Also...hmm, looks like people are prioritizing Sayoko over trying to get Kallen this turn. Interesting.
Words can genuinely not express how much this saddens me.
Reminder what we need to do to get diplo adviser options.If you really want a Stewardship or Diplomacy advisor (you don't actually need a Piety advisor anymore), create a job for them to do. Open up ties that aren't your immediate family and/or start a business for them to run. Properly establishing your fief and getting to the point where you need help running it also works.
I'm kind of torn on whether or not to talk with Sayoko. Theoretically, we could do stuff like recruiting Kallen and Milly with our intrigue action, but on the other hand we need to actually develop connections with people to increase our Diplo options, so ultimately that determines it for me in that we really do need to go for an action that isn't talking with Sayoko. Because our Diplo options are crap.
So, with that in mind, who would I propose? Well, I do still want Kallen, but recruiting yet another minion won't push us towards that. So...
[X] Plan: Foreign Connections
-[X] Royal Flight
-[X] Sailor, Soldier
-[X] Entente Cordial
-[X] Keep or Castle
Basically, I do agree with the leading plan, up to the point where I think we really need to create a reason for a diplo adviser. The best shot with that is probably talking to people from other nations. If we can pass that, then needing a diplo adviser to keep in touch with said people sounds like a very realistic goal.
Definitely going to vote to try and get Kallen in the intrigue action though... If nothing else, we really need more minions.