Semper Ad Meliora (Code Geass/Britannian Royalty Quest)

[X] Hand it over to Kenshin Jaeger for analysis.

It looks like getting the Indonesians and Federation to reconcile is probably not going to happen. Neither side seems interested in working together to sort something out so we're probably going to need to go with one of the alternate plans for the conference. Depending on how interested Ethiopia is in taking stewardship of Indonesia there is a real chance that we won't have choice but to take over the Confederation to resolve things, which isn't necessarily a bad thing but would take a lot of our focus.
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[X] Hand it over to Kenshin Jaeger for analysis.

Wasn't Cornelia going to ask for our help in that operation or did she decide not to? other then the nano-tube thing every faction other than Britannia is barely moving/succeeding it seems. I mean the fact that Cornelia got slowed down at all is pretty impressive but her success honestly seems inevitable and after the middle east is taken thats basically game for the EU as a world power baring some sort of massive failure on her part or crit success on the EU/MEF side unlikely to happen
The problem Britannia has is that at the moment it is to successful. Remember that Schneizel stated that there is a real chance Britannia might end up in a bad situation.
"Additionally, the ensuing political destabilization taken in tandem with the dual conquests of the North African League and the Middle Eastern Federation, when it is complete at least, may over-stress the need for competent administrative staff and new-blood nobles. Even with Clovis doing his best to draw as much from the natives possible, rewarding the senior officer corps of the army groups has seen a number taking extended leave to properly negotiate infrastructure investment in their region."

You lean back in your chair, contemplating the matter. "So we'll be seeing a ten-to-twenty year economic boom barring problems in the area as the empire's industrial capacity surges due to the building contracts in Area Ten. Assuming that we don't over-stress the systems involved, though, we can expect a similar economic contraction in the next period."

"I have people planning countermeasures." Your brother waves off. "But those will only do so much. We can take a recession, Lelouch, I don't particularly wish to determine if some of our more radical elements can properly weather a depression."
And if they are even somewhat competent the EU leadership knows Britannia can't expand much more. Remember that part of the standard Britannia expansion policy includes large amount of public works and moving towards green energy. And that takes both investment money and competent personnel.
We aren't really being prodded to conquer Australia as fast as possible to prove ourselves partially because there is a lack of administrative manpower to take over managing an expansion there. When we conquer it we will have to basically supply everything ourself. That is one of the reasons we have such large autonomy in dealing with the situation and a real chance of keeping Australia for ourself.

There is also the fact there is a refuge problem from the African Unions right now which is spilling over to Area 10 and Ethiopia (Britannia's ally in Africa and against the MEF). Large amounts of refuges cause problems that if not handled correctly can break our new administration in Area 10 or we could lose Ethiopian support due to them having to shift attention to their other border. You don't want "rogue bands of bandits" to raid tour boarder towns.

So I don't really think it is game over for the EU. It is more a risky period for Britannia.
[X] Hand it over to Kenshin Jaeger for analysis.
We should probably remember what are the current flashpoint that could lead to global conflict.
Africa, Russia, Spain, Imperial Areas, Indonesia, Areas in South America, Middle East, Australia.
Well may we live in interesting times. Conflict has a way of providing opportunity as long as we can get to peace and cash out.
[X] Hand it over to Kenshin Jaeger for analysis.

I still want it as a command unit but we should hash out what we can.
So, given what we know as of now... how likely it is for us to manage to maintain the status quo through the Conference (aka that Indonesia remains a client state of China)? Also, any speculations regarding what goals the Chinese Enunch in charge of the Conference might have and how likely it would be for the Blood to be attacked by Area 9 forces in the events that Indonesia does not remain a client state of China?
@Slayer Anderson : Umm, excuse me.

There's something you're not aware of.

Carbon nanotube technology already exists in Code Geass. Euro Britannia has it. If you look up the Gracchus from Akito the exiled, it was badly damaged at one point.

So they had to use replacement parts made of carbon nanotubes. Hence, why parts of it look black in the later episodes.


The Gracchus is a Knightmare Frame developed by the tributary sub-empire of Euro Britannia. It's used primarily by the Knights of St. Michael, and is one of the strongest Knightmare Frames in their arsenal. It's only known pilot is Jean Rowe. The Gracchus is the improved version of the KMF that...

Edit: Carbon fiber parts. Ok, not nanotubes. But the base technology was already there.
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@Slayer Anderson : Umm, excuse me.

There's something you're not aware of.

Carbon nanotube technology already exists in Code Geass. Euro Britannia has it. If you look up the Gracchus from Akito the exiled, it was badly damaged at one point.

So they had to use replacement parts made of carbon nanotubes. Hence, why parts of it look black in the later episodes.


The Gracchus is a Knightmare Frame developed by the tributary sub-empire of Euro Britannia. It's used primarily by the Knights of St. Michael, and is one of the strongest Knightmare Frames in their arsenal. It's only known pilot is Jean Rowe. The Gracchus is the improved version of the KMF that...

Edit: Carbon fiber parts. Ok, not nanotubes. But the base technology was already there.
Moving on from that there are reasons nano tubes aren't currently used to make space elevators. In our current level of technology defects appear in every carbon nanotube leading to an overall weakening of the structure such that attempts to use it to its full potential are for lack of a better word not reaching their full potential. Nanotubes are a solid step forward but attempts to use it on a macroscale are still far off from fruition. Using it on a smaller scale is where most of its potential lies for now.

Carbon nanotubes too weak to get a space elevator off the ground

Simulations show that just a single out-of-place atom is enough to ruin the famed strength of carbon nanotubes, so using them to build a space elevator seems unlikely