The Windrose Agency: We Are Your Friends (MLP Organization Quest)

[X] Plan Operation Consolidate

Enough local actions to establish a hoof-hold, but more focus on getting us income. as the summary for Detrot said - money goes a long way in this city.
[X] Thestrals—A Helping Hoof
[X] The Big Ponies:

Focus on the pony's in the area that we can help. WE are in a bad enough position right now that not putting actions towards fixing it could very well lead to this quest dying out before it even starts really.

[X] Training Agents
[X] Cleaning Crime Crowing Criminals:

Getting more agents and then having those agents go out and quell the more dangerous parts of the city.

[X] Business Deals
[X] Safehouse:

Money in for us that also improves the entire city and another action that basically helps out the entire city. Overall we are putting our self solidly into position to take over the city either outright or from the shadows.

[X] Lookie Here

We could use the assistance in taking down the organized gangs and such.

[X] Mage Training:

We don't have any decent enchantments yet and frankly we need some kind of edge over the common street thug and magic can easily be that edge.

[X] Lighter, Sleeker, Better:

Armor... because we kind of need that right now. Its also providing the most income. So win-win.

[X] Spy Quest

The sooner we pick up multiple actions in each category the better off we will be. And I don't want to roll terribly and die from the adventure one.
[X] Plan Subtle Consolidation

I like Plan Operation Consolidate. I'm pretty much all for it with the exception of wanting Agents instead of Recruits.

[X] Thestrals—A Helping Hoof

Why wouldn't we want these guys back?! Get us some grateful threstrals! Let them laud us a hero! And get us Midnight Blossom!

[X] The Big Ponies

Connections, connections, connections. It's basic diplomacy. We meet and greet and make sure we don't get shanked because someone saw us an arrogant little upstart or something.

[X] Training Agents

Right now, Windrose Agency is still pretty young. We don't need a large force gaining attention, we can do that later when were more secure. Getting the agents who are better than the hoofpony squad in every way (except armor, which is the same for both) would draw less attention and give us harder hitters.

[X] Cleaning Crime Crowing Criminals

Yes! Get some xp! Also some renown, I guess. Cleaning up the streets will most likely get us attention we can ill afford. But that lovely experience for the's too hard to say no.

[X] Donations

Money makes the world go 'round.

[X] Business Deals


[X] State of Secrecy

Really want the rumour mill but it's best to ensure that we are as well defended as we can get from infiltrators from the get go

[X] Enchanting Workshop

Time to open up shop!

[X] Lighter, Sleeker, Better

Armor is important! Also I want our better armor back. Also, more research income if we succeed!

[X] Meddling Princess

Yes! Social link with mama tia Tia!
so on the weighing in on the Agents vs Squad I think that agents are better for us as even without numbers we will have quality and we are going to be fighting less in the open as an army and more as small squads raiding objectives and skirmishes.
Regarding the outdated armor, didn't they use much better armor in the alt-timeline where Equestria was mobilized for war? I'd be willing to bet that the armor that we see the guards usually wearing is primarily ceremonial.
Regarding the outdated armor, didn't they use much better armor in the alt-timeline where Equestria was mobilized for war? I'd be willing to bet that the armor that we see the guards usually wearing is primarily ceremonial.
That was after years of war, mind you. Probably after the inadequacies were rather painfully pointed out in the form of corpses.
Turn 1.1
Turn 1—Result

After grueling months of handling paperworks, and watching the bits vanishing from your vault, finally, you are done. Windrose Agency, a fitting name for an organization you're now leading—at least if you die, it would under be a perfectly good name—, is located under a hastily built mansion somewhere in between the rich and poor part of Detrot. You would need to expand in the future, but as it is now, it's good enough of a foundation. There's no Middle part, because that's how bad Detrot is.

To be honest, you're still unsure why you picked Detrot in the first place. You could've picked other places. Places that, at least, won't endanger your life. Places where you don't need to be wary of Supernatural Creatures and the Ponies. Places that you could rest. Ponies call it reckless, and if your Grandfather knows, and he's not in coma, he would probably punch you and call you foolish, before falling into a heart attack.

