In Fine, Solum Est Tibi (A Quest in Rome, During The Fall of the Republic)

Can I get an F in chat for my boy Sertorius, beaten by the one true superpower: money (and Crassus making it rain).
Well it wasn't like he didn't out like fucking Hero.

He almost won that battle. He just failed too.
Hence why Augustus and for a while his successors heavily insisted they were primus inter pares not something like the monarchs they de facto were.
Here is the thing. The problem that occurred is simple.

There is not president in Rome for the Senate not allowing a dictator.

But electing a King.

That kinda shit is damming for the Senate's legitimacy, and any time in the future, this act will be looked back and give legitimacy to any would be emperor to gain sole power.

Even if it is stricken from the Records and the rolls.

This has permanently damaged the Republic.
I think the proper "victory condition" as a Roman republican is one or two consulships, maybe a bout or two as dictator à la Cincinnatus, broad influence in the Senate and a preserved Republic.
Problem, we're a woman. We can't hold public office, unless Sulla does something even more radical then making a King.

Women allowed to hold public office? Now that's a step to far, even for Rome!
If we go the imperial route, sticking to the first amongst equal story as intensely as possible will probably be quite important. Because Marius just soured Romans even more on the concept of Monarchy.
I mean, that is something that can happen?
With Marius now having cemented his place in infamy... The Marian reforms are pretty much dead, aren't they?
Here is the Thing.

Cicero, with his ballsiness, may have just saved those reforms. And maybe Sulla will try to do something to address the issues affecting Rome in his dictatorship.

Maybe. This is Sulla we're talking about.
The ones meant for the Army probably not, since everyone is using them. Everything else, pretty likely.
See above
Obviously not now, but maybe somewhere down the road. When things have calmed down, both have grown up a bit more and have gotten some grip on their Issues/rebuild their lives.

Right now, I'm all in favor of keeping things at Friends/Sibling-Figures between the two and that may or may not ever change. We'll see how it goes.
And I will leave it up to you.
If this was your plan to 'save' the Republic by re-strating the Cycle, then...well, points for Originality of the Plan, I guess, but still, what the fuck?!
Marius is kinda losing it right now, both mentally, and spiritually.
So where's the Senate as it sounds like it's been dissolved for a Monarchy?
The Senate existed under the old monarchy, and still exists under the new. Albeit diminished by an order of magnitude.

That being the case, however, the only way to restore the Republic in anything close to a familiar form would be to make even more Senators than Caesar was forced to in 47 BC, and by even more radical means.
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That being the case, however, the only way to restore the Republic in anything close to a familiar form would be to make even more Senators than Caesar was forced to in 47 BC, and by even more radical means.
There are literally ten senators left in Rome, and those ten just installed a king. The senate is going to need to undergo basically a full replacement.
The Marians:

The Senate: 1

Marius killed almost every one of the Senators that were left in Rome, viewing them as enemies, and traitors to the Republic.

Many died protesting. The Tribunes of the Plebs tried to Veto the actions.

All it did was prove to Marius he was right. That in the end, only a single man could save Rome.

Gaius Marius:

What does Marius Do?:

The Senate, what little is left of the Senate, declared Marius King of Rome.

And in Rome, those that still lived could do nothing, but watch.
Dammit, maybe GTFO of Italy was the best thing we could have done, at least we are FAR FAR AWAY from the ground zero of this clusterfuck...

And that madness dice... Is Marius already designing the Spruce Moose?


Gnaeus Papirus Carbo:

Carbo was not a sailor by trade, but no one could deny a single thing.

His plan at Tarentum worked by luck alone and he knew it. He was not a fool to think he would get a second chance.

But others saw it differently.

Others saw him as a new father of the Roman Navy.
Dammit, why do I have the feeling that we have just found the "Beckett" to our "Sparrow" (Ion)?

But it was Pompey who turned the tide on the Marians. Instead of going to Itala, he struck like lightning in Spain.

He took the entire province and later, even took time out of his busy schedule and timetable to move towards Rome to deal with a problem.

The Spanish Hill tribes.

He managed to force them into a treaty with Rome, and bring many auxiliaries with him to bolster his forces.

Reward: Pompey has taken all of roman Hispania, and even dealt with a blow to the Spanish Hill Tribes.

