In January, the two of you spend a week at the Niagara Resort. In addition to prime viewing spots for the Falls themselves, the resort hosts a variety of buildings in styles dating back almost to the founding of the empire in North America. Each night is spent in a different palatial suite, the kind held in reserve for only the most influential and powerful of the upper classes and simply not available for those without the proper social standing.
Pictures of Euphemia and yourself share the front pages of many newspapers with a shot of Guinevere's new duaghter, Henrietta.
The next day, of course, your stroll down the resort's main promenade and string of high-end boutique shops is booted to the second page due to a story that three of Guinevere's purported lovers have been whittled down to the remaining possibilities as the father. Two dukes and a marquis, the latter of whom is only in the running because of his connections, through his wife, to the imperial military, being a serving general.
The next 'date' the two of you have, a month and a half later, is to the world's largest amusement park in the Duchy of Louisiana during their celebration of Mardi Gras, where Euphemia ups the ante by intentionally including Nunnally in a number of the photo opportunities. Thankfully, your full-blooded sister takes it in good humor, giggling at the next day's headline, which proves to be so nearly-slanderous that having it struck down would only prove their assertion of nightly three-way orgies correct, regardless of the facts of the matter.
You're quite sure you're in a vast minority of royals who have had their Knights of Honor sneak out of their suites after dark, rather than into.
Guinevere retaliates when she brings her newborn to a series of court appearances. Not your father's high court in Pendragon, of course, but lower ducal courts around the homeland of the empire. Privately, you pity the child being forced into adorable outfits and being dragged to and fro across the continent like they are.
The trend continues from there.
Despite the fact that you'd taken efforts to ensure that Euphemia and yourself would have time alone together, the pinkette insists on various members of your personal coterie appearing in public with you as often as not. She doesn't quite manage to rope Kaguya into the affair, despite her best efforts, but Euphemia invites Kallen, Milly, and even Jeanne along on your tour of the empire throughout your dates.