Perhaps it's the challenge? Perhaps it's for something new? Perhaps it's because of some sort of hidden nationalism inside you where you want to make Detrot great again? Like some overly-zealous politicians with a gelled orange hair.

Regardless of your reasons, here you are, sitting on the Head Chair of the Conference Room. Surrounding the large round table before you, five of your carefully and expensively—especially the ex-private detective—chosen heads of your departments sit in their own respective chairs. The air is slightly tense. Probably not helped by Shining's not-so-subtle glaring at you. He's probably not happy for hiring Private Eye. Meh.

Well, at least, you think with a wry grin, Auntie was kind enough to send us few cavalries. Said cavalries sre in the form of four Experienced Agent Squads, even if you know some form of it was caused because of your assumed suicidal location of Windrose Agency. 4 Agent (Experienced +1) Squads.

And at least she has also assigned some budget to you. 250 Crown Income Gained.

"Well then," you say, finally breaking the silence with an easy smile. They pay rapt attention to you as you lean forward on the table, propping and crossing your forelegs together. Admittedly, you didn't consider if they would work well when you recruited them. Ah, well. "Welcome to Windrose Agency. Let's start this meetting."

You are Blueblood, and you're going to Survive this mess.

Treasury: 1000

Income: 250

Upkeep: 0

Diplomacy: Taking charge of Windrose's relationships with other factions and the such is none other but you; Blueblood the Head Diplomat. It... sounds better in your head, seriously. Choose 2 (We Are Your Friends: Grants Bonus +10 in Diplomacy Actions)

[] Thestrals—A Helping Hoof: Thestral, informally known as Batpony because of their resemblance of the eponymous mammal, is perhaps the most jarring example that Equestria is not all flowers and rainbows. They are scorned. They are feared. They are discriminated. They are treated lower than dogs. And in your own eyes, you can see their desperation growing with each year pass by. They are starting to look less like a sapient being and more a cornered and shoved animal trying to survive; a volcano just about to burst—slowly degrading into labels which society has decided to plaster upon them: Animals. Fortunately, you now have the power to help them, and you need to help them before it's too late. Cost: 0. Time: 1 Year. Chance of Success: 80%. Upkeep: 0. Reward: Information on the Thestral. Contact with the Thestrals.

Rolled: 45 + 10(We Are Your Friends) + 35(Dragontrapper's Omake) = 90 Success!

Contacting the Thestral is the trickiest part of this all. For one, you don't know who to contact, and for two, you're not even sure if they even have a representative to begin with. So in the end, you do the next best thing you could think off.

You contacted all of them.

Well, not all of them, of course. That would be ridiculous. To be true, you just sent several letters regarding a request for a meeting to discuss the future of Thestrals to several Thestrals in the big cities and hope for the best. You made sure to make it as unthreatening as you could. Though you're not sure if it's enough. Nevertheless, you soon got their replies, and a schedule was made.

Now here you are, in a random abandoned warehouse which has been suited for this occasion. Making yourself comfortable in your seat, you set your eyes upon the eight representatives from eight biggest cities in Equestria. Night Wings from Baltimare, Cross Mark from Canterlot, Nightvision from Las Pegasus, Sunny Smiles from Manehattan, Moony from Stalliongrad, Sweet Puffs from Trottingham, and Watcher from Detrot itself.

You don't need to focus to see the apprehension in their eyes. Few does it better in covering them, but it's not exactly hard to recognize it. They are scared at you. Understandable, really. You're a large figure in Equestria; perhaps not as large that everypony in the whole corner of Equestria would recognize you, but those who do... well, they usually either move far away from you, dismiss the rumors and treat you like a foal—which usually reverts to the first—, or try to suck as much fortune from you.