He will arrive in Italia ahead of Sulla's Legion from the East.
Marcus Tullius Cicero:

He had arrived at Sulla's Camp at night near the new year, and there were many within it that were in awe and shock a senator from Rome that had fled, who had no political or military allegiance towards Sulla, arrived from his own accord.

Sulla had greeted him warmly. "You must be tired Cicero, please, do you want any refreshment?" He asked as Cicero entered the tent and sat.

"I hope that will not be necessary." He stated as he waved off a chance to drink wine. "I would hope that we can discuss something important. Gravely important."

THat made Sulla frown, even as he looked deeply into his cup of wine. "I'm listening."

"What we are doing will destroy the Republic. What has been created will not be seen as a temporary measure, but in fact permanent. The Republic will not survive, not in its current form."

Sulla shook his head. "Get to the Point Cicero. Or your fear-mongering will be unwelcome."

Cicero paused and said. "The Republic's constitution must survive, and what you do in the future, with Marius and all the others, will decide whether it will survive the next decade or the next century."

At that, he stood. "Good Evening."

At that, Sulla stopped him. "Wait."

He then pointed to his seat. "Explain Cicero."

Reward: Cicero may not have had his finest hour in life.

But he certainly gave Rome, and her Republic a fighting chance at survival.
On the other hand, these two keep falling into shit and coming out smelling of roses... Good for them, and let´s hope the Magoose Dice don´t end up killing them by slipping in the bathroom floor.
Marcus Licinius Crassus:

In Illyria, with the Legions that stayed behind, to take the Western route on land, success was found in great numbers.

Crassus, one of the wealthiest men in Rome, had paid for numerous tribes of the Danube to join him as mercenaries and Axilleries.

The Cavalry alone numbered close to 5,000.

And they march with speed. The speed that the advance legion under Quintus Sertorius could not hope to match.

Who were all killed or captured to a man.

Reward: Crassus has done something and something competent at that. Using his vast wealth to pay men to fight for him.
Well, the father of our friend´s child is still alive... That is quite good, if he died now we wouldn´t be able to legitimize his bastard.

Problem, we're a woman. We can't hold public office, unless Sulla does something even more radical then making a King.

Women allowed to hold public office? Now that's a step to far, even for Rome!
Women aren´t allowed in the Legion, and despite that, Claudia is a thick stripped tribune with a Corona Muralis and a couple of Coronas Civicas in our belt...
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Here is the thing. The problem that occurred is simple.

There is not president in Rome for the Senate not allowing a dictator.

But electing a King.

That kinda shit is damming for the Senate's legitimacy, and any time in the future, this act will be looked back and give legitimacy to any would be emperor to gain sole power.

Even if it is stricken from the Records and the rolls.

This has permanently damaged the Republic.
Marius had to execute 97 to 98% of the senate until the remaining 10 crowned him king.

That's very easily spun as the senate (minus those 10) dying before betraying the Roman Republic.

Problem, we're a woman. We can't hold public office, unless Sulla does something even more radical then making a King.

Women allowed to hold public office? Now that's a step to far, even for Rome.
Women can't become military tribunes - aka step numero uno of the cursus honorum - either, yet here we are. Plus Roman institution are getting shaken up something fierce.

It's certainly an uphill battle, but not impossible.
Dammit, why do I have the feeling that we have just found the "Beckett" to our "Sparrow" (Ion)?
Well he has to survive first…

In saying that, yes we have a Beckett.
On the other hand, these two keep falling into shit and coming out smelling of roses... Good for them, and let´s hope the Magoose Dice don´t end up killing them by slipping in the bathroom floor.
Cicero is one of those men in history until his death that stepped in shit and smelled roses.

And let me tell ya, that slippery fucker will be challenging us for the title of most known And read Roman.

Cause since this is Cicero he will translate everything.
Well, the father of our friend´s child is still alive... That is quite good, if he died now we wouldn´t be able to legitimize his bastard
One problem at a time my friend.
Women aren´t allowed in the Legion, and despite that, Claudia is a thick stripped tribune with a Corona Muralis and a couple of Coronas Civicas in our belt...
It's almost like things have gotten worse to facilitate a potential change in the social and political order, by way of Marius murdering most of the political class.
Marius had to execute 97 to 98% of the senate until the remaining 10 crowned him king.

