Semper Ad Meliora (Code Geass/Britannian Royalty Quest)

Also...hmm, looks like people are prioritizing Sayoko over trying to get Kallen this turn. Interesting.

Words can genuinely not express how much this saddens me.
If you really want a Stewardship or Diplomacy advisor (you don't actually need a Piety advisor anymore), create a job for them to do. Open up ties that aren't your immediate family and/or start a business for them to run. Properly establishing your fief and getting to the point where you need help running it also works.
Reminder what we need to do to get diplo adviser options.

I'm kind of torn on whether or not to talk with Sayoko. Theoretically, we could do stuff like recruiting Kallen and Milly with our intrigue action, but on the other hand we need to actually develop connections with people to increase our Diplo options, so ultimately that determines it for me in that we really do need to go for an action that isn't talking with Sayoko. Because our Diplo options are crap.

So, with that in mind, who would I propose? Well, I do still want Kallen, but recruiting yet another minion won't push us towards that. So...

[X] Plan: Foreign Connections
-[X] Royal Flight
-[X] Sailor, Soldier
-[X] Entente Cordial
-[X] Keep or Castle

Basically, I do agree with the leading plan, up to the point where I think we really need to create a reason for a diplo adviser. The best shot with that is probably talking to people from other nations. If we can pass that, then needing a diplo adviser to keep in touch with said people sounds like a very realistic goal.

Definitely going to vote to try and get Kallen in the intrigue action though... If nothing else, we really need more minions.
Okay, so it looks like we've got a clear front-runner at this point, however I'm not quite ready to call things yet. So here's a two/three hour warning. Unless something changes drastically, I'll probably be calling the vote then.

Even given that the lead vote has only thirteen on the tally, we've hit thirty votes total which is about the usual I see on this quest outside of highly-disputed ones. So I don't see getting too many more votes at this point.
Adhoc vote count started by Slayer Anderson on Jul 1, 2019 at 8:19 PM, finished with 60 posts and 30 votes.

  • [X] Plan A Solid Foundation
    -[X] Royal Flight
    -[X] Sailor, Soldier
    -[X] Far East Approachment
    -[X] Keep or Castle:
    [X] Plan Red Knight, A.S.
    -[X] Knights & Days
    -[X] Royal Flight
    -[X] Noble Birth
    -[X] Investment Opportunities
    [X] Plan Pirates Hunt: Air Superiority
    -[X] Raise a Unit
    -[X] Royal Flight
    -[X] Translators
    -[X] Resource Scouting
    [X] Plan: Laying the Foundations
    -[X] Cross-Training: The more 'cost-effective' option to raising your own unit. Instead of getting mainline combat troops, you'll be taking the men (and women) you already have and putting your spies through formal military training under Jeanne. Of course, you'll also be picking up a few more men and turn the ones you got last year into officers. This will take your specialists and allow them to be used in regular military operations, not just Intrigue operations. Cost: 300; Upkeep 0; DC: 30; Rewards: Turn your spies into soldier(-spies), broaden their uses. (OCCUPIES SPY UNIT FOR TURN THREE, WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE FOR INTRIGUE OPTIONS)
    -[X] Sailor, Soldier: The navy is no less important than the air force, though still not as glorious as the conquest of land for the empire. After all, one can hardly build impressive structure or erect monuments on water. Still, a battle won is a mighty thing. Cost: 50; Upkeep: 0; DC: 10; Rewards: Learn to captain a ship/Possible Martial Trait/Vary by degree of success.
    -[X] Translators: Hiring a few people who can speak foreign tongues would be a good idea if you intend to go abroad, but do you intend to? Still, having them available if you run into Chinese pirates in Australia, Russian-speaking tribes in Asia, or other odd tongues in odd places might be a good thing, just to cover your bases. Cost: 100; Upkeep: 50; DC: 20; Rewards: Remove any penalty for attempting diplomacy with non-english speaking foreign groups. Potential trait gain.
    -[X] Keep or Castle: You need somewhere to set up shop. Preferably, a very secure base of operation from which to run your general affairs out of before you even start considering sallying forth with a military unit in glorious conquest. Plus, it would help if your mother was no longer able to 'check in on you' while you were conducting meetings. Cost: 750; Upkeep: 300; DC: 20; Rewards: Base of Operations, Potential Bonuses.
    [X] The Knights who Skulk
    -[X] Cross-Training:
    -[X] Royal Flight
    -[X] Noble Birth
    -[X] Keep or Castle:
    [X] Plan Ocean trade
    -[X] Sailor, Soldier
    -[X] Raise a Unit
    -[X] Translators
    -[X] Investment Opportunities
    [X] Plan: Foreign Connections
    -[X] Royal Flight
    -[X] Sailor, Soldier
    -[X] Entente Cordial
    -[X] Keep or Castle:
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I'll consider Slayer giving a heads-up to be the end of the first round. So I'll be doing my own personal run-off.