You take a moment to sip your coffee, before the meeting finally starts. Despite their apprehension and suspicion, once you've attuned the perfect mask for all eight of them, you know you've got them on your strings. You start off with a simple line, saying that you want to help them. You put as much as genuinity in your voice as you could, and you prod for words, listening and nodding as they simply talk to you.

How life as Thestral is unfair. How looking for a legitimate job is as hard and painful as looking for a strand of hay in a stack of needles. How Moony has to do... some unpleasant things to feed her large family. How Night Wings almost broke his wings when he's accused of something he didn't do. How... how... how...

You nod along their stories. You symphatize with them, and when a story just got too painful, you don't show them pity, because not a lot of ponies like being pitied—and you certainly don't—, instead, you try to give understandings. Of course, they don't just talk about injustices. They talk about other things. Their family. Their friends. Some funny experiences. Some scandalous gossips. Some naughty jokes that would make even the nastiest pony to blush.

Somewhere along the line, the tension from the beggining has faded. And somewhere along the talk, these eight ponies have started to treat you like a friend. Not a close friend, of course. More like a drinking buddy, but without the drunk part. But you can see the secrets hiding behind their eyes; secrets shared between the eight Thestrals. Secrets that may be even shared more than eight Thestrals.

You can see from the way they talk. The way they look at each other. The way the look at you. The way they fidget. You can see it. You're a master at these things, and these ponies aren't exactly being hard to read.

When the meeting's just about to be over, you give them an offer. They could bring as much Thestrals they want in here, and you can provide them with legitimate occupations, housings, and all the things they need to survive. Already, you can see Watcher's eyes spark behind his stoic expression. He promises that he'll give you a letter soon. The other seven are less enthusiastic, but you can see the contemplation in their eyes. They'll think about it, you're sure.

You separate with amicable terms, and you are left there in your seat, simmering with thoughts as you drink the last dreg of your cold and disgusting coffee. Private Eye follows them, and she returns with an information that made you rub your face tiredly.

Reward: Thestral Conspiracy Confirmed. Increased Approval from Thestral. Slight increase of Thestral population in Detrot. Detrot's Thestrals are less inclined to attack you. Catching the Moon's interest

[] The Big Ponies: News of your relocation has surely reached the ears of those who keep their ears open, and the high and upstanding citizens of Detrot surely kept theirs open. They are curious of you, you're sure of that—and the waves of invitation letters are most definitely expected. You don't need to kid yourself that all of these ponies are not corrupt. But this is a familiar scene for you. Cost: 0. Time: 1 Year. Chance of Success: 80%. Upkeep: 0. Reward: Information on Detrot's 'Nobles'.

Rolled: 99 + 10(We Are Your Friends) = 109 Critical!= 78 + 9 = 87 Success!

Apparently, as you step inside the mansion's ballroom, the party invitation you have chosen to attend is one of the most prestigious party in Detrot. This fact is strengthened by the overly expensive decors covering the room. Colorful tapestries that even you would need to consider of buying are hung around the walls. A beautifully drawn map tapestry locks your eyes for a moment, before you decide to move on. Ponies in expensive suits and dresses mingle around the two tables placed in the center of the room. Maids in an overly revealing uniform timidly bustle around, serving one and another party goers. You don't miss the hooves that 'accidentally' touched the maids.

You muse quietly what would happen if Shining is here in place of you. The thought amuses you enough that you could reign in your disdain. Even Canterlot's Nobles still have some sense of humility; small as they are.

You examine the foods for a moment. Cubed salad fruits with rare dressings you don't bother reading. Steamed broccolis covered with a sauce you didn't know even exist before. Golden flaked brotchen and vegetable-wurst from Germaneigh. All sorts of side-dishes. More than Auntie's monthly cake. And all for the taking. You snort quietly, no doubt they're all from taxes.

You eyes finally settle on the stallion who owned the house, and therefore, the one who invited you. He's talking with somepony else, but he grins widely upon seeing you. Without further ado, he gives his conversation partner an excuse and bounds himself to you.

