Semper Ad Meliora (Code Geass/Britannian Royalty Quest)

[X] Help find you an advisor for...
-[X] Stewardship

We have a much greater need for advisors in Stewardship and Diplomacy than in Learning people. (Besides, we do not know Milly's availability for SLing, so it could be a very long time till we get her SL to 5, which would be the minimum required for us to attempt and convince her to be our Stewardship advisor; however I will concede that if we keep focusing on Euphemia, we might get her as our Diplomacy advisor soon enough)
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[X] Help find you an advisor for...
-[X] Learning

While I feel big brother could get us a very good Stewardship advisor, it'd also be someone who has a fair bit of loyalty to him. And your bean counters need to be kept mostly loyal since they're the ones who know the dirty laundry that can actually be used against you*

*as opposed to spooks who will often learn things that are too hot to handle.


Current Annusal Upkeep: 500 BRN

Noticed you have a typo here @Slayer Anderson. Pretty sure this is supposed to be "Annual" unless my diction and Google-fu have greatly failed me.

Also I saw that you don't have a picture for Milly as of yet, so I took the liberty to find a decent one with her out of the Ashford academy uniform

It's surprisingly hard to find a good shot of her out of the uniform and alone in a picture.
[X] Help find you an advisor for...
-[X] Learning
Adhoc vote count started by nkd1325 on Jul 9, 2019 at 12:06 AM, finished with 42 posts and 29 votes.
I'd never seen that poem you quoted at the start of the update. I figured you were well read and English majors are just one of the few kinds that come to mind when I see something like that.

It's a famous poem by Lewis Carroll, with a Disney adaption in Alice in Wonderland.

I'm curious as to it's inclusion, which I would guess is a reference to the princes' tendencies for scheming.
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[x] Help find you an advisor for...
-[x] Stewardship

Yeah stewardship is important in the long term.

Never hurts to have more money.
[X] Help find you an advisor for...
-[X] Learning

To be fair, this will be our best bet to find a learning advisor soon. Also, learning actions are not all military. Some will have to be for improving things for more efficiency and lower our costs, or at least make other actions cheaper
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Noticed you have a typo here @Slayer Anderson. Pretty sure this is supposed to be "Annual" unless my diction and Google-fu have greatly failed me.

Also I saw that you don't have a picture for Milly as of yet, so I took the liberty to find a decent one with her out of the Ashford academy uniform
Fixed. Oops on the Milly pic, I'll either use that one or find a good one myself. Try to remember to plug it in...
@Slayer Anderson Is it possible to pick up Lloyd or Cecile at this point in time? Raksata would be cool but I'm highly doubtful.
Theoretically, but you guys would need a very high roll. Sadly, Rakshata has already gone to ground and is doing... stuff. Barring an absolutely stupid series of rolls, she's not on the table.
It's a famous poem by Lewis Carroll, with a Disney adaption in Alice in Wonderland.

I'm curious as to it's inclusion, which I would guess is a reference to the princes' tendencies for scheming.

I was always allergic to long form poetry in high school, I thought it was pretentious and self-indulgent. So it's no wonder I never heard of it.

EDIT: I have outgrown that attitude. I read the original poem right after this last update. It doesn't do me any good being judgmental of things like this.
I really enjoyed the poem and it was kind of nice to read something that I didn't think I would be reading today. It's a small turn of fate, I guess.
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[x] Help find you an advisor for...
-[x] Stewardship

Never hurts to have money. It makes the world go around. You need money for tech. Money for diplomacy. Money for everything.

So money!
Voting will remain open for at least another twelve hours at this rate, I think.

Here's the current tally:
Adhoc vote count started by Thomasfoolery on Jul 9, 2019 at 2:00 AM, finished with 55 posts and 38 votes.