Year 3 (Phase III) Results:
The time has come,' the Walrus said,
To talk of many things:
Of shoes — and ships — and sealing-wax —
Of cabbages — and kings —
And why the sea is boiling hot —
And whether pigs have wings.'
But wait a bit,' the Oysters cried,
Before we have our chat;
For some of us are out of breath,
And all of us are fat!'
No hurry!' said the Carpenter.
They thanked him much for that.
A loaf of bread,' the Walrus said,
Is what we chiefly need:
Pepper and vinegar besides
Are very good indeed —
Now if you're ready, Oysters dear,
We can begin to feed.'
You and your brother are both very busy people.
He moreso than you, of course, what with being on the cusp of being the second-most powerful man in the country. Still, despite some early problems, which Schneizel most pointedly
does not say were caused by Guinevere, it appears he has the campaign in the bag by current polling numbers. It's a definite step forward for him. You are, in spite of yourself, happy for your elder brother. Regardless of the fact that he is between you and the throne, he is a far more amicable person, or simply better at hiding his displeasure, than Guinevere... and far less of a fop than Clovis.
"It is likely that Father will recognize that Bradley fellow from South Africa." Schneizel admits one day late into the year. "He's done well in his war efforts against Namibia and added a substantial amount of territory to the Empire virtually alone, if the quality of his troops are to be believed."
"Hmm." You murmur eloquently, staring at the board. It is your turn, as it has been for the last hour, but time has long-since ceased to be important in this room. "That will make a statement."
"It will also remove him from the situation before he can escalate it further." Schneizel replies easily. "We don't need another front opening up at this time and leaving Namibia bleeding out is a better warning to the African Unions than simply steamrolling the nation."
You concede the point with a nod. What was the phrase about being punished with a promotion? No matter, as a Knight of the Round, Luciano Bradley will have
far greater powers and more effective troops should the African Unions decide to push any issues with Britannia. A permanent warning as well as fattening the Rounds' roster with another capable pilot.
"I've been hearing interesting things regarding the Rus." You state, bluff really, as you move into the third hour of today's session.
Schneizel, focused on the game, nods. "They are likely true. Discontent within the republic is at an all-time high at the moment. The EU's refusal to lend troops or mobilize the full army on their behalf has stung greatly. Given the engagement last year did not end decisively, it has led some of the Rus' more radical elements to suggest an all-out offensive on Euro-Britannia."
You keep your mouth closed, even though it wishes to fall open. That would be...
suicidally stupid.
Schneizel chuckles as he sees the shock in your eyes. "I suppose you didn't fully believe it, but yes. They underwent elections last year and a radical party came to power. I don't quite consider it likely, but it is
possible that they might be so foolish. There is extreme pressure from their voter base to reignite the war in a formal, declared conflict instead of wasting more lives in the Turgey valley. They feel that their pyrrhic victory against Euro-Britannia's forces marks them as able to able to properly stand alone against their better half, mistaking our inaction for an unwillingness to get involved."
You were, quite honestly, stunned.
Then Schneizel moved another piece and you pushed your thoughts to the back of your mind.
For what felt like an age, it went on like that, the two of you staring at a chessboard in silence.
"You should also be aware, little brother." Schneizel states sometime later, after you had finally conceded a bishop to bait a triple-layered trap, which he then ignores to drive his remaining rook towards a pawn, threatening it.
Begrudgingly, you admit it took him half the time it did you to seize upon his next move, only twenty-five minutes.
You resolve to do better.
"Yes?" You ask.
"I'll advise you to exercise as much caution as possible around New Caledonia, or expanding your claim if you feel the need." Schneizel replies, his eyes locked on the board still. "I've heard that a number of the pirate groups, specifically the Children of Ching Shih, possess a number of startlingly advanced pieces of technology. I've even heard tell of them possessing a knightmare frame or two."
Your eyes flick upwards to your brother. "I suppose it's not
impossible. Frames have been in use now for a few years. Doubtless a few have ended up in an EU laboratory or on the black market."
Schneizel hums in... not-quite agreement.
You frown, wondering at what he
isn't telling you, and open your mouth to press, but Schneizel picks up a piece and distracts you. Setting it down a single space away, he sighs and leans back. Locking eyes with you again, he smiles in what you almost believe is pride.
"I believe we'll have to leave it there, Lelouch, that was a
superb game this year. You truly have grown into a fine young man. I'll have to watch myself in the coming years. Perhaps I'll even have enough time next year for a rematch... though I don't think I'll be so lucky."
Your cheeks color just slightly. "Thank you, Schneizel, but I still didn't win."
The Second Prince laughs aloud.
"You succeeded in pressing me harder than any other opponent, Lelouch." The blonde smiles happily, throwing one leg over the other. "In fact... I think a performance of this level merits a reward... it has been a
long time since I've had such fun."
You blink, considering the matter and, on a whim, decide Schneizel might be willing to...
[ ] Help find you an advisor for...
-[ ] (Anything but Martial)
[ ] Assistance on forwarding a claim to Australia.
[ ] Monetary Assistance.
[ ] A Knight of Honor Candidate
[ ] Nothing a the moment, you'll bank the favor.
Rewards: Schneizel el Britannia's SL Opens (1), Earn (1) Favor from him. Schneizel's Heart of Ice Trait lessens.
*A/N: You guys technically don't
need an Intrigue or Piety Advisor, but I'll allow you to ask for one if you so choose (Yes, you'll get the +1 Action there, too). Schneizel will use his Stewardship Stat to determine exactly who pops up on his radar should you ask. Funding in this instance will also see Schneizel roll to determine how much you get, it could be a single lump sum or a yearly increase. Finally, Schneizel won't be able to outright give you Australia until you can prove that you can handle it, but he can disrupt or 'lose' any potential claims that he knows about. Oh, and if you want Euphemia to be your Diplomacy advisor or Nunnally to be your Knight of Honor, both will
require at least a Critical on Schneizel's part to be available without raising their SL to five.
"Thank you, Lulu." Your sister whispers in your ear as you twirl her about on the dance floor. "I was terribly close to saying something unkind to that woman."
"It's no matter Euphie, she is something of a horror." You confide with a smile that makes her blush. "Besides, I would never have forgiven myself if I had missed the opportunity to ride in like a knight of yore and rescue a princess."
She giggles lightly. "Oh, Lulu, you're a cad."
"Only a bit." You agree with a laugh.
Inwardly, though, you worry. Euphemia had not exactly done
poorly for herself, but she'd made a worrying number of
near-missteps here and there that required your attention. Hopefully her mother and your own will be up to riding herd on Euphie while you and Cornelia are away. If not...
Well, it doesn't bear thinking about.
"At least Nunnally seems to be having fun." Euphie sighs and you run your head a few degrees to watch as she enters the dance floor with Clovis.
"At least he won't step on her feet." You comment idly.
Euphie giggles again. "There is that, big brother Clovis does know how to dance, at least,
and he didn't step on any of my toes when he was learning."
You snort at the faux-glare she sends your way and spin her. "That is more a function of both of us being much younger than him than anything else, Euphie."
Finally, the music ends, and you walk off the dance floor to polite applause.
It is, at least in this area, a pleasant year.
Rewards: Euphemia's SL increases to (3), the Pacifist Princess does not make a fool of herself, Cornelia is satisfied. Increased closeness with the Li Britannia line.