"Good evening, Prince Blueblood," he gives you a deep gracious bow, before returning to normal. You realize then, that the sound of the ponies talking and mingling have stopped, and you can feel the stares focusing on you. "I hope you've found the party's accomodation satisfying."

"Very. And good evening to you, Scroll Bundle." You nod at him, offering a small cold smile. You don't bother attuning a mask to suit the stallion; if you never bothered with those in Canterlot, why should you do so in here?

He grins. "Pleasure's mine. Now," he looks around for a moment, before settling on an empty table. "How about we talk over there."

You nod, following him from behind. His movement is calm, a bit less rigid than those you meet in Canterlot, but certainly a lot less elegant. Even the mares in here look more like a commoner copying a noble. It's a tad painful to look at.

Finally, you settle down on a table. Bundle waves a maid, and soon you find a glass of wine before you. You pretend to take a sip.

After commenting about the wine, the two of you talk. Unlike the time with the Thestrals, you don't bother listening to him. You attack. You prod. You poke. You try to keep it genial, and Bundle knows you're quite genial. But you press on. Secrets. Dealings. Other big players in the city: Too many to mention. Who you should keep watch for: A mysterious stallion who prefers to be called 'Buddy'.

He's not even aware you're attacking him.

Finally, he relents. "Prince Blueblood," he says, smiling wide. "I think you're more than fit to know this." He rises from his chair, beckoning you to follow him. You raise an eyebrow, but otherwise you do as you're told.

You follow him as he left the ballroom. The corridors are maze-like, but you burn the map inside your head. Canterlot's Castle is much more complicated than this. And after what feels like an hour filled of walking, zig-zagging, turning, and bounding, Bundle and you finally stop before a large bookshelf.

He looks left and right, grins at you, and then pulls one of the book lose. You blink a bit of surprise when the bookshelf slides to reveal a hidden stairway to underground. He climbs down, and you take a moment hesitation before following him. Behind you, the bookshelf slides to a close. You'd be lying to say you don't feel some trepidation at the lack of light. The map inside your mind definitely helps, though not by much.

Minutes of total darkness later, you find yourself standing inside a room unlike others. Porcelain floor. Shining walls. Sparkling chandeliers. And in the middle of it all, a large long table fit for dozens. And dozens there are sitting there. Old ponies. Young ponies. All of them sitting with a confident gait. They all glance at you; eyes widening, but they hide it well.

A middle aged stallion sits at the head of the table. Black short mane slicked to the back. Glinting eye-glasses over the eerie green eyes. A suit like no others. Coat bordering on green and blue. He stares at Bundle for a moment, and you can see him fidget. Then he looks at you. A crooked smile appears over his face. "Well, welcome to our little party, Prince Blueblood. Please, take a seat."

There's dinner. And then it's over.

"Very nice to meet you, Prince Blueblood." The man says as you ask for leave. Something about the stallion simply sings 'wrong' to you. "But please, before you leave, I have a gift. Admittedly, it's pretty cheap, but I'm sure you can see use with it."

He taps the table, and immediately, a frail looking maid stumbles with a squeak before you. Straight black mane just slightly down from her shoulders. Dark grey coat. She looks up, and you're a tad surprised at the red and green eyes staring at you. Heterochromic, your mind provides quickly. On her rump, you note the picture of a pink stick with a tiny green fire at the tip. Curious.

You look back at the middle aged stallion, cocking an eyebrow. "Do you usually give a slave for newcomers?" you drawl, unable to get rid your slight amusement. Inwardly, you can't help but find it funny. Here you were, expecting to get a simple information from the party, and now you're participating in slavery.

He grinned that crooked grin. "Not always. They usually give me their head. Dopple, greet your new Master."

The girl mutter something quietly. Probably a greeting.

You sigh, feeling a headache coming. Refusing is not an option you would choose. For one, it would be disrespectful. Not that you cared being disrespectful on the filthy stallion, but you do care for your life. You certainly don't miss the big burly stallions and/or mares with scary weapons hiding in the background. The glints are telling enough even if you don't see the bodies. And for two, the girl would be better off with you. Private Eye will probably interrogate her to make sure the maid's not a spy, you're sure. Not that you're going to stop her. One can't be too careful.

