Semper Ad Meliora (Code Geass/Britannian Royalty Quest)

Euphie wants you to have a child with Sayoko, because it will show her what kind of father you'll be, even if you can't publicly announce the child's parentage. Your sister wants to see if you're capable of balancing a family with your responsibilities as a prince before you and she get married in the coming years.

Clever girl.
Turnabout is fair play - she can be the little meat bun's minder.
Wait, so Euphemia and Gino were already in a relationship? What would the consequences have been had we waited even longer? Kinda odd that it was never brought up if Lelouch suspected it.
For a year or two, nothing really. Unless it came out publicly and messily in a bad way. Then... potential duel if the circumstances went really bad? There's a low-odds scenario that might have happened with Gino and Cornelia fighting a duel.

If Euphie really fell in love with him and decided that, as a high-ranking noble he was enough of a match for her long-term, she might rebuff any marriage offers.

It would depend on how a number of factors played out, but as a prince Lelouch would be the highest-ranking person in their society she could marry, so unless there's a compelling enough reason not to, she would marry Lelouch.
Ahhh, this start of the turn feels good after the stress of the last turn's high stakes. Not sure what I will be voting for yet, but first:
The next 'date' the two of you have, a month and a half later, is to the world's largest amusement park in the Duchy of Louisiana during their celebration of Mardi Gras, where Euphemia ups the ante by intentionally including Nunnally in a number of the photo opportunities. Thankfully, your full-blooded sister takes it in good humor, giggling at the next day's headline, which proves to be so nearly-slanderous that having it struck down would only prove their assertion of nightly three-way orgies correct, regardless of the facts of the matter.

You're quite sure you're in a vast minority of royals who have had their Knights of Honor sneak out of their suites after dark, rather than into.
Can I say that moments like these are the ones that make me very happy about the fact that we chose Nunnally as Lelouch's Knight of Honor? Because Euphy trolling everyone by introducing a scandal to get more publicity, while at the same time using it to give a better smoke-screen for Nunnally to hide an another scandal that would have slightly more negative consequences? Pure gold.
A quick fix before anything else.

Kallen has some looyalties to Japan, still.
Bringing the kunckles of her hand to your lips
I believe the relative lack of outspoken disapprovel
A soft usurpation of the power and authority granted to you, defacto
de facto
Can I say that moments like these are the ones that make me very happy about the fact that we chose Nunnally as Lelouch's Knight of Honor? Because Euphy trolling everyone by introducing a scandal to get more publicity, while at the same time using it to give a better smoke-screen for Nunnally to hide an another scandal that would have slightly more negative consequences? Pure gold.
Wait, what was the other scandal?
[X][IKS] Inform her of both.
[X][TELL] Tell Kallen about spying on Japan.

[X][CHILD] Have a child with Sayoko, you will make the time.
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Hm, I'm guessing the results for Sayoko SL is still in-flux before a decision is made on the potential child?

For the Briefing choices, I'm heavily inclined on disclosing everything to both Kaguya and Kallen.

Kaguya because she's shaping up to be an integral asset of our Intrigue Department; we set her up as the Chinese liaison. The longer we keep our Japanese infiltration a secret from her, the more chances of it getting out and coloring her opinion of Lelouch, losing the trust and rapport we've painstakingly built.
Moreover, if we pair the knowledge of our Infiltration with possible Alien Apocalypse, it offers Kaguya an easier pill to swallow in light of the bigger picture. Cooperation must take precedence over her idealist dreams.

For Kallen, I vividly remember this quote of her expectations being dashed when Lelouch didn't pick her as his Knight of Honor:
For a heartbeat, your gaze stops on Kallen.

The countess' eyes lock on yours and a complex melange of feelings washes over you. Sadness, relief, anxiety, lingering surprise, and just a hint of resignation. You hadn't had a real chance to talk to her about the entire affair given the rush, but you guess there was some unspoken assumption she'd made that, if you were ever to take a knight of honor, she would be the obvious choice. The fact that the woman wears her heart on her sleeve and is still smiling says a great deal, though.
If we can't trust Kallen with something so minor - with her lack of interest in politics - then it speaks volumes about how little Lelouch values her judgment and open communication.
Update dropping within three hours. I have seen the Writer's Block and scaled it. Now I stand upon it and weep, for there are no more worlds to conquer.
Why am I reading worlds as words? Must have had to little sleep.
Kaguya, after all, seems the type who would rather co-opt a movement than dismantle it if she could use it for her own ends.
All hail Empress Kaguya of the Empire of the Rising Sun.
Do you tell Kaguya about the ancient apocalypse or your work penetrating the Japanese government?
[ ][IKS] Do not inform her of either.
[ ][IKS] Tell her about the ancient apocalypse only.
[ ][IKS] Tell her about spying on Japan only.
[ ][IKS] Inform her of both.
I am leaning towards both. Especially with how the situation in Japan is changing and Kururugi going for a power grab. But if we can convince her about the potential threat from outer space and that we have a growing influence in Japan she just might decide to work with us. She is working in our Intelligence department. And telling her that combined with our earlier choices (like giving her the Chinese files which was already a show of trust) could either make her decide we are extremely naive or that we want to work with her closely.
Kallen has some looyalties to Japan, still. While you will be informing her of the ancient apocalypse, should you tell her of your operations within the land of her birth?
[ ][TELL] Tell Kallen about spying on Japan.
[ ][TELL] Don't tell Kallen about spying on Japan.
If we are telling Kaguya then I am for telling Kallen. While she does not need to know about it for her duties there could be a future problem if she finds out from another source.
In other words, simply appearing publicly with Euphemia li Britannia in a romantic setting means setting the rumor mill aflame.
Especially after the events of last year. Reporters must be salivating.
Which is why, in true Britannian fashion, you go big or you don't go at all.
This explains the cost of the action.
In January, the two of you spend a week at the Niagara Resort. In addition to prime viewing spots for the Falls themselves, the resort hosts a variety of buildings in styles dating back almost to the founding of the empire in North America. Each night is spent in a different palatial suite, the kind held in reserve for only the most influential and powerful of the upper classes and simply not available for those without the proper social standing.

