I understand the temptation to be clever, but Plan Carmen Sandiego isn't. It insults the Samnites by moving the temple (which realistically achieves precisely nothing because the volcanic pools are still there, and form a focus of worship even in the absence of a physical temple) and then compounds this by allowing a group of Samnites to return to their homes while feeling that they haven't really been beaten by Rome. (All this assuming it even works, which I very much doubt).

I don't know. It might have been shown off screen, but armies in this period were reading entrails to decide whether to engage or not. I don't see the Samnites randomly worshipping this pool without proper rites and instructions. They risk the wrath of the gods.
I don't know. It might have been shown off screen, but armies in this period were reading entrails to decide whether to engage or not. I don't see the Samnites randomly worshipping this pool without proper rites and instructions. They risk the wrath of the gods.

Even assuming that there are no other members of the clergy in all of Samnium (I know that the update says that the priestess is the last, but I'm reading that as the last in the town), it's far more the fact that we would be leaving a highly visible metaphorical hole where there should be a temple. Even if we just carry off the sacred implements, that's really just going to look like looting the temple to the Samnites.

If we're serious about making citizens of the Samnites, we should be looking to ease the transition, and that means showing respect for their religion, where practical.
Sorry for the mass tag guys, but I don't want to alter the plan without consulting with those voting for it. Would you object to changing from minimal to medium looting? I'm coming around to the idea that the plan as is is too lenient, and it would probably help with managing the cohort.
I would prefer light looting because I want to get our attack underway ASAP, but I'm willing to go with medium looting.
Even assuming that there are no other members of the clergy in all of Samnium (I know that the update says that the priestess is the last, but I'm reading that as the last in the town), it's far more the fact that we would be leaving a highly visible metaphorical hole where there should be a temple. Even if we just carry off the sacred implements, that's really just going to look like looting the temple to the Samnites.

If we're serious about making citizens of the Samnites, we should be looking to ease the transition, and that means showing respect for their religion, where practical.

I see your point about taking the temple's sacred implements being seen as looting anyway. I think taking the priestess should suffice.

I can agree with Open hand generally, but we need more than just local assurance of their submission. A few key hostages should suffice or taking of all or (or some )agricultural equipment, damaging said equipment or the slaughtering a third of their livestock.


I do not agree that we should leave them to our rear and that they are sufficiently humbled.
I see your point about taking the temple's sacred implements being seen as looting anyway. I think taking the priestess should suffice.

I can agree with Open hand generally, but we need more than just local assurance of their submission. A few key hostages should suffice or taking of all or (or some )agricultural equipment, damaging said equipment or the slaughtering a third of their livestock.


I do not agree that we should leave them to our rear and that they are sufficiently humbled.

That's why we're attacking Aeclanum, where pretty much all their living fighting men are. Break them there and thoroughly sack the town, and we've demonstrated both the futility of resisting Rome and that submission is not necessarily the extinction of Samnite culture. We'll also have killed the vast majority of the potential troublemakers in the area.


In any case, this is a nice segue.

I am altering Plan Sulla Redux to involve a heavier level of looting, in the interests of punishing the locals for killing our messenger, keeping our men happy and motivated, and removing resources that the locals could use to remobilise behind us.
Last edited:
That's why we're attacking Aeclanum, where pretty much all their living fighting men are. Break them there and thoroughly sack the town, and we've demonstrated both the futility of resisting Rome and that submission is not necessarily the extinction of Samnite culture. We'll also have killed the vast majority of the potential troublemakers in the area.


In any case, this is a nice segue.

I am altering Plan Sulla Redux to involve a heavier level of looting, in the interests of punishing the locals for killing our messenger, preventing mutiny, and removing resources that the locals could use to remobilise behind us.

In that case,

[X] Plan Sulla Redux
I still favor Carmen Sandiego, but I can live with Sulla Redux.

Good luck worshipping properly without the priesthood or an actual temple, though. And that's assuming that the pools don't become the site of a Roman temple afterwards.

Remember, the forms of worship matter a lot at this point in history. Some random schmuck trying to carry out a ceremony they don't know and don't have the tools for would be considered as likely to insult the object of worship as to propitiate them.
If I didn't feel like the vote complexity would be ridiculous I'd say something like "establish a new temple of Mephitis on the site of the pools with a Roman priest(ess) of the goddess, while moving the big fancy stuff to Rome." I mean, Mephitis is worshipped in Rome, so that's doable.
@UbeOne , @Azurath , @Undead Martyr, @The Sandman , @Chacmon ...

