Semper Ad Meliora (Code Geass/Britannian Royalty Quest)

I'll assume you're referring to Hugo here.

The only time he'd get angry is if he could either prove you'd knowingly lied about what you wanted the tech for OR purposefully misused it outside of a moment of desperation. Going back to the undersea vehicle thing, if you had other options, but used them to plant explosives anyway, then he'd get angry, because that's using the equipment for something it wasn't developed for. Putting aside the personal morality of that, it wasn't meant to do that. If you have other options, use the tools you've got for the purposes they were made, that way fewer things can go dramatically, horrifyingly, wrong. (Backstory hint, he didn't blow up that base for no good reasons.)

If someone outside your chain of command takes the shit he makes and does something like that with it, it's not your fault. It's theirs and Hugo won't hold you accountable for it. He understands that, at some point, someone's going to use a Class-3 Knightmare Frame Repair Wrench to bludgeon someone to death. That's not the fault of the wrench's creator or manufacturer. It's the fault of the asshole holding the wrench.

The only way you piss off Bertrand is if you start actively undermining Britannian interests for absolutely no good reason, intentionally. Which, well, that's not going to happen.
Ah, sorry, I meant Hugo there.
Yeah I don't see us meshing too well with his style, given that Lulu might have a brilliant unorthodox way of using a mech or something but Hugo believes it was against the original function.
He's also likely to draw some attention from the academic community if you ever prove him right about anything he's said, because they'll have to start rewriting history wholesale.
Finest traditions of academia.

Step 1, solve mystery.
Step 2, rewrite history.
Step 3, woohoo!

Which, well, that's not going to happen.
Unfortunately it doesn't have to actually happen for someone to convince our temperamental genius that it has happened.
This is Code Geass after all. And we are playing Lelouch 'the universe has it out for me' Britannia.
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Alright, I've thrown some more fuel on the fire for discussion. I'll be bowing out for a bit to run an errand.

At this point, I believe we've got about five-ish hours on the clock. Consider this a five hour warning until I call the vote.
[X] Dr. Kenshin Jaegar

I am rather a fan of pursuing what we've been doing, in terms of Psionics. What we can do with it is awesome, and I only see future benefits from progressing the 'Architect of the Mind' questline, especially with the ominous hints given from the thing.
Omake Idea List:
A little off topic but if anyone is looking for Omake Ideas, might I suggest Lulu (fastest man alive) on Top Gear as the star in a reasonably priced car.
Omake Idea List:
  • Daily Interactions between Lelouch, Nunnally, Cornelia, Euphemia, etc... while they were children.
  • A day in the life of a grunt-level soldier on the front of your choice: NAL, Central Asia, South Africa.
  • Peace-keeping/Rebellion suppression in Paraguay, Philippines, newly-conquered NAL provinces, etc...
  • A civilian's daily concerns in Britannia, the EU, the Chinese Federation, or one of the non-superpower/neutral nations.
  • A television show in any of the above countries, or news report, or AU version of any piece of media from OTL.
  • Cultural pieces about how Britannian domination of the different Areas has changed their society.
  • Any historical event and how it might have been subtly or wildly different, particularly the battle of Trafalgar and the French-led invasion of the British isles and subsequent fleeing of the English crown to North America.
  • Britannian expansion in North America, ala America's 'Manifest Destiny.'
  • Psychic shenanigans through the ages, maybe one of the Code-Bearers from some point in history?
  • Potential backstory moments of any Original Character and what they were doing at any given point in time.
  • Romantic Interlude between Charles and Marianne.
  • CC eating Pizza somewhere odd and the story behind it.
  • Carine and Clovis each trying to be the bigger entitled little shit.
  • PHO-style forum-based discussion of various royal/noble sightings/habits/romantic entanglements/etc...
  • Anything else that strikes your fancy.
Reminder, all omake submissions are subject to Omake guidelines listed here: Semper Ad Meliora (Code Geass/Britannian Royalty Quest) - Sci-Fi | Page 12
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Omake Idea List:
  • Daily Interactions between Lelouch, Nunnally, Cornelia, Euphemia, etc... while they were children.
  • A day in the life of a grunt-level soldier on the front of your choice: NAL, Central Asia, South Africa.
  • Peace-keeping/Rebellion suppression in Paraguay, Philippines, newly-conquered NAL provinces, etc...
  • A civilian's daily concerns in Britannia, the EU, the Chinese Federation, or one of the non-superpower/neutral nations.
  • A television show in any of the above countries, or news report, or AU version of any piece of media from OTL.
  • Cultural pieces about how Britannian domination of the different Areas has changed their society.
  • Any historical event and how it might have been subtly or wildly different, particularly the battle of Trafalgar and the French-led invasion of the British isles and subsequent fleeing of the English crown to North America.
  • Britannian expansion in North America, ala America's 'Manifest Destiny.'
  • Psychic shenanigans through the ages, maybe one of the Code-Bearers from some point in history?
  • Potential backstory moments of any Original Character and what they were doing at any given point in time.
  • Romantic Interlude between Charles and Marianne.
  • CC eating Pizza somewhere odd and the story behind it.
  • Carine and Clovis each trying to be the bigger entitled little shit.
  • Anything else that strikes your fancy.
Reminder, all omake submissions are subject to Omake guidelines listed here: Semper Ad Meliora (Code Geass/Britannian Royalty Quest) - Sci-Fi | Page 12
How differently would the history of rapping have evolved with the rise of Britannia as an entity?
Would sick beats and hot rhymes still be developed in what is North America?
How differently would the history of rapping have evolved with the rise of Britannia as an entity?
Would sick beats and hot rhymes still be developed in what is North America?

