talk, you found yourself in front of Roman Law books, looking through the loopholes and intricacies that are commonplace. How to find strengths and weaknesses in any argument involving the laws, including the peculiar situation that you find yourself in. The noblii see knowledge of the law as nothing short of essential, and the right case in the eyes of the Common man can make or break a political career.
    -[X] Speech: Words are Wind. That was what your father said when you were a child after you lied to him about stealing a sweet treat. That was when you learned the power of words, how they can shape perspective, they can shape everything from opinion to the will of men. You may not ever set foot in the Senate, but nothing matters. Words… Oratory is the most valuable skill that any man, any person can have in Rome. A speech said to the right people, given the right motivation, can shape a nation. Even a nation as rigid as Rome.
    -[X] The Gift of Mars: It is said that those who take to the art of war from a young age were blessed in the womb by Mars himself, as a gift for your Father's loyal duty to Him. You are one such, a prodigy of battle, capable of learning and absorbing new strategies and tactics, and quickly adapting them to match the actions of your foes.
    -[X] The Gift of Fortuna: You are lucky. The Will of the world, fortune itself seems to fall upon you like tumblers in a lock, being opened by a key. Men who have tried to kill you fall in misfortune. Or treachery, turning on themselves before dying to your guards. Snakes that should have bitten you miss, or hit your clothes or sandals, their venomous bites. Games of Chance or merely games to win money. The Bets at the colosseum and the Circus Maximus are merely ways to get money to invest. And even the debts you owe, what little you do owe to your slaves and comrades, are nothing. It is as if a force you cannot control, but you feel as if you are a plaything, a whim to a much higher power.
    [X] Minerva's Disciple
    -[X] War: Your Father, despite his lack of a male heir, did not decide to put you down into the hallowed halls of womanly virtue as was expected of you. You were not one to stand at the feasts, and be a pretty face for those to ogle and gawk at. Instead, he trained you in the art of war, and War, as it turns out, as it had for him, went well with you. You learned how to shout above men in battle when your voice was nearly gone. You learned to ride a horse and lead men to die for you. It was not something you expected to be any good at, but you became a master at it.
    -[X] Speech: Words are Wind. That was what your father said when you were a child after you lied to him about stealing a sweet treat. That was when you learned the power of words, how they can shape perspective, they can shape everything from opinion to the will of men. You may not ever set foot in the Senate, but nothing matters. Words… Oratory is the most valuable skill that any man, any person can have in Rome. A speech said to the right people, given the right motivation, can shape a nation. Even a nation as rigid as Rome.
    -[X] The Gift of Mars: It is said that those who take to the art of war from a young age were blessed in the womb by Mars himself, as a gift for your Father's loyal duty to Him. You are one such, a prodigy of battle, capable of learning and absorbing new strategies and tactics, and quickly adapting them to match the actions of your foes.
    -[X] The Gift of Bellona: Battle is what you live for. The battle is what you will die for. You are a master of fortune in fighting. Those who have seen you rip through a battlefield, be it a street or a war, say that it was like looking upon Bellona herself, the ancient goddess of war and destruction, come to earth in mortal flesh. While you draw breath with a blade in your hand, there is no man living that can face you alone.
    [X] Plan: Divinum Pulchritudo Sanguinis et Lapidis.
    -[X] Trade: Your Father's vineyards and wine production were never one to write home about, as many a year the wine barely paid for itself, with all that went into it, and Grain and Barely were seen as far more favorable investment. But on the rare year where he tried his hand at such investments and production, you were the one who led it into the city, and sold it to the wine merchants for profit. The merchant's life is not often sung in the tales, but it is one to which you are most suited, both in terms of practicality and just sheer competence. A coin can buy many things in Rome. It might not be glamorous as War or Law. But Gold Talks in ways that even honor cannot.
    -[X]Architecture: You came to Rome a city as a city of Brick, and you will leave it a city of Marble. You have only one desire for your life. To build something, to see it conducted, and see it last a thousand years. That is what it meanest to give life to Rome.
    -[X] The Gift of Venus: You are beautiful, a thing sculpted as if from massy stone. Your skin is as pale and alluring as marble, free from all crack or blemish, like the very flesh of Venus herself. Your nose is as aquiline as the eagle's beak, your lips as wide and fair as his wings, and your eyes as proud and mighty as his own. Men and women alike look upon you with lust and envy, and your striking features have won you the hearts of many throughout the Roman countryside, and will surely do the same in Rome itself.
    -[X] The Gift of Fortuna: You are lucky. The Will of the world, fortune itself seems to fall upon you like tumblers in a lock, being opened by a key. Men who have tried to kill you fall in misfortune. Or treachery, turning on themselves before dying to your guards. Snakes that should have bitten you miss, or hit your clothes or sandals, their venomous bites. Games of Chance or merely games to win money. The Bets at the colosseum and the Circus Maximus are merely ways to get money to invest. And even the debts you owe, what little you do owe to your slaves and comrades, are nothing. It is as if a force you cannot control, but you feel as if you are a plaything, a whim to a much higher power.