What do you think about dropping "Swords for Plowshares" from Carmen Sandiego? It's fair to point out that it'll slow us down and be a wonky gambit, plus it sounds like we're unlikely to be actively outnumbered at Aeclanum after all, so we don't need it as much.

I still like "Grand Theft Religion" as a concept, but Swords for Plowshares" may be a bridge too far.

EDIT: "Swords for Plowshares" would be traded for "An Open Hand," I figure.
Last edited:
[X] Plan Samnite Wank
- [X] Cohors Peditata
- [X] Victor Over Death
- [X] Loot as much as each man can carry
- [X] An Open Hand
- [X] Attack!

Vote plan Samnite Wank you great horde of plebians! I have chosen Cohors Peditata since they are a nice middle path. While still Roman they will give us a chance to mold and sculpt some young legionnaires into shape. They also give us a chance to be a proper leader. While the veterans of the Cohors Elitium might lead us more than we lead them these young men will look to us for guidance and thus we will gain even greater glory when we inevitably triumph.

By killing the Priestess but not destroying the Temple we will avoid the curses of the gods while crushing the spirit of the Samnite people. It's a great middle ground between barbary and more barbary.

We should loot as much as the men can carry in order to maintain discipline and keep the men in good order for the coming attack. It should also give the soldiers a taste of what they can take should we seize the next town and thus they will fight even harder.

The Samnites should be allowed to keep their homes since they are no longer have the means to pose much threat to us. If we mean to tame them then we cannot kill them all..just most of them.

Finally, we must attack and show these outnumbered Samnites the true might of the Roman legions! Forward brothers!
What do you think about dropping "Swords for Plowshares" from Carmen Sandiego? It's fair to point out that it'll slow us down and be a wonky gambit, plus it sounds like we're unlikely to be actively outnumbered at Aeclanum after all, so we don't need it s" may be a bridge too far.

I think that the beginning of our career is the best time for a wonky gambit or two, if only to see how such things pan out and then learn from our mistakes, or succes.
In any case it doesn,t seem like it will be much of a problem even if it fails, just order some survivors from the next town to carry it back with the corpses of this towns men. They will exchange swords for plowshares either way :)
In his defence, I'm pretty sure she's only the last surviving priestess in Aequum Tuticum, not necessarily in all of Samnium. It is apparently a fairly major cult down there, after all. I would be very surprised if there wasn't at least a handful of others scattered about.
In his defence, I'm pretty sure she's only the last surviving priestess in Aequum Tuticum, not necessarily in all of Samnium. It is apparently a fairly major cult down there, after all. I would be very surprised if there wasn't at least a handful of others scattered about.

The religion has many adherents and preachers, but she is the last trained priestess of that temple and holy place. Kind of like how even though there are pagan priests today, they don't compare to the ancient druids (whom the Romans, incidentally, killed).
In his defence, I'm pretty sure she's only the last surviving priestess in Aequum Tuticum, not necessarily in all of Samnium. It is apparently a fairly major cult down there, after all. I would be very surprised if there wasn't at least a handful of others scattered about.

Sure, but Apollo had a lot of priests, and they had a lot of daughters, and he still struck the Achaeans with a plague when Agamemnon kidnapped one daughter of one priest and wouldn't ransom her back.

Similarly, being a priest is one of the few ways to gain sacrosanct status from violence in Roman society- because, again, it's assumed that killing them will incur the displeasure of the gods. Soldiers may be willing to take that risk in battle (e.g. the killing of the other priestesses, who took up arms during the battle for Aequum Tuticum), but that doesn't mean they (or we) wouldn't worry about the consequences of doing it in cold blood.

Certainly it wouldn't be reasonable to advertise killing a priestess as a way of avoiding divine wrath. If that's Quintus' primary concern, he should be sparing the priestess and going with "Mercy" or maybe "Captured Gods." All the other options seem likely to incur divine wrath, it's just a question of how much divine wrath.
Sure, but Apollo had a lot of priests, and they had a lot of daughters, and he still struck the Achaeans with a plague when Agamemnon kidnapped one daughter of one priest and wouldn't ransom her back.

Similarly, being a priest is one of the few ways to gain sacrosanct status from violence in Roman society- because, again, it's assumed that killing them will incur the displeasure of the gods. Soldiers may be willing to take that risk in battle (e.g. the killing of the other priestesses, who took up arms during the battle for Aequum Tuticum), but that doesn't mean they (or we) wouldn't worry about the consequences of doing it in cold blood.