[X] Plan A Solid Foundation

Winning Vote:

[X] Plan A Solid Foundation
-[X] Royal Flight
-[X] Sailor, Soldier
-[X] Far East Approachment
-[X] Keep or Castle


Royal Flight: 89+19=108 // Crit: 85+9=94
Sailor, Soldier: 33+19=52
Far East Approachment: 88+6=94
Keep or Castle: 85+15=100 // Crit: 69

Adhoc vote count started by Slayer Anderson on Jul 1, 2019 at 10:45 PM, finished with 66 posts and 34 votes.

  • [X] Plan A Solid Foundation
    -[X] Royal Flight
    -[X] Sailor, Soldier
    -[X] Far East Approachment
    -[X] Keep or Castle:
    [X] Plan Red Knight, A.S.
    -[X] Knights & Days
    -[X] Royal Flight
    -[X] Noble Birth
    -[X] Investment Opportunities
    [X] Plan Pirates Hunt: Air Superiority
    -[X] Raise a Unit
    -[X] Royal Flight
    -[X] Translators
    -[X] Resource Scouting
    [X] Plan: Laying the Foundations
    -[X] Cross-Training: The more 'cost-effective' option to raising your own unit. Instead of getting mainline combat troops, you'll be taking the men (and women) you already have and putting your spies through formal military training under Jeanne. Of course, you'll also be picking up a few more men and turn the ones you got last year into officers. This will take your specialists and allow them to be used in regular military operations, not just Intrigue operations. Cost: 300; Upkeep 0; DC: 30; Rewards: Turn your spies into soldier(-spies), broaden their uses. (OCCUPIES SPY UNIT FOR TURN THREE, WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE FOR INTRIGUE OPTIONS)
    -[X] Sailor, Soldier: The navy is no less important than the air force, though still not as glorious as the conquest of land for the empire. After all, one can hardly build impressive structure or erect monuments on water. Still, a battle won is a mighty thing. Cost: 50; Upkeep: 0; DC: 10; Rewards: Learn to captain a ship/Possible Martial Trait/Vary by degree of success.
    -[X] Translators: Hiring a few people who can speak foreign tongues would be a good idea if you intend to go abroad, but do you intend to? Still, having them available if you run into Chinese pirates in Australia, Russian-speaking tribes in Asia, or other odd tongues in odd places might be a good thing, just to cover your bases. Cost: 100; Upkeep: 50; DC: 20; Rewards: Remove any penalty for attempting diplomacy with non-english speaking foreign groups. Potential trait gain.
    -[X] Keep or Castle: You need somewhere to set up shop. Preferably, a very secure base of operation from which to run your general affairs out of before you even start considering sallying forth with a military unit in glorious conquest. Plus, it would help if your mother was no longer able to 'check in on you' while you were conducting meetings. Cost: 750; Upkeep: 300; DC: 20; Rewards: Base of Operations, Potential Bonuses.
    [X] The Knights who Skulk
    -[X] Cross-Training:
    -[X] Royal Flight
    -[X] Noble Birth
    -[X] Keep or Castle:
    [X] Plan Ocean trade
    -[X] Sailor, Soldier
    -[X] Raise a Unit
    -[X] Translators
    -[X] Investment Opportunities
    [X] Plan: Foreign Connections
    -[X] Royal Flight
    -[X] Sailor, Soldier
    -[X] Entente Cordial
    -[X] Keep or Castle:
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Looks like we are a better pilot in the air than the ground. I hope Nunally can't beat us in the sky, Big brother's dignity must be restored.
Looks like we are a better pilot in the air than the ground. I hope Nunally can't beat us in the sky, Big brother's dignity must be restored.
*Nunnally crits five times due to her martial stat*
Nunnally flew in on a jet, which seemed to be counter to her previous dedication to being a knight. However, I realized my mistake when the "jet" transformed into a KMF, plates sliding over one another like a mechanical pupa shedding its skin. Apparently, while I was busy in setting up my base of operations, Nunnally had, for lack of a better word, been tinkering.
Okay, looks like I probably won't get the update out tonight. If you want some spoilers, I've added the stat increases to both Lelouch and Jeanne already for this phase on the front page.

