Year 4 (Phase III)
Light was filtering through the grand windows of your room.
Which meant Arthur had drawn the curtains back in preparation for waking you.
You sighed, feeling somewhat sore and shifted slightly before catching yourself as another body moved against your own, mumbling into your chest.
Right, you were still... getting used to that.
Unbidden, a soft smile crept over your face as you swept a hand through Kallen's hair gently.
Your... girlfriend? Groaned and flexed, twisting as she yawned and opened her eyes-
-then immediately closed them against the morning sun, muttering something you were sure was offensive in her other native tongue.
"Your Highness, I'm afraid it is time to rise for the day." Arthur, your personal morning attendant, spoke up. "Dame Stadtfeld, I do hope you will refrain from 'socking me one' today as well."
Kallen groaned again as a blush spread across her face and she pulled the sheets tighter against her form. "Arthur, please, how many times must I apologize? I never had an attendant wake me when I stayed with my father, much less a strange older man."
You chuckled as you accepted a bathrobe from the man and handed another one to your bedmate. "How
is the eye, Arthur? I do hope it's alright."
The middle-aged man smiled. "Healing quite well, sire, you can be assured. I got into far worse scraps in the local pub when I was young, let alone my military years. However, Dame Stadtfeld did request I treat her with the irreverence of a commoner rather than the proud history of devoted service."
You shook your head. "Kallen, you need to understand that you're not insulting Arthur if you interact with him as if he's your servant. That's his job and he's well very well compensated for it. There's nothing shameful in it."
"His Highness is quite right." Arthur stated, holding out a cup of warm coffee which you gratefully accepted.
"Also, he's going to keep teasing you about punching him until you let him do his job." You add with a deep drink.
Kallen sighed and shot you a mock-glare out of one sleepy eye beneath the covers. "...just get out of here so I can get dressed, Arthur."
The man bowed again, then stopped as he turned.
"Oh, and Your Highness, I almost forgot. Your mother wished to know if you would be taking breakfast with herself and your sister or if you'd rather it be served in your rooms... again." Arthur stated with a twinkling eye tilted towards Kallen.
You considered the matter before deciding...
Personal (Choose TWO)
[ ] Boot Camp: Although Jeanne isn't quite comfortable enough to begin socializing with you as an equal, she is willing to impart some lessons in physical training. There is, of course, the possibility that you could manage to get her to relax a bit in the meantime. Possibly even in your company. Cost: 50; Upkeep: 0; DC: 40; Rewards: Jeane SL Progresses, Possible Martial trait.
[ ] SCIENCE!: Aside from his rather convoluted and...
insane records, you honestly know little about Dr. Kenshin Jaegar and less about his assistant. You should perhaps fix that. After all, if it turns out you can trust the man, you might be able to broach the topic of certain secrets with him later. Cost: 50; Upkeep: 0; DC: 20; Rewards: Kenshin's SL Progresses, low chance of Learning or Piety trait.
[ ] Airheads: As you learned last year, you have a robust talent for flying and it's something you personally find enjoyable. Perhaps you can make time in your schedule to meet up with Gino Weinberg a few times and take a plane out for a spin. Cost: 100; Upkeep: 0; DC: 20; Rewards: Gino's SL Progresses, Relax a little.
[ ] The Ashford Heiress: It's been quite some time since you really spoke to Reuben Ashford at length. Perhaps you should make some effort this year, especially if you intend to 'borrow' Milly for an extended period at some point in the future. Cost: 50; Upkeep: 0; DC: 30; Rewards: Milly's SL Progresses, Slight chance of Kallen's SL Progressing.
[ ] Red Queen: Kallen is obviously an extremely talented knightmare devicer. Perhaps you could introduce her to your mother and sister, both of whom share that trait. In all likelihood, they'll hit it off splendidly. Cost: 0; Upkeep: 0; DC: 30/60/90; Rewards: Kallen's SL Progresses, Chance of Nunnally's SL progressing, Slight Chance of Jeanne's SL Progressing.
[ ] Hannes: You have been very busy indeed, but you can make time to meet your somewhat-distant sibling. You've heard good things about him and his developing interest in manufacturing sectors. Perhaps you should cultivate the relationship you sparked? Cost: 100; Upkeep: 0; DC: 10/60; Rewards: Hannes' SL Progresses.
[ ] Euphie: Last year you helped your pink-haired sister navigate the waters of the imperial court. You're still slightly concerned with her given that Cornelia is out on campaign. You'll take some time to look in on her, and maybe take Nunnally with you. Cost: 100; Upkeep: 0; DC: 20/40; Rewards: Euphemia's SL Progresses, Chance of Nunnally's SL Progressing.
...not to interrupt the debate or anything, but a wild update appears!
Edit: We'll experiment with freeform voting this once. Just pick two of the actions and we'll skip plans this time (forgot to add Euphie's, oops).