Interesting options.
I note that it is described as the 'cost-effective' option. This is because it is a cheap but terrible option. Specialists are specialists for a reason. At best we drain our intrigue unit of manpower. At worst we try to train a single unit to do two wildly different roles.
Keep or Castle
The GM could not be more explicit, if we want more advisors we need a base.
Far East Approachment
Martial arts, probably some psi tricks, endless general sneakiness. Lots of goodies here if we had the action economy for it.
We currently have 850 net income. A base and a unit take 500 of that, 600 if we go for the knights. So ultimately we have the choice of preping to go on a campaign (which would have to be the land based one) or building up our holdings and character.
Looking at the current plans I wouldn't be averse to 'Plan Red Knight, A.S.' winning but I shall present an alternative.
[X] Plan A Solid Foundation
-[X] Royal Flight
-[X] Sailor, Soldier
-[X] Far East Approachment
-[X] Keep or Castle
Basically build a Castle and don't spend money. We would then spend next turn getting some income back and raising a unit before attacking Australia on turn 5.