Semper Ad Meliora (Code Geass/Britannian Royalty Quest)

[X] Dr. Kenshin Jaegar

considering what we're learned from our little crystal I'm worried that he may not be insane
plays into what we are already good at (meaning spy stuff)
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
bit more war focused but can hide it like is not?
Si vis pacem, para bellum
batshit insane but likely could help with a lot of things
Ignotum per Ignotius
wow those are some interesting options there.
Also, on a minor note, as a result of Schneizel's high roll, no one will object to you grabbing any of these advisors on any level. The general result will be "good riddance" for all of them, for various reasons. That is part of the justification for their... peculiarity.

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[X] Dr. Kenshin Jaegar

The mad ones are always the most fun!
Adhoc vote count started by Irritant on Jul 10, 2019 at 6:46 AM, finished with 1508 posts and 10 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by Irritant on Jul 10, 2019 at 8:48 AM, finished with 42 posts and 33 votes.

For anyone who doesn't understand latin...

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? = Who watches the watcher?

Si vis pacem, para bellum
= If you want peace, prepare for war.

Ignotum per Ignotius
= The unknown by the more unknown

Also, the vote:

[X] Bertrand Smith

I feel like this is the best choice here, as Cyber-warfare and Cyber-security play to our strengths and Unmanned Drones give us an army that is guaranteed to be always loyal to us, which is very important considering that some people want to have our character get his hands on the throne via focusing on martial matters.

Also, I'd very much rather not have him get recruited by the OSI ("If you decide you don't want them, your brother has added a note to their file that they will likely be snatched up by the OSI and spend the rest of their lives doing exactly what they have been until now, though under imperial direction and oversight.") as that just means that we have to worry about the OSI finding out things that we do not want to be found, considering that Bertrand is specialized in Cyber-warfare. Having Bertrand means that our secrets are much more likely to remain secrets (at least, those that are only available on a computer).
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I feel like this is the best choice here, as Cyber-warfare and Cyber-security plays to our strength and Unmanned Drones give us an army that is guaranteed to be always loyal to us, which is very important considering that some people want to have our character get his hands on the throne via focusing on martial matters.
Worth noting is the fact that 'unmanned' does not mean 'lacking a human pilot.' At least, at this point in time. I'm not saying that you can't develop them, but at this stage, the drones she'll allow you to produce will still need a remote pilot of some kind for any level of complicated task.
they all seem like really good options
- Bertrand fits well with out current focus and would mean that we could probably gain massive information advantages
- Hugo would allow for a quicker development of knightmare frames, better exploration options and the possibility to cybernetically enhance our people
- Jaeger would allow us to get involved with the more esoteric side of things

[X] Bertrand Smith

I'll vote for this one as the one as the one I'd like used against us least... though I would be interested in seeing if it's possible to to get Jaeger as a Piety advisor instead, despite the likely expense
[X] Bertrand Smith

I do not want these guys in the hands of the empire, or at least I want to have them in our employ instead. Makes sense a cyber genius could lead to some major trouble down the line, doubly so when they got unmanned drone army.
they all seem like really good options

I'll vote for this one as the one as the one I'd like used against us least...

I really want Jaeger due to the sheer WTF but I've got to be practical.

So that's really interesting, seeing as I feel Bertrand Smith is the one most likely doing something that's really bad for us.
Dr Kenshin Jaegar is a well-known lunatic, and it's more specifically well-known that he's a lunatic. If he says something insane, people won't be too offended. This is even reflected in the mechanics.
Special Feature: Unorthodoxy - Projects will not require any level of political support, approval, or viability to Britannia at large.

Moreover his partner is completely sane. She is likely used to making excuses for his bad behaviour and I'd say it's more than likely she keeps his insanity at bay in some sense, restricting the really crazy crazy that's probably inside him.

Bertrand Smith on the other hand is well-known to do criminal things and have an almost complete disregard for what is against the law. The update specifically states that he likes doing things that are against the law for thrill.
with the remainder of the factors coming from thrill-seeking behavior that was never properly channeled productively.

In addition his partner has the same flaws and they complement each other in this bad behaviour.

All in all these seem like the sort of people we don't want to be our problem. The intrigue seems to suit us nicely, but it's really not in a way that I would like us to do intrigue.
Excellent synergy with our intrigue abilities and their trait would be very valuable in pursuit of the throne, but I sadly I don't think the focus on cyber and drone warfare fits this Lelouch as well as it would canon.

Personally I think he has the most interesting backstory of the three.
His focus on the civilain side of things could be a good way to start getting our name out there to the public eye. The focus on manned vehicles could be useful for creating better airframes, and cybernetics can do amazing things in coded geass canon. Wide scale cybernetic prosthetics would also be a very significant achievement in both the military and civilian sectors and would boost Lelouch's profile significantly.
The trait also seems like it could significantly reduce the cost of a number of his learning actions.

Cons: Less military. Do not use his stuff in a miltary context without him knowing about and ok'ing it. He's blown up bases before and he now has a psycotic assistant who would doubtless take offence.

[ ] Dr. Kenshin Jaegar
Synergises well with our existing psyonic focus, including the focus on archeology. Trait is useful for pushing the type of research we want without having to get buy in from the Britannian establishment as a whole.

Cons: Long lead time to get anything that will put our name on the map or generate independant income. Will probably have to purely self fund a lot of projects, driving up costs.
Not sure what we could do with astrophysics.

I'm going to vote for Dr. Hugo Zhishi, partly becasue I find him most personally interesting. Dr Kenshin Jager is also a good pick though.

[] Dr. Hugo Zhishi
EDIT: Unfortunately not going to win. So I'm going to have to throw my vote behind the option which might one day give us psytech ninja.
[X] Dr. Kenshin Jaegar
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Bertrand Smith
Dr. Hugo Zhishi
Dr. Kenshin Jaegar
Genius and madness. Two sides of the same coin.

[X] Dr. Kenshin Jaegar
If we are fortunate he is a deranged crackpot who will waste a bit of time due to paranoia.
If we are unlucky he is right. In which case I want to know about it before it becomes known that Lulu stumbled across the holy grail of psionic artefacts.

Plus he is our best chance of getting aerial mages psychics.

Bertrand has some potential but is more a weapon against political enemies than a tech developer. I would take him for intrigue but not learning.
Hugo is A) old enough to be falling apart and B) has a history of betraying his employers if they are militaristic.
[X] Bertrand Smith

Drones! Hack And Jam! Plus blackmail materials!

These two can create nightmare for KMF pilots, Imagine what they can do to enemies Friend and Foe Identification System! Hacking enemies' IFF is a huge deal in KMFs warfare.

Remember the first few episodes? When Lulu commanding the insurgents on the imperial Glasgow? They can recreate that but it needs not hijacking a glasgow, just deploy a dedicated jamming drone from remote location in the battlefield. Think of the boon it will get us!
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