Certainly it wouldn't be reasonable to advertise killing a priestess as a way of avoiding divine wrath. If that's Quintus' primary concern, he should be sparing the priestess and going with "Mercy" or maybe "Captured Gods." All the other options seem likely to incur divine wrath, it's just a question of how much divine wrath.

Oh, I know. I'm not an advocate for executing her, just offering a potential justification for doing so. And I'm apparently incorrect in my reasoning.
This seems like a great quest.

[X] Plan Carmen Sandiego

*Religion Yoink*

Edit: Whatever happened to Byzantium Quest?
Adhoc vote count started by Temes1066 on Mar 1, 2018 at 11:24 PM, finished with 110 posts and 30 votes.

  • [X] Plan Sulla Redux
    - [X] Cohors Primus
    - [X] Mercy
    - [X] Loot most of the town's wealth, leaving some few funds and the most hidden valuables behind. They will not be destitute, but they certainly won't be rich, either.
    - [X] An Open Hand
    - [X] You decide to launch an attack on Aeclanum, preparing the cohort to strike at a well-defended position. This, while not a true siege -- as Aeclanum has no walls worth mentioning -- will still be a battle of some note, your first such should you choose to strike.
    [X] Plan Carmen Sandiego
    - [X] Cohors Primus
    - [X] Loot most of the town's wealth.
    - [X] Attack
    - [X] Write-In: Swords For Plowshares. Leave the ruined town as it is, and set most of the people free. Confiscate the plows and draft animals. Bring a few Tuticans with the cohort on the march to Aeclanum. Through them, inform the Tutican militia that we'll let them return home in peace and return their farming implements if they stand down and hand over their weapons. With the spring planting season coming up, it's a tempting choice.
    - [X] Write-In: Captured Gods. You show the priestess the mercy of Rome, sparing her order and her life- but on your terms. You order the men under your command to gather up the sacred artifacts and idols of the Grey Lady carefully, returning anything they have taken from the temple precincts. The goddess Mephitis will be honored- in Rome. Her temple will be taken apart and relocated. Visellia Mertia can take up the task of re-establishing her order with Scaevola.
    [X] Plan Fidelis Constans​
    - [X] Court-Martial​
    - [X] A Social War​
    - [X] Coin Is Mightier Than The Sword​
    - [X] The Left Hand Strays​
    - [X] The Legate​
    - [X] The Old Teacher​
    [X] Swift Justice
    -[X] Cohors Peditata
    -[X] Write-In: Captured Gods. You show the priestess the mercy of Rome, sparing her order and her life- but on your terms. You order the men under your command to gather up the sacred artifacts and idols of the Grey Lady carefully, returning anything they have taken from the temple precincts. The goddess Mephitis will be honored- in Rome. Her temple will be taken apart and relocated. Visellia Mertia can take up the task of re-establishing her order with Scaevola.
    -[X] Allow them to loot as much as each man can carry
    -[X] An Open Hand
    -[X] Attack
    [X] Plan: A different approach
    - [X] Cohors Primus
    - [X] Write-in: Compromise
    - [X] Loot most of the town's wealth, leaving some few funds and the most hidden valuables behind. They will not be destitute, but they certainly won't be rich, either.
    - [X] Write-in: Velvet Glove
    - [X] You decide to launch an attack on Aeclanum, preparing the cohort to strike at a well-defended position. This, while not a true siege -- as Aeclanum has no walls worth mentioning -- will still be a battle of some note, your first such should you choose to strike.
    [X] Swift Justice
    [X] Plan Middle Income Trap
    - [X] Cohors Primus
    - [X] Mercy
    - [X] Loot most of the town's wealth, leaving some few funds and the most hidden valuables behind. They will not be destitute, but they certainly won't be rich, either.
    - [X] An Open Hand
    - [X] You decide to launch an attack on Aeclanum, preparing the cohort to strike at a well-defended position. This, while not a true siege -- as Aeclanum has no walls worth mentioning -- will still be a battle of some note, your first such should you choose to strike.
    [X] Plan Samnite Wank
    - [X] Cohors Peditata
    - [X] Victor Over Death
    - [X] Loot as much as each man can carry
    - [X] An Open Hand
    - [X] Attack
Last edited:
[X] Plan Carmen Sandiego

A very Roman plan. Strong handed, coercive, leaves them no choice anyway but to romanize their very symbols of identity if they want to keep any of it.
[X] Plan Sulla Redux
Adhoc vote count started by Japanime on Mar 2, 2018 at 5:55 AM, finished with 114 posts and 34 votes.

