Do we really have the time to invest 7 turns turning around his SL? There's no guarantee we will gain SL levels faster than 1 or 2 a turn with him. I don't think we have had ANY SL increase by more than 2 ever.
Putting Xiaobao with another person we're close to could lead to a similar situation as what we've had before with Euphemia and Nunnally a few times. Where boosting one's SL can potentially boost another's like having one person liking you more has another person they're close to liking you more kind of situation.
For reasons others have put forward Euphemia while on the surface seems like a good option but it could cost us action-wise which kind of defeats the point of handing him into the care of others. Plus I'm not sure she'd have good synergy for what we might have planned for Xiaobao(Which is really in the air right now. Do we want a Psionic test pilot for our future tech? Piety Advisor? High Priest of a new religion?). Maybe if we want him for administration it could be a good fit, I suppose but other than more subtle applications of Psionics she may not even be aware she's using that part of Xiaobao'a tutelage of is left hanging when that's the main reason to keep him around. Though that's where keeping him on island could be a boon, easy access to cultist / ninja tutors!
Sayoko is another option and one who actually uses her Psionics on a semi-regular basis to boot! Same potential issue as Euphemia and I'm not sure how huge Psionic capabilities mesh with the traditional ninja style of Psionic combat.Going by Lelouch's training session it doesn't seem to be a requirement but certainly doesn't hurt. She also has actual childcare experience/potential so that's another bonus though I do question if we need
another Psionic ninja.
Outside of actual Advisory members we have the closest thing to a Psionics Advisor we have: One Mister Aleister Crowley...who I've written a whole Omake about towards this end. Going by the canonized status of which Crowley does have the actual desire, actual teaching experience, and possibly above average Psionic ability. With free time. Main downside being his status as an actual cult leader...but really when you're up against two extremely powerful secret cabals on opposite sides of the Psionic spectrum isn't fanatical devotion from your own most potent Psionics a good thing?
Then there's Kaguya Sumeragi who is well versed in Chinese culture...and she's more free than Euphemia? Given we've focused her towards the CF which is currently gone completely dark to her I'm doubtful she'd have as much time to raise/educate a kid at this time. So kind of all the same upsides/downsides as Euphemia.
And finally I come to the last most likely caretaker candidate on the island we call home! Something of a unexpected option but one I feel deserves proper consideration. Our dearest (male) friend, Gino Weinberg. Potentially as kind as Euphemia with not nearly the amount of distractions, if he can help Lelouch occasionally find joy in life why not a traumatized young boy? If we're going to focus our Psionics towards our military and Space race then specializing Xiaobao towards that end could certainly hold potential.Main downside would be a possible lack of discipline though Gino is a military man so that may not be too big an issue. He could certainly dedicate himself to being a better parental figure then he had growing up.
...This kinda got away from me and I'm just going to apologize to Firebringer for dragging him into my stream of thoughts right here...