I should have it up tomorrow after I get the 'building the base' portion written up.
Lulu said:
Martial: 13+1-2+2+4 = 18
Diplomacy: 5+1-2+1+1+2 = 8
Intrigue: 14+1+2+1 = 18

The High Ground: +4 Martial. You have found a method of warfare in which you do not simply acquit yourself well, but demonstrate enviable talent.

Clear, Like Water: +2 Diplomacy, +1 Intrigue. In learning the ways of the initiate shinobi, you have found better understanding of human interaction and find yourself better able to predict the emotions and actions of others. Of course, this aids you in doing as they least expect.
Very nice martial trait. We now match Nunnally, for now at least.
And our dip is finally up to being merely bad rather than terrible.

Jeanne said:
Martial: 22
Learning: 10

Land, Sea, & Air: +3 to Martial & Learning. You have learned the arts of war in their totality, expressing competence if not excellence in theory and planning on every battlefield available to you.
Is the Learning stat useful for teaching or just personal improvement and research?
We also increased stewardship by one due to intrigue getting up to 18 (no rounding up for us, sadly).

So stats are coming along nicely, and our Martial Adviser now has a perk relating to a wide variety of martial actions, and we seem to be exceptionally skilled at aspects of the air force, for however long they remain a relevant thing.

I wonder what criting on building our castle will do.
We also increased stewardship by one due to intrigue getting up to 18 (no rounding up for us, sadly).

So stats are coming along nicely, and our Martial Adviser now has a perk relating to a wide variety of martial actions, and we seem to be exceptionally skilled at aspects of the air force, for however long they remain a relevant thing.

I wonder what criting on building our castle will do.
The fact that dear big brother was putting massive amount of money into getting Knightmares airborne in canon should tell you how important aeronautics still are.
The fact that dear big brother was putting massive amount of money into getting Knightmares airborne in canon should tell you how important aeronautics still are.
Indeed, since the invention of even lighter than air craft, their importance to battlefield surveillance and attack has been recognized for centuries and even the... ugh, I'm going to have to say this, aren't I?

Okay, deep breath, "Revolutionary War Machine known as the Knightmare Frame"... I think I threw up a little in my mouth. Ignoring the KMF's stupidity for the sake of cool giant robots, though, air power is and always will be important.

Britannia at large has mixed feelings on the subject given that fighter pilots are "Knights of the Sky," in one way, but they aren't going head-to-head in an honorable clash of skill and power most of the time. The dog-fighter is most praised among the pilots, for that reason, but still doesn't quite measure up to the KMF pilot in prestige and likely won't until ya'know, they build some type of... flying knightmare or something like that.

But what are the odds, right?

If others on the thread still aren't convinced, I direct you to this helpful explanation about why having the highest 'ground' available is extremely important.

KMFs are "real" robots. Oversimplified, they're meant to be cool breaks from the war story being told.

Honestly, realistic warfare scenes and awesome action scenes only have a small overlap after factoring out fisticuffs.