  • [X] Plan Sulla Redux
    - [X] Cohors Primus
    - [X] Mercy
    - [X] Loot most of the town's wealth, leaving some few funds and the most hidden valuables behind. They will not be destitute, but they certainly won't be rich, either.
    - [X] An Open Hand
    - [X] You decide to launch an attack on Aeclanum, preparing the cohort to strike at a well-defended position. This, while not a true siege -- as Aeclanum has no walls worth mentioning -- will still be a battle of some note, your first such should you choose to strike.
    [X] Plan Carmen Sandiego
    - [X] Cohors Primus
    - [X] Loot most of the town's wealth.
    - [X] Attack
    - [X] Write-In: Swords For Plowshares. Leave the ruined town as it is, and set most of the people free. Confiscate the plows and draft animals. Bring a few Tuticans with the cohort on the march to Aeclanum. Through them, inform the Tutican militia that we'll let them return home in peace and return their farming implements if they stand down and hand over their weapons. With the spring planting season coming up, it's a tempting choice.
    - [X] Write-In: Captured Gods. You show the priestess the mercy of Rome, sparing her order and her life- but on your terms. You order the men under your command to gather up the sacred artifacts and idols of the Grey Lady carefully, returning anything they have taken from the temple precincts. The goddess Mephitis will be honored- in Rome. Her temple will be taken apart and relocated. Visellia Mertia can take up the task of re-establishing her order with Scaevola.
    [X] Plan Fidelis Constans​
    - [X] Court-Martial​
    - [X] A Social War​
    - [X] Coin Is Mightier Than The Sword​
    - [X] The Left Hand Strays​
    - [X] The Legate​
    - [X] The Old Teacher​
    [X] Swift Justice
    -[X] Cohors Peditata
    -[X] Write-In: Captured Gods. You show the priestess the mercy of Rome, sparing her order and her life- but on your terms. You order the men under your command to gather up the sacred artifacts and idols of the Grey Lady carefully, returning anything they have taken from the temple precincts. The goddess Mephitis will be honored- in Rome. Her temple will be taken apart and relocated. Visellia Mertia can take up the task of re-establishing her order with Scaevola.
    -[X] Allow them to loot as much as each man can carry
    -[X] An Open Hand
    -[X] Attack
    [X] Plan: A different approach
    - [X] Cohors Primus
    - [X] Write-in: Compromise
    - [X] Loot most of the town's wealth, leaving some few funds and the most hidden valuables behind. They will not be destitute, but they certainly won't be rich, either.
    - [X] Write-in: Velvet Glove
    - [X] You decide to launch an attack on Aeclanum, preparing the cohort to strike at a well-defended position. This, while not a true siege -- as Aeclanum has no walls worth mentioning -- will still be a battle of some note, your first such should you choose to strike.
    [X] Swift Justice
    [X] Plan Middle Income Trap
    - [X] Cohors Primus
    - [X] Mercy
    - [X] Loot most of the town's wealth, leaving some few funds and the most hidden valuables behind. They will not be destitute, but they certainly won't be rich, either.
    - [X] An Open Hand
    - [X] You decide to launch an attack on Aeclanum, preparing the cohort to strike at a well-defended position. This, while not a true siege -- as Aeclanum has no walls worth mentioning -- will still be a battle of some note, your first such should you choose to strike.
    [X] Plan Samnite Wank
    - [X] Cohors Peditata
    - [X] Victor Over Death
    - [X] Loot as much as each man can carry
    - [X] An Open Hand
    - [X] Attack

Adhoc vote count started by Japanime on Mar 3, 2018 at 11:08 PM, finished with 160 posts and 45 votes.