Idk the history of rap, but iirc CG canon is roughly the 1950's or 1960's compared to reality. Rock was still new then, so I have doubts rap has even been created yet.
How differently would the history of rapping have evolved with the rise of Britannia as an entity?
Would sick beats and hot rhymes still be developed in what is North America?
I'd say... probably not to the extent that they would OTL.

It depends on a lot of factors like how large the African population is whenever Britannian ends the slave trade, what kind of economic condition those people are left in after being freed, what kind of culture develops as a result of these changes...

Personally, I'd see the modern Britannian music scene being more influenced by Spanish, Mexican, and other hispanic cultures from South America than in our timeline. Cultural osmosis due to having so many troops actively serving and having been stationed there over the decades. You'll likely see a lot of Spanish/Hispanic dishes enjoyed by the lower classes in Britannia and the like, simply as a function of what they've been exposed to. Higher up the social ladder you'll likely see less and less of that as the nobles and royals attempt to maintain a more 'pure' Britannian culture.

I'd say if you want to write about the proliferation of rap music, have it be a relatively recent thing and have it start to develop in the EU or in one of the African Unions. In Britannia, it's likely that rock music is still struggling to gain an official foothold as a formal music genre in the face of being considered 'commoner trash.'

Also, I'll be calling the vote in thirty minutes.
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Idk the history of rap, but iirc CG canon is roughly the 1950's or 1960's compared to reality. Rock was still new then, so I have doubts rap has even been created yet.
I'd say... probably not to the extent that they would OTL.

It depends on a lot of factors like how large the African population is whenever Britannian ends the slave trade, what kind of economic condition those people are left in after being freed, what kind of culture develops as a result of these changes...

Personally, I'd see the modern Britannian music scene being more influenced by Spanish, Mexican, and other hispanic cultures from South America than in our timeline. Cultural osmosis due to having so many troops actively serving and having been stationed there over the decades. You'll likely see a lot of Spanish/Hispanic dishes enjoyed by the lower classes in Britannia and the like, simply as a function of what they've been exposed to. Higher up the social ladder you'll likely see less and less of that as the nobles and royals attempt to maintain a more 'pure' Britannian culture.

I'd say if you want to write about the proliferation of rap music, have it be a relatively recent thing and have it start to develop in the EU or in one of the African Unions. In Britannia, it's likely that rock music is still struggling to gain an official foothold as a formal music genre in the face of being considered 'commoner trash.'