Current Tally
Huh, surprised that the tally could read Plan Orator Oblitus [Speaker of the Forgotten], without the bracketed section, I was basically certain it wouldn't. Learn something new.
I know what you meant, but I couldn't help but hear "Jewish Mithridates."

Things you didn't know you wanted.
Sorry, but he still believes in his gods.

Problem is, he discovered the hallucinogenic properties of Hemp, and weed.

So he's either going to defeat Rome, or he's going to sell everything for drugs
So what your saying is he's calmed down, and instead of convinced his champer pot is planning to take his place, he thinks it has good Ideas for his next sermon.
Pretty much.
That or become history's first drug lord. Regardless, I think the east, and from there Rome, is going to have a but of a drug problem.
I mean... Rome doesn't really like that kind of stuff.

So most likely, as long as our dear king doesn't really fuck things up... We're still going to be pretty drug free.

If he succeeds?

Oh boy, we're in for a very tough challenge.
I mean... Rome doesn't really like that kind of stuff.
I'm researching, and it seems romans did know of marijuana and opiates, but they used them as painkillers. Though apparently they knew of a fish that was hallucinogenic if eaten.

Today I also learned that Marcus Aurelius was addicted to opium. The more you know.
Today I also learned that Marcus Aurelius was addicted to opium. The more you know.
No wonder he was a fantastic emperor, he was stoned out of his mind?:V

Joking aside, I really am thinking we have some good assets ready...

And I have a question.

I have gotten the day off tommorow.

Who wants the vote to be called and an update to start on up?
How bout this, The Vote will open back up for the remainder of the evening, but it will be called tomorrow morning!

You all got 12 hours left.

Alrighty guys, if anyone hasnt already, id rec transfering your vote to Oribter Orbius, Its the most likely way to get what we want and in my opinion is a decent compromise position (what with military training).
Personally I disagree considering we basically Omake'd our way into Savant Status, Roman Swords, Roman Gifts is just what we need to make us the deadliest thing to grace the battlefield.
Personally I disagree considering we basically Omake'd our way into Savant Status, Roman Swords, Roman Gifts is just what we need to make us the deadliest thing to grace the battlefield.
I still think we should go down the Boat Queen path if Swords and Gifts wins. If only because it's not something you can do in Expeditions.

(Honestly, though, I'm pretty happy with both leading plans.)
[X] Plan Orator Oblitus [Speaker of the Forgotten]

Changing my vote because there's no way my plan is catching up to the front-runners in less than twelve hours.
Amazing, another +5 to education and intelligence stat.
Nice. Also, real quick, can I get the names for the Furia and Metellus' kids, trying to write them into the next omake and I really don't want to call them "the Servilius girl" or "Caepasia's youngest". Trying to have Claudia poke fun at her Servillus attendant for being sweet on one of Furia's boys, since I figured this would be kind of around the time she was six and it gives you enough leeway to work with that if you wanted.
Personally I disagree considering we basically Omake'd our way into Savant Status, Roman Swords, Roman Gifts is just what we need to make us the deadliest thing to grace the battlefield.
That was a complete accident on my part, and while I'm not unhappy with the result (ecstatic in fact) I think we'd be better served by having by having different blessings, partly from a narrative standpoint that if we prove ourselves on the meritocratic basis Mars would be ecstatic to have a follower such as us but also bragging rights for having stolen away the favors of other gods, especially since we'd tick the boxes of "accomplished in war" and "carrying justice in our hearts" since the both of those fall under his domains.

Yes, I'm arguing for RP over Mechanics, since I think we'd have a lot more fun there.
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Nice. Also, real quick, can I get the names for the Furia and Metellus' kids, trying to write them into the next omake and I really don't want to call them "the Servilius girl" or "Caepasia's youngest". Trying to have Claudia poke fun at her Servillus attendant for being sweet on one of Furia's boys, since I figured this would be kind of around the time she was six and it gives you enough leeway to work with that if you wanted.
Their nicknames are Clauda and Flavia.
Stories of the Smith: The First Days of Vulcan (I)
Stories of the Smith: The First Days of Vulcan (I)

It was the morning following Cerelia that found her waiting on her father, as he slowly ate a meal of sheep's lungs and owl eggs, softly grumbling to himself as he did so.

Draining a nearby cup of water, he softly asked, "I apologize child, one shouldn't see their pater in a such a sorry state, but should you not be with your tutors?"

"It is fine pater," she sighed, popping a particularly tart slice of citrus into her mouth, experimenting with how it complimented with elderberry, "You held yourself admirably in comparison to your old friends, and as for my appears as though old Hilarion thought himself to be a much younger man last night, and Timon is attempting to aid him in his recovery and let me know lessons would be postponed until much later in the day."