  • [X] Plan Sulla Redux
    - [X] Cohors Primus
    - [X] Mercy
    - [X] Loot most of the town's wealth, leaving some few funds and the most hidden valuables behind. They will not be destitute, but they certainly won't be rich, either.
    - [X] An Open Hand
    - [X] You decide to launch an attack on Aeclanum, preparing the cohort to strike at a well-defended position. This, while not a true siege -- as Aeclanum has no walls worth mentioning -- will still be a battle of some note, your first such should you choose to strike.
    [X] Plan Carmen Sandiego
    - [X] Cohors Primus
    - [X] Loot most of the town's wealth.
    - [X] Attack
    - [X] Write-In: Swords For Plowshares. Leave the ruined town as it is, and set most of the people free. Confiscate the plows and draft animals. Bring a few Tuticans with the cohort on the march to Aeclanum. Through them, inform the Tutican militia that we'll let them return home in peace and return their farming implements if they stand down and hand over their weapons. With the spring planting season coming up, it's a tempting choice.
    - [X] Write-In: Captured Gods. You show the priestess the mercy of Rome, sparing her order and her life- but on your terms. You order the men under your command to gather up the sacred artifacts and idols of the Grey Lady carefully, returning anything they have taken from the temple precincts. The goddess Mephitis will be honored- in Rome. Her temple will be taken apart and relocated. Visellia Mertia can take up the task of re-establishing her order with Scaevola, as she will be compelled to make an extended stay in Rome to supervise its re-establishment.
    [X] Plan Fidelis Constans​
    - [X] Court-Martial​
    - [X] A Social War​
    - [X] Coin Is Mightier Than The Sword​
    - [X] The Left Hand Strays​
    - [X] The Legate​
    - [X] The Old Teacher​
    [X] Plan: A different approach
    - [X] Cohors Primus
    - [X] Write-in: Compromise
    - [X] Loot most of the town's wealth, leaving some few funds and the most hidden valuables behind. They will not be destitute, but they certainly won't be rich, either.
    - [X] Write-in: Velvet Glove
    - [X] You decide to launch an attack on Aeclanum, preparing the cohort to strike at a well-defended position. This, while not a true siege -- as Aeclanum has no walls worth mentioning -- will still be a battle of some note, your first such should you choose to strike.
    [X] Swift Justice
    [X] Plan Middle Income Trap
    - [X] Cohors Primus
    - [X] Mercy
    - [X] Loot most of the town's wealth, leaving some few funds and the most hidden valuables behind. They will not be destitute, but they certainly won't be rich, either.
    - [X] An Open Hand
    - [X] You decide to launch an attack on Aeclanum, preparing the cohort to strike at a well-defended position. This, while not a true siege -- as Aeclanum has no walls worth mentioning -- will still be a battle of some note, your first such should you choose to strike.
    [X] Plan Samnite Wank
    - [X] Cohors Peditata
    - [X] Victor Over Death
    - [X] Loot as much as each man can carry
    - [X] An Open Hand
    - [X] Attack

Adhoc vote count started by Japanime on Mar 4, 2018 at 10:19 AM, finished with 162 posts and 47 votes.

  • [X] Plan Sulla Redux
    - [X] Cohors Primus
    - [X] Mercy
    - [X] Loot most of the town's wealth, leaving some few funds and the most hidden valuables behind. They will not be destitute, but they certainly won't be rich, either.
    - [X] An Open Hand
    - [X] You decide to launch an attack on Aeclanum, preparing the cohort to strike at a well-defended position. This, while not a true siege -- as Aeclanum has no walls worth mentioning -- will still be a battle of some note, your first such should you choose to strike.
    [X] Plan Carmen Sandiego
    - [X] Cohors Primus
    - [X] Loot most of the town's wealth.
    - [X] Attack
    - [X] Write-In: Swords For Plowshares. Leave the ruined town as it is, and set most of the people free. Confiscate the plows and draft animals. Bring a few Tuticans with the cohort on the march to Aeclanum. Through them, inform the Tutican militia that we'll let them return home in peace and return their farming implements if they stand down and hand over their weapons. With the spring planting season coming up, it's a tempting choice.
    - [X] Write-In: Captured Gods. You show the priestess the mercy of Rome, sparing her order and her life- but on your terms. You order the men under your command to gather up the sacred artifacts and idols of the Grey Lady carefully, returning anything they have taken from the temple precincts. The goddess Mephitis will be honored- in Rome. Her temple will be taken apart and relocated. Visellia Mertia can take up the task of re-establishing her order with Scaevola, as she will be compelled to make an extended stay in Rome to supervise its re-establishment.
    [X] Plan Fidelis Constans​
    - [X] Court-Martial​
    - [X] A Social War​
    - [X] Coin Is Mightier Than The Sword​
    - [X] The Left Hand Strays​
    - [X] The Legate​
    - [X] The Old Teacher​
    [X] Plan: A different approach
    - [X] Cohors Primus
    - [X] Write-in: Compromise
    - [X] Loot most of the town's wealth, leaving some few funds and the most hidden valuables behind. They will not be destitute, but they certainly won't be rich, either.
    - [X] Write-in: Velvet Glove
    - [X] You decide to launch an attack on Aeclanum, preparing the cohort to strike at a well-defended position. This, while not a true siege -- as Aeclanum has no walls worth mentioning -- will still be a battle of some note, your first such should you choose to strike.
    [X] Swift Justice
    [X] Plan Middle Income Trap
    - [X] Cohors Primus
    - [X] Mercy
    - [X] Loot most of the town's wealth, leaving some few funds and the most hidden valuables behind. They will not be destitute, but they certainly won't be rich, either.
    - [X] An Open Hand
    - [X] You decide to launch an attack on Aeclanum, preparing the cohort to strike at a well-defended position. This, while not a true siege -- as Aeclanum has no walls worth mentioning -- will still be a battle of some note, your first such should you choose to strike.
    [X] Plan Samnite Wank
    - [X] Cohors Peditata
    - [X] Victor Over Death
    - [X] Loot as much as each man can carry
    - [X] An Open Hand
    - [X] Attack

