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Quests Archive

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A MLP Infection AU Quest.
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You are part of a cult. In Equestria. What started out as a very interesting book club meeting finally crossed "that" threshold when you realized the ceremonial knife on the wall wasn't just ornamental. But by then, you had already started agreeing with their point of view. The only thing you DO miss though is that you no longer join into the singing whenever it breaks out in the streets.
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Take on the role of the boss's new advisor hopefully you won't wind up like the last one.
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Successor (by default, sadly) to the well acclaimed Who Needs Harmony by Questor, handle the affairs of state in a post-post apocalyptic fantasy world.
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Can you keep the morale of those you watch over from going down the drain or will you be washed away Commissar?
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The misadventures of Loyal List, Queen Nightmare Moon's most loyal cultist subject. For Her Moon to rise, the Sun must first fall, and it is your destiny to help that descent.
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Equestria. Land of magic, friendship and ponies. A paradise of colorful landscapes, friendly...
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MC dies in his sleep and is reincarnated as a Changeling. Who reincarnated him? Well, that'd be a spoiler.
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A Quest about five hilariously awful ponies in the sugar bowl utopia of Ponyville, and their quests for petty self-gratification, their nonsense traditions, and their extreme egotism.
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MLP:FiM Jumpchain Inspired Quest
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Help guide a fledgling AI as it maneuvers an unfamiliar environment and tries to find its place in the multiverse. Also, sell highly-advanced weaponry to an unsuspecting universe.
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A/N: Hello all, and welcome to a new quest! This is co-written between me and Frostbyte. We’ve...
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The hammer of time ever strikes the anvil of the world, and none escape its shaping. The old empires are gone, leaving only ruins and stories; the gods and legends of times past are dead or have grown old and complacent. Our story starts in the long-dead ruins of the ancient First Empire, and the decaying corpses of many more pale imitations. There is no preeminent power here; even smaller states have fallen to the ages. In many ways, the civilized races of the continent are starting...
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New Moon Rising (A Trixie Quest) Scenes dance through your mind as you slumber. '...Remember...
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You screwed up. Greatly. It was the same day as always. The birds by the garden serenaded the...
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You haven't spread your wings in so long. You're cold, and in a tunnel. Still groggy, you...
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It all happened so suddenly. You were teaching your little brother Rumble some tricks when a...
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Your heart pitters and patters, sounding much louder than it’s supposed to. The cold air of the...
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The day was shaping up to be the best day in your life. The nobles were much more subdued than...
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You are Starlight Glimmer, and you have come into a dreadful realization of how much the world...
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You are Blueblood, the head of the greatest noble family in Equestria, nephew of the ruler of...
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You are Sunset Shimmer, and two years ago, you’ve made the biggest mistake in your entire life...
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Yes, That right. You play Lover-Stealer herself [/SPOILER] An You are Unreformed Queen...
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I’m a fan of CK2 style dynasty quests, so I decided to put together one that incorporates a few...
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