"And the others are to enjoy the day with their families by my order," her father groaned, digging his palms into his eyes, pondering what to do with the information, "Right...give me a moment, I need to gather myself for a moment more, and then we'll see Furia to see what works are yet to be completed. You'll be with me until your tutors are in a better state."

She smiled lightly, before gracefully extricating herself from the table to wait on her father.

It was some time later that she found herself before Furia, the woman standing tall as she walked your father through the repairs to the equipment, even as he lightly winced from the powerful hammering of her sons some distance away, one attempting to complete a beautiful, if simple, gladius. For a moment, she tried to see what Clauda saw in the youngest, and it found that, other than the deceptive speed he possessed for his sheer size, she couldn't quite see what her friend saw in him, even as vague recollections of his gentleness with her friend flickered at the the periphery of her memories.

She shook her head, for it ultimately did not matter much to her at the moment. Maybe it had something to do with being older, though that was not something her attendants discussed with her whenever she asked why they were acting silly, though she figured that was more that it was that Clauda and Flavia had much more time on their hands to worry about silly things than she least she hoped so, for it wouldn't do for her to be quite so silly.

"Claudia," her father called, catching her attention and noting that in the brief moments that she had not been focused on her father, he had seemed to come to an agreement with Furia, "It has been brought to my attention that I've been remiss in sharing with you the totality of Mars' story, and for that reason, you will spend the day with Furia and come to understand his works through the workings of Vulcan."

Beside him, Furia rolled her eyes, and took her by her hand once her father's attentions turned to towards the smithy and led her into one of the back rooms, tossing a hand cloth onto a nearby work bench as she approached a small shrine to Vulcan.

"As you very well know child, your familia have a much different understanding of the gods than most, especially that of his patron Mars, not at all helped by your relative youth," Furia rumbled, voice rough from the years of inhaling the fumes of the forge, "And as you are not one of mine, it is not my place to share with you the entirety of the gods' character, the sins surely committed in the pursuit of the prosperity and security of Olympus and any indulgences taken besides; that prerogative is your pater's alone, and as such I shall endear to continue down the path as I share with you the birth of mine patron Vulcan.

Though some would tell you that Vulcan is the eldest of Jupiter's children, having been there to assist in Bellona's birth, they are wrong to do so. Vulcan is near the youngest of Jupiter's children, born some time after that particular disaster as the only product of Jupiter and Juno both, and it was upon seeing the form of her child that the goddess cast the babe from the heights of Olympus and into the sea, his form breaking upon the waves.

Here the woman paused, conflict flitting as flickering shadows across her face before coming to a decision upon seeing the horror growing across her face.

"There is a reason for this child, for among the many evils Pandora released unto the world, the one far cruelest to women is a sickness of the mind," shared Furia, a gentle tone entering her gravel filled voice, "one that steals a mother's love from her children, catching many unawares and filling them instead with apathy, sadness and rage. Most refuse to speak of the matter, on fear of inviting the sickness upon themselves and have such left the disease unnamed, but I am long since past the age where such a thing would matter, and as you are your parent's only child I felt the need to warn you of the matter."

A terrible silence past between them, as the idea of such a thing even existed.

"I- I greatly apologize, it must have been very difficult," even as she said it, her eyes widened in horror as the words past unbidden past her lips, as a grief-stricken smile cracked the strong woman's façade.

"The matter has long since past child, but I take it in the spirit it was given nonetheless," the woman spoke softly, before clearing her voice and continuing a moment later, "As I was saying, it was for this reason that Juno had cast aside the only begotten child of her union, and if not for the quick actions of the goddess Salacia, wife and consort of Neptune, Vulcan would have been lost to the sea as many before and since have. The goddess welcomed the child into her own home and raised him happily as one of her own, until the day came when the truth of his origins was discovered when the family came before the court of Jupiter to enjoy the Saturnalia.

For a time, Vulcan's form had grown increasingly misshapen in his dogged pursuit of being the first to heat and shape metal, but even his now monstrous form was still yet recognizable to Juno by the peculiar birthmarking. Seeing a chance for redemption, she brought the matter before Jupiter and begged to have Vulcan returned to them; enraged at the matter and yet wanting to preserve the peace, had Quinirius look into the matter before making his decree...and when it was found that Vulcan was in a far more hospitable placement than his own, Jupiter made his decision.

From then on, he decreed, only the pater familia was determined to have the power to abandon a child, in an effort to prevent such acts from occurring again.

Silence reigned between them for a moment, before she whispered "Nothing of that matter seems fair."

"In a fair world child, Pandora would never have opened that box. And it is for that reason, above all, that I follow Vulcan, for it is by his hands that we have the tools to make the world just a little bit fairer."
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Anyone else who wants a Martial-and-Diplomacy-focused Plan (which is honestly our best shot at Greatness, considering the nature of Roman Society), now is a good time to switch Votes to 'Roman Swords, Roman Gifts'!
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Or we can embrace a more balanced build that still has both war, speech thru apollo and enough law to change Rome rather than mearly expand it's borders