Adhoc vote count started by Japanime on Mar 5, 2018 at 11:27 PM, finished with 164 posts and 49 votes.

  • [X] Plan Sulla Redux
    - [X] Cohors Primus
    - [X] Mercy
    - [X] Loot most of the town's wealth, leaving some few funds and the most hidden valuables behind. They will not be destitute, but they certainly won't be rich, either.
    - [X] An Open Hand
    - [X] You decide to launch an attack on Aeclanum, preparing the cohort to strike at a well-defended position. This, while not a true siege -- as Aeclanum has no walls worth mentioning -- will still be a battle of some note, your first such should you choose to strike.
    [X] Plan Carmen Sandiego
    - [X] Cohors Primus
    - [X] Loot most of the town's wealth.
    - [X] Attack
    - [X] Write-In: Swords For Plowshares. Leave the ruined town as it is, and set most of the people free. Confiscate the plows and draft animals. Bring a few Tuticans with the cohort on the march to Aeclanum. Through them, inform the Tutican militia that we'll let them return home in peace and return their farming implements if they stand down and hand over their weapons. With the spring planting season coming up, it's a tempting choice.
    - [X] Write-In: Captured Gods. You show the priestess the mercy of Rome, sparing her order and her life- but on your terms. You order the men under your command to gather up the sacred artifacts and idols of the Grey Lady carefully, returning anything they have taken from the temple precincts. The goddess Mephitis will be honored- in Rome. Her temple will be taken apart and relocated. Visellia Mertia can take up the task of re-establishing her order with Scaevola, as she will be compelled to make an extended stay in Rome to supervise its re-establishment.
    [X] Plan Fidelis Constans​
    - [X] Court-Martial​
    - [X] A Social War​
    - [X] Coin Is Mightier Than The Sword​
    - [X] The Left Hand Strays​
    - [X] The Legate​
    - [X] The Old Teacher​
    [X] Plan: A different approach
    - [X] Cohors Primus
    - [X] Write-in: Compromise
    - [X] Loot most of the town's wealth, leaving some few funds and the most hidden valuables behind. They will not be destitute, but they certainly won't be rich, either.
    - [X] Write-in: Velvet Glove
    - [X] You decide to launch an attack on Aeclanum, preparing the cohort to strike at a well-defended position. This, while not a true siege -- as Aeclanum has no walls worth mentioning -- will still be a battle of some note, your first such should you choose to strike.
    [X] Swift Justice
    [X] Plan Middle Income Trap
    - [X] Cohors Primus
    - [X] Mercy
    - [X] Loot most of the town's wealth, leaving some few funds and the most hidden valuables behind. They will not be destitute, but they certainly won't be rich, either.
    - [X] An Open Hand
    - [X] You decide to launch an attack on Aeclanum, preparing the cohort to strike at a well-defended position. This, while not a true siege -- as Aeclanum has no walls worth mentioning -- will still be a battle of some note, your first such should you choose to strike.
    [X] Plan Samnite Wank
    - [X] Cohors Peditata
    - [X] Victor Over Death
    - [X] Loot as much as each man can carry
    - [X] An Open Hand
    - [X] Attack