Pictures of Euphemia and yourself share the front pages of many newspapers with a shot of Guinevere's new duaghter, Henrietta.

The next day, of course, your stroll down the resort's main promenade and string of high-end boutique shops is booted to the second page due to a story that three of Guinevere's purported lovers have been whittled down to the remaining possibilities as the father. Two dukes and a marquis, the latter of whom is only in the running because of his connections, through his wife, to the imperial military, being a serving general.

The next 'date' the two of you have, a month and a half later, is to the world's largest amusement park in the Duchy of Louisiana during their celebration of Mardi Gras, where Euphemia ups the ante by intentionally including Nunnally in a number of the photo opportunities. Thankfully, your full-blooded sister takes it in good humor, giggling at the next day's headline, which proves to be so nearly-slanderous that having it struck down would only prove their assertion of nightly three-way orgies correct, regardless of the facts of the matter.

You're quite sure you're in a vast minority of royals who have had their Knights of Honor sneak out of their suites after dark, rather than into.

Guinevere retaliates when she brings her newborn to a series of court appearances. Not your father's high court in Pendragon, of course, but lower ducal courts around the homeland of the empire. Privately, you pity the child being forced into adorable outfits and being dragged to and fro across the continent like they are.

The trend continues from there.

Despite the fact that you'd taken efforts to ensure that Euphemia and yourself would have time alone together, the pinkette insists on various members of your personal coterie appearing in public with you as often as not. She doesn't quite manage to rope Kaguya into the affair, despite her best efforts, but Euphemia invites Kallen, Milly, and even Jeanne along on your tour of the empire throughout your dates.
Guinevere must be really starting to dislike us. Especially with our harem prince persona that Euphy seems to be working on creating. With the recent news I'm sure the PR advisor is working overtime trying to get Schneizel a date.
"If you have it in your heart, though, I would ask another favor," she emplores, "don't be angry with Gino? I was the one to initiate things."

You roll your eyes. "It would be hypocritical of me to be irritated with him." You smirk. "I will, however, reserve the right to allow him to believe otherwise for a little while longer. I wonder if he really believed his time in your chambers would go unnoticed last year?"

"He is a bit naive like that." Euphie giggles again. "Still, he was wonderful to keep me company last year while you were running about so busily."
I am starting to wonder if there wasn't a violation of the bro code somewhere here. I just can't decide who is guilty of the violation.
Results: Euphemia SL Progress (+1), Euphemia becomes a Lover, Lowest Lover's [Jeanne Rowe] SL Progresses (+1), Reveal Euphemia & Gino's Relationship without Negative Consequence, Small Stress Reduction.
Really good results. A ticking time bomb has been averted. It really shows how much is going on in the background. The stress reduction is really useful after last year.
"I would proposition that a sexual union between yourself and myself to bear a child is in both our favors." She continued and, thankfully, you weren't drinking at the time.
It would be funnier if our precious KoH was there and drinking something.
You nod slowly, to yourself more than Sayoko. "I can see why you brought this up now, if we had waited to address such a molehill, it might very well make itself into a mountain."
Most people seem to ignore the problem until it starts emitting smoke and then they realize the molehill turned into an active volcano.
"She has said she will allow it." Sayoko states.
Euphy is working as our harem queen.
[ ][CHILD] Have a child with Sayoko, you will make the time.
[ ][CHILD] Do not have a child with Sayoko, you're too busy at the moment.
I am for taking the child option. It will take some work but we will always be busy. At elast for the next couple od decades.
Euphemia SL 6 Perk: +5 to All Personal Actions involving more than one Lover.
Another proof that Euphy has a hidden harem queen trait.
Jeanne SL 6 Perk: +1 Reroll to Any Martial Action involving Jeanne Rowe
A reroll is always good. Especially for our joint forces commander.

Since it was more than a hour I'll add my votes.

[X][IKS] Inform her of both.
[X][TELL] Tell Kallen about spying on Japan.
[X][CHILD] Have a child with Sayoko, you will make the time.
[X][IKS] Tell her about the ancient apocalypse only.
[X][TELL] Tell Kallen about spying on Japan.
[X][CHILD] Have a child with Sayoko, you will make the time.
[x][IKS] Tell her about spying on Japan only.
[x][TELL] Tell Kallen about spying on Japan.
[x][CHILD] Have a child with Sayoko, you will make the time.
[X][IKS] Inform her of both.
[X][TELL] Tell Kallen about spying on Japan.
[X][CHILD] Have a child with Sayoko, you will make the time.
[x][IKS] Tell her about spying on Japan only.
[x][TELL] Tell Kallen about spying on Japan.
[x][CHILD] Have a child with Sayoko, you will make the time.
[X][IKS] Inform her of both.
[X][TELL] Tell Kallen about spying on Japan.
[X][CHILD] Have a child with Sayoko, you will make the time.
What exactly are we doing in Japan again? I can't recall.

If it's just keeping an eye on things I don't think Kaguya would be exactly shocked. We've got significant interests in things originating there (Sayako, Kaguya, Sakuradite competition), and even "allied" nations usually keep an eye on each other.

If it's something more serious I'm forgetting it might be more of an issue.
[X][IKS] Inform her of both.
[X][TELL] Tell Kallen about spying on Japan.
[X][CHILD] Have a child with Sayoko, you will make the time.