Also, I'll be calling the vote in thirty minutes.

Right, would space exploration be?
I guess that early, combined with the differences in culture of HBE with USA means hip hop might not have developed like it did... then again we have Pizza Hut, founded 1958 OTL, so somethings might be the same.
Music scene is always a struggle in authoritarian places.
Who would be best for getting into space? Seizing the high ground in effect. Also who is best for flying knightmares?
Right, would space exploration be?
I guess that early, combined with the differences in culture of HBE with USA means hip hop might not have developed like it did... then again we have Pizza Hut, founded 1958 OTL, so somethings might be the same.
Music scene is always a struggle in authoritarian places.

Indeed. But, considering the airtech we've got in canon, and what little I recall of the Akito movies, I think most space development is basically nonexistent. With no goal to get to the moon, and even moreso, no space race (not a real rival to trigger it, nor nukes to create a Cold War), I kinda don't see much in the ways of interest into it. Part of why I think assistant-minder-girl might hold some (decently down the line) potential with space stuff.

But, like we just had IC, the world only just had a plane break the sound barrier, and knightmares and the army are the likely focus of military spending, with the navy probably being the second. Air power is very underdeveloped, and apparently, so is the expansion of air tech. Thus, really probably weakening any dreams of space anytime soon.

But, that's all just theory, really.
Right, would space exploration be?
I guess that early, combined with the differences in culture of HBE with USA means hip hop might not have developed like it did... then again we have Pizza Hut, founded 1958 OTL, so somethings might be the same.
Music scene is always a struggle in authoritarian places.
Space Exploration isn't a thing yet. Despite what Akito: The Exiled says... because fuck so many aspects of that show.

If you want to do HBE hip-hop or rap, do it in the Caribbean islands. They'd have a much more dense and developed African culture mostly imported through the slave trade from West Africa, wherein a lot of the musical origins of modern rap music lay. Somewhere like Haiti would be a good place to cite as the birthplace of underground Britannian rap culture.
Space Exploration isn't a thing yet. Despite what Akito: The Exiled says... because fuck so many aspects of that show.

If you want to do HBE hip-hop or rap, do it in the Caribbean islands. They'd have a much more dense and developed African culture mostly imported through the slave trade from West Africa, wherein a lot of the musical origins of modern rap music lay. Somewhere like Haiti would be a good place to cite as the birthplace of underground Britannian rap culture.

I have to ask the real question though: Was Johnny B Goode written and released? Because that's the most important question for time-period music stuff, truly.

And I suppose, what do you think the rest of rock looks like? Similar or very different from the elitist classical I believe Britannian nobles prefer (when together, anyway)?
I have to ask the real question though: Was Johnny B Goode written and released? Because that's the most important question for time-period music stuff, truly.

And I suppose, what do you think the rest of rock looks like? Similar or very different from the elitist classical I believe Britannian nobles prefer (when together, anyway)?
Eh, sure, EU hit single. Music is going to be one of the places the EU is really ahead. A more liberal culture (in general) eases the development of things like new genres of literature and music.

The cutting edge of Britannian 'Rock' is going to be very different, being sneaky and using instruments like the Hurdy Gurdy instead of the guitar to sneak it in under traditional 'folk music' labels.

Funny thing, I actually have Clovis pegged as the guy to bring rock music into the mainstream with an Orchestral Rock Opera, naming the new genre 'Imperial Rock' next year or the year after.

Edit: One of the more popular instruments in Britannia for personal performances is the Glass Armonica invented by Benjamin Franklin.
Who would be best for getting into space? Seizing the high ground in effect. Also who is best for flying knightmares?
Space? Hmm... if you want unmanned probes, Bertrand and Su could probably do that. Hugo is best if you want actual people up in space through conventional means. Likewise if you want flying Knightmares, same answer.

Jaegar... he can theoretically do both of those things as well. Because he's a goddamn mad man who's completely insane.
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