That's very easily spun as the senate (minus those 10) dying before betraying the Roman Republic
Except that it wasn't.

Most of them were murdered because Marius had his network of spies look through everyone's mail, and discovered other men wanted to become King.

And he killed those that were using the chaos to also embezzle the state.

And confiscate property and wealth.

It was very successful, and half of italia is now under the senates ownership.

Lot a public land now.
Women can't become military tribunes - aka step numero uno of the cursus honorum - either, yet here we are. Plus Roman institution are getting shaken up something fierce.

It's certainly an uphill battle, but not impossible
See my previous statement.
Cicero can realy talk his ass of huh
It's his most defining feature. Talking out of his ass.

Good news is, his ass is smarter then half the planet.
Yeah, At this point I'm sure Sulla only needs to kill the guy to complete the fall

And there's the prophecy
We'll four becomes 3
Obviously, after all that going down. We will have a LOT of cleaning up to do by the time this War is over...
Well there is a very interesting side effect from all this wanton purging.

Rome has confiscated nearly half of Italy and Sicily… due to all the dead land owners and confiscated property.

Oh and their wealth, lots of ducking wealth.
Endless Drill
Endless Drill

Having tasted terror and many instances of near-death in the assault on Theodosia, Severianus thought he was prepared to take on his father seriously in the sparring ring. He was not prepared. Sweat ran down his face like rivers, scutum held limply over his weary form as he panted harshly. It felt as if his bruises had bruises, and he could taste the iron tang of blood on his lips. Around him, the scattered forms of his battle brothers laid insensate from the beating they had endured at the hands of the Primus Pilus of the Fifth Legion. Observing the state of his foe, the Primus Pilus advanced. Throughout the spar, his strikes fell quick as a coursing river, striking with the force of the great storms of the Mare Nostrum, and landing with the power of a raging wildfire. And through it all, his face had been an immobile stone mask, his intentions hidden, aside from the sheer, menacing threat of imminent violence.

Severianus launched a last, desperate attack to at least land a single blow on his implacable foe, shouting a war cry with what little breath he could catch, immediately strangled in his throat by a mighty shield bash that caught him in his wide-open chest mid-swing. Lifted from his feet from the force of the strike, Severianus lands heavily on his back, wheezing and gasping for air, scutum and gladius dropped mid-flight. Crouching before his defeated opponent, Severus looms over the supine form of his son.

"You had one taste of battle and thought yourself immortal? Harsh as your baptism by fire was, you haven't seen anything yet! You've not waded into a mass of screaming barbarians dealing death and slaughter with each step, nor have you survived Numidian raiders on the plains of Africa! Think, boy! How many times did you escape death by the thinnest of margins? You want to win glory? Then you must survive first! You and your comrades may be the best fighters among the rank-and-file of the Fifth, but such distinctions don't matter in the heat of battle! Only whether you're better or luckier than your foe! You want to be the best? Then I'll run you into the ground in pursuit of greatness. Maybe then you'll be able to match that girl you're besotten with! Now wake your friends and get some water, we're not done yet!"

Takes place after the Battle of Theodosia. In the Severus/Severianus negaverse, they took one loot action and then a training from hell action. Can you spot the memes and references? I hope this demonstrates the traits that earned Severus his name (the harsh). Written in 20 minutes, now I have to get to work.
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Lot a public land now.
Wonder if we can use this as an opportunity to create the first National Park.

Probably have to dress it up a bit, so that the even the snobs are in on it [and don't immediately shoot it down to fuck with the plebes], so something...something Virtuous, phrasing it as something between Salubritas and Fides and in service to one's spiritual health, ancestors and/or gods; have the National Park service be entirely run by volunteers and/or tourists pilgrims, creating a culture that gets insulted by payment bribes.

And hey, if one of the landmarks so happens to be one of our archives, all the better.
Olso why would we build a national park when we still are verry much a agriculture society,and even if we did at most mabey 5 acers if we are lucky
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Looks like we're doing land reform. We should distribute land to the urban poor so they can start their farms and stuff.

Right after we reward our legions of course.