You turn around and set to leave, thinking of the excuses you'll tell to Shining Armor. Behind you, you can hear the soft pitter patter of Goldilock's hooves following you.


They're going to regret this.

Reward: One Hero(?) Unit: Dopple. Detrot's Secret Party(Mafia?) Discovered. Members of Detrot's Secret Party Known. Assasination Actions Unlocked.

Dopple, the Maid

Diplomacy: 13 + 1 - 1 - 2 = 11
Martial: 8 - 1 = 7
Stewardship: 18 + 1 + 3 = 22
Intrigue: 20 + 1 + 2 + 5 = 28
Magic: 10
Learning: 14 + 1 = 15

Sly: Thinking problems through, and going for the best, out-of-the way solutions is a hobby of yours. You can even turn the tables in talking with others better… +10 to Espionage Rolls. +1 Intrigue and +1 Diplomacy.

Shy: Some finds it endearing. Some... not so. First impression varies. -1 Diplomacy. -1 Martial. +1 Stewardship. +1 Learning.

Liar: Tell no truth. Keep the truth near your heart. Slower relationship. +2 Intrigue. -2 Diplomacy.

Keeper of the House: Well accustomed to the matters of economy… whether that be of a household or a fortress. +3 to Stewardship

???: +5 Intrigue.

Martial: Holding the title as your Military General is Shining Armor. You know plenty of him, mostly because you're forced to spend your free time listening to Miss Love Princess babble about him. He's a military prodigy, and in that boring tabletop RPG, a Lawful Good throuh and through. A bit naive, maybe, but also ambitious. Apparently, he was going to become the Royal Guards' youngest Captain before you swept him up by asking a simple question: Do you want to protect the world for the better or just stand around in this city until you stagnate? The answer comes simple enough. Oh, and you made sure not to visit Cpt. Semper anytime soon. If ever. Choose 2. (Military General: Grants 'Experienced' +1 to all Unit Rankings) (Barrack Capacity: 4/30)

Unit Ranking Chart ('Ranking' 1 (Negligible Effect) to 20(Extremely Effective))

[] Recruits, Ahoy!: Armed with spears, swords, bows, and trained by the best, these Footponies are going to be the hammers of your Military Prowess. They may not be as mobile or specialized as your Agents, but sometimes, quantity is better than quality. Cost: 20. Upkeep: 10. Time: 1 Year. Reward: Four Hoofpony Squads

Base Hoofpony Squad—Attack: 2. Armor: 1. Mobility: 2. Evasion: 2

When you first looked at the recruits during their early year, you have some doubt. Personal alliances were made, and you don't even need to look right to know the hatred radiating from their eyes as they regard each other with suspicion. Ex-cops, ex-criminals, ex-vagrants, and ex-civillians. They are simply not meant to go together.

By the end of the year, you are proven wrong.

Shining Armor, young as he is for the given profession, does not rise up to the ranks from nepotism. Talents have made him stand among others, but pure dedication—and a somewhat suicidal determination, if Cadance is to be believed—is what made him into what he is today. And he shows it by transforming the most ragtag bunch of misfits that would most likely kill each other in their sleep into proper soldiers that would put their lives to protect Equestria. Whatever enmity you have seen them harboring early this year is now gone, replaced with fire-forged bonds, trust, and amicability.

You even told Private Eye to spy their barrack to see if they're all good liars.

They have not become good liars. And Private Eye tells you more than necessary to make your dreams to nightmares.

With each squad composed of nine ponies, with three each belonging to three different sub-races, they are trained to utilize their racial abilities, swords, shields, spears, and bows by the best. And now you have four of them.

