@Slayer Anderson : Umm, excuse me.
There's something you're not aware of.
Carbon nanotube technology already exists in Code Geass. Euro Britannia has it. If you look up the Gracchus from Akito the exiled, it was badly damaged at one point.
So they had to use replacement parts made of carbon nanotubes. Hence, why parts of it look black in the later episodes.
The Gracchus is a Knightmare Frame developed by the tributary sub-empire of Euro Britannia. It's used primarily by the Knights of St. Michael, and is one of the strongest Knightmare Frames in their arsenal. It's only known pilot is Jean Rowe. The Gracchus is the improved version of the KMF that...codegeass.fandom.com
Edit: Carbon fiber parts. Ok, not nanotubes. But the base technology was already there.
Explicitly mentioned? They launch into Space in episode 1.If I recall though Slayer has said that he is not including some Akito materials here, specifically because of a bunch of technological problems. If I recall space flight was also explicitly mentioned in Akito too yet isn't present in the quest
This is a problem. The Children of Ching Shih are the group that has a beef with the Chinese Federation so these Glasgows are probably going to cause trouble during the Indonesian Conference. Not too much of a problem right?In addition to the fact that the Children of Ching Shih have infiltrated the lower levels of India's government to some degree, you have received intelligence that the group has seized a shipment of Federation-made Knightmare Frames. Although the frames themselves as, at best, roughly equivalent to Glasgows, this sudden escalation is worrisome. From what your agent reports, he has not seen the KMFs since their arrival. This can either mean that the pirate leadership has decided to hide them until such a time as they can be more easily mobilized or sold without attracting attention. The Federation's government has not announced the theft.
Other news from your contacts brings worrisome movements from the New Heaven under Tian Wang. Minister Dreizehn Weber, in accordance with your agreement, has forwarded you a few very interesting pieces of information regarding ship movements. It's very likely that the group is planning some large-scale raid. Weber paints suspicion that his own polity is likely the target, but it could just as easily be your own group or another of the pirate enclaves. Replying in kind, you inform him of the Ching Shih's own aberrant movements.
I don't recall saying that the New Heaven faction hated psionics. In fact, I believe their leader is a Piety-focused hero character.This is a problem because they hate psychics and if we take in any refugees; and we will because Euphie, they are going to change their target fast.
I think that came from the idea that they hate all of the rest of the world and they attacked Lelouch who is psionic. I don't think they hate psionics they just hate everyone and the Cult of Ludd who I believe you implied hates psionics paid them to attack Lelouch's faction. Taken together that suggests New Heaven both will and wants to attack Lelouch again and if they see that Lelouch is gaining psionic citizens they will become afraid because they see psionics that are not controlled by them as a threat and once again they want to attack everyone but especially Lelouch's faction and this could tip them over the edge.I don't recall saying that the New Heaven faction hated psionics. In fact, I believe their leader is a Piety-focused hero character.
If you had ever bothered to actually talk to them, yeah sure. I think the most you ever did was set up covert observation of them, however.Edit : By the way when it comes to the refugees if we choose to accept them could we include some write in suggestions? For example Contacting the neighboring Barons for possibly putting some refugees there or setting up settlements there in addition to New Caledonia? I believe one of the neighboring islands has a Baron who works under Schneizel and never shows up.
Too late there.[X] A Prototype Knightmare Frame: Your brother's pet mad scientist has developed a sixth generation KMF which has been mothballed due to design problems and the per-unit costs. Purportedly, he is moving to a seventh generation design at this point.
[X] You kiss her. (Relationship Ensues)
Yeah, sorry. I mixed up how they have psionic warrior-priests but were used by the anti-psionic conspiracy; into them seeing every other psionic as an enemy.I don't recall saying that the New Heaven faction hated psionics. In fact, I believe their leader is a Piety-focused hero character.
"The primary piece of information that I consider of tantamount importance, though," you state seriously, "is the fact that the New Heaven faction employs a psionic caste of warrior-priests. It is apparently something of a legend amongst the pirates, but Weber has had independent verification from men he trusts."