Reward: 4 'Experienced' Hoofpony Squads

[] Cleaning Crime Crowing Criminals: Let's face it, Detrot is infested with all sorts of criminals. Thieves, murderers, mugglers, dark dealers, pirates, killers... even rapists. Shining Armor recommends you to send your the Agent Squads to sweep the city. Obviously, it won't be enough to flush the more cautious and smarter ones, but by the end of the year, it would hopefully reduce enough criminal activities that citizens can go outside without fearing getting shanked. The experience for the soldiers don't hurt. Cost: 25. Upkeep: 0. Time: 1 Year. Chance of Success: 80%. Reward: Experience for the Agents. Reduced criminal activity of Detrot. Possible information on the smarter criminals. Increased Approval of Detrot.
Increased Approval of the Crown. ???.

Rolled: 100 Critical! = 30

When you sent out your agents to clean the streets of Detrot, you expected plenty of things. You expected they would fail. You expected they would succeed. You even expected they would give up, because as much experienced they may be, Equestria has never seen violence other than short skirmishes beyond the border.

And then those agents decided to shatter your expectations into unmendable tiny pieces.

They use the darkness with great efficiency, slinking from alley to alley. Small gangs and criminals incapacitated, interrogated, and then disposed off. Small skirmishes between gangs were made and won with no casualties betond light injuries. If you can even call it skirmishes, that is. Most of the time, those gangs don't even know what hit them before it's too late.

Information, slowly but surely, trickles in. You almost choke on your own spit when one of the squads managed to find information regarding the ones who technically control Detrot from behind the scene.

Diamond Spade of the Cards
Ice Sigil of the Runes
Contour Way of the Waylands
Cream Puffs of the Butchers

Mafias, apparently, do exist. Granted, you don't know anything beyond their names, but at least you now know that they exist. And you almost have a heart attack when another squad returned with bags of Werewolve, Vampire, and Ghoul corpses. Salt Frost is very disturbingly giddy at the sight of those monsters.

Regardless, by the end of the year, your agents have managed to do what hundreds of polices couldn't: Strike fear in the hearts of criminals. That, and basically exterminating criminals that are too dumb for their own good. Which is to say, most of them.

Reward: Civillians can walk without fear. Criminals fear the night. Increased approval of the Crown and Detrot. New Learninf Action. Detrot's Mafia existence confirmed. Small gangs are culled. Experienced Agents upgrsded into Veterans.

A/N: I'll continue the latter part of the update later on. Needless to say, it's pretty words heavy.
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Normally I'd be overjoyed that my plan's been coming along so well...but the actions of the upper crust of Detrot at the gala have left me severely...displeased. As soon as possible we shall restore harmony to Detrot's upper echelons using the methods that they deserve and through the only methods they will understand: Brutality.

Anyone disagree?
Normally I'd be overjoyed that my plan's been coming along so well...but the actions of the upper crust of Detrot at the gala have left me severely...displeased. As soon as possible we shall restore harmony to Detrot's upper echelons using the methods that they deserve and through the only methods they will understand: Brutality.

Anyone disagree?

well now that I got that out of my system, no I don't disagree.
Normally I'd be overjoyed that my plan's been coming along so well...but the actions of the upper crust of Detrot at the gala have left me severely...displeased. As soon as possible we shall restore harmony to Detrot's upper echelons using the methods that they deserve and through the only methods they will understand: Brutality.

Anyone disagree?
Oh no, they're dead, they just don't know it yet.
Normally I'd be overjoyed that my plan's been coming along so well...but the actions of the upper crust of Detrot at the gala have left me severely...displeased. As soon as possible we shall restore harmony to Detrot's upper echelons using the methods that they deserve and through the only methods they will understand: Brutality.

Anyone disagree?
Send 'em to the glue factory
Normally I'd be overjoyed that my plan's been coming along so well...but the actions of the upper crust of Detrot at the gala have left me severely...displeased. As soon as possible we shall restore harmony to Detrot's upper echelons using the methods that they deserve and through the only methods they will understand: Brutality.

Anyone disagree?

Only with the potential execution of said Brutality. This little council is made of powerful ponies. It may take years of steady dismantling before a final strike can be made.